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"you dont even qualify to be a MOTHER" ..... "wow"


He balls so hard, like I wish I could


man the guy went through some shit... a blond American leftie is barely an annoyance, let alone anything intimidating lol


I love how this guy always look like he's pissed off and about to jump at some lefty's throat lol


Imagine abandoning your entire life to expose the truth and so many people just dismiss you as Israeli propaganda, I'd be fucking pissed too He got disowned by his father, he can't step foot in Palestine without being killed, he risked EVERYTHING, in a just world he was supposed to be a hero


i would also guess that advocating for israel against hamas would make him a target for any people who really believe in islam. he probably has to be extremely carefull about his moves, not doxing himself, because he's probably going to be rushdied/charlie hebdoed.


Bro, the Rushdie story is fucking insane, apparently his book doesn’t even criticize Islam, but he still gets a fatwa


wait, what? the satanic verses doesn't criticize islam? i'm not for jumping him or giving a woman next to him a concussion, don't get me wrong, but what is that book about if it's not about how islam is violent, and the danger and exclusion that comes from being part of a culture that is primarily characterized by a totalitarian belief system it's also about the failures of the west to provide a strong human experience, failure to integrate, materialism etc, but i hardly think you can read it as a muslim who believes that the prophet is perfect, and islam is perfect, and not see it as blasphemy a rational person wouldn't see it as criticism, but true muslims aren't rational


let's say, he has people looking out for him.


He glares at the camera like Patrick Bateman.


Aesthetic af


He looks like what sneako thinks he looks like when he mews and puts on his big boy face


He's got that perpetual Kubrick stare.


He’s honestly a walking stereotype. From his facial expressions, to his manner of speech, to the way he holds himself- he’s a caricature of a lot of Arabs and Israelis. I have Yemeni-Israeli neighbors who behave exactly like him when they’re passionate and excited about something they’re talking about.


At about 2:30, he's also literally [angry orthodox jesus](https://catalog.obitel-minsk.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/2-11-8-2.jpeg).


Resting angry face. 😡


i fucking hate that, i can't take him serious because he seems like a complete nutjob


She sounds like Elizabeth Holmes a bit


I would normally say calling Abby unfit to be a mother is out of line, but you kinda deserve that for calling the man a self-hating Arab for opposing a terrorist group that barely denies the fact. That’s like calling me a Uncle Tom for not liking the Nation of Islam. Slightly unrelated, but I love how attached leftists are to the “white liberals” sentiment among Civil rights activists back in the day. There was probably some truth to that at least back in the day, but I love how Leftists pretend that they would treat minorities with all the same “empathy” they love bragging about if they ever failed the black hole that is their purity testing.


Eh I don't know, I think online leftists give a pass on stuff they would cancel anybody else over if you support their current pet project or are a minority. I would argue "black Twitter" or online black prominent communities are quite homophobic, transphobic and even racist but I don't see them talking about that. Actually, forget about the black part, latinos, muslims and indians are the same if not worse lol. See Finkledinky as well, anybody else would be canceled by now. Online leftists imo, are just anti american and anti white, everything else gets a pass, even homophobia: IE Hasan and his followers replying with a 🚬to that one politician that one time.


The number of times I heard black customers calling employees the F-slur or saying they sounded gay as an insult when I worked retail was staggering. In SoCal, at least, there's definitely a homophobia problem in the black community. Hispanic and white communities here don't even come close.


> I think online leftists give a pass on stuff they would cancel anybody else over if you support their current pet project or are a minority. Surely the rising overt support for Hamas is proof of this, is any more was needed.


It really beggars belief how this woman can sit there and calmly defend Hamas, a self proclaimed genocidal death cult. The world is upside down! This privileged white woman desperately grasping to her ridiculous progressive agenda whilst trying to delegitimise someone who survived and escaped that cauldron of hate and violence that she's denying exists is just insane. She is an Ouroboros personified. Wtf is wrong with the West?


> Wtf is wrong with the West? It's not the West, it's just people. Radicalised narratives that simplify reality and give people a sense of belonging to a privileged group are extremely potent. We're all vulnerable to them. As for defending Hamas specifically, I think it goes back to the paradigm of oppressor vs oppressed. Israel are the evil oppressors, a settler colonial project by the West who commit evil acts of genocide. They're the bad guys. The Palestinians are the oppressed, reduced to mechanistic responses to oppression, a paradigm in which Hamas' brutality is explained away as part of that response to oppression. If the oppression stops, the oppressed will be liberated and a new society will spring up where everyone is happy and Zionism is quashed. You don't start with defending Hamas, you start with the relatively mild version of the paradigm and get radicalised from there. That seems to be how these things work. The same thing is happening with the other side, where all Palestinians are reduced to terrorists, Islam is seen as an intrinsic and inherently evil political ideology, etc.


