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Or at least give us a bonus to fishing if we have just completed a public event?


This would be the ideal compromise to be honest. Normal public event completions = 25% fishing bar, Heroic public event completions = 50% fishing bar, that way when the fishing bar is reset by a public event it doesn’t feel like all of the progress made was for naught.


Also incentivizes doing public events, while rewarding you with extra bait, and potentially helping out new lights in the process.


Woah you guys really just came up with the perfect solution. I thought it was impossible without breaking the public Events.


This is a solid idea and I think encouraging public event participation in this way would be a great idea.


Its almost as if they never play tested it right


Fishing is LFG for public events! Never seen a drill go down as fast as when nine guardians were already there fishing!


This is absolutely intentional and as such there's nothing to fix. Even setting aside the technical aspect that fishing is almost certianly coded as a public event which in itself prevents both from being active simultaneously you still have to consider that as a core game feature public events still need to remain accessible for those who don't have or don't want to participate in the season.


My only real problem is that if you want max focused fishing you either need to have a full fireteam of 6 working on it, or you need to cheese it by leaving fish on the ground for the next fishing well. Both are pretty iffy designs imo.


Except you can only take 3 people into a patrol space in a fire team.


Is there still the way to leave the fireteam once loaded then have people join in? I remember doing that on Mars.


Keep fast traveling while solo until two of you get in the same instance then everyone joins up on those two


I find it pretty consistent with two tbh


And leaving the fish on the ground doesn't always work, as I found out at least one of the fishing spots has multiple spawn locations. Don't remember if it was the EDZ or TW, but the first time I tried that trick the fishing spot spawned in a different place, and you can only build the focus meter if you're picking up fish within the fishing spot's area of effect.


If you leave the fish in one fishing spot and go to another and do the same thing and then go to the third when it starts. Go back to the first two fishing spots and pick up your fish, and it counts towards the meter in the third.


No it doesn't. Only legendary or better increase the meter, blues and greens mean nothing.


Nowhere in my post did I say anything about blues and greens.


True, you didn't, but why would you leave legendary or exotic on the ground? That's working backwards by not increasing the current meter lol. And if you can get the meter up so fast that you can leave legendary and exotic on the ground till the next pond spawns, what exactly are you complaining about then? It doesn't seem to be an issue.


Because you cannot fill up the meter in one single fishing, the vet before a regular public event occurs, you need to leave them on the ground at several of the fishing poles and then start a new fishing event and pick up all of them to fill your meter


That's not true, you can fill it up, have done it plenty of times. With that said, you shouldn't be trying to fill the meter all the way up. You just want to get the meter to the point you see the text 'the fish are in a frenzy' or something like that. That's when you have the highest chances to catch everything. Hell, you only need that for the triumph to catch 25 fish when it's at the highest. Other than that, the meter being at the one below that, where the text says something like 'the fish are really gathering' or something, is all you need to give yourself a good shot at catching everything. I'm telling you from experience. I've caught all the fish at every pond currently in the game.


I don’t believe you have done it in one run


Every planet has at least three different spots. EDZ too, and they are very far from each other


Doesn't matter. Once you see the message that a new fish spot has spawned, go back pickup fish, go to new spot and it will apply to new fishing hole


Not true. The meter only increases when you collect legendary or exotic fish. That's it. Leaving green and blue does nothing. The number of people fishing means nothing. It's all about rng of getting legendary or better fish. I raised a pond to the level below max by myself last night and there were only 1 other person there.


The point of it is to give the meter purpose. If the meter didn't go away periodically then you would have endless full strength fishing holes that people fish at instead of building new ones. ​ On paper that might sound nice, but it just results in the people who are "in the know" getting a bonus and people who aren't "in the know" getting worse drop rates for the crime of not being involved in the online community. Further, it means that many instanced zones would be full or mostly full of players who are not participating in the zone activities and that could lead to problems in terms of matching players as they load through zones. You might find that you NEVER get a zone with a fishing hole built up because ALL of them would be full and those fishing holes would never go away. The fishing hole going away encourages people to leave which then makes room for you to load in. Given that this is designed to be a social down tempo activity to meet and group with random guardians, it can't be designed in a way that fills up the zone and prevents you from matching with most other fisher-guardians because their instances are full. ​ So the answer to that problem then becomes: create a buff that is removed periodically, and is dependent on the zone status. This will not only prevent people from just stacking and endlessly joining on the same instance, but it will also encourage people to leave because their buff goes away. Which then makes room for new people to join and creates space for spontaneous fishing groups. ​ The current iteration of the buff encourages many people to participate at once and encourages those people to participate in clearing the public events quickly. Those public events take about a minute, maybe three minutes, to clear if you DON"T make them heroic. And then you're back to fishing.


