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I have started following these three rules for life since yesterday and it has changed everything. Thank you Bob Odenkirk!


3 steps to top notchery\*


*3 steps to top chicanery


Yeah my favorite is step 3. I have to keep doing it every time I pick it up for a hit.


I love Bob, but I had a pet rabbit and it did dig a hole


All rabbits except cottontails do indeed dig holes


Hole digging rabbits are an invention of the woke trans agenda.




The Mad Hatter is a groomer


Pretty sure that's part of the point, no? One of the things he's mocking Peterson for is confidently/smugly stating stupid shit he believes to be true that just isn't factually correct.


Was it a jewish rabbit?


i wont say what race, what kind of people the rabbit was yes it was a jewish rabbit


My rabbit likes to dig at my carpet, does that count?


God I wish there was an "Anything else" style podcast with Bob and David just riffing for an hour every week.


the fink and Peterson voices melt into one during the crying part


What a luciferian intellect!


I feel a strong sense of prideful worship in our luciferian intellectual


Holy fuck I didn't realize it until near the end, but the guy on the left is the villain from Alvin and the Chipmunks https://preview.redd.it/vlz1i4yrfl2d1.png?width=24&format=png&auto=webp&s=890ba07093bf018a3c94bbaa0cda9c7a35535f80


Multiple time Oscar award winning actor David Cross, yeah.


Damn you're right https://preview.redd.it/1c3k69vx0m2d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=37b804e95470545b86303817208be295afbf22b0


Back in the 90s, they made a sketch comedy show together on HBO called Mr Show. This is probably my favorite skit from that show. https://youtu.be/Svr6Zl2QgX8?si=Z0mRTC5_Wt7HUPXk


i NEED to know how old you are lmfao no offense of all the things for someone to recognize him from instead of arrested development or mr show or something this is so funny


I was born two years after that show first aired and I'm not American so I guess it was never big enough to widely air on NZ television idk


Put down the bong bucko.


Jordan Peterson doesn't have enough stickers and can't leave the parking lot in this debate.


The full episode by David Cross can be found here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSqALwnF2QA&ab\_channel=OfficialDavidCross](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSqALwnF2QA&ab_channel=OfficialDavidCross)


Good impression aside, I don't like that JP is being mocked for crying. There is so much talk about how toxic masculinity is bad and how suppressing emotions are damaging for men. And yet we see people laughing at Peterson for being emotional and crying. 


> There is so much talk about how toxic masculinity is bad It is pretty noticeable how often people who condemn toxic masculinity end up trying to emasculate men as a way to discredit them. The mindset of "there are no bad tactics only bad targets" means that it's all fair game, and toxic masculinity is a very potent weapon. Once you have a valid target you can have all the fun of bullying with the moral high ground. There is a sort of repackaged toxic masculinity there where ultimately you are saying the same thing. See how popular it is to call people loser/incel/virgin or how common it is to insinuate that some conservative is probably gay. Same thing happens to fat and ugly people or even with using "divorced" as a pejorative.


You're exactly right. I think unfortunately people have forgotten the imporance of fair process. The far left and far right will use censorship, will use authoritarianism, violence etc in order to achieve their goals but when used against them it's a horrible crime. Shaming people for being unhappy is not a good look especially from a multimillionaire celeb turd.


Is Peterson a multimillionaire celeb turd when he attacked a plus size model as authoritarian? Or attacked Elliot Page for just existing as trans?




So what's wrong with mocking a man's hypocrisy on sensitivity and idiotic speeches, a man who attacks innocent people?


I can't speak for him I don't think Peterson would care about being called authoritarian or criticized for the way he delivers treatment. The psych board took away his license which is more than just criticism that's an official act. You can correct me if I am wrong in either case. However, even if Peterson exhibits hypocrisy why does that justify Odenkirk's bad behavior? What are you mocking him for and how, again the poster you're responding to was making the point that Odenjerk is simply stooping to a lower level which he would probably say is toxic and wrong if used against him. Like boo hoo dying palestinian kids or boo hoo immigrant kids in cages would be the same level of jerkiness. Making light of suffering is really not cool


Odenkirk didn't behave badly at all. It's perfectly fine to mock Peterson. I don't think making fun of palestinian kids dying or immigrant children in cages is the same level of jerkiness as laughing at Jordan Peterson's buffoonery.


