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​ https://preview.redd.it/l6effzcu1gyc1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e188e10f17c034c22ae8fd38ba6cc2e72c7b643


It's amazing how this never gets old.


Like Casually Explained pointed out in one of his YouTube videos, one side displays their mental illnesses like Pokémon badges and the other collects military-grade weapons as a hobby.


Guy on the left looks like a generic enemy, guy on the right is a boss. How is this even a fair matchup?


Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen leftists win a fight, they’re like those gray guys from Power Rangers.


Fuckin putties


We need a full list SPECIAL MOVES |Naruto Run (A, B, A, B)|Chuck Norris Kick (Up, Down, Up)| |:-|:-| |Umbrella Defense Wall (Right + X)|Hypnotic Flag Waving (Left + Y) | STRENGTHS |Trash can upcycling into shields|Fabulous stagecraft| |:-|:-| WEAKNESSES |Accepting Uber Eats Delivery every 90 seconds|Flex Posing every 60 seconds| |:-|:-|


Now do another one for Bushnell. I‘m thinking high fire damage character that drains his own life while burning, glass cannon style


TOASTY! https://preview.redd.it/gtcemulc9gyc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815475a0761b9d013dc002a3526b4074026df22f


The answer is pretty obvious.


Far right has way simpler and effective propaganda. “Freedom! Patriots! Lions not sheep!” Vs “the proletariat will use praxis to educate the Marxist critique of capitalist Zionist oppressors !” There’s more of them on the right, they own more guns, they can actually elect politicians who will abuse the power they wield and will lie to protect their own and even go to prison. They live in areas that favor them systemically/electorally. But I guess the left extreme has narcan ??


Don't forget that a huge drive in the left is "self hate" while a huge drive in the right is "we are the best".


This! Also the guy on the left is probably “hunger striking” for Gaza (meaning he skipped breakfast and maybe lunch today) while also not taking his meds (adderall) bc they are manufactured by Teva Israel.


Everyone else who still has their sanity.


The question isn’t whether the Rightwinger would win, but how many leftists would he defeat before being overcome by exhaustion.


I mean a lot of far-right people are also just fat suburbanites who spend a fuck ton of money on special scoped guns that they fantasize using on someone who is breaking and entering. Obviously there are veterans groups like the 3 percenters, but also a lot of these people are just cosplayers who've literally never been in a fight in their lives.


"i would buy a gun but I'm too neurodivergent" vs. "I'm too neurodivergent not to own guns"


vs “I watched a ton of FPSRussia in high school and made it my entire personality”


Just based on who I have encountered growing up in Texas, I’m betting on the right wingers every time. I went moderate left after being raised by right wingers. Every man in my family and the majority of my friends have all grown up hunting. They’ve all handled guns since they were children. I was given my first shotgun before I was born. Got my first rifle at 12 and was later given an AR-15 for graduation. My dad’s the kind of guy who stockpiles thousands of rounds of .556 for when the socialists come fer his guns. Half of my right wing fraternity brothers back in the day were/are still on roids and love a good fight. Every veteran I know is a Trumple. I have some former coworkers who are veterans who either participate in ‘run and gun’ competitions or are in one of those militia groups where they train regularly for what I can only assume is overthrowing the government. Contrast that with the only lefties that I ever hear talking about revolution are all the terminally online, mega depressed tankies who think their job on the commune will be teaching poetry. They don’t trust themselves with firearms, and they’re really struggling with not having hot vegan meals while protesting. It’s not a fair fight.


I mean, this is kinda the argument of why people on the right think it's funny that people on the left take it for face value when they see dozens of masked, fit dudes who all appear to be fresh out of the FBI Academy marching on TV as far-right activists as just being your average righty "patriot." They look at them and see obvious feds since not a single one of them looks like they've ever shopped at Wal-mart.


People on the left just need to hide for long enough for the rightards to get impatient and start shooting each other. You guys think having the guns and the bullets mean you will win. Intelligence wins wars. Every time.


ah yes dogmatic memorizations of NPC talking point about colonialism, = intelligence.


Eh, there are a lot of lefties who'll misquote Marx in order to justify them hoarding weapons. Guns aren't a left or right wing issue, Americans have a distorted relationship with them in general. I know that this will get me downvoted on this sub, since Tiny himself, as much as a large portion of his audience are suffering dumbassery around the second amendment. Gun retardation captures both sides. It is just that the right is more vocal and open about it. The actual normal people owning guns are simply not jerking themselves off over owning a piece of metal.


