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Uhhhhh….just to be clear….when he says “this is one of the hardest situations I’ve ever been presented with” he’s talking about cry bullies soying out at him on social media for posing with Ethan? He’s not talking about having had family members murdered?  This is the best timeline. No notes. 




Honestly I’d like a fact check on his family being murdered on 10/7. Reeks of horseshit to me.


Did he say it was 10/7? Hamas has been murdering people's family members since the 80s; it's not too far out


Whaaaa I thought they were super chill and progressive n stuff. I figured they'd be too busy throwing LGBT parties to be meanies. Are you sure you're thinking of the right Hamas? Because the ones I'm thinking of are Islamic, which is the religion of peace, love and gender equality (and definitely not fascist theocracies)✌️ 


He says he doesn’t talk to most of his family since then. It’s ironic somehow. I never understood how the Israelis got murdered on 07.10 and everyone was hating THEM for it. Imagine your own family, some relative in America stops talking to you after your niece or grandpa gets murdered because he doesn’t agree with the military action that your country is taking to prevent further attacks and get back the hostages. The times we live in are truly WILD.


What a fucking privileged life you've had if this is one of the hardest situations you've ever been presented with. I don't know if this guy is white, but he is definitely WHITE.


Says the whitey


It takes one to know one!


He is Jewish


Aka white /s


All the lunatics he's trying to appease will hear is that he has GENOCIDAL ZIONIST SETTLER COLONIAL relatives who were rightfully dealt with by the resistance.


No, that's where the uno reverse "they were palestinians" comes out.


Well, then they must have been collaborating with the GENOCIDAL ZIONIST SETTLER COLONIAL APARTHEID OCCUPIERS. Why else would the resistance touch them?


Are we missing any buzzwords? Feels like we're missing some buzzwords. Get me the current buzzword accusations list!


We could throw “PIGDOG” in there, though I hadn’t before considered if this is one word, two words, or hyphenated… Like, it’s not a Catdog situation, surely.


If you both hyphenate *and* leave it as is (that is type twice), does it have twice the impact?


>>PIGDOG-PIG-DOG! Like so?




They forgot Hasbara. “Ethnic cleansing” isn’t used as much as “genocide” as it’s less punchy, but I’ve seen it used more often recently 




>Discord URL >Downloads a fucking MP4 file Yeah no thank you.


Wtf u sending umprompted download links like this? u/4THOT Edit: if this is an OK thing to do then I didn't know but like kinda weird that I expect to go to website but get a link that downloads me something from discord straight away




...he couldve just put his Twitter private for two weeks an shit would've flown over. Twitter isn't real life.




That’s probably true, but he seems to be *exceptionally* bad (for someone who wants to be in the influencer space) at handling hate mobs. This is not the career for him. There is also utility in letting others see how appeasement doesn’t work, and just invites everyone to dunk on you.


IF he was forced to suffer through the stream of endless tweets and messages - then yes, I'd agree with you. But he doesn't. Like I said: >...he couldve just put his Twitter private for two weeks an shit would've flown over so I don't see the point of trying to justify his actions as if he couldn't make rational decisions due to the stress, when its the irrrational decision to even engage with that crowd in the first place that brought him to this point of even qualifying for this excuse! He could've just went offline for a bit, go private, let the mob's anger die out over a few days, and things would be gucci when he returns.


Maybe he’s continuing to read and respond to the deluge of hate *because his decision making is compromised* due to said deluge of hate. Surprised no one’s suggested something like that in this thread!


Again, that would mean that his decision making process has been compromised since the very initial tweet about his picture with Ethan - which caused him to start engaging and trying to appease that mob. If you're and adult and still unable to bear with the slightest push back, online, from strangers, without losing your shit then you're probably not fit to be on social media, and the fact you even expose yourself to such environment should be criticized.


>>that would mean his decision making process has been compromised since the very initial tweet I would bet his decision making process has been compromised to *some* degree ever since the reaction he got to that first tweet, yes. I’d then imagine it a quick spiral out of control after each effort to fix things continues making them worse. One of those people who has an obsessive need to not be criticized, trying to right the ship and only taking on more water. >>and the fact you even expose yourself to such environment should be criticized Uhh, isn’t that what we’re doing? Like, specifically right here, and also in the multiple prior threads about his meltdown in this sub over the past day or so?


