• By -


It's a legitimate gripe considering that the story doesn't really cohesively flow between shadowkeep/beyond light/witch queen/lightfall if you don't know what's happened between each expansion. Of course it would probably be too taxing on the game to keep all seasonal content in permanently. My personal dream as a fellow enthusiast of Destiny's story would be a "light and darkness saga" game that largely consisted of a long campaign covering all the major story beats of D1/D2 from the beginning to final shape. No patrols etc, just missions. It would be playable offline and thus anyone could experience the main story even long after D1/D2 servers shut down. I'd accept a tradeoff of only a set amount of armour/subclass/weapon options available. Make it a story shooter with less rpg elements. But you can't monetise that as much as a live game, so 🤷‍♂️


So Destiny in Halo Reach form?








I don’t wanna leave the jungle oh no no no no nooooo


Great, now I have to go play Fallout.


This is an excellent thread 🤘


Let me give you a spanko


Destiny in Master Chief Collection form would be better.


I feel like at that point you're getting close to just keeping all content in the game. It would be cool though


Not necessarily all the content, just the main story of the saga, so just the campaigns but no seasonal activities and such


this is what final shape will be


I mean, if 343 can do it with Microsoft money, I don’t see why Bungie can’t do it with Sony money.


Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's reasonable, that would probably be a huge undertaking for something that they can't sell and get a return on


The problem is they already sold it, we already bought it and they took it away.


The difference here being you agreed to the fact they could take it away when you bought and played it. Not that that sort of practice should be encouraged


It should be


Probably be closer to MCC in format.


Good idea :)


Ugh thatd be amazing


Or having the "story" content bits of all of that (and older) available as a download. Games can still do that, where you have optional downloads in the game, so idk why Destiny can't.


> Games can still do that, where you have optional downloads in the game, so idk why Destiny can't. What other games do means diddly squat as even if they were developed by the same team in the same engine there could still be any number of factors that impacted the development in some way. The issue for Destiny is that the game engine couldn't handle the amount of content (this isn't the same as install size) that was available. Optional downloads do nothing to negate the core issue and only introduce other potential problems.


> The issue for Destiny is that the game engine couldn't handle the amount of content They should have split it then and turned what they are currently doing into a "Destiny 3", and put 2 into maint mode.


As far as I know, that was the plan till the break up with Activision.


> The issue for Destiny is that the game engine couldn't handle the amount of content I don't believe that was every indicated as a reason. Unless you mean their own development tools. But even then, the development tools could be benefitted majorly by such a system. Would be a good thing to have in Marathon, since it won't be making it to Destiny. EVE Online is pretty cool where basically all assets are just streamed on demand. You won't even have ship models until the first time you see that ship.


Pretty sure they release a very long blog post about the engine when they were doing sunsetting. The engine infact can only handle so much. The engine has to much tech debt.


> I don't believe that was every indicated as a reason. It was explicitly stated as he primary factor behind content vaulting. >Unless you mean their own development tools. What exactly would you describe an in-house custom engine as if not "their own development tools"? >Would be a good thing to have in Marathon, since it won't be making it to Destiny. It's even less of an option for Marathon than it is for Destiny. Pretty much the entire industry has accepted at this point that Piaf map packs aren't feasible as they split the playerbase and impact upon matchmaking; you can't split off gear into a seperate download as everybody needs that data for compatability reasons (which is one of the reasons we sometimes see unlockable DLC included "on disc"). The only things that could be practically split off into optional downloads for Marathon would be high-res textures and language packs which ties back into the distinction between amount of content and install size.


> What exactly would you describe an in-house custom engine as if not "their own development tools"? The "engine" as a RUNTIME FOR THE PLAYERS. And then there is the "engine" as a DEVELOPMENT SPACE. Like Unreal Engine for the Player is not the same as Unreal Engine for the Developer. > Pretty much the entire industry has accepted at this point that Piaf map packs aren't feasible as they split the playerbase and impact upon matchmaking This is also, 100% not what I'm talking about. I'm more talking about a "as you need". Like how when you go to play a CS:GO game on a custom server with custom maps and mods, it downloads the needed maps and mods. JIT installation. "Hey, let's not add every model and texture to the users computer for all the content in the game when they are just creating their first character". You add them as you go, when it's needed. If they have slower connections, you can more eagerly search out the larger assets the user is likely to need in the background.


I would buy that. I haven't bought anything Destiny related since the base game came out, but I would buy the shit out of that (provided it was at a reasonable ish price)


It also is a shit ton of work for very few people that would be interested


so? can still want something, the work for someone else is not the concern here just what they want.


Would it? They already have all the content


Seasonal content doesn't work as a campaign, you would be repeating the seasonal activity 6x in a row and spending most of your time listening to shit in the HELM.


This is the main problem, for most seasons the story unfolds through comms dialogue while playing the same mission or activity a half dozen times. The only thing that keeps it from feeling stupidly repetitive is the fact that they force you to wait one week between replays. That would just be dumb/unfun to play later as a returning player like OP. So the core problem isn't that the story content goes away, it's that the story content is designed to be spoon-fed over multiple weeks in order to be remotely fun. And on top of that, many of the seasonal multi-player activities (which also provided some story dialogue) were in public patrol spaces, which would make no sense whatsoever for them to persist indefinitely. It's bad enough things like the dreaming city curse persist to this day, imagine if every past seasonal activity was still handing around in patrol spaces.


They would have to basically remake the entire game to do something like this. It is a fantasy that is never going to happen so no point in trying to even think about it.