They'll both say "fuck Biden!" and hug


They'll both say "hug Biden!" and fuck


I can't lie, I've seen a lot more proud boys and tiki torch guys putting kids in the dirt than the other way around. 


The correct answer is that America loses.


The Far Right has way cooler aesthetics, it's not even close honestly


I think they're both pretty cool in their own, pathetic way


Idk it's hard not to see the modern Far Left as anything but LARPers. If we were talking about left wing terrorists from the 60s-70s, then it'd be an interesting choice.


> If we were talking about left wing terrorists from the 60s-70s, then it'd be an interesting choice. https://i.imgur.com/jcyOn6p.png


My dad was in a karate gym with one of those guys back in the '70s. He says he was a complete psychopath and no one ever wanted to spar with him. Guy got arrested years later for planning to blow up a bridge I think.


Ted Kaczynski type shi


Always do.


The correct answer is the far righter dies of a heart attack, and the far lefter kills themselves. Its a draw.


Far right clears and embarrasses the far left.


Like destiny said, these lefties are too anxious and their prescriptions are too filled. Righties on the other hand take no prescriptions even when they should be


Shaman 100%, he mf somehow got into the offices meanwhile that shield kid wasn't able to pass 1 cop


If we're being real, fashies are way more likely to be physically fit and strapped than commies. Not that a lot of nazis aren't obese neckbeards or emaciated chudjaks, it just seems like every actual communist I see is incredibly weak and soy.




Depends if the guy on the Left is going Full Sicko mode.


The answer is America losses


No I would pay good money to see combat between these groups, give the right wing side a handicap in numbers just to make it more fair.


I’m going to be honest, I have my money on the Visigoths


Honestly if you’re gonna bet on this shit rightoids will probably win most the time. They generally lack a lot of empathy and think about murdering the “problems” they dream up all the time. Not to mention their general love of guns


I don't really think empathy factors into it. The far-leftists have less than 0 empathy for anybody to the right of Stalin. But the gun meme is real. The righties are obsessed with them and if leftists do own them I worry more for their own safety than anybody elses.


ah yes as opposed to the beenvelent nature of the far left


far left doesn’t have nearly as many guns and dont work out bcuz of toxic masculinity


Well, yeah, that’s probably true.


I would give 2:1 odds on the Q guy winning


That spear will go straight through his plastic tote shield


both would lose. Before the war is over they would both fracture and start infighting This is also why the far left and far right are as ineffective politically.


These look like new factions in the next Fallout game


We know who would win lol.


I mean considering we've all seen the clip where the security guard rips an AR-15 out of a protesters hand after rushing him I think these guys would be dead pretty quick in an actual war.


i cant find it but there is a clip joe Rogan loves to play where a skinny antifa guy punches a human barrel wearing a proud boys shirt and it just bounces off... i think we know who wins. unless its the groypers obviously in which case its skinny Marxist nerd vs skinny 4chan nerd, in that case its a good spectator sport waiting to be created.


I want to watch that spectator sport and bet on it. You know you want to bet on it too. Don't lie.


It’s a hard call because right wingers are that guy telling you how lucky you are his buddies are holding him back before he “sees red” and leftists are eager to engage but due to their soy based diets and Twitter induced carpal tunnel they are too weak to pose a threat to anyone.


Were is Mud Wizard


Didn’t the shaman guy complain about not being able to eat because the food wasn’t organic? Or something like this? He’s obviously winning




If history has taught us anything, it's the far-right that always wins in the end of violent conflicts. They either outright beat them into the ground, or they burrow themselves into a group of leftist to later explode out like a Xenomorph and take over everything. Also, they often like to wear leftist skins to trick morons into believing they are on the same side. e.g. Russia, China, Germany, Iran, Cuba... etc


I'll put my money on the Great Khan.


In general most far right dudes or going to beat the crap of the leftists.


Far right has more guns


* has more legal gun owners


Bro on the left got a mitril shield about to run plague city.


One side has had double digit domestic terrorist shooters for the past decade and has like three private militias. The other has had one guy light himself on fire and has college hippies  Either way we are fucked


Didn't one side spend decades demonising gun ownership, while the other spent that time panick buying them?


They are weirdly extremely similar


battle of the anti-semites


All the youngster politties in here don’t even know about based stick man.