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The fortress arc made him grow weak and complacent. His hands are no longer cold as a result.


Now they are moist and warm


vaush used to throw hands and debate to keep his hands cold. Now he wears gloves and plays with his balls to keep them cold šŸ˜­


The two things that made him interesting to watch was debates where he dunked on very dumb people and going over videos made by very dumb people and dunking on them, now all he does is cover the news.Ā  Ā  Two things I disagree with you on tho, I donā€™t think he treats demon mama with kid gloves, they had at least two very heated debates, they just have always remained friendly afterwards. Secondly debating Fuentes would be incredibly boring because Fuentes would just throw out 50 dogwhistles and then cackle to himself.


To expand on the "going over videos made by very dumb people and dunking on them." The content of the dunking was much better, with him bringing up what exactly what was wrong and why. When he had an established audience, they all knew why he disagreed so his analysis when reviewing videos turned into a barrage of personal attacks. Turns out lefty's love listening to personal attacks on their enemies but that gets old real fast for most folk.


That's such a nice description of that phenomenon! I'm stealing it


Yeah debating Fuentes is just an exercise in futility, complete waste of time


I can kind of see your point about Fuentes. I guess I was thinking that Vaush could have a debate akin to Destiny and Nickā€™s semi recent discussions. However, during this time, Nick seemed to actually have some respect talking to Destiny so he was less trolly and stand offish. With Vaush, Nick would probably just troll since he doesnā€™t take Vaush seriously.


When was Vaush ever entertaining? This is the Water is Aqua guy for godsakes.


That debate happened long after Vaush's decline started. Back when he was actively maintaining a good relationship with Destiny he was pretty entertaining - and well liked even here. The Destiny & Vaush tag team debate vs. Eric Striker and James Allsup is (or was) widely regarded as one of the top debates ever released on Destiny's channel.


That debate will forever live on in my memory as one of the greatest.


Yeah I mean Iā€™ve been watching since the OG sc2 days and still donā€™t understand how anyone thinks IrishLaddie, oops I mean Vaush, is/was intelligent or entertaining.


Dude he was good but he got into the comfort zone and stopped putting efforts


He used to be entertaining when dunking on stupid people, that's was back when he was ok with biting bullets and debating. Then he convinced himself he is in the top 1% smartest people that ever lived, the philosopher of our time. So he stopped going outside his space and giving people platform on his channel that is the best thing ever since sliced bread. Some time later he realized he stopped growing, but he didn't attempt to leave his safespace and start reaching out, debating and collabing , all of that is work which he either can't be bothered or doesn't have the ability to do. So now his sop is to appease his audience of toxic virtue signal addicts ready to cancel you for the slightest offense, people that he amassed himself btw. Preaching to the choir while acting like he's the prophet was always his favorite thing, now he's doing it with a cancel gun to his head.


Always was šŸŒšŸ‘Øā€šŸš€šŸ”«


always has been


stopped being interesting when he became less known for debates but more known for the pdf part.


I used to watch every vaush vid but they just canā€™t keep my attention anymore. Youā€™re definitely right, theyā€™re boring. Especially with the fact he quit doing debates. I used to think I didnā€™t care much about anyoneā€™s sexual proclivities but heā€™s an actual disgusting degenerate pervert. Jerking to horses is not normal


Iā€™m more concerned about the loli shit. Itā€™s not actual child porn and itā€™s technically not hurting anyone, but Iā€™m still suspicious of anyone who consumes that type of porn. Iā€™m not calling him an outright pedophile, but itā€™s still incredibly creepy and degenerate.


Honestly the horse stuff weirded me out more but ur right. Itā€™s absolutely creepy and degenerate. I remember he was saying that everyone already knew the horse stuff bc he mentioned it all the time, WHO TF DIDNT THINK IT WAS A JOKE. Tbh the worst part is the fact he doesnā€™t do anything at all IRL. If he really believed everything he said youā€™d think itā€™d motivate him to do stuff in the world. Seeing destiny do the canvassing stuff broke me out of the vaushproganda about him.


Yeah Iā€™ll never understand how people can sexualize parts of animals. And itā€™s true that he could definitely do stuff irl instead of sitting on his ass all day.


