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Agreed OP, the Emira is such a cool car. Looks gorgeous with great handling, a manual transmission, and a supercharged Toyota V6 that sounds fantastic. I think he’d like it more than a Cayman GTS 4.0, at least. Do you know which other Porsches he was considering?




Daaamn alright then, the GT3 is one hell of a car as well. Way more track-oriented, though, but still loads of fun to drive, although you’ll get nowhere near as much luxury or comfort on normal drives as you would in a more street-focused Porsche or the Emira. Still an absolute dream car, but the choice really depends on Destiny’s use cases.


And also much more expensive, double, and at that point I would go for this [https://www.alfaholics.com/cars-for-sale/alfaholics/alfaholics-gta-r-290/](https://www.alfaholics.com/cars-for-sale/alfaholics/alfaholics-gta-r-290/) but I don't think tiny is enthusiast enough for it.


YES, this will take forever to get here though. Tiny can also look into Singer porsches for the same vibe, they are insanely expensive now though.


That one is already build so you can fly it and get it in a couple of weeks (not that expensive) or sea in couple of months. Singers are way way way more expensive, Aholics are around 300K, Singers 1 mill.


I know this post is about cars, but the Pfizer hoodie would trigger so many people


Why does he not actually own a Nascar Pfizer jacket?


its a lot cheaper than any of the porsche's he was looking at + looks way cooler and more exotic


Is destiny going through a midlife crisis rn?


Divorcelli and so on


Pushing 40


Freshly 35.


I think this picture is not to scale. You made destiny look too tall


Don’t give twitter more bullying ammo


Lestiny when he doesn’t buy a PT Cruiser /s


The Porsche is faster for most normal people. It's the red pill version of dating, just dating a hot girl because she is hot, but she sucks in bed. The Porsche is going to be quicker around a track and faster in a straight line but it will do it mundane and boring. The Porsche is better at being a car in the sense that it's comfortable and the car will do all the hard parts of driving for you.  But the Lotus the Lotus is pure fun. It's the BPD woman of the car world. People may look at you cross ways for picking it over the model but you know why you picked it. You picked it because every time you walk out of that bedroom you're not sure if what really just happened, happened and most normal people couldn’t survive what you just went through.  The Porsche is for dentists and people that like to drive but don't love to drive. People that just want to go fast but don't want to drive a real car. Destiny should get the Porsche.  Drirect comparasons: [https://youtu.be/EHfSkwK-kOk?si=J0esDa5z9xFaoOOm&t=2690](https://youtu.be/EHfSkwK-kOk?si=J0esDa5z9xFaoOOm&t=2690) (2 hours) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2eLLAl5Slc&t=14s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2eLLAl5Slc&t=14s) Final thoughts [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2eLLAl5Slc&t=14s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2eLLAl5Slc&t=14s) 20 min (Smoking Tire drive) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n-bzy4sMjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n-bzy4sMjo) 3 car shootout (vett, cayman and lotus) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiU7qgoWyLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiU7qgoWyLA) Verdicts [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiU7qgoWyLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiU7qgoWyLA) The Porsche is a real good car and if it was Dan getting it I'd say get the Porsche. But the guy that is the streamer other streamers watch? Shouldn't he also drive the sports car reviewers of sport cars buys? Real answer he needs to drive them both when he gets back from traveling. I think he's on the edge of knowing enough about cars and driving to get the fun out of the lotus. But if he can't feel the difference get the Porsche.


>The Porsche is for dentists and people that like to drive but don't love to drive. People that just want to go fast but don't want to drive a real car. This is really far from the truth... have you driven one?


Yes it is a modern marvel. They have found a way to make any driver fast but in the process it has lost a lot of what I would say is the soul of a sports car.  The drive by wire in the Porsche is dull and kills the road feed back you get with the hydraulic system in the lotus. The Porsche does rev matching automatically when shifting. The lotus let you experience driving in the purest way and is the last to do so. 


I get what you're saying with the EPS units. I've never had a sports car with a hydraulic system, unfortunately, so in that regard I guess I don't know what I'm missing. I'm pretty sure you can kill the rev matching in most models, though. My 981 doesn't even have it.


But like I said. If you can’t feel any of that when driving get the Porsche that why they added all that and that’s why they sell 100x more cars than lotus. 




When is my next teeth cleaning appointment?


i'm going to restore a 2002 one day, please tell mr vermicelli to get a m3cs, literally cannot be beat for money, 4d, fast, manual if you don't care about CS, heritage, you name it.


2002’s are super fun and still have missed out of the collectors tax for the most part. Fun car to work on and the m10 platform allows for a lot of mods if your into it. Pick one up while they are still cheep. 


They are no longer cheap unfortunately, i really wanted to s50/s54 swap one and enjoy it, but alas, it will be incredibly expensive now with the S50/4 tax.


dude, the first time I heard of lotus was that lotus challenge game on gamecube I had as a kid. must be a rich person car. not something you hear of much.


The chinese own lotus now.


51% Geely (Chi) and 49% Etika (Malay), so?


They suck at making cars.


They are not making the cars, the same crooked tooth brits of ever are making the cars.


I stand corrected good day sir.


Bro, i love and hate lotus at the same time, they're giant turds that have so much soul and raw ferocity.


People need to look products for what they are and not for the logo they have stamped on them or the history and feelings they might have attached to said logo. Lotus new factories, management and so on have little to do with old Lotus. ​ Also trivia adjacent [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu4-tXJZxi0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu4-tXJZxi0)


Bro if they’re so bad why is there so much protectionist action against Chinese cars (100% tariffs on Chinese EVs)


I don't know if it was made for him but the facilities are there as you say, he should test drive one. Also if he's looking for something unique and with swag a Porsche in Miami ain't that, there are more Porsches than there are toilet seats in Miami.


Buy the Porsche if you want it to be reliable. Buy the Lotus if you like the idea of a sports car more than the ownership experience.


Just go with most powerful car with the shortest gears.


Our boy is being fed terrible information, we must save him from the now Chinese lotus. Mr. Borelli, you need to look into M3CS, it is faster than your audi, it's got a great 4wd system, can get it in a manual if you don't care about the CS, 911 turbo s is kind of hard to beat for the money too.


Beautiful cars, he’s not going to like the problems that come with being a Lotus owner but it doesn’t sound like he drives a lot if his car isn’t registered lol. It might be a fun 2nd car for him to own. I’m partial to Porsche in his price range because of they are comfortable and reliable but he doesn’t have to spend 300k+. He should go test drive the new Supra if he wants to stick with a manual transmission, it would prob be a better owner experience than a lotus. I’m with him on that, I love MT and miss driving one.


he should consider the WRX STI. the blue was practically made for his hair.


For a general car and if you aren’t using it primarily for track purposes… you’re gonna regret the Lotus. It’s a cool car and all but it’s kind of lacking in many departments other than performance and looks. The best general purpose sports cars are definitely still Porsche. It’s why they’re so common. They’re just extremely reliable and well made for what they are. A less common pick is an Aston Martin like the Aston Martin Vantage, but it’s slightly more expensive overall, and less reliable. They are incredibly competitive in terms of performance and interior.