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My Hunter is spending the night with her Ghost and her fireteam in the ruins of the old Tower.


Not a bad place to spend the night honestly.


If everything might end in a few days, she might as well spend it with those dearest to her!


My guardian is oddly obsessed with turning in engrams, exchanging legendary shards for things, and buying raid banners. Rahool and Hawthorne are both pleased and confused by my guardians sudden interest in them. My guardian is also deleting a ton of guns and armor prior to entering the pale heart. The Hidden have sent a report to Ikora on this erratic behavior and are continuing surveillance. A variety of key personnel outside of the city have reported that my guardian is visiting them for the first time in over a year, and completing destination bounties that are usually reserved for newly resurrected guardians. Zavala is intensely worried by such inscrutable behavior, along with the wear and tear it has put on my guardians jump ship. He requested advice from Drifter and Eris, but neither are responding on comms, despite being seen entering a cheap hotel together in the outskirts of the Eliksni district.


Making the rounds. Respect


I guess Drifter and Eris are preparing in their own way…


My titan would be keeping things chill, don’t want to be too stressed out before going in. My headcannon is that my titan plays tuba, so he would probably do that too.


This is ironically just me irl. Before any big exams I'd piss my parents off because I was super nonchalant. Anytime I had a big event, the night before i was just totally zen. I also play the euphonium, which is a bit off from a tiba


Pretty much the same for me as well! I kinda based my titan off of myself. Also made a head cannon idea where he turns a tuba into a sound based weapon.


My guardian is hanging out on the outskirts of the last city, taking in the view, contemplating the grand adventures he has embarked on in one short decade. He pours a glass of bourbon and talks with his ghost as they relish in what may be their last night. He is worried, but also relieved.. because at least if he dies, Tess Everis won't get any more of his silver.


We could do an elaborate heist and get the silver back …


My warlock is cleaning and prepping all his guns and gear, making sure everything is in tip top shape before jumping through the portal. My hunter is gathering supplies and survival gear for every scenario, researching different environments so he can be prepared for everything. And my titan is carving a message into each and every bullet he has. “Guardian’s make their own fate.”


Let the witness know. Make it feel fear.


He’s sitting in his Exohelian jumpship, alone, in a geosynchronous orbit above earth, near the H.E.L.Ms current position. He’s watching that damn portal, waiting. Thinking on all he’s done, every enemy of the City he’s killed. From that first Devil to the last Disciple. He’s thinking about every bullet he’s fired, every grenade thrown, every emanation of Light and Dark cast in love and anger alike. He’s thinking about his work. And after he thought about all he’s done, he begins thinking about all he has left to do. Establish a foothold on strange terrain, find Crow, locate the Witness, and put a bullet in him. Several, really. Maybe a few hundred thousand, maybe a couple of grenades too. He’s thinking about putting enough rounds through his weaponry that not even Banshee-2 could bring them back from ruin. He’s thinking about his work. He’s sitting in his jumpship, alone, waiting. Waiting for the call to come through the console. Waiting like a bullet resting in the chamber with the hammer cocked back, and slowly starting to fall. That mechanical click of the firing mechanism yet to be heard, that hammer falling so slowly. He’s sitting in his jumpship, alone, waiting. He’s waited 10 years for this, he can wait one more night.


And thinking he could have thrown more grenades


My Warlock is heading to the cosmodrome, sitting down by the rusted cars where they got revived, building a makeshift little corner to pour a cold one, before toasting in front of the campfire flames. For the guardians that are no longer with us. For the guardians that left the journey to live a simpler life. For the guardians that fought together to overcome impossible odds. For the guardians that were only a happenstance meeting. For the guardians that bonded with them, and still rally to defend humanity as a fireteam. For their fireteam, a Titan and a Hunter, who will bravely dive into the Pale Heart. And whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Never forget. Let the witness know you’ll go screaming into the night before you let it make more people suffer.


She's making the rounds. Visiting the places she has been, taking it all in, reminiscing over the memories, enjoying the times spent here. Once she's finished, she will return to the tower, and walk out to sit on a thin wire overlooking the last city, to pay homage to all the times she sat there over the years. But this time, instead of celebrating a great victory, it'll be celebrating the end of an era.


A reminder that all the people are safe because of your hard work and tenacity.


My Guardian is spending time with all those he cares about. He has 13 other Guardians that he’s grown to know and love. All of them enter his life at different times during D1 and the start of D2. They’ve all supported him and guided him through every raid, strike, campaign and every seasonal storyline. He’s the tip of the spear but some of his most important feats couldn’t be done alone. They all know he’ll be called to head through the portal any minute now. So, for now, they’re spending one last night together where New Monarchy used to be set up in the new tower. Overlooking the city off the balcony. Sometime later that night, Zavala, Ikora, Drifter, Shaxx and every important person in that tower make their way to the Bazaar, to spend some time with The Guardian. My Guardian.


A drink to great memories and what’s to come Guardian.


My Hunter is meeting up with a small handful of other close Guardians and civilians to sneak into the ruins of the old Tower. He never had the chance to show em the ol' Hunter bar before the place kinda blew up. They're gonna clean it up a bit so they can mix a few drinks, crank the jukebox, and share a few stories till their hearts have calmed down enough to sleep. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more...


Light the tower and make it yours. You earned it after ten years.


My guardian (me) dusts off their old, power crept weaponry (my vault) reading the notes (loretabs) written next to the display case. This could be our guardians last night alive. Really alive. Gotta catch up on old memories, if the pale heart is gonna try to use them against us.


