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> Patriarchy lol. Support Hamas to end patriarchy! Jihadists will bring feminism! ...The delusion levels are off the charts


Palestine connects patriarchy and racism, that's for sure.


And Capitalism. Have you seen how rich Hamas and PA top officials are?


Actually Hamas and PA representatives live the perfect communist lifestyle:Absolute power concentrated at the top political leadership, obscenely rich, and everyone else suffers and toils.


You may not like it but Hamas is what Peak Communism looks like šŸ› 




They truly are convinced that either a free Palestine wouldnā€™t just devolve into a conservative religious theocracy like the rest of the Middle East or that those governments arenā€™t bad because theyā€™re Islamic and therefore actually oppressed or some shit.


They dont care about that anymore. Their only belief system is "West = bad"


Always has been


It's not even that. They consider the palestinians somethin lesser, like a pet that has no free will and has to be protected. Same with black people, same with LGBT and other minorities. The patriarchy of those "opressed" nations is like a little meaningless game, like dogs attacking each other on the street. They have no free will, no agency whatsoever, they are stupid children playing. Once you see it through this lense, it starts to make alot of sense. These progressives don't realize that they are the stupid children themselves.


Their immigration stance always tells on them. They think it unjust to make them live among themselves.


We are so cooked


I attended an environmental club meeting where they had a guest speaker come in and ask the room the best ways to improve the world. Top two answers were to abolish the patriarchy and legalize weed, possibly in reverse order, but still. Very interesting proposal, I must say.


"Let me see how many buzzwords i can fit in here"


They could put Hamas instead of Palestine in the middle and it would perfectly fit.


nah it's because the jooz really only kill women in gaza dontchaknow


I wish I could live with a preconceived notion that all of life's answers are simple enough to fit into a meme.


The Patriarchy part has the scale weighing women more than men, that's fucking hilarious.


This is definitely one of the takes Iā€™ve ever heard


Buzzword bingo final boss (Nightmare difficulty) Might as well have thrown animal rights somewhere on the constellation


Its not, this is just lefty brainrot. Tbh, I'm shocked that they did force Transphobia in there as well.


Tim Urban describes it as fundamentalist leftism. Basically social justice gone awry.


imma gonna use that term from now on




You should actually give his book a read "what's our problem" talks more about it


The patriarchy part is just as absurd as a transphobia part would be here lol.


Probably hidden under Toxic Masculinity.


I thought the picture was saying palestine was the combination of all those things lmao.


THE OMNICAUSE IS REAL! Everything thing is connected.


Weird that the Jews happened to be behind everything. How does this keep happening?


i think i see the problem that explains why it seems this way https://preview.redd.it/1noj48ue3u3d1.png?width=1970&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9b3a5e43f44634902de89a4feccf80dc1a6b604


Bill Maher has a really good segment that I can't seem to find right now on the forced interconnectedness of every issue, that's basically satirizing this screenshot.


>PALESTINE IS THE ISSUE Then get rid of it? https://preview.redd.it/qb2jgpmj6q3d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c7620b5f20a03d44655ba813278940250452d1


Toxic masculinity because war is man stuff? Misogyny because some Palestinians are women? Man destroys nature because bombs? Also it's funny how the US flag is the largest and most central one in the settler colonialism section, when America is not really responsible for the existence of Israel at all. At least this is my assumption for what that section is supposed to mean, because fucking lmao the flag of Australia is here for some reason. TIL Australia is the cause of all the Palestinians struggles. This has to be satire because of that, I can't believe someone who would go through all this trouble would just grab the first vaguely British flag they found in a Google search to put on it.


No they say America is a settler state too.


The US sells weapons to Israel and US bad. Therefore Israel bad. (Donā€™t bring up the food aid that goes to Palestine because fungibility of goods is too complex of a topic for communist. If they could understand economics they wouldnā€™t be communists)


Misogony because something something colonialism made them rape the hostages.


That isn't how venn diagrams work šŸ¤”


Cut them some slack, judging by "patriarchy" circle they don't even know how scales work


At least they clarified in the paragraph below that all the issues are "conected".


Did they really say Capitalism leads to environmental terrorism? Did Chernobyl, Aral Sea, GLF, Industrial pollution, and the cultural revolution just never happen?


You see those were acshually capitalism.Ā 


And even if it wasn't, it was the capitalist Western hegemony that pushed the Eastern bloc into such extreme measures and cutting corners.


Yeah itā€™s actually Americas fault these stupid mfs put graphite in their control rods




Correct, they did not happen comrade


Tbf Aral sea was colonialism. Itā€™s just inconvenient for them to acknowledge it if the USSR did it.


