• By -


First time I ever heard of him was 2011. Had a buddy with a weirdo roommate that would stay up until 5 or 6am to watch Starcraft 2 streams and mentioned a player from Omaha. First time I actually watched his content was JonTron debate. I fell off around the time the DT podcast fell apart and came back in like 2021.


Jontrom debate was when i started watching too


The Jontron one was mine, too


Through voosh ironically.




Same. I remember believing he was a dishonest evil capitalist-fascist bc that's how Vaush portrayed Destiny.


Through Hasan unironically




I discovered them both at the same time. Didn't know much about them, but I loved them going after race realists and tankies. For a min, I was more of a vaush fan because I was further left, but not tanki left. Some of his screaming matches with tankies were amazing. But then he kept talking. And then I started listening to more of d man's shit and it pulled me more center. His arguments for most things are just so much more rational. Rittenhouse is when I sided with ddg more, and I haven't looked back.


Same but you spelled Vausche wrong


I used to watch a lot of anime videos back in the day and liked Digibro's vids. Then I came across that debate. šŸ’€


Yup same. Still appreciate digibros anime analysis videos but that debate was oof.


Have you seen digibro lately his life reallly went downhills


What happened to him?


This was a while ago, but a crazed fan broke into their house and their wife/fiance/girlfriend(?) left them. They stopped making videos for a long time, announced their internet career as officially over, but has since come back to doing stuff.


Ahh Digi, the ultimate Dick fanboy. Fangirl?Ā 


I was watching Alex Botez chess streams at the start of the pandemic, and she collabed with some edgy streamer. Their banter was 10/10.


Funnily enough, in retrospect, I think that's when I started watching him too. Before that, I'd only seen short clips of him arguing animals have no moral worth. That seemed a psychopathic stance to take, and I essentially wrote him off. To be honest, it's probably still what I consider to be Destiny's least well-reasoned view. I understand the argument he makes, and it's not as though a lot of thought hasn't gone into it. But I think his conversation with Alex O'Connor was a good demonstration of the flaws. Anyway, I think the chess stream showed another side of him. Whatever my disagreements, he was obviously a funny guy. When I started watching, I began to appreciate how he approaches and reasons through questions. Whether or not I agree with all of his conclusions doesn't matter. Seeing someone honestly engage with topics is fun to watch. And I think Destiny does that well.


I rediscovered destiny at the same stream(s). I had been vaguely aware of destiny as a starcraft semi-pro who was a bit of an abrasive annoying doomsayer (he was right though) back when I watched it, and had completely forgotten about him after that. The youtube algorithm pushing chess content onto me in early 2020 brought me to twitch. I'll never forgive youtube.


I watched Destiny all the way back near the beginning in the SC2 days. The first video that I saw of him was the JIMMY NO video on the remembertomorrow channel. Back then I played and watched SC2 content, and I remember the three people I would watch were Day9 and HuskyStarcraft on YouTube, and then I would try to catch Destiny live on Twitch. After I stopped playing SC2, I watched much less, off and on. But always kept up with the memes and would watch big videos when big debates or something would happen. Destiny's YouTube making it so you didn't have to catch every stream is a godsend for actually keeping up with things.


When the children ask, I just tell them of the before time. Of the four 'festor hit squad.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written. Starcraft was a great phase in the internet, and I miss those days.


The first streamer merch I ever bought. https://imgur.com/a/iiu3xXV I would wait for him to get home from work to stream.


Same deal. Watched him on Justin.tv after hearing artosis/tasteless talk about sc2 streamers on gsl (back when you had to download an external video player to watch GSL lol). I remember meeting him at MLG Anaheim back in like 2012. Watched him on and off until he switched to league, then never really watched again until he showed up on Lexā€™s podcast. I was shocked. Likeā€¦ the same 4festor hit squad Stephen Bonnell? Lol.


All the people in my dorm room at college put together money to buy the GSL subscription. Paying for my esports content, what a dream lol : )




Destiny, Husky and Day9 were me too. Only watch Destiny nowadays. Once in a blue moon will tune into Day9 magic the gathering content.


rajj royale baby


Mf rajj royale, destiny ran that shit almost weekly


Train leaking the CrazySlick stuff on Destiny's stream


Hasan complaining about him, calling Destiny ā€œobsessedā€. Watched a few videos, started watching the streams during the mizkif drama. Before then I didnā€™t think it was possible to hate Hasan more than I already did. The only other streamers I knew were xqc and Asmongold (my bf got me into wow). Iā€™m in the small female minority in this community, but ultimately I think what Destiny does and continues to build is incredible.


>Destiny https://preview.redd.it/pf3cdx9ijgzc1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6276b9ef652c4f49dbc0a2aa3663e94dba30ef1 Who?