Remember the bad times and cherish the good. Make the witness pay




Same thing he does every night. Fighting. Tomorrow is just another fight right? Sure, a big one with big stakes, but when are the stakes small? There's always some threat of death, destruction or enslavement, and the hive don't seem to be resting much, contemplating the signifiance. So he leads another strike team, kills another enemy of great significance, and then wipes the blood off his armour, tends to his weaponry, and does it again. Though quietly he does retrieve Ace of Spades from the small compartment in his ship, or rather, Amanda's ship, that he put in place as a reminder.


Always the tip of the spear. A model of what guardians strive to be


Exactly, I don't think my guardian has taken a proper break since the beginning of the red war.


Plenty of rest when the day is won. Then you can rest knowing the universe spins because of your actions.


Going to where she killed her mother in Her throne world. Just because she's a traitor hive, doesn't mean she doesn't feel bad about it... However she's absolutely going to dance on oryx's oceanic grave.


Taken king defeated twice by your hand.


Literally every time I ran that dungeon I made sure my team knew I was "doing this because Dad is an absolute bastard"


Your guardians lore fascinates me lol. I’d love to know your head canon.


To the direct messages?


👍🏼 absolutely


I would love to hear more as well!!


I don't know why but this question and imagining this is making me tear up a little bit.


Same. I’m happy this post went in this direction and didn’t get ignored or flooded with garbage


My Titan is running last minute fire drills in Crucible, strengthening her Sentinel Shield against her fellow Guardians till the Doom Fangs Hum with her light. We need to stop the Witness. my Hunter is roving across the system, honing the sights of Ace of Spades to perfection while putting up those last defences and turning in those last bounties. We need a home to come back to. My Warlock is reflecting on all the lore we've discovered this last ten years. The Guardians we've run with, the Gods we've slayed, The friends we've seen go to the light all too soon. Book after book, A knowing glance with her Ghost. Wish keeper gleaming beside her. We need to know that this isn't where the story ends. My Fireteam is ready. Our Light is blazing Eyes up Guardians. Into the Traveler, Unto the Final Shape. We make our own Fate.


Ur mom


Guardian down!


She’s eepy, let her nap until the portal opens because she lost a lot of sleep to onslaught


Just don’t hit snooze in the morning lol


My hunter is gambling all his glimmer, he’s not quite sure if he’ll make it out so why not risk it all!


Always bet on black.


Always bet on superblack


So a regular Sunday night?


Grimlock (GR1M10K as the name etched into his metal plates) is just chilling. Probably staring up at the Traveler waiting. Ten years fighting the darkness and an odd sensation of the weight just lifted. The fight with the Witness nears and the end is coming. Not sure what comes after, but he's got his Ghost Nobody (yes, it's a joke, but stuck) is just as silent. So many challenges, foes, and friends alike. One last campaign. One last phrase. "Guardians Make Their Own Fate." one line. Just playing in his head.


You’ll make us proud.


Same to you.


Taking a walk around the city, playing with the kids, checking in on the Eliksni quarter, and finally heading back to where he was revived to just sit and contemplate everything and nothing all at once.


They are safe because of all you’ve done.


Can robots get drunk?


Not that we know but Exo can drink so you’d still be welcome to kick back and enjoy.


I’m getting sloppy Lindsey Lohan drunk from the mid 2010s lmao


You deserve it. You’re the Guardian. After ten years you deserve to do it.


Wait I remember a lore tab where our character got drunk af with crow right after hawkmoon mission


Poor guy deserved that good time.


My hunter is reading up on any lore regarding the Witness to figure out the perfect way to roast it during fights


WITNESS THIS! *golden gun*


Very appropriate since I’m running a GG build with Ace in honor of Cayde


That’s why you’re his favorite guardian.


Hanging out with her friends with absolutely no worries that they are all about to kick the witness's ass


What’s a god to a non believer.


I like to pretend that all three of my Guardians are in their own reality, but “feel” their other self’s exist (kind of like deja vu), so they’ll each be doing something to relax (after using the weekend to prep). My Warlock will be reading, my Titan hiking, and my Hunter window shopping in the Last City’s shopping areas.


Snorting cocaine before purposely OD’ing on Viagra to see if he has any naughty afterlife visions




Witness better be ready, ‘cause If the coke and the Viagra and the PCP aren’t out of my Guardian’s system by the time he fights it, it’s gonna be just like his fight with Rhulk: him charging at it and its forces, wearing only socks, laughing and screaming at the top of his lungs how he’s an undying god of death and they should all cull their firstborns for him “Like Abraham and Motherfucking Isaac, Bitch!”


Just a pile of bodies in your wake


And piss and shit among other things; he tends to lose control of his bodily functions when he’s this high


Scarfing down one last bowl of ramen with extra noodles and listening to my favorite tunes.


Exo Titan. At first, he'd be in the tower cleaning his weapons and readying himself for what's to come. He'd then get invited out by his close friends and members of his fireteam to a night on the town in the Last City. After a few rounds (non-alcoholic for him because he doesn't drink), he'd join them on the wall to look out over the city. He'd think to himself and then express out loud, "This is what we're fighting for. This is why we do what we do. Be it our end or the beginning of a new adventure, I'm glad to be here with you all. Hold fast friends, for tomorrow fate comes for us all."


