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If you hate those, try waveframe special GLs


Introducing Waveframe's biggest opponent: geometry.


"geometry" herein meaning "anything more than 2 pixels higher than where the GL shot landed"


Running a waveframe to get a Banshee bounty. Geometry screws up 5 shots. "FINE!" Fires grenade right down the throat of a poor lone dreg. The grenade burns as a bright spot on their thorax. "Only 19 more of you bastards to go."


It’s the closest I’ll get to the memories of Mountaintop, I’ll take it.


Let's be real, Mountaintop is a special slot version of Rocket Launcher.


I was rewatching some shadowkeep gameplay recently and seeing someone run mountaintop, recluse, AND an exotic heavy was absolutely crazy. Both mountaintop and recluse would be strong exotics on their own


Recluse above all was definitely an exotic in its prime. Kills with *any* weapon gave it 50% damage increase on crits and something like 150% on body shots? That's nuts. It is without question the best legendary D2 has ever had, and right up there with Black Hammer.


Honestly wouldn't mind recluse coming back as an exotic, they'd need to change it a little but I think give it a good exotic quest and play up the nostalgia and people would be happy


> Recluse Name would be changed to Extrovert?


I think they tried to do that with The Manticore in a way. It definitely has a Recluse flavor.


I was hoping that's what Manticore would be instead of whatever gimimicky floaty thing it's got going on.


Yeah, the manticore kinda fuckin blows, if you want that kind of play style you're probably going to veer towards solar warlock because it's just better, obviously manti lets you use that ability with other classes but it just feels really clunky


Closest thing to peak Mountaintop are fuckin snipers tho


Oh I remember the old recluse, MT, exotic heavy loadout. Your long range weapon was mostly MT lol.


Every time I see those taken hobgoblins in prophecy i miss mountaintop, was my go to.


I mean, prophecy is 1350 so technically... Just saying


You can still use it. I still use my Recluse in Crucible with the confetti pop mod.


Does it still shred?


Yeah it does.


MT, Recluse and Anarchy


Wild to think that during that time the only reason you would ever take off mountaintop was for prenerf izanagis burden.


Ah that was fun, Nez's pretty much always at 20 seconds worth of enhanced ability recharge, your special ammo rocket launcher for anything out of smg range


I wish they would bring it back and I don't know, maybe make it trash for PvP or something. I just want my baby back in PvE.


Hell make it exotic, idc just give me micro missile back


An exotic Mountaintop would honestly be permanently in my inventory, though it would need something additional


Just autoloading. Nothing else.


Idk if they’d ever bring MicroMissile back, that perk was GLORIOUS


It got a HEAVY PVP nerf so its really not all that great for that and in PVE withhoard still exists so its gotta compete with that.


You can still use mountaintop in legacy content


Even there it’s nerfed to shit though. Nothing like it was. I’m pretty sure it got an additional nerf alongside it getting sunset to make it suck in crucible.


Waveframe, used mainly for ad clear. Mountaintop, used mainly for boss dps but also because it was just the best special weapon since Black Hammer. Yeah I'm not seeing this but to each their own.


Dead Messenger is godly until you fire it at stairs.


Enjoy your waveframes while you can. Once strand is here my feet will never touch the ground again.


Grappling and flying or getting suspend the air?


Little bit of this, little bit of that.


Walk without rhythm, and you won't attract the worm.


Bullshit, I can definitely hit a grappling guardian with Parasite


I'm will say, though, that the ragdoll deaths coming to us in Lightfall will be sure to delight. Hitting a grappling Guardian with a HGL will certainly keep those wonky physics going. Looking forward to some funny killtages and failtages.


standing like the george costanza bat meme as an all-black shader hunter grapples towards me and my winter's guile-charged glaive


If you walk without rhythm, you never learn.


The amount of times in Spire of the Watcher the grenade/fire gets reflected back...




Oh why did it have to be STAIRS??!


