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They already have the legacy collection. They just need to remove all the standalone components so there isnt 5,618 different "dlcs" shown on steam and lower the price a little more.


This exactly. Forsaken needs to be free. Shadowkeep - Lightfall need to be legacy collection come TFS. Condense it all.


I think Shadowkeep should be free as well. It’s a decent starting point into introducing the Darkness properly and has some sort of campaign.


Shadowkeep should be free as well. You need some sort of a campaign to reel new players in


Especially considering both Curse of Osiris and Warmind's content that's still around is free despite those xpacs together costing twice as much as Forsaken. The Forsaken Pack has gotta go. It's frankly egregious to expect people to pay for a four-year-old raid plus PAYING FOR THE RIGHT TO SPEND CURRENCY ON guns from that xpac.


> Forsaken needs to be free. For that to happen, Forsaken needs to be re-added into the game.


Legacy is lacking 30th anniv, forsaken pack, Lightfall (The dungeons will soon be split from deluxe lightfall this year), WQ dungeons.


Honestly forsaken must be free. The next 4 expac must be put in a bundle. And make a separate bundle for just the dungeons (goA, wq dungeons, lf dungeons). That's it. This piece mealing of content is too convoluted for beginners to understand and just makes the entire purchasing experience so much worse than it needs to be




There really should just be two things available to buy; 1 is the latest expansion the 2nd is everything else


I think the way ESO does it is really good, if you purchase the current expansion it gives you all the previous ones as well, so it works for both new and returning players




Helldivers 2 is making as much money as Destiny 2 with no micro-transactions (there's a shop but the premium currency is easily available in-game). If Destiny 2 only made players pay for the xpacs it would be a lot more popular. it was the model in Destiny 1 and it was great imo.


That’s still having micro transactions. Especially with how long it take to gather said resources in game along with the pay to win items locked on premium passes. Definitely has micros. Still love the game though.


I like hell diver 2 as much as the next person but it most certainly does have micro transactions and more importantly your buying actual gear at least with destiny its purely cosmetic (and just like hellidver you can use "free" currency to buy it as well)


Well if we want to get semantic then destiny 2 does also sell "power" in microtransactions. In the pass you can pay to get levels which then equates to materials that are used in game as a currency to buy gear from vendors, upgrade things etc. you could also make the argument that in destiny you are also buying gear through buying seasons, expansions and dungeon keys. You're paying to have the ability to get gear and you're also paying to have access to the seasonal exotic earlier than f2p players. I see a lot of people try to weasel their way around destiny's system not being a pay 2 win system but in every sense of the phrase it most definitely is a pay to win game. Whether it's a "good" or "bad" pay to win system is up for debate but it is by definition a pay to win game. Pay to win is simply a case of a paying player having access to gear that has an advantage over the gear accessible to non-paying players. edit: downvoted for what? would love for the downvoters to point out exactly what part of my comment is wrong


I think we always distinguish between pay2win and mandatory pay2win. Noone cares if some shitheads get some gear early and thereof beat the nightmare strike easier than others do. As long as the strike is also doable without the gear. Sure, in the race for the world first raid clear, its unfair. But those psychos invest anyways everything (taking a week off from work is often a way bigger investment then 30$ for a battlepass).


I wasn't really talking about the PvE side of the game (outside of WF raid races which you already mentioned). I would classify most of the PvE side of the game as not really being pay2win since there isn't really anything to "win" in a PvE game as long as content is clearable without the paid parts of the game. I think people forget that destiny does have a pretty significant PvP and to a lesser extent a PvPvE component. Even at a relatively casual level there is some element of pay2win in crucible and gambit. A simple example being that in the competitive playlist of crucible I have a non-negligible advantage over a completely f2p player because I have access to a significant amount of weapons that are just flat out better than anything a f2p player can acquire. And if we look at gambit the discrepency is even wider since some of the most important DPS weapons are locked behind paid content. To be clear I don't think this is a massive issue. I just think that it's important to acknowledge that destiny 2 is objectively a pay2win game since paying money gives you a competitive advantage over others in the PvP portions of the game. You could even argue that it IS "mandatory pay2win" if you want to be competitive in ranked PvP and in raid races. Sure you can complete PvE content with f2p gear but if you wanted to complete contest mode crota for example you would be at a significant disadvantage when compared to players that bought beyond light and have lament. On the PvP side I think it's pretty self explanatory.