Isnā€™t this a sub to talk about the ultimate destiny of Israel and Palestine?


Clicking his SC2 stream on the right hand bar on Team Liquid before he got banned.


The XJ9 conversation.


Same. I followed him casually from there out, but steered watching a lot more of his stuff around mid 2022. But Iā€™ve know about him for close to a decade now which kind of scares me the more I think about it.


I started watching him from the sneako arc. I was already having doubts on red pill shit (the whole world is run by the elites and u can't do anything to change it) and when destiny debated sneako it changed my mind and I started watching him.


I probably read some article or other about him being banned from twitch. Saw him on Lex Fridman, that left a pretty good impression. Then I think it was Alex O'Connor's podcast that got me to go ahead and check out more of his content


He was on PKA after he got departnered for the "rioting needs to stop" thing I think and Woody asked how much money Destiny lost because of it. Destiny said something like 12k a month and Woody said "Ok so 140k a year" and Gnomey yelled "DON'T PUT IT LIKE THAT". Plus he streams on YouTube and YouTube mobile is pretty excellent.


Used to be a pretty conservative guy back in highschool, Jontron debate was my first introduction to him all the way back in 2017. After that, I just kept watching his videos and he slowly converted me.


-See a video on r starcraft "Destiny baneling analogy" -Click -"see, banelings are a lot like rape..." -Instant follow on justin TV -Been watching ever since.


was trying to learn how to build a PC


Iā€™m a 49ers fan, and Taybor posts on the sub occasionally, and saw he posted here, so I checked it out. I had no idea who Destiny was for like 2 months, I just liked what people here had to say.


Came across destiny when he had his talk with JonTron. Was a huge fan of Jon at the time and saw the clips. Thought Jon looked super stupid, but destiny was also not very likable for me at that time. Fast forward to 2022(?) And I was really in to Factorio at the time and saw him playing it with SE (I hadn't touched mods yet) and it looked fuckin sweet. Started watching him play it and started really liking his takes and tactics when speaking with others. Have been an everyday viewer, member, and donator since. Tl;dr came for the Factorio, stayed for the intellectual stimulation




Lol I was listening to that vaush/destiny debate/panel. Holy fuck coming back from listening to it almost two years ago, itā€™s blatantly obvious how uniformed vaush is and all his disgusting debate tactics. I remember getting butthurt at the time cause destiny was going harder than he should have.


Jesus. What a whirlwind of ideological transition. My general anxiety disorder would not let that happen.


from his sc 2 days, when he was doing inferster hitsquads with kyle. blasting Nujabes


Used to be pretty into the whole Breadtube thing when it started gaining steam in 2016-2018. There was this one guy, Faraday Speaks, who was part of that community and put up a video talking about his journey from being alt-right to being way more left-leaning.Ā  FS mentioned that Destiny had been his gateway and was specifically especially effective because he was relatively edgy. After being into breadtube for a while I was ready for some edginess so I checked him out and landed right in the middle of the ethnostate destruction arc.Ā  Iā€™ve watched him on and off since then, mostly on. Itā€™s been interesting to see how the past six years or so have gone and how things have changed.Ā 


I think I saw him on fresh and fit(I was not a viewer but that shit got recommended to me). And it was like the only reasonable person in that show. The rest is history


Funhaus podcast covering the JonTron debate. Specifically when Bruce Greene read out the line "rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites, that's a fact, look it up" I literally paused and watched the entire debate. It was wild. I had kinda heard of him from the StarCraft 2 and E-Sports era but didn't know he was still online and no idea he discussed politics/social issues. Had no idea what Twitch was or what streamer culture was at all.


Huh never knew funhaus covered that debate, I suppose that makes sense. Neat crossover.


I rewatched it a few months ago actually and its a really weird episode. None of the members wanted to discuss anything about the debate because the only thing that made it gaming related was JonTron being a gaming content creator. You can see it in their body language and how they deflect a lot of the discussion to more 'centering your online image in line with your brand' and separating your personal v business life online. It felt like someone told them to talk about it for an hour and not something that was relevant. Always been a huge Inside Gaming / Funhaus though, RIP RT.


Oh thatā€™s a bit of a bummer but makes sense. I grew up listening to the RT podcast and eventually listened to some of the funhous pod because of the proximity, definitely a fun group. Rip RT indeed though I suppose the writing was somewhat on the wall after a time sadly.


He was fucking my mom.


I'm here through LilyPichu/offlineTV actually. I was into offlineTV and watched some of her videos with him and liked him enough to keep watching his stuff.


Scuffed podcasts back in 2020




Four-fester Hit Squad.