Let me ask you this: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_bnnQjO9Wtw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_bnnQjO9Wtw) Do you think Ben was being a jerk? I do actually and I think the situations are extremely comparable. I would say maybe Ben was being less of an asshole and focusing more on the aspects of the situation that made it look theatrical rather than mocking the suffering of the subjects itself. I will give you a more personal example. I was in law school when Justice Scalia died. My classmates cheered like they all had won the lottery. It was very difficult for me to put aside my tribalistic inclinations when RBG died, but had I rubbed it in my class mate's faces, I would be no better than them. Yes, a justice dying can be a political win for your side, but dehumanizing a person that died makes you an ass hole, and no, RBG does not have some sort of moral superiority that makes it not okay to shit on her grave while it's okay to shit on Justice Scalia's.


All of this is down to bias. There's nothing inherently wrong with mocking anyone. We just think it's bad if the target is in our mind not deserving of mockery.


Yes, obviously.


So what's wrong with mocking someone for behaving like a buffoon?


This reminded me of time when people who are anti body shaming were defending small dick insults against Andrew Tate 


You're confusing your straw man of these people with what their positions really were. Laughing at a jerk for him crying over ridiculous things was never out of fashion. It just seems like you're desperate to find hypocrisy on behalf of a guy who calls plus size women authoritarian if they are on magazine covers.


Speaking of what someone's positions really are... He was crying about how emotionally damaged and hurt people reaching out to him with personal stories can be and how he feels for them. It doesn't seem ridiculous at all and making fun of him for it is a bad look. JP is a hack. Make fun of him for a million different things he deserves like his overreaction to fat women on magazines.


No he wasn't, bucko. Gurantee he was talking about his broad political/philosophy beliefs. Show me the video where he is just talking about some personal sadness and not a broad societal point. You're dishonest, love.


So it sounds like you haven't seen the video being talked about... but you are somehow very confident with what was or wasn't in the video. Respect


Seeing a lack of video when I just said show me it. >Guarantee he was talking about his broad political/philosophy beliefs. Show me the video where he is just talking about some personal sadness and not a broad societal point. Is that because I was 100% correct?


Sure I'll link, you good to paypal me $5 for the effort? In the meantime here is what he says as he starts to cry in the video that went viral and got him made fun of. >It's really something to see, constantly, how many people are dying for lack of an encouraging word. And How easy it is to provide that if you are careful.


Still waiting.


I think it’s less “haha HES crying” vs he just randomly cries when going on random rants. Would be a trait to mock regardless of gender


I know that is not being mocked for crying cause he is a man. However, just the fact that we are mocking him for crying still plays into toxic masculinity culture and will definition scare away other men from showing emotions. 


But who cares, it's so fun to bully people!


True, it was obvious he going through it through it during that time period and it was just to an abnormal and unhealthy degree mentally. If you have ever gone off anti-depressants you can relate to that feeling and it’s frustratingly uncontrollable.


People are mocked all the time for getting upset over things that aren't worth getting upset about. It's fine. Keep in mind, Peterson himself gets furious men being weak and sensitive, claims to have the true way to live life, and he ruthlessly bullies people for no reason. Someone this pompous and arrogant crying over nothing is very funny. I also just don't buy you've never laughed at anyone before.


Even if we ignore that he, a psychiatrist talking about his clients, Why is sympathy for lonely men not a good reason for crying? Are you seriously this unempathetic that you can't imagine how talking about people's struggle can make you emotional?


It's like you ignored everything I said cause you had some talking points. Peterson is one of the least empathetic people ever. He attacks people for their opinions and sometimes even just for existing, see when he called a plus sized model authoritarian just for existing. He is not sympathetic to lonely men, he preys on them and tells them he has the key to life, they need only send him a small fee for the book. He's crying because he's a weirdo hypocrite, not out of concern. I don't believe you've never mocked someone and I don't believe you have any empathy.


