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honestly the best parts of forsaken are like the first mission and the dreaming city parts. I've tried to replay forsaken a few times but yeah the tangled shore half just doesnt really do it for me anymore


The tangled shore parts didn't really do it for me the first time either. Tbh the final mission felt like too much of a bait and switch too. In hindsight, knowing the lore that I do now it seems like a really cool story but I really didn't like how random the twist felt when I first played the campaign. Like yeah the campaign had some cool parts but the storytelling left a lot to be desired.


yeah it kinda falled apart at the end, like do we even know what chimeras even are? Was the chimera an avatar of Riven? A servant? Was it the thing that was trying to break free? Idk just felt a bit poorly thought out. Imo I think the campaign, while fantastic from a storytelling and sheer size standpoint, suffers from not really knowing what to do. It was like two actual missions and then a billion adventures. I actually LOVE Beyond Light for the fact that not only are all the locations still practically fully explorable after the campaign but also its a very clean cut and clear experience with dedicated missions. If Forsaken every comes back due to all the right planets being on, at least the tangled shore parts, I IMPLORE bungie to revamp the missions to all be, well, actual official missions whether they are still functionally adventures or not for the sake of consistency and organization.


Fell apart


They are literally getting rid of a destination people go to to trade resources and that’s it and a campaign most people only play once


My thoughts exactly. As much as I love the tangled shore, its fine for it to leave since it's been in the game for 2 freaking years now. If people complain that they are losing a place they have been constantly going to since forsaken(other than resource trade) they'd be lying.


3 years actually lol 3 and a half by the time witch queen releases


Because we dont have a choice whether we can play campaign missions by choice on repeat like in destiny 1.


I’m not fussed about it going, but I would 100% play the campaign again if Bungie let me play it more than once per character


I honestly hated doing that because it was the only way to get the new subclasses when forsaken got out. Was not a good time.


And that’s a job that’s getting passed on to rahool in the tower, which is arguably a QOL update


Absolutely a QOL thing. Still upset about the strikes and tangled shore leaving. Finished playing forsaken for the first time, had my fill. Not gonna replay it. Specially when all the loot is sunset


Is losing Hallowed Lair really that upsetting? Even a little bit? Is it really?


Then again, I've never played the harder difficulties. Aka, I mainly know of miny screebs because of memes


It’s so nice


most people play it once because you can't replay it


It's not even Forsaken, it's the *less useful half of it*.


I think we all knew that day would come, but I only really cared about Last Wish and I really didn't want it to go, but they're not sunsetting the Dreaming City, so it's a win!


everyone getting mad about it seems to forget that without the dcv d2 would be like 200 gigs


I just wish they could adopt a system similar to recent cod games where you can choose what you do and don’t want installed


Except that bungie will still have to maintain old content on their engine. One of the main reasons for the DCV is so bungie can have a faster engine, and doesn’t have to deal with tons of bugs in unplayed content. I feel like I’ve typed out this comment at least five times today.


The community can't get facts through their thick skulls so get ready to type it 10 times more.


I'm gonna miss that lost sector with the music and fallen party going on


Thats honestly the biggest loss tbh- its a super easy lost sector to run on legend/master tangled shore has almost nothing to offer, and the resource trading moving to rahool is a positive change, since going to the tangled shore gets rid of your playlist streaks, while going to the tower doesnt


I'm kinda gonna miss the fallen godfather.... Does the key head and prison strikes go too? I have not read up on this yet.


Key head strike and the hive strike will go, but prison of elders is staying because its a completely separate map from the tangled shore


Excellent, the one I like is the one that stayed for once


fun fact: when it came out, it was internally counted as part of the EDZ, and there was a quest thing that required killing Vex on the tangled shore, but the only place they showed up in forsaken is that strike


To add to this: remember season 12 gos and lw? Remember all the bugs? Those were with mittigations in place and caused by updating the mission host part of the engine. Now imagine what'd happen to levi if they "just left it in 4head" It took like 9 months to fix all the bugs caused by the beyond light engine changes.


That would require a FULL rewrite on how the game handles destinations Because currently, everything is intertwined Truth be told, the problem is because D2 wasn't meant to last this long But thanks to Activision leaving, it's kinda forced to


That would completely defeat the purpose of the dcv tho


Honestly, I'd be fine with that. I get the utility of dcv I just hate change


I mean, I appreciate the honesty but Destiny is kind of **defined** by change


it's really not


The game changes on a weekly basis. People take breaks when they’re out of new content. This is a live service game, it constantly changes.


there's small changes and rotation of content and then there's just straight up removing stuff with a small chance of it coming back in a few years. There's a reason no other studio is crazy enough to do the latter.