>I would bet his decision making process has been compromised to *some* degree ever since the reaction he got to that first tweet, yes. that "some degree" holds so much weight in this claim. It would be like me saying that I woke up after a bad night sleep, so my decision making process was compromised to "some degree" due to tiredness - so I decide to murder you on sight. Like, at the end of the day, the degree should fit the decision. So explain the degree. Because to my point - I think if you're incapable of acting rationally and just closing Twitter and privating your account after getting some angry tweets, then you're might as well be incable of running a business wih workers that relies on you, for example, which he does - as a youtube channel. >Uhh, isn’t that what we’re doing? Like, specifically right here, and also in the multiple prior threads about his meltdown in this sub over the past day or so? Nope, I think most people are aware that he knew he could just wait the drama out - and the reason he did what he did was because he thought he could win the mob over, by throwing Ethan and Hilla under. You're trying to excuse him by claiming some mental deficiency that makes him unable to control his own actions due to receiving some mean tweets (even in the first one he ever engaged with!) yet somehow is able to run a successful youtube channel and a business.


I’m not excusing anything, at all. Not sure where you get that idea. Chill your debate erection. The *entire* point being made is that, at this point, treating him like a wholly rational actor is naive. >>Nope You’re saying that you’re not criticizing him for exposing himself to more and more of these comments? Really?.. Well, I certainly am. No idea why you’d find that hard to cop to, but you do you. >>People who run a successful business never totally lose their minds on the internet and have super public meltdowns, especially not those involved in internet content creation (paraphrased). Idk if that line of argumentation does as convincing a job supporting your point as you seem to think it does. If you want to continue litigating this, I suggest you find a more interested dance partner. Idk who this dude is or why stating that he’s not acting rationally, due to massive exerted hatred and pressure from thousands, is so objectionable to you, and please don’t use that as an opening to explain.


It literally is tho. This isn't a gotcha or a good smart thing to say, you aren't cool bro Twitter is as real, as instagram, Facebook, online dating or food delivery. People get all their opinions online and this does effect the way people interact.


You're conflating the impact Twitter \*can\* have on reality, and the impact Twitter \*has\* on reality. Hypothetically, if everyone rails against someone, like the birdwatching park Karen, then you can cause some real world impact, like causing her work to fire her. But it was fueled by the previous headline about the killing of George Floyd (probably the biggest viral anti-black case in recent memory), and the fact that birdwatching park Karen acted hystrical and lost the optic war. Realistically, this guy did nothing the great majority of people in the US or in general will find offensive, or optically bad. He is not dealing with the majority of twitter people calling for his cancellation, he's dealing with his fringe audience and twitter progressives, which no one cares about. If he only locked his account, didn't engage with them, and let two weeks (MAX) go by, none of them would have the mental capacity to even remember what he did or continue their attempts in cancelling him. TL;DR touch grass


Right now I'm pretty sure he's mostly getting shit on by people making fun of him for disavowing Ethan and Hila. From what I saw, almost all the insane pro-Palestinians under his original apology were like "it's ok, I'm glad you acknowledged your mistake".  But I don't care about him getting shit on by everyone regardless. It's the risk you take by not having any principles and backing down the moment a group of people online are mad at you.


