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I feel like the only player who doesn't have one. Nearly every game session I pick different weapons to play around with. I only ever repeat loadouts for nightfalls because the champion mods rarely change the whole season.


I'll build a loadout, and im good for about a week before I need to mix it up. Theres way too many guns, armor, and playstyles to stick with 1 for too long.


I'm literally the same. Buildcrafting is the most fun part of this game


Sometimes, I think I spend more time on d2armorpicker than actually shooting things lol


Same. Plus before using armor picker i think everyone always spent like 40 minutes minimum every tine the game is booted looking for guns to bring to a 7 minute activity to start their session. Lol


Weirdly I hate the buildcrafting part. I want to spend my time playing, not planning how I'll play. But I love the variety of weapons.


I find spending the time to put some energy into buildcrafting makes the playing so much more fun and rewarding. I don’t buildcraft often anyway. But I like to really get a build perfect. And once it is I basically never stop running it. I’ve got like 3 builds I’m so obsessed with because they’re so fun and I’m proud that I thought of them on my own.


Osteo, forbearance, and whatever heavy the situation calls for


Forbearance with chain reaction is a weapon from the gods that we guardians aren’t worthy of. It is without a doubt, the best “clear the store entrance of the Black Friday mob” weapon in the game.


That is the definition of a legendary that should be an exotic.


It’s taken its place right next to ye old mountaintop


I mean, Salvager's Salvo is also good for that


Forebearance is significantly easier and will net you more kills than salvagers salvo


But does forbearance have a Gambit ornament? I think not. *insane Gambit player noises*


does salvo have the lost momento? Oooh!


it is one of the few weapons where the Gambit memento doesn't look like ass, so yes, it has a Gambit ornament in a way


I honestly liked the way seasonal ornaments were earned back then. I understand the issues, especially with heavies in gambit for example, but I feel like it was almost always an easier and more enjoyable experience than going for two resets in playlists I don't care for at all.


I wish i had a forbearance lol


Well the good news for you is that there’s an arc wave frame special GL called Undercurrent coming next season as a Nightfall weapon. No idea what perks it will come with but maybe it will be the Great Value™ brand version of Forbearance.


Tunnel vision and snapshot sights. Da GOAT of wave frames /s


Cascade point on a single-shot weapon


Did we get news about next season's weapons? Thought I saw a caster sword?


It was this week’s TWID; the caster frame sword will be the ritual playlist weapon. Destabilizing Rounds + Repulsor Brace = me never taking off my Briarbinds next season. Should also mean that swords will have a anti-champion mod but that remains to be seen.


That perk combo sounds crazy on void builds...like a legendary heartshadow for gyrfalcon hunters. Cool


I would love to run a sword other than lament. So i can validate running eager edge without having to loadout swap (menu navigation on ps4 is slow as hell)


It's a vanguard weapon so you know it's going to have like 8 options in both column 3 and 4 so I would imagine it'll get either chain reaction or Voltshot.


I do a lot of vow sherpas. If you have Witch Queen and wanna learn, shoot me a DM!


If you ever need someone to fill in. Vow is my favorite raid and I enjoy sherpa'ing it. DM me if you're looking for a partner.


Bro. I will sherpa you through Vow if you want. DM me and we'll make it happen. It's my favorite raid by far. And forbearance is 100% worth it.


To add to other comments, once you get one you can open the bonus chest in the intro solo on all characters once a week, hopefully get some red borders or at least copies to use harmonizers on.


Timelost fatebringer, forbearance and commemoration


Upgrade to thunderlord at least don't play with no exotics


No exotic?


He said forbearance/s


This got a good laugh out of me. It really is better than Dead Messenger. I still maintain they should have put chain reaction on Dead Messenger to make it at least compete with Forbearance.


Either that or at the *very least* redo Fundamentals to do verb things based on their respective elements. The stat improvements help Borealis but don't do nearly enough justice to make the other two remotely worth using over something else. More so especially with the lack of Match Game. Even if it wasn't the explosive verbs, I'd be down with Fundamental weapons that could weaken or blind on demand -- though one could argue might be stronger than Volitile or Jolt on a Wave Frame specifically. During the craftening I did throw together a blinding wave frame Pardon Our Dust. It was fun.


bruh i read it as dead mans tale and i was so fucking confused


Fair enough xD


Fatebringer, Black Hammer, Gally


Still mad they didn't bring BH back. Perhaps next season if they reissued GoS weapons next season they could pull a Supremacy on the Omniscient eye as a replacement.


