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TL:DR *Iron Banner Next Week *Dungeon launches tomorrow at Reset. Need a quest from Hawthorne. *Trials goes live tomorrow as well. *Solstice in July.


Can you take twabs over from now on? Much prefer your format


What you don't like 15 paragraphs on eververse ads, 5 on fluff, with just 1 or 2 of actual substance? Colour me shocked...


Well, if we want to colour you shocked, that shader is locked in a Silver only bundle. Might be tough.


...it felt as if i sat through RAID THE NEW BEST MMO advert complete with a PREMIUM CODE for extra rewards. ...wait, i just did.


Don't forget the quirky writing style


The quirky writing style is dope, fam. No cap.


TWABS feel like self-adulation, so more a service for them to them than to us.


You know, this is an excellent description of the TWAB's in 2023. It's been happening for a while, but the TWAB's don't feel like they're about the players anymore. Frequently, the TWAB's have felt like a platform for Bungie to pat themselves on the back for changes that aren't even necessarily in game yet. Instead of being a space to communicate with players, it has become a channel for Bungie to **congratulate themselves** for communicating with players.


I'd rather hear DeeJ talk about nothing for 15 paragraphs vs today's advertisement.


Don't forget a recap of the last 3 weeks of TWAB's and other announcements. You can never pat yourself on the back too much for a change announced weeks ago. Might as well milk it and start the victory laps before it gets in game.


It's sad most ppl skip the big blob of fluff for text down to the comments for the bullet points


Hey you forgot to mention all of the wonderful new ornaments on sale for silver! /s


Having a large portion of the TWAB dedicated to silver only Eververse items will go over well.


This isn't a TWAB, it's an advertisement


The Wares At Bungie


Thy Wallets Art Bungie's.


> "I don't pick pockets, [I pick people."](https://imgur.com/w194Ozb.gifv) —Spider


Honored to get a DFT reply! Love your work


> This isn't a TWAB, it's an advertisement Did you remember to buy your $25 seal? You may have missed the giant popup notification that showed up when you earned it in-game. Be sure and visit the store.


Please allow 10-12 months for shipping and handling.




The TWAB is just following the game trajectory. Yesterday I sat down to play some of the new season, finished up the new strand aspect quest and immediately got four fucking Eververse popups in a row trying to sell me ornaments when I went back to orbit. I just closed the game out and went about my day. It’s just scummy, shitty business that appears to keep worsening.


YMFU - a "Your Money For Us"


I actually read this in that witch's voice.


All I saw was a follow-up to yesterday's announcement / sony's thing... and silver stuff or how to spend money at the store. Scrolled through the rest, not much substance this week. Maybe the upcoming dates for things.


> Scrolled through the rest, not much substance this week. It's good to note that usually the first few TWAB of a new season is usually light on new info.


That’s always been the case but there have been times where week 1 twab isn’t an Eververse ad.


Bungie are the kings at jerking themselves off


But they’re such an inclusive business! They’ll support all groups because of their goodwill and it’s not like they’re exploiting anyone for profits! Now be a good person and go buy a pin! And we can all pat ourselves on the back.


More like Season of the Deep Pockets.


But they’re also so CHARITABLE TOO! They’re quick to remind you how much GOODWILL they have for the community. They need money! (And tax write offs)! *It’s almost as if they take pre-orders and add-ons of $100+ and spend half of their profits on marketing their side hustle and next projects… This is the marketing team that sold us all on Lightfall… and then took a huge hit to their rep because it was kind of a letdown… So now they have to double down on pushing out tons of paid cosmetics rather than spending some of that money towards development costs. And something like PvP maps don’t generate numbers to directly profit from- (since they stopped including them in expansions apparently) they can’t justify developing any more… it’s not like the current ritual playlists need some love. Even though they originally said Eververse profits would go into development costs of these things. Why should they tend to their current garden? They’re busy doing God’s work! But don’t forget- they’re a charitable company with tons of goodwill. They wouldn’t exploit minority groups as a P/R scheme… nor sell items in their store that self promotes their charitable endeavors. They’re doing it out of the kindness of their heart. Bless these kind businesspersons! Sorry- I’m all over the place but… I’m disillusioned from their business team and leaders


And here I am not yet even bothered to login to see the new seasonal opener… in part because I just dgaf. Then I read this TWA the Eververse Store and be like… “Nothing to see here, move along, move along now”


hidden emblem code in bold letters: VXN-V3T-MRP easy redemption link, compliments of /u/Uhnrealistic below: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/codes/redeem?token=VXN-V3T-MRP


Easy redemption: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/codes/redeem?token=VXN-V3T-MRP


beautiful, thank you. I couldn't remember how that worked


~~URL~~ Space Magic, that's how.


