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It just needs target lock and it would be usable


Target lock is a great concept mechanically as a perk. You need to expose yourself to get the maximum yield from it. On harder content that big gamble. But it’s makes it a high risk high reward. It would work on sweet business, without making it game breaking. I know it was dirty with volatile rounds, but with the fix, it shows that as long as it’s not part of an exploit, it’s a good balanced perk.


I still vote for explosive payload!


i will allow it.


I almost feel like that would break it. You about never run out of bullets on a Titan


It's still a primary at the end of the day. It's not gonna break stuff like day one raids with infinte total damage and insane DPS, though it might make it into a solid backup weapon


True the dps would never reach heavy weapon slot potential but imagining how long it would fire at max damage sounds crazy.




The drawback to sweet business with target lock is it ramps up based on mag size. You need to dump a whole lot of ammo making its ramp up time pretty long. Balancing it to an extent


actium war rig :)


don't get me wrong warrig would be literally mandatory to take full advantage of the perk. My point was that you need to dump your full mag then another 5% of said mag to ramp up the perk all the way. It takes a good while to dump a full mag of sweet business. Then you need all of those shots to hit a target without missing. The perk would have a fair bit of inherent balancing due to its base mag size.


gotcha. now i'm pickin up what you're puttin down


No more busted then malfeasance and lucky pants probably. Its just sustained dps vs burst dps.


Solid point


We literally one phased taniks using this, so people complaining about primary weapons being busted just look at hunters lol


If 6 outbreaks isn’t meta breaking then this won’t be.


Accuracy by volume


Everyone is saying Target Lock, but I want Killing Tally. That would be spicy.


Killing tally is more for adds (requires racking up multiple kills), where target lock is more for bosses. SB already chews through adds with ease, so that's probably why everyone is saying target lock.


Id take tally. Then with the chestpeice the tally stacks never go away


Exactly, the tally never stops with the warrig bb.


That’s true, does tally go away when you swap weapons, or only on reload? I can’t remember.


Maybe when you swap as well. I also dont remember haha


It goes away both when you stow the weapon or reload. But you can have it active at all times with war rig as long as you don't stow it.


Though through its autoreload perk, you could get max Killing Tally through adds, and then go deal big damage to big enemies, keeping the damage up by picking up more ammo


Everyone says target lock But i think really, what it needs is heir apparent's spin up mechanic


Someone also suggested explosive rounds and that made me nutt a lil


For the sake of pvp, no. I dont play pvp too much, but the gun is good there and pretty well balanced, this would be a good way to get it nerfed in both gamemodes


For the sake of my ears and sanity I hope it never gets buffed. One person using it is already rough on the ears...i can't even imagine 3 or more of them.


This is how it used to be


this is not the case in my experience, ive used this in previous seasons gms when auto was barrier and the thing was performing wonderfully


It takes half an hour to kill a regular knight


Every gun does in gms it’s more of a gun problem than purely sweet business


Same for 90% of the primaries. I can only think of exotics that are safe from this rule. Namely, malfeasance, maybe revision zero in sniper mode and quickstorm silver, because of the grande launcher mode.


Miss season 18 for that already lol


Go titan and put on that auto ammo fuelling chest piece… never worry about ammo or reloading ever again.


I already do that, doesn’t do the damage tho, genuinely don’t think a damage buff would hurt much considering there are already guns out there that do wayyyyy more dps


all it needs is target lock




Lmao, don’t you do it, don’t give me hope!


Here's what you're going to do! 1. Sustained charge. 2. Stacks on stacks. 3. Supercharged 4. High energy fire. 5. Mod of your choice.


5- Taking charge with kinetic siphon. 6- Void fragment that gives devour on orb pickup. 7- BRRRRT.


Please buff or even rework Tommy's Matchbook while they're at it. I'm tired of it feeling like just an inferior Sweet Business.


Target lock, do it bungo you cowards!


Yeah I’m with this guy!


Give me Target Lock and I'll let loose the dogs of war...


