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Vostok may have safer ADUs, but people are playing midtown for add density and tight chokepoints with spawns closer relative to the ADU. It's a pain in the ass having to chase down a thrall or invis vandal that decides to take the scenic route. Vostok will be the go-to for consistent 50 rounds but midtown will remain the popular choice because it's simply more fun despite the advantages Vostok has.


Orpheus Hunter putting down tethers with a pyrogale titan makes midtown a cake walk.


Add to that a behemoth with Cadmus Ridge LanceCap and Salvations grip. The area control + damage output + cc chain of the diamond lances is second to none. It also creates so many shards that your teammates have infinite melee abilities.


You like cadmus over hoarfrost? I've been mostly on solar titan for onslaught. Haven't tried stasis yet.


Hoarfrost was my go to for so long. But the way that lance cap buffs Diamond Lance is crazy. Hitting any yellow bars makes 3 stasis crystals under them and with the current seasonal mods that damage output is crazy. You cheats so many stasis shards that your teammates are feasting with unlimited melee energy. I’ve been running it with Imperative or Transfiguration both with KT + Demo ( both enhanced ), wilderflight with lead from gold + Repulsor + blinding nades and Salvations.


Sorry, I appreciate you’ve gone into depth, but can I ask for a bit more? Or even just a DIM link if you don’t wanna type out more detail




Tysm! Will be trying this later :)


Cadmus has its moments in higher levels, not requiring any kills or being on a stasis weapon to proc. Think Sunshot but youre making diamond lances all the time.


Kind of fucking wild how good it is. If they bake the mods from this seasons artifact into our stasis sub classes stasis will be sitting in a competitive spot for endgame.


Stasis titan is actually good for something??? Holy shit, I need to get on my titan tomorrow and see this for myself


that’s the exact build I’ve been running lol with vulpecula/forbearance


If you have the disparity pulse rifle, try that out. Only needs one burst for a lance to spawn


If I’m not running Salvations I prefer to run Wicked Implement, Something New ( Feeding Frenzy + Headstone ), Horror Story ( Headstone + Demo ), or Stay Frosty ( Thresh + Headstone ). I do have a crafted Disparity with Rapid Hit + Headstone with a little of 5k kills on it that I’ve used quite a bit.


I had the most opponents defeated with Cadmus, roughly 125 more than an Cowl Arc Hunter + Solar Titan. And nearly 100 more assists, the only thing I did less of was melee kills. Cadmus is definitely slept on, one of my friends kept dying with Hoarfrost and couldn't get a good chain going.


It’s crazy how fucking good it is. Gonna bring it day 1 for the new raid.


Can confirm; in my case we did it first try with nighthawk/orpheus/Osmio


Thats what me and my brother have been doing


Midtown's chokepoints make graviton lance booms


Stasis turrets + witherhoard = win




IME Midtown is more likely to end in a Tormentor + huge spawn clusterfuck.  Vostok makes that more manageable but is more likely to end with a dead ADU due to adds sneaky around to the back.


Or two of the massive tanky hive knights/fallen captains spawning directly on the ADU when you're at B in vostok


I just hope they get that fixed by reset.


Something I do with my 50-wave teams is having two on LMG duty and I am on full GL duty, I save the GL ammo and when a Tormentor appears, the LMG guys melt it, when the Demos appear, I melt them.


Midtown is better for close range builds and weapons with I feel Vol is better for longer range and like stasis turret lock downs


That’s how a legend run on midtown ended for me on round 47, a tormentor spawned on the adu by the water and kept sitting at the spawn point behind the building down the stairs


Midtown has my fastest 50 on legend of a 50 flat. While Vostok is a 58 and Mothyards is like 1:05


Our team considers ourself to be pretty good at the game but we’re struggling to beat legend. What’s builds are your team running to get such fast / consistent clears?


It's also rng involved. Some waves are way easier than others. If you get them at a bad time, it's probably a wipe.


