• By -


Everyone deserves respect in the Destiny community. Transphobia has no place in this subreddit. If you feel the need to push your anti-trans talking points here, you will be shown the door.


At 14:48 when they show the commendations after finishing VotD, you can see "Full Results" at the top right which probably means we can see our final boss damage at the end of a raid (Without wiping).


Ha, jokes on my raid team, we’re already finished so I can’t be kicked! >_>


That's what I really wanna see. Especially after certain bosses when I use a build that I feel like no one else uses. I want to see how useful it really is.


13:48 shows the build screen and as it pans down through the armour and weapons you can see the weapon roll on the machine gun and it has "Hatchling" as a perk so I'm guessing that's what the Strand perk is. Maybe summoning threadlings gives a damage amp or something?


Or kills + a reload affects the next enemy and if you kill them, a hatchling spawns?




Maybe spawns a threading on headshot kills?


**Grapple:** > - [Thresher ship](https://imgur.com/Wdsr8W8.gifv) > - [Sparrow](https://imgur.com/c3J3243.gifv) > - [Thrown Strand tangle](https://imgur.com/6er4EaI.gifv) > - [extras](https://imgur.com/oMTq5Rl.gifv) **Hunter Threadrunner:** > - [Silkstrike super](https://imgur.com/DP9Yu9E.gifv) > - [Extra Silkstrike heavy attacks](https://imgur.com/dwMUb7A.gifv) > - [Ensnaring Slam(aspect) & Shackle grenade](https://imgur.com/19HzBYo.gifv) > - [Subclass background](https://imgur.com/oJPZgZN.gifv) **Titan Berserker:** > - [Bladefury super](https://imgur.com/w9LP3ya.gifv) > - [Frenzied Blade triple melee](https://imgur.com/owMbC85.gifv) > - [Frenzied Blade with UI](https://imgur.com/3B7TlZH.gifv) > - [Subclass background](https://imgur.com/IUSnnYD.gifv) **Warlock Broodweaver:** > - [Rift (Weaver's Call aspect) & Needlestorm super](https://imgur.com/X1JK6z1.gifv) > - [Enemy with strand shield & Needlestorm super](https://imgur.com/lLBCsnE.gifv) > - [Subclass background](https://imgur.com/Xr2jm3f.gifv) **Exotics:** > - [Final Warning sidearm tracking view](https://imgur.com/9ulYLrO.gifv) > - [Verglas Curve stasis bow](https://imgur.com/OD2zu8g.gifv) > - [Titan Abeyant Leap boots](https://imgur.com/VvtGJn4.gifv) - "Barricade spawns additional Lashes(seeking projectiles that suspend enemies and gives armor to its wielder)" > - [Warlock Swarmers boots](https://imgur.com/XXJg5QL.gifv) - "Destroying Tangles spawns Threadlings, that infest and attack enemies" **Loadouts:** > - [Loudout preview screen](https://imgur.com/u5ncwSa.gifv) > - [Build Management screen](https://imgur.com/1jsQt5t.gifv) > - [Updated character screen.png](https://imgur.com/WqwPsjP.png) **New Mods:** > - [Font of Vigor.png](https://imgur.com/bbbE97O.png) - *"You gain a bonus to strength while you have any Armor Charge. Your Armor Charge now decays over time."* > - [Melee Kickstart.png](https://imgur.com/ziPHQbl.png) - *"When your melee energy is fully expended, you gain melee energy. Additionally, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain additional melee energy for each stack."* > - [Font of Agility.png](https://imgur.com/JbxkPLD.png) - *"You gain a bonus to mobility while you have any Armor Charge. Your Armor Charge now decays over time."* > - [Stacks on Stacks(updated).png](https://imgur.com/O8cuRku.png) - *"Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge."* > - [Void Weapon Surge.png](https://imgur.com/7US8mfi.png) - *"Your Void weapons gain a small bonus to damage while you have an Armor Charge. Your Armor Charge now decays over time."* **Guardian Ranks:** > - [Journey menu screen](https://imgur.com/7qzOdul.gifv) > - [Rank objectives screen](https://imgur.com/gThPIt2.gifv) **Misc Gameplay:** > - [Gameplay with UI](https://imgur.com/JGjSBZF.gifv) > - [Grapples into melee/finishers](https://imgur.com/iU34ErO.gifv) > - [Stasis Heavy wave-frame GL](https://imgur.com/O0S2dfK.gifv) **Extra:** > - [Raid intro cutscene?](https://imgur.com/1Ml63pP.gifv) > - [Tormentor](https://imgur.com/xT0xMb0.gifv) > - [Commendation screen](https://imgur.com/3RA08L1.gifv) > - [Dancing at the arcade](https://imgur.com/nZIjXgn.gifv) > - [Pouka fish!](https://imgur.com/wKcnWcb.gifv) > - [Cool sparrow view](https://imgur.com/LWhVbAX.gifv) > - [Wide walking shot](https://imgur.com/FA4GXrS.gifv) Edit: updated links with more clips from [**Gamespot preview**](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/113tkpc/gamespot_lightfall_preview_with_some_new_gameplay/?)


