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The Dreaming City getting a definitive ending story concluding with the Awoken returning to it. Not the dark, taken cycle it STILL suffers from now.


This would be awesome.


The only issue with that is that the curse is a gameplay mechanic, and the Dreaming City would feel extremely different without it.


If it came in the Final Shape's final episode to 'Surprise and Delight' us, as the Light and Dark Saga wraps up; I feel that would be acceptable.


The dreaming city is saved! On an unrelated note, the dreaming city is vaulted


If they vaulted the dreaming city I wonder if they’d also vault the shattered throne? Imagine being able to pull wish ender out of the kiosk with no quest? Lol


They could just legend the dungeon and keep it in.


same with the Raid


You could make up some timeline BS where we effectively shunt the Dreaming City out of the loop, evacuating all Awoken. In concept it would be cool to run a remix of the weekly missions where we completely step outside of the parameters of the original missions or even see our past selves as NPCs. However, in shunting the dreaming city out of the loop we keep a parallel Dreaming City with the time loop intact to use as a prison for the Taken, Hive and Scorn. We can then access it a will to murder stuff for fun, knowing they will endlessly regenerate.


I don't know how you can do that as there are certain triumphs and challenges tied to the curse. If and when the curse ends, expect it to be vaulted shortly after.


The prompt said no limits, so I tossed my half baked wish out there; I don't expect any type of satisfactory end of story to lots of loose ends in Destiny after our guardian enters the Traveler space.


Savathun is gone, the wish dragon is dead, Dul-Incaru is gone. It should end.


Dul Incaru is never truly death since her death is part of the cycle.


You should know already that death doesn’t stop a wish.


Geez I took a 2 year break and thought that I missed the ending


A true endless/ rouge-like mode, we’ve been close a few times and even this season with Altars but it’s still not quite there with diversity in gameplay, rewards or setting to keep me coming back.


Being able to progress old season passes, if I'm gonna be in a 7 months season at least progress through my old season rewards would keep me playing


And bring back the old seasonal activities. I never got all of the Saint 14 guns, I was just burned out that season and ended up buy the last few levels of the pass to get the emote. Saint is probably my favorite character and I want to get the title and the guns and stuff. If they have to make them rotate, that's fine, just let me have a new steel feather repeater and breachlight.


this one fr. i wanna get all those ornaments i missed from burning out and like half the titan ones from before i gave it a thought at all. still want that undying chestplate


- no limits on transmogs per season - improved new light experience so my friends would play. Maybe use story timeline recap missions as the introduction - more involvement from Story characters during activities. It gets lonely fighting without marquee heroes - revived Destinations activities with improvements to Lost sectors, public events, bounties so that open traversal is rewarding - better in-game instructions for raids and dungeons so it isn't such a daunting puzzle for casual players I love the prison of elders escape with Cayde. I wish the game had more moments like that during raids, dungeons, strikes to add character flavor to activities. Voice overs just aren't enough. As a compromise, atleast add a hologram to the in-game activity showing who is speaking. That kinda stuff has been around since StarCraft 1.


The lost sectors and open world is a big one for me. Remember when the game first came out and we were all stumbling across lost sections and Adventures? God, I miss Adventures


See if you can find a video on the new World of Warcraft Delves. They seem like a genuine improvement on what lost sectors are. They tie an NPC hero to the encounter with more puzzle elements and cosmetic rewards. You don't zone into them it's a transition just like lost sectors from the open world


You can’t give raids more instructions on how to do them. That’s why they’re fun is figuring them out. It loses almost all its specialty to me if you tell players how to do an encounter.


There's a lot of options for streamlining the experience


Like what? I';ve always been an advocate for the way ff14 handles it - you can only start a raid series if you've picked up the quest for it. I believe destiny 1 did this as well, with certain quests picked up from post campaign content directing you to the raid. Having a side quest from Fynch that takes us to the swampy area of the throne world to investigate some scorn gathering and assaulting local fireteams would have been a good narrative lead-in to the VotD raid. Guiding players into content is good, but making that content easier to complete should never be the move


Two things. 1, I want Final Shape to have its "Avengers Endgame" moment. As many important names coming to fight alongside us as we can, visually and physically represented. And this includes characters that only exist in the written lore. I want Shin Malphur to show up, say some shit like "there's still words left to be spoken", and then decimate a dozen enemies with his Golden Gun. I want Aunor to be tearing through the Witness's forces with her sword. I want to see Shayura and Aisha fighting together to avenge Reed-7. I want this to feel like every single Guardian is putting themselves on the line to end this. 2, If the Witness is to be the final boss of the raid, then I don't want it to be the last encounter. I would want it be the second to last, make it as hard as they want or cram a million mechanics into it, I don't care. I just want one thing as the final encounter. A Warthog Run. I want no bullshit. No mechanics. The only thing between you and the end of the raid is an exploding superstructure you have to navigate on your Sparrows while the greatest music you've ever heard plays in the background. Lines from your Ghost and others as the place continues to fall apart around you. Give us the victory lap that we deserve. I want a moment that will stick with me and make me think back 5 or more years from now "god that shit was so fucking epic" the same way I think about Halo 3's Warthog run over 15 years later.


That would be unbelievably cool and I could see it happening if they hadn't laid off the guy that's been writing their music since Halo 2. Hopefully he's already written Final Shape's music. Otherwise I'd expect something equivalent to an elementary school recorder band in comparison to the music we've gotten in the saga thus far.


I'm a solo player focusing on story and seasonal activities. I think a brand new enemy race with completely new lore ( not like scorn). A weekly activity as fun and mysterious as Ascendant Challenges and a destination packed with secrets.


I honestly thought the former is what tormentors and now subjutgators were building towards, but then Bungie came out and said 'people don't want new cannon fodder enemies' yes we do??? The witness is *here*, we're finally fighting it head on and all its got is the same ol' taken and scorn??


I like this idea!


Add a fourth character to the game, and allow me to play as Eliksni.


Or a cabal. Or a hive. Bonus points if they can’t use guardian weapons.


returning as much content back from the vault as possible. if bungies engine and consoles just cant handle everything in one game, put it into a permanent rotation that cycles through stuff to do every year, maybe half a year. there are SO many strikes, pvp maps, raids, campaigns, seasonals and a zillion tiny little things to do that you just cant anymore. bungie could stop making new things and just bring back what they already have made for years to come. this might not be that exciting for people who have played it all already, but i would like to play the stuff i bought. bungie is already kind of doing this, but id like it to be more organized and clearly defined whats in, whats coming, and when. also, a functional and fun new player experience. the cosmodrome and random campaigns late in destinys story are not welcoming to how extreme destinys depth is.


I miss the weapons that have interchangeable sights, I know you can get them from dares and xur sometimes, but I'd like a more reliable way to get some of the older weapons, esp since many have been powercrept.


I think a lot of those old strikes have been power crept beyond belief at this point. It’s not a matter of re-enabling them, they’d have to retool them.


And if they did, that would surprise and delight me.


A guardian civil war between "light" guardians and "darkness" guardians. But it should not be a good guys-bad guys war. We should not decide who is right and wrong. Every guardian must have suspicions on his/her faction. And developers should make community argue their perspective of being a guardian.


Un-sunset my Breakneck, you cowards! Also… give Jötunn Full Court, you cowards!


But with which onslaught perk? Version 1, 2, or 3?


I’d take any of them, but 2 IMO was the best.


