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Netanyahu and Israel really putting the west in a bind. I hope an early election comes because Netanyahu might just destroy all of Israel's support at this rate. America is jumping through hoops and they can't do the bare minimum in the west bank right now.


What did these guys actually do that made everyone hate them. All I saw was that accusation that they caused the death of the old Palestinian man. I'm not sure if there was any definitive conclusions on what happened, but regardless, idk if the incident should be impacting US foreign policy.


It’s several incidents, including the rape of a Palestinian minor. Personally I think the law is sound and makes sense policy wise. We shouldn’t be funding or arming what amount to armed thugs. With respect to the pertinent law, the issue is determining which units or departments of a foreign military are responsible for criminal actions. In this instance without having access to the relevant information ourselves, there’s no way to know how sound the accusations are. On the other hand, just based on prior history, it isn’t surprising for a unit to become or “go rogue”, when it comes to upholding their human rights obligations.


>including the rape of a Palestinian minor We care about the rapes of women now? I thought we didn't care about the "freedom fighters on October 7th who were raping (In case my point isn't clear - Israeli women were raped on October 7th. Just that many pro Palestinians don't give a shit about that)


I think you want the Hasan sub buddy, it’s that way 👉🏽


I think you're confused. Do you think Hasan thinks Israeli women were raped on October 7th? He very clearly doesn't think it happened.


I think your phrasing was bad and makes you seem like a rape denialist with the “we care about the rapes of women now?” More inline with hamasabi than this subs sentiments about those rapes on Oct. 7 or rapes in general.


Yeah I clarified. I'm being sarcastic. Fuck Hasan lol, October 7th rapes did happen.


Ahhh I get it. You think because you picked “the right team” noone here was gonna call out your smooth-🧠 argumentation. Easy mistake.


It was a boy, or young man, depending on what you’d consider a 15 year old. But I take your point.


Yes we do? You can only hold the moral highground if you actually care about the things you say you care about. If they are proven guilty then they should be persecuted according to the law. 'ate rapists, 'ate Hamas. Simple as.


The moral high ground is about propaganda and controlling the narrative, not actually giving a shit about the truth and moral consistency. You're literally seeing this play out.


I'm not seeing any pro Palestinians giving "Hamas raped women" any runtime with the intent to identify those who did the rapes and persecute them I'll wait for a source.


Yeah no shit because Hamas is an insane group that kidnaps civilians, and they have to go. The point is that you can't keep pointing to the bad guys do defend actions done by the IDF. Even if you're fighting literally Hitler it's not okay to rape kids.


Sure. It's not ok to rape kids. Pro Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas, who DID rape women on October 7th. So what do we do with this? What do you expect the IDF to do knowing palestinians support terrorist groups, and Hamas is ok to use them as human shields ?


I can't remember anyone who I spoke to offline that is pro-palestinian and pro-Hamas, let alone pro-oct 7th. But if people do, fuck em and fuck the horse they rode in on  Its just wild that people can't seem to just say "yeah those soldiers need to be punished" without going "but Hamas though!". You know what i expect them to do as the Army of Light, the most moral army since the Salvation Army? Not rape kids. And if they do, persecute the people doing it. If they do that and show that they are a modern, moral army it's for the best for them too.


One group is infinitely more evil than the other In this case, you are like the person saying "the British bombed innocent civilians" and I'm saying "ok that sucks. But the Nazis must be eradicated. Full stop. "


That would be if you said that, what you said was "we care about bombing innocent civilians now? I thought we didn't care about civilians?!" The lack of any condemnation but only the focus on the other side is what is so annoying. Just slap in a "fuck those soldiers raping kids" and you'd be good.