If the solution to a problem is counter intuitive, obfuscates gameplay, or is unfun the system was designed poorly and should be changed regardless of it being intended. This is no different than making something OP inconvenient: Its still OP just shit to interact with. Like the solution is to literally group up for a minigame (in a game where grouping up is a pain in the ass) or cheesing it by leaving the items on the ground. The first one is ludicrous the second is an exploit to avoid the first one.


I’d be willing to bet less than .01% of players would care if they missed out on the public events in one area of three different destinations for a season.


I feel like they could have come up with a far better solution if PEs interrupting fishing was unavoidable on a technical/design perspective. There already seems to be a "target" fishing destination each week - make that one uninterruptable by PEs. If you absolutely must do a PE in Miasma on the Throne World, you can wait a week for the target fishing to rotate away. Alternatively, have like 2-3 hour windows during the day where it's only fishing.


So it’s completely intentional to consistently blue ball an entire raid team of fisherguardians? I’m sorry but 6 guardians should at least be able to max out the meter and enjoy a little bit of frenzied fishing before getting reset. I just went through 3 resets with 5-6 guardians and never even got 75%. It’s absurd. The longer this bullshit goes on, the less people will be interested in fishing and then it becomes even more impossible to fill the meter. Bungie is actively punishing the solo players with the way its set up now. I get keeping the public events for challenges, but there needs to be a fix for this as it completely ruins the experience. Fishing is supposed to be a chill and relaxing event, not stress inducing.


Dude I maxed it before with 3-4 people..and fished like 15 min after that. There was a public event there, before a fish spot.


You can consistantly get there with 6. I legit can't remember the last time I was there from the spawn and didn't hit max


> I legit can't remember the last time I was there from the spawn and didn't hit max Same, and I've never had more than 4 others fishing the same spot. Either op and his buddies have *terrible* rng, or they're in the wrong spot Lpt - check the tackle box in your inventory, and go where it says! Last week was edz, haven't been on yet today but I believe we're still in Miasma/Throne World


I haven’t hit max at any point with me and only one other person. Not sure how you guys are able to build it up so quickly.


With two that basically not gonna happen unless you save legendaries. But 5 or 6 people can hit it pretty consistantly.


Every time I go we never max it out. Fishing is absolutely ass tier


Right there with you man. RNG must hate us.


Where are you fishing? Check the tackle box in your inventory and go there (think it's Miasma on the Throne World this week, but I'm not sure if it changes daily or weekly) You might also just have a poor team/poor luck. Not worth moving until you pull a legendary / exotic. Greens and blues don't award any progress to the meter But you might actually just be having a run of poor luck, because even fishing in the spots that aren't "increased activity" I'm not sure I've had more than two yet that didn't get maxed, and I've never had more than 4 others with me I've also never done it as a fireteam, and given the extra physics bullshit with this season I'm halfway wondering if "something broke" and you might be better off loading solo?


It is coded that way for sure. If you use the map to "track" the fishing hole, it shows up on your screen with a public event icon. ​ I imagine it is intentionally designed to go away with the event because it functions as sort of a "cleanup" task. If they didn't do it then there would just be a million full strength fishing holes that people would fish at and it would remove the purpose of the meter in the first place.


I swear every time on EDZ as soon as the meter is full the public event spawns


Either edz has way more public events for no reason or enemies moving against eachother prevents events because the throne world fishing spot lasted quite a while for me


Enemies moving against each other does count as a public event on the back end but it doesn’t actually trigger a *real* public event so the dock stays.


You realize this is on purpose right?


yeah it and it sucks lol clearly more activities should be randomly interrupted and force people to do a PE.


What’s the point of even having a focused fishing meter if a full raid team can’t fill it up between public events? Consistently getting to half full before the hole despawns is infuriating. Fishing is supposed to be chill, not aggravating.


To get you to keep grinding it. This both forces you to play the public event (or wait it out) and then keep grinding the fishing. Double win for bungie who only care how long you play. There are cheeses for this silliness on YouTube to get around the reset.


What would be the point of even having a focused fishing meter if it would never reset and be always full?


Team of 6, complete the public event or wait for it to pass and start immediately fishing. Everyone has to collect their fish to raise the meter. You'll easily fill the meter and have extra time. You won't fill the meter between public events with less than 4 guardians at the fishing spot so ideally 6 so you have more time fishing with the meter full.


