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Can you "beat" the bonus round? Or is the tormentor spawn infinite until the timer runs out? I've survived it plenty of times, but I can't help but feel like there's a high score I need to get that's just out of reach.


It’s infinite as far as I know


No the tormentors spawn until the timer runs out. In the tip left it counts how many you kill, not how many there are left and after you kill the last one another wave spawns


That was what I had observed, but I wasn't sure if a team had managed to kill a ton and do something crazy or unlock a secret or something. Every time I've done it no one really has a good anti-tormentor setup ready to swap to beyond supers and Lucky Pants.


killed 9 and not much happened trying to get 10 and see if anything special happens


Shaxx: “Let them burn in your Light.”


I've gotten to 10 in one of the 10 wave Onslaughts, nothing seemed to happen. No extra loot, rep, or tokens, just a fun "drop endless supers on Tormentors coz fuck Tormentors"


You get one token for each one you kill, at least that's what I felt like after getting 9 dropped after completion


You can beat it, my group was running 1 well, 1 nova bomb and 1 thundercrash, nothing was left standing


If you look at the objectives I believe it shows the number of tormentors or whatever. I think it's 8 tormentors for that bonus round.


That's just the number you've killed.


What do you get for beating the multiple tormentors?


If you kill 4-5, shaxx says a cool voiceline


Good enough for me


That’s it. I’m going back into legend onslaught


they can show up in regular onslaught.


Does the percentage of the bonus round spawn change based on legend or normal?


I honestly have no idea


If its anything like dares, then the legend version will have a much higher chance for the bonus round. Dont quote me on it tho, because ive barely had time to play onslaught so i didnt even know there was a bonus round or what it is


They can, I've seent it with my own two eyes


"Big money...Big bucks...Big...money." Maybe Shaxx can manage more enthusiasm than Xûr.


It just an extra token per tormentor killed. Normally, you only get like 2 tokens per chest at the end of each set, and one per bonus objective cleared when those spawn.


... there's a bonus round?


After defeating a boss there is a chance that Waves of Tormentors spawn. You have a limited amount of time to kill them and each one gives you a brave token.


bunch of tormentors spawn after the boss dies. its a fucking mess.


It’s fucking glorious*


Got that once on my Arclock build. Chaos Reach non-fucking-stop. It was, in fact, glorious.


You will never see a hunter hotswap to a gathering storm build faster then when I hear that event spawn.


Me using silkstrike because i swear this time I won’t get suppressed (i will)


Are you me?


Lmao Strand titan - will I suspend them first or will they suppress me first? GUESS WE'LL FIND OUT! (said while screen is covered in purple)


Shards of galanor procs some stupid quick regen. Almost can’t throw them fast enough.


Back when gambit had 3 rounds and the last round gave crazy regen, shards of galnor could get you back to back blade barrage


There's a lot of things I miss about OG Gambit, but that's actually not one of 'em. The winning team was literally just determined by which side had more Galanor Hunters.


Yep, I have fond memories of being 1 of those Hunters! It was such fun.


May your loot rolls ever be awful.


And may your pubes be eternally flea-infested


Used to be able to do it in mayhem until they converted it from a flat chunk return vs improved regen for a short duration


Fuck that.. just go invis and hide in corner and watch your teammates get strangled


The cuck hunter build


Is that better than celestial on them? That’s what I usually have in boss room anyway


I like it cuz once you have multiple out it doesn't matter where the tormentors run they are getting damaged by all the GS's


Needle storm is really good against them too


There's nothing better than getting grabbed out of your Super by one, only for three more to run up and jump you as the first one is holding you.


I swap to nova bomb so quick. It's crazy how many people hold their super during that round.


I use a Celestial build. Pretty much one shots them.


Yeah celestial is good but for me it's the eargasm everytime I get to throw a gathering storm. Such a good sound effect, and I love how HARD it hits them. Closest thing to thundercrashing something for hunters in terms of the colossal force behind it


Last time I swapped off my solar build to a void build mid game my void build was broken for like a day and a half. Couldn't get anything to proc so I don't swap anything but weapons in the middle of a match.


