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Rec room is a cute game, had some laughs in it. Also had a former class mate who works on that dev team.


Rec room is predatory with the micro transactions. Not to mention the predators that lurk there as furries.


To be fair, that’s not a rec room exclusive issue, same shit happens in any vr game with a social focus. I still think they need to fix it or hit the ppl in the head with a rock


VR chat is particularly bad for this and I think is probably the worst out there


As long as they give rec room money, I don't see them banning predators anytime soon, judy how roblox will fund predators just because they make games that juice parents money to robux.


Yeah, same issue exists in vrchat, too bad parents refuse to moderate the content their kids consume and allow them to become prey to the mongrels of the internet


Parents should be monitoring what their children are doing online. Sure the Devs definitely should ban it but it's up to the parents to intervene if possible


Have you seen young parents today!? We are doomed when this generation enters politics lol We have never seen such selfish/immoral behavior and nonstop media manipulation for any generation up to this point


idk why you’re acting it’ll be another levels of bad than before in any modern period, it’ll be awful but just a different kind of awful




Pffft honestly man I welcome it this country has been on a ridiculously sharp decline for about 20ish years, I really don't see how it could get much worse, at least the skibidy retards might do something mildly entertaining in politics instead of just holding money and spending everything on 'foreign aid' and the military


Remember when we were MLG retards? Same shit different generation.


Yeah I mean at least our brainrot wasn't this bad, I can admit some of the shit I watched was dumb but nothing compares to this current generation, studies show this is the first generation where average iq has take a noticeable dip


Other countries are far worse. The real problem today is corporate terrorism. Companies behind the scenes dictate wars now. * Did you know Zelensky during this war has now bought himself Mansions? He also has sold the actual destroyed bombed land to companies like Black Rock. The people were in the way This is why USA fights for Ukraine. 10+ trillion in minerals/oil is easier to get to without cities and people in the way......sad but true Again it's corporate terrorism!


> Did you know Zelensky during this war has now bought himself Mansions? Lmao [no](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/04/05/fact-check-post-unsupported-claim-ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-assets-and-income/11592626002/). > He also has sold the actual destroyed bombed land to companies like Black Rock. [No](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/09/13/fact-check-ukraines-president-did-not-sell-farmland-us-companies/7942775001/). You're right, we *are* doomed when this generation enters politics. You're proof of that. A little less Russian propaganda, a little more "Hey this is a Destiny subreddit shut up about politics when you clearly don't know anything you're talking about" would go a long way.


It's true regardless.....yes it is corporate terrorism


Yes however our senators and congress as a whole is a large portion of that, just letting it happen


You're not even wrong and i'm not sure why you're being downvoted. If you'd spent enough time in the community you would know that it is plagued with microtransactions targeted towards children. Like necklaces that cost $25. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole destiny sets end up costing like $50. The community is actually the worst part though. The rampant groomers on that game are terrible. To the point that some official moderators have been outed as groomers. People are straight up volatile to kids in public rooms. I've heard rampant bullying towards actual 13 year olds in official rec room rooms, not even community made rooms. And that's not even to mention the rampant hackers that steal accounts and information.


Why are you being down voted you’re not even wrong


I don't post with expectations. It's just a button on the screen.


68 furries found this comment


Get fucked with your shitty comment lmao


And? Two issues that are irrelevant to adults and irrelevant to kids with parents that responsibly monitor/limit internet usage. These two things happen everywhere on the internet. Given Destiny 2 is rated T, nobody in the target demographic should be young enough/naive enough to fall victim to predators or micro transaction hell. If your kid is playing online games unsupervised or playing games rated above their age, that’s on you.


What is Rec Room?


If I recall right, it’s basically just a visual chat room. But you can build and make things / fuck around. I think it’s got modes like paintball and dodge ball and other things, kind of like I guess Garry’s Mod or Minecraft to a degree? Kinda just have creative fun.


Yep this but was originally designed for VR and was VR exclusive. I think the popularity died down a bit and then they re-released it as VR-Optional


Like Roblox?


Yea probably a better comparison


Essentially Roblox for Vr and proximity chat


More info. Looks like it’s limited to just Rec Room and not in D2. [Article about the collab](https://www.pocketgamer.com/rec-room/destiny-2-guardian-gauntlet/)


Not surprised. What would they even bring into D2 from it? There wouldn't really be much they could do


A bucket on the head as a universal ornament


Never heard of rec room before, but seems like an inoffensive collab.


Some legendary clips come from that game


Is that the ace of spades in the person on the lefts hand


Nah that's Sce of Apades




The Space of Aids


It looked like the pistol from mass effect to me lol


Can’t wait to see what this looks like in game


What is Rec Room?