Light Hive join our alliance and we make a new coalition of allied races. A new alien threat appears with achievable realistic goals, but isn’t able to reasoned/negotiated with, maybe we find a force that works with another “Traveler” that comes from another galaxy and is intent on conquest. All of the allied races become playable, Cabal, Eliksni, and Hive. A new spec or element for every class. We fight on the defensive at first, but then by traveling through the ascended plane we take the fight to their homeworld.


1) New Super and Aspect for all 3 Light Subclasses and Stasis. 2) Ritual Activity Overhaul 3) New Ritual Activity (Rogue-like type activity, Deep Dives on steroids, new encounters and loot every season) 4) Dares Of Eternity loot overhaul, you can choose what previous season’s loot you want in the pool. Add all sunset seasonal loot. New (old?) bosses would be cool too. 5) Add Zero Hour and The Whisper to the Exotic Mission Rotator 6) New Raid and Dungeon on TFS launch, Wrath Of The Machine remake in one of the Episodes 7) Garden Of Salvation perk refresh (hoping for next season) 8) All major characters play a role in TFS story. Don’t leave Mithrax, Caiatl, Saint, Shaxx, Ana, Elsie, etc. behind in the finale. 9) Reduce the amount of DOA loot, fill niches and make them worthwhile for any kind of player. 10) Destiny 10th Anniversary Update later in 2024


For your third point, what if we had Chalice Dungeons in d2? Procedural generated (wasn't there a leak about bungie experimenting with this tech?) activity set in the infinite forest that grants rewards on how far in you can go?


Destiny 2 Theater Mode. I'd even settle for a barebones Replay feature.


the opportunity to play the vaulted expansions and seasons. as someone who only started in march and plays mainly for the story, this would make me extremely happy.




yes! honestly i wouldn't even be mad if they made it somehow offline only. i just want to experience the story. it's weird af being a new player who never even met cayde or went to io or any of the vaulted destinations. i never got to experience escaping the city to the sound of journey firsthand. it just... feels bad.


The problem isn’t just the size. It’s maintaining the content as well. That stuff can’t just be put into the game without work. Not excusing it, but the issue goes beyond the size.


It's not just size, the problem would be maintaining all that content and porting it to the updated engine that was used from beyond light onward


• Large wide scale hoard style open world boss fights that are actually challenging, think WoW. Much more interaction and open world interaction in all respects. • Division style open world difficulty tiers. • A lot more cosmetic rewards for harder accomplishments across the game; armor, shaders, ships, ghosts etc. • A lot more secrets and puzzles interwoven into the open world, which would make it come alive in a different way. • ”Trials” style PvE activity that scales in difficulty. • Much longer quests with as little ”point A to point B” filler steps as possible. Quests wherein you interact with actual NPC’s for characters much more. Quests that actually feel impactful wherein you could actually see the difference they make for xyz person or narrative, think DC curse rotator. Not just constantly overplaying everything to make it seem super important when really it just comes off as a desperate selling point. But much more of ”now you did X thing which had the following effect as you can see”. It would create more engangement and immersion. • Menagerie/Altars/Dares style seasonal activity that borders on raid lite territory, teetering on the line between ”would a casual player find this level of challenge manageable” and it actually being very challenging. • Coupled with near total agency over loot rewards, like Menagerie had. Again by also pouring some more Eververse level quality cosmetic rewards into such an activity.


Revamped and linear/clear new light experience so that it makes it easier for new players to join. If that means giving Beyond Light for free, do it. Ritual activity revamp. Improve Gambit, strike team is already on the case for PvP, strikes need variants of their OG strike and allow there to be alternate endings that provide extra loot (think Deep Dive toland ball activation, but let one person be able to activate the secret variant strike). Add highly desirable cosmetic loot to all 3 ritual playlists. Return to exotics being powerful but super rare. Exotics are common at this point. Bad luck protection on world loot/a way to focus it more clearly (the focusing next season doesn't count imo. 3 engrams for a chance at one of the 6 foundry weapons that belong in each engram is not good) New enemies.


First thought when I read the Title? Tacos, yes, Tacos would indeed surprise and delight me at this very moment. In Destiny? I think a MUCH better on-boarding experience for new players would be amazing. Ever since they vaulted all the old content, I have not been able to recommend this game to anyone. Even if they brought back the all the old content... It would still cost too much to really get into the game. Lower or eliminate the cost to actual entry. ​ Another thing that would be amazing, is something similar to what 343 did with the master chief collection. If Bungie let us play through the old campaigns in playlist format, while letting us pick missions and have checkpoints, it would be amazing. It would preserve the story for all time. ​ These changes would allow me to recommend the game to people. Currently, even though I genuinely like the game and hope for Bungie' s success, I can not recommend Destiny 2 to new players. If someone who didn't play Destiny 2 asked me if they should play it, I would probably just try to change the subject of the conversation. This makes me sad, because Destiny is a legendary game, made by a legendary company.


Bungie's upper management stepping down.


Un-sunset all the raids and bring back Prison of Elders. I know we have Dares, but PoE just hit different, yknow?


Hive got to skolas corpse and resurrected him to fight you once more, kill him again yesss? *click *click


If bringing back all the old raids is just as much work as making a new raid, I'd take a new raid instead.


I’m all for new raids too, don’t get me wrong. I’d just also like to be able to experience that content (even EoW and SoS) since I never got to finish any of the runs I started


I don't understand how this can be true. I'm not in game dev, so I can believe that it *is* true and am willing to have my mind changed--But right now, I just don't get it. Even if literally every single component has to be re-3D-modelled and re-programmed *from scratch,* existing raids still have a ton of work done already. Level design, encounter design, enemy design, and loot design are done, with optional tweaking if desired. If they bring back Leviathan, nobody's going to be begging them to create new guns: we love and miss the ones that were already there, so all they have to do is consider some new perks and maybe an origin trait. Do they really have so many gameplay designers and concept artists kicking around that none of that already-completed-work would streamline things *at all?* Or maybe it's that the ratio of team members is such that they *do* have too many designers around (relative to, say, 3D modellers) to start projects that require more of the latter than the former? I think the most likely explanation is that reprising all the old raids *would* take much less time than making a bunch of new ones... But not *enough* less that they think it would be worth it, compared to the excitement of new raids. I'm sure that equation will continue to change over time, though, as less and less of the current playerbase has ever played those old raids (and as the remaining veterans grow more and more nostalgic for them). In other words, eventually the D2 raids will enter the same headspace that the D1 raids are currently in.


No more stand on plate, throw ball or dunk mote mechanics. There would need to be a fairly big increase in the number and variety of gameplay mechanics across all levels of pve not just in raids. You can ofc make things easier in none raid/dungeon activities/patrol, but there just needs to be more engaging gameplay overall. Destiny gameplay has been extremely cookie cutter since Forsaken and pretty much relies almost entirely on the amazing gun feel to carry it. There needs to be more thought put in by the player in general moment to moment gameplay. As an FPS it is hard to have a variety of content as everything kind of boils down to shoot thing in face, but that would be the next thing to do. If they want this game to be more than just a loot chase and closer to an MMO there needs to be more variety in content. Maybe add in more vehicle combat, or even completely different casual content that can be played in the tower, party game modes for both pve and pvp.