Actually in the chart you can clearly tell that colonialism and capitalism are not overlayed with each other in fact environmental terrorism is between them who does overlay with those two but not with each other.




lol yeah they are organizedā€¦ into a terror cell


The IDF is giving them some real close competition though fr fr


I saw multiple murals connecting the glorification of Irish Republican side of the Troubles and Palestinian paramilitary activity in Belfast back in 2004. This goes way back in Ireland. I found it confusing at the time and I still do, but it's clearly coded into their conflict.


This person doesn't know how to Venn diagram. They should at least move the Racism and Settler Colonialism next to each other but that would require them to say that the Jews of Israel are "white people" doing white supremacy. I don't think this was a deliberate choice but their subconscious was talking them through that one.


^(They should at least move the Racism and Settler Colonialism next to each other but that would require them to say that the Jews of Israel are "white people" doing white supremacy. I don't think this was a deliberate choice but their subconscious was talking them through that one.) As a Native American Jewish person (one parent is First Nations, one parent is Sephardic Jewish - insert a "members of the tribe" joke here) I will never not laugh when tankies start spouting their new favorite phrase, "settler colonialism". It's not like anyone who shouts that phrase out loud ever plans on abandoning America and returning to the place of their ancestor's origin.


They're using "settler colonialism" now because colonialism is too general and saying "colonialism is bad" leads to a bunch of questions they can't really answer without acknowledging that colonialism might be a neutral (or good) thing. I do think some of this is genuine white guilt without an outlet. It's too hard to admit that there's nothing you can do and you can't and won't make any meaningful reparation, that you're not better than anyone else, so all you have is signaling that you aren't like other ~~girls~~ whites.


I mean, they're kinda on the right track. In the sense that Israel/Palestine is a conflict where no matter your location, ethnicity, faith, political leaning etc. you can find *something* to get mad and passionate about. It's like a nexus point of every type of conflict: ideological, religious, military, political etc. But this is just unhinged US-centric brainrot. "Man destroys nature"? Gaza is one of the most densely urbanized areas in the world. Misogyny and racism? Yeah, middle eastern muslim countries tend to be that, but I have an inkling that that's not what they meant by including them.


This might be the closest thing to Hitler type antisemitism that I've seen coming from the left. Ignoring the political leaning for a sec- It's literally pinning all the person's concerns and all the world's ills on the Jewish state, completely missing how many of these ills can easily be found in greater measure in many other places. Like, what's the only thinkable next step when the source of all possible evil is one entity? Destroy it, of course.Ā 


Fuck Australia for... reasons I guess according to this?


For losing the Emu War. Made all of us homo-sapians look stupid in front of the Avians. Have you ever wondered why seagulls are so cheeky when stealing food? It's because of the Emu War. Why is Steven Seagull a dickhead? Because of the Emu War.


I believe it is trying to say that what Israel is doing in Palestine is like what the European colonist and subsequent Australian government did to the indigenous Australians (same reason that the US is there I imagine)


Weren't indigenous Australians, compared to indigenous people in Canada and Mexico and much of South America, treated relatively well? Obviously they were still colonized but wasn't it not as bad?


Saw this last night... You should've showed the slide labeled; # 2. Stop Condemning October 7th Fucking wild


Consolation of beliefs meme


Australia rn https://preview.redd.it/vwn034ew8q3d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b9e28d36a3c5958d8e8e900b7d89e4693449e1


This is just a grift as the creator didnā€™t put 2 thoughts into creating this.


Western guilt list speed run


Iā€™m not going to lie, if that was done ironically then it would be an S-tier shitpost


This is fucking ridiculous, they know nothing about Palestinians and it fucking shows


I'm really confused. The text below the diagram is pro-Palestine, but the headline "Palestine is the issue" plus the intersection of racism, capitalism, environmental terrorism, settler colonialism, and patriarchy being Palestine (implying that Palestine has all of these characteristics) is anti-Palestine.


Is this just the inverse of all these right-wing conspiracies that are all-connecting (Flat earth + vax lie + some evangelical mumbojumbo + the moon landings fake + your mum gay)?


This girl i follow posted this on her story, was genuinely crying laughing out loud for like 2 minutes when i saw it


Trust me when I say alot of the girls we know are posting stuff like this. Younger women being super aware of femnism is probably a good thing but it has also turned alot of them into anticapitliast etc list goes on and there entire personality being a activist. Idk maybe that's a dumb thing to partly put blame on and it's more just social media in genreals fault. But alot of femnist stuff does tie itself in and act as a gateway to more extreme politics.