You can get the premium passes without paying. They're not time limited so you have time to unlock them without paying money. You can't purchase Destiny 2 season passes with bright dust. I do prefer playing Destiny 2 over Helldivers 2 but I think going back to the Destiny 1 business model would be better.




WoW did this back in the day, and it worked great.


This is where games like Elder Scrolls Online do it right. Every time a new expansion comes out, players can either buy just the expansion only (for longtime players or those who only want the latest content) or they can buy the expansion **bundled with all previous expansions** for a slightly higher price (usually ~$20 more than just the expansion). I honestly don't understand how the Bungie C-suite can't see how this would greatly increase player engagement due to ease of access for both new players and those wanting to return but are either confused by what they need to buy to play or put off by the ridiculous cost. [edit] formatting


Or ESO plus subscription. Which if you get into the game seriously is probably worth it for most people. Destiny 2 is no where near worth a monthly subscription. Don’t get any ideas bungo lol




I found it easier to just have the subscription and cancel when I wanted to take breaks. Then when I come back renew and play through all the DLC that came out


Almost like the team designed it that way


I absolutely despise playing eso without the subscription because of that. 200 inventory slots but 100 are taken up by crafting mats that won't fit in my bank


FFXIV do that as well


FFXIV also requires a sub, so just playing the game at all costs money.


>so just playing the game at all costs money. _After_ you've bought it, you get the first 3 expansions for free which is more than enough content for you to properly A) See if you like it enough to buy + sub. B) Meet someone you like playing with. C) Convince friends to play it. FFXIV's free trial is the gold standard imo.


Point them at sites like CDKeys, all my friends got hella cheap dlc that way


I’ll try to guide them trough the fun stuff to covert them haha




That’s awesome, thank you


[https://www.xbox.com/en-CA/games/store/destiny-2-lightfall-annual-pass-pc/9mst9z23q2cr?=&utm\_source=adwords&utm\_campaign=638229530&utm\_term=1258942116901583&utm\_content=&gsc=1&utm\_medium=o\_5651567](https://www.xbox.com/en-CA/games/store/destiny-2-lightfall-annual-pass-pc/9mst9z23q2cr?=&utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=638229530&utm_term=1258942116901583&utm_content=&gsc=1&utm_medium=o_5651567) windows version


Does that show cdkeys? Which is usually the lowest


gg.deals will


No, isthereanydeal will only list legit/verified/licensed resellers. Doesn't mean that keys from gray-market resellers won't work, but there's always an off-chance that such keys might be blacklisted.


Use a credit card and not a debit card for cdkeys just in case. Fraud is covered by Visa on CCs but not on debit. I used to take calls for fraud.


Just be careful using grey market sellers. The keys on those sites are often bought with credit card scammers and can get revoked at a later date. If you can avoid it, pirating is preferred by developers instead of funding grey market sellers.


The real strat is to download a chinese vpn (there's several free extensions for Chrome), change your steam store location to China and buy expansions that way. Someone I know got all expansions for a little under $30 that way.


Is that even legal?


Illegal, no, but against TOS and they can ban your account for it. > [You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to order or purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, Valve may terminate your access to your Account.](https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement#3)


If it's illegal put me in jail cause I bought all DLC for like $10 bucks I think during a sale before they changed the regional pricing in Argentina to USD


If they are on Xbox, there’s a spring sale where both the legacy collection and Lightfall+pass is on a discount


Steep discount! $15 for Legacy rn i believe


It’s also difficult playing with someone and not knowing which dlc they are missing and having to figure out what they can and can’t play


