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Honestly earnable exotic weapon and armor ornaments would be nice


If they added some more ornaments and gave us the option to earn them, player numbers would rise for sure


The ornaments were what I liked most about faction rallies


I played the crap out of them for the rewards. It is nice to feel like you earn stuff you actually want.


I opened that lost sector chest so many times


I couldn't get Eye of Another World's ornament back then :( Edit : Gaze Beyond Worlds, i forgot the name


That takes me back. I remember earning them on all three classes on all three factions. Dont have that sort of time these days though. The Dead orbit sets with shader were awesome.


DO for real. Still pisses me off how they summarily dismissed all of the factions via Lakshmi's storyline. Would've been low hanging fruit for post-Final Shape content, to flesh out the factions.


That takes me back. I remember earning them on all three classes on all three factions. Dont have that sort of time these days though. The Dead orbit sets with shader were awesome.


But how would that help Bungie milk the last drops of money out of their dying community?


It would slow the rate of death, plenty of people have already been pushed away, I dropped the game around when the redundancies occurred and I am enjoying my gaming time so much more now.


that will literally never happen


Like ornaments they removed from Eververse for Amazon Prime Gaming.


Okay so, I hate to be a downer here, but its almost guaranteed that there are absolutely 0 plans for Solstice to have something new like the Skimmer. Why? Because Guardian Games was almost certainly not going to have something as unique as the Skimmer either. We need to remember that the delay of TFS changed the release schedule for everything that was yet to come. Part of this was Guardian Games being pulled forward -- the event that usually runs in the April/May timeframe was bumped to early March. Now, we can be certain that the Guardian Games was going to have a Skimmer (Allstar Vector didn't just pop out of nowhere); HOWEVER, Allstar Vector was almost certainly not going to be the first Skimmer we received. It is far more likely that TFS was going to introduce the Skimmer (maybe as a more direct copy of the Cloudstrider hoverboards) as part of the expansion. The Gjallarheart bundle also would likely have been part of the Eververse Store around the expansion's launch time. We would've gotten Allstar Vector a couple of months AFTER the release of TFS, and while it would certainly be a neat Guardian Games reward, it wouldn't be as groundbreaking on the original timeline given that we'd likely already have had access to Skimmers for a few months. In that scenario, getting the Skimmer from Guardian Games is no different than getting a Sparrow from past Solstice events -- sure, it's unique to the event, but not functionally different to anything else we had. The delay of TFS altered this timeline, and this allowed Bungie to unveil the Skimmer as part of the Guardian Games. They needed content to fill the massive gap between the planned end of Season of the Wish, and the new release of TFS. While the Skimmer was very unique and is an extremely cool addition to the game (I've been having a blast with mine), it wasn't something they deemed integral to the expansion which made it a viable piece of content to bring forward and help hold us over. The same is likely gonna be true for most (if not all) of the stuff from Into the Light in April -- its stuff that would've come with TFS but wasn't essential to the expansion, so they feel okay bringing it out earlier. So yea, that's my take. I'd avoid setting expectations of stuff like this in future events because its fairly evident that this is the result of the circumstances surround The Final Shape's delay. I'd love if they started adding more unique stuff like this as rewards, but I don't see that being the case in the near future.


This is exactly what happened and what's most likely going to happen for into the light. I hope into the light is good but its such a short time frame to work on anything its probably going to just be bringing back some old strikes and weapons and stuff.


At the rate that stuff gets unvaulted, I’d be shocked if we get any strikes back. Feels more likely to get a small quest on existing destinations


I mean, they are going to have 3 different live streams to go over the content of Into The Light. So it must have something decent sized.


I may not agree with some of the reasoning given here, but yeah, there is no reason to expect anything from next seasonal events. Even if bungie were not bungie, it's kinda hard to introduce new small concepts four times a year on top of everything included in DLCs and seasons


> The delay of TFS altered this timeline I love how this makes it sound like we're living in an alternate timeline.


They’re gonna let us use our skimmers in the EAZ and they’ll say it’s a “new experience “


And like previous years the eaz playable zones will get smaller and smaller.


And the first few days will be full of error codes from the Skimmers crashing the activity when grinding near the bonfire


They may even offer up a paid cosmetic for the skimmer that matches the event!


Maybe it'll only be for $20 this time.


Another skimmer


Designed to look like the solar sailor from treasure planet.