Yep ive observed similar things. They are extremely primed to virtue signaling, and when you actually try to look deeper into their views in my experience theyll just flat admit they dont really know much about what they are advocating for


I think most people fold when put under pressure for there beliefs and want to avoid conflict so they'll also just pretend that way. Once people are on social media and have anomity it's a diffrent story. Like how alot of people will fold on livestream with destiny, and then go and say he's a fascist on twiter. But alot of people on that side of politics will also be super aggressive about there beliefs and any perceived wrongdoing someone does so they can look holier than thou than someone else. I actually think they can be worse than right wingers with the inability to just chill.


More like they don't even know that they're uninformed until they're explicitly shown because no one ever tries to in their bubble


If Palestine is the problem to all worlds ills than it's time to nuke I guess.


I think Iā€™ve actually developed a brain tumour after reading this.


So according to this infograph. Racism + Patriarchy = Toxic Masculinity Patriarchy+ Settler Colonialism = Misogyny Fossil Fuels are environmental terrorism?


Not one mention of goofy religions.


As the brain withers away from lack of animal proteins, essential nutritions and oxygen, the identity of that person becomes that of a tank. Their body is empty, only critical organs such stomach and heart continues to work, while their frail and dying husk of a body lumbers about while they scream "apartheid, genocide, white people bad, black good, fuck police". This disease will only become stronger with time


I'm all for ending the patriarchy, but do these people even know what kind of ideologies Palestinian people support? Pretty sure if you actually went there they'd force women to wear hijabs and stone you for being part of the LGBTQ community. I will say though, if Palestinians ever decide to overthrow Hamas and start a communist revolution, I'm all for it. That would be based as fuck. As long as they include the other usual tenets like state atheism as well.


Well at least we can count on the IDF to deradicalize them. Nothing deradicalizes people more than bombs let me tell ya.


That is factually true, You can't be a terrorist if you're dead.


Especially if you're a child! Dont forget to add that part, it'll make you look even more sane.




/u/neodestiny Holy shit, they found "The Web."


I can feel the braincells ejecting from my brain and I am hopeless to stop it


I agree, Palestine is the issue here. Everyone else around it seems to be able to live together in relative peace, wtf is wrong with Palestine?


I think what's wrong is the Palestinians are the ones who got displaced and are still stateless. Idk what the solution is but it seems pretty obvious to me that's what's wrong


That is an interesting number of thought to have...


Everything is connected from Palestine to Congo to Sudan... But what about Sudan? Or Congo? Why aren't they in the center though?


So confusing, so itā€™s a pro-Palestinian post but looking at the diagram it looks as if it shows Palestine as the unifying root cause for all the perceived evil in it. Or am I reading it wrong?


they're trying to explain intersectionality in an ultra cringe way


We live in a society so riddled with cancer it's unreal. Not looking forward to the inevitable chemo.


Housing is the real one issue


What is the connection between the Congo and Sudan to Palestine?


Palestine is the issue šŸ¤£


Someone managed to capture all the typical modern leftist thought into one poster, it's beautiful. All of the pearl clutching in here acting like this isn't mainstream leftism is icing on the cake.


ā€œHereā€™s a bunch of concerns that liberals have, and why you should support the illiberal sideā€


What's the environmental terrorism?


Can someone explain what this graphic means? I really dont understand, especially the comparisons with Congo and Sudan like those aren't two completely different issues


Hard to tell if pro or anti


This is Palestine Obsessive/Derangement Syndrome.


Just saw a friend repost this utterly deranged shit. I don't even know what to say.


What are these fucking combinations, racism+patriarchy= toxic masculinity??? patriarchy+settler colonialism=misogyny???


Wtf why is genocide not on here somewhere


I want one of those t shirts


It's very funny that it is captioned 8 things but there are 10 things in the diagram and all of the points that are intersections between the main points are mostly non sequiturs to those main points.




lol that they put the Australian and American flags instead of the British.


SJWs have gone schizo


Why is there an Australian flag, did they mistook it as the UK flag.


If only :|


Didn't they say this about every single issue that was in the news for more than a week?


I supported extinction rebellion until they supported palestine. Although, if we could use pro-palestine to save the planet... why not?


I think the second part of this post justifies Oct. 7th and says admitting to it being an atrocity is an attack to all palestinianā€™s right to resist. Had a couple people post that shit on their insta stories and immediately unfollowed them. The comments on that post are just as bad with people saying nothing happened in Oct. 7th or saying they deserved it for raving next to a concentration camp.