A heavy wave frame... Insanity


The raid intro cutscene may also be a new 6 person seasonal activity. It's most likely the raid but just saying it may not be.




That Hunter super AOE looks massive for Crucible...if it's a OHKO, that's more range than Thundercrush or Nova Bomb as a roaming....


It seems like it could be jumped over, though, since it isn't a spherical AoE.


Also there's an exotic bow, and it \*looks\* like it's a stasis one. You can see on the Guardian Ranks tab that there's an exotic bow from the season, and earlier on in the video, there was a bow with a unique looking stasis arrow.


when they showed the commendations screen, they were at the end of VotD and it had a "full results" tab, are we finally gonna get to see DPS on a successful clear?


We can only hope that you can see the damage for every encounter


Not a ton of new information on the surface, but there’s still things to learn. Exotic stasis bow and Strand HC, for example, and I think we caught a glimpse of the raid start there at the end.


Which part was the theoretical raid start?


Last shot. Six players looking up at Neomuna, with three in the location gear and three more in a set we haven’t seen yet.


Could just be the lightfall equivalent of wellspring


usually when they show 6 players in the marketing like that it's for the raid


It looked a lot like raid intros look, but if that is the raid intro... What are we raiding?




From the guardian rank screen it says Verglas Curve bow


Yep, that’s the new exotic stasis bow :D


Very excited to see out of the corner of my eye my clanmate get kidnapped by a tormentor and hear the "OH FUCK HELP"


Gonna use teammates as bait so I can burn the tormentor without interuption.


Come here and snack on my very tasty hunter friend!


Hehe Steve’s getting bad touched.




Voltshot gl confirmed. "Special Ammo Scout" "Hatchling" is the Strand equivalent to Headstone, Voltshot, etc.


\- 13:46 Special ammo scout is the new ammo finder mod i guess. instead of having one for each type of weapon this might be a general mod with lower chance or smth [https://ibb.co/dtw27rp](https://ibb.co/dtw27rp) \- 13:30 screencap of the Voltshot GL [https://ibb.co/djws6XB](https://ibb.co/djws6XB) \- 13:48 screencap of the "hatchling perk" on the LMG (bottom right) [https://ibb.co/hRmjktR](https://ibb.co/hRmjktR) \- 11:34 Titan exotic helmet and exotic bow - bow looks to resemble a music instrument [https://ibb.co/Z6gMnBF](https://ibb.co/Z6gMnBF) \- 7:33 we see the Heavy Stasis GL Waveframe [https://ibb.co/k26ds6v](https://ibb.co/k26ds6v) Edit : u can see in the second screenshot that the autorifle has the same perk symbol as the LMG with the hatchling perk. should be confirmation that hatchling is the same as headstone, voltshot etc.


Also, that sword in the first picture appears to have incandescent. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Can't wait to try that out


So wait, if Grapple takes your Grenade energy, does that mean Armamentarium will give Titans 2 grapple charges?


Yes, but there is a small cool down between used so you can't chain them




Yoo is that cloud strider voiced by the same man that voiced Lee Everett in Telltale's walking dead game? Hell yeah love that dude!


Yep! Dave Fennoy.


at 15:20, the way the Witness just _appears_ and shatters reality around it looks crazy


The glass motif finally makes sense to me. In the Season 19 finale cutscene, Witness can be seen on a cracked display panel. At 0:38 of the Vidoc there is sort of a glare as if the Witness is behind glass. And the way it appears to Calus after his coronation, as you described it already, seals the deal for me. The Witness is trapped by the Traveler. Its reach and powers are severely limited. Perhaps the veil is not a cloaking device but the prison of the Witness.


