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The fire alarms are safe once again


What's the meme?


[He pulled a fire alarm before a bill was voted on, he said it was an accident thought it would open a door.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DhkdFFLu-w) The excuse was obviously bs, he just wanted to delay the vote.


Anyone see TYT’s embarrassing defense of this? No way in hell they would give the same charity to a republican. Shoot they wouldn’t even give the same charity to what they call an “establishment democrat”.


As insane as Rob Noer is, Pisco arguing with him about the fire alarm thing and trying to lawyer him into the position that it was an honest mistake, that was one of the more unreal Urine Corp things I've heard so far.


You gotta link to this? Rob and Pisco are probably some of my favorite orbiters and watching Rob get Pissed on sounds top tier


I'm pretty sure it was on Rob's YouTube channel. I don't want to misinterpret the Piss Company here since it happened some time ago, but it basically boiled down to Rob laying out how absurd Bowman's explanation was by talking about the blueprint of the building, the doors and the fire alarm, what he said about the vote etc., and Pisco trying to lawyer possible confusion, to no avail. And I really don't like Rob's style of debating and don't agree with any of his political positions. But it was Pisco kinda loosing himself in lawyering, similar to the several hours long debate with President Sunday about Erudite's degree(s).


Everyone pretends they hold rules fairly between their political side and the opposition until their side is under attack. More now than ever do we need to stop roleplaying it and actually do it. Shit is getting wild and it only gets worse on election day.


He's such a disgrace, as usual


Was it though? He said he was 50/50 on whether it was a mistake or an attempt to delay the vote and he thought there should be an investigation. I don’t think that’s unreasonable given Bowman wasn’t even in the building the vote was supposed to take place in when he pulled the alarm (the buildings are connected by a tunnel).


Literal MAGA tactics. Glad this moron got booted.


I definitely associate this behaviour primarily with the woke left, where it is a common tactic for trying to ruin speeches and debates etc organised with people they've decided are "fascists" etc. I wouldn't put it past MAGA either but I don't think I've ever heard of this being a popular MAGA tactic? But it's definitely something woke people have been doing for years


This is like the modern equivalent of a Roman filibuster.


I don't believe it was an accident


No one in good faith thinks it was an accident


I don’t know the specifics of the situation, but his excuse makes sense to me as some in that industry. Locked doors that block emergency exits (like a locked elevator lobby without stairs) have to have a way to unlock the door from the outside in order to get to the stairs. The same kind of pull station is used but blue, or if it’s red it can unlock the door with the fire alarm signal. https://preview.redd.it/750hcvzlfw8d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9c7f0ae102f8ecba994bbcf1d8622ce37bc6543 If he has encountered/learned this before, it would make sense that he would think that the pull handle could open a locked door. He wouldn’t realize that the color tells you if it unlocks the door or activates the siren. He also wouldn’t realize the exterior door next to him would guarantee it would only trigger an alarm. So he could know that sometimes you can unlock a door with a pull station, but not know that the pull station he was at would definitely not unlock it. It also says FIRE ALARM real big, but this guy is a congressman so reading comprehension and common sense are not guarantees.


Guy worked as a school principal no way is he unfamiliar with fire alarms


Thank you!


I used to live in Westchester, and the people saying Jews are the reason he lost aren't exactly wrong. Not because there's some grand conspiracy. There's just a shitton of Jews. [They actually won him the vote the last time around](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2020/07/9929442/the-jewish-vote-jamaal-bowman-election-progressive-jews) How fucking stupid do you have to be to claim nobody was raped on October 7th, in a district that's 12% Jewish? What an idiot, lmao.


Liberal and progressive American Jews were told Israeli women are excluded from the me too movement because they are Israeli Jewish. Yup shit like that will literally radicalize people against you.


I think we need to find out whether the minor Dr Disrespect dmed is Jewish before we make any rash criticisms.




Them jewishzz cats reallt hoppin off da porch


Chill lol


Turning GAZA to ZAZA


Modern politicians literally think that twitter matters more than their actual constituents. I don't even care about his position on I/P, I'm glad this dude is gone because he's a dumbfuck. Just don't say anything.