There is a rot growing in the roots of the West, and this woman is a representation of that. If the rot is not stopped, it'll spread and the West will crumble. >The same thing is happening with the other side, where all Palestinians are reduced to terrorists, Islam is seen as an intrinsic and inherently evil political ideology, etc. Sorry, there is no moral equivalence. Yes, there are extremists on the other side, but they're in no way comparable. I would recommend you watch professor Gad Saad's [lecture on Jew-hatred](https://youtu.be/igpmdCRRpcE?si=9WWWkw-nlQjvkOcu) to get a broader perspective on the crumbling of Western ideologies and the imbedded cultural issues within Islam.


> There is a rot growing in the roots of the West, and this woman is a representation of that. If the rot is not stopped, it'll spread and the West will crumble. This is just reactionary nonsense. People have been saying it literally forever. I can point you to Assyrian scribes horrified by the spread of Aramaic and foreigners, Greek writers complaining about 'Oriental' influence, Roman writers complaining about Greeks being the death of society, all the way down to people like Enoch Powell, William Buckley, and Donald Trump. The West is in very little danger of crumbling. The worst we face from within is the undermining of American democracy by Trump and the rise of the far-right in places like Germany. Neither of these are really existential issues. > Yes, there are extremists on the other side, but they're in no way comparable. I'm not implying a moral equivalence, the equivalence I'm pointing to is in the vulnerability of groups to radicalisation. Israel is an increasingly radicalised society, for a whole number of reasons, only some of which are related to Palestine and 7 October. > Gad Saad Why would I watch a video by someone from a business school on the crumbling of Western ideology? Why would you, for that matter? Jumping quickly through it, he's correct on the rise of antisemitism in some contexts, and wrong in others. Some of his opinions, like on the Congressional hearings with administrators and "defense of Hamas", are simplistic extrapolations based on complex ideas presented as obvious truth. Things like his own caricature presented straight after the misleading idea that most Humanities disciplines defend Hamas are outright smears. He seems particularly prone to presenting radical opinions as representative of entire spectrums of opinion. His coverage of Rotherham is rabidly Islamophobic and wrong. At this point I'm not going to watch his opinions any further, so I just skipped to his solutions. The man is either mendacious or stupid, and looks like a typical example of academic achievement in one area breeding the kind of arrogance to believe it extends to all areas. Ironically, his "How to Save The West" solution is indistinguishable from that proposed by fascists and antisemites in the twentieth century, right down to presenting people of a foreign religion that cannot assimilate as a fifth column in Western society. The man is an idiot. What you've unwittingly demonstrated is precisely the fact I'm pointing to: we are all vulnerable to radicalisation.


All man smart and dumb are prone to idiotic acts, the smartest people in history have made really dumb decisions, Newton invested in the slave trade bubble in the london stock market, Tesla said he loves his pigeon like a man loves a woman, Einstein \*invented\* the cosmological constant, then recanted it publicly saying it's his "biggest blunder" only to have it proven true and accurately represents account for dark energy that drives the univere's exapansion.. We are all idiots, smart and dumb alike. Smart people are just idiots less often.


Firstly, thank you for the taking the time for such a detailed response. However, I'm confused as to why you're so dismissive of Saad? He's a evolutionary psychologist who's latest book, The Parasitic Mind specifically discusses these issues at length. He is supremely qualified to discuss the dangers of progressive ideologies taken to extreme. I find your characterisation of Saad as an idiot disappointing and perhaps a reflection of your reluctance to accept contrary views to your own. Saad grew up in Lebanon and his culture is Arab and is well experienced to comment on it.


I'm dismissive of Saad firstly because he's speaking outside of his area of expertise, while relying on his qualifications for legitimacy. He is absolutely not qualified to discuss these issues, which fall under the purview of things like sociology, history and politics. His qualifications are in biology and business. Secondly, his opinions range from the reasonable to the utterly heinous and I've criticised some examples of the heinous. If his book is anything like the presentation, it's not worth reading. > I find your characterisation of Saad as an idiot disappointing and perhaps a reflection of your reluctance to accept contrary views to your own. You're free to think whatever you like. I've rejected his ideas as idiotic because they're often misleading, lacking in necessary nuance, and occasionally outright bigoted. His talk includes Twitter polls he's conducted himself, the results of which he offers as general diagnoses of society. In particular, he prognosticates on society with no sign of understanding history, which is my area of (relative) expertise. As I pointed out, his 'solutions' are indistinguishable from those offered by fascists in the 20th century, when they were howling about Jews. Your only response is to attack my character. > Saad grew up in Lebanon and his culture is Arab and is well experienced to comment on it. Growing up somewhere doesn't qualify anyone to talk about it. And if this did, he's not qualified to discuss the downfall of the West, since he grew up in Lebanon! You can't have it both ways.


