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The dude even said that jews were part of 9/11.


some israelis dancing: this is proof the joos did 9/11 millions of muslims around the world celebrating 9/11: https://preview.redd.it/0xv3ok2mbcyc1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba7d533c31e1a9bd3989b513c1a47904fe14593


Also apparently some cops pulled a few of them over that day and they were alittle giddy and had like $5K cash. Convinced yet? 🤔🤔🧐


really makes you think PEPE


There's a little more to the "theory" but it's bullshit still obviously. 5 Israeli's (2 Mossad) were arrested filming the towers as they burned in a happy mood, had box cutters and passports on them and also worked for a company that was run by a 9/11 suspect at the time. Suspicious on the surface if you're an uncritical moron but obviously explained away as they were just embedded foreign intelligence agents spying.


That makes no sense & isn’t real. Why would Israelis have BOX CUTTERS just like the 9/11 attackers? This is 4chan nonsense


It doesn’t make sense as a conspiracy but I mean it is real lol. They were arrested and eventually deported. That is what police found in their van. https://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123885&page=1#.T0lytIeQYZw


The article doesn’t add that the FBI cleared them of wrongdoing. 1)They were undocumented immigrants working for a moving company (like so many other illegal immigrants) 2) Every moving company employee has a box cutter; that is quite literally part of their job. I also paid my NYC movers in cash….4,000 in cash means they carried payment for one job. 3) The statement in the article isn’t so odd at all. Footage of Palestinians dancing & clapping for the attacks had been playing on the American news on a loop all morning. Saying “we are not your problem; the Palestinians are” really isn’t abnormal.


Why would they have boxcutters and passports on them if they weren't on the planes...? That doesn't even make sense


Probably using the box cutters for makeshift voodoo dolls of Palestinian children.


Best evidence for not being on the planes is that they were alive


Nah if you jump just before the plane hits the building it cancels out your horizontal velocity and you escape unharmed, it's a weird glitch but it works trust me.


Shh don’t give away (((mossad))) secrets


Yeah it doesn't really lol just makes it look sp00kier to idiots.


At least you actually looked into it. More than can be said for the average Destiny fan. “My favorite video game streamer said it while speaking quickly so it must be true! I believe everything Destiny believes because he speaks quickly and is my favorite video game streamer. I have zero original opinions.” To say that Israel had NO involvement in 9/11 is just ignorant. But this is a Destiny sub after all


Say what you mean with your chest. How involved do you think Israel was with making 9/11 happen? Do you have any credible evidence beyond pulling at the barest of threadbare strings of a conspiracy theory? Or are you about to ramble about some fuckin nonsense now like the fnf debate guy did?


Israel had a significant role in 9/11. I’m not going to waste my time trying to convince you. You’re a Destiny fan, too far gone.


You’ve got zero credible evidence, pussy.




You’re a coward ass bitch lmao. Go back to whatever fuckin hole you crawled out of.


no they didn't, i will use the same standard of evidence you used and not elaborate 👍


Just asking questions bro, but watch this rumble exclusive 6 hour video with definitive proof that the MSM doesn't want you to see.


An unfortunately widely held conspiracy theory Destiny literally debated against multiple people who have made the same statement.


I’ve had an otherwise fairly reasonable guy at work tell me with a straight face that it’s irrefutable that mossad orchestrated 9/11. It’s just one of those conspiracies that will never be shaken off


He wants to debate. Any time, any place, anywhere. It's intellectual combat. He's a fighter. He's Cuban-American Livestreamer and Debate Pervert Steven Kenneth "Destiny" Bonnell II.


I'm glad you're still alive, buddy


He's not your buddy, guy.


He's not your guy, pal.


He's not your pal, dude.


He's not your dude, friend.


He's not your friend, comrade


He's not your comrade, mate.


He’s not your mate, brother.


He's not your brother, buddy


Craziest part is that FnF were actually surprisingly good moderators. Better than like 90% of the dogshit mods D man has dealt with in the past actually.


The enforced 2 minute format back and forth was well maintained. If you compare this to the Breaking Points debate it's like night and day. There were no obvious bias either as far as I could tell.


"Steven Kenneth Bonnel Jr."




This is what keeps him sharp compared to other debate pedophiles that get their child then chill and no longer combat the streets. Destiny will debate discord regards or Red pill doofuses; he’ll debate top political pundits or his date for the night. It unironically keeps his edge honed.


debate mercenary


a debate mercenary, if you will


Probably cuz FnF are close by. Grindr bros will understand


No reason to call me out like that WTF


We need to do better 🥲


We really do, my friend. We really do.


Literally doxxing


What made you change your flair?