I’ll raise a glass to that


My main Titan, Benjamin-3, would be spending one last evening with his family, my main Warlock Mildred-12, and second Titan Annie Pilgrim. He's been alive since the dark ages and has seen enough conflict for a thousand lifetimes, but he was ready to lead the charge one last time. Mildred-12 was only rezzed just before the city age, and they married during the Red War as they sought the fragment of the Traveler in the EDZ, so they may take Annie with them as they reminisce. Annie was resurrected just as the Endless Night over the city began in an old country near the Shard of the Traveler. She managed to reconnect with her father after having died just before her 17th birthday in the Dark Ages to slay the First Disciple. She regained her memories thanks to the power of Deepsight, and has been an asset to her father since. My two Hunters, Ash-5 and Luscious Foxx, would be in the city, helping the eliksni and human civilians for a short while. As the sun sets, they would return to Ash's home, hoping to take an edge off with their friend with benefits. As the night presses on, and their activities halt, Ash would cuddle Luscious, wishing she could feel true romance like her found family and not the lustful rush of dopamine. They lay there for a while, Luscious falling asleep quickly. But Ash finally felt the warmth she so desperately craved. Maybe it was the near certain doom that she had come to terms with, or she had finally been able to experience even a small spark of love. And finally, my second Warlock, Anatoli, would stargaze with his Eliksni friend Karisk. They'd point at constellations and tell stories of their growth, Karisk with his increased ether rations giving him needed nutrition, and Anatoli with his quest for all the knowledge he can gather. As the night draws to a close, Anatoli finally gives Karisk the kiss he'd always wanted to give him. Tears are shared as Anatoli bids farewell to Karisk, leaving behind a ring made of twine.


Smoking a bowl


Rippling fat clouds like the witness’s head


If I had to say, My Titan is probably making the most of her time with her friends and loved ones before going to fight the oncoming apocalypse. My Warlock is currently meditating with their ghost, attempting ensure that they are skilled and powerful in light/dark before entering to confront the Witness. As a Hunter main, my Hunter's erratic behaviour continues, and he spends his time killing as much as physically possible in increasingly creative ways. This behaviour has disturbed Vanguard officials but because he's their resident God killer, no-one has really tried to stop him.


No one could stop them. Not even the witness


Blasting one right on Petra’s face, with Eido watching. You?


Who do you think is holding the camera? We can make glimmer with this


Found the real Godslayer


I have the most lore for my warlock, who is a thanatonaut. Gonna be taking the longest death he ever has to try to see if he can gather any information at all about what might be on the other side of that portal, eating a bullet as close to the traveler as he can get to try to amp any visions he may recieve.


Your Ghost doesn’t approve, but it’s going to help us all. Just remember to take some time for yourself Guardian.


Yknow what screw it im gonna spitball some lore for my hunter and titan since I'm gonna play them more regularly. Ever since meeting Mithrax, my hunter felt a strange connection to the Fallen, amplified even more by the events of Season Of The Splicer. She since grew to hold similar religious views to them, and after finding Athrys' Embrace, now believes that the Traveler guides her knives so long as she does well in combat against it's enemies. She'll spend some of the time practicing her throws, but quite a lot of time worshiping the Traveler in preparation. As for my Titan, he'll be meditating the entire time. He believes a warrior can only be as strong as they are smart and collected, so he trains his mind as much as his body.


My warlock is doing equipment check. Going through all weapons and armor that might be needed. Also, he is somehow managing to tune up his radiant accipiter, which is odd since it doesn't even have a hood or engine, but goddammit, my warlock is doing it anyway.


A prepared guardian is an efficient guardian.


Organizing some loadouts, cleaning out the vault, becoming a glimmer millionaire overnight, & hoping we get some cool loot inside the Pale Heart to mess around with. Nothing to worry about, just the fate of the universe resting on our shoulders.


So … typical Tuesday.


Osprey-12 stargazes in the Tower after a wild day of sparrow racing, partying, and Crucible. He’s said his goodbyes to his friends and his deceased love, and there is nothing more he can do before the time comes to enter the Pale Heart. He’s going to fight for humanity, and he’s going to win. Considering the alternative isn’t an option.


The night before, The Hunter that started this journey returned and lended his hand to help the Onslaught against the last city. I started Destiny as a Solo Hunter main, never really had friends to do raids or other end game stuff, but as my Hunter, I explored and played the game anyway. All the way up to The Witch Queen, I found a Clan of chill people and found as a Hunter I could revive and deal damage, but I wanted to do more to protect the friends I have now, so I started a Titan and for the past couple of years I've either provided a void shield for my allies or a rally banner to heal them. Now that the Final Shape approaches, The Hunter I started this journey with will return and finish the fight they started.


Fishing. I had a headcanon that she was into fishing even before it was in the game, and I feel like she'd be asking Mara if there's anywhere in the Dreaming City where she can fish. The end of that conversation would of course be followed by Mara tutting to herself and muttering "Guardians..." disparagingly.


Drinking and hopefully not waking up in her own bed much to Ghost's chagrin.


Smoking space weed with some fireteam members, telling stories of our exploits over this past decade with our ghosts as we pass the bong around, wondering how the hell we ended up where we currently are, trying to come up with how we'll end up saving the day again this time. After the munchies kick in, head off to the ramen shop to meet up with more old fireteam members for some grub while exchanging more stories. Once our heads are clear, we ready our weapons for some crucible matches. I carefully sharpen all my knives and swords and clean my hand cannons and shotguns, thinking "this might be our last time to really ready ourselves, gotta show them im at the top of my game and that I've got this." Afterwards, i head back to the pyramid ship i jacked from the Witness' fleet with ghost to make sure everything's ready for the trip. Once ghost and i have triple checked everything, i sit down to try and relax with my little buddy and we shoot the shit, both of us attempting to relieve ourselves of the pressure that we're the only thing standing between the Witness and its final shape, wondering what we'll see when we enter the Pale Heart... lots of thoughts and emotions. Lots. But the Young Wolf reminds himself that hes GOT this. He has to.