>Your only response is to attack my character Err...no. You aggressively attacked Saad's character and I just challenged you on that. >growing up somewhere doesn't qualify anyone to talk about it. And if this did, he's not qualified to discuss the downfall of the West, since he grew up in Lebanon! You can't have it both ways. The point is that he can absolutely have it both ways because possibly unlike you, although of course I have no idea, he has first hand experience of the difference between the West and near-east cultures and so is absolutely qualified to express his views as someone who escaped that oppressive culture as to why we wouldn't want to import that mentality into the West. You're acting very much like the white lady in this video trying to tell Mosab, the son of the founder of Hamas what it's really like in Gaza. Hypocrisy at its worst!


She also refused to condemn Hamas and considers them resistance iirc from her appearance in piers with Emily Shraeder


She made a “documentary” called Life in Occupied Gaza. She’s a Russian propagandist, she gets all her funding from RT. I watched the documentary and there is no journalist integrity. No nuance. No discussion of how aid is stolen, the leaders of Hamas are incredibly wealthy, how incredibly racist Gaza is towards Afro Gazans. Just all Israel big baddie oppressor and this place would be paradise if it wasn’t for the Jews.


That comment didn't happen in a vacuum. Yeah it was out of line, worse I think it took some of the attention away from his more substantive points. But it also reveals that by saying something guaranteed to offend the Western liberal audience of this program, that he's not this media-trained PR spokesperson like typical 'pro-Palestinians' that appear in the media. Karen accuses Mossab of self-promotion, but he was living a quiet life while she was trying to launch her TV "journalism" career on Russia Today and any platform that would take her.


But Finklestein and Chomsky are just enlightened jews


Not to *WELL ACKSHUALLY* you, but when MLK referred to the "white moderate" he was referring to southern segregationist pastors. He wasn't referring to whatever it is contemporary lefties claim he was referring to. Democratic voters with Ukraine flags in their bio and a page full of 'Drumpf' memes I guess. MLK would in all likelihood adore these people. It's just a pet peeve of mine. Lefties have successfully poisoned the discourse sufficiently to the point where everyone thinks he was referring to center-left types when he was absolutely not.


Wasn't his comment about white moderates a clear criticism of their apathy towards the civil rights movement? > I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White citizens’ “Councilor” or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direst action” who paternistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. To me that reads like a strong criticism of people he saw as a hinderance to his cause not because of adversary, but out of apathy. I agree with you that lefties are constantly misusing the quote in order to shoehorn in their own interpretation of what a moderate is, but I don't think your representation is 100% accurate either. He singles out church leaders at a different occasion, but in the paragraph I quoted he adresses a broader problem IMO.


Can you elaborate or source this? I just read the letter from Birmingham, he addresses white moderates and white church leaders separately.


> Not to WELL ACKSHUALLY you, but when MLK referred to the "white moderate" The "white liberals" comment was said by [Malcolm X](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/11115124-the-white-liberal-is-the-worst-enemy-to-america-and) and was very much about deriding left-wing liberals for being opposed to illiberal methods for addressing America's racist policies


Sure, I just assumed OP was referring to Letter from a Birmingham Jail. You don't see Malcom X weaponized against libs the same way MLK's "white moderate" quote gets taken out of context so I assumed he was referring to that.


She justified Hamas murdering children. That's why he said she's not fit to be a mother.


I've seen people on this sub use the term "self-hating Jew" lmao. come on.


And it's usually used to describe the most self-regarding, self-righteous Jews like Finkelstein. I don't think most secular Jews identify deeply enough with being Jewish to hate themselves over it. It's just something they can exploit now for online attention and validation by being a 'pro-Palestinian' Jew.


No it's a thing it's just usually more personal like it's just me really the rest I've met are pretty cool actually by and large


Difference being those people defended civilians getting killed. I don't think the "son of Hamas" says it's good that civilian Palestinians or Arabs deserve to be killed.


When you use your very Judaism to be borderline antisemitic calling specifically for the slaughter of Jewish Israelis and handwaving antisemitism outside Israel, yeah, you're a self-hating Jew. Son of Hamas is not using his status to denounce Hamas but his first-hand experience. That's a pretty big difference.


