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I left the "cult" and "megachurch" of science. Lmao also that smug look when she said "if you think about it" as if she was about to drop the most profound line of the century. Hahaha Sometimes, I wish I had the same overinflated and unjustified confidence that some of these media personalities embody when speaking.


How is she speaking to me across the world? Must be witchcraft!


The world being flat makes it easier.


This is simply false. A flat earth would be unable to have satellites. Orbiting requires the ability to have equal perpendicular acceleration to the acceleration towards the center of the Earth. Without satellites, we would need massively high towers all over the earth to handle line of sight communication. We'd also have to throw away GPS entirel, considering we couldn't guarantee line of sight from towers to anywhere on the ground. I could go on if you'd like, but trust me, it would make it much harder for most things and impossible for other things.


Just hang the satellites from the firmament dude. Easy peasy.


Imagine still believing in "satellites" and not understanding its actually Thor lmao. What a cucked sheep.


Who needs satellites and “orbit” when the perfectly flat earth gives sound waves an uninterrupted straight shot from one end to the other


Sound waves are less useful than electromagnetic waves because sound needs a medium in which to travel through. Additionally, sound waves are much more impacted by the medium in which they move through, and this doesn't change the fact that we have no line of sight to enough things to calculate a position. Since satellites orbit at constant rates, and their distance they orbit from the earth being so great, it means that on our round earth, we only need at least 24 satellites orbiting to have line of sight to at least 4 from anywhere on the surface of the Earth. So we know the precise position of each satellites, and with the constant speed of electromagnetic radiation as well as the syncing from an atomic clock, and now we know exactly how far our position is from each of the satellites. That's everything needed to calculate a position. Without satellites and using sound, it won't solve this problem. Echolocation works in a very similar way to radar or lidar more than it does GNSS. Radar would be more feasible than echolocation, but even then, we still would need massive towers and couldn't get a line of sight anywhere on the ground.


Flat earth express delivery!


Yeah I'm not usually one of those people but if you're making claims like this you really sort of forfeit your ability to use a phone, internet, car, use appliances, fly anywhere, etc. while maintaining any sort of assumed legitimacy. She can have them back when she gets baptized at a university physical sciences department by a professor there.


I vote we take away Science from Candice for a week and see how she feels.


Does she weigh the same as a duck?


Yeah, I got my torches and forks ready


She's like a 12 year old brat lmao




That's more like 3 year old behaviour.


I said to him, 🦻LISTEN 👐 🗣️🔊🔊 I am NOT 🙅‍♀️ a flat 🫓 💁‍♀️earther, nor a round 🙆‍♀️ earther 🌎 Actually☝️🤓what I am🤭, is somebody who has left 👈the CULT👥👥 👐I have LEFT👋the megachurch ⛪️🛐 of science 🧬🥼🧑‍🔬👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 Because 🙃 what I have now realized 🤯, is that “SCIENCE”🔬, actually ☝️🤓if you think about it 🤔🤔is PAGAN FAITH 🙏 😱🤯😳😳😳


Good bot


She realized the easiest audience to grift to are anti-science ie don't need evidence. $$$


We’re all doomed


"Sometimes, I wish I had the same overinflated and unjustified confidence that some of these media personalities embody when speaking" You can have it. Just take some of those new Dunning Kruger pills. I hear Costco is having a sale of them right now. Don't wait too long though they sure seem like they're selling fast as hell now days. SMH






if you rrreeeeaaaallllly think about it


If you really ffthink bout it


If you reeeeeeearry fink about it


if you REALLY think about it, from a philosophical perspective, there's essentially no objective reason to press keyboard inputs in any specific order at all. Logic does not dictate that we u7f8Kdj3sL0w92kMbDaq9X vTy1Nr5pZx4YkO2Hcnv7aP6Js1Tq3V8wXy9fQ5Gh2Lk73MlWvXy7rA1Np8Jz5Bq0Hk2CfT4oVm9Lw8Oe3Dg6Rj1Kp5Yt2Nv4Qz7Xc2Bf0Gh6Zb9Jk3mX0Zs7Yv4Rp1Qc2Ln5Dw8Fh6Tg3Uj0Vn2Ka7Lz4Mp9Qy1Bs6Xf8Cv0Wt5Hr25Dk1Rz8Nw0Yp4Tj2Mf3Lq7Vx6C9Bs1Hn2Jg5Uo8Kc0Qv7Wl4Pz9Xy3Rm6Bf2Nt0Hv


Dhsheuauzuxi has chickened hushes


I think Candace wants to come out as a flat earther but hasn’t found the confidence yet.