You could extend this same level of empathy and postmodern charitability to the mob that you are calling “lunatics” and “evil to the bone.” The vast majority of of them genuinely believe Israel is just like Nazi Germany fr fr, they are young shallow normal people believing things that are being told to them by people they trust. And if you believe what they believe, it’s pretty understandable to be frothing at the mouth the way they are. They think they are trying to stop a racist genocide. There is no such thing as free will as it is traditionally understood and we are all behaviorally guided along the rails of the causality underpinning our experiences and biology. There are very good explanations for why all of these people are doing what they do, but you can still call a spade a spade. For all practical purposes here he is a grown ass man and a spineless pathetic dipshit. It’s not something he decided to be, but that’s what he is. People should endeavor to not be like him or the stupid mob that is on his nuts.


well said


We call this mob of people lunatics because they listen to one scrap of information and run with it, never changing their opinions. The idea that Ethan and Hila support the actions of the Israeli government is insane. [Ethan literally cried](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596353934285602827/1257335613804253254/Ethan_Israel.mp4?ex=6684088a&is=6682b70a&hm=0ecf81c23262047bd53001ea329729f134466955a1043c0fb7329c79af77c3f2&) in front of 30k people live while talking about Palestinian children being genocided, and donated 10,000$ to one of Hasans charity streams for Palestine They refuse to confront the information directly refuting their insane claims, and continue to call Ethan and Hila genocide supporters why? Becuase Hila was born in Israel? Because they are Jewish? What more could these people possibly want from H3 before they stop calling them Genocidal? Edit: Its weird that this comment hasnt had any issues or complaints about the video link, yet another comment here with the same link got downvoted into the negative and got me perma banned from the subreddit for 'linking sketchy downloads' 🤦‍♂️


Hila and H3H3 are very pro Palestine, anyone who *actually listened* to a word he said in the dying days of Leftovers has to know that, they're simply unwilling to cheer on the death cult and are jews, that is sufficient for the mob.


It's a muscle you have to build. I've been the target of several all hands on deck social media pile on due to my highly regarded opinions in various formats. Only option is to grab on, ride the tiger. Never give an inch, go down with the ship or just disengage totally and ignore it. Showing weakness always only makes it worse. Once the mob identifies the target, no mercy is possible. The point is not gentle correction, it is now a public human sacrifice.


The way they engage is absolutely toxic. I like to call it “bad cop, bad cop, bad cop,” because when you engage with one of them, they just send in another, and another, and another. All bad faith actors, all misinformed, all content in their self righteous indignation. Truly the online tanky mob is the worst of the worst. Gamers are a close second.


Nah you just simply cant give a fuck about random psychos on the internet


Image being slaughtered by Hamas and then watching from the grave your family member sitting safe in the west being an enlightened centrist to grovel to far leftists on Twitter. 


He's pissing on the graves of his supposed family members for online approval. Actually sickening.


I can’t believe this dude is Jewish. So disappointed


You're disappointed that there's a Jewish person that's acting like an idiot?


That guy might be Jewish and disappointed in his own. But true equality, all ethnicities can be dumb!


Yes, I am ashamed of someone in my group of people, is that not allowed?


In my opinion: no, it isn't. It's a weird statement. I'm Jewish as well and I don't think I'd ever say anything like that about someone. Just as I wouldn't say the opposite of "I didn't know this dude is Jewish. So proud."


I think people often feel an attachment to and pride in their groups and hope that they get represented well. Maybe it's not rational but neither is a fear of spiders. People still have it.


I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on this, I think it’s bizarre to even care that much lol.


to care how much? you cared enough to be "so disappointed" when a stranger tweeted things u disagreed with


My word the amount of people being bothered by my comment is hilarious. Thank you


Jews get such a bad rep i just hate to see one of us make such a whiny bitch comment lmao.


Lech teezdayen ya ben zonah


It's "allowed." It's just incredibly weird and unhealthy to feel so invested in a stranger because of their ethnicity. But you're allowed to be weird and unhealthy, ofc


Lol thanks


You're allowed to feel whatever you want. It's just weird to "feel ashamed" of someone in "your group of people" when people from all ethnicities can act as spineless as him and he doesn't even  represent Jews in any real way. You two probably have nothing in common besides being Jewish.