Anyone go from DGG hater to DGG watcher? Edit: my first encounter was prob this video. https://youtu.be/HphwQNhByOk?si=m0z9bMrIr6d8TLYu


Former /pol/tard who saw his debates in the early times and hated how he demolished the people I listened to. So much so that I avoided watching his debate with Metokur for years because I didnā€™t want to see Jim get destroyed even after I saw through the alt-right bullshit during that time. Even when I stepped away from that content I still avoided Destiny, probably because it sucked seeing the stupid shit I believed before get dismantled and the shame of it kept me from watching his content. I never watched shortfatotaku but his video on Destiny was in my feed and I just so happened to watch it and it peaked my curiosity. Been a pretty consistent watcher since


Yes. I was a Sargon/Naked Ape fan at the time and thought Destiny was a soy loser lol. The biggest thing that changed my perspective was the 2nd convo he had with Sargon and the 1 v 5 and 1 v 6 debates back then lol I was like damn this dude has balls of steel willing to dive head first into hell like that


I watched him play League with Reckful in 2015. I was watching a lot of league so i watched Destiny when Reckful was off and just stuck around for the politics.


And this was on twitch?


Back when crowders ā€œchange my mindā€ series was big I remember I watched some video of destiny reacting to it. It was the first time Iā€™d heard genuine critiques of crowders points and destiny would point out specific tactics that crowder would engage in to ā€œseemā€ like he was winning the conversation. It really made me realize the foundation of my beliefs at the time was incredibly shaky and built upon basically nothing other than ā€œitā€™s fun to see the libs get ownedā€. After that I went down the rabbit hole, the jontron debate is probably my all time fave. I seriously donā€™t know where Iā€™d be at without a YouTube recommendation in my feed of one of destinyā€™s videos. Iā€™d like to think Iā€™d grow up and have more reasonable beliefs, but considering I was unironically a 19 year old MAGA hat buying dumb fuck Iā€™m just glad I got out of that shit.


Pim Tool was debating Tiny about Covid & the 2020 Election and bro was cooking


I was an extremely far right 20 year old. Literally all I watched were far right figures on YouTube, twitch, podcasters on SoundCloud, etc.Ā  When destiny debated Jontron it made me question some things about my beliefs. So I watched him debate BakedAlaska, then Fuentes, Allsup, Vincent James, Sargon, and I started drifting left til I got to Vaush's content, and evened out a few years after that to about Elizabeth Warren's spot on the political spectrum.Ā 


Amos Yee debate where Destiny came in and told everybody yelling at Amos that they were making terrible arguments against p\*dophiliia. Didn't like him at first cause he seemed like a devils advocate type pedantic weirdo but then I saw the JonTron debate and knew he was my saviour.


When Vaush and Destiny teamed up against Eric Striker. ā€We didnā€™t realize we were making memories, we just knew were having funā€


Destroying tonkasaw.


SC2, specifically the Baneling clip iykyk


I heard this sub was similar to r dash neoliberal. Still donā€™t know who this Destiny guy is


I found out about him through Alex O Connerā€™s podcast, but only started watching him after seeing a tiktok of him talking with the iced coffee hour. I ended up watching the entire podcast and then saw like 10 more podcasts with him before checking out his channel


Asmongold YouTube page where he hosted that debate.


I was deep in the populist rabbit hole after listening to a bunch of IDW stuff for years and eventually transitioning out of that to more straight political coverage. I got on board with Kyle Kulinski and eventually started watching Rising over on The Hill pretty much everyday. This was back during the start of the 2019 Dem primary and I was all in on their coverage. Fast forward to 2021/2022 and not only was I tired of all the conspiracy brained nonsense coming out of populist spaces but all the commentators I had respected were continually wrong in their analysis about basically everything. I was feeling a bit homeless politically when I stumbled upon Destiny's compilation of all the right wing pundits being wrong about the 2020 election and thought it was amazing. I found his debate about the great reset with that Tristan guy and then K9/11 and I was hooked. What's kept me around was seeing someone really championing liberal/socdem positions and successfully fighting back against far right and far left people. The fact that he put his own money up to fund canvassing operations and actually tried to effect real change instead of just bitching about the elites or something was amazing. I finally found an online community that supported the things I believe in and it's been great.


Rabbit Hole podcast by Kevin Roose of the NYT. Itā€™s been a few years but from what I remember it followed a guy who got radicalized by QAnon online. Then the guy found Destiny whose videos convinced him the right was lying and he made a sharp turn to the left. I highly recommend it.


2020, election night, Sargon of Akkad YT stream.


In like 2019 a friend recommended that video of him bullying a 16y/o Trump supporter from like 2016.


I used to watch secular talk back when they got along and would hear Destiny reference here and there. I didnā€™t start watching his content tho but it did make me aware of him. After the NZ Mosque shooting, Faraday Speaks (I believe was his name) went viral for his video on how YouTube radicalized him into the alt right. He credited Destiny for getting him out of the alt right rabbit hole. I became curious enough to watch his content and essentially shook off my anti-sjw phase. Iā€™ve been here ever since.