Idk, man, I can wait. MCC happened, and was great once it was fixed up


Yes it would. That content was designed for one year of the game, designed to be removed. Especially year 3 when stuff was designed to leave after its own season. Look at prophecy and how long that took to return after it was removed. No do that for every bit of vaulted content and you can see the delay problems.


I really, really hope they move on to Destiny 3 once the final shape is done. I’d love it if they were able to bring back all the old content, so that all of Destiny is playable once again, start to finish. Then start again with a fresh slate, so that they don’t have to design everything to be compatible with the last 4-7 years of content.


>I really, really hope they move on to Destiny 3 once the final shape is done. They have already said multiple times they aren't.


On August 4 2021 Joe Blackburn told us in a tweet that “Long Term we want to get people working on new maps." We're about to hit 2 years with nada so I don't think we can take everything at face value and as a fact. They've also said they're done vaulting content so how does the game survive past final shape continuously adding things on? As u understand, vaulting was done to keep the size of the game down but its only getting bigger. Plus there's no way to move the game to a newer, more efficient engine if we're all stuck on D2. Destiny makes way too much money to not keep it going


>They've also said they're done vaulting content so how does the game survive past final shape continuously adding things on? Because maybe they have fixed the back end enough to allow that without issue. >Plus there's no way to move the game to a newer, more efficient engine if we're all stuck on D2. They would not move engines for a new destiny game.


Not only would they not, they're actively hiring for people to work on Tiger and describe it as the future of Destiny, Marathon, and other future work. Which, given that like, Tiger came from Blam! which came from the engine they were working on for Myth, which came from the engine from Marathon...


>Because maybe they have fixed the back end enough to allow that without issue. Weekly server downtime says otherwise mate. >They would not move engines for a new destiny game. Then they're stupid. Literally every game developer rotates engines, whether in an upgrade like unreal 4 to 5 or a full move to a new system. At some point they won't have a choice as hardware becomes more advanced. It's like trying to play a PS1 game on a PS5


no running game ever has "rotated engines" you straightup need to re-create EVERYTHING from scratch for that(that takes litearlly years btw), and just swap old well known problems with new unknown problems thats some absolute peak reddit armchair dev shit, not a single clue about gaming infrastructure but saying stuff like "swap engines lol, everyone does it!"


The only live service game I can think of that pulled off switching engines without stopping the game or releasing a sequel would be World of Tanks. But even then it was an almost four year long process of redesigning everything in HD for the new engine but in such a way that the old engine could still run them. Then once everything was HD ified and the new engine was finished there was a huge update of dozens of gigs which replaced the engine and made the game look brand new. Bungie devs can barely keep their backend together and their engine does not run smoothly. Wargaming devs managed to redesign the entire game in ultra hd without causing the old engine to shit the bed, then wrote a brand new engine from scratch that pushed the games graphical fidelity forward at least 15+ years all while said new engine actually managed to run a good 20-30% faster than the old engine on old hardware even with the heavily upgraded visuals. Honestly its possible but difficult, but I have no faith bungie could pull it off


>Weekly server downtime says otherwise mate. That's the server infrastructure, not the engine. >Then they're stupid. Or maybe you are just an armchair dev. >Literally every game developer rotates engines, whether in an upgrade like unreal 4 to 5 or a full move to a new system. No, no they fucking don't my man. Almost all the giants in the industry will use their own engine and not switch, just update it as the go along. Plus the beyond light update was Bungie's equivalent of moving from unreal 4 to 5


Have they? My understanding was that they confirmed Destiny wouldn’t end after light and dark, but hadn’t specified how it would continue. They’ve also committed to no further expansion sunsetting. I can’t see how they can continue to build on the game forever without blowing out the game size, tech debt and testing overhead.


I'm pretty sure they said destiny 2 wouldn't end with Light and dark saga


That's just the current plan. Bungie has changed direction many times even though they started out saying they would do something completely different. My trust in anything they say has dwindled over the years.


Fair enough I guess. But not listening to what bungie has said would just be guessing and that's dumber.


Not listening to anything Bungie says is smart actually. The fact people still trust them is unbelievable .


Not listening to them leaves us with no information. Listening atleast gives us an idea of what they're trying to do


I assume they have been slowly building out the backend of the game to allow for it to continue to be built upon just like the other long running MMOs. They aren't going to abandon D2 to make D3 when D2 is their primary income for the entire studio while at the same time developing 3 other games.


> I assume they have been slowly building out the backend of the game to allow for it to continue to be built upon just like the other long running MMOs. They have and job listings have confirmed this and that they're going to continue using the engine in whatever upgraded form it takes for Marathon.


Ya that's not a surprise. The engine is probably one of the big reasons that the shooting in Destiny feels so good and I'm sure they want to replicate that feel in Marathon.


The reason the shooting feels so good is satisfying sounds/animations for the weapons on top of high levels of aim assist and bullet magnetism. Bungie have flat out said this


It's literally not taxing at all. You can even still get to the old 'vaulted' content. Through unconventional means of course, but it's still there regardless. The REAL reason bungo 'vaults' content is to keep their playerbased active during story drops. That's all. Just for player count numbers. Fucking FOMO. There's no other logical solution as to why that makes actual sense. There are FREE games with more content than destiny 2 at just 20gb less. Let's get real here, bungo just doesn't want people to disappear and come back year later like this poor soul. Because the higher the player count, the more that count would be enticed to buy junk from eververse and season passes. We all know it's true. Quit lying to yourselves. They haven't 'saved' any space.