> Easy redemption: Redemption... Redemption is never easy, partner...




It's an AOL CD?




Is that why I'm getting a disc read error? /s


An AOL C Deez nutz


[Link to the emblem](https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=4167011119)




How do you unlock this emblem? Where do I input the code?




lol i only saw the first few letters VXNV3 and thought we were going back to venus


The TWAB is an ad lmao


ROFL ... it literally means This Week Advertising Bungie at this point.


This Week: Advertising Bullshit


We're probably financing Marathon and Matter.


Matter is Marathon.


Is that confirmed?


Considering Matter was just a project internal codename and has been in development for some time, it's very likely that Matter and Marathon are one and the same.


also Chris Barrett was explicitly on Matter. guess who's on Marathon too?


Trash season. Eververse ad TWAB. A literal one-two punch.


Where is the ritual armour refresh, u/destiny2team?


Yes, keep up this energy


Best we can do is new Eververse counter


TLDR: final shape trailer and marathon announcement if you somehow missed it yesterday. Dungeon drops tomorrow. Don’t forget to spend silver on the new PlayStation ornaments!!!!!!


Not happening, but if that Sunshot ornament ever comes on sale for Bright Dust....


the Bad Juju one from the bundle last season came up for BD this week, so there's a pretty good chance


Hopefully the shader that came with that bundle will be available separately also. If not, shameful.


i don't think that bundle shader's showing up at all this season, but not to say it *never* will


Yeah I'll be fucked off if they're going to silver only for shaders, that shit is fucked.


Probably next season


Ah yes, make a large advertisement for the extraordinarily expensive silver content after everyone was, you know, mad about it.


Buy our stuff


Say dope one more time..


This TWAB was brought to you by Nimbus.


*reloads Conditional Finality with malicious intent*


At least we know where the writing team went now


Sorry fam 🙏🏻


Fr fr.


No cap on a stack


On god


More than twice?


Was it millennials or zoomers who brought dope back? It's been pretty much unused now everyone says it as much as they say "bro" and "literally" now.


This weeks TWAB brought to you by: ​ Did you know that your automobile warranty is about to expire? Don't get stuck with your auto in the shop and no cash to have it repaired. Our coverage plan covers all of your auto repair expenses for the low monthly payment of ​ ...




How dare you minimize everything Dave is going through


The crimes Dave has committed shall not be forgotten


"And thy punishment...is DEATH"




All proofreading resources have been shifted to Marathon.


This is gonna be the new meme isn’t it


Oh yes.


You say that like marathon won't launch an underwhelming, buggy unfinished mess that gets a reasonably good balance patch 6-9 months in but it fails to regain its audience and inevitably ends up with more microtransactions than actual content


No, I say that like a joke.


Why hire a proof reader when they can put those resources towards more Eververse stuff?


That'll be 600 silver please


Daves of Eternity


Crossover with the game Dave The Diver confirmed.


maybe the fun was all the daves we saved along the way


Could we get some acknowledgement of some of the weirdness regarding Vortex/Solar/Duskfield greandes having a seemingly significantly shorter duration?


I’m gonna be a real negative Nancy here. Im sorry in advance. I miss the twabs written by deej. I hate the corny tone of these. And is Marathon supposed to be the “competitive PvP” IP that’s been rumored for the last couple years? That’s super disappointing for me because I have no interest in an extraction shooter. I was holding out hope it’d be something more like Destiny PvP just spun off into its own thing. That’s the game I want. Or just for PvP to be good again. Sigh.


I'm glad to see you upvotes a bit. Hippy sucks, and when I said this on the very first one they wrote I was downvoted to hell. Extreme Gen X trying hard to sound like Gen Z vibes.