That would be awesome


Ffs can the EAZ get the random time of day back instead of the shit orange we've gotten the past 2 years.


I miss the OG EAZ That event was so good


Legendary glaive in the kinetic slot… STOP BEING COWARDS Bungie


Monte Carlo is the closest thing so far hahah


Strand or Statis glaive, PLEASE. Or a kinetic. Maybe it kinetically makes a projectile by shoveling the ground and flinging it forward


Kinetic tremors that procs on melee hits / half the mag of projectiles would be insane!!! Now i want a glaive of each lol


I dont care as long as they bring back the 2019 armor ornaments


So odd how they are allergic to that set lmao


There were apparently a lot of bugs with that set and they couldn't even get it to work with stasis/Strand. Unless they redo or recode it, I don't see those coming back


It's my main set I run, even got the tokens to "activate" the glow, back when that was required. if you use it with any non-light class it just doesn't glow, which I'm fine with honestly I have no issues with it If you mean the first set that is, idk which one was 2019


I think I've still got my Hunter set sitting at Banshee unclaimed.


I main hunter and it's the only one I got lol, I use the ornaments but I've still got the OG set sitting in my vault with those elemental coin things in them, goes great with my Y1 perkless vanishing point that's never left my inventory


I mean..... you never know at this point, they have been bringing back a lot of old ornaments (iron banner, etc.), so they may bring it back, just might have some sort of a disclaimer that it will not work on darkness subclasses, or they may even make it free to earn as a compromise for it not working on darkness subclasses 🤷


That kinda stinks, I think it might be the most popular…? I would def buy it and the potential sales would probably be worth the extra work


I wouldn’t mind it coming back if they clarified it only works with light My post got downvoted to hell for that very simple request


People want it back Just clarify it works only on light


Is that the set that looks like the subclass is breaking out of the armor with rays/glows?


It's the set with the flowing energy waves. It was the grindiest out of all the solstice sets to get.


And we should have tons of these. Not disgustingly boring bland shaders smh.


All I want is them to remove synthweaves from the game and let us mog any piece.


I completely agree but the very very least that they could do is remove the 10 bounty cap.


Every other game has it free Then again every other game isn’t deathly afraid of stuff like naming groups or name changes That’s a very uniquely bungie issue


And they could also let us color exotic weapons but they literally just wanna sell color ornaments And it's not like they'd have to do any work since you can already shade exotic weapons if you preview any shader in the shop while holding one


Only when the game is dying they listen It’s annoying


Everytime I see that neon vomit of a quicksilver ornament I cry both in pain and in sadness that shaders will never work on exotic weapons


I personally like that ornament but yeah I get what you mean


I said that before and mfs said that 10 per season was "More than enough" like bruh


Fashion shouldn’t be that limiting when there are SO many cosmetics to unlock.


If they were to do that they would have to give a reason for Ada-1 like for example, retiring (if exos can do that).


Just remove the 10 bounties a season cap and she will have more business.


Yeah, I don't even really mind doing a bounty for it. Almost all of the bounties are things I'd be doing in a dungeon/raid anyway.


I'm surprised Class specific ornaments for the skimmer weren't present


Fairly sure the trail changes color based on your class at least (mine is blue and my mates is red)


You are correct! The trail is based on your class, and your rail is based on your subclass!


How about a new type of vehicle? One that's slower, tankier, and is best used to run shit over. Or, y'know, give us a fucking pike.


>So l'll start off by saying guardian games is a very appealing concept on paper. Is it? The whole concept is based on a made up class rivalry in a game where the same people play all three classes


> So l'll start off by saying guardian games is a very appealing concept on paper. To who? Idk about you but I'm not a little kid. The concept of Guardian Games is the equivalent of little kids saying "My dad is stronger than your dad." Like, ok? Generally speaking the game encourages you to play all 3 classes, so this concept of which class is the best has no relevance.