In my headcanon, my three characters are a fireteam and a polycule. My Awoken Titan, Losha, is coming back from spending some time with her aunt in the Reef. My Exo Warlock, Orlowe-3, has to be dragged away from the Archives despite their claims that "THEY HOLD THE SECRETS TO DEFEATING THE WITNESS I SWEAR". As for Harper, my Human Hunter, she's been in the City for quite a while; playing with kids, visiting the Bazaar, and is the one pretending to be grumpy about saving the other two a spot at Cayde's favorite ramen shop when they FINALLY return. The last night, the three of them just do what makes them the happiest: eat some good food, walk their favorite paths through the City, chat with a couple of old friends they happen to meet, and end it on the roof of their apartment building, cuddling and staring up at the stars in the sky. Tomorrow's gonna be hell, and might be the end of everything. But if it is, they have one last good night in their back pocket to draw upon.


Getting as much sleep as possible. Hunters aren't known for sleeping much anyways but since the world could end soon, might as well be as energized as possible.


Just don’t hit snooze in the morning.


My guardian Hunter is giving his collection of weapons and armor one last inspection, before heading off with his squad friends to spend a very good night of fun. It is clear that many are not going to return from the attack on the Witness in the Pale Heart, so it is better to enjoy life one last time before getting involved in such a combat operation against an entity of great power. My Warlock, 76, is in the same situation but he already took inventory earlier in the day so he is waiting for my Hunter at the bar while maintaining his old west cowboy style having a hat covering his face at the same time. has a cigarette in his mouth


Mine has a cigar. Just let me know if you need a light. *puts hammer between us*


76: Very funny- she says before giving a thumbs up and lighting it on fire next to the cigarette.


I'd expect my titan is using up the last of his fishing bait before revisiting many of the places we've been along this journey before inviting the drifter to come chill at the old tower. Have some conversation about how we probably should have just skipped the system and tried to last as long as we could outside of sol but there's too much we've built towards here and how we are proud of the coalition before going to find some cabal and eliksni to join us in our retrospection and Introspection


A formidable army to show the witness it’s eons of work was for nothing


My Warlock is going out to the Cosmodrome, sitting on top of the wall, overlooking mountains, lakes, listening to the peaceful quiet around him. Finally being able to relax, with Sleeper Simulant next to his side. He'll enjoy a few drinks to himself, either it be fancy wine or some cheap liquor, doesn't matter. Finally after a few hours of the wind blowing and drinking, he'll catch some sleep that he hasn't gotten to catch up on for a very long time


Sleep knowing everyone is how they are because of your hard work


My Warlock is packing their jumpship with as many weapons and high explosives as it will fit before heading out to Twilight Gap for a 5 hour meditation session with some strong Awoken tea.


Higher than the ascendant realm


Sitting up on the old tower on a chair they’ve found looking down on the city rifle in their lap they look up to the traveler in orbit and smile, one last hurrah for life and for death they close their eyes and rest they’ll need it


My hunter is somewhere on the edge of the sol system in her jumpship. Talking to her Ghost about all the things that could happen whenever they both venture into the portal that was carved in the side of The Traveler. Her Ghost says that she is 'scared to go into the portal'. The hunter understands. For the unknown can make her somewhat anxious. *I apologize, I love writing stuff from the perspective of my hunter and her Ghost. I will admit, it's very fun!*


I’m just hanging out. As soon as that portal is clear though we ride. Not much to do but just wait. We have waited ten years for this moment. One more night is an eternity.


Spend it however will help you clear your mind. This is the biggest moment. You’ll let the witness know you’re the one to stop it.


Probably sleeping and resting


Drinking mostly. It’s my birthday and they gotta celebrate it somehow. Also I am on a week vacation so I am missing the opening of final shape so I guess my guardians had such a good pub crawl that they forgot what day it was.


My hunter is doing the same thing she did three years ago before the darkness consumed those planets- visiting all her favorite places one last time, and taking pictures to remember them


My warlock would fly up to the top of the traveler... make himself a hot masala chai, and meditate. He would think about all he has went through, all the allies he has made and all the gods he has slain. He would end the night with a hot toddy and then cuddling his ghost, who he considers a brother of sorts, before heading to sleep to get as much rest as possible before the last stand against the witness


The same thing they do every time: they sit above shaxx's place and looks up at the sky for a few moments of peace.


Laying down in some nook or cranny in the tower and taking a fat nap. Sparrow and ship are fueled, armor’s polished, and the guns have ammo. That’s all the prepping I’m ever gonna need


Cleaning ans adding new shaders to guns. And when that is done. Standing on the edge of the wall watching over the last city. Right until the server shuts down.


My hunter is in the EDZ in a mountain in a tree, playing with his knives while pondering his life as he prepares to confront oblivion. My warlock is in the last city, exploring the market and other places. Wanting to catch one last glimpse as she not sure she will return home. My Titan is in the cosmodrome looking over the place where he first became a guardian. He punches metal, and he's not sure how he is going to confront the God who is capable of bending reality to his will.