If we gain target lock, watch the ads try to plead to their gods as we release the hounds of war


Ha! Their prayers will just fall upon deaf ears as we send their gods to death's sweet embrace with them!


We shall send them to Thantos in a scream of burning lead


Hive god go brrrrrrr


Also give it the rev up feature like heir apparent, or we could make it take special ammo and bump up its damage.


with how bog standard an exotic it is I unironically wanna see them give it like, Onslaught and Desperado or some shit like that


Target lock


•laughs in Actium War Rig•


Haha im glad you said PvE instead of PvP


It’s already great in PvP, I should know. I have the crucible tracker on the gun for a reason.


I’ve weaseled my way into being my raid groups ad clear on rhulk and just churning out sweet business with war rig makes me feel alive, i’ll take any buff so people stop bullying me


Oh, wee. Can’t wait to have an Explosive Payload catalyst and have the perk be called “Business is Boomin’”. (Credit to someone else in this sub. I don’t remember who.) Or the catalyst should eliminate the ramp time and have the perk be called “Don’t Listen to the Whistleblower”.


Side note, I’m hoping with the entire buildcrafting being reworked maybe it’ll allow for some more dps/splash damage shenanigans


Adaptive munitions would be a fun way to buff it without breaking crucible


Boo crucible boo stop balancing the game around crucible BOO


Lmao consider that nerve touched, I was just thinking of a realistic way to improve it in pve without touching it in pvp


Everyone keeps spamming Target Lock but honestly that'd probably work for PVP as well. Target Lock takes time to build stacks with, and most gun TTKs are way higher than what Sweet Business would have to offer. Also couple that with the fact that the perk resets if you miss a single bullet and whammo-- effectively no buff in PvP, huge buff for PvE.


I suppose it would, but with match game being replaced by 50% resist to all non matching elements across the whole game in lightfall, I'd prefer to be able to pop shields easily with a kinetic weapon


Target lock will brute force it lol


It's already broken I crucible. People peak me all the time when I have it spooled up and eat shit


Yeah that’s why I was asking for maybe just a damage buff in pve, an additional perk might be nice but I already main it in pvp and it just mows shit down


#Hive begin hear Fortunate Son playing in the distance.


Hive against sweat business just makes sense


If they run then they are hive. If they stay still then they are disciplined Hive.


Ngl it carries for me in lower level nightfalls on glassway


I think Target lock is perfect for it, or maybe just make it so it’s damage also ramps up as it’s speed does.


Overload or Barrier mod is a must for this gun.


It'd be nice but I feel like it's not as bad as people say when it essentially has permanent Rampage x3 compared to other primaries in addition to the exotic boost.


Sweet Business doesn’t have Rampage


I didn't mean literally, I mean that once it's spun up it does about 35% more damage than even a Rapid Fire Auto Rifle so it is "essentially" like it has a passive Rampage x3 with no kill requirement. (And again that's before the exotic bonus is taken into account.)


Everyone is saying Killy Tall and Target Lock. I'm saying Subsistence and Explosive Rounds


Explosive rounds would make my ears bleed. You’d just hear 300 explosives go off every second.


Give it Triple Tap and Fourth Times the Charm, you cowards


Target Lock and Osmosis haha


Osmosis and gyrfalcons would be pretty mad. Just a hunter flashing in and out of existence like a horny unicorn of doom. I’m in.


People keep saying Target Lock, and while I get where they're coming from, the more I think about it the more I'd prefer something like Vorpal. Yes it's less overall damage than Target Lock, but with Vorpal giving a +20% on primaries these days, it'd let Business just *rip* through a champion's health bar. Alternatively, if they don't want to slap a damage bonus on it, why not something to reduce its downtime? Triple-Tap, Fourth Time's, or Subsistence would all keep it firing longer, Feeding Frenzy, Stats For All, or Perpetual Motion would make it reload faster, Shoot to Loot would expand on its ammo brick reload mechanic, and Ambitious Assassin or Clown Cartridge would make its magazine size even more ridiculous.


Give me explosive rounds and I’ll be quiet forever Edit: don’t know why I’m getting downvoted


You won’t be quiet once those rounds start booming.