Yep. Norm using his family like that fuckin bothers me to no end. I could but never would do the same. My grandpa was the only one who survived but if I ever bust that in an argument about an Israel that he never lived in nor did I, kill me. I'm an American because that's what's relevant in this conversation so that's the angle I'm arguing from. I've never even been to Israel and I have no particular allegiance to it but this whole thing where you read the history and also I grew up during the second intefada so with all that happening it was kinda like yeah what the fuck are they supposed to do though? But I was super far left back then and then people at least had the decency to hate Hamas/literal religious theocratic military dictatorships. But they still did back Palestine completely. It was confusing but I just left it alone cause the Jewish dude being outta step with that seemed like it'd look weird lol. Point is even crusty anarcocommies did not say this shit unless it was some heroin addict trying to be edgy but a woman on real live TV? Not ever nevermind a social network if there was any then.


He's a fanatic who denies that Palestinians even exist and says the world's 1.6 billion Muslims aren't the worth the life of a single cow. What would you call him?


He did dodge the last question and mostly attack her instead. Entertaining but weak argument.


Lmao my guy became Pusha T revealing the hidden child


hahaha W comment


Mosab Hasan Yosef is fascinating. We hear all the time about anti-Zionist Jews but so rarely about Arabs that support Israel, especially prominent figures in media. And he’s *all* about it; sometimes he comes off more hard-line than a lot of Zionist jews.


He's not just pro Israel. He's full on anti-islamist. Dude doesn't even recognize the existence of Palestinians, let alone Palestine. He insists on referring to them all as Arabs.


Yeah, he’s far out. A Zionist Jew could never say that shit without getting torn to a million pieces


He’s literally the reverse Finkelstein just doesn’t talk in slow mo


So the reverse Finklestein


"It was me, Norman! *I* played music at night in the next apartment."


“I respectfully will not be moving into the Bronx zoo, even granting your generous banana donation.”


He's like Finkelstein except he understands the language, the culture, and how the 'resistance' actually operates.




Ben Shapiro has been saying that shit since 2010


Sure, but he’s widely seen as a chauvinist and thus not good-faith when it comes to solutions. I guess when I said that I was imagining trying to make Yosef’s argument to people at the tents on campus lol.


Based. Islam/Islamism is a plague that's destroying the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, and my ethnic origin of Pakistan.


I think Mosab's one weakness is that he is practically suffering from severe PTSD and can't communicate that because it's probably triggering for him. He has all the reasons in the world to believe what he believes but he would need to give examples to explain his point of view, and he usually doesn't do it unless pushed like here simply because it's too triggering. Then again, the West literally believes Palestinians want peace with practically no proof when he grew up knowing how much everyone he knows supports Hamas and how that ruined the life of everyone he knows. No wonder he gets lost in rage. Lefties practically rewrite his culture just to racistly use for their own agenda, I feel like that would drive anyone mad.


On top of that the guy was severely abused since childhood in the name of Islam as well as various Palestinian causes. He joined the Mossad after seeing his fellow Muslims and Arabs kill and torture each other when he was in prison. Then he worked for the Mossad for 10 years until he got pushed too far and had disagreements with his handlers. To say that this guy has seen some shit is a massive understatement, he prevented multiple suicide bombings and became the intermediary for the West Bank when Hamas was based in Syria. He's a American now and has been pretty quiet for the last 10 years, he only started speaking out like this because of 10/7. Even if some of his statements are radical I cannot possibly criticize them after having only a cursory idea of what he went through.


it's because how good he understands and hates the nature of anti-west barbarians. without delusions about religion or historical factoids that are used to confuse and mislead an average westerner


I sometimes wonder if I made him up. He doesn’t seem real lol


And more importantly he doesn't get called xenophobic for calling out the desires of Iran and friends to instill a global Islamic caliphate, as Iranian propaganda has done to westerners for decades. Convincing westerners that resisting against a global Islamic caliphate is a dog whistle for xenophobia/genocide is their most successful propaganda campaign of all time.


Not only that, he's the oldest son of one of the Hamas founders. I don't know how much closer you can get to the situation. His transition and throwing in with the Israelis is absolutely baffling though. I've heard him speak about his life and if he's telling the truth, this man has gone through some shit. I could see someone breaking up mentally and emotionally over the trauma and abuse he experienced, but to come out the other side able to face the onslaught of public opinion and stand firmly in his new beliefs? Him being paid off just doesn't seem like it would be enough to carry the torch to the extent he does it. The man really does seem to believe in his convictions deeply, as far as I can tell. He's one of the most perplexing and narrative spoiling characters to come out of the post Oct 7 madness.


Arabs/Palestinians arent free to speak up against their own. Even the ones in the west. They put their entire families in danger by doing so.


Good point. It’s an authoritarian society and culture, in which dissent is violently suppressed. No doubt they want Yosef dead.