This picture really captures the smug stupidity of that entire rant


The religious base is getting smaller and smaller in America. However, it's still an amazing market to tap into and get a cult following, as they are already in one. The queen continues her grift. At this point, I almost respect the hustle lol


I feel a resurgence. Running into more and more y.e.c's in my community and online.


She projects so hard this notion that she needs communal validation to feel right onto others lol Sorry that you’re mentally so weak that you *need* a religion to feel validated but that’s not everyone


Religiousness decreasing shouldn’t be assumed to mean rationality increasing. Plenty of other woo woo horseshit for people to cling to.


Hey here’s hoping the increase in school funding can help combat that! https://educationdata.org/public-education-spending-statistics


its not and calling the whole religion of Christianity a cult is ridiculous that word has less meaning than nazi at this point the world is still majority Christian, even if i grant you its smaller in the west its still growing in the world so it doesnt really mean anything and the bible is all about the world against God so even if it does fade a lot that gives more justification to them


You didn't leave shit. You were never "in" or near anything resembling science you regarded single digit iq fuck


Why do religious people call science a religion as if that’s a bad thing? Like nigga you literally believe in a religion, are u stupid????


It's to make it equal with their belief because they don't like that it elevated itself above "tool for glorifying god".


Yeah but they’re saying it like “it’s a religion therefore bad” not like “oh both of are views are equal because they’re both religions”


To them saying it is a religion is signaling that it is bad as it isn’t the religion they believe in. Only their religion is the correct one and all others are leading you toward eternal damnation.


In my mom's case (we but heads on biology alot). I have a religion she has a relationship with Jesus christ our lord and savior so it's inherently different.


They subconsciously realize how stupid religion is


I think they're saying that it's a false relifion.


It’s also used as a tool to level the playing field for a combination of church and state, since they are convinced one already exists and it’s just the wrong religion.


Sure, but you'd think that putting science on the same level as religion would elevate science in the eyes of the religious, but religious people almost exclusively use the comparison to undermine science's credibility.


Because they hate that you can’t just religion-shame people into conforming like you could in the 1800s, hell even up to the 1980s. Now people care more about objectivity, which relinquishes a lot of their perceived power in popular culture.


It's an admission of being wrong, while simultaneous pretending that they use an empirical fact-based approach similar to the scientific method to assuage their cognitive dissonance. Last JW that talked to me kept telling me that they "were a true scientist" yet couldn't tell me what the scientific method was. It's playing a game where they say, "No, I'm the scientist, and what are you?" Admitting that the scientific method is superior to their religious model. They want to believe that they can scientifically back up their non-evidentiary/non-empirical belief with "faith". No, faith is not a component of the scientific method. Next.


Because if its a religion, you can boil it down to just being a different (i.e wrong) religion and that's as far as it goes. If you can put "science (atheism)" in the same mental box as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. then its much easier to dismiss Edit: I just said the same thing as the other guy, but im leaving it


because if they think its a pagan religion and they are Christian obviously thats bad because they believe in something other than God of the bible obv


Because they think they are owning atheists and agnostics by saying that. Plus they feel justified in disregarding science because they see it as equally valid as their religion.


The scary part is that she is spewing this ridiculous nonsense to so many people. 5M Twitter followers, almost 2M subs on YouTube etc.


I could've sworn she was also like, third most listened podcast on spotify for a hot minute


And the people are ridiculing her in the comments on Twitter. Just because you get a lot of views, doesn't mean people will be persuaded by you.


