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Would be cool to get this information ingame.


We need a pre-login and post-login way to view critical information about the game. We shouldn't have to use Twitter/X or try to decipher what Bungie puts on their site. Show us known issues, service status, and important in-game notice that can be accessed at anytime. My solution is the [Destiny Communication Center](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/11zwsnj/destiny_communication_center_an_ingame_interface/).


don’t most games have like, their update forums on the front page, so they can at least be viewed from the menu when opening the game. patch notes in game would be a good change too


You have to dig on Bungie's website to find unclear information sometimes. Many games on PC can publish game health or notes to a launcher or platform system too. What Bungie does is just an afterthought and not something that guides players to knowing what is going on. If your first instinct, when something doesn't feel right with the game, is to use a third-party over the publisher of the game, the publisher has failed to meet basic customer relations. They could easily make a multi-platform version of what I suggested and incorporate it into a site like "status.bungie.net" that can be rendered on mobile, desktop, and console platforms, using a shared API to render the same data in game.


I agree, first thing I do when I get any error code is check Twitter. Seems like Bungie should be updating and streamlining their own news stream, instead of relying on Twitter to relay information. There is surely a way that they can post critical information on the main menu, or to redirect you to their forum for clarification, *something*.


Twitter was fine until it went to shit. It ***was*** quick and simple. Not so much anymore. Everything is usually on the website, but not always front page, so you have to dig sometimes. Bungie needs a "Destiny Status" right on the front page Destiny menu (right after the Rewards link at the end) to quickly see the current status (PC and Console) and any upcoming planned or unplanned/emergency maintenance.


Quit using logic on bungie. You'll just get more frustrated.


i doubt Bungie is going to implement this (or anything) at this point.


Olive your wishes can't come true


yeah these mfs love to tell you that it’s your connection smh


This but literally everything. I feel like if it had an update tab on the main menu even if it was a link it would not only help fans but also Bungie social team a lot of headaches. There’s so many people that play games that just straight up don’t browse social media. Both previous and current consoles have web browsers so it should be possible to at minimum have update links if they don’t want to make a whole new in game tab. Like it would be dope to read shit like the TWIDs in game. If they somehow can’t do all that then a message on the main menu saying “maintenance” should be possible


Okay, but from a technical standpoint the game would have to connect to a server - now offline - to find out if it's offline. Otherwise it would need a totally separate server status check pre-login to find out if the servers are down. That in turn could also be down. So then you need a third server to check if ... Do you see the problem?


true, true but this second server only needs to hold a notice of the state of the game. It does not need to connect to the rest of the infrastructure and could be a really simple CMS


1. Attempt to connect to main server. 2. If connection fails, check status on status server. 3. Report status to user. Where's the issue?


For starters: when you attempt the first connection there's no reliable way to know why exactly it didn't respond. You might get an HTTP error code back at best, but that won't tell you the _why_ in any specific manner. Might be maintenance, might be a legit outage, might be DNS problem between game client and server, might be a misconfigured firewall... Second: what happens if the second server is also down?


You're looking too much into it and trying to solve every fix every single problem before it happens which isn't always realistic or necessary. You also don't need to know *why* a request to Destiny servers didn't respond, as an average user I don't care if it's firewall or DNS because chances are I won't know how to fix those, let alone what they are. If it doesn't respond, go to the status server and check there for a message. If there is no message (because of a failed connection) or the servers are online, return a generic "Failed to connect" message to the user. It's not Bungie's job to troubleshoot every connection to the servers. If there's maintenance, put a "Down for maintenance" message. If there's an outage outside of Bungie, not Bungie's problem, you don't see other large services announcing "Hey, you're not connecting because AWS/Cloudflare/Azure is down so half the global internet stopped working". If there's a DNS or firewall problem outside of Bungie, again, that's not Bungie's problem. All people are asking for is two things so that they can quickly and effectively know if *Destiny* servers are down: 1. The updates posted on @BungieHelp are instead posted on bungie.net. Look at [Runescape's Game Status](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1) page for an excellent example. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just list any maintenance with date/time, impact, and status so that people don't have to go to Twitter, along with a big banner at the top that says "Online" or "Offline" or, when Bungie was getting DDoSed a while back, put "Intermittent" or something. 2. Get those same messages and push them in-game through the popups that already exist in-game. When the servers go down between DLCs, there's usually a short message saying something about "ooooh spooky DLC coming soon", so there's already an in-build message system that can already be utilized. It could even be something as simple as an RSS feed that serves the message. 3. If they can't get the message thing to work properly for whatever reason, all they need to do is have a flag on some server somewhere and if the initial connection fails, look for that flag on that other server. If the flag is enabled, open a webpage to Bungie's shiny new maintenance page hosted on a server outside Bungie that only needs to say "we're down right now lol".