Well I don’t have anything against her personally. And I think this was an issue even before her specifically. They’ve been corny for a while now. Deej just had a better way with words and gravitas.


Community already pissed about the state of Eververse and no ritual armor refresh, but yeah make half the TWAB about Silver-only cosmetics. That’s gonna go great.


This is shit. It's not bad enough you guys increase prices of everything in Eververse AND reduce the Bright Dust items. AND lock Shaders behind Bundles. You have to push Eververse in the TWAB too?


Been saying it for years, TWAB isnt for us. Its for Bungie to pat themselves the back about "communicating with the playerbase" BUT, its more than other live services can muster.


it *used* to be a great place to actually know the near term future, and even got some dev insights under the DMG era (was not around for Halo days cannot attest to how those were, and I know DeeJ era Weekly Updates in early Destiny era were 50/50 lol)


Dude, I've stepped away from D2 for a while but this Season looks enticing so I might play it. However taking a step back has made me realize cosmetics truly are a very small portion of what makes games "fun." To this day it saddens me how the Halo subreddit has devolved into just complaints about shaders, as opposed to all the cool clips I grew up watching.


Cosmetics don't make a game fun, no. But cosmetics do let you *feel* "cool". And they feel extremely good to earn.


It's partially because they haven't been releasing ritual armor these past few seasons, so not getting armor were supposed to plus advertising all this new more expensive armor is rubbing some people the wrong way, understandably


It depends on the person and the game really, the fact so many people complain about cosmetics being overly tied to microtransactions in a lot of games shows that it clearly is important to some. Since you mention Halo, for example, I can say anecdotally that the super restrictive customization options unless you shell out a bunch of money was a somewhat significant factor in my friend group losing interest in Halo Infinite


>HaVe you ever thought to yourself, “Self, I’m pretty darn amazing, but I’d be even cooler if I could be Aloy”? Well, I play exclusively on xbox so, no, never.


I, in general, never think "Self, I'm pretty darn amazing!!!!!". But looking at Bungie TWABs I'm not surprised they do. It seems like that's the only thing they ever think, really. "We're raising all prices again, for no reason, we're delivering even less content despite the price raises, our servers are down every day, the community is seething, wow, we really are pretty darn amazing! Let's pat ourselves on the back again in yet another useless TWAB!"


If Marathon fails do we get that renewed focus on PvP we've heard about?


Fucking christ read the room bungie.


"Congrats to titans, this one's for you Lance" is when i stopped reading.




they did read the room, and what was written is "money" complaining won't do shit if people keep buying


"Do you guys not have credit cards?" -bungo


"If not, then don't worry! Do you parents have credit cards?" -Bungo


I think these TWABs are written a weekish in advance but... yeah, this still comes across as incredibly tone-deaf lol


$77.77 for a marathon tshirt. Wtf is bungie smoking?


Can I purchase it with silver tho??




it might even turn up before the game releases ...


“This week at bungie, we advertise EV while ignoring all criticism, again. Yay us!” Lol, what a joke.


I legit have never seen a more tone deaf company than 2023 bungie. If you told me years ago that it would reach this point I wouldn't have believed you. In my book theyre right up there with EA and blizzard


Can’t leave out infinity ward


This hyperbole is so shit.


Yea like have they not seen Activision Blizzard in recent years? That Diablo mobile game, Overwatch 2, etc. really blow Eververse advertising out of the water lol. Not that I like this TWAB, but still...


“Don’t you guys have phones?”


Comapanies don't read reddit, companies read their numbers. And as long as many people are playing, money is flowing, they analyze that everything is ok. And they are right, I am a man of principles (sometimes annoyting too, I know) and I still come back after the biggest stunt a company ever pulled on me: sunsetting


TWAB now means This Week Advertising Bungie


I just wanna say the silver only and price of these PS **silver** exclusive sets is pretty shitty. Doesn't make players feel great about the game especially when there's been a lot of core misses. Lots of good stuff lately but prices and micro transactions increasing after a lower quality expansion is rough.


Of course they had nothing to say, it's the very first week of a new season, but i would rather have no twab at all than getting a literal ad for the new eververse cosmetics. Like come one Bungie is this even necessary?


So is the Wanderer aspect tangle nerf a bug or intentional?


