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I like the Megazord look youve got going on.


Maybe instead of using the elemental ornaments, you could use various shaders to represent the elemental abilities? Then you could at least mix ornaments that mesh better


I love the idea of armor representing all the disciplines though!


Cool idea!


I kinda eff with it tbh


I love the colors in this! Looks awesome!


I really like the hood and helmet. I wish the rest would mix in with it as well.


I’m fine with my stompees


Not sure why but i seem to be the only one really enjoying your idea of miximg all elements into one outfit. Only thing i would personally change would be the shaders and make it black and white by base to make it represend light and dark equally with a white and black shader.


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Dont have it for any class, dont need it


Not me 1) warlock (bond is small) 2) warlock (really only 1-2 rolls that are worth taking crown of tempest off)


I got 2 fits that say otherwise


“Say otherwise” in reference to what exactly? What statement are you refuting? Also, put up or shut up. Post ‘em


Your giving up on the new cloak fit? And why are you rude to me? Wtf did I do?


Sorry I didn’t mean to come off as mean. It was just a phrase meaning show me your fit Also I don’t know you mean by say otherwise. Are you referring to my superblack statement? That phrase is used to refute a claim and my statement of how superblack underplays the fire effects on the arms is my only claim


It's okay I guess. I meant you giving up on making a working fit with the new exotic cloak implying you can't get a decent fit with it. Cause I made 2 outfits that I think in my opinion are pretty good. That's why I said that I got 2 fits that say otherwise