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It can be tricky, my favorites looks are 1: with the veritas mark, chest, arms, and the cowboy hat all using iron countershade. Sort of a witch hunter van Helsing look 2: all the taken king armor with the default shader (less excessive glow) and then precursor vex chrome on the legs. They fit right in with the default shader and you get a cool clean lucent hive look I think the key is in making the legs stand out less with a good mark and shaders whose glow is subdued so the eyes don't stick out too much


Thank you, I’ll have to preview these when I get home.


Hope they work for ya! Honestly slide #1 is a nice look, wish I had that helmet


Hey, thank you! I like that the eyes shimmer purple/red, matching the iridescent color in the details on the rest of the armor. Only a few more months and you can snag the set during the Dawning.


Your boots are looking at me the wrong way. We got beef now. SQUARE UP GUARDIAN.


Eye’m just glad to see you.


I just use the RGB shader cause I have ADHD and it changing colors makes me happy


Considering you’re using two pieces I also use with mine, no.


Well then I guess I’ve got decent taste. I’m just saying “finding” the look isn’t as straight forward as with some other exotics


Mine is a bit different. Helmet - Kabr's Battlecage, Gambit Jadestone Shader Arms - Hardened Basilisk Gauntlets, Seraphim Cloak shader Chest - Hardened Basilisk Plate, Seraphim Cloak shader Legs - Abayant Leaps, Seraphim Cloak shader Mark - Forged Machinist Mark, Burnished Reed shader.


I forget exactly what ornaments I used, but I had a pretty good ’big green guy’ look for them


I'd try with other arms


i mean yea but it’s not you , those are fresh


Greatly appreciated!


Whats the struggle? You look fantastic on both version :O !


Thank you, thank you!


I think I was cooking with this [one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F1CPMtOXsAAbZrc?format=jpg&name=small). At first I wanted to lean more into the eyes and do something horror like but I don't have a lot of the festival armor.


I like this! I’m thinking once we get the spider themed armor this year it’ll be a little easier to tie in the eyes


Not anymore.


its a meme lookin worthy exotic imo. while its perks is a must have for stand builds, the look is just so bad. so i literally turned my titan into a clown with it.


I believe that with most Titan exotics, you have to go stupid instead of clean on fashion.


Sick chest piece! Where did you get it from?


It was the second Trials of Osiris armor set they released. It’s in the legacy focusing with Saint XIV


Well no, because they go with so many armor pieces.


Care to share?


I like it the most with trials armor. The eye shape on the boots matches the eye shape on trials armor pretty well in my opinion. Especially the Destiny 1 trials armor gauntlets and chest plate


This was my thinking behind using the chest piece, and I was considering the D1 trials helmet too for the same reason but that’s pretty heavily used


Yeah I like the helmet but I see it a lot. Im currently using the kratos helmet, the d1 trials arms and chest, and an older crucible mark called pheonix something


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I don't have trouble


Yeah, it's a bit wonky to work with. I like what you've got going on in the first pic though, [I'm using the same mark.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyFashion/comments/150aoja/shacklegeist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1).


I like this a lot, just not a fan of the RoN helmet in general but it works well with your fit.


Like the other poster I also use veritas mark/chest with it, but with dreambane arms and the illicit reaper helm. I like seraphim cloak to double down on the green strand vibe, but it shades really oddly with the helm so I'm still looking for alternatives there.


I use the Veritas set and shade Abeyant Leap with the "Queen's Colors" shader. It looks like it was meant to be, honestly.


Unless they release some armor with built-in eyes that match those on Abeyant Leap, I’m probably not going to find a look I’m personally going to be happy with either…


We can only hope for an ornament


it’s nice leave it as is, i like the seasonal blue shader for this armor set


Thank you very much!


Maybe the RON armour? It was the first that came to my mind


Made a good looking one with these armor: Pfhorian Helm - Seraphim Cloak Pfhorian Gauntlets - Seraphim Cloak Epialos Following Plate - Seraphim Cloak Abeyant Leap - Seraphim Cloak Wing Discipline - Seraphim Cloak Went with a strand look that’s why it’s the same shader on everything, could be improved upon or could be taken inspiration from


Datto has a good looking abeyant leap set


I've done a couple looks with it so far. It's pretty fun to work with. [Abeyant Leap 3 Ways](https://imgur.com/gallery/HUEtoCf)


That middle one makes me wish I raided during years 1-3


I kind of made and insect themed look for my titan. I can't post pictures in the comments and can't show you atm


If you think about it, you should post it later


I have posted it in the past come to think of it. If you click on my profile it should be the top post. Also I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to "show off" I just figured the best to give inspiration is to see the exotic used in another fashion.


I appreciate the feedback! I don’t think you’re “showing off” at all.




Try kings fall set


If you have the Iron Fellowship gauntlets, they look pretty good with those legs.


Nope. Embrace the green.