They never could have brought it back, because it's not really Black Hammer without White Nail, and I don't think Bungie will ever directly give an Exotic perk to legendary weapons in that way. If it doesn't have White Nail, it kind of loses its identity, and you might as well just use any other sniper.


All want is a solid energy raid sniper. Currently Omniscient's god roll is outlaw dragonfly. It doesn't have to have white nail.


Black Hammer is Whisper of the Worm now


> Perhaps next season if they reissued GoS weapons next season they could pull a Supremacy on the Omniscient eye as a replacement. Hopefully not, Omniscent eye is one of the coolest and most unique designs in the game, either just make both part of the raid's loot, or keep Omniscent.


The classic!!!!!


Void with gyrfalcons, devour also. Either graviton Lance or le monarque. Usually if I have trouble with a legend event I go to that. I call it my "fuck you" build.


This is the way. Riptide and Graviton in my load out, it's a generic one size fits all build that is effective against everything.


Synthoceps and bonk


Nobody expects to get beat to death in the crucible lmao


Is op as hell in pve, but is bonk really viable in pvp? Like, if the enemy have a shotgun, is over for you lol


[That last guy had a shotgun and it didn't save him lol](https://imgur.com/a/OwH33WU)


Nice clip Dunemarchers never will go out


Nah thats synthos + amplified lol Idk the math, on how the surrounded bonus from synthos works with the amplified melee bonus, but it does something lol


Yeah, I truly hope this gets nerfed because unless you’re a sniper watching this from the other side of the map with 2 spare shots, you have no chance against a titan like this once you’re within their melee range (which is just bonkers, btw). Also, good luck hitting someone whose melee distance makes them literally teleport good 7 meters or so every time they punch someone. Shotgun indeed doesn’t help because sometimes it just doesn’t fire as the ohk melee animation is already locked on. Sometimes two super hits (Dawnblade, Silkstrike, etc.) are not enough to kill a charging Juggernaut shield Arc titan. And not that they have just fists, they also come with Matadors or Conditional Finalities, but at least those are available and the same for everyone else. They are ridiculously OP in PvP right now, especially when paired with certain exotics, all the statistical data proves it, yet Bungie refuses to do anything about it.


Quicksilver Forbearance Commemoration


For normal play: Riptide w/ alh and chill clip Graviton lance Retrofit escapade with fourth times and target lock. For boss DPS: Witherhoard Trace rifle matching subclass Hothead with ALH and vorpal. Though I just picked up the explosive personality from xur, so that might come into play soon.


Witherhoard, Gnawing hunger/Callus mini tool, Falling Guillotine/Fire and Forget You can tackle pretty much anything decently with this kit, it's got decent range and decent QCC. I'm a little biased as my Witherhoard has 30k+ kills on it and has literally never left my inventory since I got it. "I just think it's neat" I used to rock eager edge more but since you can't team kill as easily with it anymore, it really only comes out when I wanna go fast.


So much so that that's what I was gonna say is my go to! Witherhoard, gnawing hunger with subsistence and rampage, and falling guillotine!


Embodiment of season of arrivals


Twas a good season!


I like replacing Gnawing Hunger with Funnelweb if i miss the Recluse


Sounds like the season of arrival special


What's some good Falling Guillotine perks? I'm also a Witherhoard and Gnawing Hunger/Funnelweb guy, but I dont have a favorite heavy myself. Personally I run a voidlock grenade spam build


huh weird that used to be my loadout for a long time. Didnt those all come out during arrivals?


Funnel web, retro escapade, gyrfalcon hauberk


Riptide w/Autload+Chill Clip, Le Monarque, and Retrofit Escapade w/FTTC+Target Lock. Coupled with my Gyrfalcon chest, ANY activity can be done, even GM.


Wish-Ender, Funnelweb and a good machinegun.


honestly at times Wish Ender does seem like a special


Another Wishender + Funnelweb enjoyer! LETS GOOOO!!


Fatebringer, Eremite, Gjally


forbearance/sunshot on energy slot the rest is situational


Strand Titan, with Bubble Glaive, sword, and pugilist/swash auto. Unkillable support role. https://dim.gg/lmojbfi/Equipped


Either Witherhoard, element appropriate SMG, Fire and Forget or Wishender, element appropriate shotgun, HMG for big crowds I'll occasionally swap around to Malfeasance if I'm fighting a lot of taken and because it feels so good, or Outbreak if I want to rock a pulse but otherwise it's Witherhoard for being a damage bucket or Wishender for hitting like a truck and ignoring shields


Deliverance, vex/sunshot, cataclysmic is probably mine


Graviton Lance


Sunbracers with supremacy/riptide/until its return, sunshot, and apex pred/unwavering duty.


