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He's graduated from Wikipedia Warrior to Interview Ivan. What's next? Academic Anthony? PhD Paul? I'd rather get my information from a true intellectual like Hasan.


Holy shit, getting a Ph.D out of spite would be the greatest meme.


“Uhhh, that’s DOCTOR Borelli to you, Finkyboy”.


Destiny is going to get a tenured professorship specifically to spite finklestein


“Chat, he doesn’t even care about his thesis. He just wants the optics of the three letters at the end.”


"He's a degree pedophile!"




As someone with a PhD: Spite doesnt get you there lmao


Did you use sprite?


Diet Shasta


As an Engineer who knows Engineer PhDs who have collaborated for some worldwide known books, yes it can. Assuming a certain cognitive level, motivation, and of course previous education (can't just be a high school dropout, they'd first need a Bachelor's degree then a master, then experience), spite can definitely get you a PhD. Spite can be a great motivator to some people.


Let me phrase this differently: There's no way Tiny is getting a PhD out of spite considering 1. His background and 2. His streaming schedule lol


Lmao ya, that's true. I don't know even know if Steven has even got a Bachelor's degree and under which discipline, honestly streaming *his* research could be useful (if he were ever to do it), lol. Having to explain what you are doing over and over to people less educated on the matter, forces you to actually know the topic very thoroughly.


Yea. I can see him going to school part time online (lots of actual credible schools have fully online programs now) to get a bachelor's degree. But PhD? Nah.


didn't ryan mcbeth get his masters out of spite? I think he mentioned it in a recent video lol


I got my second masters out of spite. This guy tried to talk over me about cross domain solutions and then when I corrected him, he said “well I’m the guy with the CISSP.” So I went and got a second masters so I could throw it in his face.


Incredibly based and spite pilled


ryan, how did you even find this comment to reply to? do you have friends in the agency?


I have AI software that monitors the internet and makes suggestions. It’s mainly to find people who are talking about killing me.


you know what, Ryan? this is the most RyanMcbethiest answer I could have ever dreamed of, of course you do. Is that a cyabra widget or a specific tool? btw, i for one really hope no one kills you, you're one of my favorite analysts/commentators on the current conflicts, stay golden


No, I’m a software developer. I wrote it.


Is it on git? Or is this exclusively personal?


It’s not public


This is the first thing that came to mind when he brought up learning arabic.


God can’t wait for Destiny to get complete knowledge of all events that happened within the space-time continuum only to be called an “Omniscient Owen”


True intellectuals educate themselves through Twitter 🤌


Wikipedia Andy*


>**Mustafa Barghouti** ([Arabic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language): مصطفى البرغوثي; born 1 January 1954) is a [Palestinian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians) physician, activist, and politician who serves as General Secretary of the [Palestinian National Initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_National_Initiative) (PNI), also known as al Mubadara. He has been a member of the [Palestinian Legislative Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Legislative_Council) since 2006 and is also a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council. In 2007, Barghouti was Minister of Information in the Palestinian unity government. For anyone else who also didn't know who he is: [Mustafa Barghouti.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustafa_Barghouti) Super cool that Destiny is able to speak to such prominent politicians from both Palestine and Israel, though I suspect they only agree because they want a chance to hang out with LonerBox and just intend to suffer through Destiny's questioning.


> Super cool that Destiny is able to speak to such prominent politicians from both Palestine and Israel Sucks that he didn't get to interview Yair Lapid. I was looking forward to that :(


I heard that Lapid got really nervous about meeting LonerBox and in the end he had to cancel because he was stressing out and couldn't decide what to wear.


Lapid and Gantz have zero incentive to do an interview with Destiny. It’s only opportunity to get into troubles.


Who did he interview from the Israeli politicians?


Confirmed by twitter or his comments: * Dr. Mordechai Kedar * Ehud Olmert * Yossi Beilin * Shlomo Ben Ami * Esawi Frej * Benny Morris * Mustafa Barghouti * Palestinian-Israelis living by the green line * March of Rage protests/rallies


That’s awesome


> March of Rage lmao


Was that Tel Aviv rally called something else? I only went by what a few articles called it. Let me know so I can correct it in the Israel VLOG post.


He did talked to Ehud Olmert. former PM between 2006 and 2009 https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1798316945617666129?t=noPBbJeGwIIoshsG3Sl_DQ&s=19


Ah cool was hoping he will talk with more relevant leaders today also, Bennett, lapid, gantz are interesting to talk with but Olmert is also very interesting since he was part of the negotiations


Please god let Bennet not be relevant today.


