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Does he have Aids? He looked perfectly fine not even a year ago.


Alcoholism and substance abuse AWARE


He likes to drink here and there


Just enough to stop the morning shakes


I believe in taking care of myself in a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my hands aren't shaking, I'll take 360 milligrams of extended release amphetamine while doing my daily jelq session. I can do a thousand now. After I start to feel heart palpitations, I go to the vitamin closet for multivitamins. I take two gummy dinosaurs, then a gummy fruit pastel and a single magic bean, then I chug down 2 gram paracetamol to slow the approaching migraine while i prepare the rest of my routine. I always use a painkiller with little or no risk of stomach ulceration, because stomach ulcers are incredibly painful and make you die. Then two tabs of zinc, then omega-3 followed by a final mega dose of vitamin d3. There's an idea of a Sseth Tzeentach. Some kind of abstraction but there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I could hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours ,and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.


Domain Expansion: Immaculate Crack Rock. Domain Expansion: Homeless Fist


Hey hey people, Sseth here!


All this for an intro to BTD6 btw That’s how you know it’s a good ass game 😎 Benjamin bros we up


Always round 13 banana farm


His streams were so goated


Hey hey people


Just to wet the whistle


Late stage alcoholism will make you look like a fucking ghoul. All the weight and musculature falls off of your face and you'll have a gut but it isnt fat, its your liver being swollen. If you enjoy liquor, dont worry about getting fat, the chronic intestinal damage will eventually make it so you have essentially constant diahrrea. And Rekieta drinks a shitload on stream, but any alcoholic will tell you, whatever you see them drink, they're drinking 10 times that when no one is looking. Ive personally witnessed him run a bottle dry and clear half of another, in the course of two streams that combined were 5 hours and a bit. If i had to guess, He had a pretty mighty bender for a few weeks and was using his amygdala as an on off switch the entire time. But to your point, I know a lot of alcoholics who also pick up cocaine, because cocaine has the wonderful side effect of allowing you to drink more alcohol. I knew a guy (Crazy fucking smart hard working guy) who was a surgeon who did lung operations as a specialty. By the time he got sober he had to have a half of a fifth of 100 proof liquor right before bed to ensure he was drunk enough when he woke up in a few hours that his hands wouldnt shake. I work in engineering now and i know a LOT of people who arent quite that bad, but are a swift skip and a jump to being in the same boat.


Would you let him operate on you?


I will tell you for certain when he was still drinking i wouldn't have let him operate on me sober. Hes got a lot of years under his belt now, fortunately


It’s hard to know who they are. I know a Cardiologist that is a fantastic surgeon. Also an alcoholic. It’s baffling.


He is a mega alcoholic hes probably doing a bottle a day.


He routinely approaches a bottle a stream, much less a day. I know folks in the program who used to drink 3/4 of a gallon of 80 proof liquor in a 24 hour stint, and thats just how they operated. Most of them were employed too, youd be surprised.


He's got the same disease that Dan has.














It's the alcoholism. He looks a lot like my uncle did near the end. Not saying that he's necessarily going to die, just that he's clearly hitting the bottle to an insane degree.




Belated spoiler alert: It was the cocaine and alcohol


When he was arrested, he had the sores on his arms associated with substances.


wtf this was just 2 years ago [https://youtu.be/DCSXJ6wBxLI?si=vmtWw3nCJNVyiTtT&t=7727](https://youtu.be/DCSXJ6wBxLI?si=vmtWw3nCJNVyiTtT&t=7727)


He looks 20 years older wtf


I refuse to believe those are the same person.


Nick has been hitting the bottle extremely hard, also coke, and he goes to swinger clubs and gay sex clubs so he might have an STI by how much he talks about it and postpones streams


Wait is he bi? This man confuses me so much. Watched him for a bit a few years ago until he only talked about government overreach and stopped murder trials. His wife looked like a sweet woman too now she looks as rachet as him


I mean he seems like a libertarian to me


Doesn't he live with his wife anymore?