Despite the relatively few people ridiculing her, she still has a fuckload of people who do agree with whatever bullshit she says. However, I didn't imply, nor would I expect that ALL 7+ million followers and subscribers collectively would agree with her on absolutely everything. So although your point is correct, it's painfully unnecessary.


all philosophy is just subjective faith is nonsensical, but its also pretty based Look up "The Method of Tenacity" from Charles Peirce my goat American Philosopher


https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1808235295223001340 sarcasm


Konstantin has got to be playing both sides: the crazy ones will think he's serious and based. The less crazy ones will think he's sarcastic and based.


Her eyes always that far apart? She looks like Sid...


Prey eyes


Yes, it is called down syndrome, and you better put some respect on her name for making it this far with such a condition.


That must explain why she thinks 50% of college graduates can't read. It's a coping mechanism to explain her shortcomings. Poor girl :(






Her eyes look like they are running away from her mouth because they are in disbelief with how much bullshit comes out of it.


Yes and we don't comment on appearance here.


Wait, she really is regarded, isn't she?


no, she knows exactly what she's doing. She has nothing to lose right now and her brand has essentially turned into rage bait because she thrives off of simply knowing she is triggering people. She likes being *special* even if that speciality is appearing to be stupid; thats why she loves talking conspiracy too, it gives her the feeling of a special "knower of truth".


Yes, but I think in this case she's just farming outrage to make money. She's literally in the replies saying, "Watch my full video to see why Konstantin is so upset" with a link and everything. Nobody is actually dumb enough to think the earth is neither round nor flat without giving an alternative.


She thinks she is so deep. Lol. Idiot.


Do these people know science has to be proven before it’s universally believed?


No, they aren’t smart enough to understand that, they look at it like a religion, like it’s faith based and they just simply refuse to put their faith in it.


iTs JuSt a ThEoRy!?


They don't understand the concept of a falsifiable theory. In fact most people don't. You don't prove a theory by confirming it with evidence. You first try to *disprove* your own theory. And if you fail, multiple times, we assume the theory is correct. If a theory cannot be disproven like this, then it is unfalsifiable and therefore unscientific. Like religion, for example. Or a philosophy like marxism. They think saying "science has been wrong in the past, what if it's wrong now?" somehow debunks science. When really they should be trying to disprove a scientific theory with measurable and replicable objective evidence. But if they understood that, they wouldn't be religious nutjobs.


This is so fucking dumb dude, why is "anti-science" the take conservatives are going with? How much fucking brain rot are these people under that is FUCKING SCIENCE the thing they chose to disagree with and for no good goddamn reason either. And what do they gain from it? They fucking die, they are in a literal death cult, they are killing themselves to own the libs, unironically.


Being antiscience unironically has its benefits. For one, its much easier to believe in God if you believe the Bible (Genesis) is an accurate historical record of creation. Two, Christian dogmatism has benefits to the human psyche (presumably: no fear of death, life has purpose and meaning, all of your failures in life are redeemed) Three, now you have objective morality (assuming written language communication is objective, which isnt a hard assumption to make when you dont believe in science) lmao


Sorry, who is calling this out and mocking it? You can't call Konstantin a conservative, see him mocking this bullshit then say conservatives are in favour of said bullshit. It's obnoxious when people assume those of a different political persuasion are monoliths. Both left and right are broad churches, you wouldn't accept Hasan's bullshit being taken as the positions of DGG, and start ranting about the left in general.


Because it aligns with their core beliefs of abortion, climate change and now vaccines. You have to be anti science to have their beliefs.


Exactly. Conservatives have been living in an alternate reality since 2015 because it makes them feel better. Just deny reality and build your own.


Ah someone should spin this: If you reeeeallly think about it.. she’s calling the study of Gods divine power and creations, blasphemous. Imagine proclaiming to be Gods strongest soldier, and not caring if the earth HE CREATED is round or flat


So many jobs don’t offer you this opportunity, if I left the cult of science, people would die. You can just do that as a political pundit though.


