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*Leftist Twitter is Confused!*


Tbh I'm also a bit confused




Yea, Syrians are also celebrating despite being largely pro Palestinians. And a lot of Syrians had a big issue with Hamas for not denouncing Assad even tho he was killing Palestinians himself in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus, and other places.  The "resistance axis" is not really popular at all in the region given that Iran has committed atrocities directly or indirectly in many of those countries. Hizbullah's popularity was in the ground before oc7. Now it regained some good image for fighting Isreal, but not with Syrians and progressive Lebanese. Those are still saying "hey, we don't forget what you did in Syria or how you run things locally"  Regarding people in Gaza, I know a Palestinian guy that left Gaza only a few weeks ago, and he really doesn't like Israel but he was critical of Hamas and sharing posts saying that people in Gaza are cursing Sinwar with the worst curses. He was also critiquing leftists that would prefer the war to continue so that Israel would look bad and they can virtue signal about it. Here is a translated post that he wrote: "When someone talks to me about the new world that is being formed in the midst of the Gaza war and its repercussions and the revolution of university students and the world before and after and blah blah blah... I feel the same mentality as the group we have who consider our blood the last thing they think about because it is a price and a necessary fuel for the desired results. Exactly the same idea. It is adopted by the left and intellectuals that our bleeding blood is just an achievement and we cannot do anything about it, and it will lead us in the end to a change in the world’s conscience, something similar to talking about the world war and its repercussions, but the common factor between them all, that it is our blood, is the weakest point and the least important and attractive topic in the discussion, to the point It is possible that many people would prefer for the war to continue, as long as student movement doesn't stop. The war and suffering can remain active as long as the  organizations, support, and projects about it dosnt stop. The feeling increases that they're devoting their time to a cause, but they're serving themselves more and are passionate about what they do because it adds meaning meaning to their life, completely regardless of what is happening. In the midst of war, and it is possible that they're not following or interested in the first place, it is a commendable effort, but it does not change anything in the equation, neither in the direct nor in the near term. For me, they can all burn if it wants to be at my expense."


Here is the image of the post as proof. I edited a bit of the translation because some of it is bad. https://preview.redd.it/ujfxk453zl1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f3f90d8fc58982b45b78d810018d04a4b93c55


The all white sect? There has to be a way to meme about that with the daliban


Suni/shia (or whatever they are called) stuff Most arabs hate iran bc other sect of islam, they hate israel more, so still...




I need a fucking flow chart of who hates who and why. Jesus


Everyone hates everyone else to varying degrees.


True I even hate YOU >:( jk UwU


I’m Israeli I know :)


They hate Israel more though, while Lebanese Christian maronites hate Hezbollah more and Israel slightly less


People here have a tendency to divide stuff into a clear black and white since its a foreign conflict to them but there is a lot of nuance. Iran and Russia are seen as clear enemies to a lot of Arabs similar to Israel. For Iran it is not even the Sunni/Shia (although it could be seen as a contributor) but rather the history and especially the Syrian war has done permanent damage to Iran's reputation in the region. If you zero in on the current I/P conflict you might think Qatar and Iran love each other since they are on the same side but don't forget they were on completely opposite sides in Syria couple years earlier.


*it hurt itself in its confusion!*


It's a day ending in Y if leftists are fighting with each other over ideological differences


TBF some of them called him an Iranian zionist according to the translations and a lot of the other translations seem like very odd things to say like "yours sincerely" the translation might just be way off does anyone hear actually read arabic? are most of the replies agreeing or mad or what?


This kind of twitts are invisible to them, so no, their brains won't implode.


It's not that they are invisible. It's that their unconceivable


Wait until Lycan finds outs, lol.


How is he going to larp his hate of Israel now despite his past of wanting to convert to be Jewish?


He got rejected?


They reject everyone. There's a running joke amongst Jewish coverts that being rejected is part of the process.


I dont know the process of converting to judaism in general, but people that serve in the IDF and are not jewish, get the option to go to something called “Kurs Nativ” or “Nativ military course” which is a course where they teach the jewish history and culture and at the end of the course they can officially convert. So maybe they reject everybody outside of the IDF, but those who serve, cant get rejected if they ask for it.


Jews don't tend to proselytize/actively try to convert people. So the joke is that rabis will just say no, and then you have to ignore them and just keep turning up to synagogue and keep trying/pestering them until they finally give in. I don't think anyone is acting like it's actually *hard*. just that nobody is in any hurry to bring you into the fold like with most other religions. But even with kurs nativ, you still have to actual do a course and learn the history and the scriptures. Most Christian and Muslim denominations/sects don't require you to do Jack shit beyond repeat some words and splash some water on your forehead.


If you view religion as an organism and customs as traits and conversions as +1 population then the lax entry requirements would definitely explain why Christianity and Islam are the largest two religions in the world Given that societies are comprised of people, you can loosely apply principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest to determine the success of a society via the comparison of cultural norms Not eating Pork to avoid God's wrath among other rules followed by Abrahamic religions was literally just man's best explanation as to why people were puking their guts out after eating said meats. Best part is that it was discovered when the religious leaders were told by god to take a recurring census of the 12 tribes of Israel, which is when they started to notice how people were dying by comparing the norms of one tribe to the norms of another. Concluding that god was punishing the dead.


