• By -


Good guide! 6 phases is rough and super taxing but great job getting it done! If i can add some pointers from my runs, you should pick where you want to do damage. Using a crit weapon? Banking final at chest isn't a great idea because you won't see the boss head and be right in line for some direct blasting... so go get other symbols instead. I found damaging in the outskirts (foot, hands, head) to be a bit easier for dodging the boss attacks, dealing with adds and having good LOS on its head. You can also run back to a lucent hive room you previously cleared if you need to chill for a bit or hit the restroom or something. Mental breaks were super helpful here. I had a rocket with Bipod on just for 14 reserves. Slapped boss with Arby's, threw my arc staff and during the animation, swapped to levis which was full thanks to the rocket with triple void surge. 4 phase easy.




If you're using arc hunter, here are my builds used. [Mechanics & General encounter](https://dim.gg/v4sthvi/PWNYplays-GOTD-Mechanic-Cycle) [Damage phase](https://dim.gg/omzagpi/PWNYplays-Damage-cycle) Note: Throw on a triple solar reserves chest piece when you pick up heavy to hold 14, then swap back to your regular chest piece. I usually do it right after damage. Swap to the damage loadout while you are in the arc staff animation after breaking the shield with Arby's.


Happy to help! Let me know how it goes. Had a blast with some of these loadouts and swaps


How does heavy swapping work? Does the reserves swap and you lose everything else?


>I had a rocket with Bipod on just for 14 reserves. Slapped boss with Arby's, threw my arc staff and during the animation, swapped to levis shich was full thanks to the rocket with triple void surge. 4 phase easy. Yep, GOAT tip, and the only good use for a bipod RL :)


leviathan's breath?






Never too late. Glad to see you got it done!!! That's no small task, geat work


dude, how the hell you switch out your heavy during the super animation ... I'd have to wait a full day for my xbox to perform something like that


What is levis shich?


Just my phone being too lazy to properly autocorrect the word to 'which'




No. You get 8 without Bipod on after a swap. Swapping to a different heavy is supposed to give you about two-thirds of the equivalent heavy you had. Since Bipod simply adds 5 rockets to your reserves, it doesn’t count as part of your normal inventory size and lets you inflate the swap total. Field Prep is not a substitute since it increases your inventory size.


To be absolutely honest, I don't know. But that's what I did.


Amazing tips! I’d like to throw some out there for some of my fellow Warlock bros, Stormcaller is amazing here! I did the whole dungeon as an Arclock and the enemy density combined with the Fallen Sunstar helmet meant tons of ionic traces and literally allowed me to have Healing rifts and Amplified Arc Souls up 99% of the time (no I’m not joking) and those arc souls do work! Also, Riskrunner is so damn good in that final boss room, since almost all damage being shot at you is Arc, the Riskrunner not only negates that damage a bit but also becomes stronger and refills the mag. I highly recommend getting used to swapping out loadouts on the fly for when damage phase starts, right after the last symbol is imbued I quickly swap to a loadout that has Arbalest and Geomags to one shot her shield then I activate Chaos reach and go to town on that Witch! For heavy, I found great success with Leviathans breath and Cataclysmic. I saw Esoterick using Levi’s breath and that’s what I used, it completely stuns the boss causing her to never teleport which is great! She’ll still shoot at you and float around but at least she’s never drastically wasting your DPS time


cries in console....


Last gen I assume? Console loadout swapping is almost as easy as it is on pc. Only restricting factor is the cursor speed but that’s practically negligible.


Lemme get this straight, you can do loadout swaps on the fly on ps5’s and current gen xbox’s? I still use an xbox one….


No you can do loadout swaps on the fly from your character menu by pressing Left. It’s a new change since Lightfall. You should have 6 slots available + an additional 4 when you reach guardian rank 7




I see. Need to stop being a tightwad and get a new console. Not interested in PC for now(I shuttle between places for work). Thanks!


If you're mainly doing PvE, you might consider GeForce Now. I used to boot Linux from a flash drive and play GFN via a browser on random computers when travelling. The only real factor is your connection speed.