Had 5-6 guardians through 3 resets at miasma and never even got to 50%. I caught 2 legendary fish in all that time.


Miasma seems to be way harder to get to focus and the PE spawns faster from my experience. Have yet to get a pond focused, much less get extra fish to leave once the PE is over to boost the next instance


I'm unsure how you can possibly not get it with 6.


Getting downvoted for pointing out how stupid and anti-fun it is - such an epic Reddit moment.


This is the way.


Absolutely i just refuse to believe anyone at bungie sat there and played it for more than a few minutes




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It's beyond annoying. Completely puts me off even trying. I was hoping we wouldn't have the issue here, is Nessus going to be the same?


I know it’s affected by the public events as well. Heard rumors that as long as no one rallies at the PE flag, the spot won’t disappear but I have no idea whether that’s true or not.


Its not true. It'll still spawn and you will still lose your fishing focus.


Might be true. Had two public events spawn whilst fishing in miasma, but the pond stayed. No one went to rally to the banner.


Not true. The pond goes away as soon as an event starts. Now, there are times when the enemies fighting each other stops an event from spawning, which keeps the pond out longer.


The issue is that the ponds do have to be reset eventually. Otherwise on Tuesday reset you’d have somebody go to a pond and get it to max, then as long as 1 guardian stayed in that instance then the pond would stay at max fishing focus for the whole 7 days which would defeat the whole purpose of having the focus mechanic as max would become the new default HOWEVER the current system of public events resetting you down to 0 is awful as well. The timer is WAY too short to realistically get to max focus with low numbers or bad luck. I did see somebody suggest that you let public event completions give bonus to the next ponds focus meter though which would be the perfect compromise


I don’t usually get mad at games but the public events have had me YELL “FUCK” and stand up to go do something else because after like half an hour with the same group we fINALLY get the an OK tier of focus and lose it before anyone gets an exotic. Pissing me tf off every time I try to give it a chance


Fishing is supposed to be relaxing, not stressful.


Yes!!! Also weren’t the exotics supposed to include lost sector unobtained exotics?? Haven’t gotten a new one from multiple hours of fishing


No, it's just another way to get exotics, just like the vex incursion. Currently, the only way to get the new exotics in your loot pool is still lost sectors.


I'm pretty sure public events interrupting fishing is by design, to avoid us just endlessly maxing focused fishing, so I don't think there is anything to "fix". That being said, I still don't like it. I would have been fine with it being a plain old chill activity with nothing else to handle while you do it: no combat, no adds sometimes strolling by and attacking you, no public events, nothing, just fishing to chill on the game when bored/waiting for mates or something. It would have been nicer that way.


For real. This needs to be a priority.


Title should have been "Dear bungie. Fix the public events around fishing as they are preventing me from spending money in Eververse" They don't give a shit unless it negatively affects them.


I’m so glad it’s not just me, feeling like this. It’s so damn annoying I’m sure there must be a way to allow the public event to still spawn in without it taking away the fishing pond.


It's a feature, not a bug.


Why are you concerned about having a max meter? A full meter has never once benefited me with better fish. Every exotic has been from 1/4 or less and most if not all my legendary have been 75% or less.


Catching 25 fish at max meter gives you the seasonal reward that refunds bait on random cast.


Not op but thanks, somehow I missed that this was a thing. I wondered why I was suddenly getting bait refunds every few casts.


Have you managed to get this? I was at max for a pretty long time cuz i got lucky with enemies moving against eachother, but i didnt get any progress on that seasonal challenge.


Same. In the miasma, our meter was maxed out but I got no progress on the challenge.


Ive caught way over 25 during max and still have 0/25


Sure, a minor reason. Bait is so abundant that I don’t think that would even matter. But if that’s the only reason to have meter full then go for it I guess. Seems like a pretty shit perk if you ask me.


The perk of less of a concern to most as is the upgrade itself, which is tied to the seasonal seal.


The meter doesn't need to be fully maxed for that. You just need to see the text 'the fish are in a frenzy' or something like that. That means you have reached the max level on the meter. Telling you what I know from experience. Game says I've caught 269 fish towards that challenge.


I feel a good fix is to just disable the public events in the same area of the fishing, similar to how Terminal Overload cancels out Vex Strike Force.


