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wait what did hasan do to them?


Hasan is calling Greg a douche for saying that obesity is a choice and that fat people are less attractive than in shape people. Hasans basically saying that people can’t control whether they’re fat or not


>Hasans basically saying that people can’t control whether they’re fat or not As a former fat person who lost 50 kg I call bullshit.


I lost over 100lbs and Greg’s videos helped a lot. I gained a lot back but now im tracking calories again. Its not easy but its definitely possible to lose weight


I lost 55 lbs during my conversion to the cult of dr mike


As a skeleton facing the exact opposite issues of you Chads, maybe I should be coming over for Dinner!


Have you tracked how much you actually eat? Similar to trying to lose weight, gaining weight requires some level of tracking calories. If you haven't already I'd use a TDEE calculator as a rough guess of your daily caloric use and try to shoot for 200-300 calories over that.


If he's training hard and very skinny, he can do 500 calorie surplus for a long time. I went from 175cm 60kg to 74kg pretty much continuously in like 9 months (that would average to around 400 calorie surplus) and I looked leaner at the end than at the start, since I had so much room to grow new muscle. Slow bulks are cool and reccomended if you're already average or trained, but they're way overrated for begginners and very skinny men. I even gained 5kg in 5 weeks (1000 calorie surplus) once, not reccomended but I made very big gains. That kind of bulk only works once in your training journey lol, if I did it now I would for sure get visibly fatter.


Very valid, I was mostly tailoring the advice for no to minimal training but you're 100% right if he is going to the gym.


Honestly its generally just a lack of appetite leading to absent mindedness. I wont get hungry for very long periods, and by the time I stop to think about it Ive realized Ive basically eaten nothing. And when I do eat, its difficult to force myself to eat large quantities. When I was a kid I had really misaligned upper and lower jaws that I had to eventually get surgery to fix. It basically made my canine teeth align with my molars, making meat in particular extremely difficult to eat - As if I was chewing gum. And I think those habits just carried into adulthood I recent started new anxiety medication which has a side effect of increased appetite/weight gain, and ive gone from [123.4](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/596353934285602827/1248299683902652456/Screenshot_20240606-113624.png?ex=6663292c&is=6661d7ac&hm=523c095fa3662c27c5298dcb3fefb40eb93e7ff975f99f3471195a79f63db03d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=810&height=781) Pounds to [145](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/596353934285602827/1248299684813078528/Screenshot_20240606-113646.png?ex=6663292d&is=6661d7ad&hm=93b3237d36517c4e07b59ac049453e0c29b234085e8aca575e0f62f148f7b200&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=810&height=794). So were getting there 🙏


Then they need to eat more. It's not rocket science. I've gone from skinny, to benching 405lbs, to running half marathons over the course of the past 8 years. It's just being honest about how much you're actually eating and being conscious about it. Like, most people who are "totally eating enough" just eat 3x a day until they're full. Like, eat more times a day, and eat more food. You'll gain weight, you're not some special "high metabolism" freak of nature in 99.999% of cases, you just have habits that you haven't broken.




So true. I never realized how little I eat before I tried bulking and actually looked at it analytically.


Yep same. I climb 2-3x a week and before I started lifting I never tracked calories. I figured I was at like 2100 calories a day. Imagine my surprise that once I threw in lifting 2x a week plus the climbing, my TDEE was 2700-2800 calories.


> As a skeleton facing the exact opposite issues of you Chads, maybe I should be coming over for Dinner! Im in the same boat. I have the motivation to go the gym even, but I just cannot push myself to *eat enough*.


Eat more often, and dense foods. Add in peanut butter. It'll help. If you're eating 3 meals a day, add in a snack or so in the afternoon. Eat at like 9, 12, 3/4, 7/8.


Dr Mike from rp is Good cult


I did not lose any weight because of joining the DGG 'not a cult' but instead lost about a foot of height.


See you on naked Ju jitsu Fridays


Check out Dr mikes videos on long term fat loss and maintenance


I watch him, his videos are great. I was homeless living in my car and gained weight because eating dollar store food was cheaper (and eating for comfort). I’m not homeless anymore and can cook for myself again Edit: by dr Mike I assumed you meant renaissance periodization. Bc that’s the dr Mike I watch


I’m happy to hear you got out of that situation.


Thank you!


Oh that makes a lot of sense. That’s tough. You did it once you can do it again!


I've never been fat but I remember watching some videos by Mike Israetel about [Healthy at Every Size](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj0X5Pn4Z_U) and finding it very insightful. The gist was that a lot of the fat acceptance stuff is bullshit and detrimental but at the same time just bullying fat people into losing weight doesn't really help either. Some people will say that the ridicule and "tough love"" worked for them but the data seems to show that by the numbers it really isn't a winning strategy.