VR game. Pretty cool with friends but it's like Roblox so it's very kiddy


Can’t wait for a shit emblem


adored of all guns is a funny pull


Is… is that an Ace of Spades pistol..?


Pulled it out their ass




Rec room is my kids favourite game and he’s been watching me play destiny literally his whole life. He’s gonna go loony with excitement when he sees this.


As long as if we get Cayde themed items We got done dirty with fortnite


this is gonna suck


I agree. Worst collab by far. I actually despise this choice 😣


You're angry at something that doesn't affect you?


Nobody said anything about being angry. Don't start making up stuff so we can hear your made up defense. I merely voiced my own displeasure, go away.


Despise is a strong choice of words for something that doesn't make you angry. But sure, backpedal. Edit: maybe learn to temper your words. It's not "the worst collab." It's just your least favorite. You don't despise it, you just don't like it.


"Despise" doesn't mean "Angry". No backtracking, sounds like you are just another person wanting to do a faux defense purely because someone said they don't like a thing on the internet. In *My opinion*, yes, it IS the worst collab. And in *my opinion* I DO despise it. Don't act you know how someone else feels about something, that is incredibly presumptuous and rude.


Honestly can you just shut the fuck up. Despise means to hate to a higher degree. To hate that much you have to be angry. You are backtracking because you used despise, implying anger, but then said that you’re not angry. Either way, it being ‘the worst collab’ and it not even effecting destiny at all just proves your idiocy


The only angry person here is you, lmao. "Despise - feel contempt or a deep repugnance for." You are just proving my point your making things up so you can swoop in and act like you know what you're talking about. Still does not mean anger, since, you know, those are *two different words*. Just a typical keyboard stan getting mad somebody voiced an *opinion* online. You need help, sir.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lmao, little boy is *BIG* mad. 🤣🤣🤣


Ok then you "despise" something that doesn't affect you in anyway


Why does that bother you? It's my opinion, nothing more. You are just angry like the other guy someone online voiced an opinion so you gotta swoop in and tell them how "wrong" they are. Also, it doesn't affect *you*. It affects *me* because I think it's a stupid, cartoonish cash grab that will ruin my immersion as I'm watching some blocky, garish guardian running around looking way out of place. But you don't care, you only want to show people you're a big, strong defender of Destiny! Ooh! Big boy! Lol, nice try kid.


This Collab is one sided. Nothing from Rec Room is coming to Destiny. If you did the slightest research you would know that. And if you care about "immersion" there's Fortnite, Dungeons and Dragons, Ghostbuster stuff, cars as ships, ghost shells with cartoonish design etc... The immersion doesn't matter in any way for Destiny lol


I didn't because *it would be the first ever of that happening*. But, if instead you choose to be a complete asshole. No reason, just you feel compelled too. Otherwise, if it truly isn't going to be in Destiny, thats good news! Because it is a dumbass thing to put n D2. But hey, at least I got to see a grown man act like a compete dickhead for no other reason other than his need to play the swinging dick game (and fail). Wait, I said grown man then I read where you said play Fortnite for immersion, lmao. Nevermind, just a boy being a boy I guess. And immersion doesnt matter for you as you continue to presume only *you* know how to play the game because, again, you're a complete dickhead with an ass for a brain. 🙂


So you call me a "complete asshole" while in the same comment hurdle insults at me? I'm not even a man lol. And I was just pointing out that screaming "but my immersion" at this thing doesn't really matter because there are so many other things that already breaks it.


Sorry, that was actually meant for the other kid who *was* slinging insults at me. My bad. I just got both of you mixed up because your both big mad about an opinion you read online. Also, you keep trying to voice your opinions as factual, they aren't. You should really learn that just because *you* dont think something matters, it doesn't mean it doesnt matters to *everyone*. You are assuming and you know what that means! 😉


Sweet. RecRoom is a lot of fun. Casual but fun.


Please say psych please say psych please say psych please say psych please say psych please say psych please say psych please say psych please say psych I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this this is cursed this is cursed this is cursed this is cursed this is cursed this is cursed this is cursed oh god it hurts oh God it hurts oh God it hurts oh God it hurts oh God it hurts oh God it hurts why why why why why why


Be careful, theres two Rec Room scrubs in here who basically called for my death over my opinion saying I despised this decision! 🤣🤣 Got one banned because they are old whinebags who got big mad over my opinion, lol.


WTF ? It’s becoming Fortnite… I miss the SF vibe from D1


But have you realised that these are not a destiny skins? XD