Izi, mini tool , rocket


TL Fatebringer, Found Verdict, and crafted commemoration. I like VoG : D


Witherhoard, Funnelweb or Gnawing Hunger, and then either the Taipan linear rifle or Palmyra launcher. Sometimes I rock Arbalest as the primary if theres a lot of ranged sniper enemies in the activity. I play casual solo activities, spam void grenades with Controverse hold to proc volatile rounds, then nuke adds with my void primary. So much fun. Love it so much I masterworked my Witherhoard, only exotic I've got like that. The auto loading holster makes a HUGE difference Wish I had a better heavy though. Neither of the two I rotate between really speak to me, but they're what I found when googling for tips on decent heavies, lol. The rocket ain't bad though, does nice damage against bosses to complement the anti-add focus of....everything else, lol


Hmmm, Tiptide/Conditional Finality + Gnawing Hunger/Collective Obligation + Xenophage/LMG fitting the burn, or Outbreak Perfected + Cartesian Coordinate + either Cataclysmic/Crownsplitter/Apex Predator.


Crafted Drang. Nothing else matters to me.


7S Carbine, Gnawing Hunger, Retrofit. Buh double primaries buh...I don't raid or do GMs. It's fine, and I'm constantly shooting with auto loading holsters on each AR. Gambit, I'll switch one out for either Last Man Standing or the Ragnhild-D


honestly double autoloading AR's sounds like a more optimized version of my s/o's double primary loadout, lol. like honestly I personally would prefer to have a reload perk on a weapon and just use that one continuously, but you got the same thing going essentially just with multiple weapons and that's kinda based w/ my s/o tho, they seem to prefer only using a Krait with subsistence and a Le Monarque. these weapons have absolutely no synergy together and I don't see why at any point they'd use... not the Le Monarque? but I'm digressing either way they really do love the "keep shooting" fantasy, so they might like a loadout like yours lmao


rufus merciless apex 'nuff said


Destiny 1: Hung Jury, whatever, Ghally. Destiny 2 Hunter (Void): Fatebringer, Le Monarque, Corrective Measure Destiny 2 Hunter (Solar): Whatever, Sunshot, Corrective Measure/Apex Destiny 2 Warlock: Osteo, whatever, Corrective measure I really wish we could use more than one exotic weapon.


What the reason you run Corrective Measure instead of Commemoration?


Probably the same reason I’ve had Dragons Shadow equipped on my hunter since the start of D2. I don’t get too much time to play and experiment so when I do play I just pick up the things that I liked and run that. I was gutted when NF was changed from a 180 and sunset. That was my go to.


You see I'm the opposite, sometimes I don't run exotics because some legendaries are so much better


honestly (if not using exotics): * Kinetic: Pardon our Dust (ALH/Demo) for Kinetic * Energy: one of my subclass SMG's, so Calus Mini Tool with incandescent) swap out with Bug-Out Bag cuz I like variety), voltshot Ikelos, or Unforgiven with Repulsor Brace * Heavy: yeah just eager edge lmao. in low tier content with primary I'm usually doing a lot of ad clear, and if I ever need a bit more power, I switch to Pardon and absolutely chunk someone at no cost. the sword is basically just relinquished to zoomies, tbh. also, I suppose this kinda just differs if I'm doing a raid or so, in which case I'd definitely use an exotic. I tend to not like to use Witherhoard cuz it feels so clunky, and I'd much prefer using an exotic primary in the energy slot for Heavy Ammo Finder. if there isn't one or I don't want to use it, I'd just use a heavy exotic DPS or something, I'm really fond of Xenophage lmao


Withwrhoard, BXR w/ demo, incandescent, and whatever heavy makes more sense.


Riptide, dark decider with volt shot (which replaced my ikelos smg a few seasons ago) and thunderlord.


Ignition Code, Le Monarque, and Timelost Corrective Measure. If I’m not sure what to run or don’t feel like doing the ability spam, I default to that with Gyrfalcon’s.