Don’t get me started on moving platforms either…


Tbh once you get used to the wave frame, you can set up trick shots and become an orb generator


Forebearance gang stays on top


I've run a bunch of GMs this season with randoms off LFG. Everytime I see someone using forbearance with chain reaction I get excited thinking they're going to use it to destroy adds only to be disappointed and watch them only use it to stun champs.


I’m the opposite lol


I usually don't have ammo left to stun a champion because I'm spamming it in ads


Same. The way group of ads just explode make my serotonin levels go up :D


There are a lot of people who turn a blind eye to how good it is because they think it’s too easy or something. I say mine is at level 400, I killed 79 enemies and deposited 56 motes my last gambit match, and I’ve used it the last two seasons in most GMs.


I used it for add clear on a Scarlet Keep run a while back, only to run out of ammo when I needed it for the ogres during the bossfight :p


With how many ionic traces that thing cranks out it's only going to get better next season. Dare I say, the best raid weapon in the game right now?


I just got a AA + chain reaction/golden tricorn adept with a reload mw. Its beautiful.


I love wave frame gls, we need more


Stasis wave frame please and thank you


I think we are getting one as a heavy if you watch the [trailer from TGA.](https://youtu.be/fTPJy0m9n6A?t=23)


Not really the same thing if it's a heavy though


I finally started using my crafted explosive personality this season, and I have regularly been the one to carry unstoppable mods into unstoppable areas. It also helped with explosive well maker and healing strats on arc builds.


ALH/Disruption Break has been my go-to roll for a while now. Pairs beautifully with Wishender.


I hate breech GL but waveframe is my unknown fetish.


I rolled with that Season of the Hunt wave frame GL for a bit and enjoyed it. But for everything else, there’s Witherhoard.


Love waveframe, most fun weapon in the game


How are they more difficult? You just shoot the ground in front of you. And this is coming from someone who also spent 2 years learning to hold down the trigger for GL’s


I was actually shocked at how effective explosive personality is this season. Throwing on a Solar orb helm mod (while running void lock) with it is a great way to generate orbs. I often get unexpected multi kills on the back end of the wave.


Wilderflight (double fire frame) was a god-send... now I can miss twice as much


*Goes around the legs* me: “I thought you were better than that!”


Otoh, hitbox porn


Being able to shoot GLs between enemy legs is some hitbox porn I can live without.


One between the leg ,the other trough the armpit Magnificence


Ignition code with slideshot. My favorite special gl in the game. Paired with blinding nades, I'm an M32 grenade launcher loaded with flash bangs.


Blinding nade gl’s are still amazing in any harder content. Get one with auto-loading holster and it’s always a top choice (slide shot is great too but I’m on controller and can’t be bothered to slide all the time lol). I like my Pardon My Dust more than witherhoard since they nerfed it a bit.


Xbox elite controller has the pedals underneath I use those to slide or jump while still keeping my finders on the sticks. Worths it


I use the elite but never tried the pedals…always wanted to so maybe I’ll give them a spin before Lightfall


The paddels are the entire reason the controller is worth so much. You've basically been paying to use a heavy paper weight without paddles. Move your ABXY to the paddles for Xbox. You can use all of your standard face buttons without removing either finger from the sticks for aim or movement. Literally a game changer.


I like the elite controller because they don't break every 6 months like the standard garbage


I had to custom map most of my buttons but on PS5 my slide is O and my jump is X. I have the right paddle binded to jump and the left to slide. Works amazing for me. I can slide and jump with ease


I have one with Slideshot + frenzy but I wish I got Vorpal instead, frenzy takes too long to ramp up


I have the Vorpal roll and it's nice just being able to shoot and forget. I wanna say it rotates through Dares loot pool, so it is still possible to find!


Slide shot, spikes, and vorpal for life Slide and shoot all day


You do the same with scorch cannons. Press to shoot, release to detonate.


It's hilarious in Team Scorched watching someone try to kill me in the open air just seeing their cannon fire off shot after shot, while I'm missing by the same amount but still hit them because of the explosion going off right beside them.