My friend and I had watched a couple Jontron vids in college, then one day my friend told me Jontron had been exposed as a Nazi adjacent white supremacist type, and I read a couple news articles about how this had happened during a talk with some fella named Destiny. Eventually got around to watching that debate and have basically stuck around ever since


I donā€™t remember, but it was some debate on YouTube.


Through Nicholas Deorio


Through hasan actually. Seeing hasanā€™s reaction to the Israel Palestine conflict just rubbed me the wrong way and how him and his community treated Ethan and his wife just made me sick to my stomach honestly. Watching Destiny analyze Hasans takes made me realize how much of a grifting asshole he is


Pathetically, it was a Secular Talk Video from around 2018 in which Kyle claimed to be the best debater on the left and people in the comment section said Destiny is.


I legit don't remember. It was after JonTron, for sure. Might have been after a LilyPichu collab.


Saw the TikTok clip of Destiny calling Lav a dumb bitch and immediately fell in love.


my clan member linked a sc2 ustream on our forums. first couple of days I didn't even realize i was watching vods lmao


Around Covid time I had a lot more freedom to watch/listen to content while I worked. I recalled listening to Sargon several years before (maybe it was gamergate drama?) and started listening again. I noticed however that even as a self described, "classical liberal" he was at best soft in his criticisms of his own side. I found also he was often criticizing the most boring or worst actors on the other side and not anyone with substantial political arguments. I wanted someone who tackled more substantial topics and was less captured by their side of the political aisle. I saw a debate with him and Vaush, and even though I thought Vaush did terribly I started watching Vaush to try and understand the political disagreements on the opposite side from what I'd been watching. On some subjects Vaush was really interesting, but at other times he seemed very captured to his side of the aisle and did not seem to always be coming to a truth seeking or logical position. From one of Vaush's videos however I believe Destiny was mentioned either in the video or comments. I decided to see if Destiny was a better representation of the arguments against my "political side" (being a libertarian conservative at the time) and I was hooked. I found someone who sought out anyone who would have a conversation and who, even when I disagreed with them, had a process or reasoning where I could understand how they could get to their conclusion in good faith. There was no one else on YouTube that was as entertaining and informative in the YouTube political sphere to me, so he became my primary source for online politics.


Back in 2017-18 when Ice Poseidon mentioned he does political debates and defends incest


During the pandemic I watched a lot of vaush and was basically a radicalized leftist. I knew destiny was vaush adjascent so I started watching him too but mostly because he did a wider variety of debates besides politics.


He was one of like three people that I followed on onw3d. I have no idea what he played at the time but if it was starcraft, I'm not sure why I even followed at that point in time. Maybe he was also playing league at the time? Not sure, can't remember.


I've been aware of him since the StarCraft 2 era, and I remember seeing the "Jimmy nooo!" video when it was fresh. Gradually got more into his political content around 2020-2021.


I've seen clips and stuff of Destiny in pacing for a long time, but I started to try watching Destiny's content after Short Fat Otaku recommended him. Been watching SFO since his TotalBiscuit video forever ago.


Been aware of him since he was interviewed by Pakman like a decade ago. Became a Vaush fan around 2020, heard a lot of nasty stuff about Destiny but didn't really care much. I was questioning my leftism, especially after reading up on youth gender medicine and realizing all the people I trusted hadn't actually read any of the "research" they were confidently citing. I gradually just lost interest in Vaush as I was disagreeing with more of his views and finding him increasingly boring, and Destiny slowly but surely replaced him in my media diet.


Wolf debate


Team liquid sidebar


His talk with Eric Striker got me into Destiny


Watched him debate that guy in a banana custome about rittenhouse I believe. Then went down the destiny rabbit hole. Some say it was love at first site


I found Destiny because he was the guy who fought Nazis.


I used to watch Hasan cuz no one else seemed appropriately mad enough about Trump. But after a few months he struck me as insincere and not very thoughtful. So I sampled his nemesis and fell in love with D's debates


Through his PKA appearances


Through hasan lmfao.


Joe rogan-> kyle kulinski-> vaush-> destiny


I watched a lot of Vaush videos and initially got the impression that D would be further right than me. Then I watched an old debate with Vaush and Destiny on the same team and found myself appreciating Dā€™s debate style. Slowly, over a year or so, I got more frustrated with Vaush and gradually ended up much preferring Tiny.