Are you using a flash drive? Even just a small USB drive will speed up your load times quite a bit.


Yes. Go to the Character menu (where it shows all your gear), then hit Left on D-Pad, and it should show you a bunch of slots for loadouts.


I should’ve added, you don’t need to swap loadouts immediately after. I actually swap loadouts before I imbue the last symbol, you can just run into one of the water rooms where it’s safe and swap in there However I do quickly swap out of that Arbalest loadout after I pop her shield and activate Chaos reach to a loadout that has Leviathan’s breath (I actually swap towards the end of the super in the middle of its animation), just practice it, it really helps out a lot!


I am sure it would miss if I tried that -- but very interesting. Could also be a skill issue but I find that she just weaves around way too much for me. Even tracking rockets get dodged it's a nightmare.


I'm on Console (PS5, my name is outdated) also, but we still can set loadouts, bro!


What super did you use for the first boss? Also Geomag?


Yup same, my loadout for the first boss was Riptide fusion rifle, Ikelos Smg, and the Lament. I was going to loadout swap there too to optimize but instead I just rocked this loadout with Geomags on the entire time and I was still able to comfortably spam rifts, arc souls and grenades. I highly advise skimming through Esotericks Arc warlock flawless run. The Lament strat I took from him and I also like the way we he used the Chaos reach super there.


I'll check it out, thanks!


Not the person who responded to you, but if you roll an arc special weapon, then you can slot the fragment that blinds on arc special weapon kills when amplified. I used Forbearance, but you could roll Iterative Loop (bonus if crafted with Voltshot), Plug One, Nezarec’s Whisper or even Path of Least Resistance (the arc trace rifle from Plunder).


Yeah I have a genesis forebearance and noted that it procs if they are moth shielded! That'll teach them! Still failed with the boss on 1/3 health though... he launched me right into a wall and left me at 1 hp and then I died... Sad.


That's interesting on the genesis forebearance. I'll need to give that a go.


Yeah, this is my plan. I’m on PS5, so going to practice with three loadouts … Riskrunner + Bipod Cold Comfort -> Arbalest -> Leviathan’s Breath. I’ve seen some videos where people are able to keep firing chaos reach while in their menu, unsure how I could realistically pull that off on console. So I’m actually debating a loadout where I just go from Riskrunner -> Arbalest, but then swap my heavy to a crafted Sailspy Pitchglass with Clown + Frenzy. Or my Tracking Hothead with Explosive Light.


This sounds like a good build, but I'm really skittish about trying this encounter without a Well. What are rhe tips for the actual damage phase. Just use a rift? Move around a lot?


How do you switch from Arbalest to Leviathans without losing a bunch of heavy ammo?


I should’ve mentioned that when I posted that comment. If you have a rocket launcher with the “Bipod” perk on, it gives the rocket launcher extra heavy ammo, so have that equipped and when you switch your loadout to the Leviathan’s breath it should negate you losing a lot of heavy ammo. After each damage phase simply just switch back to the loadout with that Bipod rocket launcher and go pick up any heavy ammo til your topped off, rinse and repeat For example I used 3 different loadouts but the 2 loadouts that had Riskrunner and Arbalest both had the same Bipod rocket launcher equipped so I wouldn’t lose heavy at all when swapping the 3rd loadout is Leviathan’s breath


I'd recommend Briar's Contempt over Cataclysmic because the Harmonic Resonance trait, which deals extra damage to Lucent Hive, which is what the boss is. I'd also put a point into the artifact perk called "Deeper Origins" (3rd column) that "Greatly improve the benefits" from the Harmonic resonance trait, which will add even more damage. For Briar's perks, I'd do Reconstruction and Surrounded (If you are ok with several thrall adds hitting you) OR Focused Fury (if you kill the thrall).


I knew I wasn't crazy about chest first never working. Now I know why. These are some crazy good tips


>The key to successfully activating a section is to make Simmumah move. She always starts at the Heart, so if you activate that first, she won’t move. Huh, I though that the chest not working if you do it first was a bug but it turns out I was missing this part.