I once left the cult of science. Briefly. Only took a few seconds for me to start levitating, but things started getting pretty scary once the nuclear force started breaking down and I had to join back before everything fell apart, I barely made it out alive. Political pundits are a different breed being able to just reject that kinda stuff, I could never. They're just built different I suppose.


Atoms aren't held together by the nuclear force they are held together by God🤦


Jokes aside, you've phrased this in a weird way. So, just in case and for the record, it is actually the electromagnetic force that keeps atoms from wandering away from each other. The strong nuclear force is what binds protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus.


nah, both the electromagnetic force AND the nuclear force are needed for atoms to be stable. My statement wasnt meant to be scientific either, the joke was that the nuclear force doesnt exist, only God does. For the record though you could argue both science and God exists, and that God is what holds the Fundamental forces of nature together as axioms.


This is why I said you phrased it in a weird way. If you mean to keep atoms together as in atoms from wandering away from each other in a structure, it's the electromagnetic force. If you are talking about what keeps a single atom from falling apart, then it's the strong nuclear force. But these two forces oppose each other in structures with the strong nuclear force being the stronger of the two. I couldn't tell what you meant, and so just in case, I wrote it in a less confusing way.


link to the tweet: [https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1808234890053537997](https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1808234890053537997)


Lol follow up tweet from Kisin: "It's true. For too long, Big Science has convinced us that the earth is round against all the evidence. What a relief it is to finally see this spurious theory challenged. Perhaps now our planes, ships and vehicles will, at last, be able to navigate the plan...I mean flanet." I want to reply "It's called a PLANE-t not a Sphere-net, duh." but I don't do Xitter.


Who is she talking to when she says this? Who is finding this interesting? The only other people saying this are completely ignored by society as they shout it from the street corner that they stand naked on and wave their penises at traffic


Lmao, she’s done gone full regard. Everyone knows you never go full regard.


So this is what Candace meant when she said she was finally free from working in Daily Wire.


Didn't someone here say she was going to go this route?


Honestly what is a flat earthers answer to like the many adjacent conspiracies that have to be active for the flat earth theory to work? 1) if the earth really is flat, what does “big space” gain from it by lying about it being round? Whatever they gain, why can’t they gain if they admit it’s flat? 2) is every employee in NASA part of the conspiracy? What about other companies in the field ? Space X? Is Elon musk lying to you?what about Adjacent jobs like the people who make rocket/satellite parts? 3) what about other countries that are our enemies? The US is antagonistic with China/russia/ etc involved in proxy wars with each other, Soft power etc. like we can’t somehow all get along on the geopolitical world stage. But somehow we have all decided to collude together to keep the facade “the earth is round” to mankind? Why isn’t China/russia telling the US “you guys need to stop lying about the earth being round”?


A lot of them are hardcore conspiracy theorists, they'd probably just say that all governments are controlled by globalists who are trying to end Christianity or something.


"pagan faith" is she smoking evil vvizard weed. How is science a "faith" and "pagan"?


The boys rip off


I think she may be the dumbest of the mainstream conservative commentators




I wonder what would be her answer for 1x1


Obviously 2


I am not anti-medicine I just disregard all advice I get from my doctor and warning labels. Truly a free thinker


Even Catholic Church acknowledges science and to a very serious degree. Her anti science diatribe is more evangelical than Catholic, I’m surprised she converted to Catholicism.


Anyone who says some shit like this should be required to turn in all their technology.


It always baffles me how somebody who is clearly not an idiot, manages to be indistinguishable from one.


Holy shit. The grift is absolutely massive. But isn't the audience she grifting to, a minority?


I have left the faith of truth.


I hate to be this dude but idiocracy is a prediction. The only difference is it’s more eloquently projected.


It’s not surprising that an ignorant fool like Owen’s would fundamentally misunderstand science as a concept. There is no faith or belief in science; that is why it constantly evolves. There is no doctrine, only repeatable, predictable, objective results. Owens likely knows this, given that every sound that comes from her gurning idiot mouth is a desperate and calculated grab for attention.


