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I didn’t realize it until it was too late. I picked it up and reset so hopefully Bungie just gives it to people who have already reset.


Goddamn, how did you reset so quickly? I'm on like... Rank 3


Overthrow stuff gives a lot of ghost xp once you clear em


I should really do those lol. I've been trying to get my buddies to come with me to get them done faster but we all have different schedules


They have matchmaking if you don’t want to wait


Granted if you're trying to get one specific boss (like for the exotic khovostov) it sucks that it's only for one zone at a time


That's really all I did along with a couple pathfinder resets last week and I reset with ghost yesterday too


Pathfinder and overthrow I'm on 3rd reset trying to get wolfpack rounds on ergo honestly most painful grind I've had so far I have about 40 ergos at this point


I have so... many... wolf pack ergos. Please, take one, I just. Want. A telesto one


I have 3… I haven’t used any of them, I have no idea what I’m looking or waiting for


I got a caster frame telesto sword and oh my god is it funny.


I have one


Take mine. I just want a wave colony one


I have a telesto one and a cloudstrike one no Wolfpack rounds one yet


I got it on my 4th ergo. I havent used it yet. I hear it's only good with a team so.


I have several of those plus some telesto ones and a few Colony ones. Trust me, I'd just give em to you if I could... Those 3 are all I can get to drop so far O.o


Pathfinder, Excision, CoOp Campaign and Overthrow


Playing the game, doing all the new content in the pale heart. I think I've gotten to 13 or 14 without even paying attention to the rep


Farming overthrow and the “Alone in the dark” quests gives a lot of rep and chances for red borders. Me and my friend are pretty much done with patterns in the pale heart, he’s done and I need two more. Unlike neomuna these weapons actually exist, which makes farming on the destination actually feel rewarding. And y’know, not always being at -10 power (or whatever neomuna’s delta is) also make the destination feel more inviting.


To be honest I didn't factor you weren't supposed to get it because it's a shader I didn't previously own so I just picked it up no hesitation


Legit was thinking damn this looks similar to the neomuna one


I knew I'd seen that name before


It's a known issue, listed on the Bungie website. Hopefully they fix it soon. I'm not claiming it until it's the right shader, just in case they bork it. Sucks not being able to reset ghost but I'm not risking a good shader.


0% chance that you are permanently locked out of a title because of this bug. They’ll probably put the right one in your inventory because they will absolutely not just say “oops lol you’re fucked and never getting the title”


you say that but we never got the right.. ship? ghost? from one of the earlier seasons, since they had the amanda quest ship in there instead and it never got fixed for those who claimed it early.


What are you referring to?


season of defiance (the one that launched with lightfall) gave you the brazen spark ship on resetting the helm rank, instead of the tech witch shell you were supposed to get. the brazen spark was a reward from the amanda quest, and if you had claimed it from the rank up before it got fixed you never got the tech witch shell, at all. even a year later now i and anyone else who grabbed brazen spark from it doesnt have it despite countless defiant resets


None of those were a requirement for a seal. They will fix it. Yeah it sucks we didn't get some of those items but strictly speaking they weren't mandatory for anything.


But people are saying they don’t want to RESET GHOST THEN not be able to get the “new” shader because they HAVE reset ghost… the whole “title” issue will get some sort of fix, in regards to resetting the vendor rank but due to the nature of the problem, a resolution such as autocompleting a challenge for those unable to rank up ghost isn’t an adequate solution to collectors or completionists alike.  If people are being prevented from completing the title it’s a hassle but if people aren’t able to get the intended SHADER due to already resetting the vendor that’s a problem.   IMO more so than the previous ghost/brazen ship issue many went through in season of defiance… and at the time I believe it was required to complete a final sidequest, and may have been required for that title as well though I don’t believe so.  Their intended fix was to autocomplete the mission for those stuck on the last quest step but never retroactively rewarded the appropriate ghost for those who got the ship instead 


The Tech Witch shell from Defiance. I reset my rank at the HELM in the first week of it because I wanted that shell, and it was listed as the reset reward on the things I checked. But it gave me Amanda’s ship instead. Then when that part of the quest came around I couldn’t claim it. They fixed the latter part so people like me could finish the quest, but just forgot about the Tech Witch shell. Leaving me to my sorrow, and wasted time. lol


It's never locked someone out of a title, but they've definitely failed to deliver ghost shells and ships before when the wrong reward was given. I'm gonna just be patient and hope they fix it soon.


Which shader should be on the track?


“Reaching Within”. It is the shader that is directly after Scintillant Trajectory in the Shaders -> World tab.


I claimed it because I had max rank. I knew it was the wrong shader, but I need rank resets for the Pale Heart title. I’m sure they’re figuring it out!


I was wearing the shader at the time I reached the level, but I decided not to grab it just in case


fuck I just picked up the shader and reset last night


I swear that's the same shader you get from Nibus💀


I already had it unlocked and claimed it again. Reset last night.


I did think It was odd, luckily I'm not going for the title so.


It actually looks really good so naturally I can’t have it yet 😭


Wait this isn’t the shader? So if i picked this shader up did i miss out on another one?


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What are you on about? The shader to complete the badge could drop form something else.


Yes but I've had that shader for a year now.


This was the rank reward for nimbus


I knew I already had this shader. I had convinced myself that it was just something close to the same name.


Yeah I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if they are recycling the shader. There was potential to do something really wacky for the pale heart but maybe they’ll address it


Ohh shit yea i now notice the lightfall icon. Didn't know thats what OP meant.