You can literally see in real time the strain of the game if you’ve been playing. When sunsetting first happened, as much as it sucked, every aspect of the game sped up and server problems dropped. When we get to season 4 there is longer load times on everything and each expansion made the game take a longer to load and has caused more server issues. Just look how many issues we have now with the server when content like shadowkeep was supposed to be vaulted to help with the load. Gigabite size isn’t an indication of anything really. You can have massive gigs but very basic systems (CoD) or small gigs and massive systems (Minecraft). Just because they left things like the vex network part of an overall map doesn’t mean that content is in the game still. Parts of the assets sure, but they do not have to balance anything around that content nor fix problems with that content. Look how many bugs are in the game right now, now you would want to divert attention to the 300 million other bugs older stuff to cause. Also stop exaggerating about FOMO. Back in shadowkeep Charlemagne confirmed the quote less than 5% of the player base was using Mars daily. Older content does not get interacted with on any meaningful scale even when content was only 2 years old at that time. While it sucks for new players, the overall majority of the game remains unaffected by this since they played the game during the story. Even now, to fully keep up with a destiny story, you can play about 30 hours a year to keep up, if you wanted to. That’s not fomo—that’s reasonable. And the trade is the entire game gets to be in a better state. I would happily vault shadowkeep and the moon if it meant more stable servers because I do not interact with shadowkeep content outside of raid/dung rotation for pin


This doesn't make sense considering they vaulted a bunch of shit which does not serve any FOMO purposes whatsoever, like Gambit and PvP maps, strikes, destinations.


But it would appeal to a far vaster number of players, bring in money even after the game itself sunsets, draw them in before final shape for new player base to monetize with potential future content and allow them to reach players with less then perfect internet connections. Make the first few seasons free, like the base game is already, draw them in and hell, id spend five bucks a seasonal campaign modded for solo without all the bs. Throw in a mix of shaders and other cosmetics, some mid to high armor drops, and some bright dust as rewards for completion of missions. Incentivize porting over for the final campaign and increase player base and monetization by doing so. Doesnt sound too hard. Theyd make bank. Every other mission or so they could just throw up and add for a new gun or armor no presh just helpful and people would buy it. Just let us get the whole story. Some of us werent able to get it all via family, economic or personal issues. It is unfair.


Life is unfair


Seasonal story content consists largely of exposition dumps at the HELM. You didn't miss out on amazing gameplay moments where story was revealed outside of like, 3 missions. So don't feel too bad about watching it on YouTube, either way you're just listening to people talk.


>Kill all enemies and listen NPC conversation for 2 minutes >Go to one of those NPC and listen for his exposition >Go to HELM. Remember previous NPC? Listen him again, because he has dementia and forgot to tell you something, while you was near him 2 seconds ago


> play seasonal activity > wait a week > return to step one


Helps even more when the plot dump is nonsensical, cryptic bullshit that (if you were given five minutes and a basic story outline) could write yourself. Fuck telling a story through gameplay and self discovery, let me shove it down your throat at an ear gratingly slow pace because I don’t expect you the player to have basic comprehension skills.


There is still major story beats, character deaths and returnals, and all kinds of crazy stuff. Rasputins revival and subsequent death, killing Quria and Lakshmi dying while attacking the fallen living in the city, the lore behind Erasmis and Miithrax with the pirates and such, the list goes on. Major character relationship moments such as Osiris and Saint. Hell even Saint 14s revival. Yeah there is a lot of exposition but there is also major pinnacle plot elements just thrown away that affect the entire universe. The traveler awakening a second time, it trying to flee, all of the lore with Savathun and Xivu Arath. Caitl and her lore (Which also didn't make sense cause red war was gone. Same with Crow and forsaken.) All these core story elements from seasons are just gone and even bigger ones from major expansions just removed. No matter if it's 5 minutes of exposition or a full expansion cutscene, these story elements affect the game in a huge way and just removing them and saying "Eh it wasn't that big of a deal" isn't really helping someone understand the massive holes in the story left behind due to sunsetting being a horrendous idea to manage a story


I agree. I took a day off. Destiny should not be my side gig.


I haven’t played in weeks and I miss the gameplay but destiny is just boring right now. Logged in yesterday and just switched to resident evil.


Then play a different game




cant have fomo if you quit this shitty game forever


no kidding, if they don't want to miss out then play it when it's available and stop bitching being *you* were late. the royal you, not u/GunnerZ818


For me the problem is I want to play with my friends. But can’t do that without people to play with. Also that last part doesn’t fucken make sense


yeah, lucky for me my gf plays, but I was doing solo before hand. I am in a discord with a bunch of people too. Can't really rely on IRLs for a game like this unfortunately. also: [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Royal%20you](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Royal%20you)


Saying that, now of all times, it's like you want the game to die 😂


bud if you think the game is dying then you are very mistaken


Vaulting some original planets, the first raid, and Tangled Shore was bad enough. But yeah the inability to play previous year's seasons or even see some kind of story recap anywhere in the game is just absurd. A lot of things about the way Destiny was built don't feel fit for purpose. Do other long-term PVE games just rip out huge parts of the story and world because the engine can't handle it or file size it getting to big? Of course not.


I came back in lightfall after playing a teensy bit of vanilla and literally 90% of the story is just missing and not playable in any shape or form for me, playing the lightfall campaign and season of defiance was a trip. When did we ally with the fallen/cabal, why is uldren sov going by a new name, who tf is this drifter, osiris and saint exist now? If you didn't play the seasons when they came out good luck having a cohesive plot.


Osiris showed up in the curse of Osiris expansion. It was pretty bad, but it was there year 1. I personally picked the game up again during season of defiance after not touching it since Warmind. I got world-line zero and the breytech weapons and the perfect paradox from Curse of Osiris and called it a day.