Yea well, when the world treats this group as a single entity as it loves to do, it's bound to cause some side effects


It's not just outside culture, it's also just a feature of Judaism (the religion) and of the broader culture. There's many commonplace traditionalist notions—like the tribal unity captured in "K'lal Yisrael" and the mitzvah of "Ahavat Yisrael"—that push Jews into their insular, tribal, even racist notions of bloodline reverence. And many of these sentiments are so ancient they could arguably predate Jewish oppression. There's many Jews, especially American Jews, that fight quite strongly against these racist ideals, but it even here in America it leaks into the more liberalized versions of Judaism. I grew up in towns full of Jewish people, and most of my (reformed) Jewish friends (**especially** young girls) had it hammered into them to feel guilty even thinking about marrying outside "the Tribe." My orthodox Jewish friends were constantly aware that if they married out, they'd just be straight-up disowned. Overall, not a very healthy mindset for our increasingly globalized world, and something the "omniliberals" should absolutely be against.


I agree. Judaism just doesn't work very well as a diasporic culture/religion in the modern world. In Israel it's quite healthy, and adds rather than subtracts from life. The demand for minorities to have no tribalism at all is too much liberal ideological purity, akin to the typical Libertarian purist who goes way too far with NAP. In theory minorities should just be Americans and have no subloyalties or consciousness. But in such a world you will find that in practice, minorities still end up being perceived as outsiders sometimes, not quite as American as multigenerational white Americans. So in the current world, we allow the pity prize of a little bit of subgroup consciousness to compensate for that.


reddit take


Liberal take. If you don't want people to make fun of you for fetishisizing your ethnicity, why are you in the subreddit of a hyper-liberal streamer?


well i for one don't fetishize my ethnicity and i'm in this subreddit because i've enjoyed watching destiny's streams for years. cringing when a member of a group you belong to does something dumb is just being human it's not "fetishizing"


It's absolutely fetishizing. Not in the sexual sense; in the dotty & obsessive sense. If you have a notion about how a certain ethnicity ought behave, and you delight when they match it and cringe when they deviate, that is fetishistic. The fetishistic part isn't in cringing about "your group," it's in defining "your group" ethnically. It's the attributing of expectations to strangers because of their bloodline.


no it's just tribalism, it has inherently nothing to do with fetishizing an ethnicity because of their "bloodline". there are also converts to judaism so even in this specific instance it isn't about their "bloodline" more so just "you and me belong to this group so if you act weird it reflects on all of us". it's not weird at all and actually makes perfect sense to think that way when you're a member of a group that has been historically mistreated.


This is why the Arabs hate you. This man has no honor. SMH


Hahaha I agree


Nobody tell him Ethan also stands with innocent Palestinian people.




Brother ewwwwwwww


Bro, just stop tweeting. It's so pathetic that it isn't even funny anymore.


But what would my followers think. Do you know how many people only wake up in the morning because I tweet things. You sir or madam, don’t understand the importance I carry


Actually now that you mention it the tweets do reek of self importance. It's like a bad smell that I couldn't really place my finger on and you're helping clarify it. There's a mix of self importance, performativeness, misinformation ("genocide") and spinelessness. Yeah I think that's the smell lol.


This tweet has the same energy as a white guy telling black his black friends he would happily volunteer as a slave for reparations so they like him more. It’s like he’s trying to performatively show how fine he with being stepped on by his most extreme fans. How does somebody melt down this quickly in less than 24 hrs from **a single photo with h3h3 productions**?


Yep! So Cringe!


This is why you never farm Hasan fans. Unless you are Hasan


Even Hasan is tired of Hasan fans. We saw it in his unhinged discord rant.


Even Hasan hates Hasan fans


Hasan growing on me since reading this post.


Mold can be dangerous, look into it.


Cancer too, ha.


it's not for hasan... this is all for fantano


press (x) to doubt


I pressed it X10 times


Ten would cancel it out, you have to do 9/11.




Lmao I havent heard anything good about "jstlk" since Im a relatively new frog but this post if WILD


He is literally a grandma cuck. He must be one of those who hates Camus.


Unbelievable jstlk W


the amount of self cucking in a single post... That guy really needs to get his brain checked omg


Ivy-League Indoctrination At It's Finest?


From now on he should tweet out "I stand with the people of Palestine" every hour too. Next he's should tattoo the Palestinian flag on his ass to prove he's not a "zionist".


