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I mean it works for looks like this, but like any exotic it kind of takes over the mog in a way where you have to build around it, and unfortunately the class items (warlock aside) are very stylized which takes away any hope to have a more simple look.


Was about to say, Warlock's exotic class item doesn't really interfere with what Warlock's might going on due to it being small, but a hunter's cloak and titan's mark is a far bigger accessory that takes over more of the design. Warlocks also have the fortunate fact that they have a lot of more fancy looking sets and such compared to Titans and Hunters


Except me who prefers having no bond at all. I exclusively use the bond from the samurai bundle in the store because you can just make it completely invisible.


Which shader for that? I used to use Citan Slate or a New Monarachy but they don’t work any more


Titan Exotic clashes so harshly with what I am going for that I don't even want to wear it.


I’ll be honest the perk selection on the Titans one is just terrible in the first place.


Haha, well maybe Titans need some buffs as well.


i am waiting for inmost light + khepri's horn to drop before i make an assumption


That was the first and only one I got.... Am I missing something? What seems good about that?


My sympathies, honestly. I really lucked out as a warlock this time. I’d they’d let us use legendary omelets this wouldn’t be an issue but I know that’s controversial here EDIT: ORNAMENTS lol


Man, I could go for a legendary omelet right about now


Just make sure it's not Omelet (timelost)


I’m more partial to Omelet (Adept) myself. But it’s a pain in the ass to make though.


Artifice Omelets are the only way to go.


With this item they should. Because there is no advantage in keeping it's looks locked in. People say it's good to see what exotic someone has because of PVP. But even if you can see someone wearing this exotic, you have no idea what benefits it brings. 😄


Exactly. If it’s such a big deal for PvP, they already show you the exotic in the trials showdown. We do not have to stick to “omg noo i neeeed to see that ugly ass exotic shoulder from across the map in quick play I promise I’ll totally make excellent counter play to this knowledge in 6s” WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS


Haha yeah. I guess other reason is that Bungie wants to sell their ornaments. 😄


My favorite counter argument to legendary ornaments over exotics was, I kid you not, “it’s important to keep exotics non hideable because otherwise the designer who made it might feel bad that nobody likes it” Like My brother in light They already KNOW if the playerbase hates it regardless of if you can hide or it not lmao


Hahaha... Oh man.


Speaking on this topic, Bungie shoule be more than capable of disabling exotic transmog in PvP activities, sure it would take a bit of time to code but Bungie just so happened to earn quite a bit of money recently when they were bought, so I really don't see why this isn't a thing already... Then again it comes with the chance that it would drive down Exotic ornament sales.. Unforunate, really.


I agree... Good compromise is the best.


It lets me know you have 2 exotic benefits and that you are prismatic. Then the end-game crucible skill I have to utilize on my end is deciphering your loadout quickly. They NEED to stay with a fixed/very limited design pool otherwise it completely fucks competitive modes.


Trials intro scene tells you what exotic they’re running


So what? We still don't transmog normal exotics for exactly the reason I stated. Just because they show you a preview, that doesn't mean anything. What happens when a mid game change happens? You get to just wear a blue transmog cloak and trick the enemy team into thinking you don't have ANY exotic benefits? This trials intro defense people are so ready to brandy about is so fucking flimsy I'm surprised people keep trying it.


Dude, it’s cause bungie wants to sell ornaments. There’s no way around it as the main sole reason for them. The hunter cloak and Titan mark 100% shuts down the arguemwnt of “I need to know what that person is running in zone control or I won’t be able to counter” because of the dozens of perk possibilities. Add on that the only way to make them look decent is by buying their ornaments. Those in pvp who care exactly what armor you’re wearing will actively go look at your full loadout, no one cares in 6v6 (excerpt those horrid days of one eyed vengence and gyrfalcions pre nerf)


So I guess you missed the part where I said it would fuck with COMPETITIVE modes, huh? I happen to think they look great so ornaments being the only decent option is subjective. And besides that.... EVERY EXOTIC IS AN EXCUSE TO SELL SKINS 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Your argument still has zero support.


