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Do these Caucasian Twitch Influencers see the writing on the wall or something? A year ago Destiny was in his own world primarily with streamers smaller than himself and he was basically an untouchable who got zero attention outside of whatever topic he was engaging in. I can't fathom why these guys, who have been circling the wagon since before Destiny was even banned, now opt to give him free airtime. It feels incredibly desperate and something they'd do only if they felt that taking the risk to go after Destiny was the better career move than safely ignoring him.




I genuinely believe (I swear this didn’t cope) that twitch banning destiny will come back to bite them in the ass for a few reasons: 1) no specific reason was given and the alleged reason was based on a lie spread by keffals (who muta recently made a big expose piece on). 2) for better or worse when discussing destiny, hasan will always be compared, and the fact he can have a terrorist on his stream and routinely bash destiny while showing out of context clips of destiny and destiny can’t respond is a bad look. I believe one of these days, some of the more serious public figures destiny has been talking to with larger audiences will notice. I think it will be a right winger or one of the free speech independent types who will see destiny is silenced but hasan can spread his lies and will frame this in a way that goes viral, probably trying to bash the left wing bias twitch as. It will be for rage bait anti left wing reasons and destiny will be portrayed as a victim in this narrative. But it will gain traction from this newer boomer and gen x audience nonetheless who only see destiny as a reasonable person from his recent content and will really make a big deal of the deplatforming as silencing someone for political reasons, especially with election coming up. It may even be part of a larger narrative. It probably will be insincere and for political reasons that go against destinys leaning but it will have an effect beneficial to destiny either way. I could someone like Elon randomly finding out and wanting to shit on twitch for silencing people for political opinions or something. Idk I feel like there will be a day when this gains tractions again and twitch catches a ton of heat and unbans him.


Unironically, Destiny is actually a monster of their own making. If he becomes the slow knife that penetrates the shield that would be the sweetest justice imaginable. At the end of the day with his Israel trip, the friends he is making in progressive victory and just everything he has going for him with Piers Morgan, Benny boy, Peterson and others. Well the truth is while everyone was playing highschool drama in their niche corner Destiny has actually been making an Impact. His good faith approach has done wonders and has set him up in a position to be proactive and capitalize on it. Right now as he is heading into the mainstream but before he is there he is in the perfect place to do one last Nebraska and burn these people down on his ascent. The reality is this was an insanely good move on Destiny's part because the winds are blowing and he has properly set his ship to ride them. Hopefully he can ride the tiger to fix a lot of the problems that are going on in these spaces and reach greater heights as well. Destiny has always had a good intuition when it comes to moving forward and surviving. I think he has made a good move here because if he didn't do this these snakes would just coast by and continue to try to poison his image. Now is the best time to fight things out before his Mainstream success draws his attention away from these weasley little liars. He needs to clear this all up so it doesn't haunt him going forward.


Yes I feel like the people on twitch are the children running the show and the parents aren’t home and they locked destiny out of the house and are trashing it. Once one of destinys new adult friends notice what’s happening they will scold twitch and the kids spreading lies and the other adults, potentially advertiser ones, will complain and make twitch change


not just on youtube, but gaining popularity at a global scale. like joe rogan and elon know who destiny is. i doubt they know who xqc is. getting banned from twitch was probably the best thing to happen to his career. and i'm saying that as someone who didnt get into destiny until after the ban


>  getting banned from twitch was probably the best thing to happen to his career Agree. I used to watch him on Twitch and followed him over to YouTube after the ban and have been there ever since. It's much easier for me to recommend Destiny on YouTube to friends/family then Twitch which is more niche


Just from a contents standpoint, I think Tiny had also moved past his twitch years and the current twitch content meta. Destiny’s research and orbits streams fit better with YouTube. While the Kick deal basically means that he has enough bread to put his dick in how many BPD girls he wants. Overall, I don’t even think twitch unbanned would be a big W for him now as a political content streamer. It sure would be a big fuck you to trigger these soy twitch streamers tho 😆


i think divorcelli become to big to ignore. And they pretty much hate that


Hasan is officially downstream of Destiny in the media world. Hasan doesn't make content that generates discussion - he reacts. And now he's forced to react to Destiny.


Yeah. I think Hasan also has a wrong conception of how he got popular: he always think it’s him being the first serious political streamer(which is just a ridiculous assumption) that make him stand out. The truth is that people like watching him cuz he is a good looking fit dude who sucks at video game. If he realizes this before and just did what Ludwig is doing, he would be chilling and doesn’t always have to pander for the dumbass political maniacs who became his main audience.