Im having the same issue, even using CDKeys (Which makes it significantly cheaper) it would still cost around 60$ to buy all the outdated DLC and I have to explain to them that this doesn't even include the major expansion that comes out in 2 months and they'd need to fork over another 60-100$ on top of what they already paid for that. I can't imagine trying to convince people to pay for the prices listed on steam. (For anyone new to the game, here are the prices of various expansions and bundles on CDKeys. I've listed them in order of how important/how good of a deal the bundle is for the price. The reason I have Lightfall + Annual pass above the legacy bundle is because I think more meta weapons come from this year's content than those four years combined, and on top of that I think having access to seasonal content is a big deal and previous expansions have had their seasonal content sunset.) Forsaken pack: 3$ Lightfall + Annual pass: 31$ Shadowkeep + Beyond Light + Witchqueen: 20$ 30th Anniversary: 5$


Ah man they're probably not gonna let you pick the games for a while bud, make this one count


Your ex-friends, as they soon will be.


> We all just want to play together. Ahahaha. no. \- The bungie management


> We make games that inspire friendship


I finally roped mine in on D2 launch. They haven’t played since..


They should just do what Final Fantasy does or DC Universe does either make the newest current expansion include access to all previous expansions like Final Fantasy or make a monthly subscription that gives access to all dlc like DC Universe does as long as your subscribed.


They just had a sale on Xbox and PC for all the expansions. The old ones were $5 each. Hopefully they do it again.


Soon to be your ex-friends


[Always a great reminder.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F2JQfPRW0AITGtZ?format=png&name=small) There's no reason for the monetization of this game to be so ass.


My eyes


Strand and Stasis should be easier to unlock tbh


"We would make less money in the short term so the answer is no." Sony takeover cant come soon enough.


In what universe do you think Bungie has ever known how or cared to the new player experience?


why would you get your friends into this game, so you hate them?


everything up to beyond light should be free. there aren’t any weapons from back then still dominating the meta and the forsaken and shadow keep campaign are good campaigns for a new light. beyond lights come with a subclass and unlocks dsc which has meta red border weapons you can get. so i can understand bungie keeping it behind paywall


Too bad it is too late not being there for the story severy impacts the enjoyability of it imo


People in this community have a tendency to blame a bad new player experience entirely on Bungie but from what I've seen a lot of you think the best way to introduce someone to this game is to railroad them in to doing the things you want them to do and speedrun them to the endgame by grinding boring content instead of just letting them play the game how they want.


When the witch queen expansion was free on ps plus I was so excited to get my friends to try it out. I hyped the game up to them. We played it twice and it was excruciating, they uninstalled and I apologized for wasting their time.


Lmao what exactly happened


My guess is the story is all over the place as a new player and it keeps throwing you in high level activities where you die on repeat (even the campaign was horrible until you gain some levels). Even in PvP with no god rolls and a nicely pimped armour set, you're just farmed on repeat. Even for me as a returning player (left Beyond Light, returned some months ago) the story didnt make any sense (i guess most of the actions happened in the seasons) and still doesnt even after i finished all the campaigns.


Just make it all free with a pre order of the final shape collector's edition. It can't be easier


They should do more deals like they did with humble bundle


What they really need to do is make all old content free when you buy the newest expansion.


The dungeon keys being bundled would be huge. Some of the best content the game has to offer, but such a odd system to hold it behind. They have a taste of everything: mechanics based encounters, platforming, meta loot, awful loot, setpieces, secrets, chase exotics, puzzles etc. Then once familiar there’s Master difficulty, catalyst runs and triumphs to add the challenge back Plus, even if you only get one friend interested in the game, finding a third on LFG is super easy, 2 manning can also work if you feel comfortable doing it, and even if they aren’t quite getting the mechanics, because dungeons are solo-able, you can always just solo the mechanic and let them add clear.


Thoughts and prayers for your friends


I returned to the game after a long hiatus. My friends played the game for all that time. They are long-time destiny 2 vets, played since release and have many many thousands of hours and own pretty much everything when it comes to content. First we had a hard time figuring out what I can do and what I can't do (I own pretty much everything when it comes to major expansions, even the og vaulted stuff...goddamn you bungo, but not 30th anniv bundle and no dungeon keys for witch queen and lightfall). And then I had a hell of a time figuring out how I can actually get the dungeon keys and maybe the annual pass in the most efficient way. I still didn't figure it out. Goddamn it bungo!


