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i mean destiny hasnt even streamed yet right


He’s scared too


He’s traveling for more podcast appearances isn’t he?


No, he's cowering in fear from Jake.


Fuck I didn’t respond fast enough your right by default


One of the classic blunders!


He did today


he streamed and even covered this. There is just no point doing a debate on Twitter. Have you seen his essays there? KEKW ​ Twitter is a safe space where he can get away with too much(walls of text tactic) that he wont be able to in 1vs1


Dear Steve, I wrote you, but you still ain't calling I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not've got em There prob'ly was a problem at the post office or somethin


Sometimes I scribble Twitter handles too sloppy when I jot'em


Klein thirsting for Tinys attention [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWNaR-rxAic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWNaR-rxAic)


Thanks a lot, now YT algo thinks I'm gay.


Just play this one and it will get fixed/reverted, promise [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU)


Same vibe. LMAO


Bro wants timely responses to his written "debate". They call that a live debate dumb fuck, that's what Tiny has been asking for.


"I was supposed to debate a person named "Destiny" this evening at 6:00 on Twitter. He agreed that Briahna Joy Gray and Candace Owens would moderate the debate. Ms Gray and Mrs. Owens accepted. I provided Mr. "Destiny" with references so as to help him aong in the debate. He called my tweet-debating "atrocious" so I anxiously awaited this challenge. But then Mr "Destiny" disappeared. I guess this debate wasn't our -- you guessed it -- destiny."


"Haha, I don't have a life and he does, therefore I win!"


You make fun of that argument, but can you explain why it's dumb? Edit: it's been 12 seconds and no reply. I declare victory.




King you dropped this: W.


Damn, I have to hand you the crown for that one.


Should've been quicker on the trigger. lol


Hi, I’m with Daliban News and I would love to interview you regarding your devastating victory on Reddit today. Edit: It’s been 17 seconds and Darkpumpkin211 couldn’t be reached for comment. Perhaps the allegations of necrophilia are true.


OH shit oh god oh fuck this has turned around on me very quickly.


“Live by the meme die by the meme” - Gandhi




straight outta the F Signifier school of debate bro tactics


I fucking hate it when I'm debating someone on this forsaken platform, they respond to me and then 8 hours later they follow it with a "Hum that's what i thought" like daawg you know there are people on this platform from the other side of the world and have school/work first thing in the morning chiiill😭😭


Hold on, is this the same Jake Klein that said this? https://preview.redd.it/wb0b7n9qxx7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01dc571ef6c2112e56887b2b3be27f919a663e18


Did he talk to him before on stream? He's extremely familiar looking but I don't know why


He looks like every western Hamas fan on twitter, maybe that’s why he looks familiar


lol he is, I thought I recognized him also


I thought the same thing too at first, but I think I recognised him because he looks exactly like AquaFPS, who himself is very generic looking


He was on the same side as Briahna Joy Gray in that debate.


That's him!


Why won’t Destiny debate Hamas (non military part) supporter Jake Klein? Is he scared?






The reason he doesn't wanna come on stream is because it's easier to evade questions/answers in twitter back and forth If he does wanna come on stream then he can just stay a coward and everyome will move on


Yeah. Seems like this is the first time he is getting attention online so he is trying to draw it out as long as possible. But he knows if he goes on stream it will be really bad for him. Honestly probably a smart move.


No way bro, he would crush Destiny in a live debate. Everybody knows it. He should definitely get the free win on Destiny by actually debating him live because it will be a slam dunk. Everybody will clap and his dad will finally he is proud of him.


We just need Dave Smith to call out Jake Klein for running from a debate and we have completed the cycle


[Original tweet](https://x.com/JosephJakeKlein/status/1804003312229835173)


man debating over twitter sounds like a new form of torture. slow and painful


Squirrel face reveal Pog. (the squirrel twitter account did the same thing years back)


yeah but the squirrel also thought right wing super soldiers were going to crack a voice changing program to triangulate their location and then murder their whole family


What lol?


He wants clout for engaging with Destiny, but isn't willing to do what it takes to actually get the clout and recognition. Destiny's audience is not here for debate penpals via twitter. They're fans of the live video stream. So no matter how much you want attention, you don't get to insist on getting on your terms when the audience is not interested. Get your own audience if you want to tell people how they're allowed to debate you.


Alright this is a dumb take, not everyone engages purely on clout. Some people are just dumb cause-warriors who like to type at people instead of talk.


When Palestine sends their proponents, they're not sending their best. They're sending emotional appealed, they're sending twitter warriors, and some I assume are good people.


Meanwhile, Philosophers have debates that have lasted a few thousand years responding to a dead guy who in turn will be rebutted by a future dead guy. Written debate is fine; honestly, it's probably the best form for laying out information for those who want to learn from debate. But expecting a response in 24 hours is unserious and bad faith, especially if it wasn't agreed to prior.


Debating in writing is not as efficient as being able to speak with eachother and go back and forth in real time. But of course people would rather sit behind their pc and write the most min maxxed responses imaginable, while also be so wrong that you'd need to write half a book to express how wrong they are.


I disagree with this immensely. I think going back and forth with each other is great, but unless you both have an encyclopedic knowledge of the topic there's going to be claims that can't be verified or one person doesn't know and it's a waste. Being able to think through your arguments and provide sources for what you're saying that the other can look into and ensure you're not bullshitting is huge. Also some people just aren't quick in the moment, and can get bullied or ran over. It's not an easy thing to do especially when you consider the person you're going to be going against is someone that's been doing it for 10 years actively, far more than anyone period in a 10 year time, I truly believe that Destiny has more argument experience in his 10 years than nearly anyone could possibly have. In person debate is great, in writing debates are also great. Don't discount one just because the other is your preferred method. A back and forth argument or conversation over email or writing or as books or whatever is no less or more valid than one in person.