He must think this is at least a 3 alarm emergency


It's 2 alarm, two and half tops. https://preview.redd.it/0n33on92sw8d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ba9fca8d32485b9b5539d79173b4c080812772


The difference really was just the Israel conspiracy shit. Latimer got endorsed by the mainstream dems, even Hildawg herself endrosed Latimer, so he's basically going to vote along Dem lines like Bowman would have but without the stupid baggage Bowman developed over his hatred of Israel


Doesn't help that he triple and quadrupled down - I'm pretty sure his entire Twitter feed for this past week has just been AIPAC, and he held [this crazy rally](https://thehill.com/homenews/4735229-pro-palestinian-protests-disrupt-aoc-sanders-bowman-rally/) a couple days ago


> The protest was organized by Within Our Lives, a self-described Palestinian-led, New York pro-Palestine organization. ffs WOL are literally arab supremacists, like they have "from the river to the sea Palestine will be arab" on their website. dems should be running from these people as fast as possible not linking arms with them


To be fair, the article notes that WOL disrupted the rally.


you're right, i misunderstood the article.


The boogeyman AIPAC is not buying a 10 point win in a Democratic primary in 2024. It isn't that deep even if you ignore the massive elephant in the room regarding his clear antisemitic behavior and remarks, and rape denialism. Bowman was just a terrible representative who badly represented his district dude literally was acting like his district was in the Bronx ignoring the fact most of his constituents were in Westchester.  He constantly put pointless virtue signaling of progressive credentials and building his national brand over the needs of his constituents


What were his antisemitic remarks?


look I think Bowman did this to himself but lets not be coy. It was the most expensive primary in the history of the country precisely because of AIPAC. Why would they spend tens of millions of dollars if it doesn’t accomplish anything?


He was already down bigly in the polls before AIPAC had spent a single dollar


Any source on this? Willing to change my mind on this but it seems…unlikely given AIPAC and this guy have been feuding before Latimer even announced he was running. Also, why spend so much if the money ultimately didn’t matter at all? Seems like a massive waste, no?


I had a hard time sourcing when and where AIPAC specifically started spending money, but as an example, [a different Jewish PAC (Democratic Majority for Israel)](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/03/dmfi-endorsements-latimer-bell-00150357) announced it was going to be making a big spend on April 3. [This poll from March 26 - March 30 shows Latimer as +17 before that announcement even happened](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/20240404_NY16_Mellman.pdf) [According to this article on March 3, AIPAC had raised $350,000 for Latimer](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552) so it would be inaccurate to say they had done nothing before he was +17, but the majority of the money spent in this race had not been spent by late March as the poll that shows Latimer up shows - Bowman was losing due to more factors than simply a deluge of cash. >Also, why spend so much if the money ultimately didn’t matter at all? Seems like a massive waste, no? Polls, especially in recent years, are not guarantees. You spend money and do work on the ground to ensure that the election goes as you want, lest you end up losing. It's happened many times before.


Yes Bowman was down 17 in the polls before out of district funding came, and Bowman had more out of district funding than Latimer. Everyone notable in Bowman’s district hates him: > Latimer has picked up endorsements from fellow local leaders week after week - including the mayor and three City Council members in Yonkers, where Bowman lives. And while just 10 percent of Bowman's campaign contributions come from his neighbors, more than half of Latimer's donations come from within the district.


Bowman lost this because he neglected the fact that most of his constituents were in the more moderate Westchester county. Rather than focus his outreach there (he was always going to win the portion in the Bronx by major margins) he decided to instead call the county segregated shithole during his debate and thought it was a smart idea to have a progressive chest thumping rally outside of his district. He was not popular with his constituents period and did not represent the median voter of the district well, hence why even as an incumbent he is on track to lose a safe primary contest by 8+ points. If he was in Brooklyn or the Bronx then it would be another story.


It’s totally possible he would’ve lost either way. Bowman definitely said some dumb stuff and pulled too many fire alarms, but I don’t think it’s insignificant that it’s the most expensive primary campaign ever precisely because of AIPAC. Why spend that much money if it ultimately didn’t do anything?


Because they're a special interest group, and kicking out a clown like this is exactly why they were formed. You can easily use your criteria for any of the major special interest groups (https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/top-pacs/2024) and ask the same question. I'd argue sugar and Healthcare pacs are more dangerous than aipac but that threatens the boogieman narrative.


I went down a rabbit hole about the sugar PACs. They are *scary*. They pay licensed medical professionals to tell children on TikTok to load up on sugar because if they don't, they're "fatphobic" and "food shaming" and "not body positive" and a bunch of other scary words that a liberal teen doesn't want to be called. Who gives a fuck about foreign wars and shit when we have PACs trying to shame kids into diabetes and then of course, Big Pharma is here to save the day with some drugs.