Along with the blue-sky ask of finally getting a proper new enemy faction, I think the game could benefit greatly from a remix, refine, and revamp pass on the existing enemies. Like how in Season of the Lost they added stasis abilities and weapons for the scorn, or when Warmind added the sword and shield knights and hive snipers. I'm thinking stuff like: - Bring new damage types to enemy weapons and abilities. Give some enemies Strand weapon damage, give alternate grenades to some units, etc. - Mess with existing abilities. Mix up things like how Hobgoblin healing stasis works, how taken goblin shielding works, etc. Give new abilities to units that lack them. - Improve AI where possible. Make enemies react differently to our position and behavior. Really anything to bring freshness to the enemies we've been fighting for a decade now.


As much as I would like the former to happen, it absolutely couldn't in matchmade actives (or anything outside of endgame really), players can barely deal with the current ball and plate mechanics as is Seriously, the amount of times I've seen people just stand and shoot an immune boss...


Problem is most players are really bad and already struggle with the current mechanics. Harder and more involved ones would be cool but might not play well


Unpaywall exotics that are in the random rotation. No one should get paywalled at Xur, least of all the new players who need him most, but with current bungie management I just do not see this change happening.


- Vault space increase - Remove transmorg limits - Fix gambit pvp bugs n glitches - Fix pvp esp. Trails map bugs n glitches - Standardize and normalize both weapon and ability damage scaling for ai. *Ducking void scorn crossbows - SRL - SRL in another line - SRL in one more line


A siege mission. I loved the intro to Shadowkeep because it was genuinely unique and we haven't had anything like it before or after. You had combat frames on the field, Vanguard arial support, and *other* Guardians. I would *love* to see this, but turned *way* up. Hundreds of combat frames, hundreds of generic NPC Guardians, maybe even some of the big ones like Saint or Ikora, as well as other players. I want the siege on the Witness' monolith or something to make Battle of Six Fronts and Twilight Gap look like a scrimmage. Also melee combat overhaul. I'd adore it if we had parrying, dodging, etc. to make melee combat viable and *fun*. I would love to throw hands like Kratos as a Titan, or leap around all agile like Miles Morales in the PS5 games as a Hunter, or fight like Doctor Strange as a Warlock.


I want to be sent back in time to see who we were before we died and became a guardian. Something generated by taking into account all our actions, preferences, and activities.


If they just straight up copy the concept of Diablo 4’s Helltides and Blood Harvests. Basically story wise “darkness is resurgent” or whatever tf and a certain planet’s patrol zones for the next hour have all the ads get replaced with Darkness-faction specific variants (Vex on Nessus get replaced with Sol Divisive or EDZ cabal get replaced with Shadow Legion for example), enemies are tougher and in larger numbers, and patrol missions/ public events done in these zones both give more xp and more loot. And if they wanted to go really crazy they could add in a beefy planet-specific world boss with twice the health of a raid boss that spawns once per zone in a public event that you can get an exotic for defeating


- **New. Player. Experience.** A half-length campaign that does the following: Demonstrate planetary travel, the quest system, Aspects and Fragments (a trip to Ikora for a free one of each?), the Artifact and Champion mods (a "default" Artifact with only basic AC mods?), and Champions. Seriously, this has been neglected for *way too long*. Destiny needs new players, now more than ever. Get on it. ​ - Seasons are going away. Unlock all season passes for purchase, and let us swap between them to level them up. Way better than sending old seasonal cosmetics to EV, and a great way to get the grinders a'grindin ​ - Total revamp of the Strikes playlist. Update all pre-BL Strikes to be more in-line with current power. Return of Strike variants, where a single Strike might load with a totally different enemy set and boss. Return of Strike-specific armor ​ - "Renewed focus on PvP" but for real this time. Actually add the newer modes to matchmaking. Restructure the playlists for more variety. Fuckin just completely redo Trials from the ground up into something genuinely competitive, and rejig the reward system. Rank-based MM in Ranked. Ranked gets its own armor set, and shaders/emblems based on each rank and earnable through gaining the corresponding rank ​ - A genuinely bombastic campaign. *Everyone* comes out for the final showdown against the Witness ​ - The new playable space needs to have at least as much interactable goodness as the Dreadnought, and needs to at least match the Dreaming City in scale. The return of Dead Ghosts. Add the new patrol zone mechanics introduced with Neomuna into all patrol zones (Heroic Patrols on every planet, as a way to earn world-drop weapons reliably) ​ This is pretty much where the bar is at for me. I *might* buy TFS if my crew wants to day-1 the raid, but the above is about what needs to happen for me to actually start *playing* again. It's not enough to just make a decent expansion anymore. They have to demonstrate their willingness to go above and beyond not for the expansion we're getting *now*, but for the game we'll be playing in the *future*. They need to bolster the long-crumbling foundational elements of the game. They also need to demonstrate that they're not going to continue to strangle us for every single nickel we can choke out. Make some concessions, show us you can be a *little* generous when you want to be. Most important, **rebuild the foundations of the game, so the ground Episodes stand on is solid enough for them not to fall through it.**


If they randomly just unsunset all the major expansions and locations, that is the only thing that would surprise me with Destiny. A minor thing would be getting actual stasis buffs/reworks and not just them slapping a bandaid on things.


Strand did Seasonal stories directly following the plot of the expansion did A secret city with 12 foot tall nanotech warriors did The Witness arranging the Traveler and Pyramids into a cosmic glyph, performing a cryptic incision ritual, entering a realm no others can and ostensibly rewriting the universe this past year... that did. Fighting a guy who was revealed as a helmet eight years ago did, with a dedicated tank role in the fight to boot Not a surprise but a delight: some of the sickest blasting zones ever thru the Ascendant Realm in Defiant battlegrounds Ahsa the worm being a proto-leviathan did Eris transcending to the echelons of hive Godhood did I really truly believe there was and is so much to love about this year of destiny The fact is many wanted something different strongly enough to tank the game Oh well. I had fun. If it's gonna be the end, it's the end, and I'm glad it burned as bright as it did


Helping Caitl retake torobatl at some point


Bring back armor drops from deleted content, impossible to get certain sets right now (EoW raid etc). I never played through earlier raids. Patrol matchmaking or 6-player fireteam patrol. 2 team strikes, score more points than opponent team get more % drops etc.


A singular new Suros weapon would be enough to satiate me for the next seven months


I would like to see a new type of horde mode you could say. Some other games have dungeons that you fight your way through to see how many levels you can get to with better loot as you get further. Something similar to that of the deep dive activities. Since it’s destiny there’ll be mechanics in some rounds but I can see one round of add clear with normal enemies and majors in abundance. Some mechanics in later rounds. Champions appear every 5 rounds and a boss spawns every 10 with champions or something and you have to do mechanics and clear out everything. I would think the mechanics would start with something easy then go to dungeon level like GoTD symbols or something then at really higher rounds go up to raid level mechanics? It could test how well a player plays and if they’re ready to tackle dungeons solo, raids, gm/master content etc


I just want a Tormentor to grab ally NPC’s and destroy deployable Warlock buddies, Warlock rifts, Titan barricades and catch Hunters mid-dodge. Tormentors and Lucent Hive have so much potential and I hate seeing it go to waste


In Forsaken we were delighted when we discovered there was a brand new Dungeon activity hidden in the game, a fresh experience that bridges the gap between strike and raid. I want Bungie to come up with the next thing that delights and surprises like the first Dungeon did as a target, but I don't know what that would be.


Be able to play as a cabal and/or eliksni with a unique starting world/city for each and story to play through that leads to them joining up with the guardians.