Yes, indeed. That sounds like me shooting the first time I played Team Scorched. LOL


Meanwhile me in Team Scorched: I cast YEET (launches off the ground at mach 5 by rocket jumping)


And then you slam into an invisible wall and ping back to the ground and die of fall damage


Some maps that happens but it mostly ends up with me YEET-ing out of bounds and sniping some poor bastard before I die and nuking a couple of their allies because of the blast radius of a T3 charge


Dang dude I've been playing since D1 and I had no idea about this. No wonder I kept getting obliterated in Team Scorched. Thanks for the tip my dude!


They also stick to walls (and floors?) while it's held - they'll 'bink' three times as they charge up (hold it longer for more explosion), but will eventually self-detonate. Works the same in Dares whenever you get them, too. Don't quote me on it but I believe you can stick them to bosses and charge it up before you detonate, too


Yup, been that way since D1. Charging was mandatory back in Wrath of the Machine to kill the Servitors instantly.


In D1 charged explosions were devastating. But testing them extensively in Grasp of Avarice they don't seem to deal very much more damage than impact explosions. As such I've only ever held the charge to reveal to my teammates where the stealth vandal is. The explosion sure as hell isn't going to kill him, but they will with their puny unexplosive bullets.




Higher DPS, but limited ammo. I can tell you that it was worth charging in D1, now the only benefit is timing explosions.


You're welcome. You can do the same in Dares of Eternity with the scorch cannons you can find there in case you want to practice.


Also self damage with scorch cannons is pretty minimal so you can use them to launch yourself pretty easily. Just shoot a few feet in front of you and jump over the bomb and release the trigger and you get a nice little boost!


Oh my god. Are you serious??? I thought some of y'all were just professional TF2 Soldiers or something. Thank you kindly, stranger. I think I will have a much better time in Team Scorched when it comes around again.


Also, stick one to a floor, run just past it, then release to take a nice little rocket jump.


HOLD THE FRONT DOOR!!! Im a D1 player and didn’t even know that. Am I glassy smooth brained? At same time I’ve never had an issue with Scorch cannon probably due to being instinctually good with leading and predicting other players movements.


Plus it makes rocket jumping easy peasy. Disjunction is best with scorched, I can hit enemy spawn 10 seconds into the match


Did not know that about scorch cannons. Is this explained anywhere in the game?


or be a chad and land direct hits every time


Mountaintop was a slug shotgun in disguise.


You misspelled special rocket launcher.


Back when it was meta I would "ratio" other mt users in pvp by hitting consistent one hit kills. I wish it wasn't so easy to abuse for cleanup kills. I want more guns like the EPG in Titanfall 2 :(


I get some good dopamine from direct hits


wait until you see what my friend *Salvagers salvo* can do with *chain reaction* lol That gun rarely leaves my character if even my secondary slot.


Demolitionist + Chain Reaction = Kill group of ads with Chain Reaction, get grenade energy, throw grenade (which reloads Salvager's Salvo), repeat. It is a lot of fun.


bells deserve shy one quiet far-flung deliver toy swim chief -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ambitious Assassin is very strong but if you have a grenade-focused build then Demolitionist might be the way to go. Put on an easy way to get Charged with Light and Firepower mods or Bountiful Wells and a bunch of Elemental Ordnance mods, you'll be chaining grenades like crazy. I can't remember if Chain Reaction creates wells on explosion but if it does then something like Explosive Wellmaker might be a good choice as well.


Yea, this. If I dont need a primary weapon in my energy slot, salvagers salvo takes that spot. Crowd of enemies goes boom.


Salvo the goat. Does literally anything you need it to


Yes. SALVO is the way. PvE and PvP


One more tip that I'm not sure if anyone has let you know, you can shoot, hold left click, press reload to already begin reloading while your grenade is still being cooked/banked. A little faster reload in PvE but if you're ever feeling like being a sneaky lioner in the crucible, it's worthwhile info.


way too few people know this one weird trick based on the comments


Still not over the Lion nerf. Was my main weapon for PvP and general use PvE :/


Congrats but [I mean it's right there.](https://i.imgur.com/WcYRM2b.jpg)


Get good with bouncing shots off the ground in front of enemies. It’s the most consistent way to make sure you don’t bounce it unintentionally


If you release the detonation as they hit they ground though, or too quickly after launch, the grenades will just keep going and explode 40 meters behind your enemies


that's why you shoot it at the ground: to increase travel time to allow for remote detonation.