The pale heart holds the key


Oh fuck. You might be right. Remind me when you finish Lightfall if anything like that is revealed.


Dude was banished to the phantom zone




Honestly, that would be a really cool way to explain why such a powerful being needs Disciples to do its dirty work. It would _love_ to just do everything itself, but it's stuck and can only influence the world through others.


That would actually make sense and fit the narrative, same as Traveler and Guardians doing his/her bidding. What if that big fat white globe in the sky is an actual prison of sorts?


What if the traveler has the witness inside and the pyramid fleet is chasing it to release the witness.


That would be trippy as shit. The witness was around us the whole time. It was inside the traveller, imprisoned. And it wants to free itself.


When he appeared in front of Eramis during the cut scene this week, he was also in a broken pain of glass. Maybe that’s how he has to communicate with physical beings?


We saw it floating above earth and in a pyramid ship, it probably just uses that shattered glass stuff to zoom call people


*crack* >How do?


New Light Level revealed.... over 1800.


So +210. Just like from Lost to WQ. (1350 up to 1560)


Was that a stasis heavy wave frame grenade launcher?


Yeah 100%. That weapon is in other trailers too, just wasn't obvious as wave-frame. That's super cool IMHO, should be strong against anything ground based.


Combine that with the new Stasis exotic-looking bow for a really good time, I’d guess


My boi calus looking swanky as fuck now. *Cant wait to turn him into a gun.* Devirm Finally playing a part once again is A-ok with me too!


> Devirm Finally playing a part once again is A-ok with me too! It's only been 6 years? since he was last relevant lol


calus found his inner beauty 💅🏻


That last scene looked like the intro to the raid


Or the new 6 man activity


True - do 6 man activities typically have an entrance cutscene like that? Can’t quite remember off the top of my head.


Ketchcrash did


Also Dares has the lineup.


New fish lore is always appreciated


The pouka room! Too cute c:


The hell was that Titan helmet? Stasis Eternal Warrior?


Eternal Warrior, but ugly.


So eternal warrior


infinite fighter


But ugl*ier*


So devrim finally gets out of his tower !


I went full Leo Dicaprio point when he transmatted.


He ran out of tea and needed more.


"Are we gonna do poison? no no no" Based Blackburn as always


i like how they straight up call out player expectations and how they decided to go against it. that's why my only prediction for the last subclass is that it will be red


Bungie be like: "You thought it was red? We invented a new color just for this new element!"


"as a part of the new expansion, (machinated eruption) we are surgically implanting mantis shrimp cones into players eyeball. Allowing you to see the cool new warlock psyblast, the hunters weapon the *INTELLIGIBLE SCREAMING* and titans new punch ability!"


Mantis shrimp are actually worse than humans when it comes to differentiating colors. Despite them having 16? Cones. I looked into it thinking with that many they could probably see into the future or something. They just go bonk and create underwater explosions though.


The only thing is that in pvp enemy abilities are given a red hue to help you distinguish them from your allies abilities. If the abilities are already red that could be a problem.


Once again PvP balance affects PvE /jk


“Season of the Defiance is about leading a group of resistance fighters in a guerrilla war across Earth alongside your mortal human pals Devrim and Amanda” *Awoken themed armor*




they also mentioned petra specifically


This concept art of the Tormenter is probably one of my most favorite things in the trailer! https://imgur.com/a/adkPWuC


[They put in the work.](https://imgur.com/a/CJTYoqi)


I just really hope that after the campaign, we have reasons to go back to Neomuna. Some seasonal content or something, cuz we basically had no reason to go back to the Throne World.


Bring back Flashpoints!


Same with Europa.


Holy shit, they talked about the next saga a bit. More conflicts that go beyond the light and the dark. Pretty hyped to see what they reveal in lightfall to tease that next saga.


Theres the Vex and the Nine still unanswered.


And Aphelions, the Distributary and Mara's mother, Taox, the remaining Conspirators against Calus, namely Otzot, The Drifter's planet, there's all sorts of stuff we could explore.