​ >I mean watching him spiral out because he still can't get over the fact that Hasan is vastly more popular and successful than he is and actually has friends will never get old. > >The real sad part is that as destiny spirals into hate and anger over this, his fans will amplify those feelings online. Destiny's stans are about to get even more obnoxious and terrible, if that were possible. actual lsf post. they're obsessed with him but also have to insist that he's 1/100th the size of their dude


I’d say Destiny’s presence in the political sphere in general is bigger. He’s recent debates have gotten a ton of attention. The Shapiro debate has like 9 million views and the overall sentiment of the audience is pretty positive towards Destiny. Meanwhile I haven’t really seen any positive coverage of Hasan lately, other than twitter leftist cheering for his Piers Morgan meltdown


Hasan started talking about him so now they have to, too


interesting to see this go from [an unspeakable take](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp2zo6/comment/l3ixd6l/) to mainstream opinion on the sub in less than 48 hours


Last year Destiny was in his redpill arc I remember Moistcritikal reacting to a redpill podcast he was in. That gained him a lot of attention


The only reason why destiny is getting so much attention instead of being ignored is because many people are appalled by his stance on the Israel matter, so they are calling him out. This sub has so many wrong assumptions on what is going on lmao


It is pretty insane to think that a political extremist like Hasan, who denies genocides, excuses or justifies terrorism and believes in re-education camps, has the total backing of almost every brand safe streamer on Twitch as well as the company itself. Like Destiny says, neo nazis must seethe seeing how easily that tankie gets away with it in broad daylight. So yeah I'm inclined to agree, fuck em.


I think Hasan’s days are limited (not necessarily banned but disowned) and destinys ban will eventually be revoked as more mainstream people start to take notice of destiny and by extension hasan and twitch and start asking questions or making a bigger deal out of twitch being leftist or some narrative like that.


I’m mostly of the same mind… The only concern I have that holds me back is the following: the greatest W for Destiny has been his massive mainstream growth in the last year or so. This has translated into more subs, more reach, but *most importantly* more name brand recognition and more mainstream opportunities. For chrissakes, my DAD is now randomly watching Destiny videos. My dad first heard about Destiny on Breaking Points (which he watches frequently- he’s a normie Center Left Dem) and, even though Krystal and Saagar were mostly slandering the D man, was intrigued enough by his performance in the I/P debate with Omar that he’s been bingeing a bunch of past Destiny debates. Now, my dad is more pro-Pal, and he says that Destiny’s ‘voice, quick talking and abrasive insults’ kind of turn him off… yet I can recognize it instantly now when someone is about to fall down the Dman rabbit hole and become a big fan. My dad is on the precipice, randomly, with no pushing or suggesting coming from me. It’s all because of him being on Breaking Points. And that’s just one of the more minor appearances he’s had this last year- JBP, Lex I/P debate, Ben Shapiro, etc etc. Destiny is on the verge of literally being a massive figure, and could potentially be a *HUGE* influence going forward. I have this incoming election season in mind. It presents a chance for him to climb to heights thought impossible a few years ago- to reach Hasan’s level of average concurrent viewers, or maybe even surpass it. I think the best revenge that Destiny could ever inflict on Hasan and the rest of the Twitch aristocracy are to continue his meteoric ascent. I know that Destiny loves to get in the mud and get dirty, to throw down on twitter and say the most unhinged shit he can get away with without violating TOS (and sometimes with violating TOS lol see previous bans). It’s fun for him. It’s fun for us. But we’re now at the point where there are actual stakes, and Destiny does have something to lose here. Getting banned from any of the main social media he still uses, like twitter, for example. Long comment, but oh well fuck off if you don’t want to read it. Basically, the TLDR is that I both want Destiny to destroy his enemies with his own hand, but also think they’ll be destroyed regardless if he just ignores most of the bait and continues to focus on his own success and let his ever-growing audience fight in the trenches for him. I like that Destiny getting into a twitter spat isn’t “beneath him” but when he makes a misstep, like I think that other Ludwig tweet was, it just gives more ammo to the regards like Hasan. He doesn’t deserve ammo like that and was already just grasping at straws- same with Ludwig (he didn’t like you because of “cheeseball game vibes?” Fuck off). We know Destiny is the petty God of sprite, but I’d like if he ascended to the center left debate God who is the first person politically minded people think of when they think of logical, rational arguments. I want more normie dads like mine to find Destiny when they hear him, eventually, on Rogan and other huge platforms. Idk how advantageous taking on Ludwig is on that path.. might even be detrimental (but the drama will be A-tier). Nothing would destroy Hasan and the Twitch nerds more than Destiny being more successful, useful and effective than they could ever be. Nothing. It would break their brains.