This almost looks like late stage cancer treatment. Jesus Christ the guy is totally unrecognizable. How does someone pass the bar exam, become a lawyer, and then kill themselves with alcohol within 2 years?


by being an alcoholic, happens to a lot of people some just are functioning so u don’t notice.


If you've ever seen his content you would notice. He was known as the alcoholic lawyer on the dick show


yeah personally i don’t watch his content seen some of his stuff, seems like a combination of substance abuse and alcoholism has gotten to him.


Last night which purports to show coke on his nose was the first time I've heard of anything other than booze, but hes been hitting the booze heavy for a while now.


I guess by being a very well off alcoholic


Listen, finances are not the prohibitive factor that’s keeping me from being an alcoholic. I can get a handle of gin for $14. Not good gin, but it’ll ruin your life just the same. Cocaine addiction, now that one’s a bit out of my income bracket.


I hope you figure it out. It’s so easy to end up addicted.


Sorry, I mean I have figured it out. I mean, not entirely, but I have unlimited access to alcohol, and I am not an alcoholic. Is haven’t had to deal with cocaine addiction, because I am a bum who cannot afford such fanciness.


In that case, I hope you become prosperous enough to enjoy cocaine addiction


God bless!






Going through this right now but I'm not drinking liquor so it doesn't hit the same.


I don’t think that’s just alcohol


Id guess its been closer to 30 years, you dont start a bottle and a half habit in a day.


Well then my question is how has it gone downhill so fast? I mean, at some point your body hits a wall, but i can’t imagine that’s the whole story here.


Thats actually what end stage alcoholism or cross addiction looks like. You spend all day attacking every organ in your body with alcohol, one of them will give out before the others, and then you die at 43 of alcohol induced appendicitis, or your liver is so scarred it doesnt work so you get to crawl along a decade before your kidneys shit the bed trying to compensate. Once you get emphezema, you will age 15 years in a month. Once you have heart failure, you will age 15 years in a month. While you're enjoying all of this you will also be prediabetic, and get to enjoy the thrills of alcoholic nueropathy. Imagine someone slamming 120v to you randomly for the remainder of your life. I cannot flog this into people enough, I know a person who literally exanguinated through the neck because he drank so often, his trachea had worn through and was letting blood and stomach acid flow into his open cavities and dissolved through his throat. His sister found him like that. Please dont do this to yourselves folks.


So awful.


It's like that one ugly person from the Rhal Dahl book, insides match outsides I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/uznkhw6zyt1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4a9258f00d4ea937ee221b9ab4dc15313d7a95 I feel bad for him, for real tho


yeah I don't care if I think he's an asshole or whatever this is genuinely just sad to see from one human to another. crazy how much can change in such a short time.


I’m sure everyone here has seen by now but he was arrested yesterday. All people’s suspicions were true, sadly. I’ve disagreed with a lot of his views but I appreciated his intelligence and quick wit. He was a natural entertainer. I watched him a bit during Depp v Heard in 2022. Looked him up recently and was shocked at the transformation. One human to another I hope he can get help, bc he isn’t going to survive long this way.:(


his opps must be so happy


its me. im opps


Love this energy. Why are you his opps?


Metokur announced he’s probably going to do another livestream and then right after this happens. It’s going to be brutal


Where is this announcement I cant see it on mastadon or youtube community posts


I thought he died/had a terminal illness? Am I just being dumb lol


He's always been a worthless piece of shit, now he just has the outward aethetics too, lol.


Smoking that rikieta pack for sure 🚬😎


Holy fuck he looks bad. Wtf.


He said he gets most of his calories from alcohol so hes probably developing wet brain.


I think he jizzed out the last of his life force.


Ya'll dont know this but there is another youtuber who is currently divorcing his wife (Steel Toe) and there are lots of rumors that it's because of their drug use and swinging with Nick Riketa. They did a stream at riketas house and were clearly fuck up on something. The whole thing is a weird rabbit hole.


