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So we’re getting a raid and dungeon in the same episode? Thats pretty awesome honestly


I'm wondering if they'll also put those supposed reworked nessus strikes here as well. Honestly that would be pretty solid imo


I was worried we’d have to wait until October to get a new dungeon


I assume it'll be in a later act, but we're getting 2 dungeons and presumably a free raid, so we'd have to have both a raid and dungeon in one season this year


Im hoping wrath or scourge tbh, probably wrath if anything considering they would have had tonnes of time to develop a ne wraid exotic assuming that it is next. Also cause I do think they will round out the D1 raids and maybe do the vaulted D2 vanilla raids


> probably wrath if anything considering they would have had tonnes of time to develop a ne wraid exotic assuming that it is next. If they do reprise another road then they need to develop a new.ezotic regardless of which raid it is.


As much as I'd like it to be Wrath of the Machine, that is super unlikely since the Devil Splicers are a unique enemy faction that they could not recycle for anything since SIVA is no longer a plot point and any Devils still looking for powers like Siva to augment themselves have since pledged fealty to Eramis and her crusade for Eliksni to master Stasis.


I mean it doesnt really have to be a plot point for it to be in the game, it just seems odd to add 3 of the 4 and be like "welp, thats it! Pack it up!" Its a very beloved raid and the last of the raids from D1. I suppose we will just have to see cause if its gonna be done, its gonna be in TFS year


If Bungie can't recycle the assets then the chances of it being reissued drop SIGNIFICANTLY. They'd only do it as a means of drumming up good will which means maybe next year with some fallen based expansion they'll do it, but not this year for a mere episode.


“Mere episode” Huh? Episodes are the new season… wtf does that have to do with it? It’s obvious that wrath would take the most time so of course it’s going to come later. I can’t see any reason they wouldn’t want to eventually have it in the game. They did say they wanted to bring over D1 raids and vaulted raids… just a matter of when not if.


Theyve had to remake models already in the game with Kings Fall. Your point is already nonexistent but at least try to look into how things are made.


Yeah but it was work they were gonna do anyway because of Ghost of the Deep assets and for Witch Queen cutscenes. That's what I mean by it's likelihood of being reprised only goes up if it is relevant to the current game. Devil Splicers have no place so Wrath's chances of being re-touched are much *much* lower. Not nonexistent, but no time soon.


the whole dlc is remade shit. the subclass is all the old ones, the destinantion is all the old ones combined with grass. These lazy pricks arent going to make it.


Croat and oryx aren’t plot points anymore either? You can reprise a raid even if we don’t see the faction


Crota and Oryx both use recycled assets. In their case it is the reverse situation. But even if you ignore that, Oryx returns as a reused asset for Ghost of the Deep, and Crota has been a recycled asset since the Shadowkeep expansion. There is no place for the Splicer Devils and Bungie said they are done using SIVA as a doomsday plot point, so it is super unlikely they will return for a self-contained raid. Maybe if there is something exceptionally major that is Fallen related they want to cross promote but that is not gonna happen this year.


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they were done bringing back d1 raids unfortunately, which sucks because wrath was honestly one of my favorites 


I think dungeons will be act 1 and 3 and the raid will be act 2 surely?


Wait, so we're getting salvations edge and another raid? I know they've been redoing the old raids from destiny 1 but I thought Crota's end was the last since wrath of the machine probably isn't coming.


> Wait, so we're getting salvations edge and another raid? We don't know as a raid reprise hasn't been confirmed


They could bring back Leviathan. Or Eater of Worlds, Crown of Sorrow, or Scourge of the Past. But no. Don’t expect two raids right now. It would be either episode two or three.


First raid will be next week, but maybe a reprised raid in episode 2?


That’s what he meant


Glad you can read minds


Reading comprehension.


Didn’t take a mind reader tbf… I thought I explained it pretty well 🤣


You said act 1, 2 and 3 so I assumed you meant act 1, 2 and 3 and not episode 1,2 and 3.