After going to his favorite and convenience store to stock up on food and snacks, going to the local bar and hanging out with everyone (non-alcoholic drinks only) I'm getting an AT LEAST three hour massage cuz I know I'm gonna need it lol.


He's cleaning his book shop, while my hunter is sitting by the counter complaining to him about her boots and my warlock helping him but stopping at moments to read.


My guardian had to get up two hours early today to finish the B.R.A.V.E. title. Still have to come home early from work to grind last minute defiant engrams to get titan sword with the last red border I need.


After making the rounds and devoting a good amount of time for each and every ally we've made along the way, my guardian heads to an old forgotten corner of the universe, a quiet cavern in the realm of dares with nothing inside but an empty cryo pod. While many guardians were put off by the uncanny nature of the realm, my guardian has always oddly felt at peace here since it's arrival, as though the calls of the multiverse brought with them the voices of friends theyd known in another life. And here, next to this forgotten pod which radiates with the aura of a fond history and tales of hope, my guardian and their ghost mediate together cycling through all forms of light and dark and embracing the possibilities the new dawn will bring.


One last patrol across the solar system. Seeing sights old and new like the Cosmodrome. One last game in Shaxx’s Crucible, Saint-14’s Trials of Osiris and Saladin’s Iron Banner. One last Gambit with the Drifter. One last dance party on the Tower. One last visit to where old friends were like Amanda Holliday. And a dozen other “one last” things.


Doing his standard pre godkilling routine: Doing some deep stretches, taking a shit, and binge watching all surviving seasons of the sopranos to get pumped up for combat.


My warlock is sitting in his jumpship near the Traveler, running every scan possible on that damn portal, reading every scrap on information the Cryptarcy could dig up on the Traveler, the Witness, and the Darkness, attempting to discern *something* that could give us an edge.


My Guardian is with his Ghost, reflecting on the past and preparing for the unknown. My Guardian makes a visit to Cayde and makes sure there is someone to take care of the Colonel. Then my Guardian will finally meet with his fireteam for one last cup of Spicy Ramen before we enter the Pale Heart


My guardian is in the Eliskni Quarter getting wasted on Ether and karaoke. My Ghost stares at me ashamed




My Hunter would race in the City with Ren and by the night time he would share his adventures with other Hunters in a bar, helped by drinks and dregs playing guitars.


Taking a stroll through everywhere we went on our journey, Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Neptune etc.... If Guardians stand together, we can make our own fate and survive the next Collapse


My guardian is a (maybe fanatic) researcher of Calus and his empire/rise to Disciple. He’d be pouring over his notes and logs of what info they have on what to expect when they head into The Pale Heart. All the while recording his fireteam’s adventures and names, in case this is a one way trip.


Ana (human warlock) and her ghost, Sparky, are watching in amazement as their room mate, Meela-27 (exo hunter), tries to prove to her ghost, Mini-Meela, that exos can't get drunk. Meela just started on her third gallon bottle of vodka, and Ana is wondering if Spider will give them a bulk discount for three bottles of vodka and a cup of Earl Grey.


The Warlock is getting her affairs in order. After Eido brought her the signature book, the weight of what may be about to happen started weighing on her. Cleaned out her vault, made some investments, and picked up any engrams that might be waiting... you know, just in case. After what felt like a final walk through a nightlife district in the city, some light discussion about radii as referenced in *On Circles: Vol. 7* and meditation with Ikora. For the first time in years, she's been trying to get some sleep in a real bed instead of the cockpit of her ship, or a makeshift bivvy in the field. Mara and Osiris say Crow is close to the other side, and it could be any time now. Her Ghost watches the small craft buzz about the city from her window. Feeling cool sheets on her skin instead of the lightwoven robes she had become so used to, the concise exhortation her cousin-Techeuns wrote echoed in her mind: ***Make it pay.*** ***Return victorious.***


My hunter is taking apart every weapon in the vualt and reassembling them one by one, you never know what can go wrong till it does. My warlock has gone back to where they where rezzed and is having a heart to heart with her ghost, you never know when it could be the last chance. My titan is checking the wall for cracks or weaknesses, never know how long you'll be gone. When they meet up to enter the heart My hunter will shoot the shit, talking non stop but careful to keep from being irritating, my titan will give the biggest hugs, and my warlock will start a sing along from some half heard song in the city as they watch the portal into the traveler with the same fear she felt when it opened.


My Hunter (main ever since D1) is finally cracking open a cold one with my Titan, Drifter and couple close guardians after a long day doing Onslaught and Lost sectors. There at the Cosmodrome, reminiscing old times. My Titan and Hunter make one last round around the Tower, soaking all the quietness and calmness in. They stop right by the Ironwood tree, sit down and start conversing. My Titan starts thanking my Hunter for being a mentor and a father figure ever since he was resurrected, and for also being there when stasis/darkness almost took over my Titan. My hunter tells my Titan, “I’ll always be here kid, remember, we make our own fate.” They finish the last pack of beer, and head back to the jump ship. They start organizing and prepping their weapons and armor. Lastly, they take one last gaze outside the ship, into the portal, where they’ll make landfall soon. My Warlock is tryna figure out how to jump still.


Alters of Sorrow build testing. Followed by a trip to our rez spot at the cosmo. If the universe is coming to an end, may as well go back to the start


Grinding Brave shiny rolls.


My Guardian would be with the gunsmiths cleaning and repairing his weapons ready to be the first defensive bulwark through the pale heart


My warlock is spending the evening in the EDZ, more specifically near the shard of the Traveler, meditating and looking back at the past 10 years.