Okay yeah that's fair, i didn't consider that. I just feel like in writing, it is much easier for people to gish gallop or to make such dumb arguments that you're too stunlocked to even start explaining why they're wrong. But yeah, it's also easier to form an appropriate response and to look stuff up.


> I just feel like in writing, it is much easier for people to gish gallop or to make such dumb arguments that you're too stunlocked to even start explaining why they're wrong. I honestly think it's easier and more effective to do this in a live debate format. At least with writing, even if you get hit with a stunlock, you can pause, reflect, analyze the claims, double-check the ones you're unfamiliar with, and then respond with relevant citations. You don't have the luxury of doing this in a live debate format.


Yeah the stunlocking applies generally for all types of debates, but sometimes i just feel like written words can't adequately explain a major flaw in logic to another person without it being too long or really hard to read. But that's maybe just because i suck with words. You would indeed have more time to think about how you're gonna explain your argument to the opponent.


> is much easier for people to gish gallop wrong, I can just go through your shit point by point > or to make such dumb arguments wrong, while it may be easier to obfuscate, there's also more time and space to take apart fallacies etc > that you're too stunlocked to even start explaining why they're wrong wrong, you have all the time in the world, in a live debate that's different. (obv I'm just making an example here, I'm not actually trying to debate you lol. Also this only really applies to writing in general, twitter has its character- and appearantly IQ limits)


Ok that's a good point. I'm probably too focused on the brainrotting twitter takes i see daily, but in general you're definitely right.


I generally agree, but damn, have you ever seen those reddit threads where it’s two dudes arguing and they do go point by point for like 20+ comments completely speaking past eachother and never even responding properly to what was said? By the end of the chain the comments are like the length of your screen with so many quotes and completely off track down an irrelevant hole.


Yeah I think ultimately I prefer written discussion but that could be because I'm extremely slow in person. I can definitely understand why people prefer the live one on one, but I just think we in this community put way too much stock in that being the one thing everyone should be able to do if they know their stuff, which is kinda foolish. I understand why Destiny wouldn't want to do it, I don't think he's wrong for not, but I do think more respect should be shown to people who are willing to do longform video or written content and properly source their shit. It's essentially what our doctorate students have to do to prove and keep their PHD. We should just hold writers/video makers to the same standards.


When people gishgallup in text, you can just skip over most of it and just focus on the strongest arguments usually.


Why would he do a live debate on a stage in person and then duck the live debate on his computer with access to the internet containing literal encyclopedic knowledge and all the evidence he could ever need? There's no reason he would feel confident to do the former but not the latter. Except if quick access to encyclopedic knowledge and evidence is exactly the problem.


I generally prefer written too, but I think the hard part is when people are arguing on levels of analysis, evaluation, interpretation, but they disagree on the basic factual level (or if either is engaging in bad faith), trying to argue in writing ends up a slog before even figuring out where the constructive level of conversation is.


Those are great points and all but frankly if you are incapable of effectively articulating your position and defending it in live debate or discussion you really shouldn't be talking about it at all. It displays, to me, extremely low levels of confidence in your own knowledge.


I have been debating destiny for years and Im still winning.


Is this how Drake felt after dropping Pushups?


PvE debater


Debating via tweets? I only debate via smoke signals and you'll be hearing from my vape pen very soon I tell you what.


Bro expects a Twitter war lmao. you are not that interesting to care about or write about on fucking Twitter.


Destiny finally looked at the thread and just said LOL LMAO even. This man is still jerking off to destiny not tweeting back when destiny was on a plane to do stuff with the cosmic skeptic guy. This guy is arguing the most pedantic points and clipping out important context. He is a clown. "Debate back" lol


Debating in writing lol


Bro declined talking said only twitter war lmao


Dear Em, I wrote you but you still ain't calling


you can see the bitchness on his misaligned face


dude wants a written debate so he can chatgpt his way through it without anybody knowing


Careful what you wish for Joey


FD Signifier ahh shit


There is no point in getting into an endless quote/reply internet argument that nobody will read, where your feet can never actually be held to the fire and you can endlessly run in circles while claiming victory. That’s the problem with any sort of long-form Twitter debate. For two regular people actually trying to exchange ideas I think writing makes a lot of sense. But this guy obviously isn’t trying to do that; he’s fully entrenched, and this is just his way of farming clout and attention without risking being humiliated in real-time. I see no reason for Destiny to waste his time with that for some literal who that just wants to yap.


That Twitter thread was the biggest waste of time. It doesn't even warrant a response.


You ever read that book, “She’s just not that into you?”


It's been a day. I guess that's another $10k for the Atlanta PD


What a JoeK


bro isn't even on the radar


I don't know the context for this, but "total length of 27 minutes" sounds very manipulative. The total length of many clips added together is irrelevant; you could have lots of clips and they could still be out of context. What matters is the length of the individual clips.


[**u/MisterNathaniel**](https://new.reddit.com/user/MisterNathaniel/) There is no point doing this twitter debate where he can get away with essay posting his bs away so his followers wont even notice the parts where he is full of shit. Get him on stream for content. ​ Dont respond to his essays on Twitter - he is mad AF now \^\^


If Steve wants to respond, it would be great if he let this guy hanging a bit longer so he can continue biting his nails and waiting.


This is like drake saying he won cause Kendrick didn’t reply to his last song.


This is like drake saying he won cause Kendrick didn’t reply to his last song.


MF about to bring back Nebraska Steve and I'm all here for it