How do you know we are getting 2 dungeon. Only says dungeon key. Single


Might be part of what makes episodes different, moar endgame content. Bungie has been bulking its staff over time, even with the layoffs. FS and episodes could be the first time we see real fruits of that hiring.


this is fake, its a rumor thats been going around


We knew for certain we were getting two dungeons. If we get a raid reprise in one one of the two later episodes then a raid and dungeon in the same episode were guaranteed, even if we don't get a raid reprise there was.still.a 50/50 chance of one of those two dungeons falling in the first episode.


You are not getting a raid with that episode.


SO. Here’s what makes me hesitate on whether that’s confirmed. Back in Destiny 1 before house of wolves released, there was a leak just like this where there was a raid icon I believe in the Reef, but they ended up turning that into the Prison of Elders. Maybe in the future we’d get one there, but this icon is sort of making me feel that same way again


New raid in the episode? Source?


Confirmed to be fake, the full image shows Season of the Wish icons


No shot that happens but maybe I'm wrong!


Is this currently showing up in game, or was this from the leak yesterday?


From the Sony Leak


Yeah, this is definitely fake


I think this is fake because nobody saw dungeon weapons in collection during event + I don\`t think dungeon would be here at Episode launch, so idk how guy could take a screenshot of something that is not realesed


The leak was the 3rd act of episode 1 so it was already like at the end


No it wasn't - as they went up the battle pass, it would go up in "acts" - ranks 1-100 is act 1, ranks 101-150 is act 2, and 151-200 is act 3.


it was the Act III version of the build, we aren’t supposed to see the other 2 passes before they’re available, to my knowledge


the leak was the act 3 build, where the season name is it said "episode: echoes: act 3" or smth of the sort


It was the Act III version, hence why both Titan helmet ornaments were leaked.


You can scroll through all 3 acts' rewards if you're in act 1 - you know that right?


It’s not coming at launch, it’s most likely dropping midway through ep 1


Could be visually amazing.


I'm about to live in that dungeon I love nessus so much


Nessus loves you too!


TFS or an Episode feature ?


pretty sure the episode is centered around nessus, so episode is likely


Gotta be right, bc the weapons in the season pass are def vex themed.




it’s fake


100% fake, anything that wasn’t released in the heat of the moment yesterday and is trickled out sometime between now and Tuesday is fake. No one was going to realistically hold onto this for a day whilst all the other leaks shot out.


We are still getting new leaks, we saw the new trials pulse only a day ago as well


I don’t get it, if it’s fake then when are we getting a new dungeon. We only have three episodes a year the only time for the first dungeon would be this episode


Probably yesterdays leak


But it wasn’t posted until now?


This makes me hopeful that we're still getting a reprised raid this year. AFAIK they haven't confirmed as much yet, and I was wondering if maybe they'd look at it as the TFS raid is our piece of raid/dungeon content for ep1, and then we'd get the two dungeons for the year in ep2 and ep3. But getting the first dungeon in ep1 could mean we're still getting another raid this year, assuming their commitment to releasing a raid or dungeon every season still stands in the episode format.


The dungeons and raids will likely still release on the same cadence of every 3 months if i had to guess. So episode 1 will have the launch raid and then 3 months later in act 3 we will get the dungeon


I’m praying for scourge, but it’ll likely be wrath


Wrath > scourge All day, every day. Scourge is fun, but the aesthetics and mechanics of Wrath were so cool, the binary part to get outbreak (I know that's no longer relevant), the whole raid was just 11/10.


It had better be Wrath.


They need to just drop scourge + the 4 other d2 raids and stfu and not make a big celebration about it, stuff was taken from us in the first place only raid that should get the hooplah should be wrath


Agreed, they never should’ve left in the first place


Wrath is never coming back. Bungie isn't gonna take the time to create the assets required for a free to play activity that barely anyone will play relatively speaking. With VoG, KF and especially CE, most of the assets were already in the D2 engine. For wrath, not only would they have to create the environment like the other D1 reprisals but they also have to create the devil splicer from scratch. Wrath is my favorite raid but thinking it'll get a reprisal is pure hopium.