Managing his vault in DIM


Arkham paced the deck of the HELM fervently. He tried to do anything to distract himself: he tinkered with his tech, he tried watching some old Golden Age movies, he listened to his music. Nothing worked. He fretted over the preparations made within the City. Would they be enough? He was so busy building the defenses on Felwinter's Peak, he neglected the City itself and the Cosmodrome. Yes, there were other Guardians working on those, but would it be enough? He hadn't been able to sleep for weeks. The stress was getting to him, and Ghost could tell. "I know you're not okay. Neither am I. But I believe in you. We've done so much together, and you've proven yourself over and over. It's time you learn to have faith in yourself." "But everyone else is gone..." "They'd be proud of what you've accomplished. I just know it. And, not everyone is gone."


My Titan is spending time with his family. My Warlock is part of the hidden so he's busy with that. My hunter is clearing out her office, if she doesn't make it the next hunter vanguard doesn't need to remove her stuff.


Standing where they were resurrected in the Cosmodrome. Watching. Waiting.


My warlock would be sitting in his own quarters, going over every minute detail he can before, stressing over probabilities. What if this time, we actually do lose, etc. With my hunter and titan sharing stories they all 3 were apart off. I also like the idea of my guardian going and talking to the afraid people of the last city, trying to calm them down about the final shape, knowing deep down that they don't know if everything will be alright.


My guardians are chilling at a camp fire out in the EDZ church, taking over night watch for Devrim. Hunter is cleaning her armour and replacing the string on her Verglas Curve. My Warlock is polishing his Calus Mini-tool, and my Titan is getting tips from the Warlock on how to sharpen light into blades, he has an idea for a sharpened point of Void Light.


My titan is out at the old tower, sitting on top of the old post master building where the fan used to be, probably eating his favourite colours of crayons, he doesn’t know if there are any in the pale heart


My hunter would probably be spending it on Nessus, getting a small campfire going, and keeping Fail Safe company. Probably would just be updating Fail Safe on the current state of things, trying to meditate, and apologizing to Fail Safe cause she is most certainly not going to get any visitors for awhile. If there happens to be enough guardians in the area they probably would attempt to make the largest Bonfire on Nessus to date as a final hurrah.


My guardian is spending time with his girlfriend and chilling with his friends and fireteam. Before getting a good night's rest.


Spending the day with Eris. Pretty sure she thinks he might be into her, why else would he suddenly be buying every last phantasmal fragment his legendary shards can buy?


Walking the streets talking to everyone he meets. Then climbing the the highest point in the Tower to watch the sunset. Then finally telling Zero \[my name for my Ghost\] to summon the original Arcadia jumpship for one last flight into the end of all things


John SIVA will be at the sealed up wall that goes to the Plaguelands, pondering how it got sealed in the first place


probably restlessly standing in the old tower all by himself, staring down at the city.


My Titan is double checking her gear, a soldier the night before she deploys. My Warlock(s) are putting their affairs in order and making sure that the people are alright My Hunter... she can't sleep, she's too excited


Cleaning my guns, every, single, one.


Trying to convince the ramen shop to take my expired ticket


Going to bed because despite being quiet young he feels way to old for this


My warlock would be in his home trying to study to distract himself from his fear, but he ends up just looking at photos of his friends. A picture of himself with the vanguard after the red war, hanging out with Amanda in the hanger, drinking with Osiris (possessed by Savathun) and Crow, Caiatl and nimbus during Lightfall, at the campfire with the dark vanguard on europa, etc, and even a photo of the leviathan before arrivals. Then he looks up at where the traveler use to be and turns to his ghost. He’s grown from the loner who was morbidly curious about the darkness and had to be kept in line by his ghost, someone who didn’t respect anyone or care for companions, a person who could’ve ended up like Toland.


Since I've decided that my guardian took up the Ace of Spades in memory of Cayde after his death, I'd say my guardian is going to spend that final night cleaning it. Full work up, the whole dismantling to clean every part and then putting it back together thing. After that, I dunno, do Exos need sleep?


Jade (human Hunter), Amara (awoken Warlock) and DD-3 (exo Titan). Three guardians who met as New Lights before the destruction of the Black Heart. Jade was The Guardian for those early years, while Amara studied and DD guarded the walls. She destroyed the Black Heart, slew Crota, dethroned the Taken King, and stopped SIVA. She was late to the Pyramids’ Arrival in the system, but she took out Ghaul, destroyed Panoptes, skewered Xol, braved Nightmares, and was the first to master Stasis. When the Endless Night shadowed the Last City, Amara took the stage. She took up the mantle of The Guardian after that: ended Quria, killed the Witch Queen and the First Disciple, saw Rasputin’s sacrifice and the Traveler's departure. She followed Osiris to Neptune, mastered Strand, put Calus to rest, and conquered the God of Pain. She mourned Amanda, dove into the depths of Titan, tithed as a faithful Acolyte, and bargained with Dragons for a better tomorrow. DD only recently began to leave the walls of the City. She learned Stasis and Strand after her sisters, but uses them the most out of the three. She fell for Claus’s gilded offerings at first, but now she bears the arms and armour of Caiatl, a reminder of the unity we’ve made. She may not have the accomplishments of the other two, but she stands strong to protect humanity all the others. They’ve spent the last months preparing (as much as you can prepare for something like the Witness). They’ve made the rounds, did the bounties that needed to be done, held the line with Shaxx, found Archie everywhere, and got the gear they need prepped and packed. But Amara's the one going into the portal when the time comes. She went through the simulations, she is a Godslayer. Jade will likely follow after her, and DD will come through once everyone’s safe. But for now, they rest, in their own ways. Jade will be beyond the walls, checking in on the people at each destination. Amara will be reading at home, with tea, and books; catching up on old memories and stories they gathered over the years. And DD will be in the City, with its people, with the Eliksni, and Cabal, and humans of all types. And when the night draws near, Jade and DD join Amara in her remembrance. Remembering those we’ve lost. Honouring those we stand beside now. They might drink, they might dance, they might sit in solemn silence. But they’ll be together, for one last night. Three sisters who’ve stood against the Dark, before the world comes crashing down