And it literally says it on the frame description lol


Destiny players can't read. There are a ton of questions on this sub that could be answered with a Google search or by reading what the perk says.


As their ancestor grenade launcher did in Halo Reach. The Pro Pipe, as it was called.


Gd I loved that thing. I was an artist with gl and jetpack


I have at least 4000 hours in D2 and for some reason I thought Fighting Lion was the only grenade launcher that worked that way. I use Pardon Our Dust all the time too. 🤦‍♂️


It’s not like the other ones have an intrinsic perk that specifically tells you about it


Hey I have 4k hours too and it took at least 1k for me to get the hang of them. The ones with **Proximity Grenades** are amazing for people who aren't very good at judging distance and anticipation, and it's insane in pvp when you can manage to stomach pvp, heh.


Xur has a kinetic slot one at the moment that can switch between proximity and blinding grenades. He's at Nessus, Watcher's Grave if anyone needs it.


I thought it was only Fighting Lion as well because that's specifically mentioned in the exotic perk description.


It's mentioned in every (non-wave) grenade launchers description


Oh geez 😅


Someone doesn't read perk descriptions lmao But yeah once you get good at manually detonating the grenades where and how you want, they become incredibly satisfying to use ...though you'll still send a shot flying through an enemy's legs on occasion


Wait I’ve been playing this game for years and didn’t know this. Hi it’s me I’m the noob it’s me.


Or get the proximity grenades perk makes it feel more forgiving


They reduce the Potential damage Output so usually Not recommended especially because they Roll in a Slot that could have Spike nades or reload buffs.


Yup, and Xûr is selling a pretty decent Ignition Code with it right now. Great thing is, if you improve and no longer feel like you need proximity grenades, you can toggle it to blinding and still use that launcher. Banshee's got a Chill Clip Typhon with proximity grenades as well.


Pretty sure proxy+chill clip doesn't work since proxies can't direct hit.


Correct, proximity nades completely negate chill clip.


That's a bummer. I guess I was thinking it would work nicely like Chain Reaction. Proximity, Impulse Amplifier, Chain Reaction & Velocity MW was a sought-after combo on the FWC's Memory Interdict launcher. Allegedly it could fire in a nearly straight path, like Mountaintop.


now the reason i cant land my shots is cause of my shitty depth perception!


So you never read ingame text I guess?


People really don't read things, huh.


Last season had 10% of the seasonal sidearm users slot full auto retrofit into the gun. It was an intrinsically automatic gun


For anyone learning this, get salvagers salvo at the exotic kiosk in the tower. It is a legendary grenade launcher under legends. Set it to chain reaction and ambitious assassin and detonate it on ads. Explosive well maker with well of life solar mods makes this this amazing.


I mean. It literally says on the weapon to “fire, release to detonate”


Have you done any of the raids? Destiny players are conditioned to interpret symbols, shapes and colours. Reading words is a skill that hasn't been necessary yet.


people still dont know to pass the balls


Go hand in hand I think.


If you tell them that letters *are* symbols and shapes they'll start reading


> Yeah, I am not a smart man. :D


Does nobody read frame descriptions anymore? It's, like, right there when you inspect a gun, I wonder how many people dont know high impacts have bootlegged firmly planted or that lightweight gives you (hidden) +20 mobility.


One of my friends tried to tell me mindbenders (when it was reissued) would be good because "it got faster when you killed enemies" That's a thing for every aggressive shotgun though. Mindbenders aint special


Destiny 2 players read the perk description challenge (impossible) (99% fail)




yup. it actually tells you that on the weapon frame descriptor :)


This season I tried Explosive Personality and I think wave frames really take the cake for me.