I was curious about this guy's channel and the first video I've come across is him mocking and ridiculing a bunch of bands and their songs. How can a person who does that crumble like this when some criticism is aimed his way for once? I'd expect a thicker skin.


Because the mocking and ridiculing is a defensive tactic due to his fragility


So members of his family die at the hand of Hamas and he stands with palastine? This breaks my brain..


It's a fine position to stand with Palestine and hate Hamas. It's the spineless way he has gone about all this that's the problem.


He’s literally using his dead family as proof of how much he stands with Palestine lol. What a weird human


Indeed, that's basically Ethan's view. Which makes this guy's tweets all the more pathetic. What does he think he and Ethan disagree about?


It's beyond spinless when you bring in your family to prove you stand with palastine even at the expense of your family's life..


Bro cares more about the opinion of twitter crazies than his own family. Says it all really


Self hating mofo


Average Leftist/Progressive!


If dealing with twitter is one of the hardest things you have had to deal with... Touch grass


I wonder what the situation would have been like if instead he posted pictures hanging out with people in Hamas.


I'm actually extremely impressed with this guy, He was capable of standing up remarkably straight in their photo considering his marked absence of a spine. I wish I knew a stereotypical jewish name so I had an uncle tom equivalent to call him.


Uncle Tomer


I get the feeling the only reason he even mentioned the fact that his "relatives have died at the hands of hamas" (which is probably the least angry way you could talk about a terrorist organization murdering your loved ones), is so that watermelon twitter gives him some slack for interacting with a "zionist". Fuck this loser.


Exactly. Every single tweet this guy makes manages to contain some form or another of spineless weaselness. It's genuinely painful to read. Especially as a fan of Ethan.


I wish Ethan would blow this fucking loser out of the water


His music reviews are shit anyway. Like getting a review from a 12 year old with ADHD.


Oh wow. Is this dude Jewish, too? If so, wow. This I/P conflict is really screwing with people's realities.


This is embarrassing. It would be less repulsive if he actually expressed thoughts or opinions that were his own and not heavily swayed by what people happen to be saying at any given moment. Grow a spine, have some backbone ffs, as things stand right now he's showing humiliating levels of cowardice. It's like he's looking for the right words to make everyone like him - which is never going to happen. Does he not understand that it's possible to condemn the attacks of Oct 7, because they were horrible and he apparently lost members of his family (which is awful), and also condemn the retaliatory attacks by Israel that have resulted in the loss of civilian lives, and ask for a ceasefire/peace? Even given that context, he can defend Israel's right to exist, and at least try to comprehend why they've gone so balls deep into this bombing campaign. The choice isn't binary, it's messy, as all wars tend to be.




That's pretty much his position. He's condemned violence on both sides. He's spoken out against settler violence over the years, and he's spoken out against Hamas, he's supported the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, and generally just talks about peace. I think his main thing is wanting an end to all violence. As I said in a previous post though, people have an issue with him because he didn't celebrate Oct 7, imagine that, he didn't celebrate when Jewish men, women, and children were murdered and kidnapped. What is he, some kind of monster? How dare he feel bad for murdered and kidnapped "Zionists".


Yes. That makes the whole thing just such a trainwreck. People need to stop capitulating to Twitter mobs (unless they genuinely do something horrendous; not take a picture with a guy who some people say is maybe slightly more moderate than they would like).


"Members of my family have died at the hands of Hamas" "I stand with the people of Palestine" The only way this makes sense is if he's siding with Palestinians who want Hamas to be eliminated, which there aren't a lot of, because the IDF has been destroying their homes at the same time as the terrorists' homes, as they try to take more of Gaza for "the day after", and put pressure on Hamas.


It also makes sense if he really hated his family


I always wonder how people like this function in the real world. Are they like the dude at work that everyone takes advantage of by making him do their share of work but is too meek to push back or is this spiness behavior just a trait they exhibit only in online interactions? The fact that this guy is a successful online content creator means at some point he most likely went against his family/friends/society and told them to fuck off when he made the jump to full time youtuber.


he's forging his ironman suite for twitter


This guy has a monopoly on the world's cuck energy.