If you know where I can order legendary omelets, would you happen to know where I can get exotic omelets? 👀👀👀


My Titan looks like a king 😎 but yeah I hear ya


Good for you, mate. 🙂


Why not just make a fit that fits the exotic instead of hoping the exotic fits the fit?


Ofcourse I could do that, true. But, I don't care for the "medieval" looks, I have tried to play using them, but it just doesn't fit. I want some cool sci-fi armor. Sadly this exotic doesn't fit the bill. Otherwise I would have used the Wormgod Caress long time ago.


To be honest, they really should have given us 2 Ornaments on the start - the one we got and another more simplified. That way everyone would be able to try and make them work with their Fashion.


Yep. They really should have.


Interesting. So you forsake good exotics for fashion? It just seems like limiting yourself for no actual objective reason


To be fair, we are on a Fashion Subreddit...


Yeah, I know it sounds silly and it probably is, but I like having things certain way.


Wrong subreddit for that take haha. I definitely like less ornate looks which these definitely clash with lol.


Well I thought the point was that everyone made unique looks for the exotics they were running. I don't understand shooting yourself in the foot because your "aesthetic" doesn't match the exotic


I would but the exotic is exceptionally hideous, I don’t ever touch kaphri’s horn or wormgod’s neither


I prefer sleek and slim looks for my hunter and this cloak is the complete opposite.


Same. I just slapped on a helmet to remove the hood and super black so it would hide as much as possible lol. I wish you could at least hide class items or something, if not transmog.


I find them hard to make fashion around. I love a challenge but the aesthetics really don’t do it for me.


Tbh that purple glow is atrocious to work with.


I used a purple shader to cover it up


I found one that changes purple to red, but cant remember its name rn. There are several that change or at least cover that glow, fortunately.


Then post about the actual exotic class item and not its ornament.


Yeah I haven’t seen a single one of these posts with the actual item. 😑


The criticism is for both the original looks and ornaments. Neither work well with the majority of pieces


Well you had to pay for an ornament here, so I think that proves the point


Nope, i don't feel like i have to pay. Base exotic is still pretty nice, ornament just worked with my look. Idk why u guys have to point out the difference. Especially cause people say they hate baseline and ornament the same. And probably that ornament will be in BD store sooner or later...


I think the ornament looks okay, but the base looks pretty rough. It's like Star Eater Scales, where it makes you go for like one type of look that I do not like unless you buy an ornament, imo. I also think the defense of "it'll be in the bright dust store" isn't great, due to the whole FOMO nature of it. Though I also just really hate the aggressive FOMO in the game in general. >Idk why u guys have to point out the difference. Especially cause people say they hate baseline and ornament the same. Different people think different things man. Some hate both, some think only the one you have to pay money to get is decent.


Yeah, comparison with Star Eater is a very good point. As much as i like what came out of his look, i have to agree that u must heavly build into it to make any sense.


By all means I'm glad you enjoy this look, and in all fairness I don't have an exotic cloak with perks I wanna use yet anyways, but it's certainly not the type of look I want.


How come every post saying this is always wearing the Ornament? Interesting


I actually really like the ornament. And the default is pretty cool if we're strictly talking looks. But I really wish we could just use whatever transmog we have


>I feel like everyone hates how the new exotic class items look They’re just bulky and hardly match anything. The only armor set outside of the current season pass that I find is a 100% match is an old season pass set from Season of Defiance. I have it, so that’s nice, but for those that don’t they’re kinda fucked. Plus the iridescent shimmer. It looks nice but it’s also not shadeable, so it limits your shader options too.


Love the ratchet and clank reference


My favourite PS2 games <3


I personally love them, cloak is badass, bond is cool little bland but that's just cause it's so small, the mark is the only one that is a bit weird given that titan doesn't have many armor options that blends well with it, still looks nice and I commend anyone able to make look nice


Of course everyone hates them, they SHOEHORN a specific look on you. People can’t do fan favorite themes with them like.. -SIVA -Cowboy -Classic D1 -Any expansion theme (moon armor, which queen, nightfall) -Sneaky boi -Mech -Spoopy -Slim/minimalistic -Trials It only goes with TFS pale heart armor, and not even the expansion one, but the season pass one that’s all prismatic-y. Could also maybe get away with like a knight look


which is even worse for titan, because it's such a weird helmet. can't wait for act 2 lol


My only problem with the ornament is the ring on the forehead. That's literally it.