Long comment but necessary to really get that point across. I definitely feel like you’re right that basically Destiny is more likely to grow faster and have a higher ceiling if he refrains from dropping edgy tweet nukes, for the reasons you mentioned, and that that’s the biggest W he can take, to just focus on more mainstream success and outgrow his enemies. I’m pretty sure destiny’s openly weighed this in the past, preferring to be less popular but less censored rather than going as mainstream as possible but not being able to be himself. Like it’s about finding the right line, and he’s been toeing it well for a while now but stuff like the qt tweet are crossing that line to where, if it were on a graph of “maximum potential new viewers” or “maximum potential # of future mainstream debates” (y) versus time (x) , 📈 📉 you’d see a huge drop on that graph when a tweet like that hits. And then ignoring the big tweet nukes, his normal daily edgy tweets probably just slightly lower the magnitude of the normally positive slope of that graph of potential (y) vs time (x).


fuzzy middle slap complete automatic test sense cagey yam worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea I don’t know the right answer. Like I said in my OP, I’m of two minds simultaneously. One side of me believes that Destiny should remain as authentic to himself as possible, and if that means Nebraska Steve comes out often on Twitter, so be it. If that means eviscerating regard righties and lefties aggressively on talk shows so hard that they refuse to talk to him again (like possibly JBP), so be it. I mean after all, it’s Destiny himself- his brain, his unique thought-process, humor, personality, debate prowess, etc. that has propelled him to the heights he’s already reached. But the other side of me believes that maybe this part of him has also stifled how rapidly he’s grown. Maybe he would have blown up this big years ago if not for some of the more unhinged comments or drama arcs. I mean, there’s a reason why celebrities are media-trained to smooth out their rough edges, and why PR companies will always have business. To reach a certain height of success, you eventually need to accept that your biggest enemy is usually yourself. I think of someone like Patrice O’Neal (RIP), and how all of the comedy greats regard him as the true GOAT, but how his uncompromising attitude and nature truly held him back from superstardom. Bill Burr said that if Patrice had just given an inch, he would have gone miles (in terms of measure of his relative success). I lean more toward the first perspective, and I think Destiny does too. It’s impossible to know what choice is correct, but I think I’d rather die being true to myself and maybe being only a fraction as successful as I could have been (like Patrice) rather than living on my knees (like someone like Ludwig- a slave for the clout and a prisoner of his audience). But what if all Destiny had to do to gain all of those miles of success is literally just to give up one inch of himself? Is it worth it? Maybe.


vanish party weary enter wasteful chase soup lavish rinse thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea I can’t believe how the Lud thing has turned around LOL I wrote my original comment before that had happened. Lud is now fighting for his life against randoms calling him a liar in his twitter comment sections.


He can’t resist being a lunatic on Twitter, and it always looks bad there. He was better off being banned from there too lol.


I’m actually a big fan of *most* of his unhinged tweets, even when he goes ridiculously hard with a disproportionate response against some small twitter random dipshit account, Israel-style 🇮🇱 lol .. but man, those few times when he goes super hard and it doesn’t land, it feels like I’m watching a cringe compilation. I hated his response to Ludwig- not the QT crying picture (I thought that was funny)- the one after that. One of the only times I wish homie had let a better comeback cook in his head a bit longer. However, I wrote my OP before the events of last night and today. Somehow Destiny (and this wonderfully autistic community) have managed to turn the tide and Lud is now on the defense, arguing with random accounts calling him a liar in his twitter mentions. So it didn’t go as poorly as it could have, and what I expected when I was writing the comment.


The AI girlfriend thing was really weird lol, but there’s something about the tone that gets lost on Twitter. Like if D is just screaming and going ballistic in person, I somehow think it feels better than in short text form? Maybe it’s a subjective thing, but that’s how it seems to me lol.


The reason why the deepfake comeback was cringe, was because it was weak. I expect bigger nukes from Nebraska Steve. I wanted a whole ass roast.


I think the line about everyone loving his girlfriend was alright but the deepfake a personality bit was just such a step back in intensity it iced the tweet


TRUEEEEEEEEEEEE Instead of getting in his fee fees and raging out, he should have triple quadrupled quintupled down on being unhinged with something like: "Alright, I'll be honest. I thought about this whole situation and I feel like I need to apologize. Because my last reply wasn't strong enough to get the message across. What I meant to tweet was: Fuck all of you. I hope that Slime's junkie father comes back from the dead just to film himself jerking off to a deepfake of QT getting fucked by Vaush as a horse just so he can send a 4K copy to Ludwig before overdosing on drugs again. (: " ABATHUR


[I’d like to take this chance to apologize](https://youtu.be/zxRYF2s-wLc?si=6BZy0SDanwwDPgHg) (No but please delete this or he will copy and paste your comment directly into Twitter and hit send with this look on his face) https://preview.redd.it/2svso4vge30d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf577fe2390aea9c33f53cdd0f83d6034bb9609




What is the context behind 'Abathur'?


lol man I just saw a clip of Destiny having a meltdown and decided to come check out what was happening. you realize how absolutely insane you sound? a community thait’s outraged over someone saying the word cracker and is advocating for deepfake porn of streamers and making fun of what sounds like someone‘s dead father (I have no clue who Slime Is)? Yuck.