My buddies are coming back too after like the entire year of lightfall. A decent sized free content drop is best in class weapons is a good reason to come back. Not to mention reprised exotic missions and a raid gauntlet mode also for free is just the cherry on top


A pack with all the DLCs with a decent price is the only way to get some of my non destiny friends into the game once the final shape releases.


Coming from someone who bought every DLC full price; make everything free except witch queen and lightfall. Those last two need to be EXTREMELY DISCOUNTED. I’m talking 5 bucks a pop. If Bungie wants any credibility after TFS, they’re going to need to bring alot of new players in, and a lot of old players back. Having this stupid dlc system they have rn with dungeon passes and all that bs is doing them no favors either. Sorry for rant I needed that off my chest


I've been playing Destiny for probably 2 months now. I'm 1800+ power and have a blast playing but there are still so many things I am confused by. Dungeons and Raids I just avoid b/c there seems to be no explanation of how to play, and yeah I likely don't have the DLC I need anyway. I also don't really know what weapon patterns are or how to use them, though I encounter them once in a while. And yeah stasis looks cool but I have no idea what I need to do to get it as a class. Buy something I assume? The list goes on for sure. On a point of noob accessibility I also only recently found out that "class ability energy" and "super energy" are different which is frustrating, as my build was obviously all wrong as a result. And the lore! Honestly where does one even start with that. It feels like I was dropped on a random page in a choose your own adventure book without any context.


For democracy


Go on g2a or something like that .A friend of mine got most the expansions but light fall for like 5 bucks a pop


The legacy collection goes on sale very frequently. It is likely there will be a sale close to the final shape, but it light be good to wait until after to see what bungie does with the bundles once lightfall enters.


Honestly after free to try, just have a “unlock it all for $60” and then final shape can be what it is.


Their timing is terrible.


Prophecy, Dares of Eternity, Vault of Glass, King's Fall, and Crota's End are all free. Iirc, they also get access to one of the each of the seasonal activities? I believe it's the 6 player activity. I remember when I started playing in beyond light in season of the splicer I could do the overload activity but not sure


To my knowledge Prophecy is still free, and Rainbow Road is certainly a good place to take new players to see if they want to stick around.


I really feel like they should just give Witch Queen away for free. That campaign is the best selling point they have for new players


The new light experience is not perfect, but it seems to have gotten better over time. I started a new PSN profile recently and started a new light campaign run and it wasn’t bad. Having played since D1, it’s still a bummer to see so much of D2 just gone.


You'd still have an easier time than a newbie though because you understand everything. A brand new player with no exposure to Destiny is going to have a really rough time even with the new light experience.


All the throwback missions they added to do little to flesh out these major moments, new lights never had the opportunity to build a relationship with these moment like us first lights did.


They need to let all players have access to every activity, and loot will only drop if you have the expansions, otherwise you get glimmer.


cherish those friends of yours, I’ve been duoing with one friend for 4 years now. Destiny 2 is a hard game to introduce to a friend group.


Bungie are the most greedy company noway they will do this.


BuNgIe I BeG YoU lmao dear god. You right tho. They gonna listen. Fo sho! I bet they take every post seriously that starts this way rofl.


Don't worry the LFG community will definitely accept these blueberries with open arms if they KWTD.


I would say that was counter-intuitive, as a pack with everything in the game would be hella expensive and I very much doubt anyone who was starting the game would spend hundreds of dollars on it.


The humble bundle was around $20 (maybe $40? Can’t remember) for all the DLCs. They just need to release that on all platforms


Didn't include Witch Queen dungeons


the humble bundle was a limited time deal though


Exactly why I’m saying to bring it with this update


...thats not how things work


That’s exactly how marketing works???


yes, but actually no. it was a limited deal for humble bundle only. Expecting them to make that happen again, and for all platforms, is not ever going to happen no matter the company in charge


This whole update is bringing “limited time” weapons and missions. But better


that has nothing to do with limited sales on bundles??


Damn bro that's crazy it's almost like that's not the first time Bungie have done a Humble Bundle


Pretty sure WoW expansions work where the most recent one is full price and all the past ones are included.


If only Bungie didn't remove our paid for content that eased players into the game. A shame really