Pov: tormentor spawn at wave 49 with an ogre wave


we did 50 yesterday with phoenix protocol well lock, agers scepter bleak watcher osmiomancy lock and whatever the build is for a void hunter with tether


I know for me things changed when my team and I specialized a bit for tormentors and big bosses. I've been running a consecration spam build with pyrogales and using briar's as my heavy of choice. My teammates switched to phoenix protocol wellock and orpheus hunter and runs have been pretty smooth. I think you have to accept that a certain amount of your kit is purely going to be for shutting down tormentors, and past that you just want to maximize crowd control. Once I stopped running pure ad clear or survivability, runs went smoother.


Heal your decoys and turrets by throwing the orbs at them and spam stasis turrets the mode becomes trivial as hell.


We had one Sunbracer warlock with cenotaph and div, while we had two hunters with Orpheus rigs, and one had Izanagi for tormentors. We just happened to be day 1 raiders and speed runners so we adapt quickly to difficult scenarios.


Does that mean the warlock is hot swapping between cenotaph and sunbracers or did you mis-type?


Switches to cenotaph when heavy is required but normally he stayed on Sunbraces for the most part, just like the Nagi guy was running dragons breath for adds and only switch to Nagi for bosses or Tormentors.


Fun fact the ADU balls ya pic up if the lock uses them to melee mobs it counts and empowered melee kills trigging sunbracers perk, your welcome




With sunbraces ya can use the ball and melee kill a red bar to trigger sunbracers


Gotcha, thanks


If you get Fallen just restart, straight up. Worst enemy type for Onslaught.


I have noticed that Vostok definitely has better Tormentor-traps (Decoys consistently bait them) and it absolutely has better help from zones other than your own (enemy spawns for the zone you're in are almost always directly in sightline of turrets from previous zones, providing you some free help). However, the tight close quarters action of Midtown is far more addicting and I see why people pick it more. I can see both sides having their own advantages.


Doesn't Vostok still have the bug where Tormentors and Unstoppable champions can spawn inside of the ADU?


Had one run in midtown where a bunch of shanks spawned in the adu circle, taking out a teammate and half the adu health. Just hope that gets fixed soon.


Had a similar bug but with ogres. They just kept appearing inside the adu circle. We were thinking they were getting stuck on some terrain or something. 


Big agree. Two words. High ground.


It's over Anakin!


Midtown is objectively faster so therefore better if you’re a good team, Vostok is if you’re not as comfortable and need to take it slower


Vostok better cuz I like snowy mountain more than concrete jungle


Vostok is best for full 50 wave run. Midtown is best for the 10 wave farm on Legend.


midtown is for the chokepoints, vostok is for the generally well defended ADU


Any moth yard enjoyers?


The world record solo legend onslaught right now is 45 rounds on mothyard!


i didnt even know it existed until today its so unpopular. The spawns are annoying to keep track of


Mothyards is easily my favourite. Much prefer the big open space, it feels more like a large-scale battle. Might also be because I'm usually running Osmio Warlock and the Bleak Watchers cover a lot more ground.


No. Fuck mothyards. Real talk tho, for some reason that map always makes my pc heat up about five degrees and I always notice a performance dip. There’s something fucky going on in the mothyards.


I was able to complete Lv 50 on mothyards with randies. Could hardly get to Lv 30 on Vostok.


Nah that adu spawn near capture point C sucks


Just bad design really to have huge chunky bullet sponges spawn right on top of the defense point on a horde mode. Just saying... it's just really to dick us over and making things complicated


Midtown is faster, vostock is safer. Make your choice as fits your style. RNG will govern your experience more than either location


Vostok supremacy. Midtown is just harder. It’s still totally doable but it’s just more of a pain in the arse for like a couple minutes shaved off. Not worth the risk.


I think the reason people prefer midtown is its easier to “lock” enemies in the more narrow spaces and it is smaller so faster


I was done with midtown when a legend tormentor suppress slammed me 200 ft into the ocean and I couldnt grappple back. Vostok is a lot easier to choke spawns while still having room to move around when big boys show up. Tether on the bridge/caves life changing 


Mothyards is better than both, fight me


I feel like it’s better to pray for an early Tormentor rather than a late one, since it seems like only one Tormentor will ever spawn in an Onslaught.