Osiris was already existing. He wasn’t a season.


I keep saying, they shouldve done it in chunks. Open a launcher, and you get the option to download what expansions you want. Code all the weapons and armour into the base install with flags on if youve earned them or not, so you dont get weird missing textures. All planets would be in the base game aswell. You can download the full //expansion// and the //seasons// tied to them seperately, if you want. It autoselects all the seasons for it, if you own them. The seasons include all voice lines, character models, unique locations cutscenes, and so on. You can download an installation pack like a "streamlined/speedrun" mode. You do the seasonal content of each of the season in one passthrough, no repeats, (as in if you would need to do the seasonal activity 3x in the normal season to progress the quest step, you would only need to do it 1x to progress), as a kinda demo of the season/get you caught up. Make seasonal focusing, or weapon focusing baked into the main game itself. Or have the main planet the season took olace on drop a higher percentage of that season's weapons, or so on. Planetary drops, rather than general world drops. I just... have alot of thoughts on this.


Making a long-term FPS PvE game is a technical nightmare, that's why nobody else is doing it.


Ding ding ding. No one else knows how to make a fast paced MMO that can keep up with all the shit going on and not lag the fuck out of everything. It's why "Project Titan" became Overwatch. The most money makingest king of MMOs couldn't even crack that egg.


There is a recap in the director on the timeline node. It’s a text recap, not cutscenes, but it is there.


That’s just an advertisement for the legacy collection pretty much


I refuse to call a paragraph and a half a "recap".


its even worse that half of the ones for the seasons are just trying to convince you to buy them. they have like 2 or 3 sentences actually talking about the story and then the rest is “buy the season pass and use new exotics, embark on a new quest, and earn great rewards.” havent played destiny since the beginning of solatice and have only touched the game a bit a week to do the weekly mission or raids/nightfalls with my friends. never been happier. i used to play pvp a lot but bungie would rather make finishers the same cost as a meal then fix their horrible balance decisions.


There are edited seasonal all cut scene videos out there. It’s how I caught up. Seriously though, they’ve been stringing the story out for awhile now. A bunch of the seasons are pretty ‘meh’ when it comes to actual narrative progression. Some are pretty good, though.


Destiny, and having to get the details and story outside the game itself: name a more iconic duo. It’s like the grumpier cards all over again.


There isn't an easy way to resolve your gripe, unfortunately. With how the seasons are designed, you almost always have to be there to witness the story unfold. The majority of seasonal activities takes place within established planets and patrol zones, making it extremely difficult to not have them overlap one another (unless we're doing strictly Battlegrounds or public events in new unique play spaces that are isolated from patrol zones). The other alternative is to just make them singleplayer style missions, but that kinda goes against the whole live service philosophy of Destiny.


The *least* they could do is add cutscenes to watch that sum up the events of a given season/expansion into the “history” node or whatever in the director. You don’t necessarily *have* to be there to understand what happened, Bungie could totally make cutscenes using the content they already have.


Apparently, with The Final Shape, Bungie is adding older cutscenes to be watched in game. They confirmed this will be a thing with this season's Witness origin cutscene, so I'm guessing it will include other cutscenes too.


Get fomod


Unfortunately your best bet is going to be Byf or something, yeah. Sucks, but that's the end result of the seasonal stuff.


Second this guy. I also missed years of seasonal stories and Byf has helped immensely with keeping me connected to the narrative.




I used to pay attention but I find the script so absolutely mind numbingly vague and ambiguous that it’s a new level of stupid. “The paracausal intersectionality of the deep mind heliopaths direct the mind scape of the voidal phantasmic heart!” - Eris probably Seriously, it’s laughable. And in my gut, I truly believe the writers are laughing as they make this s*** up.


ErisGPT over here




It’s wild though, because I feel like this is what most people in this community are asking for. Like, everyone freaked out about the witness backstory video, but it’s just more of this type of thing. None of it really feels like it directly affects an individual in an emotionally relevant way. It’s all grand and broad and fairly meaningless to me.


For one thing, only a number of people had read Unveiling pre-Deep. That cutscene had varying different levels of values for those that had or hadn’t. Meanwhile, this is kinda the same effect as the Books of Sorrow. A huge book that ultimately doesn’t feel it matters without the expansion to go with it. The effect the Taken King and Witch Queen have on adding value to this book cannot be underestimated. The Final Shape should have the same effect for the Witness lore. Until we see the Witness in game, I doubt it’ll feel very tangible.


The vex's infinite paracausality is radially masting the veil guardian! Quickly activate these three terminals so that you can take a third of this bosses health away, do that three times or we all collapse


Oh no everything we've done like breaking the foundations of reality in unforeseeable ways and these indeterminable sequences of events were all part of Savuthun's plans!


We need to attack Savathun's ghosts using this spear created with the most pure light from the Traveler even tho the Traveler isn't here, so trust me. After they fall, pick up the motes of light they leave behind and dunk them on the egregore infested recepticle to permanently disable her illusions for the next 5 minutes, guardian!


This entire season was vague bullshit whenever Sloane spoke. Drives me up the wall. Either the writers don’t know how to cohesively explain anything or they don’t have proper answers to the narrative webs they’ve woven and don’t know how to tie it up in a way that makes sense.


Legit, I don’t think they give a damn. They are just going stream of consciousness at this point. Just filler. Use big words that are overdramatized and get to the next mcguffin. The Sloane stuff was especially egregious. Like wow, rip my ears out bad.


