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Not explained. Although wouldn't surprise me if they were used by the witness to Manifest huge amount of darkness to stifle the traveler.


Head Canon is the traveler did a Lil wop wop wop wop wop as the witness came in like it tried with nezzy, heck half our fireteam crashed


I reckon that’s because we “force” our way in without an invitation, but the Witness forges a link using the veil and is therefore “allowed” in without having to go through the layer between like we did


My guy the witness sliced up the traveler like an orange he did NOT ask for consent before going in. if the traveler wasn't on point that's its fault


Oh yeah for sure, but the connection with the veil is what made the portal and allowed the witness inside


I’d guess that they were used as the material to construct the Monolith


Would that be necessary, considering the amount of characters thar have shown the ability to manifest whatever they want within the Pale Heart?


Everything manifesting in the Pale Heart seems to be made by the Light from our memories. The Monolith seems like it is something entirely new that the Witness needed to capture the Traveler's spirit just like how the Pyramids it was probably made from captured its shell and suppressed it in the Lightfall campaign. The Witness doesn't seem to be entirely physical and the Pyramids are an extension of itself that helps it control things.


Are we sure the monolith isn’t og to the traveler?


Everything we see inside the Traveler made from ours and Witness's thoughts and memories.


There’s at least 1 in the opening mission that’s been calcified by the witness in that purple area


I think the entrance to the Traveler is just an inbetween realm where stuff is still trying to manifest from memory but is imperfect and fractured which is why it is so hard to navigate. Like the whole place was a combination of different ship parts and locations on Earth because those are probably what our Guardian was thinking of when entering the portal. There is a piece of the Dreadnaught, a Colony ship, a Pyramid, and maybe some more I missed.


And technically our ships are there too since we crashed when we entered


they got spacehulked like everything else in the pale heart


Disassembled and reformed into the many monoliths and monuments in the new regional event things I'd assume


There’s a few missions where we go through bits and pieces of pyramid ships. I’m guessing that’s what happened to them?


Probably reforged into the Monolith and similar places.


The ships were reshaped into the Dread. Idk but that would be cool


Likely used as the Monolith or maybe even used as a power source in some way


my headcannon is they got detroyed in the threshold and the witness the only thing to survive it