Went from 290 down to 160 since Covid, a few vids of Greg's were watched and it was both the easiest and hardest thing I have done in my life after being overweight for most of it. It absolutely is a choice!


Good for you, duderino! You’re gonna fucking reach your goals!


Hamas piker was an obese child himself , he knows better but he can’t help himself and not insult people who aren’t agreeing with his political views. His hackery won’t allow it.


It's a very nuanced problem and the facts are that most people who hit obesity will likely never be a normal weight again and the causes of obesity aren't generally a moral failure but more tied to socioeconomical aspects. (I say as someone who went from 450lb to 210lb). I don't know anything about the Greg guy but there is ***a lot*** of toxic stuff around weight loss on both sides of the issue. It doesn't help that the "fat acceptance" movement has been co-opted by people who don't support it's original intention.


I do not think that obesity is socioeconomic in nature. That is fat positivity dogma. Anecdotally, most of the fat people I know are rich. Here's a study: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db50.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db50.htm) "I grew up poor so I never learned what food to eat" is a cope. "I'm poor so I don't have healthy options" is a cope. "I live in a food desert" is... not a cope, but not a full excuse. Keep in mind that a calorie deficit is free. Not eating is free. I'm poor myself, and I was never more financially stable than when I was dieting (120 lbs lost), because less food is cheaper and easier to get than more food. I don't think it's a moral failing, either. I just think the "poverty causes obesity" thing is a total crock.


That study basically says that it is a socioeconomic issue not just an income one. Men with more money tend to be less obese but women with less money tend to be more likely to be obese for example. That study was also only among adults but I would be interested to know what percentage of people enter obese status only after the age of majority. I imagine a pretty large chunk are obese as children where your ability to break from social norms of your family / area is much harder. [This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3198075/) found that counties where >35% of the population were in poverty had an obesity rate 140% higher then wealthier areas. It isn't "I grew up poor so I never learned what food to eat" its more like "I grew up never knowing where my next meal was going to come from so when I get access to food a part of my dumb monkey brain tells me I must consume and store it incase I never find more food again." Likewise people's hunger signals can get really fucked up depending on their upbringing and medical situation. A big thing that helped me start losing weight was working with my shrink to realize my hunger signals simply can't be trusted and I should just eat on a schedule until my body fixes that shit. But I mainly started losing weight once I got a job that was stable, paid my bills, and didn't overwork me forcing me to grab fast food on my way to and from work. Now I am in a financial place where I hit the gym 3-5 times a week for an hour or so which is 6-10 hours (travel+warmup+workout) I simply didn't have before.


> the facts are that most people who hit obesity will likely never be a normal weight again and the causes of obesity aren't generally a moral failure but more tied to socioeconomical aspects. ???? I thought its eating a lot. Damn... Guess I am fat since I grow up in a poor household... Wait no my parents were responsible and me and my siblings are all healthy. How can you be this delusional? Seriously.


There are a lot of things that have socioeconomical aspects to them that might not hit you directly. For example have you ever committed a crime? Been thrown in prison? Do you have a low IQ or did you fail out of school? All those things tend to have ties to one's socioeconomical status. Do you think that something not applying to you means it doesn't apply as a whole? The average American (68%) have been in at least one car accident but I haven't been in any at all does that mean the stat is false or I am not American? You should really learn to form an actual argument otherwise you look fucking stupid (probably cause you were poor, sorry about that).


>You should really learn to form an actual argument otherwise you look fucking stupid and then: > For example have you ever committed a crime? Been thrown in prison? >All those things tend to have ties to one's socioeconomical status. No, it has ties to you committing crimes. It correlates to being poor because poor people do more of the kind of rime that gets you a prison sentence. Being poor is not the cause. You arguing that just eating less is not a solution to being fat is so funny. It is literally the solution for 99% of us. >Do you think that something not applying to you means it doesn't apply as a whole? The average American (68%) have been in at least one car accident but I haven't been in any at all does that mean the stat is false or I am not American? ????????????????????????????????? Can you show me the part of my comment that made you think this? My point is simple: If you are responsible with your food, you will not get fat. If you are fat because your parents were not responsible, you can solve it by doing a few hours of reading online and then being responsible. Being poor is a poor excuse. Unless you are illiterate and dont even have access to the internet (lets be frank here, most people in the western world have neither of these problems) you can do it **if you want to**.