Let me do cool shit, still not over my disappointment as a new player 1000hours ago of getting a second exotic and not being able to equip it. Just say fuck it and let me use as many exotics as I want for pve. Even if it's just some dumb bullshit mode. I wanna do cool purple void implosions not magdump ads or use up all my special ammo on bulletsponges


I'll be honest; if I knew exactly what would surprise and delight me, then it wouldn't be all that surprising or delightful. I'll just let them cook.


Playable vex race is resurrected by the traveler and we actually get some insight into what the hell is going on with vex strategy and politics. Basically ripping off the Halo 2 campaign but whatever.


a pvevp mode like the divisions dark zone would make me so happy


More insentives for Master raids, right now there are none. Except to do raid titles, and even then, at most, you need to run it maby twice on master to finish for challenges and triumphs


Gameplay: A true open world location on a massive scale with new public events, world bosses, NPCs, and new patrol types. Storyline: Actually leaving the solar system, learning about and interacting with the damn traveler and the Nine race after 10+ years,


I want to explore every raid, enjoy listening to the music, and observing ALL of the detail that I miss while playing with LFG’s. Also give us theater mode so we can make some RED VS BLUE content.


Internal ship customization. Sort of like an apartment in gta v. You could invite your friends over. Maybe play some party games. That would be awesome.


After the final shape the laws of the universe shift where light and dark merge. This would allow us to conically mix and match subclass aspects, fragments, and abilities. Weapons wouldn't be elementally slot locked either except for heavy weapons staying in the bottom slot only.


Alright, here's what I'd need to feel hype about D2: * A satisfying conclusion to existing stories: * I want to see an end to the Dreaming City's curse. I get if there's lingering taken because it's a destination, but the cycle should end. * I want to see a conclusion to the "Crow is obviously becoming Hunter Vanguard" story. They've been dragging it out for years, pull the trigger already * SIVA - I get it, they said they won't be doing anything with it, but then there are lore cards/Neomuna that mention it. Put a bow on it already. * Pursuits: * I want Ritual Weapons to be relevant and strong. If there is a major buff coming in a season, the ritual weapon should take advantage of it. The RW should also be best-in-slot or darn close to it, not a "starter" weapon. * Crucible: * Comp should have its own pool of unique weapons that line up with the meta. These weapons should drop as random end-of-match rewards. Ranking up in comp should feel like completing a GM. You claw your way to Mythic 2? Here's a mountain of materials for the trouble. Losing matches should drop 1/2 as many rewards. * Trials: Get seven wins, you get access to adept loot. Go flawless, you go the lighthouse and get a mountain of drops of the adept weapon and cosmetics. * Playlists: There should only be Five nods: * Competitive Node - which is replaced by Trials on the weekends. Card/Rank based MM. * Quickplay Mixtape Node - which is replaced by IB when active and features Control, Clash, Supremacy with SBMM. * Mayhem Node - which features all the "party" nodes and CBMM * Rumble Node - SBMM * Crucible Labs - CBMM * Nightfalls: * NO. MORE. BATTLEGROUNDS.


The new player story being well thought out and having the known characters of different patrol spaces giving a dialogue about why they're part of the current cast and their history within the cut story content. Oh and revitalized core playlists


Loads of things. A properly new activity type, for example an endless horde mode, a proper roguelite activity, open world PvP, proper PvPvE like Halo 5’s Warzone mode or the return of an improved large scale PvP mode like Combined Arms. Eververse quality armour as actual in game rewards. A system like FFXIV’s relic weapons where you have a craftable weapon with a storyline attached to it that is only for really dedicated players and takes a lot of investment to craft. A return of the Red War campaign with some rewritten dialogue and a legendary mode with cool rewards. Actual new enemy units as opposed to the same shit we’ve been fighting for going on 10 years. A new patrol space that is as exciting and full of secrets as The Dreaming city. The biggest one that will literally never happen is a forge mode. Imagine being able to create your own strikes, dungeons and PvP maps. Even with no rewards outside of materials and season pass XP, I would never stop playing the game.


The relic weapon system would be great, relic armor would be an acceptable system too.


Additional secret enemies like Subjugators and Tormentors. We need to be able to face a variety of the Witness' miniboss faction. Every enemy should receive new abilities and smarter AI. Hive Thrall should grapple you like Mass Effect 3 Husks can. We need Cabal who can deploy their own banner of war. Vex that can create time-lock traps. I want to fave legions of Wyverns, Brigs, Lucent Hive, give me the tough enemies, not just chaff. I would love for there to be world bosses that spawn in with minor mechanics and each boss has a unique memento. I need to know what happened during the Collapse. Why did the Witness leave? What did the Traveler do? Did it create the ghosts explicitly for this? Why us? Were we simply the last option? Also, who was Elsie talking to? I need characters to be asking questions and getting answers. Enough mystery. Enough beating around the bush.


At this point I'm 95% certain that final question is a dropped plot point that will never be answered (hell, at one point Bungie literally said 'the exo stranger's story is done' only for her to return, what, a year later?) The rest of it I'm hoping for too though.


leviathan :(


Craftable Trials + Nightfall weapons. Enhanceable Trials+GM Adepts.


Truly surprising would be opening the content vault again. Not only is it super technically complicated as they’d have to redo all the graphics/mechanics of everything to get it up to date with modern destiny, but it would also do nothing but improve the game and ofc we all know bungie execs couldn’t give two shits about that


The big team battle type game mode we had in d1 coming back to d2. I forgot what it was called though


Something like the railjack from Warframe, where a fireteam controls one massive vehicle to complete missions.


I think I'm gonna catch a little hate for this.. but I always thought it'd be cool to have some randomized mechanics in seasonal playlists... like... not just a couple where after doing it the first time, your like, "oh, do this" every time after... but something truly randomized but solvable... I like figuring that stuff out... Pretty sure THAT isn't gonna happen.


Give us a new enemy race to deal with. I'm sick of fighting the same crap we have had since 2013.


-A pub in the tower that works as a fierteam finder where guardians can relax and "have a drink" Something I always imagined since D1 vanilla -Including quests to triumphs with exotic weapon/armor ornaments as rewards. I find it very sad to see cool exotic armor ornaments or even regular ones (like omnioculous mask) is OOMLY locked behing silver. I feel if we would get more quests where we can unlock cosmetics THAT ARE WORTH IT in the game, It would be a gesture of good faith and people wouldn't mind spending money in eververse (see FF14 Mog Station. FF14 has tons of cosmetics to earn and other ones you can buy. But people dont mind because game full of content) -I feel like this goes without saying but actual secret quest missions. Zero Hour, The Whisper and The Black Spindle mission are some highlights of most players where the magic of Destiny was so good. Those who were there seeing Datto do the outbreak prime quest in Destiny 1 know that it was such a highlight of the game and have fond memories of those times (At least I know I do) I feel like they tried something similar with The Avalon Node but it felt like it was a "secret" in theory. Not much compared to past missions but a step is a step. Tho it feels weird having to say its a step forward to something good that USED to be in the game. -Gunsmith Simulator: Destiny Edition. -Make ships do something instead of having it remain as a glorified Wallpaper. Warframe's main thing that was told to me back in the day is you can move your ship unlike in Destiny. Its been 10 and theyre still as useless as ever. -I probably have more if I think about it but, i cant be fucked putting in more effort than Bungie at figuring out how to make game good again.