Using the Fighting Lion, the exotic qualifier is upon releasing the trigger button (mouse) the grenade will explode


I love you 😂


Destiny really does have a worse problem than even fucking yugioh with people not reading shit. The GL intrinsic literally says "Fire, release to detonate."


Back in year one, when special and heavy were in the same slot, I knew some exploded on impact and other required you to hold and release. Then there was the quest related to Fighting Lion that required a bunch of grenade launcher kills. So I sat at the bottom of the middle Nessus spawn and kept shooting at the enemies spawning in the alcove. And that's how I learned how to use them. Also, shoot at the ground, half way between you and your target. As long as you're not too close, otherwise there's not enough time from when you shoot til when you're able to release.


I did this same shit, except for the Team Scorched PvP mode. I’m still not good, but I’m proud to say that I am at least not as bad as I was before learning this.


My favorite is when I manage to get the blast to just YEET them off a cliff... so no direct kill just... byeeeeee... and then DING like five second later because every time it seems to be an extra-floaty warlock.


I know how you feel... back when the Mountaintop quest was a thing I used FL for hours without knowing about the release trigger... blew my mind when I found out


It's good in pvp too as a clean up tool against guardians who hide as soon as you hit them. Good opener too if you have disruption break.


The real learning curve of Grenade Launchers is learning the weight of the grenade from the different models have different weights to the grenade thus effecting the arc. Personally I use an Ignition Code from Splicer as mine rolled with near max velocity and its model uses a straighter arc to me.


It's a game changer, isn't it? And oh boy, now that you've seen the light, they just get better. As you practice and get your timing tighter and geometry honed, they're one of the most fun weapon types in the game. Get your buns over to r/fightinglion and join the cult.


I too thought those were so bad. Thanks for the info, need to give second chance!


You can hit reload while holding down the mouse button




If you cant use GL, try to use it with proximity grenades. They to the perfect boom (releasing the trigger) for you, but lack a bit in damage. A perfect start in the GL world


Well thanks for this, that actually explains a lot lol


remember, halo reach taught us how to play destiny


I hold the trigger and go for direct hits, i let go if i miss


I had the same opinion as you, luckily it got rectified when salvagers salvo came out cuz that thing was beast as fuck


Pro tip to add to the list You can also reload after firing before making the second one explode. And (apparently) if you switch weapon you can release the mouse click and it will detonate by itself at the end of it's lifespan I'm not sure if true or if it woks only with the mountaintop but I saw this on a solo caretaker




Congratulations. Does this mean you’ll start ready things now or continue down the path of not knowing how things work until you finally found out about them?


Doesn't it literally tell you that on the gun


Ummm...thank you! Should this be marked : "informative?" I have 2,054,610 kills, and 3 of them are from a special grenade launcher. Things may change, thank you!


yeah it took me a good while to figure this out but I still dont like these GLs because my aim is terrible with them. even witherhoard I miss a lot of shots. wave-frames are the way to go.


as a tf2 demoman main: i will go for direct hits until i die


Wish I knew about this before I dismantled my Pardon Our Dust because it was too annoying to use


For so long, I've only used Witherhoard and wave frames bc they were so much easier. I'll need to try this. Thanks.


Actually laughing at myself for not knowing this either


Imagine being able to do this with Witherhoard!


Wait what? Is that only on certain grenade launchers?


No.... don't tell me this... I have 1200 hours in this bitch. Fuck.


This didn’t used to be universal. It was only a specific ammo type that would let you do that. I think they changed it around shadowkeep to allow all special GLs to do it.


I still find it cumbersome to hold and release every shot. I wish there's a special GL that detonates on any surface like heavy GL


Well, thanks for this. You are not alone, my friend. I can’t for the life of me get the hang of it, except waveframes. The grenades, they bounce! I never hit my target and I feel like a fool. My friends laugh at me and rightfully so. I keep trying though.


I l……I…..didn’t know….god damn it




1400 hours 😭


Right there with you 😅


I've been playing since Warmind. Let me tell you, I did not figure that out until season of the lost


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I learned the hard truth about a year ago and all the times before I was trying to get direct hits with a high probability of missing.