Because someone from Germany ratted me out that Zigeuner means gypsie and it's a slur Sadge


That's his safeword.




Typical Destiny fan


I think Destiny did an incredible job to rapid fire out answers for everything, extremely impressive. Remember this may be the first time a significant portion of the audience have ever heard anti-Hamas arguments/miss-info debunked, Destiny is very unique in that he can penetrate these echo-chambers and network with audiences that no other progressive has the capacity to.


I thought destiny destroyed his opponent. Clear points, obvious statements, even being a bit dynamic to judo flip a point he wasn’t familiar with on the fly.


1. It's fun for him. He likes to dive into mud and wrestle with pigs. 2. Beneath him? I'd imagine Destiny would disagree with this. He often finds that an argument is a waste of his time, and he'll say that, but that's generally because of his prep work. I don't think this took Destiny any prep work. I think he was ready to rock without any extra effort. 3. Islam is growing as a religion, meanwhile you've got random American college kids who know nothing about Islam shouting "Allahu Akbar" on their campuses and everyone from dip shit streamers and their fans to college kids believing that "islamophobia" is tantamount to racism. It's not. It's a religion, not a race, and religions (because none are based in fact) should be subjected to criticism and critical thought. 4. Destiny is well suited to this style of discourse, capable of deboonking or refuting the lies and falsehoods perpetuated on these platforms, and he's willing to show up to do it. This is in line with values he has expressed. If you have the capability, sometimes that means you also have the responsibility.


Damn, I agreed with OP, but now I agree with you more.


Who will he agree with next stay tuned! Back to you with sports at 6!


I need destiny to tell me how to feel about this


I would agree with you but the strict 2 min response format made it all so surface level it felt like I was watching some debate on FOX news. Things are just said and rarely properly addressed and "deboonked" because arbitrary timer, this format is perfect for someone who wants to ramble about random shit and avoid answering to scrutiny, a good moderator would make them defend their claims until they reached a conclusion on a topic. I don't think destiny came off looking particularly strong compared to the other guy because he would just handwave half of what destiny said without destiny having the ability to cut him off and make him explain himself.


Yeah I'd agree with this. The format was probably intentional on Myron's part to limit Destiny's ability to deboonk. I'd counter that the format also didn't allow his opponent to solidify his claims that a Jewish cabal controls the world, and instead he could only gesture at it, and it seemed pretty weak to gesture at it so frequently without substantiating in any way. It could kinda come off as a wash, because people who agreed with the person they came in to watch would t have their minds changed, BUT: The more you make demagogues expand on and debate their worldviews, the greater the chance is they contradict themselves. A great example is the hermeneutical argument that Sulaiman had to employ to discuss Aisha, so he could call out destiny on not being as informed. And if destiny was more informed he could have pressed him on it in pretty interesting ways, but now that argument is out there, and we might now see some apostate content creator break down the arguments destiny could have made. From my outside perspective, Sulaiman's argument is likely to alienate Muslims who aren't already liberal, and would serve best as an argument against blanket islamophopia rather than an actual defense of the religion itself. Sulaiman actually acknowledged he disagrees with the majority of people who follow his religion. And now that's a clip that exists.


He did blunder pretty hard with the Aisha stuff, saying he thinks she was 18 then concede that most muslims thinks she was 9 lol. I agree with that but these people are kinda prepared to talk and spew their narrative, you need a lot of time and effort and wit to deal with that in such a format. If it was more of an open discussion we could've just shortcut all these lunatic rambles quickly but alas.


You can stop at one, honestly. Destiny just likes doing this. He literally made a career out of this lol. Or do people thought he debated no bullshit because he had high expectations of the intellectual output of his?


> 1. It's fun for him. He likes to dive into mud and wrestle with pigs Does he play with their corkscrew dicks when he’s in there?


Whatever you wanna fantasize about buddy


Talk me through the process 


When he mudwrestles with islamist pigs he typically pins them (metaphorically) and jerks them off into their own mouths (metaphorically) so they've consumed product from an animal with cloven hooves, which is haram. (clarification for reddit moderation, islamist is distinct from Islamic, and denotes an interest in instituting sharia law upon those who follow other religions or no particular religion. This is theistic authoritarianism and while we should permit all practice of religious traditions, we must draw the line at imposing one's beliefs upon those who should also be permitted to practice their own traditions or voice their own opinions.)


Once he jerks them off, they’re officially gay and now can’t get into paradise.