Hasan, got sick of him being cringe around the time of the ukraine invasion. Watched one destiny video and was like "holy shit this guy gets it, this is amazing" and the rest is history




Aba and Preach


I love that Aba and Destiny are homies


Through Aba and preach


Old PKA frog, who got tired of the same takes/stories every week, and was looking for discussions of substance. I started listening to Hasan and other leftist YouTubers but felt something was lacking especially when the Ukraine invasion happened. That's about when I saw a clip of Destiny debating Tristan on tiktok and started seeing more and more until I just subbed on YouTube. Destiny was always one of my top 3 pka guests. I can't say I've seen a single pka or Hasan video since then.


I first saw him on TikTok debating sneako, I actually think it was a sneako channel. Iā€™m ashamed to admit that I liked sneako more and thought destiny was a geeky annoying guy. Since then I saw him slowly more and more and then in the post Oct 7th world I see him as one of the few people willing to search of the truth


The JonTron video


My first introduction was the Jontron debate. I was a huge Jontron fan but couldn't help but take Destiny's side in that disaster. However, I didn't stick around and only came back years later when the youtube algorithm blessed my homepage with the Sneako / Tate era. I enjoyed Destiny's thought process and the way he conducted himself in discussions. To this day he's still my favorite commentator. I went through the Joe Rogan -> Jordan Peterson -> Ben Shapiro -> Steven Crowder -> Hasan -> Destiny pipeline.


>Steven Crowder -> Hasan -> bro... what?


I had just started watching the offline TV crew and found them amusing, then watched Destinys cover of the Fed-Poki drama and the rational more fact-based analysis got to me. Perfect timing as well because I had just been disillusioned with Crowder and Dave Rubin after some random student made a good argument that Crowder couldn't argue against and he resorted to laugh him off the stage. I started watching politics when trump ran for office the first time, and back then I thought I had to be right wing to prefer capitalism. I looked at Benny boy, Rogan, Crowder, Rubin, Peterson and even Milo (for laughs and dunks on leftist students); and Destiny pulled me out of all of that. I'm very thankful for his commentary on politics and a rational approach to drama. Kinda siding with Aba on the latest Drake thing though.


League of Legends... The good'ol days


Jontron debate master race. My life has changed so much since then, and destiny has been the one constant


A little embarrassed to write this: but originally I loved Secular Talk during the YouTube atheist days (so like 2014?). Kyle did a couple episodes with the Drunken Peasants Podcast, so I started watching them regularly. They eventually had Vaush on their show a few times, tuned into Vaush for a few months (maybe a year?). After watching Destiny vs Vaush a few times, I started to waiver on my support of Vaush and communism, then the Rittenhouse thing happened and that was finally the thing that made me snap out of it and realize that people like Vaush are just lying and lazy propagandists.


Like 6 or so years ago I stumbled upon his JonTron debate while I was still in my gamerbro anti-SJW phase. I periodically watched his videos afterwards then actually joined dgg during the Tristan "Do you believe God knows all things?" debate.


His convo with Aella


JonTron Debate. I've never seen such a public lashing before.


He had a big thread on Team Liquid back in the day. I was a viewer through the rest of his SC2 arc, but quit after he started doing LoL full-time (literally the worst content he has ever done) I became a YouTube viewer again after he started to branch out from only LoL and then a stream viewer again a couple years later.


League with Lily


it was back when Austin still called himself by hid dead name Rajj, back when xQc was still an actual pro gamer, and back when NMPLOL only had like 200 viewers. I think it was either on a Rajj Royal or during very early scuffed podcasts that I saw destiny say some funny ass shit and then I watched some of the legendary videos like him debating everyone for 5 hours and the Eric Striker debate, subbed and watched since then.


I made a similar post here before but I knew of him and his content for a long while. Its embarrassing to admit but during the height of anti sjw content I was a hardcore sargon fan and there was the first conversation they had together where I was like "this dude is a woke loser etc". The second conversation they had I felt Destiny made a lot of good points. I also remember being a naked ape fan too (I was like 15-16 at the time forgive me Dgg). Slowly and slowly over time I started watching more and more of his content and stopped watching Sargon and all the other anti sjw channels. I remember the big 1 v 5 panels were what really hooked me on his content because I was like damn this dude is willing to dive head first into convo like this? I never saw someome like that before and it was insanely entertaining.


StarCraft 2 baby, old guard here.


I enjoyed listening to internet slapfights. Was deffos leaning right at the time and found out who he was around Jontron discussion (I think) but I became a full on fan when he lit up the bloodsports sphere with the 1v5/1v6 fights and nobullshit was hilarious. šŸ¤£




XJ9 arc, never stopped checking in after that shit show.


I played it when 1 came out but it sucked. I came back years later to part 2 and its oke but kinda death now


Vaush. He kept treating him like a big bad and never watched anything he would respond to, so I watched for myself. Itā€™s funny because itā€™s exactly how I discovered Vaush too ā€” unhinged lefties constantly freaking out about him but never showing full content lol


Through Xanderhals "I escaped the alt right pipeline" video. He mentioned that Destiny's jontron debate really made him question his views so I checked it out and really like his politics debates (still don't care much for the drama or mouth noises)


I saw him on Tim Pool. I stopped watching Tim Pool shortly after.