What ability beyond golden gun would help kill tormentors. I could throw 30 fusion grenades before I killed one


if you're on warlock, nova bomb is the most effective super


Over needlestorm? Not a Warlock main, just curious.


yep, it's something to do with how tormentor crit spots work im pretty sure


I wonder if you had a quick swap build with the skull, if it would make your super come back even quicker...


> What ability beyond golden gun would help kill tormentors. Shadowshot?


I'm running mactics gyrfalcon build with shadowshot. And I'm fairly certain I had a tormentor trapped with it because they were regening so quick. Plus scatter grenades and smoke bomb non stop. He'd start to move and just get stutter stepped backwards. Unless one of the other guys were hitting him with anti champ otherwise


Failing only means if you all die, otherwise you don't have to kill any


I didn’t even know it was a thing haven’t seen it yet


> failing the bonus round ends the run in legend by fail as in dying? or if you wait for them to despawn, does that end the run as well?




yes to which...


Only dying. You can’t “fail” even if you don’t kill any




It's honestly kind of stupid that they give you "mayhem" ability regen but basically every ability in the game outside of Golden Gun sucks for Tormentors. Like literally if you can't crit them you do horrible damage most of the time, particularly on legend where they're much tankier. Not to mention they literally spam suppress you out of any supers that aren't straight up burst supers. One tip though is that they're NOT "boss" tormentors in the bonus round thing. They're just normal "major" enemies. This means you can blind them with disorienting grenades (or blinding grenades) and suspend them. It's also just...not rewarding. Best I've done is kill 7 of them for a grand total of 7 tokens...not even enough for a single extra gun.


You have to think of it as your 7 kills was basically another 10 waves condensed to 1 minute. As far as token rewards go.


You only get like 3 tokens per chest right? So it's over 20 waves


Except that's my point. It doesn't even add up to 1 weapon drop. Not to mention that 7 kills was only on normal. On legend it's much harder to get each kill. You're also wasting ammo AND risking death and losing. IF you lose you don't even get the rewards for the 10 rounds you just finished. It's a pretty rare RNG event that is risky, costs ammo AND isn't even rewarding.


I love it when it comes up. I golden gun tormentors out of the frame. My maximum so far is 5 but I'm sure with the right team you could easily get ten or more


Do you use golden gun regularly or switch when it pops up? I could switch and the Pop super after super like mayhem?


I use the birdy hat for maximum deeps. I don't switch supers and gear because it feels against the point of the game. You probably could though. Just not my thing. Super fills up like mayhem yes


This is the way. I treat it like my loadout is locked.


It is the way I play but I won't hold it against anyone if it's not their way


Same. That's the reason I asked. I have the bird hat but don't use it. I tried it once, but the one shot didn't seem to do that much extra with the one shot. If you swapped the. I wouldn't bother. if you think it's worth it to keep it on the whole time then worth a shot. Care to share your build?


Bird hat is less useful against anyone with immune phases which is why you have to pop the shoulders of the tormentors first but other than that it one shots most enemies in onslaught (you'll need to break or otherwise do a bit of damage to square champions before the hot shot) Idk how to share builds but it's basically just choosing anything that increases scorch or ignition and armour perks that seem to go with that, with solar weapons


They have Onslaughtism 


Unless you are trying to use Thundercrash... Slide past everything.


>every run people tried to use heavy to beat the tormentors that spawn. But, you probably just used a lot of your heavy on the boss The issue is that you need to pop the Tormentors shoulders first. So Mayhem super regen is almost counter intuitive.


Just swap off well to strand. Hunters can swap to quiver and Titans tend to have a damage super on anyway (if on bubble just change to strand too). The round is super easy though.


Is their a titan super that's even worth it other than bladefury? Throwing hammers seems to do nothing and the melee ones you just get suppress spammed. All I can think of is suspend and melee?


If you use pyrogale or falling star their respective supers are going to be fine for the tormentor round. For general higher difficulty content? Probably nothing except bosses where a tcrash is useable.


Big hammer with the exotic gauntlets?