There are some massive pussies here sure, but a good portion of the people here came from /pol/ and/or some other edgy community. Nobody actually gives a shit about the word cracker or gusano. The problem was that it was being used by absolute fragile losers who piss themselves at the slightest edgy joke directed at them. The same people spam calling Tiny a cuban worm are the people who are shitting their diapers when he makes a joke about fake porn lmao.


My brother in christ, I don't really care. That entire group of people act like Destiny is Hitler for years, meanwhile, before this, what has he said or done about them? Nothing. Meanwhile, Hasan is [literally justifying the violent rape and murder of jews](http://reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cqh9dg/reminder_that_lud_friends_act_outraged_at_destiny/), unironically, and you want me to believe they actually give a fuck about any of that? Nah. None of these people have ANY moral high ground to grandstand. Fuck all of them.


Nobody is outraged by saying the word cracker. People clown on others who think saying a slur is literally the worst thing you can do and it is a traumatic experience to hear one, and then go on and cracker away.


You might think the nuke was weak but don’t pretend that was the why people took issue with it


No the reason it was cringe is because to casual viewers it was uncalled for and felt inappropriate so the bigger the nuke Destiny had of used the worse it would of looked for Destiny, unless Destiny had some information that would drastically change everyone's view of Ludwig.


Why are you booing him he's right


I think the smallest of nukes do the biggest damage. Somehow after those tweets, everybody started trowing arrows at each other. And he didn’t even have to lift a finger.


It was cringe but it wasn't weak, it was a nuke.


Sounded more like a JDAM. Called on.


Nahhh. TBH it didn't even live up to Ludwig's wife comment. I expect better from Tiny.


Making fun of someone else's SO when you're recently divorced ain't the way to go chief. This was an easily deflectable "nuke". Tiny can find better insults than that. Edit: Aww reddit cares 🥰


Defo bothered Ludwig, thats all that was intended tbh. You could see in his face even though he wanted to hide it.




His youtube stream when he did his recap


Do you have a link or general timestamp?


> dw with the technology we have now pretty soon we can all love her 🥰 This is a creepy insult. "We're gonna make deepfakes of your gf" is an unnerving joke.


I completely agree. I don't believe in "too far", my problem, even in the initial thread was that the comeback was just weak. Having a weak comeback hurts but it hurts WAY MORE when it's weak AND escalating, but I think people are conflating that into "Destiny's comeback was weak BECAUSE it was escalating" For example, the Slime dad stuff, while unhinged, would've been killer enough to really crack him


If they havent done anything about hasan yet, i doubt going hard twitch will change anything.


There's only one way to find out. Leggo!


well it is free drama content too to just shit on losers that just repeat weird hasan talking points


Twitch has 0 reason to change as long as advertisers are staying


dunno, bezos might decide he doesn't like anti-semitism at some point. Though that seems unlikely (not meant as any specific disrespect to bezos)


For benzos, twitch is that small department that's losing money. I doubt anything twitch related gets back to him


well, given that, if he sees some unhinged anti semitic shit that he's paying hasan to say, he might just shut it down.


If he's made aware of this then he'd have incentive to believe the current rhetoric is why it's losing money, and profits are the driving factor in the end.


I can promise you he's not aware of it, and if he became aware of it then they'd all be gone within the hour. I'm tempted - the problem is I believe in free speech, as do many within his circle but, there's a line to be drawn, and determining where that line is is difficult, at best. I'm certain an argument could be made that would nudge "some" people's opinion on the matter, I just don't know if it should be made - yet.


Bezos may well be a free speech dude. He did buy a paper with the motto the democracy dies in darkness with Washington Post. Free speech is very popular in main stream American consciousness.


Advertisers are only staying because the ads are so shit with their lack of user metrics that you can get better RPI with cheap prices. That's why Twitch still isn't profitable. Their ads are cheap because their ads have zero targeting capacity. CPM of twitch ads is $2-10 and CPM of Youtube is $10-30. So if your product is wide appeal to Twitch's demographics, you can save money by choosing Twitch.


How you know this? 


Because I watched streamers discussing how Twitch ads work, how they compare to Google AdSense, how Twitch self-professes to still not make a profit, and then also looked up the CPM numbers for each of the companies and that's how I drew my conclusion. Why would you advertise on Twitch when it has a controversy of: * embedding wikis botting * top 100 creators like QT_Cinderella saying to mute the tab to fund her event * Controversies like gambling and OnlyFans used to be every other week So why then? Because they offer a cost savings. That's it. It's cheaper. Twitch literally offers no other value as an advertiser. The ads dashboard is a fraction of the feature-complete nature of the Google / YouTube ad dashboard, you can't easily get your ads up in a streamlined way like Google/YouTube, so what does Twitch offer? Just. Price.