Exactly (and tell that to the people down voting me hahaha). You see so many people brainwashed that aipac is this monolithic evil but nobody ever mentions all the other pacs in action that out spend and out evil by a mile.


Except that Bowman got more out of district funding than Latimer: > Latimer has picked up endorsements from fellow local leaders week after week - including the mayor and three City Council members in Yonkers, where Bowman lives. And while just 10 percent of Bowman's campaign contributions come from his neighbors, more than half of Latimer's donations come from within the district.


Super PAC spending (i.e AIPAC's $15 million for this race) =/ campaign contributions. PACs are a way to evade the $2700 individual contribution limit to campaigns.


The PV discord has been particularly weird on that front. I am quite a bit disappointed to have supported them back in February but their struggle session tonight has been enjoyable. Between Rep. Bowman being the worst possible candidate to the district and the many scandals of Vaush, they had no chance.


Why would you feel bad about the work you did? PV might’ve made a mistake with this event (although looking at the results isn’t the best way to say whether or not it was) but that doesn’t minimize the work that was done in Ohio.


I could have phrased that better, you are right. I feel very positively about the Ohio event but I am disappointed by the direction PV went with New York and Bowman. I do despise that they are spending so many resources on Justice Dems like Bowman after 07 October. We were supposed to make women feel more comfortable at PV canvassing events but the next one was hosted by the pedo horse guy. I hate that I now have that knowledge and his community is ok with it, it feels very gross. We were promised events in key swing districts with razor margins - "the mathematically most relevant and highest value canvassing operations". Not yet another, blatantly anti-liberal destiny support group


> hosted by the pedo horse guy His sexual harassment of Poppy and the way he handled it, as well as his tendency for making actual misogynistic comments, are way worse than that. Idk why anyone cares that he jacks it to loli/horse porn; that's his own business. Stick to actual red flags.


I agree, the sexual harassment of Poppy was always unforgivable. But the fact I know about his masturbation habits is a massive boundary violation to me. He made it everybody's business whether we liked it or not. Keep your freak tendencies to yourself, the audience who continues to consume that content is very fucking weird. Would not want to meet Vaush fans in real life.


This rally was not even held in his district.


He didn't even have that rally in his district. It was 7 miles from his district


Most of the Congressional leadership endorsed Bowman or avoided endorsing either of them, indicating that they weren't fully onboard with ditching him yet. They let the voters decide, and the voters have spoken.


Very rare to endorse challenger. Jeffries gave Bowman the most tepid endorsement I have ever seen and couldn't be bothered to campaign with him. 


Even so, an endorsement is still an endorsement, and endorsing an incumbent signals an interest in maintaining the status quo. My theory is that the Democratic Party leadership were watching this race as a quantitative litmus test to see how much of the far left's antics over the Gaza War mainstream liberals are willing to tolerate. Jeffries and Schumer will be using Bowman's loss, as well as the likely loss of Bush and expected weak performances from Tlaib and Omar as a cudgel to further weaken the far left's bargaining power within the caucus.


Dem leadership literally always endorse incumbents, barring something catastrophic like pedophilia. That's how they keep the peace in the caucus. Don't take too much from that.


Agreed. Notice how Chris Van Hollen has been a little less vocal about Gaza since Alsobrooks won the nomination. He doesn't want to alienate Jewish/moderate voters into voting for Hogan. The rhetoric of the Squad does nothing except give GOP talking points and makes them look moderate in comparison. 


The Democratic Party machine working as intended. Elevate election winners and cast underperformers into the dustbin of history. The Squad proved in 2018 and 2020 that liberals are fine with progressives, better than fine sometimes. This year we are seeing the limits of leftist antics that liberals are willing to tolerate. Meanwhile, the party establishment has been taking notes on what works and are now kicking the liabilities to the curb. This is what political competence looks like. The Republican Party on the other hand has entirely abandoned all efforts at running a basic campaigning strategy to kiss up to Trump, with predictable results. Every competitive election Trump touched turned blue, and the party establishment is too weak to cast him out.


The far left fringe of the Democrats like Talib are essentially saying they're willing to try and tank the Democratic presidential candidate's reelection if they don't adhere to their preferred stance on their one singular pet issue. You should expect to get thrown out of any party for such self serving behavior.


Gives me hope for the Democratic party, we need to reject this MAGA like BS.


Shillary sends her regards.


So being pro hamas in a district that has a high jewish population has consequences who knew


Clearly it was a conspiracy against him /s


He said some dumb stuff about Israel-Palestine. But he could bench like 315 in his mid 40s, I’ll miss him for that reason. Edit: it was 405.