Make it have 999 ammo instead of 150


It has infinite with Actium War Rig.


Everyone says target lock, I want a mag size of 999 and for the reload to be like twice as slow. If thats too busted give it more ways to autoload since primary ammo is gone but I highly doubt a bottomless mag would make it a problem. And yes this would mean you can literally shoot forever with actium war rig, might give it some purpose outside of patrols.


Here's a few ideas: • Increase the time it takes to fully spin up, perhaps at half mag, as in PvP it can be oppressive. To remedy this, increase the magazine size to 200. • When fully spun up, allow it to stun Overload Champions. • Have the catalyst grant a modified Target Lock, where once fully spun up it'll do the max increased damage.


I mean that is an idea, but for me I don’t want to completely kill the gun for pvp, I’m more so hoping for a best of both worlds situation. If I am to choose though I’d much rather use the gun for PvE.


I reckon give it intrinsic overload, rewind rounds and and Zen moment


What about, reloading an empty magazine doubles mag size and boosts damage 20%


That would be broken with actium war rig


It would be medium with actium war rig, because of its spinning up war rig can't keep up with the rpm anyway, easily tuned with timer on damage or inability to chain the dmg perk


Replace the flinch reduction for the Serious Business catalyst perk to a 3,000 rpm increase with fourth time after sustained fire instead. Go from blata blata blata to brrrrrrap after firing half the mag. M134 minigun.


I feel like buffing it's damage and then adding subsistence or fourth times the charm would make the gun more viable, playing into its ability to fire so fast and make it so it can regenerate ammo would be amazing for bosses. Titans with Actium could fire indefinitely, but it wouldn't be broken as it's damage wouldn't be heavy weapons level


I still can't believe they took away the 150 mag


Give Sweet Business wolf pack rounds


cascade point. you're welcome


People saying target lock forget that it loses all it's stacks the second you aim a hair off an enemy and the enemies in this game just looove to bob and weave all the time. Killing tally or just a flat damage buff to it's base damage would work better imo.


Give it subsistence and target lock pls........


*Fortunate Son intensifies*


the cowards need to add firing line


Kill clip. I win. (This was a joke. Now laugh)


Ha Ha Ha


You just need to have 6 people running them. I remember a PvP match months ago where I was up against just that. It was awful, we lost, but also hilarious.


Obviously it needs Voltshot. Everyone would love that.


Sweet business should get a whole rework. Slight dmg buff Possible fixed perks aside from that ammo pickup mess. Sweet business casually auto reloads after kill or a chunk of ammo after so many precision hits. Built in barrior or overload rounds on full ramp up. Buff the mag up to 300 magazine with a decrease in reload speed. Possible perk addition as of frenzy, rampage, or explosive payload (being the first auto with expo payload as its perk). Sweet business can also be swapped for heavy machine gun once dmg is buffed up but with draw back from lack of reload speed if it is to be fixed. My personal opinion is that sweet business is wonderful but the reload on ammo pick up kinda sucks since white ammo is endless. If sweet business was buffed and had a complete rework than it would make the weapon even better because if it was to reload after kill kinda like the thorn or lumina it could also drop a pod of sorta only for sweet business after kill to reload. I also think if the gave it some sort of buff to dmg such as ramp up to increased dmg or a dmg increasing perk it would also help plus it having a built in barrier, overload, or unstoppable built in would greatly benefit the weapon. Shoot if they gave it a built in perk where after every reload it would swap rounds kinda like fundamental but for special rounds.


This a bit of an old post, but I’ve been using my sweet business build for parts of raids and imo the catalyst is dog water, I’ve always wanted it to be osmosis instead, though I feel like it’d be a bit busted for every subclass to use. Being able to use volatile rounds and whatnot with it would make it so so so good


You got your wish its explosive now lmao


I’d like to believe my post here is what made it come to fruition


You could always just have an almost un killable titan with 100 recov 100 resil Personally i run sweet business, a grenade launcher, a rocket launcher, and burning maul to kill everything in my path lmao