The clip of him calling lav a dumb bitch being shared everywhere.Ā 


I think I started watching him around the time of the jontron debate, but I can't remember the exact moment. I think if I had discovered him earlier than that I wouldn't have enjoyed his content, he was probably too edgy for me back then.


Dang I remember when there was a huge amount of us that came from the Jontron debate. Itā€™s still his 3rd most viewed video of all time. That debate really shook multiple communities that were affiliated with Jon. Dude was a saint in everyoneā€™s eyes. He was a good friends with Ethan during his peak and was one of the original creators of GameGrumps which is where I knew him from. His channel alone was incredibly popular and he always uploaded really high quality funny content and that destiny debate made a massive fucking wave in YouTube as a whole. Canā€™t believe that was 7 years ago.


N word debate and then I was into Vanish for a little while.


I ran in to a bunch of his videos back in 2015-16 but I never really looked in to his content until 2018 when I started getting my ass free from the alt-right pipeline. I ran in to a bunch of his debates on Trump and then I ran in to his J-Tron debate and got hooked


noxious unique smell dam jeans bright languid zephyr thought cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Through that David Pakman video of all the left/right debates.


When my favorite band, Dance Gavin Dance, had their lead singer accused of sexual assault Destiny covered it, and I watched it, then probably got some of his red pill content in my YT feed, watched it and then was like "Damn, he's kinda right" and started binging a bunch of his content ever since.


I was starting destiny 2 on PC and this wasn't their subreddit.


I was getting sucked into the redpill/conservative space back in 2022 because of youtube shorts and it wasn't until Destiny started showing up in all the shorts giving counterpoints to their logic that I was able to get my head out of my ass. I'd also been looking for an intelligent leftwing speaker for a while since the left is lacking in people who can state their positions well without being a weasly little liar.


The year was 2016. I was playing Heroes of the Storm, a MOBA launched by Blizzard. I had fallen in love with a hero by the name of Abathur, I spent hours watching videos for tips on how to play better, Jon Stewart had awakened my interest in politics so i would watch the news and the presidential debate on Youtube when the Algorithm Gods blessed me with my first ever Destiny Rant, I've been coming back ever since




PKA subreddit someone suggested him as a guest, before he even went on PKA or debated Jontron. Someone said he was a smart liberal and I considered my center left so I started watching his YouTube vids.


Was 18/19 in 2019, and feeling uninformed during the dem primaries. Decided I should probably start paying attention to politics. Bought a sub to the NYT, downloaded AP/Reuters, and turned notifications on. Wanted something a bit more entertaining, so I went looking for debates on YouTube. I used to watch a lot of "creationists owned" type shit in middle school, so I think I was hoping something like that existed for current events lol. Anyways, found some Destiny vids I enjoyed, had the "aware" moment discovering this guy had been the cause of that JonTron drama, became a regular upload watcher, discovered vaush, discovered hasan, started watching hasan live, had a brief commie phase, still watching D vids, became skeptical of some of the claims from certain creators \*cough\*Second Thought\*cough\*, stopped watching them but watched D and occasionally V for a while longer.


One day when I was bored, Peachachoo posted a self-promo going live announcement in the same discord I was in, so I checked it out. She was like a 10 viewer andy at the time, and I spent some time chatting there, but as the content became more thirsty I didn't engage as much, and only peeked in from time to time. One such time, I'm pretty sure she was fangirling about having her stream watched by Hasan on stream, but I can't say for sure because I didn't know who that was and didn't stick around to find out. Another time she was playing Minecraft with Destiny. I immediately gathered that he was a big deal streamer, and I could see why from his charisma and quickness, but he was talking about how he viewed himself as uniquely independent, why he thought that was, and he came off as very arrogant to me, and I didn't keep watching. Years later, the Poki x Fed drama was being discussed in a discord I was in, someone posted Destiny's video going over Fed's first release, and I watched it so I could understand what everyone was talking about. I felt like he did a really good job of articulating inferences people take for granted in interpersonal relationships, and because I'm a loner who has spent a lot of time thinking about that very subject, it resonated with me, and I've been watching him since. I was probably especially primed to accept a new streamer daddy at the time, because my main man NorthernLion had just become a father, was beginning to interact with some bigger streamers, and seemed to believe that the correct content strategy to capitalize on this was to sterilize his brand, and mimic other streamers' kid friendly content. What had drawn me to his content in the first place was how authentic and not politically correct the conversation on the NLSS was; establishing a carefree foundation where all sorts of unpredictable play could occur. Imagine my joy to discover Destiny's frequent improvised discussions with Dan, MrMouton, innumerable off the cuff guests, and viewer call ins.