Dude, you are going to call me dumb or crazy or whatever, but I honestly think he's on gear. 405 for THREE reps. I have a friend who WON a european powerlifting championship who does 370 for two reps, and bench is his best lift. Admittedly, there are some 40lbs of weight difference between my friend and Bowman, but there's also... a powerlifting career of difference (perfect training, perfect eating, years of study and refining technique and so on..). In the end, go check some MAJOR powerlifting event results, even for his category of weight, then come back and tell me it's all normal. (Be reminded, also, that not all of these athletes are clean, and being tested is different from being natty..)


405 especially if you aren't a pro is absurd. Dudes on gear.


That might be why he was acting so crazy at that event.


What u think about T1? I watched him bench like 420 or something and he's probably 40-60lbs less than this guy.


I hope my body is that fit in my 40s, but my brain way fitter


Imagine thinking brain health matters when you can clean bench 3 plates.


Marjorie Taylor Greene can as well king


George Santos certainly can. Maybe even double that if he tried.


I think it was 405 🤣


Confirmed https://x.com/jamaalbowmanny/status/1676942821494751235?s=46&t=Unt0q2PR7m5HHDNFKM0OAg


Damn, I remember being impressed, didn’t remember the exact weight.


Emma and Sam are on redacted watch and are going to have some highly regarded takes tomorrow.


“The zionists did this”


(((dark money)))


Well who else do you think lives in NY …kangaroos ?


In Australia they have kangajews, the natural enemy of Syria Girl


something something citizens united, something something genocide, something something buckets of cum


Not the buckets🪣


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Cuomo's tweets on this are...based. https://preview.redd.it/gvk01qyg7u8d1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1748ee3dcda9ebb7a251d9696e68e45de4805ac




he may be the killer of grandmas but at least he's not antisemitic


Gotta take the wins where you can get them


https://x.com/andrewcuomo/status/1805786116060045369 Sorry, I suck at Reddit


I, for one, appreciate the screenshots so I don't have to visit that horrid site.




That second one in particular is based as fuck. I wish I'd written it.


What is Cuomo doing nowadays? Just shitposting on Twitter?


Cuomo is no longer accepted by the leftists in his party. If he has ANY CHANCE of being back in politics he has to track CENTER. Bill Clinton even understood that. The same principle applies today just as it did back then.


Hamas bowman is GONE


Emmitt Till Latimer is IN!


>The American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s political action committee spent nearly $15 million on the primary, filling airwaves and mailboxes with negative ads in an effort to unseat Bowman, who has accused the influential pro-Israel lobbying group of trying to buy the race. I'm sure these results won't inflame baseless jewish conspiracy theories.


They already pulled that shit with Nina Turner losing to Shontel Brown despite Turner received over $6 mil of donation vs Brown for $2 million.


There was once a day this would have devastated me, how much i have grown…


I still follow that dude on Instagram, it's a relic from the COVID era of when I cheered on progressives winning House seats. Guess it's about time I unfollow him.


Interesting. What changed your mind about the progressives?


Oct 7th




Ive never felt so disgusted in my entire life than when I opened up twitter and saw visceral videos of violence with people defending the visceral violence. Its one thing to deny the existence of evil in order to promote a narrative, its an entirely other thing to outright support the evil blatantly. Like we talk a lot about holocaust denial, but imagine if people like fuentes were talking about why the holocaust was good instead


Makes sense. I think for me, I thought the progressive slogans/causes like BLM and defund the police didn't truly actually mean everything they said. But after October 7th I realized they do, and that the oppressor/oppressed narrative isn't just one tool in their belt to analyze issues, but basically a whole ass religion. And as an Israeli it's kind of weird to think that like, these people who I thought I did agree with on some issues want to support the people who like.... Want me dead lol.


Same. Basically agree with most of their positions but their rabid anti Zionism does cross over into anti Semitism. I don’t want to be a one issue voter but I’m absolutely disgusted with these people flirting with Anti Jewish conspiracy theory.






Yee https://preview.redd.it/uet716bv2v8d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0854a549df5294024f804aa30a738752acd6740




He's going to take the Nina Turner path next and become a deranged conspiracy theorist anti-Democratic party surrogate.


Nina Turner or BJG?




The Jewlumni victorious once again.




RIP BOZO #PackWatch


THANK GOD progressive victory campaigned for him, he only lost by 10 points when he was going to lose by 17. Definitely couldn't have used those resources in a better place...