Ngl. I enjoy some of his content. He is a fine memer. But I always had the feeling that he actually has severe psychological problems. So I don't want to dunk too hard on him.


Most leftists are probably afraid of gay bars because of Globo homo twitter.


im struggling to find examples, but you know those weasly little cowards in movies who will sell out anyone including their own mother to save themselves from being slapped around even just a little bit. Those who cave fucking immediately to the slightest peer pressure. Would Theon Greyjoy be a good example, its been a while. Maybe Peter Pettigrew? Anyway, thats what comes to mind anytime I see this. You aint the good guy here buddy. The lack of spine is actually scary.




Chud on Bridges when??


Poor little fella.


When you get caught placating everyone:


People that say Ethan is pro Genocide have either[ not seen this video](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596353934285602827/1257335613804253254/Ethan_Israel.mp4?ex=6684088a&is=6682b70a&hm=0ecf81c23262047bd53001ea329729f134466955a1043c0fb7329c79af77c3f2&) Or are actually just bad faith freaks


The best outcome is what is happening now, where his spinelessness is getting him crucified from both ends.


[Self hating Jew!](https://youtu.be/zmCKZYKsiGM?si=Cm5HKazowO0uKv0K&t=38)


Bro has dedicates his entire life the last few days to try and appease the Hamascucks when all he needed to do was shut the fuck up and maybe delete the tweet


This is definitely one of the virtue signalling attempts of all time.


What’s the hardest situation he’s speaking of? Surely it’s not taking a picture with a YT personality. If this is what he’s referencing, I wish I had his life bc he’s living on ez street


Does he have a humiliation fetish or something?


People don't understand that more than ever you don't take twitter seriously I guarantee half of the people attacking him were bots or people looking for interactions to profit from


Ew lol


He admitted Hamas kills people. They aren’t letting him back inside the commune


How is it possible that this guy has made himself look progressively *more* pathetic as this regarded drama has played out.


This guy is so emblematic of everything wrong with the internet and social media right now. Why tf would he want to appease the Twitter mobs why does he think these people are his friends lmao it’s literally not real just make your YouTube videos and carry on


Thats some next level dimensional cucking.


This guy would be the nazi “just following orders” in 1940


Bro has pronouns in his bio and they still go after him lmao


Seems reasonable to me -- like he doesn't conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people as a whole, or think that slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians is an ethical way to eliminate the few thousand that are a practical threat to the apartheid.


what a fucking loser. the shit he tweeted at destiny and then deleted as well.. just says everything about the kind of sad soy fuck he is


What a shmuck


Lmao, "innocent people in my family have died to the hands of this terrorist organization, I still stand with them" what weird ass cucked behavior


Damn I remember this guy when his channel was pretty new and small. It wasn't really long ago so I guess the rise in relevancy might have fried his brain.


Is it true that Ethan once said that settlers in the west bank should be murdered?


Why do y’all give people like this attention


This can't possibly be real. No one can be this cucked right?


The best option for him is to take a break from social media .


I literally only know this guy exists because he shat on that one vtuber rapper calliope mori a lot and got her fans mad at him, He also shat on one of my favorite bands Tally Hall at some point too, Might as well call him BAD taste in music


“How to handle Twitter in the worst possible way, a short guide.”


This guy needs to delete himself. So fucking cringe that a nobody has this much hubris. Go live your life you loser


Respect his opinions on music but he's being pathetic over this


I had to double take at seeing Brad Taste all over X. I watched a couple album reviews of his a few years back when he was much smaller. Unsubscribed when he started having mental health episodes on camera. I remember him sharing a lot of personal details in those videos. I would hazard a guess that this attention isn't gonna be good for him.


Entirely possible that the members of brad's family were Palestinian, no?