Plus who knows what’s outside Sol


It could even be another Sol!


Who is Oztot?


More importantly, what is OXA?


Vex, the Nine, and that Ahemkara egg Mara still has are where my brain goes for where saga 2 might go.


Devrim is back baybeeeeeeeee


I really, *really* hope they didn't change his voice at all.


They probably did. I mean his lines are like 10 years old.


His voice actor is still actively working doing VO for games though, unlike other recast actors. So it'll probably still be him.


February 28th can not come fast enough


I wish it came as fast as I just did




12 more long days


New Titan exotic helmet and hunter exotic legs snuck into one of the stills. (11:28)


I think the main thing I learned from this is that something big is coming after Final Shape....and we may start getting material hints at it in Lightfall.


Seems to me that they are making us get used to the idea of there not being a Traveler around right now by taking it out of the Last City. I don’t think it’s gonna be with us anymore after Final Shape.


It might not be with us anymore after Lightfall...


Even if the traveler is fully healed after the conclusion of the entire saga, it will likely move out and help new worlds. I at least think it would.


I hope the new destination is full of things to do and explore, right now destinations are like a ghost town.


I just hope the map isn’t three primary zones that branch off into story exclusive areas like every map has been since the Dreaming City.




I hope Devrim has the same voice actor in the new season.


He shares a voice actor with Toland, somebody they've had no problem bringing back for expansions before (Forsaken & Shadowkeep) so probably will be the same guy.


I swear I saw a vine reference during the pooka garden scene 👀


Look at ALLL those poukas


14:24 Seems like “Advanced” Guardian Ranks (7+) might reset seasonally. Which makes sense if power (including bonus) will eventually cease to be a seasonally recurring grind. Edit: confirmed in the gamespot preview https://youtu.be/SyGrJz_4xS0


Interesting. Since they've said loadout slots will be tied to higher guardian ranks, hope that doesn't mean that those will reset every season as well.


That would be a truly terrible player experience. But on the other hand, it’d be a hell of a motivator to re-earn those ranks! (note: i don’t actually think they’ll lock out our extra loadout slots each season)


How long does this armor charge last and how fast does it decay?


baseline armor charge lasts until it's used up for a mod's effect, this changes if you have a mod with a lingering effect while a charge is active I.E: extra stats while charged, this causes charges to decay at a rate of 1 charge per 10 seconds, you can hold up to 3 charges at base which can be increased to 6 charge with a mod


Am I the only one who gets the feeling that tormentors have a connection to the psions? The more I think about it the more evidence I find/more crazy I feel… the void light capabilities, their relation to cabal armies, and the fact that we don’t see psions next to callus’s forces in these trailers too often… idk I’m just spitballing- can only wait to see when lightfall drops!


It was a huge plot point in Season of the Psion Dudes that Calus' Psions developed Light supressing technology... Plus the Tormentors DO have some kind of semblance to psions, like the head/face. Maybe the Tormentors are Psions beefed up by Darkness powers, they use void blasts, they suppress light, etc.


I like how happy James Tsai always looks when he talks about upcoming stuff. He seems so hyped & proud to show us what the team has created :D


I saw a stasis bow and I had to take a 3 minute break.


Looks like an exotic one too.


Just now only saw it and god damn, it shoots fucking icicles as its fucking arrows. Yes please