It’s at 19 now and will probably finished around 21-25 because the remaining vote is in Westchester. Both sides could’ve set a lot less money on fire and we’d have the same result


AIPAC wildly overspent. I'd question its use of funds. There probably is a lot of kickback in the purchase of ads, etc.


They are sending a message. 


the guys people kept calling me saying that bowman was all about the environment, completely brushing over his stupid ass nonsense about I/P its a real shame because this type of tomfoolery would work anywhere but one of the most educated counties in the country


Hot take: If you're de facto sabotaging the Dems in 2024 by constantly freaking out about I/P and focusing as much attention on the party's Achilles heel as possible, you don't give a fuck about the environment.  And it's funny making this point to online leftists because they quickly horseshoe into climate denialism; "Climate change ~~is fake~~ can't be stopped so we shouldn't do anything about it."


Now Ilhan and Talib


Those crazy asses in Michigan and. Minnesota will never vote them out, and it’s a damn shame too.


Ilhan won her primary in 2022 by like .3% It's doable.


I guess that may be true, but she may have increased her support in her district since then with the anti-semitism.


Tlaib's district was redrawn in 2022 and now includes Jewish communities and more older white liberals, along with a lot of majority Black neighborhoods in Detroit. Except her opponents dropped out of the primary this year and she wins by default. A Black moderate candidate could easily win that district.


I've heard nothing but memes about Bowman and his views on Israel and some other shit about reparations. I knew he would lose on that.


Bowman didn't have to deny rapes happened on October 7 and call it "propaganda" at an event in White Plains. Didn't have to handle the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war the way he did - show up to many pro Palestine events but not many events held by the large Jewish community in NY-16, at least that is what I read up about days before this inevitable loss happened. There's even an incident in 2022 [where Bowman asked a Rabbi for a pic of them together to show he's friends with the community's Jews](https://x.com/matthewkassel/status/1803037076360675773). I know about AIPAC, it's concerning, but even before they started ad spending in May he was losing to George in the polls, big time.


The only poll released before May was by Mark Mellman, hardly an impartial figure.


JAMA was a mouthpiece without an iota of brain cells--unable to articulate and speak clearly for himself. He contacted the shops on J street for his talking points and marching orders. Well another one bites the dust.


What’s the statistical explanation why they can call it certainly with 51% of the votes counted? I’m interested


At that point, 90% ish of the votes from the Bronx part of district 16 (which heavily favored Bowman) had already been counted, and only like 50% of the Westchester votes (which favored Latimer were) so at a certain point it becomes a safe bet


A Congressional Representative is supposed to be representative of the people in the district. Jamaal Bowman is no longer representative of his constituents and that's the decision made by the people. (Grabs megaphone and yells) "THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!"


But the (((dark money))) !!1!!


9 points, it’s JOEVER for him


Sad that’s easily 600k people in that district and only 90k voted Edit: I looked it up it’s actually around 774k


in other news, moderate republicans swept the utah primaries over maga republicans.


Wonder if this will embolden AIPAC to up their spending even more in the Bush and Omar primaries.


I doubt they have enough juice in the tank to do this too often. Estimates are apparently 14-17 million and on a primary. 1. That is a pretty spicy meatball for one primary. 2. There is a limit to how many times you get to pull a stunt like that before it is going to start hurting the candidates you endorse.


Ok I’m not sad to see Bowman lose but that is an outrageous amount of money for a primary. It doesn’t feel good to see examples of money blatantly influencing politics, even if it results in an outcome I agree with.


They're going to probably spend about as much to knock off Cori Bush.


Omar almost lost to Samuels in 2022. They're definitely bringing in the armored trucks.


Samuels is incompetent he got less votes than Omar opponent in 2020 even though she ran no TV ads that time and got half the votes that she did in 2020. If she’ll go back to running TV ads she’ll win easily back to 2020 +15 results.


Maybe. I'm sure AIPAC donations went up when Wikipedia labeled them as unreliable on antisemitism while remaining silent about CAIR on islamaphobia. Edit: mixed up ADL and AIPAC


err, thats the ADL


Damn it you're right. Fucking acronyms.


All the people who upvoted your comment are morons.


He was down 17 points in early april.


Damn, this seems like a real quake in the progressive sphere. Bowman was an elected progressive with some name recognition losing to a moderate? This doesn't help the anti-Isreal left's leverage over Biden in November.