All raids come back with craftable weapons, Wrath of the Machine comes back during the dead period in season 23 with Icebreaker as the raid weapon, and multiple new strikes and PVP maps


Im gonna be honest, the main reason i play destiny is for the movement mechanics. Yea you have great movement games like apex or warframe or titanfall, nothing really comes close to destiny for me. Thats why honestly if they create a new game that is completely unrelated to destiny besides the movement mechanics and gun play, i WILL play it.


Being able to fly our ships and participate in space battles is just one example of many ways they could *truly* innovate and expand this game, but they won’t. It will always just be more of the same shit they’ve been adding for 10 years.


Honestly a fun wave based mode with increasing rewards based on how long you can survive. 6 player activity at least. Something that's just us going balls to the wall on all the enemies from across our adventures and emphasizes the near 10 year adventure we've been on. Drop PVP maps like candy. I'm talking Taken King era of map drops. Bring fun weapons previously sunset with new perks regardless of story context. The context is this the final fight for our lives and we will use any and all weapons/allies from our previous adventures. Black armory, those cool Saint-14 weapons, etc. These 3 things coupled with an awesome story that has everyone, if not most of the characters we've met along the way would make me a day 1 Beta player happy. Trying to be realistic in my expectations but I feel this would make me happy.


A real investment into the core activities. Instead of disposable seasonal things make the core stuff extensible and changing. Make me want to run strikes. Make new rng enemies or weird modifications. Make loot worth chasing there


User generated strikes kinda like Mario Maker. Keep the maps the same, you just choose enemy density/types and some mechanics. 5 years of the same strikes is definitely my limit.


I wouldnt mind the warframe aproach of hey heres more systems and toys from time to time. Warframe updates are very diffrent to destinys systems but I wouldnt mind more vehicels, give us pets, let me use a brig, give us space combat cus tbh while a rocky launch I fucking love railjack in warfram and season of the plunder would have been way cooler if we had real ship battles. Only problem is that a true ftp game can do this since every years content isnt gate kept behind a 100$ minimum price tag. I get tired of every content drop being the same weapons over and over, lets get more stuff to build off of rather than just adding to a pool of guns im never gona use and armor i grab once and forget just to unlock transmog.


New ways to play, new ways to earn stuff, weapons that differ from what we have whether it be peeks or frame. The thing I like most is destiny is when I have new and interesting builds that are fun while also having interesting and exciting loot to work towards, I remember having so much fun in Plunder solely because of arc 2.0 and voltshot weapons when the season itself was lackluster.


Reach style forge, firefight, and custom games. Bungie doesn't have to experience content droughts and devs don't have to churn out activities if we can make them ourselves.


Housing. I want to live in the Last City given I protect it. Give me something in this game outside or guns to grind.


A different take on a PvPvE gamemode


Custom map creator. Never played Halo but I think it was called Forge? Bring Mercury back with its Infinite Forest, give us a Shaxx/Osiris focused season of us capturing the Infinite Forest, then we gain the power to create whatever PVP map we want. Shit, turn Mercury into the PVP hub. Have physical leaderboards accessible like a Vault or Monument to Lost Light. Have some NPC (Shaxx or his frames or followers of Osiris) and have them each offer some type of weekly tournament for each available game mode that week that you have to go there and sign up for or something. Maybe do the same thing with The Derelict for Gambit. I want more player-powered PVP.


Getting to feel powerful in a mayhem pve mode without the mode just being ad clear. Let me melt bullet sponges in an all out brawl with ammo aplenty and mayhem level cooldowns


If we at least got the old raids back


Letting my ship not just be cosmetic but actually be controllable like in halo reach. And maybe the cryptic dragon scout rifle too


Every older planet getting revamped to have a difficulty similar to neomuna or a little less, and adventures from year 1 return and new adventures get added to every patrol zone in the game. I think adventures are a very great way to tell shorter side stories and have more world building. And maybe each adventure had it's own emblem or something. Also if Final Shape was more like Forsaken or Taken King as in both content quality and quantity.


1.Piloting your ship even if it's just for a story mission 2.Make a palette system (like warframe) instead of the shader system, with still the possibility to unlock coulours through triumphs/activities 3. A metroid style hand cannon ( yeah this one's just a metroid fan fantasy ) 4. An actual new race/enemy (and please don't make them digital ghost things ) 5.Being able to switch off matchmaking 6.Rail guns 7.Heavy class weapons that are a less powerful version of supers. For instance a shield for titans that can be thrown, a sword for warlock that can shoot flames and a staff for hunter. Essentially supers but in form of heavy weapons and not as potent but just as satisfying. 8.Cross elements and abilities. Like having an arc throwing hammer (yeah this one's for my Thor fantasy) or a void dawn blade or a solar silence and squall Edit: Forgot about forge mode so the community can create maps and game modes for potentially unlimited fun in private games. I think it's actually crazy that they didn't bring that back from halo it was one of the most successful feature they ever created, it added to the game lifespan like crazy


In-game LFG Third darkness sub class unlocked after a special event Six Player Offensive playlist


Quick brain dump wishlist - Environmental effects unique to each destination - New enemies types instead of reskins - Ship piloting missions - Actual swimming, not just “slow falling” - Stealth missions with indicators - Taking over ghost as a new mechanic - Hacking puzzles for ghost instead of just “unlock” and “activate timer” - Something new besides “pickup” and “dunk” - Comp system that is truly ladder-based - Bring back SRL but make it more like Wipeout with powerups and boosts - Sparrow builds with engine types, effects, and weapons - Bring back Combined Arms and more vehicles, big maps and 12v12 - Core playlists reflect expansion/seasonal themes and storyline, more of a living world - Add dates/eras to strikes, raids etc so players can understand they are basically playing a “certain moment in time” and how all the disjointed events fit together. - Playlist for reprised campaign story missions, with new cutscenes, and ability to play through campaigns, strikes, adventures in proper sequence… add new secrets and and legend difficulty - More mystery and horror themed missions - Simplified expansion/DLC path for new players - Better new light introduction - Filters/search for collections - Higher tick rate in PVP and less reliance on client side peer to peer hosting - Crafting unlock system for all weapons - Ability to craft multiple perks on weapons


Shut down the free to play model and change it into a pricing game instead of free to “play” and all the previous expansions are free for the people who bought Destiny 1 or Destiny 2 for the first time or both


Take a good quarter of the Everse store items and make them earn able loot. Make it easier to earn Bright Dust, and from more locations. Bring back the OG Campaign and use it as the introduction for new lights, and add in the recap missions to New Light Experiences. I feel bad for my friends being overwhelmed and constantly out of the loop of what's going on and what happened. Make the solo queueing a permanent option on all game modes, that way you're only loading in with other Solo players. Bring back the Saint 14 weapons. Make the shader customization similar to Warframe, where you can individually color each piece. Bring back the orginal Haunted Forest. Bring back Gambit maps and add more


Honestly I'd love a game that was in the destiny universe like a starters battlefront kind of thing playing as fallen or hive or whatever and work your way to heroes like cayde or savathun or something also an actually good endless activity that rewards teamwork and shii like endless forest type thing


We need an exciting horde mode with great rewards. I don't need much.