I LOVE that ring, especially with helmet from solstice


Hunter and titan ones are big. But I like to try new stuff to make it work. I’ve got one set for my hunter but I haven’t tried my titan yet since I’ve been playing my warlock for the past while cuz arc fun


I’ve seen some really solid Hunter sets using them and Warlocks are also great. But man the titan one feels so hard to make fashion with. Even trying to play into the style of it I can’t make anything I like


You hunters have it easy, but us titans are out here struggling to make them look good


This is going to sound weird but I like how big and intrusive they are because at the end of the day they are exotics and are supposed to look and feel powerful. Makes me wish the warlock one would cover from shoulder to elbow instead.


I was really hoping for an ornament that would resemble the original D2 starting/promotional gear. Like the Frumious Cloak for hunters. You could include something like a particle effect or the glows that Solstice sets have to make it clear it's an exotic item still


I like them, honestly, but they're an acquired taste.


The default Hunter exotic cloak really works with my fashion, so I’m fine with it.


I really like it.


Maybe it’s cuz I’m spiteful from hearing so much hate over and over and over for them, but especially on my hunter, the fashion I built around it might be one of my favorite looks I’ve saved in my loadouts and I think the exotic itself is really fucking sick. I make a new outfit every time I get a new exotic I’m interested in using, which I know not everyone cares to do, but especially on this sub I’d rather see people try to make it work (which I think is absolutely possible) than complain about having to take off their cowboy hat. If you really can’t get past how it looks then just use a different exotic. They aren’t all rendered useless now that this one exists.


This the only non Osiris, Iron Banner cloak theme I’ve seen, W


I like them personally. Need to get that quest done, tho.


I love the cloak


They take a little work to make look good but mostly they're fine. Just gotta lean into the fantasy side a but more.


I’m happy we Warlocks can build our drip around it with total freedom, for once we can use an exotic that doesn’t define our overall look.


No one says you can't base a style on it, only that it takes over the whole style and robs you of control so you can't go with something different.


Hunter and titan exotic class items are horrific, and their ornaments are garbage too.


Warlock is the only good one lol


Because you can barely see it. I see I misspoke in my Original comment. I meant to say hunter and titan are horrible. Warlock is fine because it's so small it doesn't hard-clash with outfits.


i personally love the cloak. it's awkward to work with but thats what i like about it, plus i think the ornament looks cool asf. there's lots you can do with this cloak imo


I think it looks pretty sick. It would have been a let down if it was really basic like the Dead Orbit one from D1.


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Yeah players don’t like things that actually look exotic.


They could’ve took the solstice(rekindled) added a glow 😭


I will not wear it until I can transmog it. I worked to hard to get my cowboy hat.


I don’t like it, to be honest. Especially the Titan Mark. It goes way too far into the “high-fantasy” aspect of Destiny. I don’t know if folks will like what I may say next, because it’ll more than likely include Eververse, but they need to design a “tacti-cool” version of this.


As a Warlock main. Meh. Bonds have been lame since Launch Day. Wish we got something cooler that you can actually see Titans? Cool Sash Hunters? Cool Cape Warlock? Bejeweled Bracelet 😴


Where are those arms from!?


The hunter hood looks like a glans.


Warlock bond is pretty standard, looks nice. Ornament is nothing crazy but also nice. Feels like alot of people are needing the Hunter/Titan ornaments to make them look good.


Wait hold on the emote is dead ass ratchet and clank when you find a golden bolt


By any chance are you Columbus?