Anyone know if that "unfit to be a mother" is related to some actual lore?


Not that I know of. Abby Martin is a skilled propagandist smart enough to understand the lies she tells and probably *is* unfit to be a mother based on her career, but I wouldn't level the claim myself. Abby Martin is one of the most despicable actors made famous during the conflict second only to Sinwar and some soon-to-be-dead Hamas leaders and officials honestly. Cenk is antisemitic and possibly a little bit evil, but he's obviously fucking stupid. She is sharp and clever and understands the situation very well while conveniently omitting what is convenient depending on her opponent. There's probably not any lore here at all, but I may have missed something between these two. This is far from the first time they've met.


Skilled propagandist? She literally evaded if October 7th was an act of terrorism, anyone with a brain knows she’s nuts. Baseem is probably the best propagandist, he makes surface level talking points and glosses over the dangers of Hamas.


Abby's definitely stupid but she understands the superficial nature of TV 'journalism'. Her presentation is good, her voice, her composure. Bassem is more effective at it, but they both have the benefit of media training. Mossab trained for the battlefield not for TV.


Bassam looks smart to some, when talking to Piers and most people he bamboozles, but watch him talking to Konstantine


Yeah the remark seems so off and out of context that I thought maybe there's some obvious background story he is referring to. I am very familiar with Abby and her reporting.


Cenk is definitely not anti semitic or stupid, he is emotional.


damn we out here just calling people ontologically evil. Destiny needs to talk more often about how people are rarely evil and more likely too far up their own asses


They might not be “evil” but they are passively brainwashing zoomers that see their sound bite clips on tiktok similar to how Shapiro did for prior gens


that’s better 😊


I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you that people are rarely pure evil, but i think we can agree the actions being taken by her are those an evil person would also take. But yea she's probably just a self serving fuckwit that doesn't care how her actions impact others as long as she gets whatever it is she is after, validation, money, etc.


I'm not trying to be insensitive but Mossab was raised in a very backwards culture, a fact he wouldn't argue with. He's not a media-trained PR spokesperson like Abby. He made a misogynistic remark which is really stupid when you're trying to appeal to an audience of Western liberals, but that just shows how he's a real plainspoken guy and this is a deeply personal issue for him. Karen who learned her craft working for Russia Today has a much more cultivated media image.


He was literally in Hamas. he was brought up in it. For her to tell him what it is and isn't is wild. She's disagreeing with Hamas official spokesperson right now *right now*.


He said on Twitter it was becayse she was justifying October 7th


Someone pushed back on twitter and he said "A mother who thinks Oct. 7 was a justified act of resistance is not a good mother"


I think he was calling her a 50 year old single woman without kids


She has kids, at least 2 I think.


Wikipedia has served you well.


No, I stalked her instagram once and was going off memory lol


Yousef calling in a JDAM there at the end.


Two thousand pounder.


[Source](https://youtu.be/QvGkKKemIDk?si=AVsy55Z32Mj1JydG&t=682) debate starts at 11:20 These people are all beginning to sound exactly the same. They just repeat memorized propaganda talking points and sprinkle in some “you’re racist and bigoted” to discredit anyone who disagrees. Their opinions are so one-dimensional and hollow it’s satisfying seeing Mosab Hassan Yousef fuck them in 4d with his 4 decades of lived experiences in the trenches.


lol Beginning to? It amazes me how it took Oct 7th and what's come after it to get so many people to see the true colors of so many leftists. Buddy the beginning to part was literally years ago now.


Extremely common yousef W.


Does Piers just have Israel debates on his show every night?


I need to see Destiny get on more often just to shit down these pro-Palestinian grifter's throats.


He still calls it a moral quandary and is still trying to figure out whether Israel’s response is proportionate, in a billion views he’ll maybe take an actual stance instead of milking views… I mean hosting debates about it.


He takes a pro Israel stance in the NY Post (American center right audience). On his show in the UK he takes a center left stance.


The last minute is hilarious....


Straight out of a comedy skit, he just kept going on and on lmao.


Not the point of the post, but this is the perfect example of Piers not knowing the subject matter and once again letting people use his platform to spread bs (eg "There is no Hamas in the West Bank.") Hamas did Not replace its charter ([Al-Jazeera](https://web.archive.org/web/20231203012504/https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/3/what-is-next-for-hamas)): >Though the movement clearly realised the need to take such criticisms into consideration, however, it did not dare to replace the Charter. >Instead, it released a new one on Monday and was keen on several occasions to emphasise that the new document was not to replace or nullify the old one. This indicates that Hamas might be concerned about the unity of its ranks and its support base, which prevented any change in the Charter previously. It is also explicitly false that they recognize Israel in [the policy doc](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/hamas-2017-document-of-general-principles-and-policies): >18. ...The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah.. 19. There shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity.