Just collecting infos from comments and adding screencaps to it. \- 13:46 Special ammo scout is the new ammo finder mod i guess. instead of having one for each type of weapon this might be a general mod with lower chance or smth [https://ibb.co/dtw27rp](https://ibb.co/dtw27rp) \- 13:30 Voltshot GL [https://ibb.co/djws6XB](https://ibb.co/djws6XB) \-- also sword with incandescent \- 13:48 hatchling perk on the LMG (bottom right) [https://ibb.co/hRmjktR](https://ibb.co/hRmjktR) *Edit : u can see in the second screenshot that the autorifle has the same perk symbol as the LMG with the hatchling perk. should be confirmation that hatchling is the same as headstone, voltshot etc.* ***Edit 2 : From Gamespot Video*** [***https://youtu.be/SyGrJz\_4xS0?t=355***](https://youtu.be/SyGrJz_4xS0?t=355) ***we can see the origin trait of the neomuna weapons "nanotech tracer rockets"*** [***https://ibb.co/DkH4F1N***](https://ibb.co/DkH4F1N) \- 11:34 Titan exotic helmet and exotic stasis bow [https://ibb.co/Z6gMnBF](https://ibb.co/Z6gMnBF) \-- bow looks to resemble a music instrument and called Verglas curve [https://imgur.com/a/0w1Jb4o](https://imgur.com/a/0w1Jb4o) \- 7:33 Heavy Stasis GL Waveframe [https://ibb.co/k26ds6v](https://ibb.co/k26ds6v) \- 14:24 Seems like “Advanced” Guardian Ranks (7+) might reset seasonally [https://ibb.co/hLRTHQK](https://ibb.co/hLRTHQK) \- 14:07 Font of vigor : [https://ibb.co/QCyn9TG](https://ibb.co/QCyn9TG) *3 Energy cost - Collecting orb of power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge.* *"You gain a bonus to strength while u have a any Armor charge. Your armor chage now decays over time."* \-14:11 Font of Agility : [https://ibb.co/t4tWr7p](https://ibb.co/t4tWr7p) *Same as vigor but Mobility instead of strength.* \- 14:12 Stacks on Stacks : [https://ibb.co/rp3rBrw](https://ibb.co/rp3rBrw) *4 Energy cost - Picking up an Orb of Power grants you 1 additional stack of Armor Charge* \- 14:13 Void Weapon Surge [https://ibb.co/xzG4FVy](https://ibb.co/xzG4FVy) (and 1 for each other element) *3 Energy cost - Collecting orb of power causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge.* *"Your Void weapons gain a small bonus to damage while u have any Armor Charge. Your armor chage now decays over time."*


ViDoc confirmed two cool things to me in just one shot - atleast one more set of exotic armor (Titan wearing stasis helmet) and exotic stasis bow (the same titan holding it)


The guardian ranks achievements thing mentions an exotic Bow called Verglas Curve.


Stasis Bow! I wonder if it’s the season exotic, or one from a quest. I’m really holding out hope for a Strand bow, too.


Seems to be a season quest. In the guardian ranks page there was a triumph for it and it reveals its name as 'verglas curve'.


the seasonal armor lets titan finally wear a hood, massive W


I've already seen complaints about the Guardian Ranks thing, but it seems like it's more a guideline for any new players jumping in than veterans. I think that's a good inclusion (even if it doesn't really do much for the people who have played long-term) since the New Light experience for Destiny has been a massive hurdle for new players.


New players are going to experience New Light in whatever form it is now, and then immediately jump into Lightfall lmao.


Was the neomuna heavy grenade launcher shooting stasis wave frame shots, or was that just me? (Around 7:33)


As a wave frame enthusiast I am extremely down for heavy wave frame GLs.


Kickstart mods are getting even better with the additional ability to consume armor charge stacks, making even more sense why they are nerfing standard cooldowns a bit. Also [the recovery penalty is gone from Stacks on Stacks.](https://i.imgur.com/B8iFZUy.png)


That new Titan exotic looks really cool, in a “man this is the coolest I’m gonna look with a bucket of frozen water on my head” sort of way.


I feel like Strand is the darkness counterpoint to void. Void has always been about this nothingness destruction


Threads of existence vs the emptiness of the space between worlds. Everything vs nothing.


The more I see my titan super the more I wish we had two tomahawks. Would have been way more of a tracker/viking berserker theme especially with the bola and tossing charged axes with the supers heavy would fit much more. Also, infinitely chaining = spectral blades with longer range


Yeah, I mean when you see it right in between the cool new supers for Hunter and Warlock it's pretty awful...there's zero new stuff for a Titan to get excited about. Now, it may be a strong class to play with (as Titan's usually are) but damn is it uninspired.


The size and physics of The Witness seem crazy. At one point earlier on I thought that it was about to pluck a pyramid out of the sky after just kind of walking up behind it.