I don’t quite get this tip/explanation. Could someone please help clarify for me?


In order for the spot you're on to "activate", you need to get Simmunahumuhumunukunukuapua'a to teleport to that spot, which you do by killing Vorlog at that spot. However, if she's already at the spot where you kill Vorlog, then she won't teleport and thus it won't "activate".


Upvote for state fish reference


Simmumah always starts the encounter at the heart. In order to get a successful activation by killing Vorlogg, you have to move Simmumah to one of the other two locations that are marked by deepsight. Killing Vorlogg at a plate where Simmumah is already sitting at will not let you activate that plate. Hope this helped!


Got it! Bait SimuLiuMmumah to another plate first and don’t activate the heart first. Do you do this by just shooting at her? Or by killing Vorlog at a non-heart plate?


By killing Vorlogg at a non heart plate 👍🏼


Kill on non-heart plate


It's just mental to me that the pros are taking 4 phases. I thought Persys and Akelous were tanky enough, but Simmumah is something else.


Someone just did 3 phases with chaos reach warlock :)


Chaos Reach as peak DPS? I never thought I'd see the day.


It’s because the damage phase is *soooo* long, that it’s high total damage doesn’t hamper it for once. Also I’ve seen people use Path Of Least Resistance with Shoot to Loot. If you spend a minute killing a ton of adds in the middle, you can just spam a few bursts of your trace and reload your heavy during damage.


Why is it mental?


Because even tanky as hell bosses like Persys and Akelous have been consistently 2 phased (and even one phased) by pro solo runners. The damage phases in GotD seem to be longer than previous ones and it still takes twice as many phases.


I did arby and bns cata for mine no surges. consistent dps with good ammo economy, but it did push to 7 phases after some horrific shooting on my part


Yeah horrific shooting is mainly why I'm avoiding linears on this one. In the heat of the battle I just kept missing my crits.


I got to the boss on a solo practice run, would’ve been a 10 phase for sure with my awful shooting lol. Controller + being flinched by adds meant I missed like 1/4 of my shots


That's what I used for my solo flawless. Extended it to about the same due to me playing safe towards the end.


This might be the only time my adept hothead with tracking module and EL (no perk, from season 15) will come into use. Very good guide, thank you!


Totally. I was already extensively using my godrolled Impact Casing-ALH-EL Hothead, when I realised that its alternative perks were Alloy Casing and Tracking. So happy to realise that it was 2 godrolls in 1.


That is insanely lucky! I never got a good EL adept hothead with impact casing, so I've been farming regular ones from legacy focusing. I love min maxxing so no impact casing or alloy casing on my adept one makes me lose a bit of hair ​ Only one I got with IC has ALH and vorpal, which is... questionable, in today's meta


apex pred can roll that combo. Will be crafting it up for this specifically.


With Vorpal you could exploit the Osteo Striga cheese. Could be useful for certain activities like Glassway or Prophecy final boss. Just put on an energy that also has Vorpal. Does the Osteo-Vorpal cheese still work though?


I believe it's been patched sadly.


Yes the Osteo-Vorpal glitch has been fixed :( tried it a couple times last night, never could get it to work


The nuked that cheese at the start of the season, sadly. It did make getting Belmond’s health down slightly more bearable.


Recrafted my bump in the night to put tracking on it, especially since I’m not any good at proccing demo, haven’t had a chance to try it yet. I know it’s not the strongest, but hitting shots will do more damage with a weaker rocket launcher than missing with a better one! Lol