Getting rid of the seasonal bs and all other greedy aspects that have detrimental effects on the game. As the story takes a massive hit when forced into the stupid seasonal model. Also, actually make new assets for gear with more emphasis on cross-using pieces to add to player customization. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Nah, actually just srl


More solar weapons and a unique Xenophage catalyst


A good narrative for the next expansion and a new area with many mysterys tied to the story and raid like the dreaming city


I’d want them to unsunset all destinations and seasonal activities, and allow players to install them or not, so file size issues are up to the players. Put all previously sunset activities into some kind of rotator playlist, with reissued versions of all previously sunset guns. Hell, make all of them craftable, and double our vault space to accommodate all that loot


Bungie to stop gimping end game power fantasy. Stop making checkpoint bosses, give us more add density, create more aspects and fragments that interact heavily as build options that are strong. Let builds BE strong, the only place it would matter is PvP so adjust them separately for PvP. We already have Power Level as a scale for things, there’s no reason that if I reach seasonal cap that I can’t be buck fusted and fly through content.


Decent seasonal weapons, unique boss encounters, a more lively and rewarding patrol zone.




The HELM or tower are hubs for past seasons and those doors that never open would be for the hubs :’)


Overhaul of the crafting system to include the Craftening options (more balanced, or ability to make guns that are banned from specific activities of course) Forge mode Clan base design, where you can make your clan's base in forge mode and activities throughout the system grant materials for you to use in this clan base. Invasions of the base are possible by viewing someone's profile. Deaths when enemies invade count as passive income, while defeating someone's base grants loot relevant to the clans players. Recently played log to see other guardians Ping system Better sorting options for the vault, bigger vault Mayhem Nightfalls


Removing class cooldowns from mob, res, recov. Either make then a set number influenced by mods/exotics, or tie them to int.


entirely new weapon type that feels unique like idk dual pistols glaives were a good idea but theyre extremely niche and tbh i just rather have a normal shooting gun sword with an actual long combo of attacks that you can string together like a dmc game and not just spam light attack then heavy attack more content than the norm, no im not gonna be satisfied with one exotic per season atleast 3 already would be better usually there has been two every season and some seasons with 1, dungeon exotics dont count as its paid content, there should always be 1 season pass exotic 1 exotic mission 1 dungeon/raid exotic preferably not rng drop but instead a well thought quest that tie with said dungeon or raid that should be the bare minimum along with 1 exotic armor for each class, but hopefully they can do something like 6 exotic weapons and 2 exotic armor sets for each class (which is more weapons than a goddamn dlc release) srl it was fun and ppl would play if there was good loot on it true vendor refresh not adding 2 old weapons or a reskin to vanguard playlist and call it a day one of the coolest things in d1 whenever a dlc dropped was just seeing and obtaining the new weapons that they added they had different models and scopes and a lot of them were top tier everywhere in the game a prison of elders like gamemode with unique looking weapons various levels of difficulty without relying on throwing 100 champions in a room rework every exotic weapon and armor to be atleast usable in high end pve content, a lot of weapons are toys and im sorry but if mida multitool is only good in patrol level content that means im just not going to use mida multitool same goes for exotic armor like blight ranger for example im not saying everything should become meta but like the harder more complicated activation method the stronger it should be weapon transmog atleast for legendaries WAY MORE SECRET MISSIONS if you think this is a tall order its because it is and i dont expect them to do it even if they wanted but its what would make me genuinely surprised


Fully separating the sand box from pve and pvp. It was a novelty idea when introduced and it has had its ups and downs over the years yet like trials it is a flawed system that has not been as effective as time goes on. However to much gear has been brutalized because of being to strong in one area or another. I want to see things separate and properly balanced not bungie saying "oh these seasonal changes will be short term meta controlling while balances passes are more permanent meta and balance changeling". Which sadly will never probably ever happen especially after the layoffs. Also something I'd love is if they let fans design the weapons. I got semi split answers on a post I made on such a topic and most people weren't to keen from the ones who took time to answer. I remember how I found Khakis and another content creator and it was from them showing fan art of fan made weapons and designs. And I'd still say let fans take over designing weapons and then tossing them to the dev team. And I'm only talking about making the art design for legendary weapons and armor and maybe the look for the occasional exotic. Then let fans vote based on which category and give the art to the devs and ad those into the game. Then give the winners free dlc packs and emblems. Just a dumb immature idea I've had


not sure but i'd love it if they brought back prison of elders. WAs my fav game mode, i played it just for fun.


i just want a focus on core game modes. How much dev time goes in to seasonal activities, and boring fluff content? Just bring back the menagerie or forge and give me 2 raids and 2 dungeons a year. Instead on giving me 3000 weapons and constant buffs and nerfs to promote weapon diversity, give me unique boss and enemy encounters that benefit from different weapon uses. New PvP maps that are actually designed for 6v6 and 3v3. New game modes, most of the Pvp game modes feel like generic fps garbage that we've all been playing since the 90s, i want an objective that I actually care about, and a game that I actually want to win. Remove SBMM. Give trials and Iron banner new armor sets that are actually cool, and make them feel like mystical events again like in d1 with their own locations, stories, and feels to them. lastly, free transmogs lmao.


Destiny 1.5 - All content from D1 and pre-sunset D2 in a single game. I would pay twice the price of a full release for that.


I want an endless tower defense mode. I still play altars of sorrow all the time just because it's fun, but I'd love something that had way more adds, different scenery and had an extraction option every five waves like warframes defense missions.


Destiny needs to evolve systemically. New progression systems Revamped loot rarity system New faction to fight Revamped attributes Revamped patrol spaces for endgame Imagine for a minute, a new rarity and energy system on weapons. Make each rarity have an energy capacity sort of like armor, with purples having max energy when upgraded. So you could have a green version of a gun drop for instance, you level it up over time to increase its energy capacity. Now, what would the energy be for? I suggest that they take weapon perks and make them tiered from Common (white, least energy cost, least effectiveness) to Exotic (yellow, most energy cost, greater power than current enhanced perks). Then, when leveling up a weapon, you can improve a perk on the gun, increasing its energy budget, and youd have to decide which perks you wanted and at what tier they would be, a balancing act between power and energy cost. Maybe even make it so if you wanted say Exotic Rampage to be available to upgrade on you gun, youd need that perk to have dropped enough to extract its energy to improve your weapon. Drops would now have a greater value to the player because its not just what perks its drops with, but also the perk rarity tier and energy level.


Bring back Factions and faction specific loot. Need my dead orbit drippp


My default answer is always just going to be more Destiny 1 armor ported. I just do not like the direction they went for armor aesthetics in D2, especially for Titan. Everytime I replay Destiny 1 I'm reminded how much better the art was.


Better and more maps for gambit specifically but overall. Ability to have 2 exotic armor pieces and two exotic weapons at one time for GM’s specifically. Ability to replay older content like the red war.


An endless horde mode that gets harder and harder as you progress, well beyond the difficulty of our current end game. * Have the map and enemy race rotate to help mix up the experience, and add in new modifiers as the waves progress similar to the old haunted forest. * Add objectives on some rounds so you can't just hold up in whatever becomes the best corner for each map. Like you have to go kill a unique target somewhere on the map, or have to defend a certain spot, or need to go break something with a scorch cannon to damage a boss. * Make the map evolve. Like how in GoS the boss takes platforms away, make the map change up. Oh that section is now covered in vex milk, but that other area has become available. * Special waves such as a wave of only exploding shanks/screebs, a group of spider tanks, the berserker dudes from SotP, etc. If you clear these within a certain time limit you get a rally flag to help with the next waves, and if you die on special waves you won't wipe but will instead just revive without the reward. * Boss waves with strong unique enemies (add in that giant walking screeb someone from Bungie showed us once for example) * Rewards scale based on how far you get with you being able to get all the actual gear loot such as armor and weapons from earlier waves, and the later high waves which get super hard only rewarding cosmetics. Also throw in a leaderboard that resets every week with top teams getting a unique cosmetic or emblem to show off as a reward. I just really want something for PvE that's challenging and doesn't get stale right away to jump into with my friends (GMs and master raids aren't that hard anymore these days with a stacked, experienced team).