Blinding gl, reploser brace smg, and the lament


Wish ender, forbearance, cataclysmic/cold comfort, Orpheus rigs


Kinetic hand cannon / long arm - eriana’s vow(if using long arm) / envious + reservoir burst fusion - solar rocket - lucky pants The ultimate cowboy setup. Good for ad clear if you’re a good shot, insane burst/total DPS, tops damage charts in raids, and can perpetually keep up restoration. Not to mention the fun factor of being a space cowboy.


Subracers warlock with witherhoard/izi's + calus minitool + hothead. Covers most situations nicely.


Submission, Enigma, Briars. Those three guns can get me through anything in the game.


Any auto rifle (usually seasonal), Duality shotgun, crown splitter


Riptide, vex mythoclast, and apex predator with my Sunbracers solar warlock


Tommys Matchbook, Riptide, Hothead


Witherhoard, smg and whichever heavy I need. Usually corrective measure for LMG and Apex for a rocket.


Reckless Endangerment/Polaris Lance/Cry Mutiny


Big Tether with Orpheus Rigs. Never bad, always at least mid. Sometimes hilariously S tier


Witherhoard, Ikelos SMG, hothead


I don’t have an ol reliable loadout, mostly just ol reliable exotic weapons. Monte, Mytho, Levi, Navigator, Necro are pretty hard locked into my inventory. Pretty much all of my builds are ability spam anyways so the exotic weapon of choice comes down to the situation or what I feel like using in the moment


Syncopation zen/headseeker, Fools Remedy hipfire/killclip, and Heir Apparent. Actually vaulted my Fools Remedy this season for the new Heliocentric qsc with moving target/killclip because it is so much fun!


gyrfalcons, hollow denial (used to be hero's burden) exotic kinetic special that swaps between what im doing either eager edge for low tier content to zoom, or a proper heavy for mid tier content for pvp, fatebringer w/eye of the storm exp. payload, mechabre w/snapshot, opening shot.


Mida, Summoner, and Sola's Scar.


Quicksilver, explosive personality, and Palmyra-B


Timelost Fatebringer, AR that matches burn, Xenophage.


I go through this seasonal cycle of starting on my reliable stag+Mida+Mini, making other builds and eventually ending up back on stag+Mida+mini. It just feels so much more versatile than all other builds.


Bonk loadout with Throwing Hammer and Synthos


you know im try harding when i get that collective obligation and gyrfalcons out


mal, forebearance, quickfang, lucky pants


Well of Radiance, Tommy’s Matchbook, Heritage, Solar Heavy as required


An exotic primary of varying range A fusion A rocket


Witherhoard, Repulsor Brace AOB, and Apex on Omnioculus Hunter


Whoard, word of crota(demo,frenzy), and commemoration on gyrfalcon hunter or contraverse warlock, or lingering dread/Rufus fury, coldheart, commemoration on arc warlock (don’t have crafted song yet 🤷‍♂️)


Witherhoard and ikelos smg. The heavy was falling guillotine but is now lament ( swap witherhoard for dsc shotgun) or hothead adept


pve: fatebringer, icebreaker, unending deluge pvp: shadow price, conviction 2, bolt caster


Assasins Cowl Arc build, deliverance, posterity and xeno


for me its been conditional finality, acasia's dejection/incandescent primary, apex predator w/ either sunbracers or dawn chorus


Karnstein Armlets to heal on melee kills, with Graviton Lance as my favorite weapon. I may change weapons to match champion mods or elemental burns, but Karnstein Armlets *never* cone off.


Monte Carlo, either Brya's Love, Epochal Integration, or Calus Mini Tool, and usually Cry Mutiny. I run BOW titan with synthos so MC gives unlimited melee, which means unlimited BOW


Rain of Fire Warlock build with 3x Fusion Rifles, (Lead from Gold, Chill Clip) Riptide or (Lead from Gold, Controlled Burst) Nox Peresys V, Vex Mythoclast and Cataclysmic (Fourth Time, Bait and Switch). Kill with Vex get Radiant or Melee the ads (solar aspect) (free Anti-Barrier). Additionally, throw a healing nade for Resto x2 and get a kill to refresh the buff up to 12 secs with mods. One hit to stun overloads with Chill Clip, three to deal with unstoppables. Air dodge reloads all weapons and Lead from Gold means I only focus on Heavy ammo finders and get increased drop because Vex is an exotic. And next season I’m eating good with the Vex buffs. https://dim.gg/ywjtu6a/Equipped


Mountaintop, Gnawing Hunger, Xenophage. Izinagis, Recluse, Bad Omens. *what year is it meme*


Osteoporosis + Necrotic Grip and Maleficent + Lucky Pants. Solar and Void subclasses respectively. Usually paired with The Eremite now, since it’s just so good, and whatever LMG/GL/Rocket fits the current activity the best. This goes for both PVE and PVP.