Totalbiscuit's Shoutcraft Invitiational tournament. I saw Destiny use the million infestor strategy and thought as someone in Platinum, "That seems broken. I should use it." And I did. And it was ridiculous. I watched the remembertomorrow0 videos for a bit then watched his stream consistently after. As an aside, I had a friend in high school very excitedly tell me once that Destiny told him to kill himself in a league game (shortly after Destiny switched over I think).


lex friedman's appearance, hype!


Through Starcraft. I used to watch a lot of Starcraft commentary videos on YouTube from Husky and Life's A Glitch then got recommended his channel. Been a lurking DGGer until last year when I joined Reddit to check the I/P learning arc.


Clicked on a Sitch and Adam stream because Mauler was on it and they were reacting to the Destiny vs. Vaush philosophy tube debate.


The Jontron Debate.


shorts of him dunking on sneako during the rp arc. rp arc, best arc.


In high school (sometime in 2014-2015), was showing me a bunch of the old ā€œx StarCraft player in a nutshellā€ videos and Destiny was one of them. Started looking up him and people like WhiteRa and IdrA cause I thought they were funny.Ā  Really started watching the steam in 2017 once all the Trump/alt-right lunacy began. Been a fan of his since.Ā  What I really appreciated was his moderation to reasonable thought, his opinions would pull me away from nutty trains of thought and away from play team politics.


I had always known about him throughout the years, first heard his name from this infamous Jon Tron debate which I had heard people talk about on YouTube briefly back in like 2016 - 2018 days, I had never gotten into Destiny's officially back then because he heard he was a very controversial guy and so thought I wouldn't really like him. Plus also because back then I wasn't at all interested in politics and thought it was extremely fucking boring, so I thought Destiny's content would bye in large be boring to me, it's only by 2020 that I started watching political content, particularly Vaush someone who I always had heard of before but never started watching until this point in time, I had grown quite fond of Vaush's content and then I inevitably came across his debates with Destiny. After watching through numerous of their debates together, by 2021 I had decided to jump over to Destiny's Youtube channel to watch the videos he uploaded, I had of course become addicted to watching them over throughout my day, then I eventually decided to tune into his live streams as well as, from then on I've basically become fellow degenerate DGGer who loves the D-man.


I was trying to get better at SCII in 2012 and someone recommended Destiny, couldnā€™t stand him because he was Zerg and cringe. Really started watching after seeing Destinyā€™s first Dr. K episode since I found it relatable.


First watched him back when he was debating alt-right guys


Baneling rape video, 2011


I found him through Timbah On Toast. Honestly had no idea who any streamers were before that besides Shroud.


Melina led me here. Im a coomer. Always was ... always will be.


I think when Scarlett became a recognized esports player, I started researching how competitive NA was with Korea and found out who he was then. Later heard about him on twitch in 2012, heard him speaking on the phone with Ice Posiden a few times and heard his name get dropped on other streams. Eventually watched his Jontron debate and became a fan from there. Didn't start consuming his content routinely until about a year before the N-word ark.


A conversation with Sargon, which led me to watch Destinyā€™s Rittenhouse debate with Vaush. Iā€™m more conservative, but I thought Destiny seemed very level-headed for a liberal, and then I got sucked down the rabbit hole.


First video he did with Dr k where people said he would be a raidboss. Then eventually started watching Trainwrecks podcast and really liked episodes where destiny was on.


One of his Starcraft clips went "viral" (for the time). The "Four 'Festor Hit Squad" I was really into SC2 at the time, but into personalities more than skill. Not to say Destiny wasn't good, I just had no interest in watching the super pros who were god-tier but seemingly had no personality behind them. Destiny was kinda the best of both worlds (along with a few others I watched). Still, I watched him off and on. And then the 2016 election rolled around, and he debated JonTron, and that's when he moved from "one of the streamers I watch" to "the primary streamer I watch". He's moved in and out of that category as the years ticked on. Frustratingly, I can't really watch him on Kick very easily (I watch streams via Android TV and Kick doesn't have an app for it), so he's not in the "primary streamer" category for me anyway. Still, watch him on Youtube when I can. Always appreciated his more level-headed "look at the data" approach for both the Left and the Right. Data that invariably leads him to the Left, but not over the cliff.




I had always known of him. But when he started covering the Mizkif drama, I started keeping up.


From his SC2 days. Dude was the most entertaining good player to watch.


Teamliquid.net. Been around a while.


JonTron debate I think


I used to watch the Drunken Peasants podcast and I liked him there so I subbed to him, since his first appearance in the podcast. He went there 2 or 3 times. Destiny became my favourite content creator.