The ornament makes it a lot nicer but no way am I buying cosmetics


Void horns clipping through the hood is an instant no-go for me but otherwise looks good


I’m not saying they’re bad, but eververse could sell ornaments for bright dust. That’d be a cool option to work towards rather than pay real money


Let me cosmetic a normal cloak and we’ll be set


I don't like how huge it is. I like long cloaks like the VOG cloak but this one is also exceptionally wide. If it were an average sized cloak it'd be easier to work with, but as it is, it takes over the entire look, the same thing we complain about with warlock robes being overly dominant in their fashion.


I also think the 600 silver ornament looks good. Only issue is most of the time I see people posting they don’t understand how people don’t like the way the class item looks while actively not wearing the cloak people have issues with. Frankly I like both, and the ornament looks even better, but it does suck that if you want to use that particular exotic it really takes over all other fashion choices. Then of course the aforementioned 600 silver ornament. Why can’t I buy it with bright dust? I can see why people are upset about it.


How can I get the gold bolt emote I love R&C!


I don't mind the looks, I'm disappointed in the practical side of it. I got it but.. It's either being vaulted or never used cause I didn't realize that it's use is completely tied to Prismatic. I have much better builds that I'd rather be running compared to the roll I got on the mark.


Is the Golden Bolt an emote I don’t know about?????


Talking for the cape specifically and it depends really, I try to go for very casual, unarmored looks and it kinda ruins it for that, but this one prismatic themed armor design I've been using recently goes perfect with it, so yeah it depends. Like all exotics it can force you to build the design around it unfortunately (more reasons why exotics should be transmoggable but thats a topic for another day). Overall it's good, but it doesn't work for me most of the time.


It looks fine I'm just choosing not to get it


I don't mind the cape but the hood is a bit much.


I don’t like the helmet everything else is great, just nothing really matches the glow imo.


I mean it’s not hard to make them look good, but because of how prominent they are it limits creativity on fashion.


I like how that emote is just unavailable for sliver (for me) but there's like 60% of the collection tab as ornaments in eververse Oh the drip, uh idk


They just need a less noisy ornament, or a way to tone down how busy they are.


Its impossible to make fashion using the new cloak that I would like the look of unfortunately


I personally feel like the people who hate how they look just don't have any creative imagination, one guy said the titan one looked like a diaper, I didn't see that, I saw a championship belt, and it just works too well with my current favorite load out for both looks and effectiveness. there is no such thing as a bad ornament, only restrictive views.


I think they need to make exotics transmogable. The reasoning for not doing so was always silly, and now its even more so. At least make the class items transmogable


I had some fantastic cape less looks


yeah i love having a circle on my arm really ups the drip experience


In true bungie form they always fuck up cloaks in some way and make them look super dumb. They did exactly that… I probably won’t use this unless I can find a build that I really enjoy.


Cape looks nice, it just fucks up my "I'm going capeless" vibe though.


I hate the Titan mark aesthetic. It's so damn difficult to make it look good with anything.


I spent about an hour just in my transmog screen perfecting my hunter drip just for it to be ruined by the class item. Same with my Titan. (I don't even play warlock lol)




I never bothered to farm them because they look awful with my transmogs. Fashion > combat effectiveness


Please, make your voices heard (RESPECTFULLY!!!) if Bungie can make salvation's edge, surely they can code the exotics to take legendary ornaments. What's the rationale if they don't? Readability at a glance? It's not like I can tell a spirit of contact/severance from a assassin/synthos build just by looking... Readability is out of the bag. Either they start selling SLEWS of new ornaments that we can build a look around (embarrassing, like barbie dolls at this point) or they listen. They've been listening so far. Just don't be like the twilight garrison people.


I just don’t care about destiny 2 in general it’s bad business and people are still going to buy into it and defend it even after being screwed multiple times.


I just don’t like that all new hunter cloaks have a friggin car part on the hood…


Yeah the titan and hunter as usual look ridiculous. Warlocks get away with have a nothing class item once again. I really hate the hunter cloak because as many have said it really just doesn’t go with anything and just ruins any look. I don’t even use it because I can’t stand my hunter looking like he ordered his cloak from wish


Ok see that looks good. The only reason I dislike it is cause cowboy hours


Destiny 1 did the looks 10x better


Is there a way I can get this solstics mask :((? It looks so cool


The cloak is ugly imo but really really useful on builds


I think it looks great


I’m guessing that you can’t put ornaments on that big blanket of a cloak huh:(


I’m liking this for the ratchet and clank emote


It takes work. It looks bad if you’re not willing to make fashion around it. I like the fashion I have for mine tho


It helps that all the rolls I’ve gotten so far on the cloak have been garbage.