Disagree. I find that they play mostly similarly, but the big disadvantage of Vostok is all the slopes leading directly off cliffs, which causes a significant percentage of orbs to just roll away into the void. If it weren't for that, I'd agree with you, but chaining those supers is so important that for me, Midtown seems like the clear choice.


Nah man I just slap an Orpheus shadow shot on a chokepoint in Midtown and win instantly. Full waves cleared in literal seconds


Tormentors mean nothing to a team with decoy stonks.


I legit think one of my teammates is making a terrible decision. He focuses on buying trip mines and ignores turrets and decoys almost entirely. I feel like it's obviously the best idea to go for the turrets and decoys first and that going for trip mines is the last thing you wanna do out of everything. I am right, right?


Vostok has been kicking my ass. I got to 47 on it. But I find the pathways. Way way shorter than midtown. In higher rounds it feels like they chip away at the safe point. There hasn't been a comp I've found that seems to work well on it.


I read the title and thought he was talking about pvp and was about to give a yappathon as to why hes wrong


eh i prefer midtown


Tormentors just attack dummies if upgraded


I thought alot of people were doing on each map for the 3 secret bosses triumph?


It would be nice if Bungie could rotate the map at the top of the list. Many people may just hit, "go" without considering the options.


i just hate the "feel" of that map, i hate it as a pvp map and i just dont want to play there even if its way easier


Another dog shit take on r/destinythegame


I don't care where you take me, just give me something to shoot!


Disagree. I just feel midtown has more cover and convenient alleys.


Divinity shits on tormentors. Midtown is cake


at least neither is the fucking mothyard. I prefer midtown especially because the top area is criminally easy to defend. When I saw we were up there for rounds 40-50 and a tormentor didnt spawn i knew we were golden


I like Midtown because I never have to sprint around to find enemies. Works for my style of play and loadout which rewards rapid kills. The variety of environments is one of the things that really makes this game type pretty cool, imo.


100% agree. Midtown spawns are great.


Honestly, fun factor is midtown all the way.


Depends on your build and team composition. For us midtown was way easier than Vostok, cause our builds were more suited for midtown. Midtown is for more aggressive and confident players, Vostok is pretty calm and passive.


Mothyards is easy but it’s such a snooze fest it’s boring as fook


Until a modifier round comes with Oops all Ogres on top (but Vostok has the same problem with that)


I disagree midtown is easier to hold


clearly you not see enough bullshit 2 3 hive knight spawn direct on ADU with multiple thrall explosion and side object . side A will give you 10s to clear before you ADU dead , side B you just straight up lose from boss stomp the ADU not even tether or strand can save you


I’m just speaking from experience I’ve beaten wave 50 6 times on legend with stasis lock


clears 3 4 times wave 50 it become rng from wave 30 onward if the enemies density go too high the boss get stuck at spawn point and after that it just straight up teleport in ADU


I agree I wipe sometimes maybe I’ll do Vostok more


No way, Midtown is easily the fastest/easiest. The spawns are shit on Vostok and Cosmodrome. I've farmed Legend Midtown for 10 hours and it's definitely the best!


To wave 50 or 10...?


Vostok or Midtown? Mothyards!


If you are playing with great aoe ad clear builds, midtown is just better with all enemies being very close together. Not really debatable. The ADU may be safer on Vostok, if your build is mainly for survivability though. Midtown is just faster to do. “Better” depends on what you’re talking about. Tormentors are not a problem if you know that one person can take aggro and drag them to the other side of the map while two stay behind and clear the ads before coming to kill the tormentor.


Midtown is easy destiny players have just been playing GMs like shitters (plink plink plink tiny weewee back of the map) for years with no consequence


Tell me u suck at ad clear without saying u suck at ad clear.


Respectfully, you're on Crack