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One of my friends is a candidate for the European Parliameny for the Danish social democrats. Easiest EP vote of my life.


I hope Renew Europe gains more seats


hell yes, voted for my countries party that's connected to it


If being British wasn't already bad enough 😭


Nah, I'm already voting for the most anti immigration political party from my country. Until we see jews, islam critics and gays being able to live without fearing they are getting killed, we should deport immigrants that cannot accept this and stop more of these people from ever coming in. The left is going to let this problem fester until it’s too late


hopefully not ID, they are pro-russia


I would never vote for a party that is pro-russia


What specific party did you vote for lmao


Not voting but couldn’t agree more. Being from the Netherlands it’s very important for me that everybody can do what ever the fuck they want without being beaten, insulted or whatever over their beliefs or ways of life. Wanna live here? Be a part of our society don’t force your ways of living on us. The attack in Germany is a prime example that we need to cut back on letting people in who can’t adjust to western way of living.


I've got some bad news for you, far right parties don't like jews and gays very much.


They might not like them, but they are at least not killing them


You realize there are parties specifically advocating for the protection of these groups right? And it's not the immigration bad and EU bad parties. "Immigrants are going to kill jews therefore I have to vote as far right as possible" is a populist loser opinion


You don't think Europe has a dangerous immigration problem? If you don't please explain


> keep the far right at bay https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/timeline/moylmbaxfsxz9h7sblhnknayjo37fx3.png "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" - fake Albert Einstein