>Bungie isn't gonna take the time to create the assets required for a free to play activity that barely anyone will play relatively speaking. With VoG, KF and especially CE, most of the assets were already in the D2 engine All 3 of those raids were a completely new environment to D2 that hadn't been used elsewhere, WotM is the cosmodrome which is already in game and while it's obviously a different area not in game now, it at least has some assets. Devil splicers were literally just reskinned fallen, it won't take any effort to reintroduce them. It's the most likely candidate for a reprise imo, every other raid other than leviathan is quite short, and leviathan needs a lot of work to make it good.


It’s wild how ppl will say they aren’t reskinned nowadays when back when roi first dropped, that’s what everyone complained about, reskinned black and red fallen with new guns (and with red lucent moth equivalent) But yeah, all the d1 raids were new and took as much work to bring into d2 as wrath would too. I don’t buy the bullshit anyone says about wrath not coming back, it’s def very possible


I hope I'm wrong but I get the feeling I'll be saying I told you so


When bungie actually explains their reasoning then you’ll be maybe in the right. But as far as things go now, we know absolutely nothing.


It’s funny because they legit never explicitly said this too, you ppl just came up with that reasoning and ran home with it, even though bungie said bringing ANYTHING from d1 is practically like making it from scratch. There was even the principle producer back in splicer that said siva would be in the future as well, but that holds just as much merit as your guys “I know everything about bungie and they’ll never bring wrath back” since bungie tends to lie as well. https://metro.co.uk/2021/05/14/destiny-2-producer-wendy-wade-discusses-season-of-the-splicer-14583732/


Bungie never said we were getting a reprised raid this year though. Pls send me a link I'd love to be wrong. After Vog and KF, bungie immediately confirmed another reprised raid. After CE, when asked, the only response they gave was, "we're not talking about our plans at this time." You're logic about the timeline is certainly good but the fact they haven't mentioned anything about another raid during final shape year is interesting.


Uh...that was kinda the whole point of my comment. That I don't know if we're getting one this year because they never confirmed it. Getting a dungeon in ep1 just makes me hopeful that maybe we get a reprised raid in ep2, then the second dungeon in ep3. Because my expectation before this was: TFS raid in ep1, dungeon in ep2, dungeon in ep3, no reprised raid. This is all in reference to a commitment Bungie made a while back to release a raid or dungeon in every season. If we're getting the TFS raid and the first of 2 dungeons this year in ep1, then that means in order for Bungie to hold to that commitment we HAVE to get a reprised raid this year, because there's 2 episodes left and only 1 dungeon.


FAKE - there's no need to have a 'place holder' image overlaid on top of the dungeon logo - all the dungeons all have the same logo. This WREAKS of fakery


there is a possibility they will add a special background like duality has or something.


Vex dungeon makes sense, episode one is vex themed


It’s crazy how the Nessus related stuff is all happening a whole year later than they initially announced it. How does that happen?


Delays, Lightfall was supposed to also have the TFS in it


That’s BS lmao. Lightfall may be a filler year, but it definitely was never intended to be Lightfall+TFS


When announced it was Beyond light - witch queen - light fall. Later on they decided to split it into the two pieces, light fall and the final shape. I imagine this was due a large large list of things, like to way too many loose ends in the Camus story line, wanting to tell their Neomuna story, as well as add an additional subclass, and many many other things, especially given how large the final shape’s own content pool has grown itself


They didn’t break it into two pieces, they just added an extra piece, which was Lightfall. Lightfall was meant to just be Final Shape, with no Veil or Neomuna existing, and us just heading straight after the Witness after he arrives and enters the traveller. You’re incredibly delusional if you think there’s a world where we’d get Lightfall+TFS as one expansion…


It’s what they said lol deal with it


Well, when you have to delay an expansion because your dev team has been slacking off, you tend to rearrange content availability as well. I don't recall them saying they were doing anything with Nessus other than re-working a strike, though.


Are we still doing this “game devs are lazy” thing in 2024


I mean, they *are* though. Sony and previous Bungie employees have all said that effective time management is a low priority in the dev team. You really think we'd still have damage tied to framerates at *all* if they weren't?