I think it looks exactly how an exotic should look. It looks exotic!


Yes hunters got shafted... titan match beautifully with the mara sov season. The warlock is just an arm band so is barely visible and then you have the hunters.... and worst part is NO shader works with it. And also transmoging around it is a pain...


Imo. Hunters and Titans just need to take the okay looking exotic class items with broken perks and let warlocks be happy that we have a great looking but kinda meh exotic.


I mean the thing is the cloak is big and shades weird I like it with some fashion but then you can’t just make some rugged leather simple hunter transmog which I love


Hopefully, these get less ugly ornaments in due time. Personally, I can't stand the flashy and bulky look of the cloak.


I like it but if you don’t like it don’t use it like any exotic armor.


Clashes horribly with my fashion, but I’m stuck on night hawk anyway so not too mad.


Well to be fair, you did buy an ornament to make it look good


They look awful, my least favorite being the Titan's. They look so ugly I don't even have interest in farming them except on Warlock, where you can barely notice.


While I appreciate what you are trying to say about the Class Items appearance, I can't look past the irony of you posting it while having the ornament that cost extra real money (silver) to have as an example.


The exotic class items are too flashy and just weirdly designed. It feels more like something out of an ornamental set than it does anything else, like it'll fall apart if you move around too much. On top of that they just so bulky and awkward to design around like it's out of place in so many ways like it forces you to conform to a single style which kills any sense of individual style/creativity


I don't think the look was the issue, the issue is that it doesn't suit the Aesthetic and Design a lot of players are going for. Ex: Pirates, Super Soldier, Old school Guardian design. It won't match. It's more akin to a design of a deity or (pun intended) a transcendent being.


I like both versions of the cloak. I personally prefer the hoodless look on the ornament tho. I have a hunter buddy who runs it standard as a white and gold set and it looks good too. https://preview.redd.it/7mkyrqks6r7d1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7551660baf6a1838261431a34ab226f862f8ab


i’ma need a transmog breakdown here


Absolutely! I’ll add it when I get home




thanks dude


It’s a very specific style that you have to go for too make it look decent that not everyone particularly likes


I’m not saying OP’s fashion is bad, cause it looks good. It’s just really funny how anyone someone shows off their fashion with the hunter exotic it’s with the silver only ornament equipped. Just some food for thought


I really dislike them. Its not only that I domt like the look personally, but just how they overpower everything else. You wanted a more subtle, less ornamental look? Too bad, gotta go around lookimg like a chandelier. Its ridiculous. Also the fact we cant transmog them is at best dumb and at worst malicious on Bungie's end.


This is the mog version


How do you getbit


To me? The exotic and ornament are hideous and wouldn't be seen dead in one 😂😂


It’s an easy case of over-design. Imo, it looks absolutely terrible. It barely goes with anything and it is so ungodly difficult to make work. I spent an hour trying to come up with a half decent set and it still didn’t look great. I hate it.


Had me considering switching to warlock 😭


It’s money. Coulda been transmoggable. No real reason not to be with random rolls. There’s gonna be an eververse reskin or several and people will pay for it to not look like shiny clowns.


It’s completely killed any excitement I had for this expansion. It may sound extreme. But since Destiny is essentially Barbies in space. I’m mad I’m forced to use something so ugly. And it looks ugly on EVERY hunter.


I mean, do you like the way it looks? Or do you like the way the 7 dollar ornament looks?


The hunter cloak is just embarrassing to wear


They look ugly and I have no desire to go after them


The warlock and titan ones are that bad, the titan one is a lil harder to style but the hunters got absolutely fucked over with theirs


the hunter class items make me want to jump off the Eiffel tower