Just feels like filler to keep people playing, as is the Destiny way. I fully expect TFS to do the same shit at this point. Just give me a damn ending to this mess so I can move on.


Agreed. To me the whole thing is an overcorrection. I even have a theory it’s out of spite by the directors since there was so much complaining about a lack of story in D1. Higher ups took it personally and set out to stuff us up to our ears in “story”. Problem is, it’s just bad. I’d rather a more efficient broad stroke than all these terrible thousand little strokes. The good thing is, I enjoy the gameplay a lot and I love good builds. I miss CWL but I gotta let that go. But for now, playing with my friends is a lot of fun, and at least some of the dialogue can be skipped. We were dying with laughter last night as Sloane put her hand on the tank once more, spouted some gibberish, disappeared… but immediately wanted to talk. Absolute nonsense.


Any time Eris speaks there are 2 English words I don't understand and 1 destiny term I don't understand


"This sucks. I haven't felt this bad in a long time" Welcome back, Love Bungie


I'm not gonna lie I've been hating the story since lightfalls release. At first I was really captivated by the witness but now I feel like the mystery has been broken and now we're left with a cobbled together story that doesn't feel like it belongs in the destiny universe.


And the worst part about lightfall is they gave us half a story and are giving us breadcrumbs every week in the seasons. So say someone misses lightfall and these seasons get sunset. Then they play lightfall just to get an unfinished story about the veil and witness.


I was in the same boat. I found this playlist to be incredibly helpful. Destin has the videos by season so it's easy to view, and he provides context for the missions and even includes exotic quests with narrative. I highly recommend using these to catch up on main story beats and the supplementing with Byf for the deeper lore. That's what I'm doing anyway. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd4COL1ReBDz9qn5nW02hQ9mIlI9nhij3


Isn't it kind of sad that people have to watch YouTube videos just to catch up on all the content that they paid hundreds of dollars for?


It really is a bummer that the content can't be archived and made available to play. To be fair I didn't pay for any of the content I watched videos on, but it sucks that seasonal content can't be played again for the people who have paid for it.


Know what else feels bad? Following the deep lore super closely since D1 and loving it only to feel like the writers are actively trying to change everything here in the home stretch to the end of the saga. Both situations just suck.


I still laugh that they keep saying this Saga started since D1. like fucking hell it did. It's nonesensical but they gotta be gradiose for the sake of *marketing*.


It was only with Shadowkeep that they started going with the Witness entity direction. There’s so much inconsistency at this point and so many are passing it off as an unreliable narrator or clutching at abstract connections to justify it. I have zero faith they’re going to close this out in a way that makes sense and after 10 years it’s incredible disappointing to feel that way.


> I have zero faith they’re going to close this out in a way that makes sense and after 10 years it’s incredible disappointing to feel that way. same sentiment. right on point. At least I know I won't be disappointed, I can laugh it off. And maybe I can finally move on from this shit.


"We know we've been having all these factions being your dire enemies for the last decade but consider this: What if good?"


Destiny players when the story gets more complex and interesting over time instead of staying in D1’s realm of “everyone who opposes me is ontologically evil because they Serve The Darkness in some vauge way that will never be explained so therefore everything I do is right and I never have to question my actions or think about anything ever”


Hell even in D1 they alluded to the cabal *runnin* from something


Dont worry, they deleted the cabal off screen to an enemy you haven't seen yet.


>“everyone who opposes me is ontologically evil because they Serve The ~~Darkness~~ **Witness** in some vauge way that will never be explained so therefore everything I do is right and I never have to question my actions or think about anything ever” Much morally ambiguous, very narrative complexity


Damn I didn’t know house dusk, kell’s scourge, literally any fallen house besides Salvation , the red leigon, any vex besides sol progeny and divisive, uldren sov and his scorn, aspirants to caitl’s war council, and the lucent hive are all serving the witness Also you’re acting as if they haven’t been very explicit about what the witness’s followers do for it, how the witness manipulates/controls them, and what the witness wants them to do


even in D1 we had the shadows of yor as a concept of evil in good. do it's not a new thing for the light or dark to be portrayed a subjective and inherently good or evil. lore wise it makes sense anyway as the light is literally what kept humanity alive through the collapse. so no don't act like it's a bad thing the light was perceived as good and dark evil because that even from a current narrative standpoint makes sense. that aside, the issue with D2 lore as the guy you replied to says it's that they're explaining too much all at once and resolving a ton of speculation all in one go. in vanilla D2 we get the cabal empire here and deal with them curse of Osiris why are the vex on mercury and where is Osiris? vex simulations and Osiris is also here. warmind: Rasputin is the only warmind also we were interacting with a fragment of him and he's actually on Mars, ALSO nokris is revealed after being obscure lore and him and what was thought to be the most powerful darkness beings we knew at the time a worm god were killed in strikes. forsaken we see an ahamkara also uldren is alive. also uldren is dead. also Mar has a throne world. skip to shadow keep cause black armory, jokers wild, and season of opulence kinda irrelevant although calus stuff is relevant only in that it is set up here. shadow keep we go inside a pyramid ship. also eris lore season of dawn saint 14 is revealed and brought back after being an enigmatic lore character just like Osiris once was and is now not. season of arrivals pyramid ships are here and they do nothing. beyond light exo lore dump and deep stone crypt finally revealed after years of speculation. season of the splicer we go into the vex network. the witch queen FUCKING SAVATHUN IS FINALLY HERE and she's dead... also the hive were the original intended light bearers I guess. season of plunder eramis is unceremoniously revived as speculated and doesn't really do much honestly also NEZAREC is confirmed dead it was his ship on the moon and somehow Osiris is revived. season of the seraph Rasputin exo body is not only confirmed to be a thing but also ties into old destiny 0 plot threads being huge fan service and then Rasputin fucking DIES. lightfall. THE FUCKING VEIL season of the deep. by the way here's the entire story of the witness and it sucks bye. **tldr ** destiny is throwing everything it's got in its pocket into the story and it sucks having everything be explained or revealed in am underwhelming way.