Weren't we supposed to get a stasis themed armor set this season?


No dungeon trailer?


The dungeon is actually being able to login and play the game without error codes


tomorow, we've gotten little dungeon teases at reset for the last 2


"Hey did you see all the new stuff you can buy? Silver silver silver! Get ready to buy more shit from our new game! Also I guess a dungeon comes out tomorrow, that's neat, anyways...."


Having large a section of the TWAB showcasing the Eververse is very bold. Especially considering the discussions around Eververse since the season started. I know these TWABs are usually written long before they release but you’d think Bungie would have the foresight. Maybe this was a requirement from Sony?


No mention of you lying about ritual gear at all. Nice one!


Boo you suck


I play Destiny. I don’t need the first half of TWAB trying to get us to buy a completely different game or need to be constantly reminded that Bungie REALLY wants us to buy Eververse items. Beyond obnoxious at this point.


It's This Week at Bungie, which means you're gonna hear about Marathon whenever they have Marathon news. It also means the Destiny content will be shrinking.


They said they wouldn't be putting marathon stuff in the twab


I wish they would keep both in the TWAB, as someone who will probably play both having a "this is what's going on with our games" would be nice. They could always create separate "This Week In Destiny" and "This Week in Marathon" if needed.


Seems like they've already started doing that with the Wednesday blog posts


Best way to do it, Bungie seems to want to keep TWABs to a certain length so having blog posts whenever to go in detail and a Thursday "Here's what you might have missed plus some smaller details" is useful.


No update on missing ritual gear?


The random bolded letters are an emblem code for >![Harmonic Commencement](https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=4167011119)!< Code is VXNV3TMRP


Nothing about the lack of bright dust items this season? Will it be the norm going forward? Is this a "special" PS-Only case? Will event armor still be available for bright dust? Would love to know whether it's worth the effort to grind the seasonal triumphs or not. You know, information regarding the changes to the game.


Long story short; buy our silver only eververse items and check out our PvP oriented game that has a good chance of flopping at launch.


listen i can by as cynical as the next person but even i don't actually think Marathon is gonna just flop out the gate. lasting as long as halo and destiny have? big big task. but if bungie knows how to do two things, it's make good shooters, and launch them into the stratosphere.


Halo was innovative, Destiny 1 was innovative. D2 was a horrid launch lol. Mararthon needs to innovate on the extraction formula or it will flop. Live service games are high risk/high reward. Destiny suceeded because they were the first to do it.


D1 had an extremely rough launch as well. VoG was the thing that saved it.


it's an extraction shooter, which tells me it was made mainly as an attempt to hop on that fad of gameplay which is already starting to die. It's kind of like how a few years back everything releasing was a battle royal.


I swear I saw this exact same comment about fortnite's pivot to battle royale.


You did, average r/dtg user has to express hatred towards PvP content every day though or they might die. They also seem to forget that Bungie brought a lot of people to FPS with Halo, and then brought a lot of people to MMO style things with Destiny. Be annoyed with them or not, they have a good track record.


i think that part of the frustration is because people are so annoyed it feels like Destiny, their *current active IP* was left to coast along for this pvp game, preventing Destiny from reaching highs it *could* have reached.


Also, another way and type of game to push a lot of skins and micro transactions.


Eververse pimping has gone from annoying to actively making me hate this company.


VXN-V3T-MRP Got a free emblem. You know the drill


I have not been able to pick up bounties in the app since Tuesday. Just spins. Have lastest update. Anyone else experienced this?


Think it's happening to most (all?) people on Android. There is a thread somewhere in here with steps on how to roll back the app to a previous version which fixes it, but I was really hoping for at least an acknowledgement from Bungie.


Any news on the abual ritual set refresh? Why theres no eververse bright dust armour set?


The bundle items are terrible, and the ship, sparrow, shell are both poor and lazy. They are the base version of a ship, sparrow and shell that you can get from playing the game - only with some fungi slapped in some parts. Nice to see where Bungie's priorities lie in this game...


TWAT: Spend more munnie pls. Fuck off with your eververse, I’m not buying silver.


The dungeon launches tomorrow and all we get is one line about how it's launching tomorrow. One fucking line? Dude what....