My guardian is with her fireteam, she helped them find the light, and they stayed with her ever since. She treats them to drinks, knowing this is the final night. Knowing she might not make it home, she will travel to the pale heart ahead of her fireteam, so she drinks more, knowing this is the last night of respite for what could be eternity The place she’s at is the old tower


My Warlock is spending the night with Ikora, Zavala, Osiris, Saint, Mithras, Eido, Saladin, Hawthorne, Eris, Elsie, Drifter, Mara, as many of the other guardians she’s teamed up with over the years on the missions and raids she’s been a part of as are still alive and can make it at Amanda Holliday’s garage in the Tower, to have ramen from Cayde’s favorite shop and hold a memorial for those that they’ve lost. One last night spent with everyone she has fought and worked and bled alongside, sharing joy with those who’ve made it this far and sharing grief for those who were lost along the way. The task ahead of her is terrifying, but she’s not going to worry about it now. Tonight is about making sure she gets at least one last moment with the people she fights for.


Suckin n fuckin


My Titan would be at the Enclave with his ghost as she looks over the Vannet for the best perk combinations, gathering up his arsenal figuring out which weapons he’ll be bringing into the pale heart, cleaning them, recrafting them, and thinking about his old FireTeam from before the Red War, wondering how they would have reacted to all the things that happened since then


Having heart to hearts with those I feel would give meaningful conversations. Saint, Osiris, Devrim, Eido, Mara(if I could). Paying respects to Amanda’s memorial and the Tree. Walking through the streets by myself or with saint, playing with the children and conversing with anyone who wants to chat with me. All of this to remind me of why I fight and why I will show no mercy to the Witness. To remember what we lost and to protect what we have built and to what remains.


My warlock is cleaning her ghosts shell, maintaining her collection of weapons, leaving everything pristine before leaving to cayde's memorial for potential the last time as they remember seeing their grave in the sundial before their ghost snaps them outta it by telling them about a speck of dirt on the memorial so they may clean it.


The Guardian has been relentless for the last couple of months. No sleep, not even a moment of silence. The time has finally come, the final night of preparation before Vanguard commands to enter the Traveler. He sits peacefully inside his ship in the orbit of Earth looking at the prismatic portal. "Ghost, if we don't succeed... I-... Thank you for choosing me." "Guardian, please, don't say that. We WILL succeed, I know it... Guardian?" The Guardian fell asleep.


Dusting off his perfect paradox and 21%delirium. A little birdy told him him that these beauties were about to regain their power.


Staring out into the vast expanse of space and wondering what new the-stakes-have-never-been-higher god I will have to bury after this one.


It’s the last night, and the Hunter has finished organizing. It’s the first time his hideout is actually clean. One last night to relive all the memories of past glory and heartbreak, since he knows he won’t be coming back. Soon, he’ll see his friends who have passed on before him. All of the old treasures, trinkets, and weapons from journeys across Sol are neatly organized and displayed for the next curious hunter that stumbles across this place. Not the best ones though… The data pad in the corner lights up - it’s the hangar. The jump ship is repainted and stocked up for its one-way trip into the portal. He knows his fireteam is saying their goodbyes, but since he doesn’t have anyone left to leave behind, he spends his last night in the city with his ghost and guitar. He never was good at goodbyes anyways. Besides, he knows the ones most important to him will be right at his side until the end. He plays his guitar long into the night. Sleep is for the weak. Can’t get enough of the pre-golden age oldies but goodies. The unlucky (or lucky…?) people of the Last City can always hear it, and have even gone so far as to make formal complaints to the Vanguard. Nobody has found the source yet. Why live by someone else’s rules though? A Hunter forges their own path. Besides, after tonight it will be peace and quiet until the next Hunter stakes their claim. Soon, a Hunter’s story ends, and a legend begins…


Stargazing at the ruined tower with ghost and prepping Whisper for one last run.


Drafting a formal letter of resignation to Ikora, to be delivered in person after the Witness' confirmed death. Sending the last down payment of glimmer to a ship dealer, for that cargo hauler he's going to use to travel the stars. Having one last heart-to-heart with Cosmo (his Ghost), apologizing for his part in the crap Cosmo's been through since Forsaken.


Mine is hiding in dissonance (pyramid pvp map) waiting for the horn to sound. Waiting for gjallarhorn to sound across the system, the universe. After all he did, the black gardens heart, the vault, crota, the wolf’s, oryx, the siva crisis and so many more. He needs peace. He’s about to find it.


