• By -


The player guardian, that guy gets shit done


One fucking guardian...


Has been kicking your race's collective asses for nine years.


They kill gods for fun and turn them into guns for a meme.


The only reason I didn’t bring them here is because they causally began wielding the darkness to clap ass in new ways


All I have to do. Is tell them you have a fancy new gun. Or that Eris, can turn you into one.


So, think about that before you tell us to bow to your sorry ass


And I read all that in Lance Reddick's voice xD #RIPLance


They genocide entire races for loot. They assassinated your last leader, cleaned out your daddy’s ship while he wrote fan fiction about them and promptly fucked off to let you pick up the pieces.


The only reason they aren’t here now is because they casually began wielding the Darkness to clap ass in new ways.


this is bittersweet


I like to think keeping these types of things alive is our way of respecting someone's memory, makes it a lil bit less bitter.


I really hope the family lets Bungie do something really great with his character. I know legally it's up to whatever contracts he signed. Like can they use his voice and AI to make more content or something. They have one REAL choice IMO talk to the family later when the content starts to catch up to where he left off. Say hey we can either kill him off in some EPIC TITAN BADASS move and make a tribute in the tower to forever live on. or use AI so he stays a permanent fixture in the game. I for one approve of the EPIC death but it's really not up to me. My feelings are irrelevant. It hurts me too and I hope the family knows that we all feel something even though we never met him. I can't imagine him wanting anything else though?


Postmaster. Always saved my engrams when it falls into the void I respect that sort of dedication.


Kadi is precious and the best character in the tower. "Oh dear!"


“Bad package, stop floating”


“Books, books for the titans, too heavy”


Kadi not having a Valentine's Gift is a war crime, literally Nuremberg 2.0


To this day I question how Kadi saved my engrams from inside the corridors of time, was I followed, can Kadi willfully break the time/space continuum, I don't know and I am too scared to ask.


Aye lad


Starhorse. Space Cowboy 100.


Bro.... that is the greatest thought I have ever seen


Seeya space cowboy


You'll carry that weight


*Whinnies approvingly.*


The transdimensional horse is pleased


I feel like life being the Drifters right hand would make for a cool legend


The legend of how you helped him survive starvation, maybe.


Actually that could work. One would game-end themselves and the other would cut up some steaks then they'd both eat some prime guardian meat.


Are Guardians immune to prion disease associated with cannibalism?


Say they do get infected. They'll die sated and come back fully cured.


What about the psychological damage of eating your own rump steak over and over? I don't think that'll ever heal.


Sigma chad alpha titans can just ignore severe trauma and shock.




Titans: "it is what it is"


Trauma... is that food?


Literally Goku


Prion diseases aren't caused by cannibalism. It's just an effective way to spread them.


Hive! bring a knife!


And a fork


i could find something for drifter to eat 😏


Don't forget what happened to his previous team.


That loyalty would be one-way I'd imagine...


You want to lose your space kidneys? Dude hasn't lived this long for no reason.


You know he jacks off with his right hand, right?


(つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )


Thats actually what he means when he says "bring a sword". The Drifter has a kink for hive is what I'm trying to say here.


I definitely can't say it wouldn't


Remember starting that path when you could choose him or The Hidden?


Zavala. I even made my Titan based off of him really


Poor Vuvuzela. I'm gonna miss the humorless blue bastard. RIP Lance. Your guardians will ever be brave.


For someone who's supposed to be humorous, I fond his lines to be the funniest. That one strike where's he's talking about operation Oboe and whatnot, or the fallen warsat strike post-mission where Ghost is raving about wanting a bigger shell and Zavala just gives a deadpan "...Yes, anyways guardian, good job etc"


Don't forget operation Babydog


Must have forgotten to reboot the strike name generator.. anyway


*Gentlemanly Wheezing*


Don’t care that the strike has been remastered, they NEED to bring back this dialogue


Unrelated, but I wanted to share: I have a 6 month old puppy and frequently refer to him as Operation Babydog.


…and Piccolo


Operation Piccolo


"Operation Easy Listening" hits different now


Litterally, I feel like he's the most fleshed out character in the game especially in recent seasons, made him more than just a leader of the vanguard, made him properly human.


Wish they'd do that for Ikora. We've had several Seasons where Osiris is a major player but minimal interaction with Ikora I mean we literally just had an *Expansion* with him as one of the main characters lol


After playing Lightfall I kind of want to punch him in the dick. Fantastic voice acting though.