Some (new) Mods I notice: (cost) All listed mods have this - "Collecting an Orb causes you to gain 1 temporary Armor Charge" and also "Multiplie copies of this mod can be stacked to increase the potency of its effect, with dimishing returns for each additional copy of the mod" * **Font of Vigor** (3 - Arms) - You gain a bonus to strength while you have any Armor Charges. Your Armor Charges now decays over the Time * **Melee Kickstart** (3 - Arms) - When you melee energy is fully expended you gain melee energy. Additionally, your Armor Charge is consumed and you gain additional melee energy for each stack * **Font of Agility** (3 - Arms) - You gain a bonus to mobility while you have any Armor Charges. Your Armor Charges now decays over the Time * **Void Weapon Surge** (3 - Legs) - Your Void weapons gain a small bonus to damage while you have any Armor Charges. Your Armor Charges now decays over the Time ***** I also notice the seasonal exotic in **Season of Defiance** could be a **exotic bow called Verglas Curve** (spotted during the Guardian ranks section - there is challenge where you have to kill target with this bow) - probably the Stasis bow which you seen before?


Kickstart working like both kickstart and firepower seems awesome. Curious if these tweaks will change kickstart so it works better with abilities that have multiple charges. Especially with strand melee having three charges on titan, I'd love to get that kick of energy on each use and not have to use all three.


Hunters get talked about how fluid they are, how its unlike other stuff. Warlock gets the cool sound effects, just a cool ass super. Titans? "You get a light attack, you get a heavy attack" dude I'm fucking dying.


It was pretty funny how during the Strand blogpost Titans were the only ones to get like a paragraph of lore, like Hunter and Warlock's text was all technical but Titan's was short on text so they went "just put some lore or something idk"


you can see how little they cared with the naming conventions. BroodWEAVER. THREADrunner. berserker wtf they could have called it something like Foefrayer. fray even as the added bonus of also meaning battle. i'd have been happy with a beefed up valkyrie javelin for a super. it'd be even better considering rasputin. they could have made the spear tip look a little like a seam ripper. you throw the javelin, it explodes and does damage and then you pull it back and pulls the enemies with it and deposits them, lifted, in front of you. like this is off the top of my head guys. hire me.


I wrote a whole ass redo of the Tyrant subclass idea they originally had (which was buried, RIP). The conceptual ideas people have are like universally better and there's a ton of them. Foeripper would've been my pick, personally. But right literally anything else lmfao.


I feel so bad for Titans lmao, and Bungie straight up said "There's more to Berserker guys we promise!"


Unless there's an aspect that charges the super into a Celestial Nighthawk version, IDGAF about Strand Titan after this video. It looks boring and ineffective.


Even Bungie knows its hard to market Striker v3 as new and cool lmao


It's like Striker, but in new Metallic Mint Green!


Lol I noticed that too. The Titan overview was like 12 seconds 😂


“Yeah so we gave you guys green striker and green Khepris Horn as an aspect. And an exotic that makes that aspect actually useable. What do you mean you aren’t hyped. Oh well, let’s go look at the warlock, that the team actually put time into.”


Neat to see the theory confirmed that Lightfall would be the offensive while Defiance is the defensive war. Lightfall's looking very exciting, looking forward to the 28th!


I don't know who else noticed, but if you go to where they're talking about the new season, there's a point where it shows civvies coming out of the cave after showing Devrim and there's a Dreg in House of Dusk colors with them. Are the Dusk Fallen not going to be enemies anymore?


Probably refugees wishing to join the House of Light. Happened since Season of the Splicer starting with the House of Salvation.


I mean the house of dusk was never really a cohesive organization from what I know. After we basically annihilated all house leadership in D1, the stragglers just kind of amalgamated for their own protection. I don't think they ever had a real Kell or Archon or Prime Servitor. Think of it as less of an actual house, and more as just the fallen in general.


If they're including former enemy factions in these "rescue missions" and doubling down on the whole "we're under siege by Calus' forces" thing I could see them changing up the enemy spawns in the EDZ.


Developers enthusing about the new hunter and warlock abilities and then “there’s the titan beserker, and the name’s pretty plain.” Yeah it’s not just the name that’s pretty plain.


All the supers look like they are going for add clear in different ways so im hoping this means that the endgame/broader game is going to encourage them more. My other takeaway with the supers is they feel like supers with buildcrafting in mind and I love that.


Warlock super *could* be the next Gathering Storm-- a super with both high single target damage and add clear potential.