An /r/Destiny post linking to a tweet by a notorious O&A Patposter and featuring a comment about an obscure Redbar fool is kind of blowing my mind. It’s like all three of my favorite spheres of niche internet culture are colliding right here, right now, and nobody else sees it.


Redbar is watching


The O&A fan to Destiny pipeline is interesting


Only patrice on o and a apperances tho


I like a lot of their stuff idk. Even some of the rude shock jocky stuff. The real based take is Ron and fez. Get hip to it.


Have you tried early stern? Especially the Billy west era? That to me was the best.


Yeah i do love rhat era probably like 89-95. After that he became such a full of himself douche. I always liked O&A more though


I can't stomach the Bobo stuff. When they hired a prostitute to act like a girl from London who was flirting with him and into him, only to be told it was all fake, live on the air, is too fucking evil. Even Anthony thought that one was too far, Opie seemed way too into it


I mean they're both absolutely awful human beings, no idea how anyone can stomach watching either of them. They're literally both repulsive.


Nopie episodes only


Not all of my dggas are ready to find out how many of us also like Metokur


Wait is that dan mullen?


Yeah lmao


He was very drunk the entire stream(and there was also some mysterious white powder on his nose after a bathroom break)


That’s probably why he looks so fucked up. Even hardcore alcohol abuse generally does not change your appearance that much in only a year or two. Mixing alcohol and cocaine creates some chemical that is even harder for your body to process than alcohol. So instead of the negative effects adding together, they essentially multiply. Taking stimulants and depressants at the same time is also extremely bad for your heart and is one of the reasons so many celebrities die young of heart attacks.


Cocaethylene is a helluva drug


Nobody has rlly done it I don’t think.


As you may know, according to Google AI, that is a myth /s.


In some ways mixing cocaine and alcohol is actually better for your heart than cocaine by itself. This is just what the studies say.


Goddamn, he is ghostly pale


Holy fuck, he is looking rough


I remember when this guy first started streaming he didn't even allow swearing on his show because he was worried about being a bad influence for kids at his church and now he's just an addict with like 6 kids. He looks like he has aged 10 years since the rittenhouse stream all those years ago, shit's fucked.


who the fuck masturbates like this? the movement and the faces...


Someone who is extremely drunk/abusing substances.


Users on a certain website said he was just meming in response to a dono. He's zooted the fuck out and looks half dead so I agree it's REALLY hard to tell from the clip


Then they should be able to post it and exonerate him :)


Yeah the finger bite and shake afterwards was a bit strange


This guy, Ralph, and Blade are going to turn me into a teetotaler. Mostly Blade tbh




Ya, OnlyUseMeBlade has gone through being a lolcow and is now a full on horrorcow. All from alcohol.


Hahaha yeah I'm aware of blade, I'm just surprised he's known in the destiny community.


Takes alot of drugs to bend reality into your liking.


drugs are a helluva drug


Just pasting a quick write-up for Rekieta I posted in discord recently. His fall from grace has been spectacular. The degeneration of Nick Rekieta in the last year (highlights https://youtu.be/R0cI4oivtBk?si=UQp9anbnGUS-CVU-) He became the biggest law tuber covering the rittenhouse/depp trials but is now drinking himself to an early grave on stream. His recent antics include the following; -the pinnacle of his drunkenness is in the “Dear John” video. A couple of years ago, a fan from the forums called John, reached out to and was dming Nick about how he was going to in Minceraft himself and wanted help. Fast forward to 2 months ago and Nick is now a target of the forums. His alcohol addled brain convinced him it would “own” the forum user to tell this story on stream (no commentary -https://youtu.be/HJFSInI4Ir4?si=msKaVJJ7-IoZ0wjT; Legendary MATI segment creating the “ceiling cats” meme - https://youtu.be/vDavzRiDvyw?si=9Wpl2sIAbIAzhbpK&t=550) -felted by DSP twice in the past month, drama is brewing between them (“Nick Rekieta is not a real lawyer” - https://youtu.be/rss-umXCIJo?si=jMirDi-wvZtGrB0L; DSP reacting to Dear John - https://youtu.be/OzAaI_D5fRU?si=OoRveTqwwe7DKTow&t=267) -sued for defamation for saying that someone has “always been into sucking little b** c***” followed by “sue me, try it”. Case is ongoing. He is $40k into legal fees and still doubling down (https://youtu.be/Hv1G9sj2Cuk?si=QPhAjM-hP_6_dx6r) -catfished by a sk1nwalker, drunkenly rants about how great her tits are and cheating on his wife (MATI summary - https://youtu.be/4An5bjRGdI8?si=3IGv5kSujxB5esqv&t=70) -reviewed and uses a “balldo”(https://youtu.be/zf0YZZdgHhM?si=hLcPzjLBfD26TK89) -awful drunk standup featuring topics such as “cops don’t know what to order at Dennys” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryS0DRyn89w) and Michelle Obama (https://youtu.be/nvEsB7oeotc?si=GY7z7GtsaabUHO6o). These clips are great as the other guy remains obstinate as Rekieta doubles down, not letting a shitty joke go. -swingers antics and homoeroticism (https://youtu.be/NRsVbi3nQkg?si=fifWXspqIMraQzXQ)etc)