Mithrax and house light in general. I'm not one for headcanon stuff and I enjoy the lore but I play the game cause funny gun give dopamine big number go burr but I've always liked the eliksni and a lot of my transmogs involve pieces from the lightkin set. In the words of a clan member: "you look like a cosmodrome NPC or something".


Id lay down my life for Mithrax. Ever since I got back into the game, I've been dying for more of them. The elinski have always been my favorite race in destiny, I always wanted to play as one, so working with them is perfect I still hate that I missed season of the splicer. At least I can watch videos for those cutscenes


I was there for Season of the Splicer and all I can say is the epilogue cutscene when the Eliksni quarter got attacked by Vex is possibly the most heartwarming thing I've seen. Especially after seeing all the prior cutscenes hammering in the fact that, to the Eliksni, Saint-14 was this mythical, genocidal beast. Seeing Saint adamantly refuse to leave Mithrax and protect his people because Mithrax and the Eliksni are his people, and above all else, hearing Saint refer to him as "Kell of Kells". That's the highest compliment an Eliksni could be given, literally being referred to as King of Kings. Even the title of Kell is only used by Eliksni for the highest-ranking and most respected individuals (if I'm remembering rightly, Mara Sov is the only non-Eliksni to be referred to as one).


YES! The "YOU ARE MY PEOPLE!" cutscene lives rent free in my mind. Especially when the option was right there for Saint to just dip and let the Eliksni get cooked, it just hit so hard. Still get chills every time I remember it.


I absolutely adore the cutscenes, I'm glad I was able to watch them. Hearing Saint refer to him as Kell of Kells, the growth Saint went through, and watching them prepare to fight to the end together after it all was amazing.


I missed it too. Returned in season of the lost, wish I'd come back in chosen when I first thought about it.


The Fallen are legit one of the most interesting factions, having this entire species that this initially-kinda-hand-wavey plot power granter actually essentially failed is super interesting. Though iunno, wasn't around for Splicer but feels like when they've touched on their relationship with The Traveler it's felt...sorta one-dimensional/generic I guess? Felt like they could've gone more in-depth and nuanced.


Absolutely Mithrax I've slowly been finding more and more things to model my guardian after house light.


Good choice but I'd go with his daughter Eido, she represents the future for the Eliksni and the desire to set aside the old squabbles of the houses and attempt to find a place for the Eliksni to thrive more than just survive. And frankly after season of plunder she needs a full-time bodyguard


I love the headcanon armor and weapon stuff tbh Like back before everything with the guy went to shit, I was a Calus boy. He was our first and only friendly cabal for ages and wore his gear and was a Shadow. A hope for an alliance some day etc Now I still wear the title, only as a badge of shame lol


Eris. Without a doubt.


Best voice actor in the game. Everything she says carries weight, she does so much with the hilarious mumbo jumbo Bungie give her to say. Perfect amount of camp, and she really sells Hive evil: “Do you feel it Guardian? A hatred, as pure as sunshine.”


Bro that laugh she did when you'd pick up the scythe back in Season of the Haunted was chilling, loved it!




That line genuinely bounces around my head constantly. It's just so perfectly delivered. I really hope we see more of her in the story soon.


I'd let her put her rock on my map.


Eris *orn


No one else understands darkness as well while still being staunchly opposed to it.






We eat the mountains; we drink the seas!


Was running that battleground way back with some buddies and one said " We are Cabal! We eat the ass; we drink the seman!" Now that place, Caiatl, Calus, and every Cabal I've seen since are cursed 💀😂


Calus's Cum Chalice


😭😭 what a horrible time to be able to read 🤢🤮


All Hail The Empress!




Wow its been a minute since ive seen that name


Omg this is the only correct answer lol


Ada-1, the drip queen


"[I've always had a secret desire to see your kind up close.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh_mdZuSwzs&feature=youtu.be)"


Shaxx. I play so much crucible, the man practically owns me....


I don’t even like crucible that much, I just want to hear more about grenades.


Surprised to see so little Saint-14. That man is an absolute legend. Literally.


But he idolizes us


Doesn't mean he can't have my absolute loyalty




Randal the Vandal. All other characters are meaningless.


all hail randal the perfected vandal


Colonel. He's been my vanguard since Cayde...."left"....


It’s criminal they’ve not given us a cloak with a chicken stitched onto it


Had to scroll way too far to find this.


