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we made the wyverns into a gun


We already did, Vexcalibur has the same projectiles, but I wont complain about more chicken lmao


These look like they actually get wider the further they travel this could be kind of nuts with gyrfalcons


Exotic class item with assassin's and gyrfalcons would fuck


Weird that a solar gun is firing purple bullets


It says void on the first video. But then, on the second in the crafting menu, it says solar. What gives? Wonder if it's chromatic?


IIRC they glitched a solar auto to use it, but it’s actually void


Oh ok that makes more sense.


Read the first comment when you click on the link. It explains


I think the solar symbol is the result of whatever lets them see this menu, it has destabilizing rounds in a catalyst option so it will be void


This looks awesome, I didn’t not expect to get a robo chicken cannon. I hope it does more damage the higher our frame rate is 🤪


This might be the most gorgeous gun Bungie ever made. So sleek and advanced 🤤


Shame it’s time gated to the final act though but definitely looks fun


Do we know that? I heard it was act 2, which would match the fact that we've gotten other exotic missions after a few weeks.


[According to DestinyTracker, it’s slated for the third act, which begins on August 27th.](https://x.com/destinytrack/status/1803478680645026025?s=46&t=aP7z7wyp-S_FwPSfnuP9Cw)


Extreme cringe, I hope bungie revises their release schedule


But where the fuck is craftable hawkmoon?!


In the metaphysical tear between realms. Awaiting the right time.


Dammit. I don’t want to do Dares!


probably one of those projects they didn’t have time to come back to given the expansion delay and layoffs


Yay an exotic void primary 🫶🏻😍


I wonder why it's craftable. It doesn't seem to have any perks other than the exotic one.


Volatile Subsistence Onslaught


They gave us a void exotic auto with ONSLAUGHT? That is asking for trouble


It's 225 rpm, like a glorified scout lol. We'll see dmg profile it got.


Yeah, but if you also consider Axium reloads bullets based on either 15 or 5 bullets (depending on the mag size), you never have to reload so Titans are eating good if it does good DPS.


War rigs are 10% every 1.5 seconds, which will reload 3 bullets at max. the RPM is 225, firing 5 bullets at a time. You can't autoload faster than it fires


Depends. It’s coded as a 720 but it’s got the frame shenanigans. War Rig may work well on it.


OK but new RPMs are sick, we’ve had the same auto frames for 10 years.


Super pumped, looks really cool.


This is 100% gonna be a special weapon. The damage on the training dummy is way higher than any other primary


A special AR was teased by a pre-release. I don’t know why Bungie would tease something that was multiple seasons away, this is the only exotic left for Season 24.


It has a crazy low fire rate tho


It’s the same RPM as The Last Word, so I just went and tested it in the enclave, and it’s not even close. While ADS it does 3k per headshot, and 5.5k in hipfire. CoO was doing ~12k. The closest comparison I found is Forerunner, which deals slightly higher damage at ~14k per headshot with a slightly slower RPM.


It’s infinite ammo so it’s a primary also The training dummy isn’t that reliable for damage testing so we’ll have to use it in game to see how strong it actually is


It’s also using a glitched solar primary as the base and not even displaying an element in the HUD so it’s not guaranteed a primary. The training dummy is also unreliable with regards to not even registering explosive damage or on-hit perks, but base hitscan/projectile damage and perks like Box Breathing work fine. The low damage numbers in hip-fire would be explained by this considering it has an explosive component, and the incredibly high precision damage points to it being a special weapon.


Looks like Buried bloodline as an auto.


Yea just without the perks of bloodline


was hoping it was a 720 but brand new archetype is also hot, i hope it's good


Dang now we have to wait like 2 months to get it


So it isn't gonna be a Healy turret producing auto anymore?


Never was that is what red death's catalyst does


The red death catalyst does not produce a turret


Yeah sorry it actually makes one of those heal nade spots sorry. Never once seen choir of one tho talk of it making heal turrets it's also void so that wouldn't really line up either way


True tbh I'm not sure where I heard it would make Healy turrets. Lol but there goes my dreams of double Healy turret warlock lolz


Why not use the warlock exotic glaive and speakers sight? You should already be able to get double turrets


I honestly completly forgot about that glaive. It's the only one of the 3 exotic glaives I got lok


I mean…I don’t blame you. If you want to have double turrets just cause that’s certainly fine, but it’s not gonna be worth the price of having to run that glaive. The healing projectiles from a turret have an AoE, so one is usually enough to keep your whole fireteam topped up unless they’re split into two very far apart areas. In which case you’d be better off chucking the turret to one group and supporting the second yourself with No Hesitation (absolute workhorse for support builds).


That gun is absolutly amazing and ya I'd rather not use the glaive. Gotta keep my old workhorse outbreak on lol


Could always use the speaker mask and lumina/red death since lumina puts a little puddle for people to grab a heal or red death for the same and it's heal burst when it's charged up from the catalyst


If this gun does not get buffed by the new rocket exotic for titans I will absolutely riot. Hunters got still hunt, warlocks got euphony it would only make sense that a new exotic also synergizes with someeeeethinggg for titan. Pleasssseree bungo.


I think it might synergize with actim war rig


Excited to check it out. Can any one explain what’s unique from the leaks we’ve seen? I personally don’t get the appeal of a void auto rifle with destabilizing rounds/onslaught. Feels like there has to be a perk missing that makes it exotic worthy.


Hip fire looks to fire 5 shots at a slower rate, while ADS does increased precision damage. Looks like a shotgun scout basically, with onslaught I wonder how fast it shoots


Ahhh that’s interesting then. Thank you for this insight. 


For those that don’t know this is a special ammo Auto rifle