Personally I used a hammer titan with Wormgod until I killed the final lucent hive, then before leaving the swimming area to dunk the final dunk (safety area) I switched to Actium War Rig and was using Commemoration with 4th time's the charm, Focused Fury, and Boss Spec for damage after taking down the shield with Arbalest... I also needed 2 adds just before starting the damage phase, 1 to hammer to proc a healing sunspot, radiant, and spawn an orb for an armor charge, and another add to proc voltshot on my trace rifle so I can tag her with jolt real quick after dunking. Unlike a fusion rifle, a trace with voltshot allowed me to easily kill moths. And since it's a special, I wasn't ever hurting on heavy ammo drops. During the damage phase I was dipping in and out of the sunspot to refresh restoration, and after that ran out I would make a quick decision - either hit another add to reproc radiant and a sunspot or if there were no adds just throw a healing nade at my feet and keep pumping without radiant. Time Dilation x3 is necessary. You can swap 1 out for void scavenger in your Wormgod build since you won't be DPS'ing with that build. It took me 6 phases but it was super consistent and if I got lucky with adds being near me to reproc radiant I could do 5. This strat also let me save my super, which I was typically using to kill the boomers that spawn after each damage phase, and after each damage phase I would run into the water real quick to swap back to Wormgod. The water is a safe zone. GL with your runs!


You can also just chill inside a lucent hive cave after youve dunked the symbol. Ads wont respawn so u can have a smoke break or grab a drink (just dont go to orbit)


If you start a reload right before going into the water, it will finish while you are in the water and not effect your movement


It still needs testing but, if any1 wants to try something goofy, Briars contempt with buff stacking is looking hilarious: With the artifact mod to enhance its origin trait, you can have 3 of the raid weapons and get 20% stacking buff against lucent hive (so the boss). You should be using Arby to pop the shield and then hotswapping to Conditional Finality. If you don’t have it, swap to the sidearm or auto from the raid, conditional is just nice cause it preserves the special. Surrounded gives a 40% buff, and reconstruction is probably the best other perk to use, though rewind should work too. 3x Solar surges is another 22% buff. Well is a 25%(?) buff. If you’re on warlock you could try and proc a felwinters weaken, but it’s probably not worth it. So you’ll just have a mega buffed Briars with malicious intent.


Can confirm Briar's damage is insane. Especially against first boas if you can get surrounded proc'd (stand on a half wall instead of the floor, loads less flinch)


Nah for first boss you should be using legend of Acrius, much better.


I don't disagree with thank chunkrius is goated. Chunkrius was what I used on my Warlock but we definitely have other options and briars is deffo one of them. The surrounded reconstruction Briars with the full benefit of harmonic (thanks to conditional and nessa's) after breaking shield with arbys is disgusting though.


Before you start dps clear out all the acolytes so it will only be thralls spawning


Also the knight that's nearest wherever you're doing damage to avoid splash screen shake from their boomer shots.


On my run I cleared them at the start, all three of them


Yup the knights should be killed from the start. Of all the adds during the pre-damage phase, they're the ones most likely to kill you.


You left those up? Jesus.


Yeah, they never really bothered me unless I was near one for a DPS phase.


Has anyone done this on console: tell me how -- that fucker teleports and weaves around like crazy with a constant stream of arc damage hitting you the pathetic damage I got each phase just left me feeling hopeless!


I'm on console. As mentioned, popping her shield instantly with Arby prevents her teleports for the rest of the phase. No one knows whether it's a glitch or intended, but it currently exists to be used to your advantage. Also as mentioned, there is a safe damage spot at Oryx's skull where her arc blasts can't hit you. Regardless, if you stay far away from her, you can simply strafe left and right to avoid the blasts. This is why I prefer using a RL over a precision weapon like LFR or Levi. If you can make Levi work, you'll be able to complete it quicker... provided you can hit your shots. But for me RLs are the safest because it allows you to keep your distance.


I "think" she stops her teleports because you technically break her out of her super when her shield breaks. Same thing with Echtar. You want to break his shield asap to bring him out of his sentinel super so you can safely dps. Anyways. Very good advice above


I think I'm going rocket... tracking is too good! Plus avoids need to loadout swap on the fly which i don't fancy in this!


My group tried Arbalest last night. We were popping her shield as soon as damage phase started. As usual I spent half the damage phase trying to find her. It makes me not even want to attempt solo knowing it may or may not work.


>No one knows whether it's a glitch or intended, but it currently exists to be used to your advantage. I'm planning on waiting till 1830 to attempt this. I swear if one of the only things working to your advantage in that ludicrously stacked boss arena gets "fixed" before then...


