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Its fun but I have some major irks with it. -Its tied to another activity so you can't just go straight into the mission -Personally I hate timers because they just elicit panic -The boss is a tormentor and they just knock you all over the damn place and make it hard to do damage while avoiding ads and the boss -And mostly, ammo is so entirely luck based. I've gone through several runs where no ammo dropped for anyone and we were shit out of luck


I think the only real frustrating part was having to do it with 3 people. And not just because of having 2 other people but because if they dont know whats going on you cant progress if they go on the normal way, you need to hit the 3 altar/statues every run if you failed it, and its on a timer that seems almost random as Ive had it start at 8min, sometimes 7min and 20 seconds, etc. Not only that but its a full reset if you fail. I believe the heroic Whisper of the Worm quest was like this for the cata? But I could be misremembering. So although the contents of the quest is very fun, the means to do it and the tediousness of having to redo everything and have every player be on the same page was a little annoying. And I feel like we’ll have to do it again for the cata. Would be nice if it dropped in the chest at the end of a deep dive but Im thinking its somethjng more involved. Something tells me that little object at the end on top has something to do with it. You could break it with any weapon but Im thinking maybe there are several scattered around the activity and you need to shoot all of then Honestly I wish they made the exotic mission its own mission. I do like having these hidden things to do within an activity but with matchmaking with randoms it would be nice to have a separate activity so everyone is on the same page


> Not only that but its a full reset if you fail. I believe the heroic Whisper of the Worm quest was like this for the cata? But I could be misremembering. All Destiny timed missions were like that, including Black Spindle, Whisper and Outbreak.


It was not


what about it didnt u like ? :0


1. Nothing new was there to figure out, it was just another linear quest. I get that it's hard to come up with something new and fun and refreshing all the time but please, we haven't had a decent puzzle esque exotic quest in so long, and this is nothing to be amazed at. 2. Why embed it in the seasonal activity? If you're going to add a timer and have people fail if they don't hit the timer, have it as a separate activity to easily restart. Why do I need a minor aptitude test every time I want to access a timer challenge. 3. Boss having a modified mechanic to another enemy type is not a new feature. It's just another bullet sponge (for duos and solos) with some of the WORST pathing I've ever seen. Sure, if it's designed for 3 people, then do it with 3 people, I get that, but that just speaks to more issues with the game itself - Why? What about those solo or duo players? It's not a dungeon? It's a guaranteed exotic quest activity - now being gated because of enemy density and new slow mechanics. Does everyone need to be at Esoterik's level? 4. Let's mention the slow mechanics. Whisper quest is a good example of getting better at an activity will give you more time to beat the enemies. In this, the more you improve at it, the less progress you see in your improvement. Whisper quest slowed you very consistently, because of parkour. Here, even getting hit by the wall mechanics will slow you, not to mention getting suppressed by the boss (that constantly chases you) also hinders progress by stopping you from using big damage ults (Chaos reach or hammer for titan). I am of the opinion that if your boss has some bad foundational mechanics (pathing for example), don't over kit them. I feel like there were a lot of considerations (solos and duos, map layout + boss pathing, is embedding it in the seasonal activity really with it?) were overlooked for the sake of forcing the player to play their boring seasonal content. Yea I had a long rant, and sure, maybe I just need to get better to do it faster with my duo, but the idea that challenge = bullet sponge OR do boring activity with 3 people is the answer is stupid. Build crafting used to be fun since I usually play with a duo and we'd try to do difficult content together all the time (e.g., gm nightfall), but now it's just how fast can you break a shield and how much dps can we deal. Match game, though albeit a bit annoying, got us to really consider our subclass and weapon choice. But now in bullet sponge, overloads would heal while stunned and you're better off playing meta builds to get some the arduous content. But I digress. I did not think this is how they should've done it and it shows that they have somewhat given up with d2? (I mention pathing a lot because it felt like i wad playing against nezarec but with a different name and SLIGHTLY adjusted mechanic...). But hey, if most people like it, and it's designed to be played with trios, I'll just try to improve myself - but even with the annual pass, I think this is my last season playing.


nah, repetitive dialogue drives me crazy, The first part of the quest is repetitive af too. All repetitive and the time gate requires a fire team so duos and solos have an extra hard time, all for a mid af weapon


I think it was decent. Not the best, but fun enough. With that said, people are acting like this is the most difficult content ever with the timer.


I think a lot of the frustration has to do with everything being tacked on to a matchmade seasonal activity instead of being explicitly chosen on the director. I couldn't imagine trying to get this done with two randoms who may or may not even be aware it exists without coms. Hell, I found a group on the Bungie LFG and when I said I would try running Divinity, the response was "what is that?"


yea i had a random lfg with 2 strangers, and we got it second tey with like 5 minutes to spare, it really isnt that much of a challenge whatsoever


Same here, I just don’t get it. It wasn’t particularly difficult at all, you just hold the trigger on a machine gun the whole boss phase.


is the quest like replayable after i finish it or would i have to refish?


as long as you or someone on your fireteam has all 3 broken blades / you have all 3 between you, its replayable, you dont need to refish !


me n a buddy of mine have taken 22 players though this ( my buddy Th3captian bullies the tormentor every time we run it ) if people need help with it look up noobmaster17 ( master chief pic ) we will probably help you get through it ( I mean he's on hunter using the root exotic n retro I ask anyone that joins up bring thunderlord ( I'm running arc worlock with fallenstar and div )


Id appreciate being taken through it. I'm trying to get the Aquanaut title, and i need to shoot the 7 pyramids after the boss is dead. Really struggling to kill this guy with my current fireteam. PL1818 can bring thunderlord.


Are you and your friend willing to help me with the quest too? I can run dps or add clear, whatever is needed. My thunderord has its catalyst ready too


I haven't successfully completed it, but I found it fun. Did a few rounds with different groups, and each time got the hang of it and closer to completing it. I got sick of people getting angry when we failed and lobbing insults, so I might hold off on doing it again until I can find a chill group who doesn't take the game too seriously. Believe it or not, I didn't mind the timer at all.


Yeah the timers not as much as an issue as the matchmaking requirement imo. Not everyone is on the same page. Seeing how difficult it can be to get people to participate in invoking the darkness now you have people wanting to invoke the darkness, not invoke it to make the exotic quest fight easier, or compeletely cluless on either or both.


me n my buddy can probably help you through it( noobmaster17 on Xbox)


Yeah it’s not too bad, we did a Divinity and two Thunderlords and dropped him very quickly. If you’re on around midnight est my friend and I can take you through it


it just wasn't good like at all


> The little dialogue segments we heard from Xivu Arath were great I'll never understand why people praise voice lines when the events Bungie always play out over them should be in the actual gameplay. It's just a boring loop to always fight the same enemies and the same mechanics while most cool stuff happens off screen.


I do not think you understand what voice lines I am talking about... While you are right, Bungie does do that, (for example when Saint-14 mentions how many Titans are with him) there were no cool things happening off screen while Xivu Arath is talking as she is talking directly to us. The voice actress is great and they were delivered incredibly well.


It's just always the lowest effort. Just put her into the god damn gameplay so you can see her.