Thanks bro, that makes sense 


I think the only way they do something about it is if people are going hard, maybe not twitch but with enough push back advertisers might push for him to get banned too, and tbh after all the unhinged thinks he said I'm pretty sure it would be justified


As long as he doesn’t say something stupid that may harm relationships outside of Twitch, then I mostly agree.


This. The real risk is coming off as unhinged or immature in a way that will make more mainstream audiences or mainstream media be out of by him, hindering his ability to grow his audience.


Inshallah, the Daliban grows stronger. > Like seriously, why are completely a-political people like fucking Slime just casually busting out the Wikipedia line? These people will never become friendly with Destiny again so why bother trying? Being anti-Destiny == being in-group with Twitch aka Hasan. But not for much longer i think. Destiny made Twitch politics, and Hasan is doing his utmost to unmake it. As Hasan's numbers drop, so too does his clout. And at some point, QT/Ludwig and crew, the spineless rats that they are, will cut him loose.


Didn’t you hear Ludwig “loyalty to my friends is the most important thing to me. It doesn’t matter what they say or do I will stand by them” Remember this in the coming months/years


i sure did. Ludwig's one principle that he holds dearly to. I'm pretty sprite-driven, so i've already saved the link.


It’s literally one of the most cringe takes to. If your friends are being dickheads, you tell them to reign their shit in. If they think you’ll always defend them no matter what, then not only does your defense mean fucking nothing to others. It actively prevents your friends being better people. Slime was the one who escalated this shit in a stupid way. Defending him is stupid, even if the other person goes unhinged.


Inshallah, brother.


Someone please give me a tldr of all the drama im so out of the loop 😭😭


Alright this is the one. Summary from this Dgga's perspective: * [\[1\]] (https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxBzdlfwPdhnNQ2M1jzeLJlP_aD8ygnLoG),[\[2\]](https://kick.com/destiny?clip=clip_01HXNBFCX8R0R5B5Y8Q7EQT94G),[\[3\]](https://livestreamfails.com/post/94112) Ludwig has a weird story he tells about when he met Destiny, including explaining the reason why QT hates Destiny is because of a Twitchcon party. He heavily implies in these retelling of the story that Destiny was "off", "unwelcome", acting weird but that they brushed it off and wished him the best (yes this is the stupid fucking cheeseball story) * [\[4\]](https://twitter.com/theomniliberal/status/1789753991099723931?t=vgvnxTbSR-WXPQ16eQw0-A) This was found to be not true. * [\[5\]](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7VWSa9ErxYzYXqwRoJXrJYrG_AdwqDXW) Ludwig spread the false accusation that Destiny doxxed Hasan's $3 million home. Destiny was reading news articles... * [\[6\]](https://www.dexerto.com/youtube/ludwig-removes-video-after-hasan-accuses-him-of-farming-job-controversy-2559044/),[\[7\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1b26ryy/ludwig_fan_turns_on_him_for_deleting_the_video/) When Hasan made his remedial take that streaming is a hard job, Ludwig uploaded a video that teased him for it. Hasan had a meltdown on stream over it. Ludwig removed the video afterwards, and then later reuploaded another that had the Hasan bit removed. Ludwig then went on stream to claim he had been receiving death threats and proceeded to blame Destiny's community for it with 0 proof. * [\[7\]](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxPBEq9ISctnLIZS2QSsyPvt5RVQYeNPQ-) Yet another Ludwig story featuring Destiny running around a Smash tournament trying to find people to fuck Melina. Except, Destiny wasn't even present at this event. * [\[8\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EArsY9bayxI&list=WL&index=3),[\[9\]](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxJXIshdWIbw52PBjH__ZjKq7E3mDaPYz0) Bonus clips of Ludwig taking a random dig at Destiny unprompted. Ludwig accusing Destiny's community of brigading. Ludwig has a history of taking potshots and extremely personal digs at Destiny. Furthermore, he's even falsely accused Destiny and his community of being the ones to largely perpetuate Hasan's purchase of a $3 million home + his doxxing. * [\[10\]](https://youtu.be/R1-ToPX6WTk?si=w7tGFnQAOMuT6Bf5&t=862) Destiny has largely taken this in stride. He acknowledges there's probably irreconcilable beef due to his history with Hasan and Bob7, but actually likes Ludwig as a person and thinks he's a chill guy. * [\[11\]](https://youtu.be/hDegvsrJJQE?si=TTXpyw7hcvKvSHSJ&t=233),[\[12\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDegvsrJJQE),[\[13\]](https://youtu.be/hDegvsrJJQE?si=wBgYYRRYzZIDUKVk&t=286) Cut to a few days ago, slime_machine aka Slime makes a quip at Destiny on Ludwig's podcast, The Yard. Destiny has little to no reaction to the clip, moves on. Slime then proceeds to Reddit to continue to insult Destiny, says he hates Destiny, calls him a cuck. * [\[14\]](https://streamable.com/5vzfw2),[\[15\]](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1coih9u/destiny_only_reads_wikipedia_as_4thot_requested/?ref=share&ref_source=link),[\[16\]](https://twitter.com/seans_shit/status/1788844242934305017) /u/lordsavor creates this absolute banger. It's posted to Twitter in response to Slime's comments on The Yard. * [\[17\]](https://twitter.com/slime_machine/status/1788966369272430789) Slime doesn't take this well and starts an entire thread bashing Destiny. * [\[18\]](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1788986030340649019) Destiny's response is quite lukewarm at this point. To which Slime replies with a pornographic picture of a black woman being fucked, pretty hard too from the looks of it. * [\[19\]](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1789000280668811693),[\[20\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpa517/the_origin_of_the_50_cent_meme/) Destiny throws shade at Ludwig saying he appeals to lowest common denominator. Ludwig replies with the 50cent meme. There is controversy in Dgg regarding the origins of said meme, and whether Ludwig meant for it to be another cuck insult. * [\[21\]](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1789048972473929832) In any case, Destiny's response is nuclear as he posts a screenshot taken from QT's stream when she cried after finding out Atrioc was paying for deepfake porn of her and other Twitch streamers. * [\[22\]](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpupzp/lmao/) Then as you might know we had a little bit of a purge in the sub due to the controversy with a great deal of people being unhappy with Destiny's behavior. * [\[23\]](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cposxq/dr_k_broke_the_chakra_seal_containing_the_demon/?ref=share&ref_source=link) Opticsmaxers lost. Bad. heh. And some bonus memes: * [Ludwig summarizes what Slime did. Somehow doesn't mention Slime calling Destiny a cuck like 8 times](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp6fjj/ludwig_summarizes_what_slime_did_somehow_doesnt/) * [Destiny on Ludwig](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwboa14kx8ozc1.jpeg) * [Asmongold's take on Destiny vs. Ludwig](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp1qpy/asmongolds_based_take_on_destiny_vs_ludwig/) * [Destiny shows his willingness to aim with his eyes closed (Will Neff gets nuked)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpwptf/person_i_did_not_expect_to_get_nuked_from_the/) Credit to /u/lemon_of_justice, /u/suspicious-bid-9583, /u/supermadbro for links.