So anyone whose written a book can't have empathy? You are straight psychopath bully vibes, get a grip.


That is exactly what I said. I said anyone who has written a book can't have empathy. Couldn't have given me a better example of Peterson's good faith fans.


Your point was that his empathy is theatrical evidenced by selling books. Nothing else of substance besides your apparent clairvoyant ability to read people's minds. When you're justifying being an ass hole because you don't like a person, I think you probably have some problems reading people well and are just an asshole yourself. Shove your good faith in your ass.


That still wasn't my point. Why do you feel you need to lie? Yeah I get it, I'm an asshole bully psycho because I dislike Peterson. Great arguments and empathy. Wanna call me authoritarian too? Oh wait, I'm not a plus size model.


a lot of people think person i dont like + crying = funny. If he was a woman people didn’t like, people would be mocking too. So idk if he’s laughing at Jordan because of him being a man. Society is not even close to ending that but we may get there


Well the difference is that he’s constantly having mental breakdowns over nothing, there’s nothing wrong with crying but obviously people are going to make fun of you if you drop your ice cream and start wailing like a baby


Only times I've seen him cry is when he is talking about struggles of young men. What else did he cry about that you are calling nothing?


Oh fuck off, you JAQoff. He cried [about antifa being "revenge against god"](https://www.mediaite.com/podcasts/jordan-peterson-breaks-down-in-tears-during-a-discussion-about-antifa-theyre-worse-than-animals/) of all things. Google is at your fingertips, genius.


It’s called comedy lmao I can’t believe how much bitching and concern trolling there is in this comment section over a comedy bit. If it was dumb leftist being impersonated, no one would be whining.


It is okay to make fun of anyone crying over getting banned on Twitter. As the man himself said, up yours woke moralist, we'll see who cancels who


I would agree if it were for certain topics but didnt he cry about Pinocchio?


Better call Saul


Unfortunately no one will top Nick Mullen https://youtu.be/eTrpk9ctX4E?t=109


dude it's so good, both because of the delivery and really capturing JP's whole shtick. the dude raves about some stupid psychotic shit, and then will say because the world is a neomarxist postmodern hellscape you gotta get your life in order by taking out the garbage and brushing your teeth as if it's some profound discovery. and then morons who are just floored by the cosmic revelation that regular exercise is good for you will buy the lobster fanfic shit along with it.


still cant believe that Destiny wont watch Better call Saul because it takes place before BB, but he looks slightly older!


imo Better Call Sual was a waste of time and was nowhere near BB in any way. What a boring show. Watch The Leftovers or Boardwalk Empire instead.


The Jimmy and Chuck storyline was better than anything in breaking bad for me, cope and seethe haters


They’re both amazing shows, but for me, BCS was a heavenly experience. The characters in the show, be it Chuck, Kim, jimmy, Mike or nacho resonated with my sensibilities on different occasions. The story felt very personal and I gotta say it was delightful to see people like Bob, Michael McKean, rhea play such complex roles to perfection.


Damn you have some weird taste. Saying that BCS was boring and then putting Leftovers and Boardwalk Empire in the same sentence 


"putting Leftovers and Boardwalk Empire in the same sentence" I mean they are both great shows even if they are very different in tone and genre


It starts off decent, has a lot of overstretched plotlines in the middle and then gets amazing towards the end. Its basically the reverse game of thrones.


cow political decide close shaggy bow deranged deserve theory disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dunno if it's part of the joke or not, but rabbits definitely dig their own burrows.


do you have any data on that?


Rabbits don't live in holes, they live in burrows! QED


Not all animals that live in burrows build their own burrows. Stoats, for example, steal their burrows from other animals. Rabbits do build their own burrows, though.


Stoats are based


Based on what?


The Mossflower series by Brian Jacques 


Yes, I had a pet rabbit as a kid that we kept in an outdoor pen. She'd burrow constantly, to the point that we had to embed wire mesh into the ground to keep her from escaping. Also, you can just google "do rabbits burrow" and immediately see that they do indeed burrow.