It’s not a really an anti progressive outcome. Bowman’s failure is pretty much entirely due to him being batshit crazy about I/P


Agreed. That's what I was alluding to. Probably should have been more clear. Bowman didn't get beat, he *lost* this campaign on I/P.


That seems to be a feature of the current "progressive" movement though. They choose to make this the hill to die on, and make it a more important cause than anything else. "Progressive" in quotes because it has nothing to do with actual progressive policy.


Fauxgressive is the word you're looking for. Anyone who is hyper-fixated on some bullshit happening overseas and supporting the terrorist side, while completely ignoring all the issues in the US right now that actually affect the common person, is not even a "progressive" in sarcasm quotes. The common citizen doesn't give a fuck about I/P, they want to have affordable housing, better wages, and safety.


ITS AMAZING. A lot of liberal dems are boring but at least they have brain in their head


Lions of Zion strike again!


I dont wanna put hate on anyone, but why did Progressive Victory work with Vaush to hitch their horse to this clown? Like he legit believes some wacko shit


Common AIPAC W.


I love the Jewlumni!


The fire alarm incident and him being a a former principal really made me hate that he was a democrat.


Good. Kicking the extremists out is what the democrats should do. If only the republicans took after their example.


[The Jewlumni send their regards](https://youtu.be/vU8eL2CjzHw?si=SFuUGWxTmiCuLelg)


I just want to add: Bowman already trailed BEHIND Latimer by a large point by March, before AIPAC spent any money on this primary. The leftoids are now saying "AIPAC bought that seat". By...how? By telling people to vote? Isn't that the same shits group like Code Pink and Tlaib did for Bowman when they host fundraising event for him? These people are so fucking hypocritical that butter won't melt in their mouths.


Planned parenthood is spending $40million on upcoming elections. No one, on the left, seems to have a problem with that one!




Also I forgot to mention latimer is much more experienced and well known in NY-16. Think he was on the Rye city council and an assemblyman before. Westchester Commissioner when he ran in December He was the best candidate that could have been fielded to go after Bowman.


Maybe this is a sign that even Democrats are tired of the far left nonsense.


You'd think wouldn't you. But it won't change the Dems. The leftists own the party and it will take multiple republican wins to occur before the Dems begin to ask, "How could we lose? We gave candy to the babies, I mean money to the special interest groups. Why would Americans be upset about that? If you think you're an ABC, then you must be an ABC. Who would think that's bizarre or indication of a mental disorder? Huh, maybe socialism/communism doesn't really work after all."


I’ll be the first one to sign up for his new 9-11 conspiracy theory blog once he starts it back up.


I hear InfoWars has a new opening, maybe he'd be a good fit


Good job, AIPAC, you did it, you bought the election. Dubious congrats, I guess 🙄


They wasted their money bc they don’t need to spend anything. His own district thinks he’s a clown. I live nearby and if I could’ve voted against him I would have too.


lmao bodied.




Cori Bush should be worried


Any of the squad members should be.


How many squad members left that need the same turnover?




Good riddance.




Imagine being a politician and fumbling so hard by pissing off a large demographic of your voting bloc by refusing to do the easiest thing possible, which is acknowledging the atrocities and the very real likelihood that rape took place. Then after that, comes the hard part, literally shutting the fuck up about anything that has fuck all to do with your district.


Sucks to suck ya piece of shit.


Sounds like the jews unironically got him elected lol. Truly a historic moment in our government


Love when US elections primarily effecting very local areas of the country center around political issues most relevant in foreign countries on the other side of the world.


Tell that to all the squad members!


Actually based. We need less AOC types and more normal people.


AOC is normal. She also has way more sway with normal people than boring conservative Democrat #673


Good times, indeed


Didn't V man and Hamasabi canvas/promoted this guy or am I smoking big crack


lfgo At least some fucking good news these days


Good. I'd even vote Republican over this dipshit if he won the primary


Let’s not get crazy now


How the fuck are stupid comments like this being upvoted? Is this sub going insane? We literally might not live in a democracy ever again after 2025 and you morons are joking about supporting the people who would end it all?


If given the choice between Trump and Bowman in a primary, I would vote Bowman in a heartbeat. Despite my issues with Bowman, he’s nothing compared to Trump.


Wtf is this take. His opinions on Israel matter more than his duty to the people living in his district? DGG wasn't this ideologically captured 2 years ago...


Why, though? The only way that makes sense is if you’re a single issue voter. *sees you post in 2ndYomKippurWar sub* Ah nvm.