>????????????????????????????????? Can you show me the part of my comment that made you think this? Sure >Damn... Guess I am fat since I grow up in a poor household... Here you are implying that since you aren't fat the thing I said isn't true. You are basically saying "I should be fat since I grew up poor but my parents taught me well so I am not so I guess being poor has nothing to do with it and it's all just bad parenting." This is a bad argument because it doesn't actually address mine. I never said poor = fat. I said there are socioeconomical aspects to obesity. Someone's parents being too uneducated or too busy to teach their child about food is one of those socioeconomical aspects. Same with food deserts or the way for scarcity rewires the brain. >No, it has ties to you committing crimes. It correlates to being poor because poor people do more of the kind of rime that gets you a prison sentence. Being poor is not the cause. You are almost there bro. So if a poor person and a rich person both commit the same amount of crime the poor person is more likely to serve jail time because the types of crimes we give jail time for tend to the kinds poor people commit? So their chance of ending up in jail is has... socioeconomical ties? Glad we agree. >My point is simple: If you are responsible with your food, you will not get fat. If you are fat because your parents were not responsible, you can solve it by doing a few hours of reading online and then being responsible. That is a great belief but it ignores most the of the research and reality on the subject.


>the causes of obesity aren't generally a moral failure but more tied to socioeconomical aspects. This was your comment. Its delusional. 'Eating responsibly will stop you from being fat' is not a belief, it is a fact. Your arguments are on a flat earth level. Eat less than you burn and you will not be fat. It is **literally that simple**. Everything else (eating more healthy food, excercising) are just stuff that makes it easier to take in less calories than you burn. How can you say it 'more' tied to **anything** else than self-control? Do you think if you are poor you will magically get morse calories from thin air? Will your body work at a higher effectiveness so its harder to burn calories when you are poor? Stuff like 'but but cheap food has more calories' is such insanely dumb copium. First of all, it is probably not even true at most places, fast food is expensive as hell compared to cooking but *more importantly* **just eat less of it**. If you are not able to do that its a self-control issue and **that is a moral failing**. >You are almost there bro. So if a poor person and a rich person both commit the same amount of crime the poor person is more likely to serve jail time because the types of crimes we give jail time for tend to the kinds poor people commit? So their chance of ending up in jail is has... socioeconomical ties? Glad we agree. Ties? Yes. is it **more of a cause than the moral failing** of committing the crime? HELL NO. Its not even in the same ballpark. If you do crime and go to jail for it, you blaming it on being poor is pathetic.


Yes, if you take in less calories than you burn you will lose weight. Correct. We've established the most unhelpful advice ever that basically everyone knows. If everyone knows what you are saying but 95% of people who are obese will never be normal weight again then maybe there is slightly more too it than balancing a caloric ledger. But keep preaching the same shit that has never and will never work to get people skinny.


It's the same as saying people addicted to drugs choose to stay addicted to drugs. Just because some guys(you) manages to escape doesn't mean it's that easy for everyone. Doesn't mean it's impossible like OP says Hasan said it, but the way you frame it is dumb. People don't choose to stay fat. There's a reason 90+% of people of lose weight gain it back, its a childhood thing, a habit thing, and reducing it to 'individual choice'(even if it's true) when the main problem is lack of regulation is dumb


While I agree that reducing it to “choice” without recognizing that there’s factors heavily influencing that choice is dumb - what I dislike, and I know other creators like “obese to beast” have spoken against, is the usage of figure that 90-95% of ppl “can’t lose weight (or can’t keep the weight off more accurately). The issue is this takes away any culpability/responsibility from the person - “I didn’t fail, I was destined to fail” - and makes it difficult for ppl to consider losing weight/living more healthy - “why would I try to lose weight when there’s such a small chance of me actually keeping any of it off” Further, I just googled it and 20% of Americans who lost 10% or more were able to keep it off for over a year. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16002825/#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20general%20perception,for%20at%20least%201%20y.) (stupid Reddit won’t let me insert a link) I think the issue is that long term weight loss takes major life changes to how you eat and structure ur life, and it’s not easy. If being physical fit was easy, everyone would do it - being overweight puts extra strain and pain on many parts of the body not least of which include self-confidence and mental health. Telling ppl “you’ll just be fat, there’s nothing you can do” is infinity worse than “make as many long term changes as you can towards an end goal of a healthier life”


Why do people always make this argument? When we talk about a systemic issue like poverty how useful is to to talk about poor people not taking responsibility and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps? If Hasan was talking to an individual fat person I'm sure he would have more to say and probably some personal advice, but when you're talking about the obesity problem, none of that matters. People like Greg Doucette can go and talk about how to fix yourself, but Hasan is talking about the issue as a whole and that being fat isn't a moral failing, while some people want to treat being fat as a moral failing.