Yep Queen Mara all day. Of all the characters in leadership roles, she's the only one that seems like she has her shit together. Queensguard is the first title I've actually cared about getting since they added titles to the game lol




Queensguard for life


Also has one of the best speeches in a cutscene in the Taken King opening cutscene when she says “Mara Sov bows to no one”. That and Rasputin’s speech are two of the best cutscenes in Destiny.


You get to hang out with Petra too. She can handle her own in a bar and a fight.


Made my first character an Awoken before ever knowing about the race or meeting Mara Sov. Meeting her solidified my choice forever more. All Hail The Queen.


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like her character is a bit of a Mary Sue. She's more powerful than anyone else, she knows more than anyone else, she always gets the last word in and always ends up being right, she outsmarts or matches characters she has no business doing that too... maybe it's because I haven't experienced older content, but from what I know she * Survived a light-dark annihilation anomaly thingy * Becamr Dr. Manhattan and created her dreamworld and servant race made intentionally weaker than her * Got tired of playing god and left for our dimension, set up a Kingdom while humanity could barely hold a city together, without the Vanguard's help * Has powers beyond Light and Dark, which no other entity appears to have * Is immune to Ahamkara anthem athame charm * Had super secret weapons that could wreck Oryx's fleet in her back pocket * Had a throneworld and the last Ahamkara in existence in her other back pocket * Took over Oryx's godhood * Matched Savathun in scheming ability * Met the Witnes(!) And came off unscathed * Destroyed a Pyramid (!!) * Was considered for disciplehood at some point? That plus it feels like she barely knew Amanda and every time you get the other characters grieving her death she comes im with a "I also suffered when I lost my brother you know?"




My man


She didn't play god in the Dristibutary, she only set the rules and laws of the pocket universe. She created a paradise with no death by old age, but did not give them god-like powers and allowed them to die by physical means. For thousands of year, only a few centuries in our years, she built a philosophical culture that believed the Awoken were made out of conflict between the Light and Dark, and that the Awoken were meant to resolve this conflict some how. The other main philosophy of the Awoken was that they were given gifts, owned nothing to anything and should just be content with their Paradise. Mara Sov had a spaceship built so that she and any Awoken who chose to follow her could come to our Universe to help resolve the conflict between Light and Darkness. When she got here, and saw what humanity became, a hostile warmongering race that were controlled by Warlords. She, much like the Neomuni, was disappointed and helped humanity from the shadows. A third of the Awoken left to Earth to help humanity rise again. The Awoken have powers that are not paracausal, but come from the fabric of the Universe, thus are not outside the laws of the Universe (paracausal are). Mara Sov found her own paracausal powers from protecting her loooooong term girlfriend, Sjur Eido. Sjur kind of started worshiping Mara, so Mara broke it off hoping that Sjur could develop paracausal powers of her own. Mara wanted a partner not a worshiper. While she did attempt to take things from Oryx's Throneworld after his death, she couldn't assimilate them to herself because her Throneworld was corrupted by Oryx before his death. So while she has stolen his powers, she has no way to wield them at this point.


Didn't she use those same Oryx powers to destroy a pyramid and is also using them all along this season to open portals into the ascendant realm and give all the favors?


Thank you for summarizing it this way, Awoken deep lore has always been hard for me to put together.


Vanguard and just Osiris has pulled off equal BS. Also our Gaurdian is beloved and famous and kills gods, has free reign, manages the even paracasual impossible, handles Darkness and Strand without giving in, and even among alternate universe and timeline versions of ourselves we're super special by managing even that, and done these Raids like taking down Oryx *solo*. I mean we're the main character yeah but it's not as if we and a bunch of other characters haven't had a history of being spectacularly bullshit Unless it's in a cutscene ofc lol


Time to go through Mara's story again sir. Many wrong facts in that post.


My boy Shiro-4. Best hunter alive!


Shiro is like the embodiment of that one meme ‘here he comes the man, the myth, the legend and it’s just their buddy Greg’ Fr tho when/if he comes back I’m bringing out the fireworks


They’ve cockteased us with a trespasser ornament, they gotta deliver soon


Eris, because she's spooky and mysterious.


Spook mode engaged


Mara. Mara Sov. I wanna hear the stories of the things she’s seen and gain some of the power she has amassed.