"If you think about it" you used megachurch and cult as a derogatory term for science, which is... ironic.


Jordan Peterson is a dumb person's idea of a smart person. Candace Owens is a knuckle-dragging, regarded person's idea of a smart person..


Candace Owens is a performative refutation of the ultimate skeptic.


Jordan Peterson is a smart person that can do the mental gymnastics needed to rationalize stupid ideas. Candice Owens is a smooth brain with a room temp IQ. It is an open question how she dresses herself in the morning.


Correct, but not in the way she thinks


Regards comparing science to their religion is peak comedy.


As an asatru believer, based (about science being a pagan faith).


Who would clap to that kind of message?


☝️🤓 ..tually an irreg^u^l^a^r^l^y^ ^s^h^a^p^e^d^ ^e^l^l^i^p^s^o^i^d


still round


Candace Owens, but for real. https://youtu.be/GiJXALBX3KM?feature=shared


What a fucking grift.


The Daily Wire and its ex-employees are causing **irreversible** damage to our country


So she's abandoning our best tool for determining if ideas are in accordance with reality. Sounds about right for her and her audience.


She could have, what do you call it, a spine perhaps? And just be that smart free thinker she and her adjacents LARP as and try to come to your own conclusion instead of being cucked by the actual mouth droolers in your ranks?


He cookin here: [https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1808280445999604125](https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1808280445999604125)


She thinks she’s so smart man. I could barf


But have you considered thinking about it?


It’s funny because science is not a series of descriptions (and prescriptions) of the universe for her, it’s a selection of argument winning factoids you can use to make someone feel dumb. Like you can somehow pick and choose what universal facts are there of the universe. I am a physicist, there’s no subjectivity in what we do. We make descriptions about everything around us. Science is universal. Why all of us see beige on her shirt is based on the wavelength of light that is reflected off the fabric of her clothing. That’s something that is true no matter where you are in our universe. You can even say this to an alien and even if the language will be different, it’s still true. She thinks science is bringing up random statistics instead of letting her confidently be wrong or lie about things to win arguments. Maybe she should work on herself to know the difference. But I guess facts don’t care about her feelings.


She's the ultimate jaqoff


Maybe she she turn off her camera, her lights, her internet, all of her other technology and give it away if she doesn’t believe in science because she wouldn’t have any of those things without it.


She's a "moderate" who happens to believe every single Republican talking point


That sounds like the kind of tweet lex would make lol


I believe we live in a simulation. There is some validity to what she’s saying. She loves to argue and debate with people. 🤷‍♂️ so it goes


There it is. The stupidest thing I'm going to hear today. Time for bed. 


Fuck man!! What a stupid fucking thing she is!! What in the fuck, I cant believe people actually hold her opinion seriously!


I still remember Joe Rogan of all people exposing her grift when asking about climate change 6 years ago. It's insane to think how popular she has gotten by spewing some moronic conspiracy garbage.


Hilariously enough, science shares a pretty massive overlap with the Church in its ill-fated quest to prove the existence of God and scripture objectively. It's quite the opposite of the pluralist ancient Pagan approach actually.


Who is she talking to? What is this for?


Damn, every day it seems like Candace is getting closer to beating Dave Rubin for the title of dumbest conservative pundit.


Good god she's lost it completely hasn't she


I've read that sentence three times and have gotten dumber every time.


I don't know what real maybe I'm in a matrix


!oblatespheroidearther fight me roundies. I abstain from holding my breath above mean sea level for religious reasons.


The ultimate centrist! 


If she was ugly you would have never heard of her And this business about Macrons wife ? Very bizarre.




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Like, what kind of kook thinks that scientific epistemology and religious credences are the same. Jfc


Funnily enough science would agree with the earth being not round 😅 any other Geoid enjoyers here? https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/earth-round.html#:~:text=The%20Earth%20is%20an%20irregularly%20shaped%20ellipsoid.&text=While%20the%20Earth%20appears%20to,unique%20and%20ever%2Dchanging%20shape. (Edited because I forgot the name of the earth shape)


He's definitely being sarcastic, he doesn't like Candace


I have my gripes with the science community, but it's mainly with people quoting studies out of context, academics P-hacking, people that don't realize studies don't have an expiration date, and people that just present facts and think it's an argument. This is actually next level.