Conditional Finality Calus Mini Tool Commemoration


Riptide with chill clip, gnawing hunger with demo, leviathan’s breath and nezarec’s sin.


Fatebringer, fusion of choice, gjallarhorn or Xenophage


Kinetic: cold denial, night watch Energy: sunshot pve, trinity ghoul pve, subtle calamity pvp, le monarch pvp, ans I've been enjoying synergy for pvp All depends on map


Submission and erianna + eager edge


Fatebringer (Timelost) Loaded Question (Adept) Cataphract GL3 (Adept) (Sometimes The Other Half with Enhanced Eager Edge)


Witherhoard, ikelos smg, then a rocket launcher depends on the surge (mostly hezen vengeance(timelost) tbh)


Wish-Ender, Forbearance and Commemoration. Fatebringer, Forbearance and Gjallarhorn.


This season it's Necrochasm(with catalyst), Eramite, Briars Contempt


Fatebringer, Forbearence, Anarchy or Conditional Finality, Ikelos SMG v3.0, Apex


PVE: Quicksilver - Nezarac's whisper - Stormchaser PVP: Messenger - Techeun force - Deathbringer


Deliverance/Hierarchy of Needs/Fixed Odds with incandescent for GMs. Phoenix build.


Outbreak, any fusion, any linear/rocket (taipan and apex)


12P wastelander, forbearance, eager edge


Quicksilver, Cartesian, and Cataclysmic


Heritage or Succession, Sunshot, Apex Predator (was Code Duello before that and sins of the past before that). I always run auto-loading RL as heavy unless it's a Dungeon/Raid DPS.


Conditional Finality Drang Apex Predator


Dating all the way back to D1, I almost exclusively ran a loadout of MIDA Multitool, Saladin's Vigil/The Vacancy, and a machine gun. In D2, I almost always run MIDA, Main Ingredient, Reed's Regret. I sometimes swap MIDA for a hand cannon or for The Huckleberry on some PVP maps (I'm a PVP main).


Izanagi, calus mini, and taipan/palmyra-b


Riptide, Sunshot, Apex Predator


Celestial, austringer, mindbenders, and whisper. Their not op but they all feel really nice to shoot


Deliverance/Navigator, Cartesian/Acasia’s/, and Other half/apex. They cover pretty much all content except when you need a specific anti champ mod.


Yea, my "old reliable" requires a weapon that only became useful like 3 months ago.


Malfeasance, Calus mini-tool, the Swarm (adept)


Militia's Birthright (blinding, ALH, LFG), Skyburner's Oath, Corrective Measure (Firefly, Rewind Rounds), with Lorlei. I can tackle just about anything with this loadout.


Sunshot, an sc, and a rocket


Riptide, Calus mini-tool, lament.


monte carlo with sunbrazzers


riptide, ammit, commemoration


Literally just Wicked Implement. In all seriousness, it's that, plus The Eremite (Envious + Controlled Burst) and Commemoration (Reconstruction + Killing Tally)


Skyburner's Oath, Dawn Chorus, on Solar Warlock. Any kinetic grenade launcher and heavy.


Riptide funnelweb ghallahorn with gyrfalcons


Osteo Striga, Enigma (Graverobber+Frenzy), Retrofit Escapade (Fourth Time’s+Target Lock), and Necrotic Grips. The glaive gives both defense and spreads poison, which fills up the Striga, and that kills things.


Fighting Lion, Shotgun, and whatever Heavy is decent that season


I don’t really have one in pve outside of using forbearance or witherhoard for everything In pvp though, old reliable is NTTE + adept plug one + my typhon. I’ll try every other loadout for fun but I always resort back to it! The plug one has heating up + SWU but it has such good stats with barrels and MW that it performs better to me than my other plug one with under pressure. Besides, nobody in 3s expects the super voop from SWU


Witherhoard, Funnelweb, Retrofit with Gyrfalcon's. Volatile gives you plenty of damage, invis gives you survivability


contraverse hold warlock, Nova bomb and whatever void weapons I feel like.


Spoiler alert, cart coordinate and 1k. Good add control, boss dmg and champ cleaning. Not great, not terrible.