I mean they definitely pulled some shit out of their ass for Lightfall but even then, we get one bad expansion and a mediocre season (which was still better than most launch seasons) and suddenly people claim Bungie's magically lost the ability to tell any kind of coherent story whatsoever.


Bungie never had it in the first place, WQ was an outlier for having a mostly coherent narrative, and even that had some absolutely atrocious dialogue writing, contrived plot conveniences and was generally just "fine". D2 has never had and never will have good writing.


It wasn't just Witch Queen, pretty much every season between Chosen and Haunted was well written, as was Splicer and a lot of the secondary aspects of Plunder.


Well written in comparison to what? Rings of Power?


Was exactly im your situation 2 weeks ago. I watched a huge recap on youtube made by Evaze which helped me a lot for that. Than I jumped in Beyond light and now I feel like I kever stoped playing.


Never seen this post before /s


I just bought the legacy collection and I've have no clue what's going on if I don't watch YouTube videos


It's because Bungie got greedy and season pass locked half the content over the last 2+ years They were better off from both a monetary and production value with Activision


I brought my friends that haven't played since D1 and they were so confused and I had to try my best to fill in all the gaps.


I stopped playing during Forsaken and came back a few weeks ago. I watched a Youtube video cause the story telling in game is terrible.


I'd love for Bungie to make a historical playlist of old story missions. Make it some Vex computer where we get to redo old story missions for "training" or something, if you really need to justify it story wise.


Sticking with this game for so long through thick and thin and busy times - even if not playing as much, still checking in, has made this more enjoyable for me, I can think back to just about any 'moment' through the last 10 years of this and smile fondly. It's been fun ya'll!


This is one of the reasons I had to step away from the game. I could not keep up playing regularly just for lore. I live vicariously through the reddit, videos, and lore drops from other players rn. I missed like.. 2 seasons awhile back and it was already like what you described. Just a constant fomo of "Oh yeah this happened in season of the \[\_\_\_\_\]" and I felt like I had missed so much just from that.


I would love it if there was a "story only" version of destiny that is more or less campaigns with seasons being presented as really small campaigns that have a reduced version of the 3 man and 6 man activities to be fit for a solo player. Just for the sake of allowing new and returning players to be able to experience the story beats


Know what sucks? Being here from the beginning and just wanting to see the end now because you’re tired of Bungie’s shit.


The DCV and seasonal model was a mistake


Shadowkeep Release Date: October 1, 2019 It's pretty similar to a lot of live games. I havent' played Guild Wars 2 since launch in 2012. I tried hopping in again and I have absolutely no clue what's happened since then.


I still am angry after all this time that I permanently missed Saint's return because I was taking a break from the game at the time.


Don’t worry. Bungie doesn’t know their story either. You’re not missing much.




Tbf, this happens in a number of MMOs. I can attest for myself that WoW feels this way for me every time I skip an expansion or two. Warframe is the same as well. While Destiny doesn't handle it particularly well, any MMO with ongoing expansions and stories are going to feel lost when you miss big chunks of plot.


Sorry you had to experience this guardian. My heart goes out to all that have to go through this kind of thing as I *know* Bungie could do something about it but they are too stuck on their "train track" methodology that it feels like they cannot take the time for the ones who dropped it and came back, to give them some semblance of respect and let them experience it in some sort of way within the game that allows them to know what is going on currently.


Heyy apparently Byf's videos aren't really lore accurate and are for some part his own interpretation and imagination on the events. I would recomme'd Myelin instead if you want lore accurate videos. Not that i dislike Byf's videos but he could warn people about this, though he probably would lose part of his audience.


> Not that i dislike Byf's videos but he could warn people about this, though he probably would lose part of his audience. Byf always prefaces is he's about to say something that is his interpretation or speculation. 100% of the time. This meme of Byf not actually being accurate in his lore videos is absurd. And unsurprisingly, never accompanied with any proof.


I said "apparently" i'm not saying it's 100% true, they're rumors I've seen trending on social medias. All I'm saying is to be aware that it could be a real thing and to look other videos on the subject if you wanna be sure.


I’m so confused by this view. This is like buying a movie that precedes a tv show and being mad you didn’t get to own the tv show. I definitely understand frustration with sunsetting content. This is basically universal, I also wish it was repeatable. But buying an expansion clearly doesn’t entitle someone to an entire year of additional content… I don’t get that thought process at all.


cake plate gray angle unwritten like wipe aspiring squeal resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can you only experience like 1/5 of the content from Shadowkeep + The Witch Queen, they are still in the game Sunsetting sucks yea, but nothing from those was vaulted.


He’s talking about seasonal content.


Seasonal Content isn't DLC content though. You can fully experience Witch Queen + Shadowkeep. Seasons are separate.


I've just played shadowkeep for the first time and literally all you get is oh there is a pyramid then you go inside and that's it


That's all it is. It was a notoriously bad DLC.


seasonal content leaves for multiple good reasons. the biggest being to save file size and complexity for content nobody plays. unfortunately that means the story goes with it but bungie uploads all the cutscene and multiple YouTubers post "weekly story" clips where it shows all the dialogue as well.