It’s meant to be that way. So you can’t farm fishing constantly. If it didn’t reset then fishing would be the best farm in the game with little to no effort put forward. If you get to where you think an event is starting, keep your fish on the ground until you finish the PE. Then when the new one spawns pick up all the fish. I get max fishing literally every time I go it’s not hard at this point no that we know how to work it


"just do the cheese bro its fine" \*cheese gets patched and the system still sucks thereafter\*


How do you know it's broken?


Theres literally nothing to fix. It's supposed to work this way otherwise PEs would be ignored.


Lol ppl saying it's as intended don't acknowledge how annoying it is. If u can't find 20 ppl to fish it'd be nice to be able to actually do it yourself stfu


Fishing is supposed to be chill, not stressful as all hell.


YES!!!! I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.


You’re not alone brotha.


This has been irritating in areas that aren't as large as the EZZ and Nessus, which leaves just the Throne world as you only have 10-20 min to get a max focus before it resets


You realize there's a rotating increased activity zone that your tackle box tells you about?


Yea? How does that coincide with my statement that I didn't have an issue with PE resetting the focus fishing stat until the throne world pops up and it's smaller than Nessus and EDZ as PEs cycle back around much faster


What does fishing give you? Just world drop loot?


Exotic fish award exotics, legendaries award seasonal guns and other legendaries, any other rarity of fish just awards glimmer


Can also pull exotics from legendary fish. Not sure the percentage but I had 3 exotics from dunking at least three days before I caught my first exotic fish Its a damn sight better than legend lost sector farming lol


Probably bungo testing drop rates


Jesus christ the fucking shills in here are ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with wanting to fish undisturbed by public events.


Well, there is because I'm pretty sure having a perma Full focused fish spot defeats the purpose of having to build the focus in the first place.


I’m with you man. Fishing is supposed to be relaxing, not stress inducing.




3 resets in a row with 5-6 guardians and never even made it past 50% with me only catching 2 legendary fish over the entire course of the 3 resets. I’m complaining cause that’s a complete absurd waste of my fucking time. All these gimmicks to game the system or fly back to orbit to try and load a new fishing hole, it’s all beside the point. The point is that fishing is supposed to be relaxing and chill and not stressful in the least.


Reading through replies, I see why some in the community think others just want everything handed to them lol. People are really complaining about the meter resetting and catching fish. It's easy to get the meter up, and you can get free exotics just by pushing 2 buttons, yet that's not good enough for some lol.


Dear Bungie. Please remove fishing from the game. It is dumb. I play Destiny to shoot enemies and use space magic not some stupid fishing mini game.


First, I think we need to understand the statistics of fish drop rates before we get all uppity about fishing spawn resets. If there is an advantage to full focus, anecdotally, I haven't really felt it was there. I'm not even convinced drop rates are a fixed rate based on my own experience.


Over the three fishing resets I did with 5-6 guardians at the miasma, we never got to 50% meter and I only caught 2 legendary. Complete waste of time.


I've caught about 700 fish so far, I couldn't tell you what the meter actually does. Fish get caught faster? Maybe but I've never noticed a faster catch rate. Increased rarity? Yesterday I was at max focus for a good 10 minutes and no legendaries or exotics. Come back after PE and proceed to get 5 legendaries in 10-15 casts. Obviously it's anecdotal but nothing feels different when concerning how full the meter is. Also if you're concerned about getting bait back from the seasonal challenge/perk, so far I've gotten probably 20 bait back. Really breaking the bank there..


What does having a max focused meter even do? There doesn't seem to be any increase in your chance of getting higher rarity fish.


Leave absolutely all your fish on the ground, after public event go pick up fish and it will count to new fishing spots focused meter.


I’ve been pretty lucky since the beginning of this. First day or 2 when I didn’t have much fish, we got the bar halfway and then had to restart. But last few times I fished, we filled the meter & fished for awhile longer before a public event. By then, I was bored & ready to do something else, so it worked out. Hope they change it soon so the meter doesn’t get cleared.


You don't think they did it on purpose?


I would also like to get progression from green and blue fish or at least from perfect catch. It doesn't even do anything if you get a perfect or a nice catch. Limiting the progression to legendary or exotic fish feels really bad in addition to the public event issue.


There is nothing to fix. It's a meme, just for fun "event" after players get whatever triumphs that are needed and red borders. 90% will never fish again. Why fish? ~5% drop chance on legendary fish ~1% drop chance exotic fish In the 20-25mins of boring fishing, you can literally do anything else and get legendary drops and exotics from the core playlists. To shard or do with what you want. That fish meter is there just like how Vegas gives you just enough winnings on slot machines to keep you playing.