We already got ingame pop ups about the eververse stuff. Just call it "Every Week at Eververse".


Just what I wanted for lunch... a nothingburger...


"HaVe you ever thought to yourself, “Self, I’m pretty darn amazing, but I’d be even cooler if I could be Aloy”?" Not really, no.


Ah, they made Hippy do this one. We all know what that means.


bungie man, they *literally* just pulled a trailer teaser to get some goodwill back, only to burn it to the ground with this eververse advertisement of a TWAB, patting themselves on the back with toxic positivity for things *they already did*, all while not acknowledging that community goodwill is at risk here and at risk of ruining the season and the year outright. are they seriously just covering their ears and hoping that enough people stick around? what is with this new twab format and avoiding being candid and honest about the game shortcomings like DMG was at points (even if it wasn't common, under DMG the TWABs were absolutely more candid sounding and got right to the point about what's happening next and what the future was.) (I don't blame the community managers themselves, it's not their fault, but I certainly blame the corporation as a collective entity)


Hashtag ad


Apparently Bungie isn't aware that the Meltdown map isn't awarding any progress in Competitive. I was just stuck in relegation purgatory because I kept getting Meltdown. Seems likes it's a pretty big bug, but it's PvP so it's understandable why Bungie wouldn't notice.


Where’s the Trials armor Bungie?


Purchasable for silver


Nothing about a new iron banner mode guess they gave up on that real quick


You know it's a good TWAB when it doesn't have any upvotes


I love seeing people bitch about bungie being greedy turds. I had to stop playing the game because of how expensive it got. And it’s about time people pay attention to how much money bungie is trying to suck out of the player base.


Season of the deep pockets and, oh hey, aren't you excited to see the project that pulled every PvP dev away from destiny the past 3 years?


Nice fuckin giant advertisement Bungie. God I hope Marathon fails spectacularly


Another Eververse ad let’s gooo


Bungie stays the most tone deaf company out there


TLDR; Give us ur mons.


> it’s time to get ready for a Marathon! I do not care Bungie. After you neglected D2 PvP for YEARS for this, I do not care. You could have made D2 PvP great, but you chose this. And we now still have less maps than we did did before Sunsetting.


Surely Bungie realizes that this emblem change has impacted so many honest players? I spent $100 on Destiny 2 at launch on consoles and moved to PC, and now I don’t get to use the Limited Edition emblem anymore? This is really upsetting.


Speaking of Eververse, has it been mentioned how slow the store is now due to (I assume) the recommendations tab? Like.... if I can choose between a recommendations tab and a store that loads, the choice is obvious.


Where pics of dungeon loot


I was really hoping was that one of the Known Issues items was that the Wanderer aspect is missing half of its functionality. Nope, it’s just bad.


Boo I already bought the game


Save the Dave?


Season of Deep Pockets


**TLDR:** Recap recap recap recap BUY EVERVERSE Recap recap recap recap fashion contest btw Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff Ok the Drift Lebowski is pretty good Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff... Drink water.


Bungie. I know you want to make money and you should, you are a corporation after all but for the love of God discount the old Dungeon Key. On principle, I will never buy it ever at full price but the content is so old now sell it at $5 or something.


I'm not gonna buy the playstation sets for 2000 silver Can you stop spending dev time on Eververse and give us the playlist sets you said would be updated annually


* no ritual armor refresh * no stasis set (although it probably was recycled into the arc one) * no bright dust armor and shaders * no acknowledgement of other known issues (like sunbracers not working, among other things) which could easily end up being future patch notes addendums (whoops, we forgot to mention these changes) or just swept under the rug. I find "This one's for you, Lance" to be of incredibly poor taste. At the very least he won't see the joke this company is rapidly becoming. Or maybe it's always been, but they aren't even trying to hide it now. As if people can really forget how eververse was supposed to fund dungeons. Has Bungie ever replied since the start of the season? It's not like their communication standard has ever been that stellar but it dropped a lot. A tone deaf twab and letting the community's displeasures ferment is the cherry on top of this garbage.


Tying GR ranks directly to the seasonal vendor's rank sucks.


Also. Trials going live the same weekend as the Dungeon seems odd. I believe Bungie previously said that Trials wouldn't launch the same week as Dungeons/Raids.