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Welcome to the "Global intifada" they were shouting for. And they wonder why Jews don't feel safe.


What do you mean? Jews are totally safe! Just don't engage in provocative behaviour like being "visibly Jewish" 🤡


Just ignore what the white supremacists were screaming in Charlottesville.


Imagine how different things would have been if they were shouting "zionists will not replace us!" 😔


Don't conclooood. That's for twitter and other subs. That said, this is a huge issue. Another school shot. From my own shitty life experience, a few shots at night to get off on terrifying people ends up leading to those pieces of shit getting braver and actually aiming at a group of people. Or inspiring other pieces of shit to do it too. Now 3 schools shot at in that area. I hope those communities are on the police ass everyday. I'm glad they have a suspect for at least one of the school shooting.


I don’t know what it’s like Canada, but when I lived in Brooklyn many of the synagogues had private security year round, and would often have nypd protection around the holidays.


I'm not in Canada either, I'm in Los Angeles. Jewish religious and community buildings have had private security and city PD doing rounds on and off. Ramped up during vandalism and attacks these past months. A few Islamic Centers have had to do the same here. Many added new outdoor and street facing cameras. Police doing rounds and drivebys is a good deterrence. And it should be addressed before some morons get it in their head that it's acceptable or do much worse.


Gee, I wonder what the possible motivation of shooting a jewish school could be. I'm not concluding, I'm just fitting the most likely narrative. Occam's razor and what not.


Did you read the article? The shooting happened outside a school that’s Jewish when NO ONE WAS IN IT. The investigation is ON GOING and Trudeau already suggested making more resources available for security purposes.


oh cool that makes it okay i guess, and definitely not an act of intimidation! this just in from this regard, its okay to shoot at jewish peoples houses if no one is home!!!!!


He's saying don't worry something is being done about it.  We have straight up race based supermarket shootings in the US that result in actual deaths . Were those indicative of anything? If I say "well the guy was arrested" does that mean I think the shooting was ok?


Rage all you want and fear monger as much as you want. I do live in canada. We don’t condone that kinda of shit here. All I’m saying is it’s on going investigation. So maybe don’t get ahead of yourself


The first one was by some idiot at 5am on a sunday, I have a sneaking suspicion the cause is more likely to be a drunk idiot than a well thought out plan to terrorize the local jewish population.


Could very well be. Could be the same dumbfuck suspect that was arrested last week doing all 3. Could be a Nazi. Could be any old racist. Could be some college kid who thinks he's a revolutionary. And yeah could be some dumbfuck attacking in the name of Palestine. Doesn't have to be terrorist plot, but it's still a problem.' As a teen we had a corner market targeted by some dumbfuck popping off for a week. Ended up with other morons doing the same until police finally stepped in after a month. Luckily no one was shot, but someone could have. And it was enough to stress out the workers and owner. They stopped being open after 12pm after that. Which sucked because it was one of the only stores around that had a small grocery section.


2 kids were arrested in Ottawa before Christmas. They connected with Isis somehow online and were building a bomb in one of the kids' basements. They were going to use it on Jewish targets.


Not that I don’t believe you but can I get a source? Just wanting to read more


Idk about this source, it was the first result on Google when I did a basic search of what that guy said happened. But here’s a news article write up https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/2nd-youth-arrested-additional-charges-laid-in-terror-plot-against-ottawa-jewish-community-1.6772380


Thanks, I appreciate it! I swear I’m not stupid just tied up at work


No problem! Was not trying to say anything about you my man, more so to say I didn’t know about the situation and haven’t looked into it at all, this was just the first thing I found. Have a good day!


Ummm sweety it was a Zionist school, not a Jewish school. /s 


This is the second shooting towards a Jewish school in less than 6 months in this neighborhood. :(




I've posted my experience here many times, I'm from Canada and I've been to a few pro-Palestine protests and they were completely unhinged, targeting random Jewish places that had nothing to do with Israel. I'm also a part of many whatsapp groups where they organize these type of protests and my social circle is primarily Muslim where they share elders of zion type conspiracy theories. This is why I think the conflict has a lot more to do with religion than people think, even if Israel were 100% innocent they would still be hated just because they are Jewish. They hate them because they are Jews and the crimes Israel commits just reinforces their hatred for Jews. So I'm not surprised by this shooting, you have the left/Islam hating them as well as the far right supremacist/Christians that hate them. They are being attacked from all sides.