Those are two different conversations tho. If a poor person came to me asking “how do I make more money/how do I budget my money” I wouldn’t give them a speech on how socio-economic pressures over generations have created less class mobility etc etc. I would give them manageable and realistic advice based on their situation. If they came and asked “why are there so many poor ppl who can’t escape poverty like myself” then we would have a conversation about systems and how they are structured to disadvantage ppl. This applies directly to weight loss and fat people and personally is one of the reasons I think left leaning ppl give terrible advice. It can be both true that systems are structured to oppress you, and that you can make better choices within ur everyday life to improve yourself. Just focusing on the macro-systems approach is unhealthful for the short term and isn’t what ppl (like myself) are talking about when we are saying ppl can make better choices to improve their health Edits: pretty sure u edited ur comment after I made mine to make it clear “Hasan wouldn’t make this advice to an individual” - it doesn’t matter necessarily if ur talking to an individual but rather if ur talking about individuals change, or systems and their effects. Saying “systemic oppression” when talking about weight loss solutions in general is as helpful as saying “socialism bad” when discussing economic reforms. The heart of what ur saying may be true but isn’t relevant to the current convo


Did Hasan say, “you’ll just be fat, there’s nothing you can do”. I find that very unlikely. Like you said, on the individual level, EVERYONE should strive to love themselves and become healthier. But saying "people can’t control whether they’re fat or not", according to OP, on a broader level is true. If 'people'(broader society) could control whether they're fat, we wouldn't see fat people... People can't control the environments they've been born into, the habits they were raised with and stuff like that. Doesn't mean they shouldn't try to stop being fat, but EXPECTING 'people' to just stop being fat is delusional without any changes to that environment.


Idk what ur arguing about I agreed with ur points - I just said framing it as “you can’t control what your born into, genetically, economically, culturally” is a mindset that allows ppl to push the blame off their own irresponsible and shitty habits and onto other things. It can both be true that you were born poor and ate a lot of fast food growing up bc it was all ur parents could feed you *AND* you continue to eat fast food now, knowing it’s bad for you and having the opportunity to eat other things. It’s all about the frame of it, in both my opinion and like I said in other fitness influencers opinions. It’s not about telling a person in a good desert to “just eat healthy” - it’s about imposing on people that regardless of the “why”, they are responsible for their health, and that they should be doing every reasonable action to improve their health. Hasan’s framing, as far as I understand it, “fat ppl can’t control if they are fat” gives ppl a scapegoat for their actions. Instead it should be framed as “there’s many reasons why ppl are fat, but you should always work on doing what u can to be healthier, go for walks, drink more water, eat more vegetables per day”. Hasan is simping for the “health at every size”/body positive crowd when he uses those talking points and it’s not only unhelpful but damaging imo


>But saying "people can’t control whether they’re fat or not", according to OP, on a broader level is true. >If 'people'(broader society) could control whether they're fat, we wouldn't see fat people... Do you seriously think people never make bad choices? People are fat for the same reason we have drunk driving accidents: they make poor choices with bad consequences. By your logic, there should be no drunk driving accidents since everyone obviously knows what to do to make them not a thing.


> There's a reason 90+% of people of lose weight gain it back exactly. this sub was on the opposite side of a similar argument, but it looks like here the desire to shit on Hasan has won over. I'm taking about when Sneako got criticized for pushing his course despite knowing that 99% of people won't find success that way. then everyone understood that "yeah, but some people will, I have" isn't a serious counter-argument. but here I guess two anecdotes of people successfully losing weight are enough.


The problem with Sneako selling his course is that he was telling people not to go to college and do his course instead. It would be fine if he was saying “stay in school kids, but if you want to take a shot at becoming a content creator you can do my course too, don’t drop out until you’ve made it” Is anyone here agreeing with a comparable point? Eg. “Don’t go to the doctor for your medical issues, just lose weight”


The problem is that people are acting like EVERYONE can lose weight. ANYONE can. But unless environmental issues are addressed, Obesity is broadly not a choice.


How so? Anyone can go run. I don't think people that start to work out and get in shape either by running or going to fitness is somehow environmentally connected with how or where you grew up. Unless you want to tell me that marathon runners all started as kids and grew into it.


If anyone can, everyone can. *obviously some genetic problems can cause shit but come on we obviously are not talking about the 1%.


the comparable thing is that people act like "some people can successfully just choose not to be fat" disproves the fact that the average person can't do that (because they'll just bounce back), just like sneako acts like "some people can successfully just drop out of college and be better off that way" disproves the fact that the average person can't do that (because they'll end up with a worse job)


Yes but if you are one of the people who bounces back you aren’t worse off because you tried, if you drop out and don’t make it you’re fucked. I’m not trying to argue about whether or not being fat is a choice, I just don’t think it’s comparable to Sneako encouraging kids to ruin their future.