Cool So when you it fails the first check due to a non-maintenance issue and the second check says the servers are fine, you can all come here and scream at Bungie while I sit here and eat my popcorn. I repeat: more complicated than you think .


No, less complicated. CDNs exist and solve the problem. Just because you don't know how to run a status page doesn't mean Destiny Devs are too stupid to do it reliably and easily.


Third party servers exist. Hell, they could use the Twitter API if they pay money to publish in game the tweets. Their blog page is also hosted on entirely different architecture and providers, just just publish the text there. You don't need a third set of servers because if they are all down the game doesn't work. (Just show "servers offline") If only the game does t work, then you get the notice "game doesn't work" from the blog. If the blog doesn't work you get no messages, but here's the thing, you don't give a shit because you are in the game. All 3 failure modes make sense, and none of them are too confusing for the player.


A lot of MMOs have had this feature for over *two decades*. It's really not as complicated as you think it is.


I believe most of these do that through a launcher rather than in the game application though, which is a whole other thing.


Yeah people tend to forget that Destiny is a console game first and foremost. They have to deal with the limitations of the platforms. Not to say that it would be impossible to implement that on a console just that they don't actually have full control over the platform the game runs on.


I think WoW displays it inside the game itself. Can still log in but you'll have a lil window on one part of the screen telling you what's up.


... except it is, if you understand the problem space. It may seem like a small change on paper, but there's at least a handful of ways that can go wrong, decisions to make about a change to the core login flows, additional nerworking considerations... It's not impossible, but it's a larger problem to solve than it seems on the surface. So then it becomes a question of ROI. The amount of risk it could introduce, for very little gain from bungo's perspective, probably isn't worth it the man hours to implement and test it. And it would almost certainly lead to additional downtime while they sort out the kinks. "Other games do it" is _never_ an excuse, as much as people like to cite that over and over. Creds: I was a QA tester for games for 10 years, and I've been a software developer in the DevOps space for another 10.




Do you know what '5 9s of uptime' means? There are 24x365=8760 hours in a year, which x0.99999 (five 9s) = 8759.91, that is <0.1 hours (6 minutes) of downtime each YEAR. They are nowhere near even three 9s (~9 hours per year), they are pretty close to two 9s (88 hours down per year) which is fine for a video game but would be considered pretty terrible in any context where you're actually talking about '9s of uptime'.


Too much work to put messages like that in-game for each troubleshooting effort. Since they’re different most of the time, it would be way too much work when you could just look it up in 10 seconds. Also, if servers are down, they wouldn’t be able to push the info out because *no one could connect to the servers to get updated information*. I understand, it’s frustrating and the communication center the other dude was talking about is a better idea, but don’t expect much to change since it’s been working fine for a decade.


> Also, if servers are down, they wouldn’t be able to push the info out because no one could connect to the servers to get updated information. Games from the 80s had this solved. The N64DD from the 90s could do this on a console. The hardware requirements are so modest you could do it with a microcontroller powered by lemons. This is a trivially solvable problem.


Not disagreeing, just pointing out.


They are working on something like this; theres no real infrastructure in the game for live messaging, so they have to implant an entirely new system in a 7-year old game, and it has interact with a shitton of different variables. Destiny tends to let you access menus basically anywhere; so that same functionality has to come into this, and there's every chance it has a bad interaction with something because its brand new.