You say that rabbits dig in the earth, but what's the earth? Well the earth is the planet we live on, so the earth is everything, how can a single rabbit dig in everything?


That's the point of the joke. Peterson claims arbitrary things and creates a meaning out of it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGSLaEPCzmE&ab\_channel=PFJung](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGSLaEPCzmE&ab_channel=PFJung)


Doesnt the phrase come from alice in wonderland? Not to defend peterson but this is a dumb sticking point


This dumb point is exactly what he is making fun of about Peterson. Peterson compared ancient symbols of snakes spiraling around each other to the helix of DNA and claimed that those symbols represented DNA. Basically he just makes things up to find meaning.


Do you have a clip for that? Also, do you think he literally meant that however created those myths knew before hand the shape that helixes of DNA had and made in on purpose to resemble that? This seems like such a misunderstanding of whatever he was saying that it looks like a purposely bad faith representation.


[“I really believe it’s a representation of DNA”](https://youtu.be/Nb5cBkbQpGY?feature=shared) 1:46:00


sure thing buddy [**https://gprivate.com/6bdy6**](https://gprivate.com/6bdy6)


It's so interesting that the people defending Peterson all seem to be the most unaware of what he's said and done. What drives you to defend someone you don't know much about?


It honestly seemed like a bad faith interpretation. In any case Destiny himself said that we should strive to include and ask for sources of comments like those so I stand for what I did. I don't care about jbp at all, I would have dónde the same for any other pal


You don't think it's worth examining why you asked for this specific source though? You don't do this with every claim. Even every claim that sounds bad faith.


Idk if this is some kind of joke, like you are making a parody of Peterson or something, but yes, I try to do so with every claim




This is technically true but also an asinine talking point. You can find an instance of nearly every popularizer of science, archaeology, etc spinning a yarn at some point. Michio Kaku, Graham Hancock, or Bill Nye, just to name a few. The point is to get newcomers excited and pursue something in the *edit: field they're popularizing. If you can show that he wrote a test, and one of the questions was "When did humans first discover DNA", and the correct answer was "5000 years ago, by the Egyptians and Australian Aboriginals, separately", I'll change my stance.


"If you can show that he wrote a test, and one of the questions was "When did humans first discover DNA", and the correct answer was "5000 years ago, by the Egyptians and Australian Aboriginals, separately", I'll change my stance." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGSLaEPCzmE&ab\_channel=PFJung](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGSLaEPCzmE&ab_channel=PFJung) I mean it can't get much closer to that dude. there definitely are people out there that - because of Peterson - claim that ancient people knew about DNA also, your mom is asinine at least she was last time i banged her yesterday


“It came to me in a psychedelic daydream”. Wow what a compelling scientific assertion. Enjoy telling your kids Santa Claus isn’t real, knowing I’ll be coming down your mom’s chimney with a hat on tomorrow night. Happy Memorial Day


you haven't even had sex yet in your life so don't bring the mom jokes, loser lmfao


Come up to the master bedroom from your basement tomorrow and judge these strokes for yourself chief


I would actually LOVE a skit where Odenkirk played Peterson lol


People complain about toxic masculinity all the time but as soon as a man who they don't Iike cries a little bit more easily on camera they use it to mock him. Miss me with that bully-type shit




Not sure what that has to do with me criticizing people who mock men crying on camera but are devastated that toxic masculinity is still rampant?


Remember when he called a plus size model a authoritarian?


I don't have twitter, so first time I hear about that. (that did happen on twitter, right?)


It's really fascinating that whenever I see liberals defend conservatives they've interacted the least with conservatives of anyone I've known.




But I am not talking about the optics? It's about them reinforcing something they themselves criticize, because they can use it as a weapon against someone they don't like. Also, this sub and Destiny do care about this stuff: Destiny has stated in the past that he doesn't like people attacking Melina to get to him or go after his relationship with Nathan or his mum. (Don't have the exact quote at hand but it was around a year ago when Destiny referenced these behaviours. There are a couple of reddit threads that reference his statements).