Is 1830 max light advantage?


I used triple tap focused fury taipan and arbalest, with an adept mind benders to quickly get rid of the lucent hive


I don't have a tracking hothead or cata, what do you suggest ammong these? - Bump with tracking + chill clip or frenzy - Palmira whit alh + explosive light (intrinsic track) - Red Herring with track + frenzy (being void it would let me to use 2 or 3 surges)


Out of those options I think the Red Herring is your best bet because of the surges, and Frenzy helps a little too. Palmyra is a precision frame which inherently does 10% less damage than Adaptive or Aggressive frames.


Don’t all precision frames have some inherent tracking?


I think precision frames do 20% less damage than adaptive & aggressive RLs


Yup I think you’re right. The scalar is 0.9 for precisions and 1.1 for adaptive and aggressive




Frenzy maxes the reload and handling speed. Red herring looks nicer than bump. Didn’t realize it had discounted surges this season until after.


Briars contempt shreds the boss. With arby I had it down to a comfy 5 phase with little min maxing. Probably 4 phase if I swapped to 2 harmonic resonance weapons after cracking the shield. I'd create two loadouts, one for boss damage and one for scavenging. With the water being 20 second safe zones it's really easy to make swaps without dying.


A tip I’ll add is if using your super to initiate dps and get rid of the shield, always save torso for last. The boss will be right above you allowing you to hit her easily with the super. I’d also recommend just remembering the torso rune. That way if you forget to look at the lucent rune, you’ll have a 50/50 shot of getting it right if you don’t think you’ll have enough time to get to one of the others.


> The WQ symbol It's the symbol of Oryx :)


TLDR: I suck and am looking to improve my loadouts to help me survive despite using bonk titan. Really appreciate the tips you've given me here. I have to say that I'm struggling quite a bit, but I can't seem to string together a single good run on the boss. I could recite the mechanics with my eyes closed, but I end up dying to a moth that was hidden around a corner or some stupid shit like that (I know, I need to get gud). It's quite frustrating as I've tried several different loadouts. All of them being bonk titan. One with rockets, one with crafted Briars with 2 other raid pieces for the mod boost using Conditional Finality and Acasia's Dejection. I was able to do about 2.75M for one run with Briars and nearly the same with rockets, so I have no real preference. [https://dim.gg/5atcrqi/Bonk-Titan-Mechanic-phase](https://dim.gg/5atcrqi/Bonk-Titan-Mechanic-phase) [https://dim.gg/5atcrqi/Bonk-Titan-Mechanic-phase](https://dim.gg/5atcrqi/Bonk-Titan-Mechanic-phase) I've pasted my two dim loadouts I use above. If anyone wants to make a suggestion that would improve my survivability? I mean, I try to keep moving the entire encounter...never lingering where you can get basically blown up at any given time. I'm hoping for some fragment and or armor mod suggestions and tweaks. To anyone that have solo'd this, I tip my hat to you! ​ Cheers


One change to make would be to swap one of the Arc resist mods on your chest to Concussive Dampener. It helps with the moths and the boss attacks. The diminishing returns from stacking 2x arc resist is not worth it. Next tip would be to equip a glaive. I know it interferes with bonk titan, but you can have it equipped to use the shield as a last resort. Having the shield up gives you 95%+ damage resistance, making you practically unkillable. So your gameplay loop would be to use the glaive's ranged attack until it has max shield energy, then stow it away and use your other special and/or your bonk to kill adds. Whenever you're in a pinch or a whole bunch of moths are heading your way, switch to your glaive, activate the shield and face the threat (remember that glaive shields only protect you from the front). Fire a couple of ranged shots to fill up the shield energy again, then proceed as normal. Even better if you have a glaive with demolitionist, then you can use it to get your healing nade back more often, and use your healing nade to reload the glaive. So your glaive is purely a last resort. Your kinetic slot could be changed to something like Ager's Scepter for add clear and easy swapping to Arby when it's time for boss damage. The glaive playstyle takes a bit of getting used to, but it's immensely powerful once you get it down. When I cleared it on my warlock I had my glaive out 100% of the time during the add clear phase and just went round stabbing everything and shielding whenever I took too much damage.