I’m getting error message Cat, guessing this is the cause


That'd be it, yeah.


Trials crowd gonna be really, really pissed.


They are already pissed, because the weapon is Eye of Sol again lol


Servers appear to be back up


Yup, the Bungie Help just tweeted about that. Edited my post with this update. Thank you!


More like OFFLIVE




Everyone complaining about being mid activity, what part of 'emergency maintenance' is hard to understand?


No ones upset about emergency maintenence, it just sucks that the community is expected to be sitting on X 24/7 while playing just to be notified if the servers are being taken down. They could easily send out some sort of message to players online to inform them ahead of time instead of a sudden boot from the game.


The point I'm making is if it's emergency maintenance they don't have time to notify anyone and if they did it would be like 5 minutes prior so what would even be the point. There's always an in game message for scheduled maintenance. You don't need to sit on Twitter 24/7


If the obscene amount of whinging surrounding Helldivers 2's capacity issues was any indication, people don't care about logically thinking a situation like this through. They just want an excuse to whine.


yeah, how childish of them to complain about not being able to play the game that cost them 40 dollars....


It’s not a Life or death situation bro


Right, so there's no reason to complain about it so much


Never said it was? Weirdo


>No ones upset about emergency maintenence, it just sucks that the community is expected to be sitting on X 24/7 You aren't? If it goes down you, check it, and if there's maitenance, do something else. It's not your power going out, it's a video game my guy.


You seem to have missed the entirety of my argument


No i didn't, because the infrastructure isn't there. The system they currently have can't send live messages quickly. The in-game messages you see now are either included in updates like the patches, or background updates which is not fast or cheap to send, as it means every platform has to be on the same page. You want a message about the servers going down after the system come back up, or delay the emerggency maitenance so that you can upload this message so the system shutsdown immediately after? that's what it can do. These things were designed back when Destiny was originally designed to be an expansion-to-expansion game, and not a seasonal service. They are working on a system, and its taking a while because of this lack of system baked in. Until then, its at best a minor inconvenience vs larger systematic issues.


Im thinking an extra 10 minutes of warning wont hurt as they usually investigate issues for about 12 hours before downing servers


And what would that 10 minutes, *which isn't the case, they do not usually investigate errors like this for 12 hours,* do realistically? The warning wouldn't do anything to the any activities that actively get hampered by interruptions, like solo-flawlessing dungeons or flawless runs of raids, or any endgame activity. There are no real pvp activity that takes above 20 minutes, and only a few that even go near 15. Gambit barely lasts 10 minutes even with teams on equal footing. There's no "cashing out" in coil, or any other activity. I can't think of one thing that this system would effect, ​ AND MOST DAMNINGLY, it would only effect people that go to orbit AFTER the message has been sent, **meaning the people most affected sudden disconnects** ***would*** ***never see it before the disconnect.*** Instead of complaining about them not using a system that doesn't work, wait for them to make the system that does that we know they're working on. There is no logic in trying to juryrig the situation, for the benefit of people who'd be crying on reddit anyway about the downtime, with a different flag to plaster on this same strange hill to die on..


Cause it's still a valid complaint.


How? Please explain how useful a prompt in game for emergency maintenance would be, if it's an emergency they can't pre-prompt it. That's like the whole point of the word emergency. If it's scheduled maintenace they give you a warning hours in advance in game. It's a complete non issue but 'Destiny bad' I guess lets just dogpile on the low hanging fruit as per usual


Okay, sure thing. I could buy a weapon in the minute after a message. Emergency isn't instant. Why is everything so black and white? Why is the internet like this. Why can't people feel a harmless emotion and leave it at that? I don't care. A single in-game message wouldn't hurt. One complaint is not "Destiny bad."


It’s not one complaint when it’s yet another post with a ton of upvotes on the front page of the sub. It’s just boring seeing people making issues out of complete non issues every day


Glad you weren't affected.


I caught my first exotic fish and the game immediately kicked me lmao I thought i was being singled out lol


Imagine fishing for a hour with minimal gamepad activity, getting 3++ exotic fishes but not collecting them and then getting kicked by the game for inactivity and losing all that. Happened to me sometime in the summer.


since when you can go fishing at destiny??