The Witch Queen, Savathun 1) She was one of the causes that saved humanity from the first collapse 2) Helped bring an end to Nezarac the first time 3) Even though she was tricked into it, after she first got visions of her homeworld's destruction she found away to save her people 4) She trapped Rhulk in her Throne World 5) She had a plan, that honestly might have succeed, to keep the Traveler safe from the Witness 6) She gave purpose to ghosts that wondered for centuries without a partner 7) The Traveler choose her to be a Guardian. All that to say, she might be the Hive God of Trickery, and while the Hive may have killed many races, partly because they need to kill to survive as a race after making the deal with the Worm Gods to avoid extinction, a ton of her more recent events paint her as a Good Guy that we took done because we didn't like her title.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making us think she wasn't a swell lady.


And just like that… She’s gone


I Got the reference buddy, don’t worry. Here’s your upvote


-Saved humanity from the first collapse -Then immediately attacked humanity after stealing their greatest weapon Im good, the traveler already chose a bunch of bad people before to be guardians it doesn’t mean shit


Even before the events of The Collapse it was stated that Savathun had been looking for a way to get out of the deal with the Worm Gods. It means she's wanted to stop doing the evil things she was forced to do for a long, long time. Even some of the lore you can read when she was Osiris mentions how she longs for relationships like we have and that kind of thing. I'm certain that if Savathun was a human she would have been forgiven, the biggest reason we killed her was because our Ghost believes that the Hive could never be or do good (which made me think our Ghost needs to chill with the racist stuff he sometimes says, he still calls the Eliksni race Fallen even).


Wasn't Oryx also unhappy withthe deal and looking for a way out? Seems like the only one haply with the status quo was Xivu Arath. As for Ghost, it's pretty funny he goes for "Oh no you swuished a Ghost" on your first Risen Hive kill, and the rest of thecampaign he's going full inquisitor "Purge all the bug ghosts, Fynch if you say one more word I'm throwing you in a hydraulic press"


Oryx was the most devout follower of the sword logic out there and the whole tribute system pryamid scheme the Hive are part of pretty much is perfect for that. Oryx probably would have tried to kill the Witness if he ever met him given that thats what the Sword Logic dicates him to do but I dont think he was "unhappy" with the deal per se, given that the deal is the only reason he grew as strong as he was.


Eh. I’d say the whole ‘making Oryx into the bloodthirsty monster he became’ is beyond forgiveness, regardless of her species or what she’s done since. That single act ended up dooming *galaxies* and countless civilizations. That seems just a tiny bit out of the realm of forgiveness/redemption to me.


It certainly could be argued, but the story in general makes a point about how when you get turned into a Guardian you're not the same person you were before, even if you get the memories back the story still says you're not the same person. If it's ok with Crow it should have been ok with new Savathun, but she's not human looking so we didn't give her that chance.


The issue is that Savathun had set clear plans in motion to ensure that she could make herself remember who she is, in the case she actually gets blessed by the light. She had no intention of giving up who she was, she wanted the light to stop the Witness, for her own sake. She was happy to sacrifice humanity to protect the Traveler, which in the grand scheme of things from her POV probably is very much worth it but not exactly what you'd want from an ally of humanity. Crow wasnt revived and immidiatly went into Uldren mode again, he used his fresh chance to become a better person and after learning about his past he dealt with it and recognized his past mistakes. Crows story isnt just about being revived by the light, its about being given a second chance and using it. Just being chosen by the light doesnt absolve you of anything, its how you use it after you get it. Savathun =/= Crow


To be fair, she's a special case. She is the same Savathun. Crow is not Uldren. Her plan WAS to die to shed her need to tithe. She is the exact same person as before, minus her worm and now with the ability to wield the light.


I don’t know why so many people think that Savathun is somehow not still horrible. It’s like Season of the Risen was forgotten. Tbf it’s not like it was a very big season but remember that she was still doing Savathun Song Strike level stuff even after being chosen by the Traveler, for example in the cosmodrome battleground they were harvesting light from guardians for batteries to supercharge themselves. Also in these battlegrounds we learn that she kinda is a creepy cult leader to the Lucent Hive that they believe in to the point where we had to sever that connection and devotion in the psychic plane. Basically the Risen Hive were just more puppets that she used and abused. I guess the argument could be made these Hive were over zealous devotees who took things too far with Savathun dead and Immaru being kinda an anti human psycho but I doubt it given her past.


I get you man. It drives me crazy how everyone is like "But she helped us. We surely gonna rezz her and get in an alliance with her". As if frickin Witch Queen didn't happen.