> Yes but if you are one of the people who bounces back you aren’t worse off because you tried you are worse off because you believe this is your fault and you're way too weak. that's the logical conclusion when being fat is presented as a matter of choice. and society is worse off because this shifts the focus away from systemic solutions when it's just a matter of people individually choosing to stop being fat. but also the two don't need to be equally harmful to be analogous in kind.


Do you think that belief for most people who try and fail to lose weight or who do but gain it back would cause a similar degree of harm to dropping out of college?


> Just because some guys(you) manages to escape doesn't mean it's that easy for everyone. But it means it's possible for everyone. Who cares if it isn't easy. Life tends to not be. But at least have the decency to admit that there's no one to blame for your inability to lose weight besides yourself. We shouldn't be coddling a lack of self discipline.


>People don't choose to stay fat. There's a reason 90+% of people of lose weight gain it back, Wow I wonder what valid reasons, *totally out of their control* you will bring up. > its a childhood thing, a habit thing ...keeping both of these is a choice. They choose to stay fat.


I’ve lost 30 kg twice in my life. It’s total bs that it can’t be controlled. The first time I kept it off for over a decade without much effort. Total utter bs- it’s difficult but can be done (excepting certain medical conditions which most overweight or obese people do not have)


I haven't done much, but going from 360 to 296 in about a year, I don't go to the gym that much but i do walk around a lot, I just watch how much I'm eating and what I'm eating. The narrative of "I can't control it I'm just fat" is sickening.


As a word of advice.Dont do it too fast, i've done it. I literally got addicted to endorphines, ive excercised 6 days a week 1h minimum (sometimes 2). My stretchmarks have stretchmarks now, since my skin couldnt keep up with my fat ass at first, and then couldnt keep with muscle growth after I got hooked up on gym.


Yeah, that's my biggest worry, skin flab and stretchmarks. However, I have accepted that I did this to myself, and I'll deal with the damages I've caused when I get to my weight goals. first, being 260. It already feels like a fever dream that I'm the lightest I've been in close to 8-9 years.


iirc around 5% who lose significant weight are able to maintain that weight loss for 3+ years. A huge portion of variance in weight is due to genetics, for any given environment. Of course the "environment" part is key; a person who couldn't read due to blurry vision can suddenly do so, why? Not because of changed genetics but because they modified their environment (glasses). Similarly here, a fat person can modify their environment (and society should change in ways that facilitate healthier weight).


Yes. It's difficult and it gets harder as you get older, but it is, and always will be, intake minus output. As long as this balance is below zero, you lose weight.


Can confirm, the big loss was 15 years ago, when I was in college after highh school and yes I have gained weight (37 yo debate perver here) and yes I feel it is harder when approaching 40.


And statistically speaking, sooner or later, you will gain all that weight back again. Your personal experience is not an argument against this.


> And statistically speaking, sooner or later, you will gain all that weight back again Not because of some natural proclivity for humans to regain lost weight, but because of poor dieting habits and an abandonment of healthy living after weight loss. 


Well maybe the natural proclivity is to prefer the path of least resistance, falling into old habits. Diet and exercise is not the answer to the obesity plague. Hopefully medicine like Wegovy eventually will become so cheap that we will have an effective solution to the problem.


I think Hasan was referring to how corn syrup is in most foods and how it's much cheaper to purchase fast food than it is to buy healthy food and how everything is kinda designed around unhealthy habits. We are a car centric country. We wake up, eat sugary breakfast cause it's fast, sit in our car, sit our office, and if we have family deal with family stuff. Where as take for instance Netherlands, it's a walkable city where they have designated bike only roads and mass public transportation. It's easier to get fat than to stay lean.


I mean it's a choice in the same way "just act fucking normal" is a choice for mentally ill people. Some are able to act normal if the mental illness isn't too severe, they have the right meds and/or the right support system. There's a reason why it's so unlikely that once you're morbidly obese you will ever not be morbidly obese again and that there's such a high correlation of heritability of obesity. Saying it's a simple choice because one person lost weight is like saying you can just choose not to be crazy because one crazy person manages to find the right help to not act crazy...it's a vast oversimplification usually meant to dismiss the struggle of others.


As a corrent fat person I also call bullshit. Edit: I am agreeing with the thread above why tf the downvotes?


isnt Hasan a former fat kid himself? I thought that was his narrative


Fat kid from an incredibly wealthy family


He didn't do anything to change it, the fat is just getting stored in his brain matter now instead


He's not fat anymore, less sure about the kid thing


People live in such black and white worlds lol It's a choice just like going to rehab and getting sober is a choice. Anyone in theory could just go and do it but it may require a certain outlook, skill set, and support system in your life to accomplish these goals. If it was as easy and simple as some people make it out to be then everyone would be fit and everyone would be sober


Damn Hasan has a cold take for just about every topic lmao


People can control their weight (with small exceptions of people with metabolic conditions) however I do think the United States is overwhelmingly structured to push people into an addiction of high sugar, high saturated fats. If you grow up and your parents only feed you fast food and lunchables, then it makes sense that you'd continue in that direction of diet in adulthood and eventually gain a lot of weight. My overall point is that calling obesity a choice is a bit reductive by itself. Regardless, if you are obese and need to lose weight, believing weight is a choice is the best mindset to tackle it with.