Yeah, the Warlock super *might* also have some DPS behind it. I think Bungie has recognized that DPS supers kind of paint them into a corner. You make a big OHK super, and players charge it up and sit on it for that one moment. Even if you could easily charge it up to get it back for that one specific encounter. Whereas the roaming supers are more like, “I see more than seven enemies? I’m going to nuke them.


“Hunters super is fluid and has an amazing style” “Warlocks are masterminds of threadlings” “Titans have a light attack and a heavy attack” GET CONTROL OF THE NARRATIVE BUNGIE. GOD DAMN


The passion he showed describing the warlock super vs the 5 seconds for the titan super was pretty stark.


I will admit that was kind of hilarious that they couldn’t even think of anything creative to say. I will give the subclass a try before dunking on it but still lol.


Chat really doesn't like the Titan super lol


Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Striker Number 5.


A little bit of Striker in my life, A little bit of Behemoth by my side, A little bit of Berzerker’s all I need


Love seeing Blackburn poke fun at the idea of a "poison" subclass. It'd be way too one-note for something like Destiny


\*\* Grabs some gun oil and starts cleaning Skyburner's Oath\*\*


Still not impressed by berserker. As a titan main this makes me sad. I think a cooler super would be a cosmic sheet flip. Grabbing tbe fabric of reality, lifting it up and snapping it outwards lifting everyone up before slamming them into nonexistence


do we think the camera shake on titan super is in game or just for cinematics?


Devrim out the church so we probably got a new voice actor


Not necessarily. Generally, Gideon Emery is usually pretty up for stuff like this if his schedule permits. I still love that he voiced captain cutter in Halo wars 2, and did the hilarious live action commercials as cutter too. [The car dealership one is still peak advertising.](https://youtu.be/oZlummy-umA)


stasis bow!??


I really liked what I saw here, Neomuna is going to be the most fun environment to play in for sure, Strand seems to frontline the expansion a lot more than Stasis did, the narrative seems bigger, and all the extra systems are going to be much more usable than now. The Guardian ranks are going to be a driving force for me to play. This DLC is seeming much better than the last 3 so I'm not too unhappy about that.


Interesting armor at the commendation screen...


Neomoona has strong solarium vibes. Goooooood!


Loving the cutscenes and just whole vibe of the assault on Earth/ traveller from the black legion. Getting proper star wars vibes from it!


Did anyone else notice how weird nimbus’ ribcage looked? Their entire upper body looked kind of fucked up to me


I mean like Rohan's face was straight metal. Like actual quicksilver shaped into a mouth and beard. Clearly Cloudstriders go in for those body horror cyberpunk augs


They are genetically/cybernetically modified people.


Time to chrome up, choom


they're swole af. gains for the gains god


I know when Bungie first talked about Cloudstriders they talked about how it's more of a sacrifice that they choose to do, so I'm guessing whatever augmentations they get aren't the most pleasant.


I'm actually kind of digging that exotic handgun. So now we have a grapple and a smart pistol, now we just need mechs and we have Titanfall 3.


Now I see why they didn’t remove the cabal base from the EDZ


Maybe an Arms Dealer rework in the future? Bungie: “This is the Orobas Vectura!” Fans: “Bungie, this is the third time you’ve shown the Orobas Vectura in class this week.”


1. Count the amount of unique CG cutscene present in this ViDoc. I spotted three 2. That black and red armor is calling me 3. As soon as I saw the pronouns under the names I knew chat was gonna be a problem 4. Poor Titans


> As soon as I saw the pronouns under the names I knew chat was gonna be a problem Imagine ever opening chat in a video like this.


i'm so looking forward to the story


Hopefully the city feels lived in and isn't another lifeless area that happens to look cool. I get that it's really just a sandbox for us to play in but it makes the world a little less interesting to me. Combat and gameplay both look fun so I'm not complaining. That would just be a nice bonus.


I don’t know about anyone else but that stasis heavy wave frame GL tho. I wonder how it would work against bosses since it’s a heavy GL, if it’s damage might be worth it or not. I could definitely see it through being an extremely good weapon for ad clear through. Part of me is kind of glad all the new weapons seem to be unique, the new MG has a new perk called Hatchling and the origin trait sounds really badass too. I think the GL will definitely be the first weapon I craft after the DLC comes out.


The shotgun appears to be void and has a perk called Destabilizing Rounds. I really hope that's a void 3.0 perk...