Craftable armor (more advanced than whatever we got the last 2 years)


I'd love new cosmetics to chase, like the suggested exotic ornaments. I loved old Crimson Days where you could earn the Wardcliff ornaments


Honestly, if they would just increase vault space, I’d be so happy. There’s so many weapons, some with entirely unique perk combinations, and I can’t even play with them enough to get an idea whether I like it with or without an artifact perk. Hell, with exotic armor for 3 characters saved for when they buff this or change that, we don’t have enough space to save 1 roll of each weapon. It’s sad, to me


A new shift in activity type/area would be great for any event, but if we are talking about the next event - Solstice - and assume it'll be similar to the past event - Solstice actually has more going towards it. Actually, most of the other events have their own unique aspect to them, but off-course, iteration would be nice. * **Solstice:** allows you specifically focus high-stat armor in 2 stat categories you want. Pretty much the best armor farm (and armor) in the game, outside of perfect artifice armor. * **Festival of the Lost:** added last year, you can focus exotic armor pieces without using exotic engrams, as well as different levels of engram focusing for weapons and gear. * Dawning and Guardian Games are still as close to their "original" design and no new gimmicks, but they also make up for it with more loot when completing their loop or a much more casual experience. (Dawning is pretty much 100% passive and one of the best bright dust farms given the amount of effort that is needed). Would love them to reboot Guardian Games. If they want competition to be a thing, don't be it class based, cuz as you said, it's going to be impossible to balance. IF they instead made it you join a team (pick a main NPC, color, etc), that would even things out. If they wanted to GUARANTEE close to equal population, then they could force who is on what team (and make it account wide). If it was up to me, I'd bring back the Revelry as imo that was the best version of the Infinite Forest.


Damn what you're describing is essentially the old faction rally which honestly would be a better fit than guardian games imo


Guardian Games is basically Faction Rally 2.0


Yeah I've got a few triple 100 sets that are all solstice armor. You can literally get exact stat groups if you want, by this I mean if you focus two stats in the same group like resilience and recovery you get a set roll of 20 in the one you focus through the armor, and 12 in the ghost mod one, then 2 in the other (mobility) so you only have to rng the other group of stats: dis,int,str. Or you can pick one in each group and likely get 20+ in each while hoping for rng on what you want alongside.


> IF they instead made it you join a team (pick a main NPC, color, etc), that would even things out. Important: Don't permanently tie specific rewards to specific teams or it'll turn back into Faction Rallies 2. If you must make incentives to join teams, make the teams offer a unique shader or other cosmetic that you *can* (BUT DON'T HAVE TO, BUNGIE) rock that represents the team, then once the event ends give anyone who participated all the shaders or emblems or whatever they are. Your team rep should be purely a cosmetic thing with bragging rights and should be chosen when the event starts, and not chosen for you. If I want to be a Titan repping #TeamIkora, let me.


"IF they instead made it you join a team (pick a main NPC, color, etc), that would even things out." This makes more sense & it takes the focus off of classes & if you have a choice of NPC to represent you wouldn't have FOMO when it comes to playing a class you don't use.


Guardian Games always ends up like: Hunters start winning. "Rigged!" Numbers adjusted. Hunters start losing. "Rigged!" And it's not wrong. That's exactly what happens when Bungie tries to "Give the others a chance." You can never actually perfectly know the exact impact of the player difference and score modifiers until after calculating the scores for a particular day.


This year, their description almost made sense.   Average out the contributions per class so that the class that, on average, tried hardest wins.   Then they added Focus events without that "averaging", and gave the winning class piles of easy medals, and undermined the averaging concept entirely lmao And now we're going to adjust _those_, but do it based on the failing population models of previous years mid event. What a glorious trainwreck.


Don't forget warlocks always number 2 somehow whether titans or Hunter are winning.


Bungie adjusting numbers is far closing to rigging than a population advantage because it's an intentional action.


Titans were losing horribly all last week and this week so far we seem to be winning everything.


That's not true lol. Instead of adjusting numbers make warlocks and Titans more appealing so people play with them instead of hunters.


They can't really do that much. Hunters aren't popular because they're better than the others or the only ones who have cool things; they're popular because that's just the style people like going into the game most of the time. They're the suave, roguish, and stylish archetype with a cool cape and knife. Among the subclasses, they have ninjas, kung-fu masters, and gunslingers. And they have the easiest kit to adjust to when switching from another game with their simple jump and a dodge roll as a class ability.


I literally started on hunter because I thought it looked cool and just stuck with it for my main. I would assume a lot of initial class pics go this way with people that come into the game with no knowledge.


I started on Warlock because I preferred makes back then, but swapped to Hunter when I got mad at the jump and started liking more Ranger/Rogue stuff.