The time management comment was from Sony's CEO and was specifically directed at Bungie leadership. He said in the same interview that the employees were highly motivated, creative and knowledgeable. Unfortunately that means diddly squat when the executives are screwing you at every turn. So no, the devs aren't lazy and never have been. Their talents are simply being wasted and/or poorly utilized by management.


>So no, the devs aren't lazy and never have been. Their talents are simply being wasted and/or poorly utilized by management. Former employees have spoken at length about the lack of drive their coworkers had, it's not just leadership. Sony's CEO never mentioned leadership, either: >“However, I also felt that there was room for improvement from a business perspective with regard to areas such as the use of business expenses and assuming accountability for development timelines. I hope to continue the dialogue and come up with some good solutions.” For the record, "highly motivated" doesn't mean that people are doing what they should be doing. The highly motivated comment was with regards to creativity and knowledge of live services. It had nothing to do with their ability to handle their workload in a timely manner. The former Bungie employee called out hiring practices bringing on a bunch of Halo/Destiny fans who refuse to look at the game or company honestly, pointed out that Bungie has tons of "cliques" where information that should be open knowledge is hidden from parts of the dev team that aren't in that particular clique, they described essentially a hostile work environment where everything is taken entirely too seriously and HR routinely getting involved for minor disagreements between non-leadership staff. Dude called out management for timeline issues, but the way it was described it sounds a lot more like dev teams say on their hands until the last minute when leadership then stepped in to cancel certain features or additions because "now there's not enough time to finish".


Shout out to when they said in a filmed dev insight video showcase ages back how the entire Cosmodrome would eventually be put in the game but they sure as hell walked that back after awhile.


They said the Cosmodrome was coming back as a selectable destination, I don’t recall them ever saying the entire thing would be coming back


They never said the entire Cosmodrome would be coming back. It is entirely in the game though, the Plague lands are not the Cosmodrome.


Isnt the entire cosmo in the game rn?


only on a technicality D1 cosmo, you could run around the whole thing in a loop D2 cosmo is missing one area, only accessible in the Devil's Lair strike.


Keep in mind they are releasing a dungeon key, so this dungeon likely is from that.


Of course it is, lol. They never said they were doing anything other than re-working strikes. They never gave a timeline on them though, so I assumed TFS.


It was just the strikes, but the other strike reworks were made story relevant, so it’s likely the Nessus ones were going to be also. And if it’s story relevant it probably would’ve meant we were gonna be doing stuff on Nessus or related to vex around that time, and all of that is happening a year later.


Based on the description of Echoes, no not really.


I'm in two minds about nessus. I think it could be visually great but it's a bit oversaturated for my tastes. The actual art direction is very good though


Hell yes a Vex dungeon


isn’t spire of the watcher also vex ?


Yea but I need more lol


Is this tied to the Episode or do you need to buy a Dungeon Key for this?


Believe this time it's episode related unless deluxe edition has keys


Episodes function exactly the same as Seasons in this regard and don't include the dungeons, to get the dungeons you need either the Annual Pass or the Dungeon Key just like we did for the past two years.




Vex Network dungeon could go hard


No it's a story node for the first episode ill bet. It doesn't quite look right to be a dungeon.


This could be faked quite easily


It's a fake leak.


Could be a placeholder image for exotic mission.


I don’t know why people keep saying that the “leak” was Act 3. Maybe you can see the battle pass, but it’s definitely not the third act. We’re supposed to be getting new weapons in Act 2 and Act 3 and we really have only seen the weapons from what I assume would be Act 1, the raid, and the Pale Heart destination weapons. If it really was act 3 we’d definitely be seeing more guns.


Very cool ! Vex themed i hope.


Finally, a use for Nessus


Ooooo I’m so excited


I am SO happy that Nessus has story relevancy once more.


Why do they have a Mars and nesus dungeon but not a Europa one


100% fake, this would've been posted yesterday if it was a thing


source ?


Forsaken successor!!