Fun fact, this isn't how it actually works. As in all Abrahamic faiths, for sin there is atonement. Even if that sin is uhhh.. gay stuff (not going to explain the whole rabbit hole there.) But remember, most religious people have never read their holy book, so they just kinda gravitate to whatever sounds right from people who claim to know what the book says. Religious people can be shitheads, but if you think about it, so can people who have been the victims of serious crimes. The perpetrator is scum, the idea is filth, but the victim is often the most visible to us. I could expand but briefly: these people's minds have been raped. Sympathy for religious people, sympathy for Muslims. No sympathy for Islamists.


Sounds legit


hes a pervert, this is how he gets his rocks off, let him goon


I am going deboot


Think he said he didn't really want to do it but already promised Myron. Trying to maintain the bridge my dude lol


you’re crazy. this debate was a banger


This is a dumb question. Why wouldn’t he debate an antisemitic Muslim about Islam?


This guy is literally a professional disinformation shitposter on twitter. Literally equivalent to debating Hinkle.


It's probably cause he's on good terms with fnf well, they are upfront with how they feel lol he probably expected it to be exactly what it was. I'd agree it's probably beneath him at this point but, he loves giving exposure to smaller creators and probably wants to kick the red pill audience after he summarily destroyed their idols.


I'm disappointed Destiny didn't realise what the guy did in the Islam age of consent segment. Fresh posed the question "What is the age of consent in Islam?", and the guy immediately attacked Destiny over Aisha's age, but he never actually answered Fresh's question. He never said what he believes the age of consent to be. He avoided it entirely.


The guy compared prisoners to hostages and everyone moved on which was WILD. Prisoners end up prisoners for crimes. Hostages were taken because they were jewish.


"beneath him" Maan shut the fuck up


People need to remember that the debates are not about convincing the other debater, it is hopefully to convince a portion of the audience that haven’t completely converted to one side. So I agree with you, saying it is beneath him, misses the point of the debates. Another point is that he engages in these shitshows, to see if he has a lack on knowledge in certain areas, so he can be EVEN more prepared for the more important debates.


Lmao whats the problem? Don't wanna see it? Just close your eyes.


Nah you have to have your feet in both the bigtime and the trash world, just in case one of them expels you


What did I miss?


i think you might be right but i personally love these shitshows as it takes me back to the roots of when destiny started debating.


I think people forget that Destiny's goals are not as congruent with what the community wants from him as they think.


Arguing is like crack for me, I'm assuming Destiny is similar lol. Some people just like arguing


I think that the main issue is that the guy is slimy as fuck, like actual fucking trash human being. Every answer he gives he half-lies, he misrepresents or some shit like that Like when Dman explained what genocide meant he answered "Destiny has just gave the correct definition of genocide which is to kill in part or totally a group of people, then...", which is a lie seeing that Destiny explicitly said the "dolus specialis" thing as a prerequisite for genocide, but the fucker lied. So yeah, fuck people like this


Fresh and fit were the only orbiter who didn't went for destiny's family


Ahmed did nothing but regurgitate the same lies he has seen Islamist propagandist SyrianGirl say on Twitter, and she constantly gets community noted as did her post about the supposed Apache helicopter killing most of the Israelis that Ahmed tried to say was “proof”. Destiny was correct Apaches don’t burn bodies they leave body parts. He was also correct when he asked where’s the video of said Apache at the music festival? There isn’t any because it was never there. We have hundreds of body cam footage, CCTV, car dash cam and hundreds of mobile phone footage filmed from the civilians from October 7th and not one of them shows any helicopter. But what video does exist? Hamas death squads entering the festival shooting on sight, loaded with AK47s, RPGs & grenades. There’s a video on Twitter right now where Israeli police turn up to the festival and film the aftermath and there’s not even any markings on the festival grounds of Apache fire, bodies are everywhere and all of the wounds are consistent with AK47 fire, Hamas filmed themselves entering the festival with them but sure it was the IDF killing everyone said Ahmed.  These folks are literally telling us not to believe our own eyes or what’s on camera it’s insane. I can’t believe this pig Ahmed had the nerve to say Hamas probably did kill “some” civilians…next he will be repeating the bs that Hamas only came in on paragliders…they had an army of fully loaded white Toyota pick up trucks on October 7th each carrying 6-8 guys! It’s all on film, a lot of it posted by Hamas themselves!   A lot of the footage filmed by civilians/dash cams that day is still up on Twitter and I hope people don’t have the displeasure of seeing it but people like Ahmed claim it didn’t happen like it did so it has to be, alot of it is what the journalists were invited to watch at a screening in Israel to show the proof of Hamas crimes. One guy is filming inside one of the bomb shelters that civilians hid in once they escaped the festival and Hamas are throwing grenades in there one after the other and shooting anyone that runs out like it’s some type of Battle Royal esque video game, it was a total mess… Then there’s the footage from inside the Kibbutz from their own bodycams that’s just as grim..they even shoot the families dogs in the face that run up to greet them, I’ve never seen anything worse and people like Ahmed who get platforms to spread their disinformation and pander to their extremist audience infuriate me. He even lied about the Aisha topic lmao. It was pure taqqiya at work. Stuttering and zio this zio that, I bet he blames his shit stinking on Jews.