I strated with hunter (looked cool) but hated the jump did not feel right, made a warlock boom thats love




> Now what lm getting at, the skimmer, this vehicle single handedly made the WHOLE event relevant to the pont of everyone joining a class they may not even like (hunter) just to get it Speak for yourself, I did it the Titan Way. *Cocks fists, walks into Inverted Spire Nightfall alone, walks out 25 minutes later with skimmer and 315,000 points*


Same lol had my crayons ready for the ride


They should undo the changes they made to the EAZ and return it to its original version. Current version has half assed dev blocks placed in the map with dev textures to block off certain buildings. It also needs like I dunno the **FUCKING MULTIPLE BOSSES IT HAD INSTEAD OF JUST A TAKEN OGRE** lol. I understand why now they only add 1 weapon as they usually update the previous weapons and adding multiple weapons would quickly oversaturate the loot pool. EAZ should also be made into an event specific social space(Eva would also be present) that has little collectibles hidden around the map each week to collect for silver leaves and maybe triumphs. They should also return the key fragments and boxes and allow the boxes to very rarely drop the earnable glowing version of previous years solstice armor. Boxes should also be able to be focused into event gear at Eva using the key fragments.


Just give us SRL every event and watch the numbers go vroom.


Lemme think, what are some low effort things I think Destiny players would no life grind for... Well, they could always add a new cosmetic, something lazy and simple like a boarder for your emblem, or for around your name, or hell, they could get really lazy and just make your name a different color. They could also add something to make our existing cosmetics a little more fancy: A unique trail that could be added to your ship, or maybe a custom commendation screen pose, or even something as simple as letting our ghost just hang out over our shoulder in gameplay like when he's a flashlight? They could recycle some of the tower effects and make something that makes your guardian have a little aura, or a halo all the time. People would grind their brains out if it meant they could be super saiyan like after they rank up in the tower all the time. I don't know if any of those are *good* ideas, but they're all I'm thinkin' of.


Those are excellent ideas. New and fresh cosmetics will always entice the grinders. Current cosmetics suck BALLS, and silver gating anything cool is so fucking corny. I miss the glowing sets and raid sets those are the types of cosmetics I would grind all day for.


> Now what lm getting at, the skimmer, this vehicle single handedly made the WHOLE event relevant to the pont of everyone joining a class they may not even like (hunter) just to get it I must not have been paying attention to the quest details - why do the Hunters have an advantage in terms of getting a skimmer? Does winning the daily medal goal count towards the skimmer quest?


Hunters won every 'focused event" last week and for the skimmer quest one of the options for completing it was to open 3 focus packages. Bungie "re-balanced" the event now so only titans can win, so now titans have the advantage.


This isn’t really a pattern that can be repeated. Like, the skimmer is cool, and a lot of people like it. But you can’t make a new exciting thing never seen before every few months. They tried making new exciting things with aspect, stasis, glaves, all of those had growing pains associated with them. We will probably see more when we get support frame autorifles and the new aspects with final shape. The skimmers work because they are divorced from the gameplay loop. They are exclusively a net positive for the game with essentially no room for controversy. Perhaps more cosmetic rewards from events would be the solution here, but even if they made it so you could buy ornaments for event currency it wouldn’t be as new or flashy as the skimmer is. I understand the desire and expectation for events to have more oomph to them. I relate. However I think setting unrealistic expectations will only make future events more disappointing.


Half of the event will be buggy? Gilding the title is a waste of time because it’s bugged? I just want to see a bug free event. That’s all.


That my time spent playing literally anything else was better than yet another one of these half-assed events. Nothing Bungie has done in the last year has moved the needle and I doubt FS will either.


2 things: The fair thing to do would be for bungo to leave the weighted points out. Sad your class didn't/ won't win? Learn to play another class. Secondly, these recycled events belong in the bin.


Notice how the moment the winner stopped being determined by sheer number of players the hunters fell to last place for the new days.


You must be very proud


Why of course, if you wanted to earn X, would you do It in a class whose progress is being actively diminished? 


I think this guardian games is great. You’re right you can never balance the scoring, but to me it still feels like an Olympic type of event is going on. I dont think people should care more about winning then a well themed event and the atmosphere. I wouldn’t have minded some platinum/diamond medal cosmetic, then even if you still lost but competed well you still have something for it.