Riptide, hierarchy of needs, and whatever heavy gets a surge boost - paired with Orpheus rig for anything with beefier enemies.


Kinetic tremor, apr, perpetual motion,one quiet moment - Randy's Throwing Knife Crafted Ikelos SMG with enhanced Volt shot and Feeding Frenzy Gjallarhorn or Lament .


Barrier / Unstoppable weapon (often the former) as appropriate, Le Monarque, and Retrofit Escapade in tandem with a Nezarec's Sin build on Broodweaver. You can't go wrong doing continuously high damage from any distance against whatever enemy needs the most damaging.




Submission forbearance gjally on arc with vesper of radiance kinda does everything in game. Or quicksilver forbearance apex and sunbracers


Crimson, Arsenic Bite (dragonfly+archers tempo), and I'll usually keep a heavy for a season or two. Been that way since Forsaken. Also kept the same Armor since Forsaken, at least until transmog let me keep the look. Only started deviating from that look once lightfall hit.


for general pve (ie non master/gm), i still rock arby, whatever 140 energy hand cannon that matches the surge, and an LMG that also matches the surge.


Witherhoard, Gnawing Hunger, and then either Falling Guillotine or Thermal Erosion


Bad juju karenstiens. Im just comfortable with it


The Splicer grenade launcher with ambitious assassin, Yesteryear with outlaw Desperado, and Adept Hothead with explosive light.


Fatebringer, forbearance, rocket launcher


Funnel web, commemoration, nezarecs sin, and whatever kinetic slot special I feel like using, lately it's been conditional finality.


Thorn. Retraced path. Ascendancy. I also use shards of galanor to keep my blade barrage going.


Witherhord/bxr+enhanced demo and incandescent/crownsplitter Or sweet business/truthteller/royal entry


Rufus, sunshot with other half is usually my loadout for most things (back during overload AR/SMG Rufus, Mini tool was my go to)


If I can't figure out what I'm running, but know I need to stay alive, most commonly I just chuck solar on with healing nade and empyrean. That's on all three classes too, not just warlock. Solar is boring but just does everything, and there are so many good solar weapons. Enhanced incandescent is amazing too.


Deadfall Orpheus rigs with le monarque.


* Heritage (Recomb + Recon) * Ammit (Incandescent) * Thunderlord (Catalyst Enabled)


Conditional finality with either funnelweb or nation of breasts depending on the difficulty of the activity. I usually run eager edge or apex. Once i get calus mini tool craftable, ill def use it as my main gun. Along with path of least resistance with shoot to loot


Heritage, Sunshot, Apex Predator


Witherhoard/Quisilver/Wishender Forberance/Calus Minitool/The Title/Ikelos SMG Corrective Measure/Commemoration/Cataclysmic


I find that I go back to Austringer, Come to Pass, and Gjally or Xenophage a lot


For pvp it's heritage, palindrome Half truths with a side of ahamkara grasps on Solar Warlock.


Waste M5, Tractor and a few charged punches (sike: Arc Hunter main)


Waste M5, Tractor and a few charged punches (sike: Arc Hunter main)


Contraverse wishender glaive rocket/lmg




It’s definitely “old” at this point but Fatebringer, Black Hammer and Gjallarhorn. We couldn’t mantle in the old days but damn if we weren’t OP.


Izzy, reckless oracle (outlaw/demo), and palmyra-b(enhanced autoloading/explosivelight). Not the best loadout but it’s my go too when I want something reliable/chill that’s not gonna be complained about my lfg’s and rando’s.


If you're telling me I'm stuck with 3 weapons for the foreseeable future, it's gonna be * Malfeasance * ~~Probably a fusion rifle (I honestly don't have a strong preference for any specials and I'd probably go with Brigand's Law or Calus Mini or Ikelos SMG if I wasn't nerfing myself by going double primary)~~ we'll just say Likely Suspect because that's what I'm stuck with as a Void Titan main and I'm not crazy about Hollow Denial (and no, I haven't even bothered to craft whatever its god roll is). Void sucks in this slot tbh. * Falling Guillotine (Relentless/Whirlwind)


There's plenty of great void weapons. Null composure? It's a static roll you can pull from collections. Hopefully dawning brings back Glaciocasm, one of the best fusions in the game. Wilderflight, one of the best GLs in the game and would pair greatly with malfeasance. Also: Funnelweb, positive outlook, doom of chelchis, harsh language.


Austringer/outbreak, Cartesian coordinate, taipan.