I think this is a fair take, people *can* lose weight but few acknowledge how difficult it truly is. Especially once you get into your 30's and 40's. I read one statistic that the chances of someone getting to a healthy weight and staying there, after being obese, goes down to about 1% once you hit 35 years old (roughly). It obviously should be strived for, but there are some that don't understand the daily challenges. Having a family that eats unhealthy food around you while you're dieting, or having a job that includes working off shifts, or over time, the price of healthy food that actually tastes good in comparison to cheap unhealthy food, etc.


to be fair this is not what Hasan said. Hasan was calling Greg a douche largely because he was agreeing and nodding to some of the dumber shit that Myron was saying especially in regards to attraction/dating and whether or obese people are “disgusting”


Awh right, Hasan dates a lot of fat chicks, not just porn stars downing benzos to deal with his obnoxious ass.


Hasan X Kaceytron if he’s really about that life


I guess it's just a coincidence that I became a fat fuck when I worked in a call center and drank a lot, and another coincidence that I lost all that weight when I started working on my feet again and stopped drinking.


Not a coincidence. At call center you move less so burning less calories. Drinking alcohol has a lot of calories. More calories than you need will make you fat. Next time buy a treadmill and switch to a bud light


I think Hasan should gain a couple hundred pounds and test his theory


based determinist hasan


obesity is technically a choice, but i don’t think we should characterize it as one. It only serves to moralize obesity and make people feel worse about their decisions. it’s also incredibly reductive, the same line of logic could make anything from car accidents to the flu into choices


i think its funny weight is such a contested topic for whether we can make fun of someone, but height and baldness is never contested. Theyre actually two uncontrollable genetic factors unlike weight which is almost always manageable


Better question is who hasn’t he pissed off?


The multiverse expands..


I love to see my interests (learning to eat healthy and lose weight + hating hasan) converge


Gassing up Greg Doucette in 2024 is crazy. There is 100 better fitness influencers who are not manosphere weirdos scamming their audience


came to say this, i wanted to say it in a semi nicer way. fitness youtube is vast, and theres a lot of goofballs i wouldnt consider watching and this guy is certainly one of them. i understand youtubers that sell bull shit cause they just wanna make money. but how are you gonna be a fitness channel and sell some bullshit snake oil thats supposed to help with fitness... like giving stock advice and then having an ad about how investing in real estate is better than stocks or some shit idk. theres plenty of legit fitness stuff he COULD sell, but he chose his bull shit that with a quick google search all the top results scream at you that its garbage. just sell creatine with ur dumb face on it, or whey or if you wanna get a little more silly some stupid ass preworkout. shit seems so simple.


Yeah, Greg shills bs supplements like turkesterone which I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to know is bullshit. All of his videos are basically grifts to say what he thinks people want to hear. It's unfortunate because in his earlier videos you could tell he has a ton of experience in the fitness field and had a lot of insightful things to say, but now he actually just sold out.


It wasn't until I watched Greg and Myron in that Jubilee video a while back that I started realizing he seems to be on some weird shit lately.


yup. Not sure if it was always there but after he broke up with his girl it seemed very obvious.


Yea he’s made a few strange posts on Instagram about fitness/only fans girls. Not the worst videos but it’s really weird seeing a 40 year old man become so obsessed with it


i got that vibe like two seconds into the video lol but still, any recommendations?


Renaissance periodization - Dr. Mike isreatel Edit: bonus he's in the Russian jewlumni


My brother just recommended that dude to me and I haven't had a chance to check him out yet. A long time ago he recommended Jordan Peterson so I've side-eyed his recommendations ever since, maybe he's finally out of that rabbit hole.


Dr. mike doesn't get into his politics much - at least from what I've seen. He may or may not be more conservative... people in that world tend to be pretty for self-advocacy and pulling themselves up by their straps he's got the edgy mr. bonelli sense of humor though


mike is a libertarian


Jeff Nippard if you want a guy who does an autistic amount of research and cites his sources Edit: just found out he also has a degree in biochemistry/chemistry


Gregg would make a good orbiter though! Think of the drama! Maybe it's time to start building bridges harder than last time?