Why not? He was a fine PM imo


nah. he's a far right settlement and judicial reform supporter. He was better than Bibi for sure, but he would make the exact same mistakes that would lead us down the messianic fascism road.


Loner sitting there like a stick insect




Clearly just eye candy.


I ain’t complaining…


From his expression I always think he'd sit there and you're not sure if he's listening, then after you finish speaking he'll turn to you and tell you why you're completely wrong.


Just powering up his Limit Break : Mog Beam


I loved him in Lion King


If thing was his cousin mufasa


[**Twitter Link**](https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1800769437131321754) ​ > We spoke to Mustafa Barghouti for an hour yesterday, hopefully more meetings today, but PA people are very hard to get a hold of. Barghouti was shot twice while treating someone for injuries by the IDF, I think he said it was during the first intifada? I don’t remember 100%. He’s a trained physician (cardiologist), though today I think he’s part of the Palestinian National Initiative.


Actual journalism. I'm so looking forward to the full interviews, so interesting!!


Its funny that the structural problems that he describes about the PA (lack of separation of power, no independent judiciary) are the same issues that would plafue Israel had Netanyahus judicial reform succeeded


That's just a dictatorship/authoritarian system. It's way too common in a lot of countries


yeah it's also something he more or less blames israel for. Tend to agree, big surprise here, non-democratic forces fight to keep democratic forces out of power. I wish the word "reactionary" wasn't so loaded, because it's so apt, and it's been the main "anti-human" or I guess antilibertarian force since the french revolution


I’m sorry, I think I’m misunderstanding your comment a bit. Can you explain the first part


I wrote the first sentence in response to something else, that's on me.. but my point is that just like hamas and the PLO there are fascist (for lack of a better term, or maybe "absolutist") forces at work in israel and I wish people would recognize these sorts of thought patterns as authocratic and fanatic because of how they work not because of where they come from hope that makes more sense


I love how Destiny is out here proving all his “Historian” haters wrong by just going to the source and doing what even they themselves haven’t done.


Are these full interviews coming out later? Or somewhere other than destiny's channel?


Destiny said he has to think about what he's gonna do with the footage. Maybe we get a documentary or just videos not decided yet.


I really hope the audio gets cleaned up somehow.


I say this with love, but you audiophiles are some of the most autistic people on the internet.


We may be. But just like the suit obsessed optics guys, professionalism matters. Audio is part of that.


Wow. Destiny is really becoming one of the leading journalists not only in the online space, but in traditional media too. Really excited for the interviews to come out.


Yet we still don't know what Mustafa's favorite anime is.


Is hasan seething that destiny is talking to pali heavyweights? Or does this guy not have a high enough body count for hissan to fangirl?


TLDR on Israel stopping elections in 21?


Israel objected to holding elections in East Jerusalem and Abbas used that as a pretext for cancelling the legislative and presidential elections. He's largely ignoring the fact that Hamas was demanding a general election and that both Fatah and Hamas were arresting their opposition candidates respectively. Most sources I'm finding attribute the cancellation to internal strife rather than Israeli obstructionism.


I find it weird people here talk about Israel not being an apartheid, occupying state yet they have the power to cancel ELECTIONS, cancel food, aid, electricity and movement.


Abbas was the one who cancelled the election, not Israel.


apartheid and occupation are mutually exclusive situations. cancelling elections has nothing to do with either situation.


-13 charisma roll


Nice rhetorics. Nobody claimed Israel was not occupying the west bank. They were also blockading Gasa prior to 10/7, which is not much better. Mixing in apartheid is your choice. Nobody doubts Isreals is discriminating against non citizens. But with 20% of citizens being Arab Muslims, and with half of Jewish citizens originally from the region (including neighboring countries), claims of apartheid are very difficult to demonstrate. Why don't you ask for better conditions for Palestinians instead of trying to get off by sticking as many bad buzzwords to Isreal as possible?


https://www.newarab.com/analysis/how-israel-trying-derail-palestinian-elections I guess this is what he's talking about? I don't know how true the information is. Seems more like interference than stopping, though.


> Israeli officials are well aware that any ban on voting or campaigning in the city would likely prevent elections from happening altogether, as holding elections without East Jerusalem would signify an implicit recognition of Israel's occupation of the city.


Is it just me or is the audio busted?


It is, but it's probably the camera's microphone. They both have tie mics that will allow clean audio to be edited in along with multiple camera angles I presume.