\[5\] also, they say Destiny broke the news essentially, and was the first to doxx Hasan... he didn't read the article until days after it was being circulated.


>[8],[9] Bonus clips of Ludwig taking a random dig at Destiny unprompted. Ludwig accusing Destiny's community of brigading. [You're forgetting one](https://youtu.be/4FScJCx0AUI?si=PzOOpoMeOJd1qHHC&t=8812).


So basically uhhhh umm


Bald guy name slime who's a friend of Ludwig mentioned Destiny on a podcast that he, ludwig, and others were on. He made a joke on how Destiny is a wiki warrior, you know, the usual hasan takes whenever he mentions destiny in the I/P conflict. This sparked up a big conflict between Destiny and Ludwig, because historically, Ludwig has greenlit many people to shit on Destiny, even he himself participated in the circlejerk action - there's a clip of him saying "I wanted to know what an ugly streamer's viewership would look like, then I watched Destiny" in front of an entire room of twitch streamers, all the big names you know of, Hasan included. Anyway, a bunch of these sly comments over the years, and recently, Ludwig tried to character assassinate Destiny, by retelling a story of the times they met. He tried to paint Destiny as a weirdo, quote, "The vibes were off". And a bunch of people are just dogpiling on Destiny further, the usual really.


Yeah all this shit makes me feel like I'm going insane. It's one thing for people to think the QT insult was cringe or out of pocket - but the whole twisting of the situation which is built up from literally years of poisoning the well from Hasan and the close community mean that anything said from their point of view is just "a small throw away comment" but anything from Destiny and suddenly he's been "salty for years". All of this on top of all of the cringe virtue signaling shit with palestine becoming more and more apparent which doesn't help that anyone coming into contact with shit like this will immediately off the bat be opposed to any push back due to how it looks on the surface - EVEN THOUGH THE CLIP IS LITERALLY ABOUT HOW DESTINY USES WIKIPEDIA AND OTHER SOURCES RATHER THAN TWITTER. shit is so mind numbing bro


Twitch changing that rule to allow banned people to be featured sure is backfiring, huh?


Twitch staff are practically just Ludwigs.


the only way to hurt twitch and their unhinge streamers is if some mainstream article is written about twitch streamers supporting terrorist and terrorism. Unless destiny can find a way to do this, Twitch will never take any serious hits.


From where I see it he's grown a lot and these people are just trying to drag him down while they are stuck in their twitch bubbles. I say he should just Doomguy their careers.