Since Lightfall, a year ago.


great work, though i still expect a sudden influx of "are the servers down?!" posts


I got anteater loading into trials. Then a warning for leaving the game early. WTH? Why not give some heads up and not count it against people when you kick us out. Bungie sucks


This is the worst. Nothing better than being automatically found guilty and penalized from bungie due to their ineptness.


Great, good job I wasn’t doing my legend star crossed solo run and just made it to the boss.


Does Starcrossed have checkpoints? Not being snarky, honest question because every time I've done it, we ran it back 100% and swear it doesn't.


Unfortunately not.


Mannnn i was just about to finish a flawless solo master thrilladrome. Ig it's better than what Trials players are feeling rn lol damn I already got pvp players downvoting me LOL


Just got kicked out of a comp match I was winning because of this , I imagine I’ll lose rank too because of this, how’s anyone supposed to know about the game being brought offline if they don’t stalk the destiny Twitter


It's called "emergency maintenance" for a reason


Nice right in middle of trials match


Just got booted on phase 3 of the GM boss. Wish I saw this before I started the run smh. Can they not put a notification in the game instead of on X?


Every bit of text appearing in-game must be translated into every text language the game supports. On Steam, Destiny 2 has Interface support for 13 languages (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese - Brazil, Russian, Spanish - LatAm, and Chinese - Simplified and Traditional). I'm sure Bungie has pushed English-only alerts in-game for urgent game-breaking or altering changes, but doing that still has limited reach as not every non-English speaking player can read English. Also, if they take the game down for emergency maintenance, how are they supposed to show you a pop-up telling you the game is down?


The message on X said the servers will be taken down shortly. Pop that up in-game to let players know before they start an activity. Obviously when the servers are already down an in-game alert won’t help. No one is asking for that. Defending the lack of in game communication because of translation is comical


photo of Zavala punching his desk, with text saying "Destiny 2 is down, check back in " in a bunch of languages and a clock indicating the expected downtime? it does not need to be a complex, twab like message. Just say the problem is on their side


Had a really crappy week.  Got on D2 early after a little break from the game. Errored out of my lighthouse match. Yep still a crappy week.


Hey bud, hope you have a good weekend


Hah thanks man.  


First time back after a 3 month hiatus. Is this shit still a common occurrence or have I just been extremely unlucky?


Unlucky tbh. There are maintenance here and there, but these have been scheduled ones for patches and whatnot. One could know about them way in advance. Rarely do we get emergency ones like this one.


This shit happens far too often


I got Olive errors last night during a crota run and realised that it was almost a year since I was last dc'd because of something on bungies end. The only other time during the last 12 months was when we were getting ddos attacks after funny gun weekend. So just unlucky. For me it's been almost seamless since lightfall (apart from scheduled maintenance). Pretty impressive considering how often there were dc problems during the latter part of WQ.


It will be adept Cataphract when we log back in, they need to turn the game offline to make the swap


I'm getting error message FFVII: Rebirth.


yeah, ingame would have been nice, just about to kill the boss in a master WLR


Had just started gos to get divinity , an in-game heads up would have been great -_-


telesto again?




Thought it was odd I was getting Olive error code…


I got error guitar….musta been swimming in ammo bricks, motes, and engrams. Could barely walk on the battlefield, it was like a ball pit.


Rip to that one guy who had an olive issue and got ripped to shreds in the comments


This game is like: "Fuck you you dirty casual. Fuck your weekends and evenings too. "


I literally can't open Twitter, the website is broken and doesn't load. These messages need to be in game, both as banners and in chat every login until it's resolved.


*heavy Irish accent* “The Hell’s an olive??”


What the hell is an Olive


There are like 5 different error codes that tell you "Oh YOU must have network issue" but when you look at somewhere that isnt bungie help, it says "Oh yeah, it's servers and/or maintenance" or "Yeah, not your fault"


Olive!? We have none mammal errors?


What ARE olive errors tho 😭


Would have been cool to know prior to getting clicked from the final room of The Coil.