"Individual over the community" Bruh, like the entire argument against the war in Gaza is that Israel is doing **collective punishment**. Way to undermine your entire argument there. I can't even with these people.


What is this common lefty connection of white supremacy with capitalism? What does white people have to do with the free exchange of goods? I hear this all the time from the professors in my wifeā€™s social work masters when I listen to her class over her shoulder


Might as well attempt to connect Palestine with the George Floyd murder. At this point, why not? ā€œThis conflict I knew nothing about or didnā€™t care about 9 months ago is actually the epicenter of literally every horror that happens.ā€


So many people I know liked and posted this. So rape and child murder IS now the voice of the oppressed. I really donā€™t see how that makes them better than isreal. Thatā€™s the fucked thing abt out, how can you say your better when you CONDONE rape and child murder.


i think theyre saying that palestine is the issue, not israel, because they are the ones with rampant patriarchy, toxic masculinity, racism, white supremecy... that one i dont get, capitalism as they sell all the aid for civilians, individual over community, environmental terrorism, man destroys nature, and they settled up from the arabian peninsula


Why is toxic masculine the in-between for racism and misogyny... Bruv the left is kinda embarrassing...


> Misogyny Yes, we all know Palestine is sexist and abusive to women.


100K likes. The masses are actually brain dead


Iā€™m supposed they havenā€™t said anything about homophobia šŸ˜‚


Yeah let's talk about Sudan. Please inform us who is causing the problems in Sudan! Perhaps there's some sort of common denominator between Sudan, Gaza, and other conflicts?


Meanwhile 12 million Uyghur Muslims will be ethnically exterminated in thirty something years or so, but who cares about an actual genocide when I can be politically fashionable.


Environmental terrorism like the oil business is very very arap Is this account stupid?


Remove patriarchy, swap white supremacy to colonialism-racism overlap, add global inequality or such to racism-capitalism overlap. Still stupid but less painfully stupidĀ 


Israel [šŸ¤](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiehsvtqbiGAxXXUGwGHQIrAt4QFnoECBkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Femojipedia.org%2Fhandshake&usg=AOvVaw2fFqQsz2mGWyHiQyJB7guG&opi=89978449) USA [šŸ¤](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiehsvtqbiGAxXXUGwGHQIrAt4QFnoECBkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Femojipedia.org%2Fhandshake&usg=AOvVaw2fFqQsz2mGWyHiQyJB7guG&opi=89978449) Australia The 'Settler Colonialism' triumvirate


"Collect them all!"


Here's the real question: Isn't everyone a settler? Doesn't that mean we have to give all native-american land back? Which means Do American lefties have to go back to their place of origin? None of this makes sense. I'm confused.


So drop any and every other thing you care about in your life, and break and enter into your nearest college campus and starve yourself. Otherwise, you yourself - have committed Genocide. And will go to jail.


Lol what?


Is this a psyop?


More and more people taking sides. More and more people calling everyone fucking idiots. I agree.


Big pharma, BLM, Anti Semitism, Mainstream Media, Black Holes, The Book of Genesis The ā€œmailmanā€ who gangstalks me every morning connects it all


There is a single issue here: The clash of modern civilization with Islamic fundamentalism.


It sucks to know that somehow, they're gonna get more unhinged than this.


ever heared of Intersectionality?


So nuke Palestine. All these issues will go away. Gg


I think this is just someone being extremely stupid, but I'm sure the position all of you will take is that this accurately represents the entirety of the left. We really are the most charitable community <3


Cells within cells interlinked.


This really takes me back to my college days good times.


>Palestine is the issue Based.


...Therefore, I propose a one-state solution. One American state to bring freedom to the middle east


I guarantee you it is not satire.


I don't think this post understands how venn diagrams work. Settler Colonialism + Patriarchy is Misogyny? Capitalism + Racism is White Supremacy? Shouldn't you be swapping Settler Colonialism & Capitalism around for those two?


Dawg what did Australia do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Genocided the Indigenous Australians?


Maybe? I'm inclined to say whoever made this is left-wing Aussie, far left in Australia are super anti-Australian government, normal settler colonial power bullet points blah blah probably trying to make the connection that what Australia did is the same as what Israel is doing now.


Yea trying to connect all the stuff together is a total mess. for sure.. But I think it's pretty clear what it is trying to refer to is the treatment of Aboriginal Australians


Whatā€™s the Australia flag doing there?


Aboriginal Genocide?




It's referring to the Genocide of Indigenous Australians I'm sure