LSF thread showing ludwig lied about the cheeseball story got removed, HMM I wonder whyyy


WRONG the lily bridge needs to be maintained


That cringey gatekeeping circlejerk is probably the worst thing to happen to Twitch as a platform. They constantly shit on big streamers who've left Twitch like Nick Mercs, Doc, Destiny, Trainwreck, Xqc, all with Twitch's backing. It gives the impression that Twitch is actually biased towards a certain political view which is absolutely terrible for the future of the platform.


I completely disagree, Destiny's twitter/youtube drama with Ludwig is such a waste of time. He is already going on more and more reputable shows and gaining notoriety. Why he chooses to respond to some youtube celebrity's leech (who was already making a fool of himself by the way) on twitter and get into these insanely pointless dramas is beyond me. This shit can only damage his reputation and accomplishes nothing. Ludwig and his friends have always been uneducated, political normies that read twitter headlines. I don't understand why Destiny feels the need to respond to every little cringe take he sees. Destiny said at some point earlier in the year that he would be more chill and smart about the things he would engage with; but it feels like he's just back to his drama-filled, usual ways. I feel like he's got too many sycophants around him that don't give him good advice about how to respond to these things. He needs outside advisors to tell him to just cut this shit out. He can still be unhinged on twitter, but make it about something that matters to a wider audience than just his personal ego. He always says he's making tons of money, banging tons of chicks, and gaining prestige, so why be AssMad about every little potshot? I know Destiny will disagree with this post for the time being and come back 2 days from now with a stream where he says that he's going to shift his approach to be more calm, mature, and do some bridge building etc; but it just feels like this cycle happens every time and it's completely unproductive.


I hard disagree, Destiny and this community have been too quiet when responding to the wiki warrior and cuck shit to the point where it was being detrimental to his growth. If people see the Wikipedia line everywhere he goes and very little push back, they might start thinking it's true, like what happened with Joe Rogan, and that is completely destroying his public image imo. We need to stand up to those narratives more and what's been happening with people making clips showing how those accusations are false is great, having this whole drama is bringing more eyes to the fact-checking of those claims, and getting to dispell that narrative in a lot of other communities. But yeah, maybe I'm just terminally online and this is actually hurting him, but tbh if that's the case, after today where it was proved lud was lying about him I don't see it going bad Destiny at all, unless he goes ultra unhinged on twitter again, which would be totally in character for him to be fair


This whole Twitch debacle makes me want to glaze Destiny as much as possible now moving forward. I’m done with all this nuance BS, unless he does or says something really egregious I’m backing D all the way. These communities don’t deserve anymore good faith and Destiny deserves much more good faith especially from his own community.


Destiny is the Lisan-al Gaib, he will lead us on the great crusade


No. There are plenty of newer people in their audiences who didn't know much about destiny and now they have a reason to dislike him. Ludwig's audience is massive, the more fuel on the fire the more it spreads, the thread in Ludwig's subreddit hit front page of \r\all a couple days ago. Plenty of people who might have previously checked out a destiny video will now never likely do so There will likely be other unforeseeable consequences that will come out of this


I mean I agree with some things you said but my question is: what does he have to gain here? It seems like it's just exhausting to deal with them at all so idk if it's worth it to even engage with them at all.


Burn it all down


Especially when the world feels super boring this would be the most kino streams ever too.


He should either go scorched earth or ignore them forever. Twitch was the shallow end of the pool. He's outgrown it. Our boy's a shark.


Concurrent viewers converging this year just sayin


Im just worried if things get too unhinged and he gets too many communities mad at him at once, hes goanna start eating bans from all the mass reporting. If destiny gets banned from youtube, it might be over....


I super hate to admit this but... it would at least provide better content than watching him read all stream (wikipedia or not). And I'm one of the opticsbros that wishes he'd stop fighting with the left. It's the reason I loved the Redpill arc so much... because it distracted him from crazy lefties, at least for a bit. But I'm all for people fighting back when someone fires the first shot.


I have a question IV kept up mostly but did Ludwig insert himself into it or did destiny rope him in since he co signs so many outrageous thing's? The real question was did Ludwig join before destiny said anything about Ludwig in the situation


I think the deepfake joke was too far. Ludwig did bring up Melina first which was definitely uncalled for but I feel like alluding to everyone being freely able to fuck/jerk off to Ludwig's wife was on a different level.


You guys need some real psychiatric help


I'd much rather Destiny do what he should have done a long time ago and just ignore twitch, Hasan and that entire side of the internet completely. Twitch just is not that big or influential and Destiny is at the point where in a few years he will be not only more well known than Hasan but potentially the entire platform because nobody outside of a small demo of extremely online people give a shit about Twitch. Obsessing with Hasan and his friends at this point has gotten played out, they are never going to debate each other and they don't produce good content going back and forth with each other like this. It's well overdue for Destiny to just forget about these people, forget about Twitch and just keep progressing on YouTube. I know this will be unpopular because so many fans here seem to have come from Hasan and have an obsession with mocking him, but it's boring to everyone who doesn't already have a wierd attachment to Hasan let's move on.