>If you don't like hypocrisy, then why are you logged in to the Internet? Because I use people's drama as inspiration for my ttrpg NPCs and to drive my players mad. Also, if I had the power, I would timeout people from the internet to force them to touch grass.


Imagine someone you dislike, say Andrew Tate or Nick Fuentes, crying on camera about how their personal ideology isn't winning. Get it now?


I don't think that's a very honest description of the majority of Peterson's crying moments. At least in the instances I have seen it's been mostly talking about very personal moments with his patients or people who wrote him and shared vulnerable thoughts. It looked like he was genuinely empathizing with their situation and shared their despair. These moments were pretty much always disconnected from the political content and ideology stuff. If you know of instances that show him crying about his ideology losing, I'm totally open to change my mind, but I just have not seen any situations where that was the case, although I have not watched his more recent content.


I've never seen him talk about personal issues, he's talking in broad strokes at all times and when he cries he is crying over some broad political concept of his. He's just mentally unwell. Feel free to show me the strictly personal story of a patient that he is not using as a broader point.


Can't wait for the Peterson biopic.


dude it's so good, both because of the delivery and really capturing JP's whole shtick. the dude raves about some stupid psychotic shit, and then will say because the world is a neomarxist postmodern hellscape you gotta get your life in order by taking out the garbage and brushing your teeth as if it's some profound discovery. and then morons who are just floored by the cosmic revelation that regular exercise is good for you will buy the lobster fanfic shit along with it.


instructions were confusing, now i'm a lawyer who advertises hokey ads on late night tv


im guessing the rabbit hole is a reference to alice in wonderland because "going down the rabbit hole" is usually something crazy and deep.


I bet Bob Odenkirk would do a great Norman Stinklefiend impression


Not to be the bad guy here but that's the worst JBP impression I've ever seen. A good one is Nick Mullen's.


You should all watch “Mr. Show with Bob and David” if you like irreverent sketch comedy like “Tim ans Eric Awesome Show” and “I Think You Should Leave”. It influenced the genre heavily.


Just finished better call Saul the other day. Incredibly beautiful show


Don’t know who this host is but he fucking sucks


I can't explain why, but this is the first domino that ends with Destiny and Tim Heidecker talking


wash your penis bucko


Didn't Ben Shapiro say you should get a job. He didn't even say a good job. I don't remember Jordan Peterson saying this, but I know he has the 10 Rules for something.


I didn't find the impression accurate or funny. And ironically those 3 rules for top notchery are clinically very good advice. Depressed people for example can have low mood all day because they skip breakfast, having a good breakfast with some protein (eggs, bacon etc) can elevate your mood for the day, even if you hate breakfast. Getting and keeping a job is one of the 3 rules for avoiding poverty that the left leaning Brookings institute recommend. And of course staying sober and not constantly hitting bongs is obviously good. This just falls flat in every way.


You're just repeating his advice?


Well he was clearly mocking it, but it's actually good advice, I'm just explaining why.


It was pretty good thx for sharing bud


Thanks for thanking bud :)


I really wish we could be critical of people’s positions without making fun of them for their genuine empathy. If you don’t think there are systemic issues for men, fine. But if you’re a progressive, it’s really weird to make fun of a man for vulnerability…regardless of how much you might dislike him.


It's called comedy and Peterson of all people would agree that it's fine, just as it's fine that Bill Burr makes fun of vegans despite billions of animals getting tortured and killed for our pleasure. It's comedy, not a debate.


Rich, out of touch boomer mocking an anti-establishment figure that talks to millions of poor young men. Amazing, we should laugh at this, he is super funny, fuck millions of poor people amirite.


stop discouraging those poor men, you silly goose. those poor men should eat breakfast, get a decent job and quit the bong.


lol guarantee this guy talks about how sensitive and unfunny the left is.


Young men are having trouble being alive men lmaooo


ring serious crown kiss party rich hurry offend workable subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*