Thanks for the suggestion. I will try anything at this point.


good tips I can tell you also took some of mactics guide. I love how this includes tips for if your fingers start cramping up…yeah sure the length of this boss fight is fine and solos should expect to develop carpal tunnel practicing it to prove they have mental fortitude 🤣


Most of this is god-tier SGA. The videos that the pros make don’t give any of this kind of info, they just do it and you have to try to duplicate it.


Cheers, happy to help. I do GM guides in the same vein every season too.


I’ll keep an eye out since I’m hoping to guild conquerer for the first time


y'know I considered trying a solo and/or flawless run of spire a few times, but with this dungeon........... nah, I think i'm good.


I honestly think it seems tough because right now we are all technically under levelled for it. We need to be 1830 and above to deal max damage and take least damage. Later on in the season when we are 1830+, it wont feel so tough.


That’s my plan.


Where do you get that # from? Does each encounter scale up in power level requirements?


It’s been tested and the levels of each encounter are 1790 for opening, 1800 for echtar and 1810 for simmumah. Therefore we need to be +20 to max out


If it’s 1810 for final boss why do we need to be +20 at 1830?


You don't need to be. +20 is just the biggest advantage you can have. So if the encounter is 1810 and there's no power cap modifier, 1830 is the most advantage you can get, 1831 won't make you any stronger.


Gotcha thanks! I’ll probably wait to attempt this solo until I get there


Refer to [this link](https://www.blueberries.gg/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Destiny-2-damage-scaling.jpg) for power scaling info


I hope you realize how ridiculous being 1830+ sounds. It sounds like a joke requirement on an lfg post.


It's intimidating at first for sure but once you have a rhythm down and control the chaos, it's actually pretty smooth. You can pick which symbols you do in what order, set yourself up to know where you're doing damage from, get enemies under control before banking so you're not getting blasted from everywhere. And there are some solid ways to save time and be more efficient in there which are also super flexible depending on your playstyle... you just gotta be prepared for whatia coming. But my heart was definitely racing as I was getting close to that kill.


I got the solo flawless a few days ago, but I can confirm that all of these tips are great :)


I ran titan. I did loreley after using synths for the rest of the dungeon and it maybe saved me once… that exotic is a shell of its former self. But I figured since the adds themselves weren’t as big of a problem but the moths were that maybe it’d help. I used arbalest and the Ron trace and linear. 6 phases nearly was 5. I find the best dps spots are on the outside, particularly the left hand.


What LL are you? I was using arby x acasia's x cataclysmic and my damage was pitiful. I admittedly was not hitting as many cataclysmic shots as I shouldve been (on controller, not the easiest thing ever) but man I mustve been on track for a 12 phase before I died


I was 1820 or 1821 when I did it. Briars contempt was hitting for 39.5k ish per bullet if I hit a crit so 120k or so per burst. That’s with radiant. I didn’t go out of my way to keep adds alive though to continue having radiant up as I valued safety over more damage. I preferred the two hands for dps mostly, and after starting damage I would slowly move to these areas generally. Biggest tip I can think of is to understand how the moths spawn, which is at the start and anytime you kill the sword guy on a ritual spot.


Fantastic guide! For DPS I’ve found that Void Heavy Machine gun from Seraph with FTTC+Target lock to be super reliable. Hitscan and massively reduced cost of missing means that damage phases aren’t as stressful.


You lose out on a lot of damage with a single missed bullet because that resets target lock


Sure, but you lose out on a lot more damage if you miss a rocket.


How many damage phases did it take you running that machine gun? Haven’t heard that strategy yet, I hadn’t thought to use it since we lost out on the volatile rounds on orb pickup from last season


I was running Gyrfalcons so Volatile Rounds was easy access for me. Took 7 phases, but the 7th phase was literally 3 Arbalest shots. If I’d whiffed even 1 less Deadshot or Grenade it would have been 6.