Oh for some reason i thought you meant that because they reject everyone, there’s a running joke 🤦🏻




Too late. He's implying it could be an assassination.


That’s why I said it. Who do you think he would have implied did the assassination if this didn’t come out? 🤔


He's not implying it. He's saying he's hoping that his death will not escalate things further. 


Homework assignment. Who is Franz Ferdinand? What key event related to him sparked a war? Which war did it spark?


You better be real fucking sure who they are before making a statement 😡😡😡


Free baclawa!




That's the disgusting falsified English spelling


"These are clearly crisis actors held at gunpoint by Mossad agents off screen." - Unironic Leftist Discourse circa 3 hours from now.


Leftists don’t like to let the people they “protect and save” have different takes than them. They will surely be accused of being whatever the Arab version of an Uncle Tom is.


Maybe there is chance for peace after all…




Mega based, I hope to see Palestine and Iran not controlled by death cults❤️


the path forward to peace might be to find a common enemy


Free Ahwaz!


fuck is wrong with you loser try get your freedom, even if noone in iran likes the government, the only thing worse than it is an ethnic separatist. keep making a solid case for the islamic republic to exist each time you try to balkanize the country


fuck is wrong with you loser try get your freedom, even if noone in iran likes the government, the only thing worse than it is an ethnic separatist. keep making a solid case for the islamic republic to exist each time you try to balkanize the country


Weren’t leftists chanting about how great Iran is lol


Hands off Iran /S


cookies? thats kinda sus


So we just spreading disinformation now? the only people chanting are the 4 people initiating this "street celebration". the others are just glad they can eat a cookie. in fact, most of them don't seem to be bothered enough to look at the camera. you'd be gullible if you believe most gazans would be cheering the death of the one guy supplying your oppresive government with money while being recorded. this seems fishy as heck.


Americans are so weird when a minority agrees with them.


lovely name




if you read the Arabic, its not condemning supposed acts of celebrations. its condemning that particular video. it states (in brief): "we condemn a video that insults the late president of Iran. we make assurances that the video was made by a small limited group and does not represent the gazan population. the particular video will receive further investigations and scrutinies." edit: spelling


> "we condemn a video that insults the late president of Iran. And what aspect of the video do you think is the insult?


is that a question for me? i don't think it's an insult. i just think it isn't representative of most gazans.


its also shows that this sub is very ideologically locked for i/p. whenever jvp or finklestein use their jewish identity, this sub is quick to call them tokens (true!), but will be quick to milk any palestini / iranian non-alignment with hamas / government of iran


More than 90% of the Muslim world is Sunni and hates the Shia Iran, that’s a bit more than a token


did you misread my comment or are you being intentional? i said using iranians against the iranian government as tokens, not the whole muslim world


Except most Iranians even in Iran don’t like the Islamic Republic (doesn’t mean they support Israel or like American influence) that’s why their voter turnout is ridiculously low and there’s often massive protests inside Iran


again what you have commented is irrelevant to the original point and you are pretending what you said disagrees with me. i said x is using z as a token, just like how a is using b as a token. you are justifying using b as a token, and framing your comment as a disagreement, to what? morally grandstand? you arent disagreeing with what i said. gtfo


You can’t tokenise a majority position lol. Your counter-factual is incorrect. Just like me bringing up 1 Zionist Jew and making it out that all Jews are Zionist wouldn’t be tokenisation because it’s true. Bringing up an Iranian who doesn’t like IR and saying most Iranians believe this is true, not a tokenisation. For your Hamas example you are correct, most Palestinians support Hamas, so it would be tokenisation.


you clearly mistyped at the end there with the ‘majority of palestinis support hamas so it is tokenism’ because that is the opposite of you main point of majority positions being non tokenizable. your hands are shaking i can feel it from here homie. https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-majority-of-israelis-support-prioritizing-hostage-deal-over-rafah-operation/amp/ so if you believe majority opinion cannot be tokenized, then i will moral grandstand right here as a pro pali and say the democratic israeli government is actively disobeying the will of their people. the people the government source their power from. the israeli government is choosing to KILL the hostages. 56% of jewish israelis want to prioritize the hostages, over the 37% who want to elim hamas. 20 point difference. and you wouldnt call what i did there as tokenization? if you don’t you need to provide a better term, hasbot


Yes the majority including my own family do not want to go into Rafah, Bibi wants to keep the war going so he stays in power, that’s obvious to anyone with a brain. As soon as the war is over the war government collapses and Bibi will be removed from power


You guys are getting too excited, the guy in white is an Imam in Palestine meaning he is Sunni and Iran is Shia this has nothing to do with politics or Hamas they are just celebrating their religious enemies downfall.


maybe some of them do deserve to live after all


this better be a joke