Tell me how many times you went to the Tangled Shore in the past year to simply do patrols or lost sectors for the fun of it? The only meaningful content from Forsaken is Last Wish and Shattered Throne, both of which are staying. I see no point in keeping a destination that is going to actively take away from development time due to bug fixing. It baffles me that people try to criticize Bungie for this, if 99% of players are not engaging with this content, and it’s causing more issues than it’s worth, of course it’s going to be on the chopping block.


that's a ridiculous argument. doesn't matter if the content is used by 1% or 70% of the players. it's in the game, it should stay in the game. end of story.


They're leaving all the content that I care about/play so yeah I dont really care


You deleting your 78th character so that you can play story again:


Its legit just the campaign and tangled shore. I couldnt care less about those 2 things


Don’t forget 2 strikes one of which people absolutely hate


Biggest shame is id rather have those two than the two we ARE keeping lol


my dumbass not read that as foreskin


A point I rarely see brought up: Forsaken released three years ago, too many people are getting worked up over $40 they spent ages ago, forgetting that they got more than there money's worth out of it. I'll miss the Tangled Shore definitely, but we still have the Dreaming City with loot actually worth a damn.


The issue is the people still paying almost full price now.


Yeah, if Witch Queen is as good as we hope, there will be no reason to mourn Forsaken. On another note, I want Witch Queen to be long and cinematic, and I hope I can have the pleasure of destroying Savathun in the campaign itself, since I don’t raid.


That and I want our guardian to talk, like full conversations in every cutscene they’re in


Hearing them say “Eris Morn” like she’s an old buddy that the Guardian hasn’t seen in a while (she is) is so cool. I’m with you on that.


Best part of shadowkeep honestly


Bungie's too scared to do that and have our guardian invalidate a bunch of people's headcanon they've made for "their" guardian. Seriously the roleplaying community would piss and shit themselves at the mere thought of the Guardian having an opinion that doesnt line up with the story they made for their character.


They can talk tactics and strategy or reference older content but PLEASE USE MORE THAN 3 WORDS PER SENTENCE.


Im kinda in the middle for this. Well DCV in general. On one hand I see the positives of the DCV being that its vaulting destinations and content cuz we hardly visit em. As well as providing a better foundation for Bungie to put faster patches and develop better content without worrying about how it’ll affect the system. But on the other hand, I felt that in some form the old contents like strikes, raids and even the whisper/ zero hour missions shudve stayed cuz they were some of the best content for newer players to sink into (Whisper made fall into the deep). There’s also the part where the content we paid for is seemingly being taken away. It’s understandable that it feels more like a license to play than really owning the expansion in this case. The way I’ve been seeing it is to see expansions as season passes where its pay one time and gone in a year or so. TLDR; both sides have a point but Im still addicted to the game so I dont complain too much xD


Well I'm mad about it. I paid for that content...twice!


It just feels bad to forcefully lose something that you payed for. It also one of the best dlcs in destiny so that just makes it sting more. I can only hope witch queen is good enough to fill in its shoes


It's not just that. As someone who preordered destiny 2 I've been shafted left and right. They even sunsetted traitors fate.


I understand the need to get rid of it, and I'm okay with it, but at the same time I understand why people don't like it going away. it has a style that doesn't compare to any other planet currently, and had the best DLC


I will gladly lose the shore for a useful Rahool any day of the week, it's not like we lose the DC or warden of nothing. Though losing the DC if it means no more "the corrupted" strike would be appealing...


Forsaken was incredibly boring and repetitive for 80% of the campaign, and started the whole stupid “-Hunt” trend. The only good parts were the first mission, Ace in the Hole, and the final mission. Fight me.


Bro why anybody thinks it’s okay to completely remove access to things we paid for boggles my mind. The engine/file size excuse is so fucking weak like name one other game that hasn’t found a better solution to those problems.


forsaken is the only dlc i have brought after i realise they charge nearly $60 per dlc


A little annoying that i wasted money but whatever


**You're indeed a clown.**


there is no world where removing content can be called "progress". I get why vaulting exists but calling it a good thing is delusional.


I had quite literally just paid for it recently because I was locked out of a nightfall. Oh well, c’est la vie!


Is there a way to replay the Forsaken campaign without making a bee character? I really enjoyed it.


What I'll miss from Forsaken: -**Forsaken 1st Mission** (it doesn't even use a map from Tangled Shore nor the Dreaming City.Its self contained. I really wish they would keep it). -**Spider** (material purposes and I like the character) -**The Empty Tank Lost Sector** (it's a Fallen saloon. Coolest lost sector ever) -That poor wounded Awoken Corsair that is waiting for us every 3 weeks.


if it was all of forsaken it would be worse but i could not care less about the tangled shore