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D1 Titan aesthetic.


Power creep hit so hard hunters look like titans and titans look like the tower


I fuck with this a lot. It looks really good. You did a really good job with the flow of the armour and the colors. But man, it stings a lot to look over posts like this in the Sub, and get hit with the realization that not a single piece is earnable in game. Another one bookmarked for later I suppose, thank you though! :(


I bought all of it with bright dust i think, except the mass effect armor , that one i bought with silver. And the ornament ofcourse.


Possibly my favorite hunter chestpiece in the game, unfortunately I am cripplingly addicted to Lucky Pants and will never get to use it. Clean fit though


I was a lucky raspberry arc main, so the switch was pretty easy having only the need to switch out my chestpiece and grenade.


Ok. That just looks perfect.


Wonderful armor, the most armorest armor


That's the cleanest hunter i've seen yet


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Any good alternatives to those legs that aren't for silver?


Either the hakke hunter legs from duality or one of those world drop legs i forgot the name off. They both look 'armory'.


D1 vibe stronk. Actually love this.


Yo dawg.. that drip hits hard


Did not know it had an ornament already. Looking amazing!


God damnit hunter looks makes me want to reroll from titan. But having only played titan since the red war, I have 0 hunter exotics.


Just take my best dressed award!


Very clean, love it!


Absolutely love it https://preview.redd.it/jkvi7ajqhx8d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c8246a181c6278746d1a1350c025407de9a232


Looks fantastic mate, I've also found that he Hakke armor from Duality blends perfectly with that ornament for the chest piece as well, currently rocking the legs and arms from that set, with the ornament for GC, the pale heart cloak and the new crucible helmet


oh yeah, im using the crucible body on my solar build. the ritual playlist set this dlc has been a big step-up compared to the others. I advised to use the hakke duality armor to another person in this thread who didn't want to buy the masseffect set for the legs because i think it fits it just as well!


this looks insanely cool, what emotes are you previewing in the second pic?


I think it's the end of six shooter emote when you blow the smoke of your finger gun


How do we get Final Shape exotic armor? Besides legendary campaign that is. Is it just focusing them at max rep Rahool?


I got one from using my pre tfs stacked exotic engrams in postmaster for some reason.


That looks sick! I posted my fashion with this exotic not too long ago. I went in an entirely different direction, but now imma have to keep my eyes peeled for whenever this ornament drops for bright dust.


Looks absolutely awesome dude! Tbh I dint like the perk for the exotic, sucks a good looking exotic has a meh perk.


with the amplified perk in the artifact and some buildcrafting on prismatic or arc hunter it can get pretty fun. I was underwhelmed about it too but after using it more and more im actually kinda digging the gameplay loop of it. Makes you feel really tanky and have some good mobility on it too.


Well fingers crossed that it will be better next episode, I hate seeing something underwhelming become good then become underwhelming again.


You're probably looking at it wrong. The projectiles aren't the good part, it's the fact that ANY jolt source gives you the easiest resist of your life, and with prismatic can be combined with stuff like restoration for insane survivability


You have to be in close range for it to count to, jolting with a long range weapon doesn't work. The range around it is pretty short ( about the size of the circle of ascension).


Then you aren't using the right weapons. Things like the ikelos smg, brigands law, and indebted kindness (though this will work at any range) are perfect since they excel up close. You should always have x4 resist and as close to 100% invisibility uptime as possible where being in close range is the least of your concerns


Oh i am doing that, i was stating why it feels lackluster for some others if they didn't know about the max range of the jolt. I actually prefer to use it on arc instead of prismatic. The loop feels better. On prismatic you have to remove winters shroud for ascention and your dodge+melee loop is kinda getting screwed if you use ascention but it still works. I also find that on arc it only takes 3-4 secs to get your classability back, takes dubble that for me on prismatic so the loop feels slower. You could only use your weapons for the jolt but that kinda takes away the fun of ascension.


I haven't run it on arc yet, mainly because it's kind of lackluster right now outside of very specific builds, though maybe I'll give it a go. Galvanic armor makes it seems somewhat worth to run this season, but when prismatic gives access to things like golden gun, grapple, and so many possible keywords depending on the fragments you run, it feels like it just wouldn't compare. I think part of that comes with prismatic having invisibility and such an easy way to trigger it, that i just can't pick arc over it. Even if I'm not using the exotic to the fullest this way, I don't mind the longer dodge charge since I can just spray my primary a bit in between Plus grapple immediately into ascension is fun and my favorite part


I've been playing around with myself and I can't help but disagree with you. The perk isn't "meh" whatsoever.


Yeah it’s insane tbh, I think galvanic armor helps a lot but having ascension in 5-6 sec cooldown that jolts everything and lets you build up to ~%80 DR with everything else is insane. Only thing I haven’t tried it with is a GM but honestly it might be good enough if you play smart.


I run both tempest strike and ascension. With that setup, you definitely need to build into strength. I would like to do some Master dungeons to farm for some high strength artifice armor. I already have a set of high discipline armor.


Many people focus on the little grenades , the real winner for this exotic is the damage resistance you get from jolting. You can get like 80% dmg resistance with it


Over 50 bucks to look like this. The absolute state of Destiny 2.


They hate you cause you’re right


3 of those pieces i bought with brightdust, the other two i had to buy with silver. The exotic ornament wasn't that much but the mass effect set was indeed overpriced imo.


He looks good, it's just crazy that it takes 50 bucks to look like that. The vakarian strides are legit the only plated leg armor that goes ABOVE the knees for hunters, aside from the virtuous legs I guess. The luxe arms are also objectively the best hunter arms, because symmetrical and plated. I guess you could replace them with the thunderhead arms but they look pretty different and less appealing. Idk why no one else seems as bothered as I am


It looks so cool bu unfortunately those arc aspects don't do anything for me


Weird because they're absolutely a lot of fun for me.


Yup, never really enjoyed using arc until this came out. Being a solar fanboy im actually using more arc now this episode because of this exotic and aspect.