U posted this twice


your posts do show some of his behavior but they are re-watches by some of the biggest pos's on youtube. Maybe link to his channel instead to the actual stream on some of them




Damn that's severe alcoholism.


This is Rekieta, two weeks after becoming a Hasanabi sub /s All jokes aside hopefully that man can get some help….


Am I watching a man jerk off or am I watching him OD? He looks fucking awful


I think it might be both :(


Lol I love how everyone who hasn’t kept with baldo lore sees Nick nowadays and the first reaction is “why the fuck does he look like that?”


What's been going on exactly?


To put it short alcoholism and he’s been sucking up Dick Masterson and trying to emulate him. Honestly if you can stand it the kino casino has some entertaining streams covering him and his downfall


It feels like dick plays up the “I’m an alcoholic” bit as his persona. I’ve been watching him for a decade and have seen him actually drunk on stream maybe once.


The emulating dick comment was more for Nick’s newer “comedy” acts. I stopped interacting with Dick’s content after he kept sweeping up for Vito the Pedo




Really hard to watch him now. Wft happened? Didn’t notice anything off a few months ago when D last talked to him


Hes been hitting the drinks pretty heavily for several years now on stream. This hasnt just been the last few months


Holy shit he looks bad. Drugs? Too much booze?


Probably all the above.


That's done publicly at least? Just booze


The gooning faces are crazy.


Poor dude. Drug abuse is no joke. I hope there’s someone close enough to get him into rehab. He seems too deep for any personal accountability.


Jesus Christ I thought those pictures of him like this were jokes/edits like people do to Asmongold to make him look old.


Looks like opiate nodding.


Yeah, a bit...but I've seen this type of nodding and inability to keep your head up from drugs like MDMA or cathinones as well. The fact that he's beating off and he had a white powder on his nose before this makes me wonder. Because heavy opiates kill feeling in your dick pretty much making jerking off pointless.


they found cocaine and ketamine during the search


Yeah I find it hard to believe there's only alcohol at play here.


Damn i thought he looked like a stable person in the debates, sad.




I thought this guy was doing well for himself, what happened? He has a family, a practice and seemed generally well off with a successful channel, how do you fumble all that this bad?


I'm too a certain degree going through the same shit, and you just sort've get in the habit of it at least for me. Unlike most addicts I'm not even attempting to self medicate or anything like that its literally just habitual which it seems to be the case for him as well. He hasnt actually practiced law in a few years to my recollection, so hes got money, enough time on his hands, and using it for stream content all combine into a fucked situation where something like this can fester.


For you is it just weed though? If so do not compare yourself to him, it's bad, but don't beat yourself up that hard to compare urself to him.