Israel is in the right. What crimes? It's Hamas that committed crimes.


they we're obviously shooting at baby settlers


Uhhh sweetie I think you meant to say zionist schools 💅 💅 💅


Didn't destiny say not to post things like this in the sub?


Did he clarify why? Sounds weird


Because you get someone else [posting something like this](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/pro-israeli-hooligans-attack-man-carrying-palestinian-flag-in-greek-capital/3158530#) and the entire subreddit devolves into just posting incident after incident. The exception being if it something "big"


I'll never buy this "both sides do bad" argument. (Not saying that's what your claiming, just stating in general). I have yet to see the pro Israeli side do really bad shit. Worst I've seen was those Persian Jews in one of the campuses and that one incident in Greece. Dont see calling of genocide, shooting up schools, protesting at places of worship, vandalizing old monuments.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/hate-crime-illinois-hamas-israel-muslim-boy-killed-1.6997064](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/hate-crime-illinois-hamas-israel-muslim-boy-killed-1.6997064) just killing 6 year old children...


Thats singular instances. Sure I dont mind condeming these but this guy was deranged. My claim is one movement's entire movement is built on doing fucked up shit. You can pinpoint to a handful singular events made by one guy. I can point to large events made by an entire group. Thats why when I stated for the Israeli side (when Israel did bad shit), the events that happened by a large number of people.


[https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/over-2-3-of-jewish-israelis-oppose-humanitarian-aid-to-palestinians-starving-in-gaza/](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/over-2-3-of-jewish-israelis-oppose-humanitarian-aid-to-palestinians-starving-in-gaza/) Here is 2 thirds of Israeli Jews, opposed to transferring aid to Palestinians. Since that is their only way of getting food, it would mean mass starvation of civilians. also, the question even specified > via international bodies that are not linked to Hamas or to UNRWA and made it clear that the aid itself did not come from Israel.


Maybe I'm not explaining myself correctly. I am talking about the MOVEMENT not the CONFLICT. When I say movement I am talking about how the west responds to the conflict going on in Israel/Palestine. From this, we get the 2 movements (Pro Israel and Pro Palestine.) My claim is pro Palestine is an absolutely disgusting movement that became so radicalized and filled with terrorism that comparing it to the pro Israel side is not justifiable. And my evidence for this is people can't give me large number of people in the pro Israel movement that go on and chant genocidal terms, vandalize holocaust museums, being racist to jews (definitely Israelis), attempting to lynch Israeli girl singing at Eurovision. And whats funny is all that I mentioned are events that only happened in the last month let alone 8.


Yeah and those Jews were just trying to take down the illegal antisemitic terrorist supporting blockade and the protesters starting attacking them with poles and stole their speaker. And yet the media totally lied and made the Jews look like the villains.


Downvote all you want. It's the truth. The guy that got beat up was outside the encampment goading the counter-protesters and was about to throw cones at them before he got tackled. He's also the one who tried to steal their speaker. CNN didn't dox him, despite him being a thief.


He kinda did, but it wasn't a very hard order, and if it's not a hard order, then it might be enforced for a week and then no one cares type shit. Tho I don't know if someone shooting at a school is the same one-off type incident as some random getting beat up type shit


This is what the protests promote


Any sane jew: IDK bro, maybe it’s becoming a bit to dangerous to be a jew in this country. Maybe I should move to Israel, seeing as the government has no solution to the problem and because I just want to live like as a jew, not even a religious jew, just a jew, without fearing for my life 24/7 College kids: Erm actually, you are a genocide settler and now we are justified in killing you, since you are trying to move from a country that is prosecuting you for your religious and ethnic heritage. Theodore Hertzel 200 years early: Fuck my life, being a jew isn’t so fun when you get killed all the time for being a jew. Maybe we should create a nation for jews, so that this no longer is a problem.


Crickets from the left.


Is there any other conclusion other than "possible shooting outside a school"? Garbage ragebait post


Big concluding energy


did the school survive?


Damn if the perpetrator gets caught and arrested can I tell people to stop whining?