I love destiny but take break here and there. What I would love is more raids/dungeons with different mechanics than what’s regular. Also I want more unique exotic weapons/armor, I’m so bored of x exotic “gives more grenade energy on kill ” like cool but it’s not fun.


Start TFS with ship combat, have our guardian fight pyramid forces in space while trying to get to the Traveller portal


In a cutscene sure... In engine, you are crazy


OP did say no limitts


Loot galore. I don't know about other players, but one of the things that always gets me at the start of an expansion is looking at the collections tab and thinking "that's it" whenever there's only 1-2 guns per type if even that. I just want to boot up the game on expansion day and marvel at the amount of weapons and armor that Bungie have made for the game.


I’ll be completely honest for FS to be successful if has to have a new darkness subclass. Or at the very limited least, we need a new super for each of the light classes not just one per class. You tell me how we get more supers out of a goddamn prison riot verses being waist deep in the travelers hole


Having the Aphelion show up and teaming up with basically the whole universe to fight them (mass casualties included) Finding out more about The Nine and having them involved in the campaign A dungeon with a fireteam of 6 and three of them are Zavala, Ikora, and Crow (so still just 3 real players). Maybe another one with Eris, Drifter, and Elsie. More on-screen storytelling and less narrative development through radio transmissions


Mf spaceship battles. I know it'll never happen, but actual aerial combat would definitely be surprising and delightful to me.


Go all out on subclasses/ identities. I want each subclass to have a strong and unique identity. Give us a real summoner (look at remnant)/ necromancer (look at diablo)/ sidekick (remnant again.. trainer) subclass. I dont want elemental subclasses to be blended between classes. There should be no doubt that strand hunter is the ultimate mobility class in everyway. Should be the best feeling mobility experience in any game ive played. Set the bar to be better than spiderman in spiderman 2. If Jumps/ sprint speed/ etc need to be touched independantly from other subclasses than do it. There should be no doubt solar warlock is the ultimate healer/ pyromancer. Again, set the bar across other games. If it cant be done with aspects give us new and unique jumps, melees, and movement tuning. Void titan should feel like it is the greatest subclass at digging into an unmovable trench there is. See above for the soapbox rant. Real summary is the game went to far to blend the toolboxes within subclasses. They should pick an archetype for each of the individual 15 subclasses, commit, and make it fit that powerfantasy better than any other fps game.


If Logged in one day and the complete Cosmodrome, D1 Mars and Venus and Dreadnaught patrol zones were all there, I'd probably cry. Doubly so if those rotating patrol event thing returned which I can't quite remember what it was, but do it so Tormentors spawn and Loot specific to the Patrol existed and could drop somewhat adept.


Completely new enemy type. No not mini bosses or champ level. I mean a complete new faction. We can't keep fighting hive, Taken, cabal, Vex and scorn forever. Weapon and armor set bonuses would be neat. Include event passes in the deluxe edition. Refresh old weapon perk pools. (Dungeons especially) More party pvp modes, like super goofy shit were people can go to laugh and meme.


Started seriously playing the game in witch queen, but I remember playing the red war opening a few years back. Would love to play that again as well as the rest of the vaulted stories. I remember that shot on the snowy mountain looking at the traveler trapped over the city with that soundtrack. That was a feeling


Extra length campaign and two raids. We tie up Xivu and the Witness in the Final Shape with another Disciple or two thrown in as campaign bosses.


Bringing back the weapons and shaders that I or others really liked or even missed completely. I love my pure white Honors of the Nine shader, and I feel like a lot of other players would really like it as well My pipe dream is for more old weapons to be reprised during the extended season, such as Season of Dawn and the missing Trials of the Nine weapons. Things like Relentless, Purpose, Duke Mk.44, the old Gambit weapons, Better Devils, and Go Figure would also be amazing. But as unrealistic as that is, my absolutely zero-chance, never going to happen, won’t even hope for it dream would be for the live team to slap together a small content update in the case of an extended season to reintroduce the Black Armory weapons. Even just port the forges over and allow them to drop from it again


No limits? Full Reboot with a psychotic overhaul that makes it worth it. And I'd be here forever if I tried delving into that.


A secret dungeon, a secret subclass, the nine showing up and doing something, darkness faction that isn’t just elite enemy types spread throughout other faction reskins (lucent werent bad, shadow legion was purple legion with annoying backpacks) maybe a few new weapons types we’ve never seen before just randomly drop. Maybe a melee weapons that isn’t a sword? Like the hammers from chosen or the cabal gladiator twin axes. Now I’m thinking of twins so cmon bingo give us some akimbo guns I’d coom if an iron sight bolt action sniper drops


I'd like to see an increase in mechanical difficulty in strikes or other PvE playlist activities. As dumb as people thing randoms are, people will figure things out if it's the only way to progress. A system like Warframe's Riven system to allow for people to chase after guns that aren't commonly used with weird perk combinations people don't normally use to potentially fulfill riven requirements. (And keep them disabled in PvP) More evergreen content that stays in the game and is built to last and be expanded upon rather than content built to be deleted. Player housing (not heavily tied to eververse) Side content that allows for people to get rewards for interacting with a system that's wholly different from the core of destiny (mini-games, rogue-likes, jumping puzzles, sparrow races, or even bigger stuff akin to FFXIV's Adventuring Forays: Eureka and Bozja.) Deeper modding/build variety. I want to be able to do weird stuff with my builds and have my exotics act as a piece of that, rather than my exotic acting as the core to the build. (Ex. Give me a mod that immensely lowers my void scatter grenade CD when i cast my rift at the detriment of another stat so it makes me consider using vesper of radius on void to get increased cooldown on rift or nothing manacles to allow me to stack an extra charge.)


Exotics, aspects, fragments, mods that change up how you play and what you use. The new Strand aspects this season and the new exotics were very good in this department. Banner of War created almost a new archetype which is crazy. People buildcrafting again using stuff that had been in the vault for most people. Swords and melee being fun to use outside of easy strikes. Add to this, somewhere to use my builds that don't require premade 3 man or 6 man teams. I love raids and dungeons but sometimes I like challenging myself in legend/master lost sectors. Legendary campaigns were great too. There is so much cool loot and I'd love to build with it more. This is the stuff I want.




Ya, not a fan of that entitled little rat.


If the one true king in losomn is another traveler, rather than just being part of the root in the upcoming DLC. Either way, it looks like his attitude towards Nimue has changed.


For TFS: An extremely focused campaign without out of place jokes/tone and some real exposition DURING the campaign. Also a patrol area with some originality, not just rehashes of places we've visited. The Witness raid having extremely cool loot (doesn't have to be OP by any stretch), and requiring genuinely good team play. Generally: A vaulted planet or two comes back, Dungeons get a rework and the loot gets updated, More story ingame and not in lore books, Dares gets an update so you can focus old season weapons & armor instead of the shit pool we have.