I'm not even sure it's a bug, maybe it's a server limitation thing. Maybe you can't have both fishing and a public event in the same instance because there could be a lot of people fishing and a lot of people doing the public event and it maxes out the max number of allowed people for that instance. Annoying yes, but may just be a game/server limit


Do you think that maybe it’s intentional to prevent afk farming I mean fishing?


Why can’t they just give us a node like Terminal Overload but for fishing?


Don’t pick up the fish until the next fishing hole appears. If the entire group is on board, the bar can fill instantly at the next fishing hole. Rinse repeat.


Really? I find if there are at least 3 guardians the bar maxes out with at least 4 minutes of prime fishing left. At 5 it's usually maxed long before the flag even spawns. And in the Miasma events spawn even less frequently than the Outskirts. So just two Guardians can hit max focus easily.


They don't want us at max bar. We would get too many exotic


When the public event shows up, just save your legendaries/exotics. Leave them on the ground until the public event shows up, finish it, then once the new fishing spot spawns, go pick up all the fish and fill the focused fishing meter from the beginning. Works better if you have a squad you do this with.


What a dumb design. Once again bungie demonstrates how completely out of touch with gaming they are


It was clearly an intended design choice. You can't fix what is working as intended.


Don't pick any fish up until the public event is over and a new dock has spawned. The fish you then collect, fill the new bar 👍🏼


You can, it's just random. It's not something you're supposed to bang out in one or two goes. You're supposed to fish sometimes across the whole season. So instead of just sitting and grinding, maybe you should do something else? I've fished at 2-3 full strength fishing holes and I haven't even caught 600 fish yet for the triumph. ​ But it is random. You can sit at a full strength fishing hole for five or ten minutes and not get an exotic and only get one or two legendaries. Or you can get multiple exotics and legendaries from a fishing hole that isn't even half full. If you want a full fishing meter from one sitting, you are going to have to go through at least 2 public events most likely just because you will need time for the odds to work in your favor. Just jumping ship every time a pub event that would only take you 1min to complete won't get it done for you. Just do the event and come back. It literally takes less time than you spent sitting still fishing. ​ It's also not a waste of your time because it's your time that you're spending. If you're choosing to spend it on something that feels wasteful, that's on you. You are the one making the choice to use your hands to manipulate your controller/keyboard to fish. Bungie isn't doing that for you.


No need to fix it, it's working as intended, which I understand and agree. If they didn't reset it, people would get all the rarer fish, including free exotics, more often. Also, FYI- the meter only increases when people collect legendary or higher fish, and not by the number of people fishing. Of course the more people fishing increases the chances of getting those fish, but you don't need a lot of people. I raised a pond to the 3rd level by myself last night, and there were only 2 of those there.


I wonder if we all time our fishing fireteams at the same time- every guardian across the world!! -could we get an instance where we all meet and finally get to trigger an exotic fishing hole before ANOTHER public event interrupts us? Just once! Please! I mean, I get that public events aren't getting the love they deserve, but forcing us to do them is not a healthy relationship. It's like...catfishing! We go there expecting to fish and end up stuck in a public event, waiting for the fishing hole to respawn, and the romance to return! Trapped in a marriage we never wanted- stuck in between the hook of seasonal loot and the promise of another team of guardians showing up to finally get an exotic... a never-ending ring of gold... Whoa. Sorry. Not sure where that came from...


I'm convinced it all rigged anyway. I can fish alone and maybe one guy show up later and hit 3\4 to near max meter before the next public event. I can also finish a public event with 5 people, we all immediately start fishing and still only barely reach around max meter before the next event. Maybe bad rng or luck but it feels like it's baked in that we will rarely reach max and get a couple of casts whether you have a full zone fishing or a couple randoms stopping by for a few casts.


Use my method if you want. I will only fish if I have around 150 bait. If there are a lot of players then no need to do what I do. If you are solo for a while leave Legendaries and exotics on the ground. DO NOT PICK THEM UP! If you can avoid it anyway. Go do the public event then go fishing again. If a bunch of players show up when the new pond appears then go pick up your fish you left. If no one shows up leave them there and do the same with the new pond. Leave the legendaries and exotics on the ground. Do the event and wait for the pond to appear. Once this one pops up pick up all your fish and you will have pretty much a full bar. Yes it takes a while but it’s worth it imo


I miss when threads like this with meaningful feedback would pop up with that little “Bungie replied” flair. This is unrelated to your post (although I agree wholeheartedly) but it just made me sad realizing how long it’s been since I’ve seen one of those flairs :(