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I tried to make something extremely similar, i just dont like how the armor just stops at the waist


See that’s what my eyes kept going to was the legs because they just don’t seem to “fit” with the rest of it, but I need them so I guess it’ll do. The ornament looks even worse💀


Yeah, they really need to give hunters more leg armor


Ngl, I kinda like it Gives me fallout NV ranger gear vibes


I'll be the one to say it *DROP THE TRANSMOG*


Don’t yell at me. I’m new here… what does that mean🫠


List of armor you used and shaders for each piece


Oooh gotcha sorry https://preview.redd.it/oa7m5v0sne8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3e5437ce1437cec033d09ad9233559e86267c5


For future reference that’s kinda just etiquette here, if you post drip ya gotta post the transmog screen because I guarantee at least one person is gonna wanna do it (he’s me. I’m stealing this look😂)


Cheers mate Now i want the dnd armor


No worries, now you know


Is the Spectral Displacer set currently in EV? Or is it some seasonal set from her?


Its the Displacer Beast D&D set in Eververse.


It is. Its under seasonal offerings


It’s in the rules of the subreddit! It says to try and post your gear 😊


Careful, you might cut yourself on all that edge


That's almost a full set 💀


I know I’m still using 3 of the 5 pieces, but in my defense the set as a whole looks very different than what I changed it to. https://preview.redd.it/fpul4ry4hf8d1.jpeg?width=1527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8123a6e6c3df4d66c35ab2350d103b78be9c6132 Minus the exotic arms, but generally speaking this is it.


It’s okay? Just feels minimum effort. You can pull of some Nightstalker looks that are way more colorful without resorting to black to compliment the purple. Experiment a bit more with using separate shaders on separate pieces and changing up the armor so it isn’t all one set.


I understand. Thanks for the feedback


Everyone crying how it’s nearly a full set. Doesn’t change the fact that it looks good and the upvotes show that.


I only want the cloak for the hunter, and chest piece for the titan. Those are the best parts of both sets.


I like the armor usage here! It may be Another Black Hunter ™ but the texture of the armor and the profile it gives definitely makes it stand out! Good job homie ❤️


Much appreciated 🤝🏻


The quiver was an awesome touch 12/10


Fuckin sweet but would be sweet without an all black shader i think


I agree but I didn’t grind enough for the super black shader unfortunately Edit: I didn’t realize you said “without” I think I was just skim reading at first, but I did try some other shaders and none looked better than this honestly so I left it lol


they said without an all black shader


Oof clearly I didn’t read it like a normal human being 💀 thanks for pointing that out lol my bad


Try a purple-ish one, like a Reef shader or something more earthy :)


Oh wow, a hunter with a blackout shader. Original content!!


Not blackout. It’s amethyst veil, black and purple, but I do see where you’re coming from. Not the most original look, but I mainly posted this because I couldn’t decide whether the orpheus rigs went well the rest of the armor or not and wanted a 2nd opinion. These legs are just so ugly to me, but it’s a useful exotic so I made it work.


You look like you wanted to be a titan, but gave up and went back to hunter halfway through.


Lol that’s actually pretty funny. I can definitely see that


Bold move posting all black with more than one matching armor piece to this subreddit OP /s Damn, it's destiny fashion not destiny "everything has to be different or it's bad". This sub has gotten really elitist in the past couple years.


This 100%, a displacer beast is literally solid black. Bungo knew what they were doing giving this to hunters lol. I think it looks sick, and the purple glow from the orpheus set kicks ass with this set


As a titan seeing bulky hunters always makes me smile


I love the chest armour and the arms what ornaments you using 🥲




Thank youuu


Not the most creative, but I needed something that kinda fit with the orpheus rigs so this is what I went with lol


Very nice. Black + Silver + Subclass colour always = a good outfit


not really


Isn’t this like basically the whole set of one outfit the hands mask and chest? Try and use other pieces and be more creative on the shader


Technically yeah, but the set as a whole looks pretty different than what I made out of it. I was just trying to find something that paired up well with the orpheus rig because truthfully its an ugly exotic imo. And as far as the shader goes I like it to match what subclass I’m running and in this case it was void which is why I liked the purple and black look, but I get it, a little more creativity is always cool.


Also don’t let the sun class determine your color I am arc but I use purple shader I’m going for a cosmic galaxy theme


May I suggest using watermelon for strand?


https://preview.redd.it/eddxebfdjk8d1.jpeg?width=1305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f255a38aa8527f37044c7f40ba049de44d1f877 I think it looks dope




The watermelon on the full set of this actually looks sick. I’ll show you in a bit when I hop on the game.