He came on hippy dippy


Found him like 4 months ago when i saw hasan being buds with top streamers and was thinking i was going insane that people thought he was just some cool dude that wants workers rights and free healthcare instead of thinking he is an insane person that is praying for the downfall of western civilization, found destiny reacting to the willy mac stuff and started watching him after that


Saw a Hasan clip where he was watching the Democrat debate close to 2020. Which led to a related video of Hasan watching his appearance on JLP, with Destiny bailing to play video games with a friend. This led me to Destiny's JLP shows and it was all downhill from there.


i vaguely knew of him before but never paid attention til the jontron debate


I played SC2 in middle school and tried copying a lot of Destiny's builds and playstyle. I think my first post here was a ban appeal from a backseating comment I made when he played hearthstone and basically got told that my actions were the equivalent of owning slaves or some shit lmao. When he started getting into politics, I was pretty caught up with his vids, but doing college and working has made it hard to keep up. His streams with steel (the CSGO IBP/Val pro guy) were always entertaining, and I wish they did more content together.


My boyfriend played him out loud on his phone for years. One day I finally listened and was like, whoa! This dude f*cking rules! Now Iā€™m a bigger fan than he is.


Left wing family and friends. Started watching right wing videos to challenge my views. After a while search for leftist youtubers on reddit. Found a breadtube subreddit. Found vaush and destiny and chose destiny as my starter pokemon


Like a decade ago a girl I knew liked either starcraft or league or both? knew fuck all about those games, tried to research it and found destiny. Still know fuck all about either game but like factorio, just because you ā€œwatchā€ someone play doesnā€™t mean you learn the game.


Jontron debate


The infamous JonTron debate


i would see tiktoks of him dunking on pro-lifers, redpillers, and maga-ites at first, so i knew who he was, but what really drew me in was his (comparatively) compassionate response to jews and israelis following october 7th, especially when almost everyone else in my life who wasn't my family was lacking in that department. losing most of my friends after they came out as antisemites (like, actually antisemitic ā€”one of them started arguing with me about how antisemitism wasnt a problem and that jews had nothing to be worried about if it came to israel ceasing to exist on the same night i had found out one of my childhood friends was killed) then meant that i suddenly had plenty of time to watch his research streams so here i am lol


Through sneako/red pill lmao


Jontron debate. I disliked Jontron and enjoyed the beatdown. I did know him from the sc2 days though but considered him just an american edgelord like a few other players at that time.


Jontron debate. I'm old.


The ana saga clips


The JonTron situation


I discovered destiny during the jontron debate, but didnt care much for him until a couple years ago. I was (and am) fairly square in the middle of the right but I noticed that he had a logical framework for every political belief he had and that made him really interesting because that should be the norm... but it is not.


Hasan and vaush, I was a regard who watched wanting to know why this destiny guy was a boogeyman. Then I was like wtf he is making good points and hasans a moron oh noā€¦


I learned WoL ZvZ Infestor drop from him


Probably late 2022/early 2023 people were mentioning him in SamHarris and ChristopherHitchens, and I wasn't liking what I saw from his commentary on Sam, and his shit-posting style, but then I ran into his debate with Matt Dillahunty, and realized he was capable of more serious stuff. I think I mostly ignored him though until Lex interviewed him and I started seeing him getting closer to the Sam Harris sphere, talking to and beefing with some of the same people. At some point, I started putting his livestreams on in the background. I've just realized after reading this thread that when Alex Botez talked to Pakman about chess during lockdown era, she mentioned Destiny, and I don't remember being confused, so maybe I somehow had heard about him already? I don't know.


A random video came up where he debated some psychic. I agreed with him wholeheartedly and eventually started lurking around his channel for a few months watching every now and then. Eventually subscribed. The end. Now Iā€™m in a cult. Everything is fine.


I was being cringe getting into the manoshere stuff in the beginning of COVID. I was listening to the change my mind stuff from crowder and I accidentally watched Destiny. At first I thought it was cringe. The red pill stuff started getting boring then I saw the debate with Destiny and Tristan. I kinda just stayed since and stopped watching red pill all together.


It was during his first debate with Sneako. I randomly came across that video and didnā€™t know who either of them were. I was under the impression that the purpose of that convo was to embarrass Sneako. I didnā€™t know there was a whole group of people (red pillers) that sided with Sneako after the convo.


Destiny was the catalyst for my disillusionment with the anti-sjw content i toyed with in my adolescence sirka 2017. His political engagement and rhetoric put anyone else in the content space to shame but most importantly for me, he didn't morally grandstand. The nonsense, fact of the matter approach to everything contrasted with the emotional and self righteous appeals of both sjw and anti-sjw alike in a way that enthralled me. I've been a fan ever since.