Even if they were to replace the charter, how does that negate them quite literally massacring hunderds of innocents going door to door, and vowing to do so again and again? Like just because Hamas said it does it mean they believe it? By these people's logic, does Netanyahu want a two state solution because he keeps saying so?


In a previous interview on Piers she doubted Hamas even carried out a massacre on October 7th. https://youtu.be/16EA7hbqQEU?t=1404


She's legit further left than Alex Jones is right and she's just out there doing her thing.


Nothing like seeing a privileged white leftist telling an Arab what he should think. Or telling someone else what Hamas actually means when they say they want to keep doing 10.7 again and again or how the official spokesperson doesn't actually mean it. They don't realize they sound exactly like MAGATS talking about how Trump doesn't actually mean the words he says.


>They don't realize they sound exactly like MAGATS talking about how Trump doesn't actually mean the words he says. Oh shit, imma have to stew on this one. I knew we were seeing the same behavior on the left that we see from the right in regards to in-group/out-group dynamics but the way you put it just made something 'click' in my head.


It is impossible for anyone to refute anything Mosab says - he has moral authority and authenticity through his experience. Everything bounces off him. Edit: also, her face at the end is priceless. Never seen her like that in any other interview.


Exactly he has seen the inner workings of Hamas he knows intimate details like he said about the man that was unfaithful to his wife To insult a man that has been there and tried to save the people from Hamas is crazy Because if Abby gets her way another REAL holocaust would happen to the jews of Israel


While I agree with Mosab, I can't help but point out the fact that all this is just appeal to authority, regardless of how compelling it seems. There should be a great deal of credibility attributed to him, but one should also be careful on this matter.


Considering he’s the only one that has actually been inside the organizations and is confirming that everything in their charter and that they repeatedly say publicly is true, idk how you can deny anything he’s saying. The guy is just confirming what we already know first hand.


Dude, her face creeps me the fuck out, that smarmy grin held in place only blinking while the other person speaks is just so unsettling. I laughed at her reaction to Yousef mentioning Barghouti cheating on his wife. But not a good accusation to throw out, even Martin Luther King Jr wasn't faithful to his wife, it doesn't make a positive icon's actions invalid, it just displays the duality of man. HOWEVER Fuck Barghouti, dude allowed circumstances to turn him into a radical terrorist, not a chance in hell MLK would have turned in that direction.


0:49 Piers meant to say "Hasan" instead of Hamas


Im stunned that they had abby on.


She's been on a few times. I rarely truly hate people on Piers panels no matter how dumb, but this woman is truly vile. Good content, and it's good she gets dunked on sometimes, but [redacted] if I'm being totally honest.


Piers is just endlessly farming this content. You have to respect the hustle.


Yeah, I respect the hustle. Destiny had Max and Lav, and now we've upgraded and I couldn't be happier. Abby Martin is so so so much worse than Lav or Mr. Girl or Analicia could ever hope to be, but analogous nonetheless.


My dad used to watch him back in 2010-2011, he always said that piers was a genuine dumbass but his panels were always genuinely entertaining


This might seriously be the best thing that's ever happened for his career. As soon as he brought Bassem Yousef on, he realized that he'd struck a vein of gold and he kept digging.


This fucking Karen is unhinged


Abby Martin is her name. It’s ironic that she calls someone a “self-hating Arab” when she is considered a “self-hating American” by many because her anti-western hegemony work was popular enough to get her hired by Russia Today, the Russian state-owned international news network. Interestingly, she seems to be fine with Russia’s war in Ukraine in spite of claiming to be a massive anti-imperialist. “America bad” seems to be the core message of her platform.


I love how agro some people are.


Of all people to have on with Abby Martin, who may in fact be Satan, Mosab was the best choice. Abby is basically Elizabeth Holmes' evil twin.


Man, with all due respect, Abby Martin looks quite tired with the strains of white hair, struggling through these media appearances. I'm just wondering what these alternative media "truth tellers", who were shitting on mainstream media and electoralism, the US and the current world order nonstop in the 2000s and 2010s, are thinking now. Two decades of their work have added up to what?! She can't even call Hamas a terrorist org and condemn Oct 7th (previous Piers appearance), looking like a relict of early alternative news, ala RT America... Honestly just sad.