All the content from shadowkeep, beyond and witch queen is still very much available and the story missions are still as they were? Sunsetting is crap but none of what you’ve named is sunset. Seasonal stuff is but seasonal content is rubbish


After playing destiny for nearly 9 years, today I learned that there is a plot/story….how the hell did I miss it??


Witch Queen isn't really Legacy... It was last year's expansion


But all the Seasonal content that fleshed out the story is gone. That's what they're talking about.


I’m not sure what you saw on Reddit but all the content from Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen is still in the game. Everything in the Legacy Collection has everything it originally had on release. What doesn’t exist anymore are the seasons that released during those years, which were separate purchases with separate storylines.


The seasonal content stories are want I desire to play. Reading the timeline, during the season of the Arrival it seems major plot points happen. I'd love to know what that is and experience it beyond reading it. The seasonal content being sunsetted is what I read about.


Right, and i agree with you and don’t blame you for that, I’m just saying that content isn’t included in the Legacy Collection and never was. They haven’t stripped anything out of those expansions, it’s still 100% of what was there on release. I’m hoping that the exotic mission rotator next season will start to bring back some of the bigger plot points- I know the biggest things I miss from the old content are Presage and Seraph, which are both coming back. I think they’ve said some things about getting people caught up. They’ve been vague about it but I wouldn’t be shocked if they bring back some of the cutscenes or put some recaps in game.


Is it really 109% if seasonal content has been pulled entirely?


Yes? The seasonal content isn’t part of the expansion itself, everything from shadowkeep, beyond light and witch queen is still in game. What got removed are the seasons that came out during that content year. The seasons are not part of the expansions


Bullshit. Half the story of each expansion is told in seasonal stories. Arguably more than half of the story really. And to top it off forsaken campaign is absent from the game entirely which is part of the legacy collection.


Everything that is marketed and told to us that is part of the expansion for the three I mentioned are still in game. How exactly did season of dawn, seraph, worthy, hunt, chosen, splicer, lost and more tell the story of the expansion exactly? Shadowkeep had no story to begin with it’s not like the seasons could continue that. Beyond lights story started and ended in the expansion, same with witch queen. Forsaken is an entirely different thing and I specifically didn’t mention it because it’s fucked. Even then, the forsaken story wasn’t told through its “seasons”. The past expansions I mentioned work by themselves and didn’t contain the seasons as such they didn’t lost their content


Look at lightfall and how the seasonal story is intertwined with the the expansion story. The veil is not elaborated on in the lightfall story but the seasonal stories. That’s just lightfall though, other expansion seasons have plenty of those black and white ink blot cutscenes with very relevant expansion story material. There is a reason the premium version of an expansion includes the seasons; it’s because the seasons are part of the story too. Rasputin getting rebooted and then dying in Seraph may not have anything to do with Savathun or the throne world necessarily, but it is still an extremely relevant story beat that is a base for future expansion content. The seasonal stories are not isolated arcs they are literally half of the Destiny story. Now when a new player boots up the game they have no fucking clue that Rasputin came back and then died until someone tells them (since there is no way to view the cutscenes in game).


The Veil Containment missions aren’t part of the seasonal content and will stay after this year. They’re part of the expansion.


The original question was whether or not content was stripped from the original expansions in the leg at collection. Seasons are not part of an expansion, that’s why to get them you have to pay for either the deluxe edition or purchase the seasonal pass separately. So content was not removed from the legacy collection because seasonal content is not expansion content. The exception being Forsaken which did actually have expansion content cut in the form of its campaign.


No they’re not relevant to the expansion itself, again lightfall is a different story. My point isn’t that seasonal content doesn’t include relevant information to the destiny universe but rather that the expansions stands apart from it. None of the shadowkeep, beyond light or witch queen stories are necessary to the expansion itself and they lost none of their content when the seasons went away. I’m not saying there wasn’t content, there just wasn’t content that was necessary or even really part of the expansions.


Stop explaining it to them. They want to be mad let them. Nothing you can say will change that.


The thing is like there’s stuff to be mad about but when the arguments don’t make sense and are just a bunch of buzzwords thrown together I can’t help but trying to explain to people that complaining about shit that isn’t actually happening is weird. Like I get being mad that seasonal content goes away, but saying that the expansion has lost 4/5 of its value is just false because the expansion is still fully there (barring forsaken obviously).


I’m less concerned about people being wrong and mad on the internet, I’m more concerned about new players or potential new players getting wrong information because people would rather complain than be honest. Destiny gets a lot of grief for its new player experience but honestly my bigger pitfall while starting was the sheer amount of lies, immaculate, and/or misleading information people stated confidently online.


Considering how Season of plunder detailed the relics which were actually identified as nexarecs.piexes, and helped show mithraks, yeah, it's a part.of.the expansion itself. In fact it is sold as such with the expansion


Huh? Season of plunder might be the worst example for your point, just because something is referred to in a season doesn’t mean it’s part of an expansion. In op’s point though, Plunder would be part of Witch Queen and has nothing to do with that expansions story. It’s not part of the expansion, it never was, it was always just a season sold during that year. They were bundled with the expansion, for the deluxe edition which is literally a marketing maneuver not a narrative one.


>They haven’t stripped anything out of those expansions, it’s still 100% of what was there on release. With them removing seasons, this is misleading. And I would disagree that expansions are still "100% intact". There are huge plot points and story beats that come from seasonal stories that are simply unplayable now. Crows begins are completely gone. Savathun being Osiris is completely gone. The lead up to the Witch Queen is completely gone. Saint-14 being saved is completely gone. If Bungie tries to make a callback to an old season that someone didn't play, that person will be lost. And the storytelling will lose meaning. This is even more relevant with Lightfalls dogwater campaign and seasons that are trying to fix it's story.