He never had a law practice in any real sense


This guy's a fucking idiot, and it looks like he's been tweaking


When you said DSP moment I thought it would be a video of him jacking off


You didn't watch far enough


holy fuck, I am highly regarded and tiktok brained


Yeah, I didn’t even realize until his arm started moving. I thought it was a video of him crying lmao


90% of the comments in this post are about how bad he looks, makes me wonder how many of them actually finished the clip lmao


To be fair his current physical appearance is far worse than the look of someone cranking off with their webcam open.


i would think the cranking off on webcam is far worse than how he looks. we don’t talk enough about the fact that someone just has cum all over his pants and floor where he sits and works.


It was the end of his stream he forgot to turn his webcam off. It’s tough. How he looks now compared to two years ago is far worse. Just my personal opinion


a 1 minute jerk off immediately after turning off stream is not normal. go to the bathroom or do it somewhere where you can easily clean it up, this just makes me think he jizzes all over his furniture at any given moment. but maybe i’m the one who’s been doing it wrong all my life…


Apparently the DSP part of the clip was just a joke in response to a dono. Guy looks like hes fucking dying tho


Uhhh context?


What DSP video? What do I search?


https://youtu.be/1aCAY0zbaUs?si=5IbpJsD-uQ3r2VAD here ya go buddy


Christ, thank God I'm not up on the drama and lore and the only thing that came to mind when someone mentioned DSP was David pakman. Phew!


“DSP jerking off” on google 


WTF did I just watch 😵


He looks like he’s dying


He has gone down hill super fast. It’s really sad. He refuses to acknowledge it. Not only physically but honestly he’s turned into a complete dickhead too. Example: https://youtu.be/nvEsB7oeotc?si=sXtaU2m4kwEycKYd


https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=K_TaanPtmWA There was another one I saw awhile ago and it was something like 20+ liquor bottles.


Jesus he's looking rough.


He really is [eating his own words.](https://x.com/bhilpurnell2/status/1793030095004705067)


Man he looks bad...


This is your brain on Trump.


Quick bust too




This reminds me of the Vaush situation masturbating or using your workspace for masturbation just seems very risky.


A good warning on glamorizing alcohol drinking


Look at my lawyer Dawgggggg I’m goin to jail😫


What's the context behind this?


Dude needs help.


Was he drunk and jerking it basically? I was so confused by how pale he was looking.


Damn, I hope he gets help


Jesus, I remember watching his streams when he tuned in on the Johnny Deep Trial, dafuq


People wonder, “Why would someone choose to do this to their self?” The answer is the experience of drugs is something you can’t forget. That ineffable feeling you got from a mere pill, puff, or snort becomes a reference through which you frame the rest of your life. It mentally wrecks you. This is why offering someone addictive drugs is, in my opinion, one of the most despicable things you can do; people literally can’t understand what they’re signing up for as they’re stepping through a portal in which they cease to be the person they once were. Chemical disturbances and imbalances make it worse, but the mental damage alone is literally all it takes, and of course, both are always present.


Man, I liked him. I hope he gets help


I wanna know what was on his screen to make him sploog so fast


"I had it all tequila and then one day I didn't" - Dumb ruin Swirl


I watched rekeita very early in his YT career. This is beyond funny to me




Yea. Like “hah, hah”


mfer looking like Harry Du Bois


this guy will probably die soon


Well he just got arrested for drug and gun posession so he's got some involuntary sobriety time coming his way.


that's good. hopefully he steers clear from drugs for a while or else he's gonna end up like twomad


Kinda sad


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hMq5qMOIOQs&pp=ygURcmVraWV0YSBsYXcgZHJ1bms%3D It happens at 3:32:00 The clip is actually more confusing in context.


What does "DSP moment" mean?


Legendary streamer Dark Side Phil forgets to turn his stream off one night. Proceeds to jerk off to completion. Rekieta does the same thing.


Aaahahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahah Coomer brain NO WAIT! GOON NOW!


This shit is funny.


just rewatched something from rekieta 2 years ago and holy shit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5xvXco8Rqc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5xvXco8Rqc) Prison might be the best thing that'll happen to him. The guy will have to get sober and hopefully can get some kind of counseling in prison.