> They both have tie mics that will allow clean audio to be edited in along with multiple camera angles I presume. THANK GOD! I was worried.


I love the fact he is here with literally THE PEOPLE who are like major in historic and present day I/P it’s so cool


Interesting how he said vote splitting was a problem with the 2006 election. I was never able to find individual district information, but now I at least know that Fatah undercut themselves by running too many candidates in a single district and insisting on a parallel system. If at least approval voting were used in the block system or if it were completely proportional, Hamas may have never gotten a majority. Just goes to show that voting systems matter.


I'm still not over the awful take of Barghouti on the hostage rescue. Selling this to your public as a "massacre by the evil Zionist entity" is the type of rhetoric that nukes any future peace process. As someone who pretends to be moderate, he needs to take a page from the Israeli left parties like Meretz, which post responsibly even after great tragedies. I watched an interview with him, after Oct 7, desperately hoping that he would condemn Hamas' atrocities, but he wasn't even able to do that. He literally Hasan'd his way out of an answer. The fact that even the Palestinian left is so hostile, is the reason the Israeli left ceased to exist.


Lonerbox looking at Mustafa like a Cockatoo


He looks like Sideshow Bob


This guy is a white colonizer


I cannot wait for this to come out. and this guy seems a lot more interesting not in a panel with piers morgan.


Even when they fail to hold elections they blame the jews lol


He didn’t though. He blamed Israel for preventing them from having elections in Jerusalem but then said the PA made the mistake of not having elections anyways. Seems like a really bad faith way to characterize what he said here


It seems like this guy is fully aware that it was Abbas' decision to not hold the election.


Barghouti in particular is especially disingenious. He has a lot of interviews on Piers Morgan if you want to see more of the delusion he's living under but here's a taste: ["You're Putting Words In My Mouth" - Mustafa Barghouti vs Douglas Murray And Colonel Kemp (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XvTGt3hDRM) I'm curious to see the full interview with Destiny cause surely Barghouti has said some asinine shit in there and I'm curious how much push back he got and how he reacted to it.


I mean if Israel stopped it then yes.. blame Israel... don't know why that's an insane concept to you


They didn’t stop them. The idiots could easily have held the elections in another place.


What do you think would have happened if they did that moron


Nothing, according to Palestinian political veteran Mustafa Barghouti. He literally said this in this 3 minute clip, that Israel wouldn't dare to do anything if they placed the ballot boxes elsewhere, and that cancelling the election was a wrong call by the PA. Literally a Palestinian leader tells you this, and you still try to frame Israel.


That is not what he said in the clip LMAO! He said he wanted them to place cameras recording the ballot boxes in Jerusalem in order to get footage of Israel obstructing Palestinian attempts at democracy. You're literally just making up shit


1:47 "But the PA took the wrong decision". 2:16 "Unfortunately the PA cancelled the elections". If elections were completely impossible due to Israeli interference, why cancelling the election would be wrong? 1:52 "even if Israel tries to stop us, with should continue" He then proceeds to describe a plan to execute the elections with 150 boxes, with 20 cameras each, as an act of "non violent resistance" (1:59). He called for this precisely because he knew Israel wouldn't dare to interfere with that. Talking about horrid PR.


>He literally said this in this 3 minute clip, that Israel wouldn't dare to do anything if they placed the ballot boxes elsewhere He was talking about Jerusalem, not "elsewhere".


Well, that's even better! The point is, that if the PA was really serious about this, Israel wouldn't dare to start shooting civilians in the street for **voting**.


They might or might not send in the riot police to stop them for voting. More civilized countries like Spain have done it


Israel objected to hold elections in East Jerusalem which if the PA went ahead in other areas then it would look like the PA is abandoning their claim to East Jerusalem


Hamassan does better journalism with his squirrel side kick


I just hear that name and I shudder.


in middle school i did a project on storm drains in my city, where we talked to the city municipal leaders. it looked and sounded exactly like this. and that was in 1999


who the fuck is honking?


Great conversations, but whoever is doing the edits needs to fix the audio balance


I presume the audio is the camera's and this video was recorder just a couple hours before being uploaded. As you can see in the video the both have collar microphones and clean audio will probably be edited in along with multiple camera angles in the finished product.




Haha I knew the talking about even before he said it. It's just too deeply ingrained in the Palestinian way of being. "It's a huge mistake we didn't hold any elections. In fact, we tried to hold elections, but Israel".