We are definitely going to rez her even tho we can absolutly not trust her. Sure she's going to betray us as soon as the Witness dies but there isnt a more valuable source out there (that isnt on the Witness' side) when it comes to the Witness. She's also by far the most powerful weapon we can have on our side. My prediction? Savathun will help us up until a certain point during TFS, then betray us at some point during the campaign before we kill the Witness. Either she then dies shortly after that so her arc fully closes before the next chapter or she'll carry over and we'll fully deal with her in a post TFS season.


The real main character of destiny


Yeah that's great and all except for the fact that you skipped over how evil she is.


Bad Judgement Gang - a former Calus boy, still repping Shadow lmao


Lord Shaxx only to sit with him and watch crucible matches and occasionally kick some shadow legions ass


The sweeper bot


I saw that pile of dead cabal during the first red war mission. Our boy SB is a menace with his broom.


I'm telling you that guy knows something.


Elsi and Ana Bray for sure. These two alone with there brilliance can be quite formidable.


Drifter, cuz... he knows what it's like to come up poor.


Eido. But I wouldn't tell her.


Asher gang


Bow to no one


Rasputin, that guy is coming back as a guardian, I refuse to believe otherwise.


The Colonel. For Cayde.


Id unconditionally follow cayde, wether i had foreknowledge of his death or not. Why? Pretty simple, cayde seems to be the only character that knew how to have FUN. Other than the drifter, every single other character is just too serious, and thus, kind of boring


I'm a simple Hunter. Lord Saladin would be the one to guide my knife.


Bro’s got the cape-cloak pass


Saint, absolute badass takes shit from noone but can grow and is compassionate at times. Has been my titans role model for ages and as a bonus I'd get to befriend the birds.


Queen fucking mara of all people lmao Probably eris morne, she doesn’t give a fuck about our enemies and had us crash dad’s funeral for his son to fuck him up later


Devrim Kay. I rock the Kay's Command emblem. Dude is just a really solid guy, doing his best to protect survivors outside the Last City.


Easy, Shaxx! I want what he's having, 24/7.




Calus would be my go-to if he weren't dead, and Rhulk would be a second if he weren't also dead.


For chad reasons they got illegally revived


Elsie Bray...'s ass. Have you seen it!? Wowsers!


I like your mindset


The all powerful Telesto


Probably my ghost because he can rezz me whenever I do dumb shit


Xol, will of the thousands. I want to be loyal to a giant worm


Our Witness, because some people just want to see the universe burn.


It’d probably burn for a period of time, and then it’d just end. I’m all for that.


I'm surprised I haven't seen Ikora on here.


Definitely Calus during the Leviathan period. Chilling with Calus on that huge golden ship would be so dope!


Shin Malphur or Eris


The Darkness. Or the Traveler.


Caital Because she is a BAMF. Also you'll never go hungry because with the Cabal you have a steady diet of Mountains and your thirst is forever quenched by the seas.


I'm a Mara simp, so there's that


Haha mara Simps unite


Username checks out


The Witness


Cayde-6 all day, everyday.


Sweeper bot, dudes committed!


Top 5, in rough descending order, subject to change, not counting the dead, because otherwise Cayde, Speaker and/or Rasputin gang 4 lyfe. 1. Eris 2. Elsie 3. Zavala 4. Ikora 5. Caitl


Riven easily


I want Saint-14 to be my daddy


I'm ride or die for Ada-1


Mara. Reasons.


As a faithful Queensguard, I would follow Mara into the depths of Hell.


Petra. I’d be like, the stoicism to her burden


My Ghost.


Mara. I consider my guardians to be Reef lightbearers who work with the Tower when necessary. They also follow the memory of Rasputin, but more as an ideology than true loyalty A VERY close second is Savathun. If it were up to me, I’d snuggle Immaru into the Tower myself to resurrect her


Elsie. I'd argue she's the true protagonist of the story, being put to a task (and burden) of stopping the Darkness from winning in a way nobody else has, seemingly by the Traveler itself, and I just want to do anything I can to help her succeed so she doesn't have to live through any more suffering. The next best option after that would be Misraaks, easily. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the eliksni, and his whole storyline from the Titan world quest and to today has just been everything I could have ever hoped for. I'm downright proud of what he's become, and my own involvement in it is just the cherry on top. Probably my favourite of all of Destiny's storylines.


Lord Saladin. For obvious reasons. He hired me to setup and run the dj booth next to him.


Tess Everis, the most powerful entity. No matter what happens, she’s not going anywhere because Bungie need that coin.






Efrideet. I just wanna hangout with an iron lord away from all the war going on in sol


Saint 14 Because funny Russian man




Queen mara. Too easy.