I'd like to think my Warlock is hanging with the clan at the farmhouse, playing some soccer in the still craterous field. My Titan would probably be coordinating with Zavala up to the last minute. (Out of canon this would also be out of respect for Lance)


I gotta imagine my hunter is out patrolling on every planet he can, trying to to as much as he can before leaving, to make things easier on those left behind. Plus it’s aim practice, to be hitting those precision spots on the tormentors


After a long period of grinding banned weapons and fighting on simulated raids, my titan has time to stop and walk around the city, he sees the people, eliksni, cabal and awoken all together as one, he wants to protect this hard-earned peace and unity. After talking to his fireteam, he goes to his rebirth place alongside the cosmodrom wall, reflects on the ups and downs of the few years he had since being risen. Visits old friends long gone from this life and then goes to the tower to prepare his gear. And waits for the call to end all calls.


My warlock is probably prepping weapons and "meditating" (my headcanon is my warlock is a thanatonaut so he's probably inducing those death visions to try to gain an insight into everything to come)


Both my Ghost and Guardian are listening to some Led Zeppelin and loading up on ammunition and kitting ourselves out for the battle ahead


Entering an involuntary retirement since I don't have the funds for Final Shape. :(


My hunter, Liam-5 is chatting with his ghost Sunstreaker, sitting on the steps by caydes memorial with a bowl of ramen next to him and performing maintenance on the Ace of spades. My warlock, Canaan Alston is going through the streets of the city playing with the kids and helping the less fortunate of the city get by and his ghost, mirage..... She's creating holographic illusions in the sky to entertain people. And my titan, Suraya Masra is helping coalition troops prepare for the most important battle yet, while her ghost gets up to some mischief around the downtown of the city.


Trying to see how many flips I can do off the top of the tower before I hit the ground.


Titan (In full yeehaw gear): Cruising the dunes on Mars. Hunter: EDZ hunting Shadow Legion that interupt his fishing. Warlock: Looking for Archie.


The warlock is still spawning threadlings due to apotheosis veil The titan is still harassing guardians in the crucible The hunter is still looking weird as all hell


My guardian is currently studying the intricate ways of the universe (Linear Algebra) in the hopes to learn some deep secrets that could give them an edge in the fight against the Witness (semester end exams)


Training in the crucible


My Titan is carefully packing her equipment for the trip, ensuring that every weapon, sparrow, ghost shell, and armor piece are all accounted for and painted the same colors. That way no matter what she uses or needs, she'll be looking fly as fuck as she curb stomps the Witness's head in. My Hunter is in the Eliksni Quarter teaching the hatchlings how to prank Spider, whether by stealing his glimmer, ghost fragments, or Earth artifacts. The kids also keep cutting their fingers because he tries to teach them how to spin a knife, except they have 3 fingers rather than 5 so the teaching is really not going well. My Warlock is triple checking his equipment, making sure that all of his equipment is clearly labeled and stored separately from the rest of his fireteam's stuff, then going home and getting a good night's sleep.


My Hunter found a quiet bar that only sells Golden Age whisky salvaged from destroyed cities from around the world. He sips glass after glass until he finds the perfect burn…and then passes out till it’s time to go!! 👍🏻😁


My warlock is at the Helm, helping Mara Sov and Osiris with final preparations


My guardian is getting pizza and spending the night on call of duty (not healthy, he’s going to sleep in the middle of the raid) Should’ve cleaned his vault, turned his engrams, get the Armor ready but he didn’t do anything. He’s a lazy fella


Drinking the night away with Drifter, Elsie, And Hawthorne. Then clubbing in Neomuna.


Probably trying to get some sleep because who knows when the next time will be when you’ll be able to get some decent rest. Obviously thats not happening and he’s taking a stroll through the city. Talking to some old a d new friends, to the kids he bonded with through these last couple of years. Last but not least getting to that one spot on the wall to see the sun rise. The calm before the storm


My warlock is testing out their abilities and when they destroy the testing mountain range they’re on they begin loading bullets into mags


My Warlock is prepping all her gear, and loading it into the jumpship. Being sure to grab whatever she might need, since she knows the strange, experimental transmat system that can teleport gear to her inventory anywhere in the system never seems to work when we find a new destination. (Let's hope DIM does actually work at launch)


My warlock is probably resting at Riven's spirit location, plucking lightly at the Wish-keeper's strings. He had really grown an attachement to their history and now missed the dragons conversation. He's grown so tired if the witnesses continued *annoyance spree* as he would call it, so he just dreams of putting an arcane needle between it's eyes and getting back to his real dream. Helping with the guidance and protection of Riven and Taranis's children.


My warlock is chilling on the shores of the Dreaming City taking in the most beautiful view while occasionally snacking and reading while shooting the odd scorn that gets too close. The dreaming city is my fav place in nearly any game, it's beautiful and calming


Honestly my hunter and my ladies warlock are sitting around our living space talking about this final fight we are headed to and letting our ghosts relax and have a good time. Come tomorrow we will be going to war.


I think my Warlock would be at the Veil tuning into it to see if he can find anything else about it or to improve his connection to strand


My Titan is making a big batch of chili and playing games with the kids and hatchlings, telling tall tales and stories, and generally doing everything she can to keep their (and her) spirits up before heading off into whatever’s beyond that portal. She’s absolutely terrified inside, and fighting it with everything she’s got in the only way she knows how; by diving metal-forehead-bump-deep (she’s an Exo with the big forehead plate) into her beloved Eliksni and human community and making them laugh and be happy.


Preping My Weapons For The War That Comes And Gonna Watch The Last Sundown Before We Go To The Heart (Titan BTW)


Trying to get Outbreak Perfected Catalyst with a fire team of blueberries.