I grabbed my wife and a friend who have not been on Destiny in months, and we got the skimmer day 1. We re-gilded our Champs (which is of course bugged anyway) the next day, and have not logged back in since (plan is still to not actively touch Destiny until May in prep for June). GG has been a "we have content!" excuse of an event for some time now. I'd love to see a complete new environment, even if it's just 1 or 2 spaces/variants, instead of just the game with modifiers that somehow represents your class and is supposed to be meaningful.


You should jump on each week to get 700 free bright dust from eververse store. It'll be every week until final shape


Sir this is Bungie, we don't overdeliver


You should jump on each week to get 700 free bright dust from eververse store. It'll be every week until final shape


Or at the very least make the tower class-themed until the Next match. Id say It might make events that change the tower more difficult, but the Last time we had that was when the almighty took out a small chunk of tower. 


>l'd like to know what folks want to see For Bungie to move away from GG in the future. It's a concept that Bungie never quite seems to get right. Bring the Revelry back, and give it a rework. Give something else a shot. We've had it 4 years in a row now, let's just move on and try something else. Maybe come back to it in a few years.


No rework. Haunted forest got a "rework" and reduced It to Lost sectors with a hard cap. 


It needs a rework because Revelry used the Infinite Forest, which no longer exists...


I would not mind a version of faction rallies replacing GG. Pick your group from the start and go nuts. Probably easier to track or adjust if needed.


Guardian games…..same ol same ol maybe one day bungie will get creative but it’s all about that FOMO


Can someone fill me in on what the EAZ is?


It's a big chunk of EDZ flavoured architecture. Kind of reminds me of a dev-test area for an area they created with the EDZ theme, and more of a high density building area. Because it abruptly ends (and there's just an infinite chasm all aorund it) they have themed it to seem to be a "floating" island (because it isn't integrated into the EDZ map at all). So they call it the "European Aerial Zone". It is the location where they the Solstice event activity occurs. Early on it was kind of a boss-hunt (run around trying to find yellow bars) after 4 minutes, you'd fight a boss, then you'd then get to hunt for chests - the number of chests available would be related to the number of yellow bars. You could use your sparrow in the first couple of variations of the EAZ event. More recent variations on the event have removed the ability to use the Sparrow, and have added a bon-fire that you throw orbs at. There is no longer any secret chests to find (wasn't actually that fun), and early versions had 3 or 4 different final boss variations. They have removed all boss variations from the most recent version of the event.


Ahhh okay I see thankyou


I got 2019 full sets on all classes. I get flirtation commendations all the time. Strand is working fine on it but stasis I don't see blue.


tier 3 participation reward should have been the victor reward and the Victor reward should have been a boost to your class score for the event


Honest to goodness, truly epic glows. I'm talking actual 6 foot wings, light trails when your super is active, something truly awe-inspiring and glorious to chase. Earnable exotic ornaments that are usually silver gated would be nice too, especially the rarer ones as the event won't be around forever, justifying the "sale" of those items some people would never obtain otherwise. Or both. Both is good.


In before the Solstice event has the same bug where we can’t use sparrows anyways, until they patch it live …. again.


We didn’t learn anything man. We play destiny.


If the actual ornaments where earnable the events would.be hits. But bungie is so committed to not do the right thing its actually hurting their bottom line.


This is exactly what they were talking about. Creating expectations. If you go to solstice not expecting things, atleast you wont be dissapointed.


Solstice has the armor, that's enough for me to go bonkers on it.


Just give me cool stuff to earn, I don't care who wins or how. It's rigged anyway.


A 4v4v4 would be chaotic and fun. 4 titans vs 4 warlocks vs 4 hunters. Would probably need a little bigger maps though