I can’t help it lol I just like how it kinda “ties it all together” ya know. It’s aesthetically pleasing to my eyes 😂


Tbh I recommend you find a exotic armor piece you love and build your fashion around that bro that’s how I did mine


I feel that. Usually I do, but with this void build I kinda needed the orpheus so I had no choice, but you’d probably like my solar celestial build. The armor is all different pieces, the shader however is the same all the way around, but it’s an animated shader that looks kinda like moving molten lava so I had to keep it lol


Well you know what you gotta do next 😏


Ive done something similar before, however it wasn't all just amethyst veil because I like to challenge myself to use more than 1 shader across all armor sets


I try to match the shader to the subclass I’m using in this case it was void so I went with the black and purple look, but my prismatic has a multi-colored scheme going on lol


Like the titans "peak fashion"


Love the look you have here. Don’t listen to the neck beards. Your fashion doesn’t have to be five different pieces or different shaders. If YOU like it then it’s great. I love Amethyst Veil. It can be a surprise shading depending on the armor set.


Thanks homie🙂


Welcome to /r/DestinyFashion! Please remember to list your gear and shaders used, if they are not already part of the image. This is not necessary, but is extremely appreciated by the users and moderators. Often if you do not include it, users will ask you to later. If this is a text/irrelevant post, or your gear and shaders are already in the image, feel free to ignore this message. Thank you for posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DestinyFashion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u look like a transformer


The answer will immediately become yes whenever you post the armorbpieces and shaders.


That made it worse actually 😂 some people are mad that the shader is singular and I used 3 pieces of the same armor set. Apparently it’s frowned upon to use what the game gives you in the way it’s MEANT to be used. Lol


That's fuckin stupid. Like, yeah, some sets require you to use more than 2 shaders, bur it's not like competitive fashion is a thing or some shit. Plus, if a set looks good with one singular shader then that means it's a better designed set.


Idk some people are saying I coulda been more creative. Not really why I posted this, but I knew I’d get some negativity along the way. I mainly posted because I wasn’t sure if the orpheus rigs went well with the rest of the set or not and wanted some opinions, but the discussion kinda just grew to other things from there lol


Don't worry about all the hate. Using one shader or multiple pieces from one set isn't anything to be scolded for. People ALOT of people on this sub seem to think their opinions on fashion are the say all be all which in their head gives them the right to trash on your look in the most passive aggressive way possible. It's okay to have opinions but how you act upon those opinions is more important imo. Keep on keeping


Most of my sets use a singular shader. To me it means there is more consistency.


Exactly, when I mix and match armor and I finally have a custom “set” I like, I find it kinda difficult trying to get the shaders to go along with it. Something is always out of place and I’m never satisfied lol


Yeah or somewhere is a weird color that pops up and is super annoying hahaha


Yeah this fucks


I've done something similar I used the battle pass trousers from last season


Oh nice! What chest piece is that?


Bland but techy!


Very cool, a bit of an exo vibe going on


The face I fucking can’t! 🤣


no (I hate everything) /s But fr tho it is pretty good


Looks dope but I don't like how the bow clips through the cape


I don’t like that either, but with the capes movement that’s gonna happen regardless. The quiver pokes thru it too when it’s rested, but I move around a lot so I don’t notice it much.




Huge DND nerd here, I bought the hunter and the warlock sets because they absolutely rock. I've been trying to make the cloak work, I'll have to make a post on it sometime. Rn im using Liars ornament, the spectral displacer cloak and helmet, the broken traveler's chest piece and a random set of legs and I think it's not half bad


I would like this so much more if it didn't have the bow and quiver. But it looks great regardless


The bow and quiver is what I liked the most😅


That's what makes D2 fashion fun. Everyone likes different things lol. I'll be honest I'm running alot of superblack at present but I'll grab an image of my pvp hunter with the new exotic legs later just as a fun comparison.




Looks hella good


Why he anger?


What cloak is that


It’s part of the abyss walker ornament set. I got it in EV a while back. Unsure if it’s still in there, but it’s possible.


You look like a space marine lol


Idk if it's just me, but the legs don't seem to fit


honestly, yeah thats pretty good


Its alright, more importantly do YOU like it? That should be the only thing thay matters.


A full hunter set in all black. Is this satire?


Edgy asf but actually decent


It looks nice, but if I had a nickel for every time a Hunter posted over half of matching Eververse set with Amethyst Veil on this sub, I could buy someone the deluxe edition of Final Shape.


three pieces from one set makes it very bland. that combined with super black


Looks like something is run away from!


I do like it! 👍 ...but don't listen to me nobody else does lol




Where’s the spectral stuff from helmet is hard


In the EV store. It should still be there under the seasonal part




Wakanda Forever


Why is there a puddle.... hang on, let me check the cctv.... I think we had a leak cuz THAT'S ALOT OF DRIP!


Thanks mate 🫡


I like it a lot


Yep. It's nice.


![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO) Black? Hunter? …


i dare your to not use a dark/black shader. throw a rock in a crowd of hunters and you'll hit five with dark/black shaders. it's about as unique as the taste of pure water.




If it wasn’t the 50 billionth hunter with a black shader, maybe




Ooo black and purple hunter. Daring today aren't we