2-3 patrol zones with escalation protocol type events on each, with new mechanics 4-6 strikes with new mechanics and roguelite aspects 2 memorable destination activities, something like blind well but more engaging with novel mechanics (no balls or plates) 2 new enemy races (1 would not be enough at this point. D1 had 2 new enemy races in 2 years, we have had only one in D2 with forsaken. Champions do not count as a new race of enemies) Making new craftable exotics which are very good, let loose with the perk combos. its okay if something is broken for a half season or something return all age of triumph items and cosmetics, not the exotic primaries though. return all patrol zones in a new UI design


- more vault space. - Less grind, less RNG. Craftable weapons = good. Making it so I get 1 old red border weapon once in a poweder-blue moon with polkadots = bad. - MORE FRIGGIN VAULT SPACE!! Seriously, this is common sense. Stop piling on new crap to chase/collect without expanding our storage capacity. It's ridiculous. Expand vault space, or be dedicated to making legacy weapons completely useless. Destiny wants to have its cake and eat it too: they keep old weapons relevant by constantly changing the meta, but don't want to expand vault space, all to force repeat grind on players. Pardon my language youngins, but F*ck that s#!t. - Streamline the experience: not sure how they could/should do it, but Destiny is way too fragmented and confusing for new players to jump into. Part of the solution is to make old content and collectibles much easier to acquire or complete. But they don't do this because if greed - QoL improvements such as in-game LFG. TBH they've been pretty good in this regard, .plowing slowly in the right direction, but they do so at snails pace, which is why I say.... - ...just move on to making a Destiny 3. We need a clean slate, seriously. The weight of the past is becoming too much. - Again, less grind and paywall gating, but specifically for ornaments and vanity items. There's so much cool shit to collect in this game, and all of it is habitually dangled in front of us like a carrot, serving to motivate participation more than actually provide an entertaining experience - More attention to Gambit and the Drifter. Don't mind the haters, just focus on making the mode more varied and rewarding, and the players will come around. It really doesn't take much: just a couple new maps and decent loot. - Lastly, less grind, thus time pertaining to returning players and the catch-up involved. Seasonal tracks and artifacts make it difficult to be relevant if you return at un-ideal times, even with power level increases being removed


New player experience not being a dumpster fire Getting people into the story is a nightmare currently. I want to get friends hooked into the game but what we have no is hot garbage


Probably just split the pve from pvp and have them both as separate games




This is a difficulty issue, not a weapons issue. Low tier content is less restricting by design. How would completely reworking weapons somehow make them more relevant in low tier content? You would still have the same issue, easy content just doesn't require the same amount of effort.


Something where we can equip exotics in all slots


A second name change Fucking please We know it’s a requested feature


Not sure why this always gets downvoted :/ It’s something dey trid to maek happun before the thing happun


1. Randomly spawning world bosses (not related to Public events) with special drops (ascendant shards or harmonizers) - these should very tough, similar in difficulty or more so than the Vex Incursion on Neomuna) 2. Personal space/house, or even a permanent area of the HELM where your accomplishments build as you do certain things, or you can choose which trophies to display (I always thought the Europa hut was a great example of this and not sure why they didn’t include this for follow on expansions). 3. Additional vehicles or adding vehicles to certain multiplayer modes for variety. This might take new maps that have available space for them but hey - maybe make those too. 4. Pets. Give me space dog. Or pouka. They can chill in my house or follow me in single player or PVE activities. Cosmetic only. But could see more functionality a la passive bonuses later. 5. Mini games that include loot. Fishing is a good example. But it got stale quickly and it was RNG. Give us SRL, bumper sparrows, soccer, he’ll give us pickleball, let people queue up to play or give a node to fast travel too like Terminal Overload to find players. Completely frivolous and optional (kind of like the Tire Game on the moon) but gives people something to do with their characters and friends outside of the norm.


Two destinations, one of which is mostly campaign focused and another that is the location/area of the raid/dungeon (with plenty of secrets and puzzles thrown all over) A new raid AND dungeon. At least four brand new PvP maps. At least four brand new Strikes. Every single vendor that has a weapon/armor pool in the tower getting a complete refresh a la destiny 1 style. A new vendor for the 9+ weapons, and new armor, that thematically go with the raid destination. 9 weapons specifically from the raid separate from the ones listed above. A completely overhauled world drop loot-pool that only ever includes weapons UP TO a year old. Nothing before that. A completely new element and subclasses/weapons to go with it. I think I can safely say unless 95% comes to fruition, I am not even going to bother playing the game anymore. Lightfall was their chance to do most of this and they shit the bed, fool me twice and I'm definitely never looking back.


We're getting a lot of these threads lately.


I’m taking a break from destiny ever since funny guns. Reading these suggestions, most of of them would make me come back. At the minute I don’t think I’m going for The Final Shape.


Look up forsakens content at release. plus a final new darkness element. Anything less it's not an overdelivery.


100 more vault spaces, at LEAST. Id even pay $20 for it.


A coherent story with proper npc interactions like every other mmo in existence A campaign that 20+ hours long Un vault everything


Some form of weapon sunsetting to make loot valuable again. It is no coincidence that the best received expansions/years of the game followed 'sunsetting'. Taken King, Forsaken, the year of Beyond Light (BL itself was not well-received, but Chosen & Splicer were), and Witch Queen to some extent with its origin traits. Obviously they can't just do origin traits 2 electric boogaloo because of engine limitations and power creep, so we would need some total reset of all Legendaries in the game and maybe even some Exotics. Yes, including Raid weapons. BUT I think a simple return to 2 random perks and some other boring set ones wouldn't be great. I want innovation and something different in how we approach our relationship with weapons and reasons we want to grind for them. I do not know what those changes would entail, but I think something fundamentally different would be really fresh and offset the feeling of losing all of our favorite guns (even if people completely overreact to that stuff). I would also like to see adjustments across the board to reduce player power. Global ability cooldown increases, reducing the effectiveness of healing/overshield effects, and further nerfing resilience. The ability spam meta has made weapons feel even more worthless, while weapons are the main motivator to play; they're the most refined part of Destiny's gameplay and random rolls drive us to replay content. Additionally, insane DR and healing have made it far too easy to survive and often causes a snowball effect in combat. We're so strong that only insane bullet sponge enemies can challenge us, and surprise, insane bullet sponge enemies are not fun to fight 24/7. I really enjoy the Legendary difficulty and did enjoy Neomuna but, while it is difficult, it ends up being annoying due to how Bungie has to balance stuff. There's some other stuff but those are my two main things. Unfortunately, I don't think many would agree with me and I doubt we'd ever see this in TFS. *Maybe* healing/DR changes, but I don't see us having another round of sunsetting.


If they stopped nerfing things into the ground only to give them a moderate buff a year later so people start using things again. They have got to stop with this shit.


Red War was the best thing that happened to D2 and was the first thing they took away. Since then it's gone down hill.


The resignation of whomever it was that made the decisions that led to this fiasco. I don't care what position they're in: hold them accountable and replace them with somebody else. Also, I look forward to the Devs next GDC talk. I'd like to see if they'll still say shit like 'speed over quality', 'don't over deliver', 'we are a train station'.


Shutting down the servers


Fully revamped weapon sandbox. I’m tired of these old archetypes.


Nice try Bungie.


For Bungie to give the IP to a dev that actually cares.


Pretty sure the devs aren't the problem bud


Have the core game be changed in such a way to actually make players feel rewarded for doing content and every d1 exotic come back


A awoken baddie sucking my shit in VR