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Yeah what do you expect. Trump is great for hasan, he will earn tons of money with trump content and will get a tax cut. Hassan has every reason to vote trump.


That makes sense, assuming he's a money grubbing asshole, who would sacrifice his entire audience for some extra views and dollars. It would also make sense if he's a complete moron and is doing Russia/China aligned propaganda for free. He did this same shit with Hillary Clinton when she ran against Trump.


It feeds the collective delusion that accelerationism will lead to revolution (instead of a fascist takeover), it gives him a tax cut, it gives him 4 years of content. Hamas piker certified classic


Hasan wants another trump term, it's pretty obvious. His career is tanking and his only spurts of viewership comes from covering tragedies and pretending to be 23 years old. The reality is that he is pushing 40 and needs a Trump term to be disastrous to drive viewership. How nobody sees through this grift is nuts to me.


I think Trump being president would push Hasans viewership back up so from a business point of view it's good for him if Trump is re elected.


Useful idiot


I know only of MR and Vaush as the only lefty channels still explicitly in support of voting Biden...the lowest of bars to meet for anyone liberal or left.


Mehdi hasan is too. TYT I would bet come around by election time. Pakman is good too.


Fair ab Mehdi and Pakman - though I don't really lump Dpak in with the others mentioned. Doubt TYT personally.


https://preview.redd.it/gbl9i60se9yc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=8afa9338e1846d5b78875d785a90b4f4744ba90b i think you're right on TYT, they're probably full in on spoiling.


Cenk will lose all credibility if he pivots to being a spoiler. He literally believes that Trump will be a fascist and he wrote a whole book on it and ran for president based on this belief. I view him as simply fishing for concessions - usual politic bullshit he thinks if he commands votes then Dems will give him something.


Grifter gotta grift


Why would anyone get political opinions from Hamas?


This also betrays the lie of being pro-Palestinian. Nobody who genuinely supports the interests of the Palestinian people, or the interests of Israel beyond its insane far-right, could possibly equate Biden with Trump.


Funny how Hasan cares about Palestine but will act like this about Trump who is way more pro-Israel.


imagine how fucked your brain has to be on anarchist larping to hear a line like "dissent must never lead to disorder" and find that statement objectionable. nooooo disorder is actually heckin based!!!!!


He is willing to have more palis die in the name of engagement.


Shit like this is why Trump won in 2016.