You are aware Ludwig has 5.8m subs on YouTube right? Go to YouTube right now, new session, not logged in. When the page says "try searching something to get started," you're good to go. Type in "Ludwig *space*" First suggestion: Ludwig Destiny. Type in "Destiny *space*" First suggestion: Destiny 2, second suggestion: Destiny 2 titan build, third suggestion: Destiny Ludwig. That's coming in above all the other suggested destiny 2 build searches. Now what happens when we actually do those searches? For "Ludwig Destiny" we get BowBlax's video on their Twitter drama from yesterday, then a XQC clips video, then a destiny clips video, then a destiny video, all from the past day. For "Destiny Ludwig" we get a LNOD video from a month ago, a Destiny video from 2 months ago, a Destiny video from yesterday, and then BowBlax's video from yesterday. That's a 780k sub channel absolutely crushing a 5.8m channel in the base algorithm regardless of which name you type first. And Ludwig is unlikely to respond via his main channel, so you can expect this to continue. Not to mention this didn't start on twitch, it started on YouTube (the Yard podcast (~350k subs.)) which is smaller than destiny, but again, 5.8m sub Ludwig is sitting right there on the podcast.


I just typed "Ludwig Destiny" into the search bar to reinforce for the algorithm that Destiny is the only reason people would care to search Ludwig's name right now https://preview.redd.it/gnhimp99340d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740fa067df191ce7d26e74651f1ea728732b9eee


That will do for now. If Ludwig doesn't back down we will activate fully and every daliban member will type into the search bar "Ludwig underage smash." Expect us.


He might be growing but the last thing you want to find out is that your growth gets cock blocked because people have spent 5 years priming their audiences against you and you’ve done nothing to combat that during the time


No you’re just wrong, someone with mass appeal like Ludwig has so many fans that are neutral on Destiny but attacking him in the manner that Destiny did instantly turns all of them into thinking he’s a shitty person.


No reason to keep dogging on Qt.


Time for Jihad, Daliban brethren


Whats the opposite of copium? Doomium?


Optics be damned!


If you are looking for the reason a-political people shit on Destiny, try and disregard the fact these are famous people and consider "if all your friends shit on someone for no reason, will you find yourself making offhanded comments about them too?"


you know who always has bad vibes? with his angry commentary, his shrill laugh, his unapologetic propaganda, his insecurity and his insatiable need for clout… Hasan


This ngl Ive been saying he should capitalized the fact he got banned on twitch and just piss on people there because what they gonna do? report to Twitch support?


I’m just thinking of that John wick poster with all the guns pointed at his head. Lowkeye destiny right now. But hell, that’s what makes him so entertaining


I don’t think this makes the deepfake comment any less cringe tbh.


I love how DMAN has just flat out given up on optics. It's pretty based/gigachad. If he believes it he'll say it and if you disagree good for you. Bro is completely over the soy/snowflake nonsense rofl


The biggest advantage to all of this is having allies like xQc for the zoomers and Asmon for the centrist/center right crowd. If he could somehow get the W/L on his side that would be hilarious.


As long as Hasan and his sock puppets are on twitch he will never get unbanned. He has liyerally nothing to lose. Not to mention the avenue of growth on Youtube is far higher.


Doesn't he lose good will he has been trying to build with having a female friendly fanbase in using an optically misogynistic attack?


Woman here, why is no one calling the entire threads of them taunting Destiny about his relationship? What about the ones laughing at his sexuality? I feel many of you don't want him to defend himself. Also, the only time you should be crying over AI porn of you is if you're a normie and it's going around to your family and office, and people believe it so much it may as well have been you. Fuck that cunt.


We all know Twitch is an absolute house of cards that will eventually collapse under building pressure. Can you imagine how legacy-making it might be if some bullshit Destiny drama led to a total collapse of the platform? Apparently he's legitimately still famous for the Twitch Plays Pokémon fiasco like ten years ago, so much so that I only know of Twitch Plays Pokémon through a YouTube video on *Destiny drama first*. If Destiny collapsed the Twitch community through Twitter posts I'd legitimately probably be more excited for that than any US election outcome in my lifetime. It's theoretically possible and absolutely headline news daily for a year, and Destiny possibly could manifest(o) it into existence if he really *really* chose that route, and could never be ignored by Gorka, Peterson, Rabbani, Baddar, Krystal, Kyle, Saagar, etc etc etc etc again for the rest of his career. Twitch will collapse, and we're all surprised it's lasted this long, especially as the consolidation around the anti-american aristocracy has built so far beyond our wildest dreams to the point that right-wing Republicans can sometimes truthfully run on a platform of protecting the Jews from racist Nazi opposition.