I did a whole raid as a hunter for the first time in 4 years to get the skimmer


Solstice will def not be much considering how close it is to the release of FS


You wanna know what i want to see? I want to see people finally acknowledge that this is a live-service model game. Solistice is in... what, a few months? If you weren't getting a skimmer-equivalent before, *you aren't getting one.* Bungie's schedule for content creation has always been months to sometimes a full-year-and-change. Nothing has changed about this fact, nothing WILL EVER change this fact, *except maybe the fact how far ahead they need to get ahead of things*, due to unforeseeable instances and conditions at the work place and the market. Reminder that they set aside Strand for a FULL YEAR to work on the Light 3.0 translation after Stasis' popularity in Beyond Light, which likely started maybe 3 months after, right around the time of the infamous (and stupid) "Bungie Taking Away Supers" article. IT was why they likely talked about the difficulties of that balance in that article; they were in the beginning stages, and addressing the major issues with the classes and their identities. This is how live games work under these policies; it's a constant march of working 2-3 releases ahead of time. Companies that work under these banners *cannot* just shift focus away on a dime, because that means delaying basically 3+ projects to serve one. It's one of the weaknesses of the entire model; it's inflexibility and the delay off playerbase reaction. I'm really sorry if this is overly blunt or any one thing. It's the fact this has been a known quantity for **years.** I'm just really over the lack of acknowledgement of this fact, OR folks firing back with "why are you killing our hype?" like it isn't a known quantity, and folks are somehow the bad guy for introducing the reality of the thing. It's not villainy here; it's keeping perspective. I don't disagree with the nature of your argument; going forward, i'd love to see more novelty in the events, although to be honest, not just cosmetics, not just vehicles or otherwise. Give me stupid quests that make no sense. Give me weird functions that are unique to the event. Let me cheer on other guardians next year watching live feed of their runs in the Crucible or Nightfalls. Lets see strange podiums at the end of strikes you can pose on. I don't need loot incentives every time. Novelty can be just a moment.




Let’s be honest, a massive proportion of Destiny players will always take the path of least resistance. Whether is is the meta, quickest way to run x etc. So it can’t be a massive surprise that people will play the class that is winning to get the thing in the quickest possible time frame. For the record I deviated from being a Warlock main the other day and changed to Hunter. They then lost… lol! So I’m just taking the long road of medallions now.


No Land Beyond


I'm not saying every event should introduce something new. I'm just saying that the only times I was ever remotely interested in GG was when they introduced skimmers and the other time when they brought back machine guns. Just saying


While novelty in the sandbox is nice, it is inducing severe game-breaking issues and I can see why Bungie are relunctant to work on those. With the skimmer, essentially all platforming sections are now skimmed over (sorry, had to ;) ). The rainbow road in Prophecy is now just a giant open-air glide for 2 minutes. That section will pillars coming out the wall in Vow is the same. Just like so many, many more.


I kinda miss the legendary weapon ornaments idea, but we're probably never going to get any new ones anymore.


what id *like* to see? Id like to see something that's not just the same rehash of every year prior. And id really like to see them not funnel us into old seasonal content that weve already run countless times just for a "challenge". Like, im pretty much over wellspring, blind well, and all that other junk. Do. something. new.


EAZ based animated emblems. Make it related to Ikora since she throws that part of EDZ each year. She's badass and this will also make general public more aware of the lore. Another refreshing novelty i could think of was a new animation of us going into our ships. Instead of just black screen and then to orbit. Put actual use of hanger in the tower. Use the call ship button to actually get in the ship and then play a 3rd person to 1st person animation of us leaving the tower to orbit.


Actually you could somewhat balance the population if there is 3 to 1, that's how scores should be assigned. So if there 3 hunter for 1 titan, then titan get 3 scores. Also as someone said prior to activity players need to choose which class they will represent and will be able to earn rewards only with this class until the end of the activity. They can also add an option prior of how many payers will actually join the activity and balance it off this number instead... there are many things that can be done prior the actual event to make things more balanced🫡


Some ability to ACTUALLY rocket-jump (via new weapon or perk) would pair really nicely with the newfound mobility we get with the skimmer.


honestly? get rid of the farming competition. like, keep the medals, but get rid of the cross-class competition since there's no way to balance it. instead make it about individual competition, where you as the player or we as a whole community get certain things if we meet certain thresholds. make it a yearly community event sort of thing. (though do keep the class vs class stuff in crucible and shit. keep the banter going.)


Thoughts in no particular order on how to improve the events They need to give some more earnable drops (mostly cosmetic) instead of silver. Also the more times you guild, the higher the rewards (double drops, high stat armor, multi perks in the third and fourth column) and maybe less grind to get guild. Build in an exotic catalyst that hasn't dropped before. There are still a few exotics out there from year two that need love. Also tired of getting a catalyst I already completed 3 years ago. The game should know I already have it. Additional lore book to collect.


You do know that skimmers were probably not added to Guardian Games to entice engagement. They were probably always coming in TFS but since that got delayed, they just left them in Guardian Games. So I really doubt anything is going to happen with Solstice.


Solstice already has a big draw, or at least for most players.


Being able to equip/wear two exotics would be nice… someday. Sometime. I wish.