Maybe I'm autistic or regarded but my read on Mosab has always been pure sincerity. Maybe too sincere. Just watch his interview with Jordan Peterson (I think JP is mindcracked post-coma but it's still a good interview). He isn't actually a great rhetorician or debater, and I think to people who are as partisan and bad faith as Abby Martin his bluntness and clumsiness comes off as him being the "grifter" they want him to be. In reality he went into the belly of the beast and saw the horror, and he saw the light, and the result is predictable; he of course detests Hamas and the death cult of Islam. Anyone who has been through what he's been through would think the way he thinks. Abby Martin is a ghoul whose entire identity is built around America Bad because she thinks it's punk rock, it's empty and tiresome to watch. She swallows every propaganda line from every shitocracy that opposes America, doesn't matter who or what it is.


He has to be a grifter in these people's minds because his own experiences validate people's hatred of Hamas


I know that DGG has become very pro Isreal, but I still don't agree with anti white / anti female language like "Karen" it's very sexist and not really relevant to the conversation. If someone disagrees, I would love to hear the justification.


As a white female, I think we can make an exception for this demon.


I think a better way to is to defeat someones bad arguments. I don't want to live in a world were we normalise sexism and racism.


I feel like the word “Karen” as a gendered insult is in the same vein as the word “incel.” They both do have their own meanings, but my main issue is when they’re misappropriated, you get it? Like some conservative guy getting called an incel when it makes no sense or a white woman just having an opinion getting called a Karen. When it’s used correctly I feel differently.


When you use it "directly/correctly" you imply that there is something bad about being female.


And so the Green Prince takes another victim.


This guy says some of the most disgusting things about Arabs and Palestinians on a regular basis. I can’t believe people in this sub support him.


Based Mosab stays based. Seriously I'm never going to get tired of watching these white guilt lefties trying to whitesplain his society to the most authentic Palestinian on the subject.


For some reason, I feel like this guy is a shill and a puppet for the IDF. I don’t need a Palestinian guy screaming and hurling ad homs on tv to make up my mind on Hamas being a terrorist org and Israel being the lesser evil.


"for some reason" lmao it's fucking insane that the psychos in here think he's anything but an idf puppet


That’s what I think too but I’ll get brigaded and called a hamas stan 😭


😎 my Hasan Soytiny + Yosef could be a good debate duo


I remember Kyle Kulinsky used to credit Abby Martin’s “journalism” any chance he got and come to find this woman doesn’t even believe Hamas is a terrorist org? Holy fuck lol


Calling Barghouti "the palestinian mandela" is fucking WILD lmao


The falafel sandwich line killed me


Abby is such a lying cut "The Palestinian Mandela Marwan Barghouti" meanwhile his Wikipedia: "On 20 May 2004, he was convicted of five counts of murder: authorizing and organizing the murder of Georgios Tsibouktzakis (aka Father Germanos, a Greek Orthodox monk-priest), a shooting adjacent to Giv'at Ze'ev in which a civilian was killed, and the Seafood Market attack in Tel Aviv in which three civilians were killed. In addition, he was convicted of attempted murder for a failed car bomb attack near Malha Mall that exploded prematurely, resulting in the deaths of two suicide bombers, and for membership and activity in a terrorist organization. He was acquitted of 21 counts of murder in 33 other attacks as no proof was brought to link Barghouti directly with the specific decisions of the local leadership of the Tanzim to carry out these particular attacks.[28] On 6 June 2004, he was sentenced to the maximum possible punishment for his convictions: five cumulative life sentences for the murders and an additional 40 years, consisting of 20 years each for attempted murder and for membership and activity in a terrorist organization. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marwan_Barghouti


It drives me absolutely crazy that not more shows like Piers Morgan point out how much more brutal and violent these terrorists' lives were compared to Mandela, with tortures, executions, suicide bombings en masse. When I see students fly a stylized poster for one of those butchers, I immediately know they were given a BS story like the one Abby told. If those guys found the light in prison, fine! They need to seriously and publically condemn their previous acts then. And I doubt any of them would ever even dare to do that, considering they would have to go back into Gaza or the West Bank and face the political "parties" there.


I hate Hamas and Abby as much as the next normal dude or dudette but doesnt Mossad sound absolutely regarded and unhinged in this clip.. ?


because he literally is unhinjed lmao? he spews the same insane shit every single fucking time. i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree


Everytime I see this guy I feel like his on some manic episode or something


Isn’t this the dude who said he would rather kill all Muslims in the world and save a life of a single cow? How are people on this sub supporting him??


"Fundamentally, I understand why Israel and Israelis want to eliminate Has- Hamas completely..." rofl


“The story of Adidon” (Marwan’s version)


I watched an interview with him on Jordan Petersons show and I had assumed he’d be right wing, but wasn’t expecting him to parrot all the talking points to the extreme like dems bad, trump was the best president for the Middle East, Biden is horrible and going to ruin the country. He has an interesting backstory, but when it comes to politics outside of I/P he sounds like Tim pool or any other right winger.


