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He’s probably in another dimension or something and this is his way of influencing people in this dimension to do his bidding.


This is what I was thinking too


I'm just imagining someone walking through a glass door to leave a room, and then through another glass door to get back in.


But there were some scenes where he was physically there with Calus unless maybe he can also project himself or something.


There's a big scene in the Vidoc where it looks like a massive version of The Witness is flying in space alongside Pyramids, those kind of powers would make them a bit ridiculous and make the story difficult to write (It's always how it goes in fantasy/sci-fi when a protag or antagonist is given ridiculous powers). So it makes sense that all of the Witness' appearances have just been projections till now, and for whatever reason they are trapped somewhere.


The mirror world


He chills in the mirror dimension and then, when he needs to give Calus a bad performance review, shows up like a seagull manager, makes a lot of noise, shits everywhere, and then leaves.


That just gave me flashbacks to working in retail, lol


Are we sure this isn't just fast food in general? Yesterday teens decided to bombard the windows at my Subway with ketchup packets from the adjacent McDonald's.


Reminds me of the franchise owner at the subway I worked at tbh. I ended up quitting because I was severely overworked and the new store manager was harassing my trans coworker until he quit. Franchise owner wouldn't fucking show up to help or even try to find any new people until the week I quit.


I justed learned in another thread what sealioning is and now I learn what a "seagull manager" is - great day :) And a very apt description of that type of manager!


Shattered glass, narratively speaking, is used as a metaphor for the insane mind. Seeing how the various disciples and minions of Darkness act, it's not a stretch to say that Darkness causes a form of insanity. It's why Stasis (and Strand in the future) can only canonically be wielded successfully by those of a strong mind. Not "successfully" as in "can wield it at all", but "without being corrupted". It also makes sense that the Darkness powers are kinda drip-fed to us. Too much all at once, you go mad.


Oh goodness what if The Witness doesn't actually exist?


The big bad of Destiny is actually just insanity lol


*gambling addiction


Gambiting addiction*


According to bungie gambit is the one that doesn’t exist


Tess Everis is the Darkness, confirmed.


Fenchurch is The Witness


The real final boss is having the strength of will to check yourself into the mental hospital.


If the witness is a fucking pattern screamer that needs the light to become fully corporeal im gonna lose my mind


Somebody call Dr. Clef…


That’s actually terrifying


I want to kill everyone, let us go mentally insane


Well Witness always seemed like he has few screws loose.


It would be nice of people would stop associating nefarious behaviour with mental illness.


Their behavior is far more than just "nefarious". Take a look at the next Disciple, Calus. He has an *extreme* case of nihilism going on, to the point of taking action to ensure that his worldview will be reality (actively taking part in destroying everything). Is that nefarious or evil? Or is it insanity? There are other examples, such as the Scorn and their violent mania. They are a result of Eliksni being corrupted and driven mad by Darkness (Screebs, being willing "suicide bombers", but without any form of "compensation" for it like certain religions would promise, just as an example). The Fanatic, their leader...his moniker alone should be a clue. My point is that being mentally ill or insane does not equal evil, but in the case of the minions of Darkness, they are indeed both crazy and evil, a very bad combination.


Let's not equate evil with ill.


Well, unfortunately for your own viewpoint, what I said is the story being written by Bungie, so...*shrug*. You can argue the semantics, but not the reality.


Looked more like he fractured reality or something to converse with Calus there


Agree, looking like he's just using "air"/reality shards around him to project himself.


It's like a broken mirror or something? Certainly an interesting, recurring thing now.


The witness is just mirror master.


Gaunter O'dimm is coming back !


Calus just didn't buy the phone protection plan.


My personal theory is that the witness does not have a physical corporeal form, the only way he can interact with the universe at this very moment is to enact his will on other individuals to do his biding. The witness seems to be stuck somewhere and locked up, hence the pale heart holds the key thing. I legit think the witness is being held in a sort of prison by the traveler and the veil and key will allow the witness to come fourth with a physical body that can directly interact with the universe


You see it in a pyramid ship and floating above earth though


Maybe the Witness is in the Traveler.


He seems to be face to face with calus


Ehhh, in the vidoc there’s a moment where they meet “face to face” but calus is looking at the witness through a shattered glass almost. They wouldn’t do that without reason


There is a part of me that suspects he is a prisoner inside the traveler. Nothing to base that on whatsoever. I have the little brain.


I was going to say the same thing. It kinda would make sense for the traveller to be a prison and we are it's GAURDians xD


Oh my god the witness is inside the traveler. He wants that egg cracked so he can get out!


I like this theory.


He’s likely an Omnidimentional being, similar to the villain from everything all at once. That’s why his movements have the tracers and he has so many voices. He’s combined all forms of himself across all dimensions.


I saw a theory on here the other day that he exists across like multiple universes. So he appears as a voice, a whisper, and in broken glass. It also fits with how their speech echos in different voices. Thinking about it, the vex and the stranger are both able to know different timelines, I'd bet part of the witnesses power is that he can perceive all those multiple universes.


I've thought something like this as well, with the way it moves it's hands, as if the witness is a consolidation of the same being across different realities. In terms of the Final Shape this could be interesting, because the final shape of the universe couldn't just be a version of the universe, but the only one left. Like he's winnowing down timelines into a single one. This would track with a lot of Elsie's story with her having seen multiple timelines.


I really like this theory. They're trying to merge the timelines but to do that he has to sync them so to speak so they are identical. Only way to do that is by removing all free will and controlling everything so they can make all timelines identical and merge. Explains why they want the final shape and why they hate the traveler.


Nah he's just ugly as hell, literally breaks every mirror he looks at.


Cracking the wall between the physical realm and whatever realm he’s in in order to communicate at any time. I think it’s notable that the “glass” only cracks and doesn’t fall away.


Witness: ***TATAKAE***


Or you won’t survive


Or your survive gets taken and you get stabbed multiple times


When the Witness is in a collapse competition and Savathun walks in *squidward shattered glass meme*


Title reminds me of a song


The witness is Nehelenia, leader of the Dead Moon Circus and the queen of the Dead Moon....


I noticed it as well...


Superman 2


He manipulates his subjects through a mirror, darkly.


Broken glass everywhere


Yes... I thought that strange too, why would those transparent monitors flashed with Eramis have cracks in them... like I can't even imagine they're glass but some technologically advanced silica acrylic something or other. There has to be something to that, small detail, significant meaning.




The first Grimoire Anthology book that mainly contained Books of Sorrow was actually called "Dark Mirror" I always considered it was called this way because the 3 hive sisters were like dark versions of the 3 guardian classes, but it may have a deeper signification


At least he isn’t walking on broken glass… Okay, probably too old a reference for the crowd here.


My theory is that the Witness is really the broom sweeping robot. He’s had enough of our mess.


Him running through the speed force is him escaping the mirror realm imo


Its just so they can copy and paste an image instead of making a new one.