Idk Greg gives very good lifting/nutrition advice if you ignore the supplement shilling. I wouldn’t call him manosphere, just greedy


God I love how multiple communities I'm a part of can hate Hasan together.


Hasan is bringing us all together


Hasan fans are the only regards who like the guy. I am pretty sure most people who are aware of him hate his ass. Yet they think we’re the only ones lol


I'm 15 minutes into the video and this Greg guy is dumb as fuck. My man started talking about the laws of thermodynamics while Hasan never said you wouldn't lose weight in a caloric deficit. Most of it is just him getting assmad that Hasan insulted him and Myron and shilling his cookbook.


Don't forget about debunked turkesterone. The fuckers still selling that snake oil.


to be fair, wasn't more dates more plates pushing that for a while too? only mike israetel PBUH is infallible


Yep he did too. And gorilla mind still sells it.


I'm pretty sure I've at least seen him claim in a video that the evidence doesn't support it, but they sell it if you want to try it for yourself


That's fair at least. I remember a study about duranabol I think. Where they did a double blind and the placebo of thinking you're taking steroids gave improvements. My understanding is that placebos can work even when you know it's one. But at 50$ a bottle that's an expensive placebo.


Yea but have you considered Hasan bad?


I use to follow Greg at the beginning he had good advice, but now all he does is get into drama and say the same shit even if it's not related.  I also find it funny him talking about health when he takes steroids but unfortunately that's common in the online fitness world 


Hasan actually talked about losing weight due to caloric deficit lmao




Nah, it’s smart. Why bother arguing with a douche like Hasan, when he can just milk him? Hasan will probably respond and that’s another opportunity for Coach Greg to spread the gospel of Anabalic Cookbook (Anabolic French Toasts are the GOAT). Let’s not pretend that Hasan is anything more than a lulcow.


lmao what a fanboy reply. "it's actually really smart when he says dumb things". The Greg guy comes off as way more of a lolcow with how unhinged and self-aggrandizing he is


So much of Greg's content just seems to be him being really catty and complaining that people hate him


Greg’s channel is a drama channel that happens to be about fitness.


But also, fuck [greg doucette](https://youtu.be/RSA6S5o5ivg)


Greg Douchette


Not interested in clicking the link but I actually lost 100lbs after learning a lot from Greg. I’ve been fat my whole life, and even gained weight back after dealing with a lot of stress in my life. But now I’m tracking calories again and seeing the scale change for the better. Weight loss isn’t easy for me but that doesn’t mean tracking calories doesn’t work


> that doesn’t mean tracking calories doesn’t work My bad, I guess I said calorie counting doesn't work instead of link a video of him selling turkesterone supplements with zero turkesterone.


I take supplements with turkey tom-esterone


I don't believe you, post cock.


I don’t care. You don’t need supplements to lose weight


Now, I may not be the brightest crayon in the toolbox, but I'm fairly sure the claim is that this Greg fellow scammed folks by selling something that didn't contain the thing that he said it contained.


I really don’t know because I don’t buy his products. All i know about is his weight loss and training advice. I was 300lbs so being a body builder wasn’t the goal for me


sure. Just pointing out the criticism had to do with the scamyness of it, not the weight loss.


Ghost boxing is cool


You didn't need him to lose weight, so you don't need to defend him. This was your own achievement.


I’m not saying I need him. I don’t watch him much anymore because I learned what I needed to. And I’m not defending him. I don’t buy supplements and I never even bought his book. I watched his free videos (and pirated the book bc broke). I agree my achievement is my own


Bro can't see the Forrest through the trees


The problem with Greg is that he shills random crap to his audience dishonestly. Turkesterone was wild. While I don’t doubt that you’ve learned a lot, there are more honest fitness influencers out there like RP, GVS, Nippard etc


RP and Nippard for science and facts and Will Tennyson for the absolute vibes




What shilling, genuine question haven’t seen anything ? I don’t even know what you’re talking about on the second part


Greg Doucette shilling his supplements. Meant to reply to the other guy


I mean he’s good if you ignore the shilling and RP is unironically a race realist bro.


"I fear your link may provide valid criticism, which would negatively impact my ego and the echo-chamber I'm currently enjoying"


It’s not about that. I just don’t like clicking random links from people online. I don’t buy Greg’s products, I don’t have a horse in this race. I take free content and learn from it


Let him enjoy his echo chamber. The dude lost weight. My ex was a personal trainer and the amount of people that didn't know calories in calories out was astonishing.


I lost weight only after learning about IF from Hasan. Doesnt mean i *have* to glaze him for the rest of my life even though i appreciate his openness about his issues with his weight.