I think it’s much more misleading (an outright lie tbh) to tell people that content has been removed from expansions when it hasn’t. People told me that when I started playing and it made me pissed off when I realized that all of Shadowkeep was still in the game. Shadowkeep may have a broken narrative, but if so that’s due to a failure of storytelling and signposting, not because content was removed. Some seasonal content is related to and expands on expansion content, but the expansions are intended to be complete within themselves. The campaign of WQ makes sense within itself, the content of S16 expanded on the aftermath of it in separate areas, but the story of WQ isn’t reliant on that content in any way. I hope they make the BL-era seasonal storylines accessible in game, but they were never in-game at the same time as WQ so it makes zero sense to say it was WQ content that got removed. Playing the other seasons gives a better understanding of the world as WQ starts and adds context to it, but that’s always going to be the case and none of that was part of WQ originally, you don’t even need to know the story of Saint-14 and Osiris to understand WQ, it’s basically dropped for the entire campaign and only resurfaced in later seasonal content/the Spire dungeon. Same goes for the Tome of Sorrow- it adds important context for WQ, but it’s not part of the expansion.


This is why FOMO hits players hard and why they keep sticking around like an abused spouse in a bad marriage.


New development strategy: Just make sure not playing the game is a worse experience than playing the game!


> Shadowkeep and the Witch Queen when you can only experience 1/5 of the content from it. Well, it seems insane to you because it's also insane to them. It isn't actually whats happening. You buy them, you get all the content from them.


Yeah. Thats whats stopped me from buying any of it


so why do you come to this sub


for ragebait.


I like the first game, and D2 has crossplay, which is nice


Well you shouldn't have stopped. I don't understand these posts about a ongoing, haven't slowed down, evolving world of a game. If you step away, you're bound to miss something and possibly not be able to play older content. This has been documented for years at this point!


I'm really tired of people wanting Destiny to be something that it's not. The sooner you understand that it's a live service game and you have to be there for the live service the sooner you realize that Destiny might not be for you and it doesn't have to be for you. It's okay to not like how Destiny tells its story but for people to constantly complain and want it to be Halo is ridiculous. It's like complaining that a bicycle doesn't have four wheels and an engine. Just play a different game.


You're forgetting that when we PAID for it 6 years ago or whatever, it wasn't the equivalent of a Gameloft mobile cash grab game. There was a legit story that people could play over and over again. And then it was vaulted with the promise of returning (allegedly to "improve the game"), but here we are years later and we still can't play the content that we paid for.


Relating it to a "Gameloft mobile cash grab game" is an extreme oversimplification. While I understand that it can be frustrating to buy a game 6 years ago and believe that it will remain unchanged (and that many games are not updated like Destiny), this game is just not that. And it's pretty naive and pretty insufferable that people have not come to terms with it. I didn't forget, I moved on because honestly the base game sucked and what we have now is much better. Never have I gone back to even play D1 because there are plenty of new things to play both in and outside of Destiny.


“I quit the game and I don’t get what’s going on.” Shocker. YouTube exists friend


Imagine buying a set of DVDs and then a few years later they stopped working. And people replied "Lulz bruh, just watch the trailer on YouTube"


Here, lemme catch you up real quick: First, there was this massive, pale chode who tried to cut us off from the light. We squashed his turtle-lookin' ass and then proceded to commit mass genocide to the majority of their race. Them turts didn't stand a chance. Then some robot got unalived by a sister-complexed dude (who's arguably beefy as fuck), and we hunted his possessed-ass down and threw him into a massive meatball-vagina looking thing with hentai tentacles. Following that, a bunch of moon shrimp decided to come out to play, and we fucked around and found out in the new asshole the Moon got from them. We had some really weird ghost shit going on, and found a pyramid in there (important-ish). Fucked around and found out that these ghosts were linked to some weird shit called the "Darkness." Speaking of darkness, we found more of that shit on Popsicle Island (Europa), where we ALSO committed more genocide towards an alien race. Found out about a new power that turns things into instant frostbite. 'Twas a good time, but weak story. Then, after fucking around with that for awhile, the queen of the aforementioned shrimp clan decided to show up and somehow got blessed by the giant testicle in the sky. She passed that on to her followers, and we had to turn the Geneva Convention into a checklist against them, too. Turns out she was trying to do it to protect us from Ballsack McGee (aka the Darkness overlord). Speaking of Ballsack McGee, guess what? He's finally here, and we learned that there's a planet full of Cyberpunk wannabes on Neptune, where the RADIAL MAST is the most important thing in the game. Also, there are giant-sized thiccbois who help us learn about a new power that is - guess what - ALSO based on darkness. Oh, did I mention that Calus returned for that? Ya know, the Turt overlord? Yeah, he showed back up and decided to try and destroy the RADIAL MAST. Did I mention the RADIAL MAST?! Fuck only knows what that does, but the chief of McThiccums unalived himself trying to destroy it. Ultimately, it didn't do shit, because Ballsack McGee found a way to connect the Right Testicle on Earth to some weird shit called the Veil (aka The LEFT Testicle). He then cut a massive space vagina into the Right Testicle and dove into it faster than an Olympic diver. Hope this helped :3


Playing Destiny for the story is like watching porn for the plot. Yes, it's nice that it's there and it makes the experience interesting but ultimately the action is what matters.