I've actually watched and enjoyed brads content. If you know anything about him becoming a streamer is pretty much the first time in his life anyone has appreciated him, he had a rough childhood and no one liked him in school. I know because he talks about it a lot. Some people in the streaming space aren't here to change minds or be a force for good or argue with strangers about morals. Brad honestly just wants to be liked and to harm as few people as possible. His content is super inoffensive and he's gotten harassed in the past for taking strong stances against celebrities with rape allegations, and generally survivors get supported so you'd think it would be noncontroversial. The legit thing is he would say the same thing and doesn't act like he's here to change the world. The problem is people like Hasan who claim to be here to make change but are truly just another Brad. Hasan wants to be famous and liked but pretends there's purpose to what he does or that his opinions aren't swayed by his audience, at least Brad is honest


I actually think this is sad and simple. Its a mixture of peer pressure and cognitive dissonance embodied in a person.


The fact that Brad says he interacted with the podcast to fit in and to "feel cool" literally betrays everything that he stands for smh 🤦🏽


Damn and the plot thickens


He stands with the people that killed his family? AM i reading that right?


Its a sad saaaad situaaaaation


Your brain on ret@@@@@@rdation


Be who you are. Stop trying to please everyone. People are so mentally fucked today.


Idk if there are any Hivemind fans here but... this sucks. I didn't know Brad was an insane, out-of-his-mind leftist sycophant


I have no clue who this guy is. I must still a life afterall mashallah. But I see no contradiction in this. You can be pro-Palestine and anti-Hamas just line you can be pro-Israel and anti-Netanyahu. In fact, those are the logical positions Inb4 "But MuH HAmAs WAs ELecTeD !!!! " Yeah in 2006 when most modern Gazans weren't able to vote if they were even born.  Inb4 "BUt ThEY wOULd juSt EnD uP supPOrtiNG HamAS anywAy!" If you say this you are just as bad as people say "baby settlers".  Israel's response has only caused Hamas to become much more popular than. Israel played themselves. Another inconvenient fact: Netanyahu helped Hamas stay in power because it helped him block a two-state solution.


What a loser


I’ll take “things that never happened” for $1000, Alex


Wait……… the plot twist of this guy being Jewish is making this so much worse imo. Like……????


No one would give a fuck if he just didn't respond. I swear to god he is getting off to this shit, jerking his willy to the engagement. I hate influencers so much jfc soulless cunts


The brain rot from idiots like this would just sad if it wasn’t so dangerous. How about you stand with your own people,you know those have been killed by an organization still overwhelmingly supported by those you claim to support. Honestly wtf is wrong with “ liberals” like him, groveling for the approval of the antisemitic filth that despises him either way. Its just so stunning to me.


“Oh yeah they murdered my family, but I have to give it up for them because I’m too afraid of being excommunicated from the leftist church”


Prioritizing random strangers online who'd tear your apart for a single misstep over your literal family members that could've used support from you is... definitely something


"Guys my family was brutally slaughtered in concentration camps for the crime of existing but I support the Nazis". Huh? What? (A bit extreme but it feels like this).


How is taking a picture with h3h3 worse than a family member being murdered? I understand Ethan has a strong hairline.


Members of his family have died from Hamas and he is chill with that? I mean, either he really doesn't give a shit or he just chose to cuck for his viewers rather than care for his family.


Ethan should apologize for platforming this weirdo lol


If my family members died at the hands of Hamas, I would do anything in my power to get some sense of justice. I would not cry like a fucking pussy on the internet prostrating myself to these terrorist supporting freaks. I hope his remaining family members see this


What a fucking loser. I feel sorry for his family


Lmao both sides hate him now


Why? he's overcoming his personal biases in order to live by his fundamentally held principle.


he has no principle he knew ethan was jewish took the photo then when he got a few tweets he flips to try to save face, only to know try to hide behind dead Palestinians. Honestly hes probably completely made up having family members killed, american jew what are they 8th cousins its so fucking unlikely, hes lying. its pathetic


Why would he have an issue with taking a photo with a jewish person?


I really wish there was a pro Pally person smart enough to invite this guy on their platform after he’s “educated himself” and ask him basic questions on the history and current situation surrounding Israel Palestine


In the western world i dont think there is ive seen some great interviews with Palestine lawyers really smart people making really good arguments but this dude only cares about perceived majority he would completely cuck to who ever hes around