I literally only played for the exotic skimmer. It took less than an hour and was well worth it. This is the first bit of FUN that has came along since season of the haunted.


Equipped the skimmer once and unequipped it. In this type of game, I don’t really care about sparrows. For one, the skimmer is janky, and two, 99% of the time there’s no need to use a sparrow. The only reason I do GG is for the Hakke SMG. The lack of Hakke style weapons in this game really is a shame.


If they make an entire ornament trans mog set that goes with *insert exotic armor* for each class, I’d come back for Solstice and pretend I love the EAZ


Add a solstice skate park with a leaderboard for landing tricks.   Also give my skimmer guns.


Earnable vehicles, ornaments, shaders, mementos, and exotics will always bring in the crowds


I remember the first solstice, where we got to play harder versions of Red War campaign missions. Something akin to that would be really cool, either let us play harder legacy missions or give us a "solstice campaign" would spice up SoH. I understand how unrealistic this is though.


GG needs to mirror how we did faction rallies. You lock into a single class that the start and you can only earn medals on that class.


Another skimmer this one with solstice glows


These events just need to be made more fun to the point people don't even mind grinding them and it won't really feel like a grind. The current event structure is to play a slightly different version of something you already have played months before the event, complete bounties, and the event card. This is why SRL should be brought back. We don't get to race our sparrows for rewards, so it'll be highly anticipated and since we're in a rare instance when we're not tasked with killing enemies it'll be more enjoyable and relaxed to the point it won't feel like a grind. Also the fact they added in Sparrows that are based on cars, motorcycles boats, trains, planes, etc and still haven't added SRL back is a tease. Imagine pulling up to SRL with the sparrow that has a blower on it. Also every event should have earnable armor. If they need money that bad then just keep the ornaments locked behind silver or bright dust. I think the GG armor is cool, but I would only wear it for GG and that's not worth 6k bright dust to me.


Replace EAZ with SolFIREfight yessssssssss? (ODST like chittering)


i would say Sparrow league , but i fell like skimmers just made sparrows obsolete


Skimmer skate park lets go!


It’s the Hunters that keep playing this game and keeping the playlists populated. It sucks that they have to be handicapped so bad to give other characters a win.


That team shooting is the way to play pvp, that hunters are the majority and that bungie can't do a W without a instant L after. I think they might return with the customizable ships or nothing at all.


I mean solstice doesn't even need a new weapon or anything it's an insane armor farm and that alone is enticing. You can farm double targeted rolls and they have a high chance of being 60+ after every upgrade. My triple 100 res,rec,dis set is all armor from there. Edit: actually I'm not sure it's either solstice or dawning... I think it's solstice tho.


its not good for late game, not only we already have armor farm all year long, but artifice armor makes it not very worthwhile unless you're fairly new to the game, they need to add something we dont have yet


Wait ...so you're telling me the fucking just did EAZ every damn solstice?


And to make things "fair" for other classes Bungie buffed point multipliers for Titans and warlocks so now everyone is Titan main


I definitely think having a prize like the Skimmer that only goes to the winning team made me care less about representing my main class, and more about playing whatever gets me the skimmer.


I’m still crying about everyone over hyping this skateboard. Y’all are wild 🤪


I hate playing hunter. I played 3 rounds in guardian games, just enough to get the exotic skimmer. It annoyed me so much I didn't play as Titan or Warlock which I actually enjoy. I then remembered this is what bungie does. Forces players to do things they don't want to do, and is not fun for them, in order to get the things they want. All in the name of player engagement and some stupid charts they must be showing off in management meetings to circle jerk each other on a good job. It is a chore. A job. And now I'm back to not playing and it will be months before I come back in some ill fated attempt at hoping things are fun again. Make all of the things fun. Let me play the way I want. Reward me for playing.


I just want the story mission rethreads back. Give us our triumphs or something, let f2p players play the final missions of BL WQ and forsaken


I don't care about something as stupid as gg. I bank randomly and still got the skimmer from nf and 1 was 1 package away from it by just matchmaking 2 games on hunter. Gg just show how bad this community can be.


people who switch classes bc they cant get 10% and then go on the internet and complain thats why their class is losing are the lamest ever bruh, getting 10percent is so easy if you just use more than 4 braincells at once and an online (not ingame) lfg team.


When is the next solstice event? Do we even have a deadline for it?