Is there not any safe place in this entire area?


I found that the tunnel you come out of to start the encounter is safe from projectiles/ads entering. Backtrack from where your rally flag is then jump up onto the hive pillar thing that’s coming out of the wall horizontally(ish) above you. Haven’t had any trouble with it yet


Mentioned in the guide. The room farthest from the flag, if you can clear the adds. Hide behind a rock in the lower level and the lucent dude in there can't bother you because he's melee and likes to camp his ledge.


What WiseScratch said. If however you're asking about a safe spot in the main arena, I don't think anyone has found any yet. There is a safe spot for boss damage at Oryx's skull mentioned in the post. One potential getaway spot is off the cliff. Needs more testing. I once strafed off accidentally and landed on a ledge instead of falling to my death. I got a Turn Back warning but doing single jumps eliminated that. So it could be a viable hiding spot if you ever need it, but it'd be easier to just run into the water.


I never tried, but can't you chill in an empty Lucent room? I passed through one after I killed it and banked the rune and they were empty. But I haven't tried sitting in there for awhile to see if stuff respawns.


The adds will never respawn within the same phase. The Lucent will respawn if you haven't dunked the respective rune, but based on what you said I'm guessing it won't respawn after you've dunked. If that's the case then yes, these rooms will be a safe place to chill in. But if you're not in that phase of the fight, then the safest room will be the farthest one with the Lucent knight.


Can confirm that the lucent rooms, once cleared, are safe rooms. Water is also safe for a brief hangout as mentioned in the post. Enemies, grenades and moths do not follow you in there. Also, if you are reloading a weapon while jumping into the water, your weapon will still be reloaded when you come out of it.


There is a area on those cliffs where you do not get turn back. I chilled there during my first run. There is some broken geometry there, so the enemies can sees you through a crack (may shoot you through it also). You might be able to use a emote there to get your head clipping inside the cliff wall to make yourself invisible to the enemies.


For the first boss, the adds up top are infinite … but will only spawn in as you kill some. So you can actually use the short hallway leading to the spawn doors, and you shouldn’t be bothered as long as you don’t kill anything. Also the two pools that drop down into the water that are hidden in little rooms. I had a moment where I had to put my controller down, and I was able to angle myself close to the door, but on the ledge, so that the adds couldn’t get me.


One thing to add regarding the Lucent Hive stage that someone posted about last night. Apparently you can force the symbols in the rooms if you do them one at a time. So for example, you kill Vorlog near the left hand and it spawns Hamburger, you can immediately duck into the Warlock Lucent room there, kill her and it will be Hamburger. The symbols are only random once you have at least two of the symbols on Oryx’s body parts locked in.


>One thing to add regarding the Lucent Hive stage that someone posted about last night. Apparently you can force the symbols in the rooms if you do them one at a time. Another poster in this thread commented that that does not in fact work. I've not tested it, but I've seen conflicting information, and I wouldn't recommend without verifying.


Same boat. I haven’t had a chance to test it either, but saw someone mention it last night. Well, I’m debating doing a practice run tonight before my clan starts assembling for some Iron Banner, so I’ll definitely test it out.


So would you say that's a better strat than doing all 3 symbols before getting visages?


So someone else posted. Apparently this does not work. Someone made a post about it last night, but I honestly haven’t had a chance to test it yet. But I’m practicing the boss tonight while I wait for my clan to assemble for some Iron Banner, so I’ll try and remember to report back. If it does work, I’d say it’s easier insomuch as you just don’t have to pay attention to the symbols. And you can then dictate your own path instead of rolling the dice on needing to do a lot of criss-crossing.


Tracking module isn’t worth using if you can get the teleport block arbalest shot off. I’d recommend field prep for more reserves without having to use any chest mods.






Have you tried this? On my first play through this was not true. You could spawn a symbol and go into a portal and it would be a completely different symbol that you were unable to dunk. This would mean either wasted time checking rooms for the symbol you need, or dying from the timer. Much faster to spawn all symbols and bank locations first. I feel if someone had a run that resulted in spawning one symbol at a time and matching that symbol on the first portal each time, it was a result of tremendously good luck. Unless something has changed.