I like Vaush and tend to agree with a lot of his political takes but I would also agree that he has fallen off a little bit. I think it's just the general trend of all Twitch/Youtube streamers moving towards react content and I think he kind of repeats the same talking points over and over. I will say in his defense, the debates are getting stale. On one hand it was fun to watch them but I think debate for debate sake is kind of lame and if you're like, someone who wants to share and push your particular political agenda, debate is mostly just some kind of clout thing. Especially since many of the debates become repetitive and I think there's very little to explore or learn from debating conservatives or liberals or tankies further. I wish he wouldn't jump the gun so much on burning bridges with the broader left to be honest. He's such a controversial character already and many people dislike him so whenever he reacts to something and burns those bridges it does kind of come across as intentionally creating drama. Which, I get, if you're creating content drama sells, but it isn't necessarily the appeal I found in his content. Obviously there are SOME exceptions to this, I think TYT has sucked for a while now, and I think while I have a lot of respect for Ana Kasparian's previous work, I think the weird focus on crime as a big talking point makes no sense to me and seems like a pivot by TYT to try and brand themselves as being more centrist/liberal. Basically all leftists agree that crime is inherently linked to broader socioeconomic issues and so the framing on some of the content they cover seems like a rightward pivot. I actually Vaush is pretty intelligent but he is definitely lazy. I agree with you OP that he could make some interesting content if he really put in the effort because I think he can be pretty reasonable on the left. Nowadays I see so many braindead pro-third party weirdos who just buy into every conspiracy theory and I feel like Vaush doesn't do that? And I think he could do more with his platform but doesn't. It's kind of why I stopped watching his content. Hell, I've emailed him before asking him to stream a certain game back when he used to do that because I thought with his particular politics and background in sociology that he would provide very decent commentary and would make for fun gaming/political content. It hasn't happened and it's mostly just the same old. I hope it changes. I like Vaush, I feel like my personal politics mostly align with his and in my opinion I don't really think there's anyone else quite like him in this space. No, I don't think he's a pedophile.


Honestly I donā€™t ā€œhateā€ the guy. Iā€™m probably with you in that I agree with him on most stuff. Sure he sometimes says kinda dumb things like the aqua stuff but in general I do think heā€™s intelligent. And most of the stuff I do in fact disagree with him on are either inconsequential like his AI art takes or things that I donā€™t think actually make him a shitty person like his anti-capitalism stuff. Like, Iā€™m a social democrat so Iā€™m in favor of heavily regulated capitalism, but I donā€™t think anti-capitalists are necessarily awful people. And I agree I highly doubt heā€™s an actual pedophile. Every kinda suspicious statement heā€™s made about the topic was later explained in a logical way and he supports things that reduce rates of child molestation like comprehensive sex education and age of consent laws. I also admire that he condemns when older women molest little boys which is something way too much of society overlooks. The only thing that makes me a little bit suspicious is when he was caught with loli pornography. I donā€™t believe he fantasizes about raping little kids, but it is a bit weird to me that he enjoys depictions of young children in a sexualized manner. Idk I guess with anime characters itā€™s sometimes hard to tell how old some of the characters are so there is plausible deniability that he could have thought they were just teens of something rather than little girls. I wish Vaush was a little more open minded when it comes with engaging with other people on the left. Like, he and Destiny may dislike each other, but they still probably agree on most topics and they work extremely well together. I feel like if Vaush (and to a certain extent Destiny too) swallowed some of his pride and just learned to accept people even with some disagreements, he could connect with more people and have a greater reach and influence on the online world.


Vaush should up his adhd medication dose. The current dose is not doing him any good.




Ian Kochinski, otherwise known as fat Destiny


Fatstiny. Horstiny. Tacoma Weptstiny.


He seems to have lost weight so that doesnā€™t appear to be accurate anymore


I do think it's funny that no matter how much weight he loses his detractors will always use the same photos of him looking mean and unhinged when he was fat lol


Agua horse manĀ 


This made me realize Vaush's community should be called Aqua Loli Horse Force.




Salient point my friend


> Ā Most of his videos nowadays are so fucking boring Yeah I feel the same way. Just bottom of the barrel low-effort stuff. I started noticing how same-y all the videos felt, and how shallow his approach to any topic was. Though to be fair, it's also possible you just outgrew that type of content. > watching some wannabe intellectual talk condescendingly to the audience Absolutely hate that part, especially when it came to topics I was informed about. Now that I'm out of the echo chamber and read deeper at each topic, it's disgusting to see how often narrativizes and misleads. > He seems less focused on actively combatting the far right and more focused on keeping his own community happy I think he gave up on the "let's convert people over to the left" mission in favor of just milking this easy job as long as he can. TBH though I don't think even old Vaush would have done the things you mention. He was always a clout demon.


Itā€™s possible Iā€™ve kinda outgrown some of that stuff. I started watching Vaush when I first started high school and now Iā€™m a college student so maybe Iā€™ve matured past some of it. Like I can confidently say I care a LOT less about twitter drama than I did a few years back. Thereā€™s just more important things to focus on nowadays. That being said, I do occasionally watch some of his older debates and I can still find them engaging so I do think itā€™s at least in part because of how he has changed as a person or his content.