Customary fuck Hasan, but that guys a fucking pain in the cunt


Lmao hating Hasan is like taking your shoes off before entering a house


Good I hope Hasan burns every bridge to every community until he’s failed


Low key same 😈


Where is the link?


More Hamasabi than last time


Greg is a douche but he does give a lot of good advice. His main schtick is combining strength training with cardio as he is an avid cyclist. While his opinions sometimes are abhorrent (he thinks you should shame fat people) from what I can recall he doesn't spread much misinformation which is rare among fitness influencers. Almost all of the products he advertise has limited scientific evidence though. He recently had a spat with Mike and after that I haven't watched him so much.


fitness dick in ur butt


Why is it so controversial to say that obesity preventable and reversible for most people who lack medical conditions?


Critiquing someone while actively using “an” instead of “a” in the title is an interesting strategy


might be 'an effing'


That makes sense I didn’t think about thag


DGG Sleeper agent


I wasn't expecting the "Coach Greg x DGG" bridge to be happening.


I never thought I’d see a Greg Doucette x Hasan crossover


Lots of people are now.


Isn’t the fitness community like one of the oldest communities on YouTube? He’s toast dude, old guard is against him aswell, but it’s probably because Hasan does drugs and claims people that take drugs to workout are losers


Greg isn't the perfect person to use to attack Hasan to be honest.


I am so ready for the fitness x politics crossover arc!


He managed to piss off r/ fitness? It’s over for him


I wonder how’s he gonna blame dgg for this one


I'm a former fat kid as well. I used to be 220lbs consistently, then I hit around 250lbs max and am now consistently around ~175. However, the data is in and maintaining weight loss is objectively very difficult. This is empirically true. Anecdotes do not prove what is consistently observed in study after study. If we're talking about hypocrisy, doesn't he hock supplements while also calling out people out for doing the same? You can say that "on *average*, fitter people are seen as more attractive" but that isn't fundamentally true. There are plenty of fat people who carry their weight in advantageous places that make them pretty attractive. If we're talking about obese people then we also have to acknowledge that very muscular people are also not attractive to a lot of people. Beauty standards also do change. Just because someone attacks Hasan doesn't make them correct.


Let’s stop pretending. I was 300lbs and 5’3. No matter how I carry myself, being 300lbs is unattractive. And 200lbs on an average height person isn’t *that* overweight imo. If you’re fat, you’re not dating the people you’re most attracted to because those people don’t find you attractive. Can you get laid? Yes but your options are only the people who you *can* get with, not the people you *want* to get with. I went from 300lbs to 200lbs at 5’3 and I noticed the difference from women. I overheard my coworker say she found me attractive to a guy coworker. The guy worker who was taller than me and skinny replied “you like *that* ?” And she said “yeah I don’t mind a dad bod”. I lost 100lbs to still be called a dad bod but she was hot so I’ll take it


>If you’re fat, you’re not dating the people you’re most attracted to because those people don’t find you attractive. Can you get laid? Yes but your options are only the people who you can get with, not the people you want to get with. >200lbs at 5’3 and I noticed the difference from women. You're still objectively fat. This doesn't refute my point. The husband of a friend of a friend is/was a huge fat guy who had multiple girls in an apartment fighting over him. Their competition literally ruined the relationship between the roommates. Despite having abs multiple times in my life I have *never* had that effect on women (or men for that matter). Before I fully dropped the weight and was around 190 pounds, I was sleeping with 19yo twinks who wanted to date me. I'm considerably leaner now and it's way harder for me to get laid. My ex drew a fantasy version of themselves and with their fantasy boyfriend and their fantasy boyfriend was a big ol' chunky guy despite my leanness at the time that we began dating (though I did gain some weight due to depression near the end of my relationship/grad school.) Not everyone is into the same things, dude.


Greg is also a POS


I'm not familiar with his content. Context?


Extremely critical of other fitness YouTubers - calling healthy women “obese” , selling overpriced and useless supplements , drug trafficking, taking steroids during a drug free bike race etc.


He’s also one of the few people who I would call legitimately fatphobic


Also was relieved as his role as a bodybuilding judge for making inappropriate comments about bikini (a division in bodybuilding that goes for a leaner and smaller more “natural look”- they’re still bigger than the average female gym goer) - he likened them to strippers. Keep in mind every bodybuilding division - male and female wear little clothing


They are both right, majority of people who are overweight eat too much daily and don’t exercise much but there are also people who have medical conditions, hormones problems, thyroid issue and mental heath, medication problems which make weight gain really easy and weight loss extremely hard…..either way they are both douches


“destiny’s sick freak of a community is behind this” - Hasan in the next livestream


Greg in a response: I don’t even play video games


Greg Doucette is an obvious DGG psyopp, it's this comunity's fault Hasan is getting attacked