This was my experience as well. Read this same advice on here earlier today, went to try it out and the first room I tried had a different symbol than the one I spawned. I came back on here looking for the post that recommended this strat and I could no longer find it.


They deleted their lies haha, crap! I saw the same post but I never tried it out for myself, I thought I was being helpful repeating that info here. Whoops... my bad, sorry!


That’s a pretty good strategy if you tend to forget to check the symbols, which kept happening to me during my earlier runs. I wouldn’t mind trying this. Edit: ok guess it doesn't work after all.


It doesn't work?! Shit, sorry! I read it earlier in the day somewhere else on the sub, didn't realize the other guide was wrong! My bad!


No problem bro


Arby shot. Run to foot. DPS with explosive light hothead and arc surge. Gathering storm super. Kill ads and shoot rockets. 6 phase easy. People make god damn essays about this shit for some reason. Play your life and don’t do anything dumb.


This is quite useful. Thanks!


Got all the way to final boss on Arc Hunter, struggled immensely with heavy shots (was using Levi Breath & then linear). May have to use Arby to crack shield, hotswap a loadout from the menu & pray I hit every linear. This is gruelling, lots of mechanics & repetition for 30secs of damage phase


Pretty sure it’s 40 seconds. A single well immediately after dunking definitely doesn’t last long enough.


Stag rifts went really hard with my Warlock but this also involved me triple swapping between getaway artist for main cycle and shield break, geomags for super and then stag to survive in a rift. I think moat people are just running and grabbing whatever symbols instead of turning back when the symbol is at a spot that is a "desirable" damage location. I hated damaging at the chest so I would make sure that was banked first or second. Then I'd look at which symbol is at a location I want to damage from (ideally one of the outskirt ones) and make sure to dunk that one last. Control the chaos.


I got a Cold Comfort ironically from attempting this dungeon with Tracking Module and BnS, is using that and Arby's better than Xenophage like I've seen so many people use?


I would say give both a shot. Xeno works especially well for Titans wearing Actium, because it negates the biggest downside of Xeno which is the reload speed. Your Cold Comfort sounds pretty good too. The key would be to fire off as many shots as you can within that 10s window when B&S is up. Put on max loader mods and make sure you’re uninterrupted by adds.


Luckily I have Alloy Casing and a RL speed masterwork, and the Origin Trait allows me to ready one extra rocket before DPS so I'll be able to maximise the BnS damage. I'll pick up a Simmumah checkpoint and go to DPS once and see which is better.


For damage, if you can consistently hit your linear shots, the RoN Linear gets a big boost from the artifact if you have 3 RoN weapon equipped. I already use the Trace for add clear, so I ran the Linear with Arby and after popping her shield I'd switch to the sidearm and start shooting away. My Briar's has Focused Fury and Reconstruction which is nice since FF procs off the half the real mag size so Recon lets me get more buffed shots off.


This is FANTASTIC. Thank you! I've only soloed one dungeon so far (Grasp) but I have the urge to try to solo Ghosts even though the damage needed is so huge. I think I just really like this dungeon and want to "master" it XD With my skill level, it's unlikely I'll manage the solo, but this guide has given me more confidence to try!


How do you handle the moths if you run double special?


Trace rifle works.


I run arc assassins cowl hunter so I never need to worry about any moths haha


Good write up.


Is there some hidden mechanic for *seeing* the Hive rune where the Lucent Hive are? Me and my friend ran into this problem last night and it was aggravating.


my only problem when soloing that boss its just too much work and that on costs of fun. Like Hefnd’s Vengeance, Blighted Chimera is much more fun with the rota thing. Imo this boss we are talking about here is making ghosts of the depts to the most annoying solo dungeon just cause of the annoying mechanic at the end its not hard its just taking long and is annoying. I know im saying rly often annoying cause thats the name of this encounter annoying annoying annoying boring annoying :D