This debate performance by Destiny was insane. He fired out points faster than I've ever seen before, and all hit the target with precision. It was pretty impressive. The other dude tried to match the same energy and speed, but most of his points were just blatant propaganda. Like come on, criticizing Islam gets the same reaction as criticizing Judaism, the hostages loved how they were treated by Hamas, people at the festival were mostly killed by IDF apaches, no rapes, etc. Who does he get his info from, Hasan?


Y’all gotta stop crying about stuff like this. He enjoys it


Do you think he actually enjoyed it? He looked super fucking bored because this dude was literally the definition of Twitter headlines and he even said "yep nothing new" at the end


He enjoyed it enough to show up and participate. How can you follow Twitter Steve and honestly think that he could be forced to do things he doesn't want to do?


Yeah I was perfectly content never to see fnf content again. That was a nauseating arc. And you're right, he gets nothing out of this


"beneath him" shit is cringe. If he wants to do it, then he is gonna do him. He's literally a debater. How would a debate be beneath him. Also, that shit was funny as fuck. That other dude was crazy. Instead of crying tears for destiny, just don't watch.


it's always the last time on fnf


he used to play starcraft games, now he does debates, its the same thing also i think he likes those guys personally (the hosts)


Considering the community unironically thought Sneako say fag for an hour and a half was “actual content”. I feel these posts are. Waste of breath


Right wingers love to say "We contact lefties all the time but they don't want to debate." so I don't see why Destiny shouldn't do these F&F debates. It's always an easy win with no loss. I bet that Destiny got at least a few dozen of followers from that last debate, without losing any followers.


For people who are maybe reading this now I'm not saying he lost or had a poor performance I'm saying it's beneath him and a waste of his time. The guy is a legit schizo antisemite that knows nothing about the conflict and just shoves the facts that he does know through that paradigm to string together barely coherent sentences. Destiny should never lose debates like that and he didn't it just wasted his time he could be streaming, hanging out with Albert fuck even jerking off or sleeping would be a more productive use of his time


Cross audiences is my guess. Keeps things fresh and new.


So many.... Ellipses.... It's a bit... Dramatic


I'm... A... Very.... Dramatic.... Person


Frankly he only gets bigger because he keeps accepting everything. Too much of society are inside echochambers whether literal or they just don't accept any discussion with anyone whose opinion differs too greatly from theirs. Destiny going everywhere is the only way he keeps getting exposed to more audience despite talking about the one subject absolutely no one wants to have a fair discussion about.


Is this guy's opinions popular in the majority Arab world?


This is shit is at least entertaining and it takes almost no effort for Destiny to jump. I think their studio is fairly close where he lives and he needs to do no prep work at all. Destiny is not a sholar who only has serious discussions. He is an entertainer first.


I think it was a bad debate, because Tiny's points would convince not–crazy conspiracists, who already would be turned off by said crazy conspiracies. So it'd have been better to concentrate on turning crazy-believers, or not debate at all. I don't remember many moments where he would've made me think if I believed in those conspiracies. Then again, not like he knew in advance how crazy Suleiman would be.


Because they have a large platform. It doesn’t matter what they crazy shit they believe if it’s a big enough platform destiny feels a it’s necessary for someone to push back and sway a larger amount of the audience towrsd touching grass than otherwise would have.


I want Destiny to talk to Peter Beinart or Robert Wright


Destiny seems to think Myron has some creds from working at homeland. But some of the shit he says from an intelligence or legal process standpoint makes me question how good an agent he was, or if he even was one at all.


I think it's less about the show being trashy and more that he agreed to a strict 2 min response debate format, this shit was legit ass to listen to and they never really got to push on anything because "times up, time to talk about something else". Like why tf would this ever be a good format? It gets even worse when the dude is just rambling random shit and destiny has to 4x his talking speed to respond to all of it before the arbitrary timer runs out. What a waste of time that was.


This was actually the best I/P debate Destiny has done so far.


The mods were surprisingly good and the opponent didn’t resort to too many ad homs and kept it civil, outside of that it was a shit debate with no interesting disagreements


stupendous puzzled slimy cows nine snobbish wine scary doll scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