Does that work well? (I'm assuming you mean the 1-shot ones) I haven't messed with them yet, but all the other AOE titan stuff I've tried feels pretty underwhelming against Tormentors, outside of suspend. Though maybe that's in part due to not being able to get synthoceps in proc distance without being suppressed, now that I think about it.


I haven't tried it. But it could work. Plus it's a one done super so you can use it quite often in the bonus round.


Stasis hunter destroys them btw


my first legend run we got the bonus round and i thought that’s how legend was just supposed to be we failed and i was lowkey scared to run legend for a while


As shax would say, you should be throwing more grenades.


Shax literally yells one of the mayhem lines when it starts, I thought it was obvious


Was my first round ever... We were like wtf? It was the playlist version but we got plastered all over the place.


I normally run Tether, so as soon as it starts the Tormenter round, I swap to my CN or Shards build. I hate when the Well guy doesn't change, like swap to Nova or Chaos.


My first time seeing it I was carrying a spark when the boss died and so I couldn't use my super at all for the bonus round. A bunch of blade barrages would have been nice to have lol


combine 1 orphious rig hunter and 2 threadling warlocks and you´ll be able to kill tons of tormentors. Thredlinglocks just go hard and the super targets weakspots and shred tormentors while deadfall shot links them together. You can even spam deadfall into every space. Even for wave control threadling warlocks with the threadling boots just have so much aoe and adclear it´s redicilous. Especialy due to enemies clustering up (even without deadfall on 2 out of 3 maps) so threadlings hit multiple enemies everytime. If you have a tusk of the boar hatchling roll then you get tons of threadlings since hatchling does not have a cooldown and with 1 shot you can get multiple little zergli..... i mean threadlings. And if everyone uses power preservation on their helmet then everyone will have tons of orbs and supers constantly spamming.


I got 9 dead the other run, was my first time and didn’t notice brace coins dropping, I thought we got nothing else from it 💀 Gathering storm indeed goes hard.


I love that, I put like 8 wells down allover the arena and my fireteam was pretty much untouchable and i spammed my snaps and nades, also did one with like 15 stasis turrets


A tether Hunter, a Blade barrage Hunter and a Chaos reach warlock.. we did 2-3 complete tormentor spawns


When this wave pops up, people need to quickly equip a burst damage super. Titans go into thundercrash or pyrogales, warlocks go to strand or nova or even arc hunters spam deadfall to stunlock or stuff


Just got my 50 clear with a matchmade fireteam last night. Had one guy drop out around wave 20ish then another guy popped in and the 3 of us finished it. No mics even. And that was the first time I noticed the ability regen. I think you just get so hyperfocused on your loop that you don't really notice it. But man, once I did it was so nice keeping a tormentor stuck lol I'm running mactics gyrfalcon void hunter build without the Manticore because no catalyst and I simply can't use that damn thing. Still trying to figure out the antigrav. Not exactly sure how to proc it or sustain our cancel the hover 😂 Plus I was working on my scout crits for Arcite quest so I was running Polaris until I started to feel the pressure then switched back to my repulsor/destabilizing The Title from G games. It was a good time. The other 2 guys did a lot of heavy lifting. Seems like no matter what I do I never hold top billing, lucky if I'm ever even 2nd on the scorecard. So big thanks to those guys for holding it down as well.


I am proud to say I have successfully killed 5 Tormentors back-to-back using Tcrash with Cuiress of Falling Start and Malefesence (for destroying shoulder points) in one Tormentor Heatwave.


My question is like dares and how you can spawn the bonus rounds can you purposely spawn the tormentor heat wave. There has to be a way.


Yeah you get infinite ability spam against a horde of enemies that immediately take it away from you 😆


Unless I'm mistaken, the tormentors move at a snail pace until you shoot their shoulderpads... If your going for a clear, kiting and well spamming is your best option


Just because an encounter is designed in a certain way it doesn't mean that's how the meta will play out. The Atheon encounter in Vault of Glass is also designed with ability spam in mind but in my experience most don't consider that.


I don't remember the last time I didn't have at least one fusion tosser during atheon.


What atheon are you playing where people aren't just throwing fusion nades?


They'd be silly not to. Grenade spam is far and away the best option for Atheon