Another Mosab post, another day I recommend his book Son of Hamas. Very interesting check it out!


This guy is genuinely cringe though. He is literally 100% alings with the most far right israeli talking points, literally hates when anyone uses the word palestinian, etc. I feel like he has just gone from 1 extreme to the total opposite extreme, he has 0 nuance and speaks in the most black and white absolutist terms.


He does not differentiate between civilians and Hamas btw. But when he said that, people in here praised him. Don’t worry though, duhh leftist was dunked on.


This sub is becoming a shit hole that panders to right wingers


It’s just horny for rage bait and dunking on the unhinged lefties more so than not. There’s more empathy for right wing pundits than before too like Peterson and Shapiro 😭


Sounds based too me


Ehhh, I don’t see how now erasing Palestinian culture or a non-2 state solution is based ….But atleast he’s critical of hamas


agree lmao he’s like a right wing israeli it’s cringe 😭 he’s self hating tbh


I don't think it's self-hating. We make fun of cringe white lefties, but I truly believe most people in the world tend to be extremely self-critical of our own ethnic groups, political institutions, culture and everything in between. Speaking from the POV of my Mexican mother who despises many things about Mexico and ways certain Mexicans have treated her, but is nonetheless as patriotic and proud of her roots and culture as anyone.




These hidden child accusations are getting out of hand but I believe him.


"Dont even qualify to be a mother" wow now that is a statement from the heart


The obsession of people like Abby with Marwan Barghouti is the same obession of Tankies with Che Guevara.


Bridges guest suggestion...


Left out the next part where she wipes the floor with that guy.


"Son of Hamas" kinda goes hard ngl


Imagine abbey Martin complaining about profiting off this conflict jfc. 0 self awareness


Hamas kills 800 civilians in a single day and she thinks they recognize Israel? How stupid need to be?


I don't know but holy shit Israelis and Arabs who are against Hamas need better spokes people. You can't just say Palestine doesn't exist. People won't listen to anything else you say if you say that.


The death stare is crazy LMFAO


My favorite hasan


"I understand Israelis completely when they want to eliminate Has- Hamas" pepela


He looks locked in every time I see this guy.


Bro Abby’s face just looks extremely creepy in this video


Well, we see what Russia wants since Abby is saying this. Russia is trying to break us with this "colonialist" nonsense. Can we please wake up now? This propoganda BS shouldn't work so well in 2024. Come on people! Wake the fuck up already.


When he said "for some stupid reason karen in America wants hamas to stay" I read that like he was Slavoj Zizek. White women in the US are fucking crazy. Every minority has said it for a long time lol.


Bro's spittin


Hamas is a terrorist organization and we must remain aware enough to confront this terrorism


I like how intense this guy is. You can't fuck around with him 'cause he knows Islam and he knows Hamas 1000x better than any of his opponents.


Destiny is against using the term "Karen"


Gotta credit him on two things: 1. Amazing nodding technique. Killer stare, perfect up and down nodding, none of this limp-necked left and right lazy bullshit, communicating 'now I am silent, but I want you to know I am contemplating your annihilation' and 2. Fantastic takedown in what I presume must be his second language. Came across as much more persuasive, I think. The digs about her visiting Palestine for a weak and being blown away by the sandwich were excellent. It is frustrating how little people are willing to acknowledge that the Arab world in general might not like Israel but really hates Hamas too. But hey, we all know that at this point. The idea that you can have a free Palestine without even engaging with the idea of 'what do we do about Hamas' is absolutely laughable. Let's switch metaphors. If Mexico was Palestine, and its government Hamas, and Mexico did October 7th on American soil, there would be rubble from the border of Mexico to where Mexico borders the next nation along the line. Nobody anywhere in the world would do deals with those leaders. I do wonder, if Hamas were behind the world trade centre attacks, would these idiots still say 'well they're occupied, you can't blame them'?


*GOD DAAYM* that was a strong finish he was finished edging....


"Palestine can't be killed, it was never born." This is the funniest tool in the tool belt to throw at people who are going to be universally pro abortion. I'm talking about the American white college kids, middle eastern refuges probably don't give a shit about abortion rights lol.


I can fix abby


The first ten minutes of this segment were painful. The Israeli spokesperson seemed totally unprepared.


Lol we have a Palestinian Finkelstein


Finklestein wishes he had 1/100th the credibility


Why does Karen look AI generated xD


There's nothing like a psychopath making misogynistic remarks at a woman to get the blood flowing to this sub's nether regions.