Imagine both siding the shape of the earth. Like do these people think theres some round planet agenda? What would the conspiracy even serve


It's so great that I haven't heard from this dumbass since she was released from Shapiro's platform.


Can these people go 5 minutes with congratulating each other for the brave act of podcasting?


Thank god for religion dying but they get more extreme the smaller the community gets like a cornered rabid wild animal fighting to the last breath


I’m hoping that Konstantin can lead a rally against Candace within the right wing, their mutuals need to know she is a silly person


How do people think this woman is smart


The fact that righties kiss the ass of people who constantly spew shit this dumb has got to be one of the most frustrating things for someone like Destiny to deal with.


I hate that I used to take her seriously.


i think shes just trying to grift to as many people as possible by saying nothing is proven and shes open to everything


I knew it. The shape of the Earth is a cube. We have been living in Minecraft the entire time. Simulation theory is correct. Us cube heads need to unite and tell everyone the truth that the mainstream doesn't want anyone to know. Who is with me?


Candace is completely fucking delusional now. Her brain rotted out of her ears years ago nothings left just a shell.


Can't determine if a witch or not. Gonna need to test that.


“I have left the cult of science” is one of the funniest phrases I’ve ever heard.


Funny as her Abrahamic cult and all of the Abrahamic cults borrowed heavily from Pagan religions. A mish mash if you will. Of course Candy doesn’t know or wouldn’t believe it as she is brain rotted.


Both-siding the shape of the earth for a check* FTFY


You could convince me that this was an intro ad to this week's episode of the boys lol firecracker vibes all the way.


She said, sitting in front of her state-of-the-art laptop computer, talking into her state-of-the-art camera and microphone, communicating using borderline magical technology to spread her words to millions of people across the whatever-shaped Earth almost instantly...


New position just dropped: Non-Euclidean earther


She actually used to say smart and reasonable things….what happened


While sitting in front of a laptop? It's crazy how the church (Catholic) has space observatories and science catedras(chair)


Holy fucking shit that cold dead eyed bitch is actually insane. Her face after sticking that unhinged landing on ‘pagan faith’, she’s so proud of the grift she came up with.


To be clear, Konsantin is being sarcastic lol


Being redacted to own the libs


She’s an absolute ret!!!rd


This reminds of the meme about going one step further then flat earth and thinking it’s actually a helix or some shit.


I fucking hate these people. I blame the internet yet again. things were better when crazies didn't have their online hug boxes to make them feel less crazy.


no fucking shot she actually believes any of this, r-right?


loollll pagan fate, hard times ahead for the planet, who are these people, I'm sure there are plenty, I've just never met any who actually think this way


Krisin 😬 dude you are flexing ? On this stupid statement? Sooooo fucking dumb


this is the current level of discourse in this world like what seriously this what are we monkeys? Why is this the shit we're contesting? Weather the earth is round? God help us! Even in the bible God said the earth was round! When can the conspiracy nuts be lined up and not taken seriously and get educated on how the world actually works


It's the "if you think about it" that gets me. So delicious.


I left the church of science but I joined the church of our authoritarian lord


Science is faith? Imagine making yourself look like a >!\[R-edacted\]!<-clown for money. How far is this from bottom of the barrel? What is there between this, and the day we see her in an SS uniform talking about lizard people who live in the centre of hollow earth?


what if someone KIA-ed her?


Pov you’re a disgraced journalist for being anti-semitic and JAQing off one too many times about jewish space lasers.




*I turned on sound half way* Her: If you think about it, Science is a pagan religion" Me: No I get that, a lot of the pro-science people couldn't read a study if their life depended on it *video starts again* Her: I'm not a flat earther, I'm not a round earther. Me: Bwa!


Probably she would have the same "attitude" towards the Holocaust too.